english learner supports professional development

English Learner Supports Professional Development 12/12/12 By: Marco Samaniego

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English Learner Supports Professional Development. 12/12/12 By: Marco Samaniego. Today’s Purpose. Share how I am addressing parent concerns of ELs Develop understanding of LTELs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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English Learner SupportsProfessional Development12/12/12

By: Marco Samaniego

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Today’s PurposeShare how I am addressing parent concerns of ELs

Develop understanding of LTELsContinue our evidentiary work in implementing SDAIE, QTEL, and other learning/teaching strategies into daily lessons.

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Update ELAC work and parent concerns / trainings (10min)

Long Term English Learners (LTELs)(35 min) Definition Characteristics of LTELs What Works? Reading My work with our LTELs

Top EL strategies to incorporate into every lesson [Make it Take lab] (45 min)


Review top 10 researched EL teaching strategies Academic Language Development (ALD). Sentence Frames (Discussion

starters using the content specific terms) Create/ adapt lesson plans to incorporate at least 3 strategies into every


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ELAC Work and Parent Concerns•How can I know when my student is not doing

homework/classwork/etc. or know my child’s grades?

•How can I communicate to teachers that do not speak my language (the parent’s language)?

•Are teachers using EL strategies you talk about? My son/daughter says that they do not understand some or most of the instruction.

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ELAC Work and Parent Trainings• ELAC Parent Training – ParentConnect (taught

12/5/12) Parents now can access grades/homework/etc… Please use Zangle

• ELAC Parent Training - Google Translate (taught 12/5/12) Parents now know how they can translate from primary language (not Somali) to English.

• Classroom Visitations – Looking at EL student participation (student self motivation) – Lesson Observation Tool (I know how I may support you)

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LTEL DefinitionEnrolled in any of grades 6-12, inclusiveEnrolled in U.S. schools for more than 6

yrs. Remain at the same proficiency level for

two or more consecutive years as determined by CELDT.

Score Far Below Basic or Below Basic on the ELA standardized achievement test

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SDUSD Data 2011 - 2012


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Bell Middle Site Data* 2011-2012


*Includes Students identified as Special Ed and EL

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Characteristics of LTEL

1. Struggle academically

2. Distinct language issues

3. High functioning in social situations

4. Weak academics & gaps in literacy skills

5. Learned passivity

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What Works?Reparable Harm by Laurie Olsen

Reading with a Focus: pgs. 31-33 (3min. Silent reading)

What should Long Term English Learners be getting in school?

Share your understandings with a partner.

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Task: Fist Bump

My Top 3Effective practices for supporting Long

Term English Learners are 1____ 2.____ 3.____.

1.Participants write out the three sentences from the slide2. Everyone stands and finds a partner (to fist bump) 3.Partners take turns reading aloud their writing4.Find a new partner and the cycle continues.

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What Works?

Reparable Harm by Laurie Olsen

Reading with a Focus: pgs. 31-33

Collaborative ReflectionWhat are Bell’s strengths and areas of need with regard to the basic principles of instruction for Long Term English Learners?

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Our LTEL Numbers*(*No SPED Students)

Known LTELs

Watch List

6th graders 14 4

7th graders 12 2

8th graders 9 5

Total 35 11

TOTAL OVERALL: 46 Students

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6th Grade LTEL’s

Ali Suhaib 6

Alvarez Stephanie 6

Cardona-Martinez Isaac 6

Cruz Alexi 6

De La mora Sahara 6

Godinez Aaron 6

Gomez Fernando 6

Gonzalez Brian 6

Jimenez Kassandra 6

Lopez Leonardo 6

Medina Theresa 6

Millan Aispuro Luis 6

Valles Erick 6

Velazquez Yamile 6


Chavira Brisheira 6

Garcia Kalid 6

Inzunza Karina 6

Chavira Brisheira 6AT R

ISK to





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7th Grade LTELs

Bigalbal Virgil 7

Bray Brian 7

Calderon Oscar 7

Gaspar David 7

Javier Nia Nicole 7

Lora Fabian 7

Moreno Daisy

Muse Abdikadar

Orta Kevin

Payawal Mark Dave

Ruiz Jonathan

Sanchez Lizeth


Sanchez Ashly 7

Villalobos April 7 14

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8th Grade LTELs

Alshaheri Adam 8

Barrios Viviana 8

Chavez Ricardo 8

Facio David 8


Hernandez-Maciel Jymmy 8

Khounborin Victoria 8

Lorenzana Lazaro 8

Nur Alia 8

Pena Veronica 8

Quizon Ivan Laurence 8

Quizon John 8

Rivera Juan Ricardo 8

Rodriguez-Padilla Ivonne 8

Sario Tracy 8


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My Work with our LTELs

•Meet with 6th and 7th grade students once every 3 weeks during their lunch

•Share individual English benchmark scores

•Review the standards that are missing•Make individual goals to know/

understand/ learn specific standards•Keep record of all assessments and goals•Make myself available to each student –

via google phone number forward to my cell

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Top 10 EL Instructional StrategiesVisualsImages Drawings Body cues

Think – Pair- Share (structured talk time)

Shared Reading(Group reading – teacher lead)

Think aloud(metacognition)

Word Wall(Key Vocabulary) Front Loading (Vocabulary)

Chunking Texts

Cues Questions Graphic Organizers

Access Prior Learning(KWhL)



Sentence Frames (Discussion Starters)

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Word Walls and Discussion Starters

Wolfe – Math Word Strip Galloway – Math Discussion Frames

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Sentence Frames & Word Wall

Galloway – Math Sentence Frames Hodge – Word Wall – Key Vocab

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Picture Vocab –w/Sentence Frames

Example of ELD grammar lesson – Ordinal Adjectives and present tense verbs

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Outcome: End Product

•Please use either word wall – key vocabulary OR Sentence / Discussion Frames and at least 2 other strategies to include in your daily lessons plans.

• Incorporate these strategies in your plans. This means that you create your sentence frames or vocabulary terms for your next unit /lesson.OPEN the One Note attachment from today’s email