english placement test strahinja

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  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    I Izaberi jedno od ponudjenih resenja

    1) Water is to boil / is boiling / boils at a temperature of 100C.

    2) In some countries there is / is / it is very hot all the time.

    3) In col countries people !ear thic" clothes for "eeping / to "eep / for to "eep!arm.

    #) In $nglan people are al!ays tal"ing about a !eather / the !eather / !eather.

    %) In some places it rains / there rains / it raining almost every ay.

    &) In eserts there isn't the / some / any grass.

    () laces near the $*uator have a !arm / the !arm / !arm !eather even in the col


    +) In $nglan colest / the colest / coler time of year is usually from ,ecember to-ebruary.

    ) he most / ost of / ost people on't "no! !hat it's li"e in other countries.

    10) ery less / little / fe! people can travel abroa.

    11) ohamme li has !on / !on / is !inning his rst !orl title ght in 1&0.

    12) fter he ha !on / have !on / !as !inning an 4lympic gol meal he became a

    professional bo5er.

    13) 6is religious beliefs have mae him / mae him to / mae him change his name!hen he became


    1#) If he has / !oul have / ha lost his rst ght !ith 7onny 8iston9 no one !oul

    have been surprise.

    1%) 6e has travelle a lot both / an / or as a bo5er an as a !orl:famous


    1&) 6e is very !ell "no!n all in / all over / in all the !orl.

    1() any people is believing / are believing / believe he !as the greatest bo5er of

    all time.

    1+) o be the best from / in / of the !orl is not easy.

    1) 8i"e any top sportsman li ha to / must / shoul train very har.

  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    20) $ven tough he has no! lost his title9 people !oul / !ill / i al!ays remember

    him as a champion.


    Ovo je zapravo prica,koja se nastavlja iz reda u red.Opet uvek treba da

    izaberes jednu od opcija, ( nacin rada isti kao I u prethodnom vezbanju,sto

    znaci da I ovde biras jedan od odgovora.)

    21) he history of aeroplane / the aeroplane / an aeroplane is

    22) *uite a / a *uite / *uite short one. -or many centuries men

    23) are trying / try / ha trie to ;y9 but !ith

    2#) little / fe! / a little success. In the

  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    3+) "ins of informations / information / an information. Bot only

    3) are they / they are / there are being use for scientic research in

    #0) space9 but also to see !hat "in of !eather is coming / comes / coming.

    #1) =y 1+ there !oul / must / !ill have been satellites in space for forty

    #2) years an the >space superpo!ers? are planning to have / ma"e / let

    #3) massive space stations built. When these !ill be / are / !ill have been

    ##) complete it !ill be the rst time !hen / !here / that astronauts !ill be

    #%) able to !or" in space in large numbers. part / -or / $5cept all that9

    #&) in many !ays the most remar"able ;ight of / above / at all !as

    #() it / that / that one of the ;ying bicycle9 !hich the !orl sa! on television9

    #+) ;ying / to ;y / ;y across the Channel from $nglan to -rance9 !ith nothing

    #) apart / but / than a man to po!er it. s the bicycle:;yer sai9

    %0) It's the rst time I realiDe / I've realiDe / I am realiDing !hat har !or" it is to

    be a birEF


    Izaberi tacno resenje

    %1) any teachers say to / say / tell their stuents shoul learn a foreign language.

    %2) 8earning a secon language is not the same as / li"e / than learning a rst


    %3) It ta"es long time / long / a long time to learn any language.

    %#) It is sai that Chinese is the !orl's harer / harest / more har language to


    %%) $nglish is *uite iGcult because of all the e5ceptions !ho / !hich / !hat have to

    be learnt.

    %&) Hou can learn the basic structures of a language *uite *uic"ly9 but only if you

    are !anting / !ill to / are !illing to ma"e an eort.

    %() lot of people aren't use to the stuy / to stuy / to stuying grammar in their

    o!n language.

