engineer diploma thesis...the engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented...

AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Departments: Mechanics and Machine Construction Automatics and Robotics Mechatronics Mechanical and Material Engineering Acoustic Engineering Engineer Diploma Thesis Assumptions, requirements and principles of work Attachment to IMIR Faculty Board Resolution no. 08/10/2012 of 26.10.2012 Kraków, 2012

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Page 1: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

AGH University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics


• Mechanics and Machine Construction • Automatics and Robotics • Mechatronics • Mechanical and Material Engineering • Acoustic Engineering

Engineer Diploma Thesis Assumptions, requirements and principles of work

Attachment to IMIR Faculty Board Resolution no. 08/10/2012 of 26.10.2012

Kraków, 2012

Page 2: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

AGH University of Science and Technology

Engineer diploma thesis Assumptions, requirements and principles.   Page 2


ASSUMPTIONS OF ENGINEER DIPLOMA THESIS..................................................3


REGISTRATION FOR THE ENGINEER DIPLOMA THESIS ...................................6

1.1. Diploma examination .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.2. Requirementts concerning registration of engineer diploma thesis..................................................... 6


DOCUMENTATION ..........................................................................................................8

EDITING GUIDELINES....................................................................................................9

1.3. Objects in the engineer diploma thesis documentation ..................................................................... 10 1.3.1. Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 10 1.3.2. Figures............................................................................................................................................ 10 1.3.3. Mathematical formulas................................................................................................................... 11

1.4. Footnotes and references to literature............................................................................................... 13


4.4. List of contents of attached data carriers (cd, dvd)........................................................................... 15 4.5. Description of IT procedure ............................................................................................................. 15


Attachment 1. Application form for the engineer diploma thesis subject …..…. 18

Attachment 2. Review form for the engineer diploma thesis (two-sided print)………….. 19

Attachment 3. Title page ……………………………………………………………………21

Attachment 4. Declaration of independent thesis work...…………22

Attachment 5. Declaration giving the University the rights to publish the thesis………. 23

Attachment 6. Plan of the engineer diploma thesis …………………………………………….24

Attachment 7. Sample summary of the engineer diploma thesis………………………………......... 25

Attachment 8. Description of the CD/DVD containing the engineer diploma thesis…………………27

Page 3: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –


The assumptions of these regulations are based on the following:

− Law of Higher Education of 27.07.2005 (Journal of Laws 2005 no. 164 pos. 1365,

with later amendments),

− Regulations of Studies for AGH University of Science and Technology (§ 24).

One requirement of first-degree studies is the realization and documentation of an

advanced engineering or experimental task, performed individually or as part of a team of

students (at most 2 people under conditions defined later in this document). The engineer-

ing task may be a continuation and extension of work previously performed within the

framework of one of the compulsory subjects in Semester VI. The Engineer Diploma The-

sis is carried out under the direction of a supervisor, who is an academic teacher: professor

or assistant professor with the scientific level of doctor. The Faculty Dean may give per-

mission to a doctor or specialist from outside the Institute to direct the Engineer Diploma

Thesis. After selection of the supervisor and agreement as to the subject and range of the

Engineer Diploma Thesis, the student is obliged to formally announce the subject of the

Engineer Diploma Thesis, which is then confirmed by the Faculty Dean. When setting the

subject of the work, it is desirable to take into consideration the student's interests, the

support available to carry out the work, and the nature of the foreseeable employment. The

subject of the Engineer Diploma Thesis may be part of the Faculty's scientific program or

the students' scientific circle after confirmation of the Department Head or Head of the

Scientific Circle. The choice of subject for the Engineer Diploma Thesis is conducted by

the Department which issues the diploma. In order to confirm the selected Engineer Di-

ploma Thesis subject, the student completes the application form for the engineer diploma

thesis subject (Attachment 1). The form signed by the thesis supervisor is required for en-

rolment to Semester VII and is submitted by the student in the Faculty Dean's office.

The signature of the Department Head on the collective application form for the en-

gineer diploma thesis subject confirms his/her consent of the proposed work under the

guidance of the Department's workers or other authorised persons. If the Department Head

does not provide consent, the student, together with the supervisor, corrects the subject of

the engineer diploma thesis and re-submits the application form for the engineer diploma

thesis subject for acceptance by the Department Head.

