english exam. 5th grade

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  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    ENGLISH exam.5TH. Grade.

    first bimester

    STUDENTS NAME____________________________________________________________________

    TEACHERS NAME: IVETH LOREDO L. DATE: _________________________________

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.



    I. Look at the pictures and write sentences using frequency adverbs (always, often, usually,

    sometimes, never) (5 points)

    1. Santiago and Andrea practice 2. Said rides a bicycle 5 days a week

    tennis 3 day a week

    3. Mario plays basketball 4. Majo and Gael play football 4 day a week

    7 days a week

    5.Raul doesnt practice baseball

    1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

    2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

    3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

    4. ___________________________________________________________________________________

    5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

    II. Insert the frequency adverb in the right place (10 points)

    Example: We are happy at school. (always)

    We are always happy at school.

    1. I can go to the cinema on Fridays. (often)

    2. Chris is smiling. (always)

    3. My brother does the homework. (sometimes)

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    4. I forget my book. (never)

    5. They are at work at 6 a.m. (usually)

    6. The canteen is full at lunchtime. (always)

    7. Dad cooks our dinner. (usually)

    8. On Saturdays she is with her friends. (sometimes)

    9. I am late. (never)

    10. We are hungry. (always)

    III. Unscramble the words in the sentences below and put them in the correct order using present

    continuous. (10 points)

    1. Joan / thinking/ He/ about / is /_________________________________________________________

    2. plane / My / is / brother / traveling / by /_________________________________________________

    3. in the supermarket / shopping / am / I / going / ___________________________________________

    4. raining / outside / is / a / It / lot_________________________________________________________

    5. football / is / her / She / friends / playing / with____________________________________________

    6. I / my new car / driving / am___________________________________________________________

    7. today / raining / is / it______________________________________________________________

    8. eating / am / at home / I ______________________________________________________________

    9. She / speaking / is / to / friends/ her_____________________________________________________

    10. TV / moment / watching / They / at / are/ the__________________________________________

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    IV. Look at the picture and write about the activities that the people are doing (6 points)







    V. Fill in the blanks with too many or too much(10 points)

    1. Jack always gives too __________ bad advice, you shouldn't trust him!

    2. Tokyo is very crowded, theres just too _______ people!

    3. Some people have too ________ money and too much time. What do they do with it all?

    4. Venice in summer has too ________ tourists that visit each year.

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    5. My city has too ________ traffic during rush hour.

    6. There are just too ________ cars on the road!

    7. In my opinion Windows Vista had too ________ problems. I prefer Windows 7.

    8. Parts of Africa have too ________ heat and sunshine, especially in summer.

    9. I'm so busy! I have too _________ things to do today!

    10. My friend Lily is addicted to too _________ videogames. She can play for hours sometimes!

    VI. Look at the pictures and write about the guys did in the school yesterday. (Simple past)






  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.



    Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________

    Complete with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

    Once upon a time there ___________ (be) a little girl who ___________

    (be) loved by everyone, but most of all by her grandmother. Once

    she ___________ (give) her a little riding hood of red velvet, which

    ___________ (suit) her so well that she would never wear anything

    else; so she __________ (be) always called Little Red Riding Hood.

    One day her mother __________ (ask) her to take a piece of cake

    and a bottle of wine to her grandmother because she __________ (be) ill and weak. Her

    mother _________ (tell) her to set out before it ___________ (get) hot and not to run off

    the path.The grandmother ____________ (live) out in the wood and just as Little Red Riding Hood

    ___________ (enter) the wood, a wolf ___________ (meet) her. Red Riding Hood

    __________ (do) not know what an evil creature he __________ (be), and __________ (be)

    not at all afraid of him.

    Good day, Little Red Riding Hood., _________ (say) he.

    Thank you kindly, wolf.

    Where are you going so early, Little Red Riding Hood?

    To my grandmothers.

    What have you got in your basket?

    Cake and wine. Poor grandmother is sick so I am taking her

    something good, to make her stronger.

    Where does your grandmother live, Little Red Riding Hood?

    In the wood., ____________ (reply) Little Red Riding Hood.

    The wolf ____________ (think) to himself: What a tender young

    creature! What a nice plump mouthful. She will be better to eat

    than the old woman. I must act cleverly, so as to catch both.

    So he ___________ (walk) for a short time by the side of Little Red Riding Hood, and then

    he _________ (say): See, Little Red R iding Hood, how pretty the flowers are about here.

    Why do you not look round?

    Little Red Riding Hood __________ (raise) her eyes, and when she _________ (see) the

    sunbeams dancing here and there through the trees, and pretty flowers growing

    everywhere, she __________ (think): Suppose I take grandmother a fresh nosegay; that

    would please her too. It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time.So she __________ (run) from the path into the wood to look for flowers. And whenever

    she _________ (have) picked one, she __________ (fancy) that she ________ (see) a still

    prettier one farther on, and _________ (run) after it, and so _________ (get) deeper and

    deeper into the wood.

