english reading skill

Abstract It is essential for pupils to acquire efficient reading skills, in order to be able to develop and gain an understanding of the content. To develop reading proficiency in different content areas has become a growing concern for educators. Teachers and administrators in secondary school curriculum have determined that students fail to meet the reading expectations. It was initially believed that the responsibility of reading solely lies with the elementary school teachers. Secondary school teachers were of the perception that once students have been taught the basic reading skills, with simple usage, development and application, refinement of these skills would be followed. However, this assumption has been discarded gradually as administrators and educators have experienced an increase in the number of students that are not able to meet the reading requirements in the content classrooms. Thus, teachers have recognized that it is imperative to have continued development of reading instructions at the secondary level. The aim of this study was to gather information relevant to the understanding of the processing of reading fluency and word recognition through a critical review of the literature in this area.

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reading fluency and word recognition skill




It is essential for pupils to acquire efficient reading skills, in order to be able to develop and gain an understanding of the content. To develop reading proficiency in different content areas has become a growing concern for educators. Teachers and administrators in secondary school curriculum have determined that students fail to meet the reading expectations. It was initially believed that the responsibility of reading solely lies with the elementary school teachers. Secondary school teachers were of the perception that once students have been taught the basic reading skills, with simple usage, development and application, refinement of these skills would be followed. However, this assumption has been discarded gradually as administrators and educators have experienced an increase in the number of students that are not able to meet the reading requirements in the content classrooms. Thus, teachers have recognized that it is imperative to have continued development of reading instructions at the secondary level. The aim of this study was to gather information relevant to the understanding of the processing of reading fluency and word recognition through a critical review of the literature in this area.Critical Review of Literacy

IntroductionAre word identification ability ample for improving reading fluency ?" Fluency occurs whenever a reader able to read a written text without stopping any pauses or hesitation . Fluency,engage with the usage of correct and suitable prosody elements. (Harris & Hodges, 1995)When single words are read quickly and accurately in and out of context, hence reading fluency took place the context.

Catts and Anthony (2009) discuss reading fluency by establishing three components involved in this process: reading accuracy, language comprehension and working memory. They state that struggling readers use all their cognitive resources for decoding, which affects comprehension and fluency. These factors also contribute to reading success. Catts and Anthony (2009) incorporate conclusions from Fuchs et al. (2001 to support their discussion as the development of reading fluency is associated with reading comprehension. The components involved in reading fluency demand a certain degree of ability in order for the success of the overall reading act and research shows that poor reading fluency results in poor readers for life. Fluency is defined as word recognition and prosody. That is, vocabulary and comprehension with expression in outlining the view of Kuhn et al., 2010; Pinnell et al, 1995

The practice of repeated oral reading or silent reading is the most hard-hitting approach to develop fluency which as been outlined by The National Reading Panel (2001) .(Osborn, &Lehr, 2003) as listed several techniques such as paired reading,buddy reading , readers theater ,tape-assisted reading , teacher assisted oral reading, computer-assisted reading and there is a research proved that fifteen minutes of reading a day could improve reading fluency in reading. Opportunities to practice, get steered and receive feedback are key to effectiveness this approach.

Additionally book selection, reading logs, book discussions and parent involvement improve outcomes. The important factor to be looked at is readability levels of text . There for ELL and struggling readers should built in sight word vocabulary and content vocabulary which are essential to be a fluent reader. Osborn and Lehr (2003) suggest students practice using independent level text, where they recognize 95% of the words. Instructional and frustration level text require more intensive guidance and feedback. They caution that too much focus on fluency could have a negative effect on comprehension. Direct instruction and phonic awareness should come hand to hand in order to produce a balance reading instruction.

According to Alyousef (2006) , as a definition, reading can be perceived as aninteractive process, leading to automaticity or fluency, between a text and a reader. Agreeing that, Rasinski (2004) states, accurate and automatic decoding of the words by giving its expressive interpretations to achieve maximum comprehension means reading fluency. Accordingly, Rasinski (2004) again states that reading does not merely mean accurate decoding of the words like teachers thought for years and thats why the assessment of reading should involve the ability of fluency and comprehension, for sure.