Page 4: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to modify or change the selected subject

of the engineer diploma thesis during its realization. A change of the thesis subject can be

performed with the consent of the supervisor and Faculty Dean. The student submits an

application in the IMIR Faculty Dean's office to the Dean to change the subject of the the-

sis, together with an explanation as to why, and the approval of the supervisor.

A condition for submitting the engineer diploma thesis is the performance by the

student of engineering or experimental tasks defined by the supervisor, preparation of en-

gineer diploma thesis documentation (when the work is conducted by a team of students,

the documentation must clearly indicate the input of each one) and a positive opinion of

the supervisor concerning the engineer diploma thesis. The student will be informed of the

guidelines concerning the editing of engineer diploma thesis documentation in the diploma

thesis seminars conducted in Semester VII. Complete realization of the engineer diploma

thesis should take place by the final day of lectures in Semester VII, according to the aca-

demic year announced by the order of the AGH Rector.

In the event of a long-term absence of the thesis supervisor, which could delay the

realization of the engineer diploma thesis and, as a result, threaten its punctual completion,

the Faculty Dean may designate a new person to take over the duties of the supervisor. A

change of supervisor may represent the basis for postponing the date for submitting the

engineer diploma thesis. The date for taking the diploma examination in such cases will be

set by the Faculty Dean individually at the request of the student or supervisor of the engi-

neer diploma thesis. In the event of the student not submitting the thesis in time, the AGH

Study Regulations shall apply. If the student repeats Semester VII, the Faculty Dean re-

quests the opinion of the supervisor, under whose supervision the thesis was carried out,

and takes a decision concerning the possibility to continue the thesis work or to change the

thesis subject.

Before the final exam, the engineer diploma thesis is reviewed by the supervisor and

a reviewer. The reviewers of the engineer diploma thesis are nominated by the Faculty

Dean from among the academic teachers of AGH:

− with a PhD – for work conducted under the direction of a supervisor with the level of

professor or associate professor;

− with the level of professor or associate professor – for work conducted under the di-

rection of a supervisor with a PhD.

Page 5: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

The thesis review (Attachment 2) must contain an assessment based on the merits of

the performed engineering task, as well as an evaluation of the presented documentation.

With the aim of avoiding plagiarism, fragments of the documentation may be controlled

with the use of verifying computer programs or compared with texts of other publications.

Evaluation of the engineer diploma thesis documentation takes into consideration the fol-


− suitability of the contents to the subject defined in the title;

− structure of documentation – division of contents, order of sections, full coverage,


− evaluation of the work;

− level of innovation in the problem field;

− selection and usage of sources;

− formal side of documentation – accuracy of the language, use of editing techniques,

list of contents, references;

− ways of using the thesis – publication, access to institutions, source material.

When the engineer diploma thesis is conducted jointly by two students, the evalua-

tion presented by the supervisor may be divided to differentiate the input of each of the

authors – depending on their input and achieved results. During the presentation of the

work in the oral part of the engineering exam, the active participation of both co-authors is

required, which will enable the separate evaluation of the work's authors.

The schedule for realization of the engineer diploma thesis and details of the organi-

zation of the diploma examination are regulated by the decisions of the Faculty Dean.

Graduates, who meet the following conditions: submitted their diploma thesis

and took their diploma examination at the planned time, obtained an average from

their studies over 4.75, obtained an evaluation of very good for both their thesis and

diploma examination, can be awarded a distinction by the Commission. This is equal

to: “summa cum laude” in traditional academic terminology.

Page 6: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –



One condition for completing studies is passing the diploma examination.

A student is allowed to take the diploma examination when he/she has:

a) passed the whole planned program of subjects and practice;

b) registered the diploma thesis;

c) submitted by 31.01 of the given year all documents required by the Dean:

- record card (the record card should include practice confirmed by the Department

stamp or signature of the practice tutor)

- exam cards,

- transcript of records,

- current diploma card.


