english esl english for speakers of other languages

ENGLISH First grade students read at their own developmental level in carefully assigned reading groups. They are exposed to a rich variety of ficon and non-ficon as well as specific phonics-based texts, which will enable the students to develop an appreciaon for literature and a life-long love for reading. Students learn to describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly while retelling the stories. Students have the opportunity to experiment with different types of wring and move from simple phonec to more convenonal wring. First graders explore different types of personal, subject, research, poetry, opinion pieces and story wring. Great emphasis is given to developing independent writers who can integrate their wring skills into all areas of the curriculum. Students in first grade parcipate in collaborave conversaons with diverse partners about first-grade topics and texts with peers and adults. They also build on others’ talk in conversaons by responding to the comments of others through mulple exchanges. First graders learn how to ask and answer quesons in order to gather addional informaon or clarify something that is not understood. Students also ask and answer quesons about key details in a text read aloud or informaon presented orally or through other media. MATH In order to culvate an in-depth understanding of mathemacs, students focus on developing their process skills through mathemacal pracces. They make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantavely, construct viable arguments, and crique the reasoning of others. Students model with mathemacs and use appropriate tools strategically. They aend to precision, look for and make use of structure and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Process skills are the essenal elements for the mastering of math and will be developed through the content shown below. Students develop strategies for adding and subtracng whole numbers using a variety of models. Students develop strategies to solve arithmec problems within 20. By comparing a variety of soluon strategies, children build their understanding of the relaonship between addion and subtracon. First graders develop methods to add within 100 and subtract mulples of 10. They compare whole numbers (at least to 100) to develop understanding of and solve problems involving their relave sizes. Through acvies that build number sense, they understand the order of the counng numbers and their relave magnitudes. Students in grade one develop an understanding of the meaning and processes of measurement such as length, weight, capacity, me, and money (Euros). Students develop common referents for measures to make comparisons and esmates. They learn to recognize and sort plane and solid shapes by describing their geometric attributes. They recognize and create shapes that have symmetry, and develop an understanding of fracons and represent them. SCIENCE In first grade we focus on developing the following science and engineering pracces or skills: Asking quesons and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out invesgaons Analyzing and interpreng data Construcng explanaons and designing soluons Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluang, and communicang informaon We develop these skills by studying the following content areas: Physical Science: Defining and Deliming Engineering Problems, Developing Possible Soluons, Opmizing the Design Soluon. Life Science: Wave Properes, Electromagnec Radiaon, Informaon Technologies and Instrumentaon. Earth Science: The Universe and its Stars, Earth and the Solar System. Engineering and Technology: Structure and Funcon, Growth and Development of Organisms, Informaon Processing, Inheritance of Traits, Variaon of Traits. SOCIAL STUDIES The first grade Social Studies curriculum has four main areas of study: History, Culture & Perspecve Geography, People and the Environment Economics, Innovaon & Technology Civics, Government and Human Rights Students will gain an understanding of the similaries and differences between themselves and others. They will compare and contrast families, cultures, customs, countries, tradions and will explore the Fesvals and Celebraons of different naonal and cultural groups. The children will idenfy people from the past who have demonstrated posive character traits such as honesty, courage, and responsibility. Students will develop an understanding of how such heroes (Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Marn Luther King) changed people ́s lives. They will disnguish between the differences of needs and wants and how people have to work in order to obtain what they need or want. Students will develop map skills by recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cies, and roads. First Graders will also learn about different climac regions and their parcular characteriscs. Through all of these, the students will develop their skills at reading a variety of informational texts. PNL LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA 1 Quando os alunos chegam ao primeiro ano, já fizeram de um modo informal, as aquisições linguíscas no meio onde vivem e onde intervêm, tendo alargado competências que lhes permitem comunicar com os outros na Língua Materna, o Português. O conjunto de objevos para a primeira fase do Ensino Básico, é definido de acordo com os princípios estabelecidos pela Lei de Bases do Sistema Educavo e apresenta os domínios de: Comunicação Oral e Escrita, num processo pedagógico centrado nos alunos que, em interação turma-professora constroem a sua aprendizagem, evoluindo progressivamente. No final do ano, pretende-se que o aluno tenha feito a aquisição da Leitura e da Escrita. Ao longo do ano, os alunos irão desenvolver as Competências da Educação Literária, e terão oportunidade de ler em espaço sala de aula entre eles o livro: Os Ovos Misteriosos, Ducla Soares; Não Consegues Dormir, Urso Pequeno, Martim Waddell. O Manual adotado é o Projeto Desafios da Sanllana. MUSIC Grade 1 musicians focus on developing four arsc processes: Create, Perform, Respond, and Connect. They begin to idenfy and perform basic elements of notaon including quarter notes, eighth notes, and basic solfege. Singing and playing is enforced through mulcultural songs and games. Students also start to create through improvisaon and simple composion. Grade 1 students perform twice annually: the Winter Showcase and the Spring Show. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) Technology is an integral part of the First Grade Curriculum. Students develop acvies and projects fully integrated into all curricular areas by using LEGO construcons, programmable floor robots and laptops in their classrooms. An integraon specialist works collaboravely with Grade 1 teachers to plan, implement and assess relevant, age-appropriate projects. Internet safety and digital cizenship issues are discussed at an age-appropriate level. PE PHYSICAL EDUCATION The first grade curriculum is designed to help students work on their coordinaon, locomotors skills and motor abilies. We will start working in general, going to the specifics of the sports skills. Students will be introduced to sports skills, but will not apply them in game situaons. Fair play, safety in class, respect for rules and classmates will also be developed. PFL PORTUGUESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) is offered to students who are new to the language (except to those who are beginner ESL). This program will give students the opportunity to express themselves in Portuguese and understand the culture of Portugal. Students who complete the PFL program through the Advanced level are eligible to move into PNL (Portuguese as a Nave Language). During the transion, students will typically receive an Accommodaon Plan. ART Grade 1 arsts focus on developing four arsc processes: Create, Perform, Respond, and Connect. The elements of art previously explored, are reviewed and built upon. Collage work enables students to develop their manipulaon skills further, as they create work inspired by illustrators. The student’s experience of art is broadened by studying the art of different arsts and cultures. Artwork can be viewed at the Spring Show and the Fine Arts Fesval. ESL ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES English for Speakers of other Languages (ESL) is designed to teach students to become socially and academically competent in English. Students who demonstrate beginner and intermediate levels are designated as part of the program. Elementary ESL students are assessed and taught in two small separate groups according to their level of English. Listening, speaking, reading and wring skills are introduced and reinforced to achieve fluency. ESL teachers regularly monitor student progress during the year, as students improve, to modify the program according to student needs. This is done through work samples, observaons, and official tesng. Students are mainstreamed from ESL when they demonstrate an advanced proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and wring. On average, students are in the ESL program at CAISL for about 2 years, but this can vary depending on background in English and other factors. 1 ST GRADE

