eng07 - poetry freedom - portfolio - svea nyberg

My Poetry Portfolio By Svea Nyberg

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Page 1: Eng07 - Poetry Freedom - Portfolio - Svea Nyberg

My Poetry Portfolio


Svea Nyberg

Page 2: Eng07 - Poetry Freedom - Portfolio - Svea Nyberg

Dedicated to my Grandmother

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Table of Contents

Introduction Page 1

Haiku #1 Page 2

Statement of Intent Page 3

Haiku #2 Page 4

Statement of Intent Page 5

Sing the Song of Freedom Page 6

Statement of intent Page 7

The Mystery Page 8

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Statement of Intent Page 9

Flying Freely Page 10

Statement of Intent Page 11

Citations Page 12

The End Page 13

Table of Contents

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What is poetry and how can it be used to communicate freedom? Poetry is literary work that expresses emotions and ideas in unique and intriguing ways. Poems can include figurative language devices such as similes, metaphors, personification, idioms, etc. Poetry is the exact opposite to prose, which is the style of writing that is in ordinary form. There are many forms of poetry such as haikus, found poems, free verse, etc. Poems can express many feelings when one uses it well. In the following poems, I expressed freedom in many forms and ways. In my opinion, I think it is much easier to communicate freedom through poetry than prose. This is because I am free to write what and how I want.

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Water drops swimming

On their way to find treasure

Swirl, splash! They are free


Wasser Tropfen swimmen

Auf ihre suche nach Schatz

Strudel, spritz! Sie sind frei

Haiku #1

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My intention for this haiku was to show freedom from a different

perspective. I didn’t want to focus the haiku on people, so that it

would be unique in that aspect. This poem relates to freedom because

it is about water drops swimming, trying to find what is most valuable

to them in life, freedom. Since, haikus are very short, it was difficult

to tell the story of the water drops in only three lines. After working

on it for a while, I was able to write a simple, yet detailed haiku.

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Haiku #2

Gone with gentle winds

She cries, but no one hears her

She nibbles her chains

Weg geblaest vom Wind

Sie schreit, aber keiner hoert

Legt sich wider hin

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My intention for this haiku was to quickly tell the story of a girl who

is not free and how she copes with being chained. This relates to

freedom because it has to do with a chained up girl who longs to be

physically free. I decided to use this theme because it was able to

express the message of less-fortunate people and how they cope with


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Could we express

What we felt and thought?

Not saying it is possible

But what if ?

Would it be a roar?

A shockwave of sound?

So complex that it would

Fill every wavelength?

And if we succeed to

Channel it onto a page

Having a chance to

Sing its tune

We can truly

though not ever fully



Sing the Song of Freedom

Standing on a field

Golf green, ever and ever

No map, no plans

Nothing, neither close nor far

Stare at the horizon

Start imagining things

Flat land, same color

Where to go?

Lives form around

Structures and landscapes

Expressions form

In the same way

What we make

Out of that

Is what makes us.

Our voices our own

No obstacle at all

We consider ourselves

Completely free

Or perhaps lost

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When I found this piece of prose about freedom on the internet, I

marveled at how delicate and descriptive it was. Many famous people

want their quotes to be known world wide, but not the author of this

piece, who was an anonymous blogger. It just goes to show that you

don't have to be a genius, a billionaire, or a famous person to know

how to write a deep and thoughtful piece about freedom.

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I found a key one day,

Ran home to show my mother

She frowned and said

'Go wash your hands,

Then throw that thing away'

But I kept that key .

Three years later I found a box

Ran home to show my mother,

She frowned and said

'Go wash your hands,

Then throw that thing away'

But I kept that box .

For eighty years they were forgotten

Until I found them again

I took the key, opened the box

And there a feather lay.

The gift of Freedom

The Mystery

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This poem is about a little child who finds a key and a box when he is

young, and how he savors it until he is lying on his deathbed. I choose

to write this particular poem because I felt that it related a lot to

freedom and how people treasure it. I read a story about this theme as

well and it inspired me to write this poem.

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For months I watched the birds

How they flapped their wings so freely

I longed to join them and fly

But I sat in my nest instead

Birds chirped in the bright blue sky

They laughed and sang in the wind

How I wished to do the same

But I sat in my nest instead

I waited silently, like a mouse

Until the day I could fly away

But that day never seemed to come

So I sat in my nest instead

But one day, when the sky was blue

My mother came home early

She stroked my feathers and smiled

Then she pushed me off the nest

I screamed as I fell down

But I gulped and started

flapping my wings

Flap, flap, flap, flap

I was flying


Flying Freely

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This poem is about a little bird who longs to fly with all his friends,

but can’t. The poem shows the process of the bird slowly gaining

confidence until the day his mother gives him the freedom that he

wanted. This poem relates to freedom because it shows how many

people and animals need and want freedom, and how they cope when

they finally receive it.

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The End

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