The condition for registration of the engineer diploma thesis is to submit by 31.01 of

the given year all the documents required by the Dean.

A copy of the engineer diploma thesis, printed on one side of each sheet and bound,

submitted for registration in the Dean's office, should contain the following pages in the

presented order:

− title page in accordance with the template (Attachment 3) with date, evaluation and

signature of the Supervisor,

− declaration of independent preparation of the thesis and the conformance of the elec-

tronic version (Attachment 4),

− a declaration giving the University the right to publish the documentation (Attach-

ment 5);

Page 7: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

− The “Thesis Plan” (Attachment 6), with the signature of the Supervisor and diploma


− a one-page summary of the diploma thesis in Polish and English (Attachment 7);

− a review form of the engineer diploma thesis (Attachment 2, two-page card, all on

one sheet).

The thesis should be assessed by the supervisor.

The review form should be attached to the thesis.

When registering the engineer diploma thesis, the following should be supplied:

- A defined CD or DVD with the electronic version of the thesis; the CD or DVD

should be placed in a paper envelope (with name, surname and album number) as well as a

description in accordance with the template (Attachment 8). Those writing a joint engineer

diploma thesis must supply 2 CDs or DVDs as well as 2 descriptions for the CDs or


− Confirmation of payment for the set of course completion documents;

− 5 photos in the 4.5 x 6.5 cm format.

Templates of the documents to be completed by the student are attachments to these

regulations, and their electronic versions can be downloaded from the Faculty's website under the folder (student matters – diploma informa-


Page 8: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –


The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering

task. The thesis documentation should consist of:

− Initial part – consisting of the title page, a declaration of independent performance,

reviews, acknowledgements if necessary, list of contents.

− Introduction – representing a short (2-3 page) introduction and explanation of the sub-

ject selection. In addition, it should also include: a clearly defined objective, refer-

ences to other works from the field, clearly formulated technical assumptions which

were met by the diploma candidate, as well as a short abstract of the particular sec-


− Analysis – an introduction to the problem, analysis of the literature from the problem

field, an overview of possible solutions, their benefits and drawbacks with respect to

the presented problem and an overview and explanation of the choice of tools (e.g.

measurement, software) used during the thesis work.

− Synthetic part – a description of the selected solutions and the reasoning behind their


− Verification part – a description of the methods used and an evaluation of the accu-

racy of the selected solutions, as well as the presentation of the most important results,

together with the following conclusions.

− Summary – a short summary of the realized thesis and the solved engineering task.

The summary should contain: a presentation of conclusions, relating to particular sec-

tions of the thesis as well as recommendations of further work in the field concerning

the engineering task.

− Bibliography – containing all referenced publications in the order they appear in the

publication and in a way as described in these regulations.

− Attachments – a collection of materials which the author should refer to while prepar-

ing the thesis, and which would disturb the clarity of the reasoning due to their size

(photographs, software specifications and measurement appliances, precise calcula-

tions, data sources, installation instructions and software activation etc.)

Page 9: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –


When writing the engineer diploma thesis documentation, it is important to use stan-

dardized editing principles. Their uniform character is designed to help in the efficient

analysis of the project's documentation, which is submitted for evaluation by the supervi-

sor and reviewer. The uniform editing of the documentation concerns the format of par-

ticular elements, such as: font name and size, paragraph breaks, and margins. The follow-

ing editing rules are used:

Tab. 4.1. Parameters of settings in interim project or diploma thesis

Parameter Chosen setting Notes

Font name Times New Roman Paragraph style, first paragraph break: 10 mm

Font size

16 p. bold 14 p. bold 12 p. bold 12 p. 10 p.

In the main headings, e.g. 1, 2, 3 In sub-headings, e.g. 2.3, 4.5 In further sub-headings, e.g. 6.1.7 The main text Descriptions of figures and tables

Space between lines

1.5 lines in the main text

If the work is exceptionally large, 1 line can be used, however, this decreases the read-ability of the text 1 line in all headings and sub-headings

Margin size A4

(210 x 297 mm)

Upper 25 mm, lower 25 mm, right 25 mm, left 35 mm (or 25 mm + 10 mm on the cover).