  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    %+) any ault stuents !ish they !oul start / !oul have starte / ha starte

    their language stuies


    %) In some countries stuents have to spen a lot of time !or"ing on / by / in their


    &0) here aren't no / any / some easy !ays of learning a foreign language in your

    o!n country.

    &1) 7ome people try to improve their $nglish by hearing / listening / listening to the

    ==C Worl 7ervice.

    &2) 8ive / 8ife / 8iving !ith a foreign family can be a goo !ay to learn a language.

    &3) It's no use to try / trying / in trying to learn a language Aust by stuying a


    ) any stuents !oul rather not / !oul rather prefer not / !oul rather not to

    ta"e tests.

    &%) 7ome people thin" it's time !e all learn / shoul learn / learnt a single

    international language.

    &&) Charles Wal"er is a teacher at a school in Bor!ich. 6e has Aoine / Aoine / Aoins

    &() the sta of the school in 1++ an has been !or"ing / !or"e / !or"s there ever


    &+) =efore move / to move / moving to Bor!ich9 he taught in Italy an in Wales9 an

    before that

    &) he has been / !as / !as being a stuent at Cambrige Jniversity.

    (0) 7o far he isn't / !asn't / hasn't been in Bor!ich for as long as he !as in Wales9

    (1) but he li"es the city a lot an shoul / !oul / coul li"e to stay there for at least

    (2) another t!o years9 or9 ho! / !hich / as he puts it9 until his t!o chilren

    (3) have / !ill have / !ill be gro!n up a bit. 6e met his !ife9 Kate9 in 1+2

    (#) !hile he !as to live / !as living / ha been living abroa for a !hile9 an they

    got marrie

    (%) in 1+&. heir t!o chilren9 ar" an 7usan9 are / !ere / have been both born in


    (&) ar"9 !ho / !hich / he is four9 has Aust starte

  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    (() at nursery school9 but his / their / her sister

    (+) shall stay / stays / !ill be staying at home for another couple of years9

    () because she is nearly t!o years younger / more young / the younger than him.

    +0) Charles an Kate are use / use / use to live in the country9

    +1) but no! they have chilren9 they have move / move / move into the city.

    +2) Charles !ante a house ne5t / near / close the school

    +3) in orer / for / to get to !or" easily. Jnfortunately

    +#) the / a / that one the t!o of them really !ante !as too e5pensive9

    +%) so they must / shoul / ha to buy one a bit further a!ay. =y the time the


    +&) go / !ill go / !il have gone to seconary school9

    +() that / !hich / !hat Charles an Kate hope !ill be in Bor!ich9

    ++) the Wal"ers !ill have been / have been / !ill be living there for a least fteen


    +) hey can't be sure if they stay / o stay / !ill stay9 but if they

    0) on't / in't / !on't9 their friens !on't be too surprise.

    IV Ovde treba da izaberes tacan question tag

    a) 6e's getting the .1% train9 isn't he / hasn't he / !asn't he L

    b) 7he !or"s in a library9 isn't she / oesn't she / oesn't he L

    c) om in't tell you9 hasn't he / in't he / i he L

    ) 7omeone's forgotten to s!itch o the gas9 in't one / in't they / haven't they


    1) @ohn's coming to see you9 hasn't he / !asn't he / isn't he L

    2) It's been a long time since you've seen him9 hasn't it / isn't it / haven't you L

    3) 6e's ue to arrive tomorro!9 !on't he / isn't he / !ill he L

  • 8/10/2019 English Placement Test Strahinja


    #) 6e !on't be getting in till about 10.309 isn't he / is he / !ill he L

    %) Hou met him !hile you !ere on holiay9 in't you / !eren't you / haven't you L

    &) I thin" I'm e5pecte to pic" him up9 aren't I / on't I / are you L

    () Bo oubt you' rather he staye in $nglan no!9 in't you / !ouln't you /shouln't you L

    +) Boboy else has been tol he's coming9 is he / has he / have they L

    ) We' better not stay up too late tonight9 in't !e / have !e / ha !e L

    100) I suppose it's time !e calle it a ay9 in't !e / isn't it / on't I L



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