english lessons

The lessons that I learned from the story: 1. Letting go and be truthful. The fear of letting go of someone you love is very difficult and you tend to sympathize with what Connor through from this story. We’ve all lost people in one way or another. People die every day, people move out of our lives just like we are but mere apartments. Letting go of anyone, in anyway, is something that that individual has to deal with on their own. As a young boy Connor scared for his mother, but he’s also scared for himself. He wants to keep her with him, but he wants her to stop suffering. He’s angry, he’s sad, and he just has no idea what to do with all of the emotions that threaten to engulf him at any second. Connor's emotions as they change from hopeful to angry to longing to desperate but they become absorbed and entangled with them. Through the various stories the Monster shares with Connor he slowly peels back the layers of Connor’s armor, literally calling him to bring forth the truth. The truth about how he feels about the potential loss of his mother and how he chooses to hide it, most especially from her. Losing someone is beyond our expectation, what is all about is how we accept the truth and deal with it, letting go because that is the truth, like Connor could finally let his mother go and told his feelings that has been hidden since his mother sick that he love her and that he don’t want her to die. Be truthful to yourself. It’s the only way to find out what’s really Title : Monster Calls Author : Patrick Ness Page : 215 Devina XI IPA 3/22

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The lessons that I learned from the story:

1. Letting go and be truthful.

The fear of letting go of someone you love is very difficult and you tend to sympathize with what Connor through from this story. We’ve all lost people in one way or another. People die every day, people move out of our lives just like we are but mere apartments. Letting go of anyone, in anyway, is something that that individual has to deal with on their own. As a young boy Connor scared for his mother, but he’s also scared for himself. He wants to keep her with him, but he wants her to stop suffering. He’s angry, he’s sad, and he just has no idea what to do with all of the emotions that threaten to engulf him at any second. Connor's emotions as they change from hopeful to angry to longing to desperate but they become absorbed and entangled with them. Through the various stories the Monster shares with Connor he slowly peels back the layers of Connor’s armor, literally calling him to bring forth the truth. The truth about how he feels about the potential loss of his mother and how he chooses to hide it, most especially from her.

Losing someone is beyond our expectation, what is all about is how we accept the truth and deal with it, letting go because that is the truth, like Connor could finally let his mother go and told his feelings that has been hidden since his mother sick that he love her and that he don’t want her to die. Be truthful to yourself. It’s the only way to find out what’s really beneath it all. Sometimes we just have to accept it, breathe through it, and know that this is happening because it’s time for us to grow. And in the case of a person, you are not only holding yourself hostage, you’re holding them hostage, too. It can be a cruel and insensitive thing to keep someone from moving on because the best thing is letting go. We have to move on, follow our heart and believe that time will heal everything.

2. It’s not what happens to us that defines us, but rather how we chose to deal with the situation, face the truth and positive thinking.

The cruelty of nature and the necessity to accept that sometimes in life things happen that are beyond out control. Conner’s mother suffered cancer that was just beyond Connor expectation, Connor situation where he takes care of his ailing mother ‘alone’. His parents are separated and his father lives with his new family in America. Apart from his grandmother, who is not the cuddly type, Connor has

Title : Monster CallsAuthor : Patrick NessPage : 215

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no other family to lean on. He feels isolated and responsible for his mother. It’s a huge strain and things aren’t helped by the fact that his classmates avoid him and his friends even teased him with the fact that her mother bald. In a typically teenage way, most are uncomfortable knowing his mom is dying and unsure of how to treat him. But Connor have to deal with the fact that soon or later her mother will die, and think that the best thing for her mother is to let her go. Sometimes the truth is hurtful, things are out of our expectation, we don’t know what will happen next, the cruelty of lives in front of us, in order to that we have to cope and deal with the situation, understanding and we have to move forward and face the truth soon or later. The important thing is we can’t change other people, the past, or circumstances out of our control. All we can change is ourselves. Shift our focus back onto ourselves and realize that we have the power to change our life and deal with the situation. Sometimes we need to take it step by step and nurture ourselves in the process and rise again.

