engagements bnp

For a clear and fair relationship between BNP Paribas Personal Finance and its employees. Our mutual commitment

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For a clear and fair relationship between BNP Paribas Personal Finance and its employees.

Our mutual commitment

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It is through their individual and collective involvement that customer satisfaction is achieved, that demanding performance objectives are met and that job fulfillment is obtained.

Personal Finance employees

constitute the very substance

of the company, its force.

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Our business is above all a service orientated business, the quality of the contact with the customer, as provided by our employees, is key:

Their commitment and competence guarantee the quality of service.

Their ability to listen is a vital source of information used to adjust their replies to meet the needs expressed by customers.

We operate worldwide and in a highly competitive market, the company’s performance is also key to its success:

Its continuity depends on its ability to update its products and offer them at the best price.

Its success means a constant need for growth – being ahead of its competitors – and profitability – being competitive and able to invest.

We believe in core human values - respect for the individual, integrity and community spirit. Our aim is to achieve a balance between the company’s high standards of performance and the application of those humanist values.

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Why state our mutual


Having a mutual commitment strengthens our common culture, supports our strategic project and HR policy.

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Specifically committing ourselves is a means of ensuring that we keep to our mutual commitments:

For a new company, this means setting itself high standards.

These commitments mean meeting objectives every day.

We know that today some of these commitments are not met.

Stating them is a means of progressing towards achieving them.

Asking employees to adhere to formally stated commitments is also a way of showing them they have a part to play in this process.

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Our mutual commitment

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Employees’ in turn know that Personal Finance expects a reciprocal commitment to:

Fully accomplish their job function

Take good care of each customer

Be part of a team

Take initiatives

Personal Finance has committed to four priorities:

Clearly inform its employees

Give employees individual attention

Provide employees with many professional opportunities

Create the conditions for quick decision-making

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A commitment to provide clear


Personal Finance

Are you familiar with the Personal Finance development objectives?

Are you familiar with your team’s annual action plan?

Are you familiar with the objectives on which you will be personally assessed?

Because we know that if you are properly informed you will be able to act with greater authority.

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Explain the company’s strategy and its results.

Share your team’s project.

Clarify expectations with regard to the position, mission and objectives.

Make clear your level of performance and your future in the company.

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A commitment to provide

individual attention

Personal Finance

Do you feel that your manager listens to you?

Do you have the tools available to make your job easier?

Are you regularly approached to solve problems experienced by your team?

Because ‘a fully involved employee = a satisfied customer’.


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Listen to you.

Know your expectations.

Provide a pleasant and effective work environment.

Find solutions together by communicating.

Give each employee the same attention we give to our customers.

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A commitment to promote your

professional development

Personal Finance

Do you know where your job will lead to in 2 years’ time?

Do you know where your career path lies within Personal Finance?

Have you met with your manager to assess your skills and put together your training plan?

Because the company cannot guarantee a job for life but has a duty to ensure that no-one is overlooked.


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Offer varied job opportunities and career paths.

Anticipate the development of job functions.

Provide relevant skills training.

Prepare you for job mobility.

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A commitment to provide the right conditions for quick


Personal Finance

Do you know who to refer to in order to obtain a quick decision on a problem?

Can you take the majority of the decisions in your job function?

Do you feel that Personal Finance encourages risk taking by allowing for errors?

Because our customers are demanding and our competitors quick, we need to provide the conditions necessary for each individual to act quickly and make full use of their skills.


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Define clear roles and delegations of authority at ground level.

Reply as quickly as possible.

Accept that mistakes are a natural part of taking on responsibility.

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A commitment to being involved by

fully accomplishing one’s job function

Can your manager rely on you to get results?

Do you recognise when to ask for help in a difficult situation?

Do you volunteer to take up challenges?

To be reliable and consistent in achieving your mission and your objectives.


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Provide assurance that you can be relied on every day and in the long term.

Contact your line management immediately when faced with a difficulty.

Set yourself and your team ambitious targets.

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Being involved means taking care of each customer

Do you give enough personal attention to your customers?

Do they always obtain a reliable answer from you, within the required timescale?

Do you pass your enthusiasm on to your customers?

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes.


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Welcome them.

Listen to them attentively.

Competently answer their queries.

Show them your commitment and that of the company.

Rectify errors as quickly as possible.

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Being involved means being part

of a team

Are you proud of your team?

Are you perceived as a good team player by your colleagues and manager?

Can you learn from others as well as share your own skills?

To contribute to a team spirit that is friendly, successful and respects diversity.


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Put being the ‘best team’ before being the ‘best individual’.

Being attentive and supportive

Listening to the contributions of others and share good practices.

Respect differences of opinion.

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Being involved means taking


Has your manager recently implemented one of your ideas in the team?

Have you put yourself forward for achieving a difficult task this year?

Are you able to break from your routine when faced with the unexpected?

To ‘shake things up’, to show what we can do, and to meet the customer’s needs rapidly.


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Be able to break from your routine.

Question your actions and act quickly.

Be a driving force.

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To ensure that these commitments

are met they aregiven to each employee by their manager with comments,

implemented through the daily actions of managers,

supported by training sessions Job function and Management.


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Measure the achievement of commitments

by carrying out surveys in all countries.

Provide a direct contact with the Corporate

Human Resources Department:

[email protected]

Communicate a yearly ‘assessment

of mutual commitment’.

How to follow up?

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‘A company is made by its People

and not just its structure’. We wanted

to put together this mutual

commitment because the challenge of being both a successful and a human company in a highly competitive economic environment is a mindset that should be put

forward, developed, experienced

together and achieved every day.

It is a challenge worth taking up:

you can put us to the test and

we are confident that each and every

one of you will play the team game.

François Villeroy de Galhau and the BNP Paribas Personal Finance Executive Committee


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Publishing those mutual commitments, Personal Finance shares and promotesthe values of BNP Paribas Group


Quickly assessing situations and changes as well as identifying opportunities and risks.


Promoting initiatives and new ideas and recognising those responsible.


Being committed to customers and to group success. Leading by example.


A taste for challenge and leadership. A desire to be the winning team in a competition umpired by the customer.

Contact: Human Resources Department - [email protected] 2008 / Paper ‘PEFC’ (Pan European Forest Certification) / Printing : Techniques et Impressions ‘Imprim’Vert®’

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