Orientation Vertical

Some pages may be horizontal. The descrip-tion under figures and tables for horizontal pages should be on the right-hand side of the sheet.

The documentation of the engineer diploma thesis (introduction + sections + sum-

mary) should contain between 30 and 70 pages. It should consist of no less than 4 and no

more than 7 sections.

A necessary formal requirement is abidance with the correct structure of documen-

tation: the weight and scale of the particular sections should be proportional to the whole

size. It is advisable that the size of the description of the work undertaken independ-

ently by the diploma candidate should be at least half of the whole size of the docu-

mentation of the engineer diploma thesis project.

Page 10: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

The author of the engineer diploma thesis should pay particular attention to:

- highlighting the existence of other possible solutions to the presented problem/task,

- a description and explanation of the reasoning behind the selected method for solving

the problem following the principle of - “I say how and why”

- the fact that the presented solution does not exhaust the subject and may be a basis for

further consideration,

- a description of the difficulties in realizing the project,

- a critical evaluation of the results obtained during tests.

1.3. Objects in the engineer diploma thesis documentation

1.3.1. Tables

For the presentation of written sets, as well as those containing figures and symbols,

tables are used. Tables should be placed as close as possible to the relevant text and num-

bered in order in the given section. It is preferable to avoid abbreviations in column head-

ings. Units should be placed in a line directly under the column heading. Tables are num-

bered with Arabic numerals and should contain a reference to the main section as well as

to the order of tables in the section. The table title, preceded by Tab. and the number,

should be placed above the table (Tab. 1) with the font size 10. Before the table descrip-

tion, there should be a space of one line. If the table contains information from a literature

source, the source should appear directly in the table description at the end. If the table

needs to be moved to the next page, its Arabic numerals are located under the column

heading and these numbers transfer to the next page. Tables are placed in the centre of the

text, however, the text in the table should be:

- for column headings – bold and centred,

- in the case of left-hand side labels – aligned to the left-hand edge of the column,

- for numbers – aligned to the right-hand edge of the column,

- for other spaces – centred.

1.3.2. Figures

Page 11: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Graphics (figures, photographs and charts) should be placed in the centre of the

page (Fig. 1). The objects should have a light background (charts – white) and a resolution

of 300 dpi (e.g. for a figure with the same width as one page, in other words 16 cm, the

required resolution is 1920 pixels). If an element of the object is a description, its font size

should be at least 10. These objects are numbered with Arabic numerals and should con-

tain a reference to the main section and to the order of figures in the section. The title of

the object is preceded by Fig. (as well as for photographs and charts) which should be

placed under the figure (graph / chart) with a font size of 10. After the title of graphic ob-

jects, a space of one line should be applied. If the object comes from a literature source

(including the Internet!), the source should appear directly after the title. If the description

of the figure does not contain the source, it means that it was created by the author of the


Fig.4.1. Siłownik pneumatyczny: 1 - tuleja cylindrowa, 2 - zespół tłoka z tłoczyskiem, 3 - pokrywa przednia, 4 - pokrywa tylna, 5 – tulejka, 6 - pierścień zgarniający, 7 - pierścień uszczelniający, 8 - zawory zwrotne, 9 - zawory dławiące, 10 – uszczelka, 11 – pierścienie gumowe.

1.3.3. Mathematical formulas

During the use of general formulas it is desirable to avoid the formula proofing and

only provide the initial and end forms with appropriate explanations and numbering (it is

also possible to place the proof in an attachment), e.g.:


s 2=τ


where: Ms – turning moment,

Page 12: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

D – diameter,

J – moment of inertia.

Mathematical formulas should be centred and numbered in increasing order. The

numbers of mathematical formulas in rounded brackets should aligned to the right-hand

margin and should contain a reference to the main section as well as to the order in the sec-

tion, for example (3.15) means the fifteenth formula in the third section.

During the use of mathematical functions, the measurement units used should be in-

cluded, e.g.:


5.014.3 2


=F [m2] (3.2)

Both before and after mathematical formulas, there should be a space of one line.

