english 1-12-18 he haps · болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал...

Henking Newsletter January 13, 2018 Mission Statement A diverse learning community of children, teachers and parents working together to provide a challenging and nurturing environment that empowers each student to: Achieve one’s maximum potential Become a lifelong learner Demonstrate positive character traits Upcoming Events Henking Hawks Are Jan 15 Martin Luther King Day -- NO SCHOOL Jan 16 PTA Meeting @ Hoffman 9:15am Jan 26 Henking/Hoffman International Night @ Henking 6:00pm Jan 22 & Winter NWEA 1 st and 2 nd Grade Testing Jan 23 Jan 25 STAR Testing for Kindergarten Feb 10 Parents in Partnership @ Attea from 8:00am-11:30am

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Page 1: English 1-12-18 HE haps · болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал хийж, хөгжөөнт тоглоомуудаар тоглох боломжтой. Энэ

Henking Newsletter

January 13, 2018

Mission Statement A diverse learning community of children, teachers and parents working together

to provide a challenging and nurturing environment that empowers each student to: • Achieve one’s maximum potential

• Become a lifelong learner • Demonstrate positive character traits

Upcoming Events

Henking Hawks Are

Jan 15 Martin Luther King Day -- NO SCHOOL Jan 16 PTA Meeting @ Hoffman 9:15am Jan 26 Henking/Hoffman International Night @ Henking 6:00pm Jan 22 & Winter NWEA 1st and 2nd Grade Testing Jan 23 Jan 25 STAR Testing for Kindergarten Feb 10 Parents in Partnership @ Attea from 8:00am-11:30am

Page 2: English 1-12-18 HE haps · болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал хийж, хөгжөөнт тоглоомуудаар тоглох боломжтой. Энэ

Glenview Public Schools - Henking School Ms. Patty Puetz, Principal

To empower children to be self-directed learners and responsible decision-makers.

Dear Henking Families, Happy New Year! I am happy to report that we have not missed a beat and have transitioned back to school smoothly. As always, we strive to provide a safe and secure environment for all Henking students and staff. Please be patient and aware as you do pick-up and drop-off. Here are a few ways in which you can continue to help us maintain a safe and secure environment for all:

• Do not operate cell phones in school zones The law states that cell phones can only be used if the vehicle is parked in a parking space, or a handsfree device is used.

• Please abide by the speed limit on Wedel Lane which is 20 mph. • When picking your child up at the end of the day, please walk to the designated

pick up zone (butterfly garden) and indicate who is being picked up. This month, students will be taking the Northwest Evaluation Association assessment (NWEA). This assessment is designed to measure our first and second grade students’ growth in reading and math. Along with the NWEA, math and reading fluency will be assessed using AimsWeb Plus. The STAR assessment will be used to assess our kindergarteners reading and math attainment. Lastly, the ACCESS will be used to measure our English Learners (EL) English language attainment. I look forward to experiencing the latter half of this school year with you as we forge toward making 2018 even better than 2017!

Henking Principal

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Glenview School District 34

1401 Greenwood Road Glenview, Illinois, 60026-1511


Attea • Glen Grove • Henking • Hoffman • Lyon • Pleasant Ridge • Springman • Westbrook

(847) 998-5000 • (847) 998-5094 (Fax)



Page 4: English 1-12-18 HE haps · болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал хийж, хөгжөөнт тоглоомуудаар тоглох боломжтой. Энэ

Cold & Wet Weather Reminders Here are just a few suggestions to help the children get through the winter weather.

• Put an extra pair of socks in their backpacks in case their feet get wet at recess.

• Slip a chapstick/lip balm product into their backpack. Please do not let it be medicated or tinted and put their name on it so they do not share it with their friends!

• Make sure that their hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, boots, snow pants and jackets are all marked with their name. They have many items to put on in this weather and it is very easy for them to lose a piece or two. Help them out in identifying their belongings by marking them boldly. Also sending them in a tote bag (marked clearly with their name) helps keep everything together.

• Please dress your child appropriately for wet and snowy weather. They will not be allowed to play in the snow without boots and snow pants!

• Lice season is all year long, but sharing hats and scarves just helps them move more easily from one child to another.

As cold & flu season is rapidly approaching, here are just a few reminders to help keep our students healthy…

• Remind them to wash their hands often. • Get plenty of rest. • Eat the right foods. Extra fruits and veggies

with important vitamins and minerals are always a plus to help fight off illness.

• Dress appropriately for the weather.

