engage.re in-depth guide

PROJECT BY what are YOU engaging with today? engage.re Page guide 2. issue page 3. initiative page 4. the feed 5. semantic web 6. engage toolbar 7. global action 8. measure change 9. equitable web

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Post on 13-Mar-2016




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Description of the core features of collaboration platform - engage.re, where everyone relevant can address issues that matter together. The social web that works.


Page 1: Engage.re In-depth Guide


what are YOU engaging with today?


Page guide

2. issue page

3. initiative page

4. the feed

5. semantic web

6. engage toolbar

7. global action

8. measure change

9. equitable web

Page 2: Engage.re In-depth Guide

1. See who is involved with the issue and add those who are missing2. The wiki will describe what the issue is, what’s being done and

what else needs doing. Of course, you can add anything that’s missing.

3. Join projects or create new ones. You will see projects based on [i] your interests, time availability and location [ii] popularity of project, its effectiveness in terms of outcomes and how inclusive it is of relevant stakeholders.

4. Chat in real-time with others on the page at the time, so you can get stuck right in!

5. Share content like videos, documents and articles. Posts will be ranked by the latest comment.

6. See the best resources already shared. These will be ranked on the basis of pageviews, shares and number of comments.

7. Easily change the location of the issue. For example, move from Poverty UK, to Poverty London and see how the issue and initiatives change.

8. Moderators must be balanced to ensure everyone relevant is involved

9. Issue map: explore other locations where this issue exists and compare initiatives that are most successful in different places

Issue pages are where you can first get to grips with any issue in any location. It’ll be easy to find the page you are looking for because we’ll make sure there’s just one page per issue per location so there isn't duplication. On the issue page you’ll be able to



Page 3: Engage.re In-depth Guide

Initiatives are linked to one or a number of issues which means they’ll be easy to get to from wherever they are relevant. Initiatives feature easy-to-use project management tools to help you organize the project effectively. On them you’ll be able to:


1. Create new tasks for the project and add collaborative tools that help you get that task done. For example, a research tool will let you search the web together with your team members for resources like documents, web-pages etc., collect them all together and then review them; choosing the ones you want to keep in order to share with the team. There will also be team building (HR), marketing, budgeting and crowdfunding tools. Humanity Online will build these apps, but there’ll be many more third party developers whose apps will be developed and provided through our Open API.

2. Create teams to focus on specific areas of the project and to group those tasks together.

3. See tasks that are only to do with project-delivery rather than project-development - for example 'mentor a person once a week' - are displayed on the side to make it easy for people who just want to get stuff done to get stuck right in.

4. Invite others, including those not on your friends list, to join project.

5. Project creators can choose moderators. Projects will be ranked higher if project moderators are drawn from across stakeholder groups.


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The next generation of social media is upon us. The feed is your shrine, your office, your hangout, your bedroom, your locus of communication - so the feed should be intuitive, flexible and efficient. Can anyone tell you why email and ‘social media’ are made to be so very different to one another? Why can't you draft a social update and come back to it later? That's why on engage.re we'll be closing the gap and making your life simpler. Draft social media updates to send later and organize social media updates in folders just as you can with email.

Choose whether you want to view your email as you would social media (option one), or view your social media feed as you would normally view email (option two).

And getting work done on engage will be intuitive. You won't need to visit a project page in order to do a task; you'll just open up the collaboration tool from the notification in your feed, and get stuck right in.

The FEED is where you receive all your updates, whether social posts, emails or project updates.

THE FEEDengage

Switch between views

Option one

Option two

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The diagram to the left shows how instead of semantic analysis of your emails only resulting in in-line advertising for products, we will offer semantic analysis as an option you can switch on to provide links that will take you directly to an issue or project that is related to what is being discussed in your email. Useful! Instead of only being enticed into (one way?) 'conversations' with corporates who want you to buy their stuff.

On engage.re you will always be just one step away from the conversation where everything is going down, even if you had not realised that there was one taking place. A truly social web.