Page 13: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

1.4. Footnotes and references to literature

During preparation of the documentation, footnotes are used to increase its readability

and clarity. Footnotes should be placed on the same page as the referenced part of text and

limited to the so-called digressive footnotes – unconnected with the used text sources.

These are used when the author makes comments worth noting but which would disrupt

the logic of the reasoning.

Reference to material sources (bibliography) and their list should be conducted in line

with the so-called Harvard System. The particular positions are numbered with successive

Arabic numerals in square brackets in alphabetical order. The bibliography is placed at the

end of the documentation and represents a list ordered alphabetically. The bibliography

entries depend on the type of source and take the following forms:

− Book – the author's surname and initials, title. (volume, part), location, publishing house and year published, e.g. Billingsley P.: Probability and Measure. New York, John Wiley 1979 − Sections in collective publications - the author's surname and initials, title. In: editor's surname and initials, title, place, publishing house and year of publication, Tymińska A.: Zasady utrzymywania czystości w magazynach bibliotecznych i w księgo-zbiorach. In: Działania profilaktyczne w bibliotece. Wskazówki metodyczne. Ed. E. Sta-chowska-Musiał. Warsaw: Wydaw. SBP 1998 p.14-16 − Article in a scientific magazine - the author's surname and initials, article title, magazine title, year of publication, month or annual (volume): range of pages from - to e.g.: Berk-hoff A.P., Sensor scheme design for active structural acoustic control, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108 (3), 2000, 1037- 1045 − Article in scientific conference - the author's surname and initials, title, conference title, place and range of dates from-to, year of conference, range of pages from - to e.g.: Bourquin F., Collet M., Joly M., Lene F., Ratier R., An efficient feedback control algo-rithm for beam: Experimental results, Mat. Active 97 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 1997, 247 – 258 − Electronic publications - the title, URL address and the date of obtaining the informa-tion e.g.: Studencki Klub Turystyczny Politechniki Gdańskiej "FIFY". Gdańsk: SKT PG "FIFY". Available: (visited 20.09.2010). If the publication has more than six authors, the list should be shortened by using the words et al. after the sixth surname. Legal acts are normally written as follows: Budget act for the year 2000 from 21 January 2000. “Journal of Laws” 2000, no 7, pos.85.

Page 14: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

4.3. Documentation of the constructions and software

If it is necessary to construct a work-station, it should be precisely described how to

create such a work-station (together with photographs). Most projects which result in

working software must possess step-by-step instructions for use and contain a demonstra-

tion of the project's activity. The best formats for film demonstrations are AVI, flash, etc.

When implementing algorithms, code modularization should be used. For projects

undertaken in the C/C++ programming languages, important algorithms in the project

should be contained in separate libraries (dll, lib, header and additionally source) with a

well documented API.

The aim of such an approach is to make it possible to use solutions created during

the realization of projects by other student groups, as well as to create a database of algo-

rithms. Some time should also be dedicated to the testing of the created library and to at-

tach the test documentation (e.g. sets of test data and instructions).

The main objective of documenting the construction and software is to ensure the

flow of information enabling the use of the created tools and algorithms, as well as to en-

sure the repeatability of the experiments conducted within the project. The documentation

should contain:

− a general description of used software (e.g. installations, instructions of use, etc.),

− a description of the conditions in which tests were conducted,

− the format of processed data and the result data.

The instructions of use for the software must be short and compact, written with the

needs of future users in mind, with the assumption that they have only basic knowledge of

the algorithm details, but have to know how to activate and use it correctly within the pro-

ject program. There should be a detailed explanation of the aims of the program or its

fragments as well as a list of initial conditions which must be met (operating system, in-

stallations, graphic resolution, initial files etc.). Then, there should be a step-by-step guide

to using the program, with critical places illustrated by a copy of the screen. It is recom-

mended to first provide general guidelines, and later to provide more specific examples.

Page 15: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

4.4. List of contents of attached data carriers (cd, dvd)

The data carriers must be placed in particular catalogues:

− according to the type of work – sample or all pictures, which are the basis of creating

and testing algorithms (with possible reference to analogue material – title of re-

corded video cassettes),

− SRC – the source created procedure together with the project, makefile etc.,

− EXE – the program prepared for activation together with possible configuration files

or other necessary components,

− DOC – text report in electronic form (MS WORD as well as PDF or PS).