If home and school work together to reinforce these healthy habits

Page 5: English 1-12-18 HE haps · болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал хийж, хөгжөөнт тоглоомуудаар тоглох боломжтой. Энэ

The K-2 Physical Education units are spiraling curriculum is units designed to meet the needs of all children while teaching them the importance of developing life long habits for regular physical activity and healthy eating. Learning Targets are posted and discussed at the beginning of each lesson to ensure the students comprehend what they are working on in class. Units typically last for one week at a time, initially teaching the basic skills. Many of the units are then revisited at a later point in the school year, to gain more experience, and are greeted with enthusiasm by the children. Ultimately, over the course of the year, the students participate in a well-rounded Physical Education program! As stated in the ISBE state standards for Physical Education: “Comprehensive physical development and health programs offer great potential for enhancing the capacity of students' minds and bodies. Extensive research connects the ability to learn to good health. Healthy minds and bodies are basic to academic success and, in later life, enhance the ability to contribute to a productive work environment. The benefits of comprehensive health and physical education include promoting a healthy generation of students who are able to achieve their highest potential, reversing the trend of deteriorating health and physical fitness among youth, and helping to lower the cost of health care in the United States.” As we are entering these cold winter months and wearing boots to school, please help us to ensure all students can participate daily in Physical Education by being prepared with gym shoes and being able to independently tie them. Upcoming Winter Units will include: Obstacle Course, Tumbling/Balance, Leisure Sports, Racket Sports, Volleyball, stationary bikes as well as Winter Olympic Sports.

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Upcoming Events

Nov-AprilTrex Recycing


Jan 16PTA Mtg

9:15 @ HO

Jan 26International


Feb 10 Parents in


Feb 23HE Movie Night

Feb 24Pancake

Breakfast @ HO

January 16th PTA MeetingJoin us for the first PTA meeting of 2018 at 9:15 am on Tuesday, January 16th at Hoffman. Catch up on what’s been happening around school and get a sneak peek at the proposed playground plans for Hoffman.

International NightGet ready to travel the world within the Henking school walls! The 15th annual HE/HO International Night is Friday, January 26th from 6:00-8:30 pm at Henking. Come experience various cultures from our community, both in food and tradition. For more information visit http://hehopta.org/Henking-International-Night/

Parents in PartnershipMark your calendars for the 19th annual parent education seminar on Saturday, February 10 at Attea Middle School. More information coming soon.

Henking Movie NightGet comfy and watch a movie with your friends on Friday, February 23rd ! Movie title and registration information coming soon. (Henking students only please)

Pancake BreakfastSave the date for our annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday February 24th at Hoffman. Come enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast with our wonderful HE/HO community.

Trex Plastic Recycling ChallengeKeep on bringing in your plastic bags to recycle for the Trex Recycling program. For more information and a complete list of what can be recycled visit http://www.henkinghoffmanpta.org/Trex-Recycling


Jan 12th, 2018 Issue


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15th ANNUAL HE/HO INTERNATIONAL FAIR Friday, January 26th, 2018

Henking School 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Tour our cultural rooms filled with treasures from around the world. Also enjoy making your own craft or playing a game in each room. Children will chart their progress using their International passports. Some of the countries represented will be China, Greece, India, Ireland, Isreal, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Sweden! (If you would like to host a country, please feel free to contact us!) Visit our International Café and taste treats from around the world. Please bring small bills as the cost of items will be from $1-$5. (If you own or know of someone who owns a restaurant and/or store that would like to donate an International food item to sell, we would love to include as part of our café menu. Unfortunately we cannot accept home prepared food items.) Please contact Carla Harabetian at [email protected] or Loretta Barsamian at [email protected] for more information or food donation.

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 Хэнкин- Хофман сургуулиудын Эцэг Эхийн Зөвлөл 



Хэнкин/Хофман сургуулиудын жил бүр зохион байгуулдаг Олон Улсын  

15 дахь удаагийн арга хэмжээ 2018 оны 1-р сарын 26 ны Баасан гарагт 

6:00-8:30 цагт Хэнкин сургууль дээр болно.   Та бүхэн энэ өдөр дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрээс авчирсан эрдэнэс баялгаар дүүрэн олон үндэстний соёлын өргөөгөөр айлчилна уу. Мөн хүүхдүүд өрөө болгоноор орж янз бүрийн гар урлал хийж, хөгжөөнт тоглоомуудаар тоглох боломжтой. Энэ үед хүүхдүүдэд Олон улсын паспорт олгох бөгөөд паспорт дээрээ өөрсдийн цуглуулсан оноогоо тэмдэглүүлнэ.   

Бидэнтэй хамт дараах улсын төлөөллүүд оролцож байна.Үүнд: Хятад, Грек, 

Энэтхэг, Ирланд, Израил, Япон, Солонгос, Мексик, Швед г.м ( Хэрэв та 

өөрийн улсаа төлөөлж нэгдэхийг хүсч байвал бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу)   

Мөн Та манай Олон улсын кафегаар зочилж дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрийн амтатнаас амсах боломжтой. Амталгаа бүр $1-$5 үнэтэй байх учраас та бага хэмжээний задгай бэлэн мөнгөтэй ирэхийг хүсч байна. (Хэрэв Та олон улсын хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн хандивлах боломжтой ресторан болон хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн борлуулдаг бизнэс эрхлэгч таньдаг бол Та манай Олон улсын кафены хоолны цэсэд бүртгүүлж зарах боломжтой юм. Харамсалтай нь 

гэрийн нөхцөлд хийсэн хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн зарахыг бид зөвшөөрөхгүй.) Хэрэв Та нэмэлт мэдээлэл болон хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн хандивлахыг хүсэж байвал Carla Harabetian [email protected] эсвэл Loretta Barsamian [email protected] гэсэн хаягаар холбоо барина уу.