    Meanwhile the wolf _________ (run) straight to the grandmothers house and

    ____________ (knock) at the door.

    Who is there?

    Little Red Riding Hood., __________ (reply) the wolf. She is bringing cake and wine;

    open the door.

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    Lift the latch.,_________ (call) out the grandmother, I am too weak, and cannot get

    up.The wolf _________ (lift) the latch, the door __________ (open), and without saying a word

    he __________ (go) straight to the grandmothers bed, and ______________ (devour) her.

    Then he _________ (put) on her clothes, __________ (dress) himself in her cap, _________

    (lay) himself in bed and __________ (draw) the curtains.

    Little Red Riding Hood, who ________ (have) been running aboutpicking flowers, then ___________ (remember) her grandmother and

    ________ (set) out on the way to her.

    She __________ (be) surprised to find the cottage door standing

    open, and when she ____________ (go) into the room, she

    ___________ (call) out: Good morning!, but ____________ (receive)

    no answer; so she ____________ (go) to the bed and ____________ (draw) back the

    curtains. There __________ (lay) her grandmother with her cap ___________ (pull) far over

    her face, and looking very strange.

    Oh! Grandmother, she _________ (say), what big ears you have!

    All the better to hear you with, my child!, __________ (be) the reply.

    But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!, she _________ (say).

    All the better to see you with, my dear.

    But, grandmother, what large hands you have!

    All the better to hug you with.

    Oh! But, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!

    All the better to eat you with!

    And scarcely _________ (have) the wolf said this, than with one jump he _______ (be) out

    of bed and ___________ (swallow) up Red Riding Hood.

    When the wolf _________ (have) appeased his appetite, he _________ (lay) down again

    in the bed, _________ (fall) asleep and __________ (begin) to snore very loud.

    The huntsman _________ (be) just passing the house, and __________ (think) to himself:

    Howthe old woman is snoring! I must just see if she wants anything. So he _________

    (go) into the room, and when he ________ (come) to the bed, he _________ (see) thatthe wolf ________ (be) lying in it.

    Do I find you here, you old sinner! _________ (say) he. I have long sought you! But just

    as he _________ (be) going to fire at him, it ___________ (occur) to him that the wolf

    might have devoured the grandmother, and that she might still be saved, so he

    ________ (do) not fire, but _________ (take) a pair of scissors, and _________ (begin) to cut

    open the stomach of the sleeping wolf.

    When he _________ (have) made two snips, he _________ (see) the little red riding hood

    shining, and then he _________ (make) two snips more, and the little girl

    __________ (spring) out.

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.



    Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________________________

    Read each passage about desert plants and answer the questions (10 points).

    Desert Plants1. Thesaguaro cactusgrows in the Sonoran Desert. It can grow to

    be sixty feet tall.

    Thesaguaro cactusis a very slow growing plant.

    Where does the saguaro cactus grow?


    2. The palo verdetree is the state tree of Arizona.

    The palo verde tree blossoms in May and June with tiny yellow

    flowers. It is a very pretty tree.

    What is the state tree of Arizona?


    3. The pincushion cactusis a low growing cactus shaped somewhat

    like a pincushion. It looks as if it has pins sticking out of it.The pincushion cactusproduces fruit that is red, green or yellow.

    What animal could you call a pincushion animal?


    4. The barrel cactusdoes not grow very tall. Inside the barrel cactus is

    a substance that is the source of cactus candy.

    The barrel cactusis sometimes called the compass cactus.

    What can be made from a barrel cactus?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. The yucca plantis a very versatile plant.

    The roots can be pounded and soaked then used to make shampoo.

    What is one product you can make from the yucca plant?


  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.



    Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________

    I. Write the numbers with words.

    II. Write with words the following basic operations

    456 + 34489 =

    78 + 560 + 24 =

    78 X 5865 =

    15055 X 68 =

    367 + 801 X 43=

  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.



    Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

    I. Label the pictures (10 points)

    _________________ _____________ _______________ _______________ _________________

    ____________ _________________ ______________ ________________ ________________

    II. Match the concepts with the correct definition (5 points).






    A man whose job is to serve customers at

    their tables in a restaurant.

    The method of human communication,

    either spoken or written, consisting of the use

    of words in a structured and conventional


    A piece of cloth or similar material, typically

    oblong or square, attachable by one edge

    to a pole or rope and used as the symbol.

    The state of the atmosphere at a place and

    time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness,

    sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

    A weapon with a long metal blade and a

    hilt with a handguard, used for thrusting or


  • 8/12/2019 English Exam. 5th Grade.


    III. Complete the following chart with the correct verb tense and then, classify the verbs (regular and













    Regular Irregular