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ENGLISHFirst grade students read at their own developmental level in carefully assigned reading groups. They are exposed to a rich variety of fiction and non-fiction as well as specific phonics-based texts, which will enable the students to develop an appreciation for literature and a life-long love for reading. Students learn to describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly while retelling the stories.

Students have the opportunity to experiment with different types of writing and move from simple phonetic to more conventional writing. First graders explore different types of personal, subject, research, poetry, opinion pieces and story writing. Great emphasis is given to developing independent writers who can integrate their writing skills into all areas of the curriculum.

Students in first grade participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about first-grade topics and texts with peers and adults. They also build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. First graders learn how to ask and answer questions in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood. Students also ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

MATHIn order to cultivate an in-depth understanding of mathematics, students focus on developing their process skills through mathematical practices. They make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments, and critique the reasoning of others. Students model with mathematics and use appropriate tools strategically. They attend to precision, look for and make use of structure and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Process skills are the essential elements for the mastering of math and will be developed through the content shown below.

Students develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models. Students develop strategies to solve arithmetic problems within 20. By comparing a variety of solution strategies, children build their understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.

First graders develop methods to add within 100 and subtract multiples of 10. They compare whole numbers (at least to 100) to develop understanding of and solve problems involving their relative sizes. Through activities that build number sense, they understand the order of the counting numbers and their relative magnitudes.

Students in grade one develop an understanding of the meaning and processes of measurement such as length, weight, capacity, time, and money (Euros). Students develop common referents for measures to make comparisons and estimates.

They learn to recognize and sort plane and solid shapes by describing their geometric attributes. They recognize and create shapes that have symmetry, and develop an

understanding of fractions and represent them.

SCIENCEIn first grade we focus on developing the following science and engineering practices or skills: • Asking questions and defining problems• Developing and using models• Planning and carrying out investigations• Analyzing and interpreting data• Constructing explanations and designing solutions • Engaging in argument from evidence• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating


We develop these skills by studying the following content areas:Physical Science: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems, Developing Possible Solutions, Optimizing the Design Solution.Life Science: Wave Properties, Electromagnetic Radiation, Information Technologies and Instrumentation.Earth Science: The Universe and its Stars, Earth and the Solar System.Engineering and Technology: Structure and Function, Growth and Development of Organisms, Information Processing, Inheritance of Traits, Variation of Traits.