This section has a strictly technical character. It begins with information about the

programming environment, and possibly modularization and compilation options, files

which must be attached and used “foreign” libraries. Later, the main procedures are de-

scribed according to the standard presented in Tab. 2, together with specifications neces-

sary for their correct functioning.

Page 16: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Tab. 4.5.1. Sample description of procedure Note: critical fragments of source code must be provided in the commentary /********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Type_function Name_function */ /* */ /* Designation: */ /* Short description of function use */ /* */ /* Arguments function: */ /* type_arg1 name_arg1 - description argument 1 (before each type */ /* argument should be placed (I) for */ /* initial parameters, (O) for */ /* for end parameters, (B) for */ /* parameters which are both */ /* initial and end */ /* type_arg2 name_arg2 - description argument 2 */ /* type_arg3 name_arg3 - description argument 3 */ /* type_arg4 name_arg4 - description argument 4 */ /* type_arg5 name_arg5 - description argument 5 */ /* type_arg6 name_arg6 - description argument 6 */ /* */ /* Function returns: */ /* Description of returned values, and their meaning */ /* (e.g. -1 - argument beyond permitted range, -2 - error /* allocation */ /* memory, 0 – all OK */ /* or */ /* indicator for data range or NULL if no memory) */ /* */ /* Used function: */ /* List of functions from which the data function uses */ /* (called by internal function) */ /* */ /* Used variables: */ /* List of variables (with types), which function data */ /* uses (global and external variables), poss. Name header*/ /* */ /* Note: */ /* List of possible notes, limitations, sources */ /* algorithms, used methods etc. */ /* */ /* Author: */ /* Data of author (name, surname, year etc.) */ /* */ /* Last modification: */ /* Date and time of last modification with a short description */ /* modification poss. date and time of function entry */ /* */ /********************************************************************/

Page 17: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –


Page 18: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 1. Application of engineer diploma thesis subject

Engineer Diploma Thesis Subject Application

........................................................ ....................... ......................... Student surname and first name Album no. date


faculty, field of study

Subject of engineer diploma thesis in Polish: ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... Subject of engineer diploma thesis in English: ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................

................................... Signature of student

Thesis supervisor: [Title, first name and surname of Supervisor]


Signature of supervisor

Page 19: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 2. Review of engineer diploma thesis (two-sided print, pages 19 and 20) stamp of higher education institution Kraków,

date..........................................20.... Engineer Diploma Thesis Review

Thesis subject ............................................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................................ First name and sur-name...................................................................................................................

Album no............................ Study subject..................................................................

Diploma subject........................................................................................................... Depart-ment...............................................................................................................................

Supervisor............................................................... Reviewer ............................................

Evaluation of the engineer diploma thesis by the supervisor:

1. Do the contents of the project match the subject defined in the ti-tle?

Yes No

2. Is the thesis structure – division of contents, section order etc. – suitable?

Yes No

3. Is the work presented in the thesis innovative?* Yes No 4. Are the sources and their use appropriate? Yes No 5. Is the formal side of the documentation – accuracy of language, editing technique, list of contents, references – suitable?

Yes No

* Engineering thesis does not have to be innovative.









Final evaluation by the supervisor:

.............................................................. ................................................................. date signature


Page 20: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Evaluation of the engineer diploma thesis by the reviewer:

1. Do the contents of the project match the subject defined in the ti-tle?

Yes No

2. Is the thesis structure – division of contents, section order etc. – suitable?

Yes No

3. Is the work presented in the thesis innovative?* Yes No 4. Are the sources and their use appropriate? Yes No 5. Is the formal side of the documentation – accuracy of language, editing technique, list of contents, references – suitable?

Yes No

* Engineering thesis does not have to be innovative.










Final evaluation by the reviewer:

.............................................................. ................................................................. date signature

Evaluation scale:

5.0 – Very good, 4.5 – good +, 4.0 good, 3.5 – satisfactory plus, 3.0 - satisfactory, 2.0 - unsatisfactory

Page 21: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 3. Title page



Engineer Diploma Thesis

[Name and Surname] Name and surname

[Name of field of study] Field of study

[Subject of engineer diploma thesis] Subject of engineer diploma thesis

[Title, name and surname of Su-pervisor] …………………..