Naturally, you’ll be able to opt in or out of the semantic web.

The semantic web is upon us, but what value does it offer us? You’re certainly getting smarter and more relevant advertising. But what if it made us smarter human beings? What if the semantic web empowered us to tap into the conversations and initiatives that we really would like to be a part of?


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We all know the feeling of having just read something that makes us really want to do something. Today it would take hours of research and quite some effort to figure out the most effective way to get involved.

But the engage TOOLBAR changes that. It sits on your browser and makes your life really simple. Whenever you are on a webpage that makes you think ‘hey, I wanna do something about this’, you’d just click on the toolbar and it’ll show you the pages on engage.re where people have gathered to address the issues discussed on the page you are browsing.

Easy. Jump right to an engage.re issue page where you can quickly see what the issue is, who’s involved, what’s being done and what else needs doing. It really is wonderful to think that within minutes you’ll be assessing initiatives featured on the issue page and deciding on which you want to get involved with, or whether you think it’s time to start something new and different.

The semantic web revolution will continue in our action toolbar. Wherever you are on the web, whether reading an article whilst browsing the news, doing work, or browsing Facebook - the engage toolbar will let you move from interest to action with a few short clicks.

engage TOOLBARengage


Child poverty UK

Poverty UK

Welfare state UK




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On engage.re we want everyone to be empowered to address the most global issues of our time. That’s why each year there will be a platform wide initiative to address one global issue.

Everyone will be able to vote on which issue to address, and then get involved with developing local, regional and global initiatives that will help to better solve that issue for the longer term.

The global campaign will help kickstart genuine, participatory processes of change that involve all parts of society from government to grassroots. Moreover, humanity will be able to see just what it can achieve by working together and will serve as an annual barometer of what people are really concerned about globally

What is the web worth if we can’t deal with the biggest problems of our time? Those problems that threaten the very lives of our children and can impact us even in our own lifetime. This is the question that drives our work at Humanity Online, and is what inspires engage.re


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We always do better knowing how much of a return we are getting for our investments of time, funds or other resources.

This is true whether you are a funder trying to assess outcomes, a business owner looking at profits vs time, an NGO looking at what’s working or a journalist trying to understand which stories are more engaging.

For any project you set up or any post or piece of content you contribute, on engage.re you’ll be able to see the impact.

As a basic example, you’ll see which of your goals have been achieved.

At the heart of our work at Humanity Online is the quest to better understand how change happens so that we are empowered, as humanity, to work more effectively together. That’s why as a project manager, funder - or anyone who cares about return on the time, money or resources you invest - you will love what we’re doing with engage.re


Project summarymentoring for unemployed


170 mentors matched

934 mentoring sessions

1565 mentoring hours

58 successful job applications

For period 18 July - 17 August

success = 73%

view feedback

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Humanity Online aims to make engage.re very profitable through advertising revenue and various other income streams.

But at Humanity Online we believe in an equitable web. That is why, after we’ve worked out how much is needed to help sustain and grow the organisation, we’ll take 90% of the remaining profit and channel it into initiatives that are addressing the issues that users on engage.re are concerned about.

An example? Say a lot of people on engage.re are talking about how we need a sustainable energy resource, but governments won’t invest because the energy sector is not confident. We would take a chunk of profits and invest it into business, government and civil society consortiums that had formed on engage.re to identify and develop viable sustainable energy resources.

A significant percentage of profit would be given directly to charities working on the ground, ensuring again that these were multi-stakeholder initiatives that included partners that have proven track-records for delivery. So you see, we can all look forward to a better world, made better just by doing what we do every day: communicating.

What if everything you said and did on the social web resulted in funds that helped in solving global, regional, national and local issues? That is, what if instead of profits from advertising went into private pockets, instead it went into making a difference. That is the kind of world that we want to live in


Investment into innovation£ bn

2015 2020 2025 2030