3. Cherish those that you love, you never know if you’ll see them again.

From this stories we can see that the truth that Connor’s mother soon will die because of cancer and he’s also scared for himself. He wants to keep her with him, but he wants her to stop suffering. He wanted the best for her mother, although he never had been in so close relationship with her mother. This book reminds us that live is precious and we have to cherish every moment with those we have in life, mostly our parents and relatives. Time is precious. From this story I learn that loosing someone, no matter to death, distance or other circumstances, has taught me to really cherish the people and see them as God’s gift. I am learning to be kinder, more accepting, more at peace with others, realizing we are all doing the best we can at any given moment. I want to be able to tell the people who are close to me what their friendship means to me, just because, and not motivated by circumstances. To be able to apologize for thoughtlessness, situations that come up even the unintentional, to be able to make things 'peaceful' whenever they're not seems to be the focus now. Sometimes it's difficult but the outcome is always worth it. The love the people whom I love give feeds me and sustains me. It makes my darkest days less dark and my sunniest days more brilliant. Love always makes life more beautiful because love is the most valuable gift we receive in life.  Cherish the people who love us, for love is what life is about.

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Then. Let. It. Go. Live life with meaning and purpose. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Work on letting go of old hurts. Turn your dreams into action. Don't just talk. DO! Because all we really have to hold onto is what we do in the here and now. I realize it's not an easy way to live all the time. But this book reminds us that life is precious. We can't waste it. That WE are responsible for finding meaning to our own lives and making something special out of it.

connect with the story on a personal level; the fear of letting go of someone you love is very difficult and you tend to sympathize with the young hero. The emotions come to you because the story can relate to everyone who is reading it. It's one of the saddest books I've read, and also one of my favorite books. The artwork in the book is also incredible, readers should get the real book and not the e-text because the pictures give you an idea of what the setting and the monster look like.


Conor is overwhelmed by rage — a rage that literally destroys whatever is in its path. All-consuming too is his guilt, a guilt that fuels his nightmares and drives him further and further from the people around him. He goes through the motions of a normal kid’s life, but it’s as if he’s an alien in the midst of humans. His experiences and inner life are so separate, so “other”, that it’s no wonder the kids at his school seem to see right through him. He’s scared for his mother, but he’s also scared for himself. He wants to keep her with him, but he wants her to stop suffering. He’s angry, he’s sad, and he just has no idea what to do with all of the emotions that threaten to engulf him at any second.

A Monster Calls (a beautiful book which everyone should read. RIGHT NOW.), which deals with a boy coping with his mother’s death from cancer. This is a vital concept that teenagers and young adults will come across in their lives at one stage or another, and knowing that there are authors out there who have been through the same situation, and who are writing about it, makes it easier to cope when

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it happens. Children and teenagers can’t be sheltered from the things which might upset them, not forever, so is it not better that they can come across it early, in an environment that inspires understanding and acceptance of such difficult things later in life? I know we all want to keep our children safe from the things which might upset them, but we can’t, not forever.

Conor was to me what I’d expect any young boy who’s losing his one reliable parent would be; mad, confused, sad, angry and more. His confusion and denial of the inevitable lead to the coming of the Monster. What I found appealing about the Monster’s character and his relationship to Conor was how he manifested clearly that aggression and fear that Conor had bottled up inside. In fact, on one occasion Conor finds himself in an entirely destroyed room at his Grandmother’s house without recognizing the cause of the destruction, himself and not the Monster. Through the various stories the Monster shares with Conor he slowly peels back the layers of Conor’s armor, literally calling him to bring forth the truth. The truth about how he feels about the potential loss of his mother and how he chooses to hide it, most especially from her.

Read more: http://www.theresabook.com/2012/04/book-review-a-monster-calls-by-patrick-ness/#ixzz2kYhS4x00