SOCIAL STUDIES The first grade Social Studies curriculum has four main areas of study:

• History, Culture & Perspective • Geography, People and the Environment • Economics, Innovation & Technology • Civics, Government and Human RightsStudents will gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between themselves and others. They will compare and contrast families,

cultures, customs, countries, traditions and will explore the Festivals and Celebrations of different national and

cultural groups. The children will identify people from the past who have demonstrated positive character traits such as

honesty, courage, and responsibility. Students will develop an understanding of how such heroes (Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King) changed people ́s lives. They will distinguish between the differences of needs and wants and how people have to work in order to obtain what they need or want. Students will develop map skills by recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and roads. First Graders will also learn about different climatic regions and their particular characteristics. Through all of these, the students will develop their skills at reading a variety of i n f o r m a t i o n a l texts.


Quando os alunos chegam ao primeiro ano, já fizeram de um modo informal, as aquisições linguísticas no meio onde vivem e onde intervêm, tendo alargado competências que lhes permitem comunicar com os outros na Língua Materna, o Português. O conjunto de objetivos para a primeira fase do Ensino Básico, é definido de acordo com os

princípios estabelecidos pela Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo e apresenta os domínios de:

Comunicação Oral e Escrita, num processo pedagógico centrado nos alunos que, em

interação turma-professora constroem a sua aprendizagem, evoluindo progressivamente.

No final do ano, pretende-se que o aluno tenha feito a aquisição da Leitura e da Escrita. Ao longo do ano, os alunos irão desenvolver as Competências da Educação Literária, e terão oportunidade de ler em espaço sala de aula entre eles o livro: Os Ovos Misteriosos, Ducla Soares; Não Consegues Dormir, Urso Pequeno, Martim Waddell. O Manual adotado é o Projeto Desafios da Santillana.

MUSICGrade 1 musicians focus

on developing four artistic processes: Create,

Perform, Respond, and Connect. They begin to

identify and perform basic elements of

notation including quarter notes,

eighth notes, and basic solfege. Singing

and playing is enforced through multicultural

songs and games. Students also start to create

through improvisation and simple composition.

Grade 1 students perform twice annually: the Winter Showcase and the Spring


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT)Technology is an integral part of the First Grade Curriculum. Students develop activities and projects fully integrated into all curricular areas by using LEGO constructions, programmable floor robots and laptops in their classrooms. An integration specialist works collaboratively with Grade 1 teachers to plan, implement and assess relevant, age-appropriate projects. Internet safety and digital citizenship issues are discussed at an age-appropriate level.


The first grade curriculum is designed to help students work on their coordination, locomotors

skills and motor abilities. We will start working in general, going to the specifics of the sports skills.

Students will be introduced to sports skills, but will not apply them in game situations. Fair play, safety in class,

respect for rules and classmates will also be developed.


Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) is offered to students who are new to the language (except to those who are beginner ESL). This program will give students the opportunity to express themselves in Portuguese and understand the culture of Portugal. Students who complete the PFL program through the Advanced level are eligible to move into PNL (Portuguese as a Native Language). During the transition, students will typically receive an Accommodation Plan.

ART Grade 1 artists focus on

developing four artistic processes: Create, Perform, Respond, and Connect. The elements of art

previously explored, are reviewed and built

upon. Collage work enables students to develop their

manipulation skills further, as they create work

inspired by illustrators. The student’s experience of art is broadened by studying

the art of different artists and cultures.

Artwork can be viewed at the Spring Show and the Fine

Arts Festival.


English for Speakers of other Languages (ESL) is designed to teach students to become socially and academically competent in English. Students who demonstrate beginner and intermediate levels are designated as part of the program. Elementary ESL students are assessed and taught in two small separate groups according to their

level of English. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are introduced and reinforced

to achieve fluency.

ESL teachers regularly monitor student progress during the year, as students improve, to

modify the program according to student needs. This is done through work samples, observations, and official testing. Students are mainstreamed from ESL when they demonstrate an advanced proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. On average, students are in the ESL program at CAISL for about

2 years, but this can vary depending on background in English and other factors.



Grade 1

is a student-centered educational community in which we challenge ourselves and each other

to do our best and to make positive contributions to our diverse and ever-changing world.

Revised July 2016