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  • 7/30/2019 ENGL_1102 Research Paper


    Covington 1

    Sidney Covington

    Suzanna Ingram


    31 October 2012

    Healthy Expensive or Healthy Cheap

    The way life is here on earth it is a routine every day. We are grown adults and are

    expected to do the routine for the rest of our lives. Somehow during that period of time we come

    up for air and find a soul mate that is perfectly cut out for us and we do what all people do we

    fall in love with them and get married. Then after being married for a while we move on to the

    next stage in life which is the busiest part of life children. But as our mate gets pregnant we are

    thinking about everything for the future of the child. Like what are we going to name the baby,

    what is the gender of the child, and what color are we going to paint the room? Then once they

    have the first meeting with the doctor the future parents then think about; what types of medicine

    do I need to take so that I have a healthy child? Then there mind goes to what can we have the

    mother do to better prepare themselves for the day of birth. When having a child we never think

    about what are something that can affect our children long term and the things that they will

    never outgrow like some birth defects, skin disorders, and heart trouble. But as new parents you

    need to look into our family tree of things that run in the family like twins, height, weight issues,

    heart attacks, hair type, and skin disorders. As new parents you really need to pay close attention

    to things that affect your child the long-terms like a skin disorder something that you are not able

    to outgrown but it is controllable. There are many skin disorders out there like Multiple

    Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Rosacea, Hemangioma, and Eczema the most common so when your child is

    diagnosed with this disorder what do we do as a concerned parents. There easy ways to take care

    of your child once they are given one or these disorders like people affected with eczema the

    most common skin disorder. But before we, can tell you about how to prevent it from getting

    worst, I have to tell you what it is and where does it come from.

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    Eczema like any other disease is passed down through our parent DNA and our ancients.

    But what is this nasty skin disorder that our children will have to live with for the rest of their

    life. Eczema is a common skin condition hallmarked by itchy and inflamed patches of skin,

    particularly on faces in infants, as well as inside the elbow and behind the knees of children,

    teenagers, and adults says Ian Monti. Also commonly known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is

    caused by an overactive immune system. The skin condition is more common in babies and

    young children, but eczema can also occur in adults.Up to 20 percent of children and one to

    three percent of adults develop atopic dermatitis, according to the American Academy of

    Dermatology (AAD). Atopic dermatitis crops up during the first year of life for 60 percent or

    more sufferers. At least 80 percent have the inflammatory skin condition before the age of five. In

    rare cases, atopic dermatitis can first appear during puberty or adulthood.(Monti) It affectsmales and females equally.

    Now that we know what the skin disorder is we can more understand what is actually

    going on in the skin. I like to think of eczema like a sponge that you wash dishes with, when

    there is no water on the sponge it is dry and useless and the sponge is easier to tear. But once you

    wet the sponge it comes to life and it is harder to rip and tear and you can also use the sponge to

    clean all the dirty dishes. So eczema is basically skin cells that are not complete filled in with

    protein like it is supposed to be. I know some doctors prescribe that people that have eczema are

    prescribed to eat a lot of protein like peanuts, bananas, and a lot of soy bean. But if you are

    allergic to peanuts where will you find different way to take care of your skin. Maybe if we look

    into what causes eczema maybe we can get a better understanding of it.

    The cause of eczema is not fully understood, but it is believe to be triggered by an

    overactive immune system that responds aggressively to the presence of irritants that the normal

    immune system would ignore. Eczema is also caused in part by an abnormal response to self-

    proteins that are part of the body. Under normal conditions, the immune system has been trained

    to ignore proteins that are part of the human body and only to attack proteins from invaders like

    bacteria or viruses. In eczema, the immune system loses the ability to distinguish between the

    two, and inflammation is the result. The inflammatory skin condition is more common in

    children and adults who also have hay fever and asthma. (Monti) So far we have learned what

    eczema is and where it come from and how can we make our children to overcome this horrible

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    disease. The skin disorder is more prevalent when they are infants and there are certain foods

    that you are supposed to keep your new born children away from for example eggs are not go for

    a young child to have.Eggs are in the top 8 of all allergens but recommendations for introducingeggs to babies have been changing. It is the white of the egg that is allergenic and not the yolk. A

    2008 study, and many studies done after, indicated that waiting to introduce eggs to your baby

    may not prevent any atopic eczema disease. (Fraser) Many are now suggesting that babies may

    be introduced to whole eggs from the start for those with no known history of food allergies or

    egg allergies.

    So what are some ways that we can prevent the skin disorder from getting worse than it is

    at home. How can we make the home life for the child a better suitable place to live and breathe

    in? Eczema is characterized by flare-ups, when one or more eczema symptoms appear on the

    skin for a period of time before disappearing. These flare-ups can be triggered by several factors,

    usually depending on the type of eczema you have. What triggers flare-ups differ from person to

    person? Many household chemicals, such as those found in cleaners and certain detergents, can

    dry out the skin and trigger eczema symptoms. A rise in your body temperature and the sweating

    that follows are common triggers of eczema flare-ups. Going from a cool air-conditioned

    building into the hot outdoor air can cause sweating and overheating, triggering eczema

    symptoms. Also, a sudden drop in humidity can cause the skin to dry out. Certain synthetic

    fabrics or rough, scratchy material, such as wool, can irritate the skin and cause an eczema flare

    up. (Monti)