Supervisor Evaluation

Kraków, year 20...../20.....

Page 22: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 4. Declaration of independent engineer diploma thesis preparation

Kraków, date……………..

Name and sur-


Album no.:

Field of study:



I am aware of the penal responsibility for untrue declarations and I declare that I

prepared this engineer diploma thesis personally and independently, and that I did not use

any sources other than those listed in the thesis.

I also state that the thesis documentation does not infringe any copyright laws

as understood by the act of 4 February 1994 concerning copyright and related law (Journal

of Laws from 2006 No. 90 pos. 631 with later amendments) and personal property pro-

tected by civil law. It does not contain data and information obtained illegally. The elec-

tronic version supplied by me is in full conformance with the printed version submitted for


I also declare that this engineer diploma thesis was not earlier the basis of any pro-

cedure connected with the issuing of a higher education diploma or professional title.

……………………………….. signature of diploma candidate

Page 23: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 5. Declaration giving the University the rights to publish the thesis

Kraków, ……………..

Name and surname:

Correspondence address:

Subject of engineer diploma thesis:

End year:

Album no.:

Field of study:



I hereby declare that, while keeping my copyright, I grant AGH University of Science

and Technology an unlimited and free licence to the presented engineer diploma thesis, to

provide public access and its distribution in printed and electronic versions.

Kraków, ...............… …………………………….. date signature of diploma candidate

i Based on the Act of 27 July 2005 concerning the Law of Higher Education (Journal of Laws 2005 no. 164 pos. 1365) Art. 239. and the Act of 4 February 1994 concerning copyright and related laws ( Journal of Laws 2000 no. 80, pos. 904, with later amendments) Art. 15a. "Institutions of Higher Education, as understood by the Law of Higher Education, have the right to publish the engineer diploma thesis. If the Institution does not publish the di-ploma thesis within 6 months of the final oral examination, the student who prepared it may publish it, unless the engineer diploma thesis is part of a collective work."

Page 24: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 6. Plan of the engineer diploma thesis

Kraków, date



student name and surname


Supervisor: [Title, name and surname of Supervisor]

Reviewer: [Final evaluation by the Reviewer] Signature of Dean:

Location of practice :

PLAN OF THESIS WORK 1. Discussion with supervisor of thesis subject and its realization. 2. Collection and research of literature concerning the subject. 3. Collection and research of test results. 4. Analysis of research results, their discussion and confirmation by the supervisor. 5. Editorial work.

Kraków, ...............… …………………………….. date diploma candidate signature


20 r.

signature of supervisor

Page 25: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 7. Sample summary of engineer diploma thesis Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica Kraków, ................. Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki


Profil dyplomowania:

[imię i nazwisko autora] Praca dyplomowa inżynierska [temat] Opiekun: [stopień naukowy, imię i nazwisko promotora]

STRESZCZENIE [Treść streszczenia, maksymalnie do końca strony, Times New Roman 12 pkt]

Page 26: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, the............ Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Field of Study:


[First name and surname of the Author] Engineer Diploma Thesis [Title of the project in English] Supervisor: [degree, first name and surname of the Supervisor]

SUMMARY [The summary content, must fit within the page limit, Times New Roman, font size 12]

Page 27: Engineer Diploma Thesis...The engineer diploma thesis should feature originality of the presented engineering task. The thesis documentation should consist of: − Initial part –

Attachment 8. Description of the CD/DVD containing the engineer diploma thesis AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Description of CD containing the engineer diploma thesis

Subject of the engineer diploma thesis:.................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Author's name and surname

Album no.

Field of Study


Supervisor Supervisor's signature.......................

Faculty issuing the diploma (location for storage of original thesis)

Date of registering the thesis

Author's signature

Correspondence address

Contact telephone


The CD/DVD should contain a description, written using a light permanent marker pen, consisting of the album number, the author's name and surname and the date of registration in the Dean's office.