english faculty nomination: youth education Выполнила : Студентка...

ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила: Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева Анастасия Пет 16 лет. Tuimazy Teacher Training College

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Page 1: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева


Youth education

Выполнила:Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303Сергеева Анастасия Петровна16 лет.

Tuimazy Teacher Training College

Page 2: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

CONTENtSThe importance of getting education

Let’s travel to our past

Youth of the world

Education and youth

Education and a career

Health and education

Page 3: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Why is it necessary to get


to get a good job and

achieve a succeful career

to communicat

e and socialize

to lead an


g lifestyle

to build up our


about the world






Page 4: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева
Page 5: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева


In the past young people were less educated. It inspired them to achieve more. They tried to get some knowledge, achieve prosperity and success, which helped them to create their own language, culture , education and civilization.

Page 6: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева







Successful life

Healthy way of life

Steps of a successful career

Page 7: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Nowadays young people make 25 percent of population of the world.

The present generation of youth is the most educated .

High education is prestigious among youth

Page 8: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Education is one of the unites of

our existence. Our civilization is

impossible without


Page 9: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

All young people at a certain period in life have to face the problem of choosing a career. The task is not easy. We want to have an interesting, prestigious, well-paid and prospective job. Thanks to education we can achieve a great success in science, technology, culture, economics, politics and sports.

Page 10: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

The knowledge of foreign languages is also important for getting qualified education, especially the knowledge of English, as English became the language of international communication. Nowadays English is fulfilling the function of a lingua franca in our globalized world. English is the mother tongue of 75% of respondents. Over 85% of the scientific, technological investigations in the world today are done in English.

Today millions of people study English, so do we!

Page 11: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

is a bridge


Countries Nationalities Cultures Religions Youth

Page 12: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Healthy way of life

Health is very important for getting education

Page 13: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Class activities•The students of Tuimazy Teacher Training College study different aspects of English. •We practice listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. •We study business English, culture and history of English – speaking countries. •We had great achievements in studying English which were justified by international certificates, diplomas such as Cambridge Certificate awarded by the British Councils.

Page 14: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

Knowledge is a great power which helps us to overcome problems of intercultural communication, education, business promotion and a career.

Page 15: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

We think that our education is the better way for the future

Page 16: ENGLISH FACULTY Nomination: Youth education Выполнила : Студентка Отделение иностранных языков Специальность 050303 Сергеева

And what do you think about your education??