    So for infants having a humidifier in the room sounds like a reasonable idea so that their

    skin doesnt get as dry out. Also making sure that all the detergents that you washing your

    clothes in are allergy washable and are safe on eczema skin and other skin disorders. Also as new

    parents you have to make sure you watch what pesticides that you decide to spray in a house

    because certain ones can cause your infant to break out in hives. I know this from personal

    experience so if there are pesticide being sprayed in your house please check what they are

    spraying. What some other ways to help your child out around the house. Taking care of your

    skin at home may reduce the need for medications. Avoid scratching the rash or skin. Relieve the

    itch by using a moisturizer, topical steroid cream, or other prescribed cream and taking

    antihistamines such as Zrytec, Benadryl, and Allegra to reduce severe itching. Keep your child's

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    fingernails cut short. Consider light gloves if nighttime scratching is a problem. Keep the skin

    moist use ointments such as petroleum jelly, creams, or lotions 2 - 3 times a day. Moisturizers

    should be free of alcohol, scents, dyes, fragrances, or other chemicals. Strong soaps or

    detergents, as well as chemicals and solvents. Sudden changes in body temperature and stress,

    which may cause sweating and worsen the condition. Triggers that cause allergy symptom are

    washing or bathing. Keep water contact as brief as possible and use gentle body washes and

    cleansers instead of regular soaps. Short, cooler baths are better than long, hot baths do not scrub

    or dry the skin too hard or for too long. After bathing, it is important to apply lubricating creams,

    lotions, or ointment on the skin while it is damp. Those are just a few ways that doctor Bath-

    Hextall instruct there patients to make sure that there children skin is healthy a manageable to

    take care of at home. These directions are things that my parents used to calm my skin down

    without going to the doctor these remedies are what my grandfather used on my father.

    But what are some product out there that will help my skin but not make my pocket hurt?

    The doctor can prescribe great products like Pimecrolimus Topical (Elidel). Which make your

    skin feel great while you are using the product but once you get off of the medicine your skin

    goes back to the dry and irritating skin it was. So what are some ways to get good products that

    work the best to get the skin in the best shape it can be? Stress can trigger or exacerbates eczema

    symptoms. Taking steps to ease anxiety, such as performing deep breathing exercises, yoga,

    meditation, and listening to relaxing music, can help reduce the chances you will experience an

    eczema occurrence.

    Studies show that green, black, or oolong tea can help quell the allergic reactions that

    bring on eczema. Japanese researchers had study participants drink one liter of oolong tea daily,

    dividing the amount of tea into thirds and drinking one-third of it after eating breakfast, lunch,

    and dinner. The researchers found that, of the 118 patients who completed the study, 63 percent

    of the tea drinkers started to notice an improvement in their skin after one to two weeks and

    showed marked to moderate improvement after one month, according to the American Academy

    of Dermatologists.(Monti) Because of this research I am currently using this medicine to makemy skin heal itself even more. I have only been doing this for a week and a half and I am able to

    see major change in all the major bends in my skin. Such as under the arms and behind the knees

    and the back of my neck; but I would suggest on wait until the child is much older before starting

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    this remedy.These are just a few of product out there that are natural and do not break the bank,but another product that cost a little more than your average product is Eucerin. Unfortunately,

    many of the moisturizers on the market today have irritating ingredients like fragrances and

    preservatives. These emollient-based moisturizers are options that help keep skin hydrated

    without causing irritation. Eucerin has been recommended for eczema patients for a long time,

    and it is still a good choice. It moisturizes with petroleum and mineral oil. The crme version

    can be pretty greasy, but the lotion is less so. The manufacturer recommends using Eucerin on

    mildly flared to normal skin, as it has a thinner consistency than might be necessary for more

    severely inflamed skin. This also allows the product to be absorbed by the skin more easily.

    (Brannon) All the products I can be a witness for them all work amazingly they are perfect

    product for anyone with eczema affected skin. So as a new parent that want to learn how to take

    care of unmanageable skin for their future child I hope I was a help.

    So to all the new parents out there I hope I answer most of the question about newborns

    with a skin disorder. I have taught you where it comes from and what is actually going on in the

    layers of skin. I hope that you will try to make improvement with your homes and what types of

    clothing you put your child in. I understand that now days we dont have the same money as we

    use to have back in the day so I was trying to find some easy ways to have a healthy child

    without hurt your wallet. I really stress on using oolong tea to help get the skin back to the way it

    should appear because it is currently working wonders for me. But until they reach a good age to

    start consuming tea I would use the best lotion out there for dry skin Eucerin. So these ways that

    I gave you are some easy ways to take care of your child and their skin disorder. If you decide to

    not use these instructs please see your local dermatologist to tell what is the best way to take care

    of your skin. Good luck with your first new born child.

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    Work Cited

    Bath-Hextall FJ, Delamere FM, Williams HC.Dietary exclusions for established atopiceczema.

    Cochrane Database System Rev. Web.2008 Jan 23

    Brannon Heather, MD. The Best Emollient Moisturizers for People with Eczema. Medical

    Review.(2007). Medial Review Board. 27 December 2007.Print.

    Fraser, Jessica. The top five foods for healthy skin. Natural News. True Publishing

    International LTD. (2006) 13 September 2006. Web.

    Monti, Jennifer. Eczema: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment In The Community. Healthline

    Connected to better Health. Published Healthline Editoral Team. 28 Oct 2010. Web.