Reading in a different language has traditionally stemmed from the need of accessing the written literature of a high culture and as a material these literature pieces are used to work on as Byrnes & Kord (2001) suggests. As the aim of this kind of reading does not involve a real communication, the reading fluency is ignored. Later with the appearance of communicative approach, instead of high culture literature, reading texts started to be chosen according to the current reading aims, like using everyday materials such as newspaper articles, school notice boards,etc., for purposes to develop communicative competence.

As a result, over time teaching of reading and reading drills at any levels became a fundamental part of language teaching. To be able to read words and understanding text is a dissimilar and different feature as well. Reading comprehension occupies much of the skill to construe data from a text compare to just reading the text. Vocabulary acquisition and text comprehension are the two feature that constitute the cognitive operation of reading comprehension. To achieve the target of writer, readers have to have many word repositories enough for understand and comprehend the context and readers should apply a lot of various schemes to enhance a better reading understanding.

These involves supervising for comprehending, draw a linking map of topics , taking notes ,asking and answering the questions during reading, and even if paraphrasing in his or her own word about what he or she has read. The way which was adapted by the majority of readers for reading is vocabulary-bank boosting. That means, the more you know the words, the more you understand the context, or vice versa. You can either increase your vocabulary level by choosing to read the materials those which are beyond your vocabulary level. Whichever methods you choose could make you reminisce about what you have read. Reading to improve vocabulary level is not a short process you may reach in one day, but the long term process which you have to practice until being an excellent reader who has high vocabulary level. People having a large repository of words in their brain are considered as the proficient readers, they could retrieve their bank of vocabulary easily whenever they need .


Speed reading with intonation , easy and polished are called Reading fluency suggested by Rasinski 2004, Samuel 2002 , Kuhn and Stahl 2003. One must able to comprehend how the symbol of the letters interrelate language vocal to be able to read fluently,to find which vocals are blend to form the words, the content of the words and what words mean in a phrase.

According to Samuel 2002, in the initial stages of learning to read, the reader is so focused on decoding the words on the page, which has a lot of mental energy to unravel the meaning. To decode words, a beginner reader polls the words; connect sounds with the letters you see and try to blend sounds to make words. Then you must know what the word means. If a reader encounters an unfamiliar word, decoding is much more difficult because then you have to try to understand the meaning of the word from the context, from the words around it.

However, agreeing to Hirsch 2003, that the reader should be able to decode the words around, remember them, and then find out the meaning of the unknown word. Most intervention programs in reading fluency have been developed mainly in Anglo-Saxon. In Spanish, we can find intervention programs in more general reading, some of which include actions to increase fluency, among others ( Reese,Garnier,Gallimore & Goldenberg ,2000).

Despite the attention given to the teaching of reading in schools, many children who show difficulties in learning to read and write. When these difficulties can not be explained by cultural, intellectual or emotional factors, we find a group of students with a specific learning difficulty of written language, which is called dyslexia. Research in this area show that one of its main features is the serious difficulty identifying words written fluency. Overall, it seems that reading performance of children with dyslexia do not rise to the level of automaticity relatively free care on the normal development. The flow difficulties to dyslexia are particularly salient in the transparent languages, where velocity measurements are much more informative than the accuracy measures in both reading and cognitive skills related to this skill .

Spezio 2011 has highlighted that the specific reading disorder (dyslexia) is characterized by an impaired ability to recognize words, slow and unsafe and poor reading comprehension. This is not due to factors such as low intelligence or significant sensory impairments. Often is accompanied by other changes in written expression, calculation or some other type of communication disorder. To teach students to identify the topic of a paragraph, it may be helpful to show how to classify and categorize words and phrases. Through categorization (e.g., nouns or noun phrases), the student identifies a characteristic or criteria that will serve to relate the information that provides the paragraph or text.

The acquirement of study skill are different methods used to learning context and as a whole are vital for school attain success. There are a variety of techniques proposed by Reid 2012 which ,the study techniques that can focus on the process of organizing, take and retain new information or overcome tests . These techniques include mnemonics, which help retention information lists, and note taking effective. Readers who do not decode correctly, eg dyslexics are intensely engaged in this task as they read, so that all attentional resources are focused on decoding the sound of graphemes, i.e., in each word. This causes an overload has on working memory that prevents cognitive resources are dedicated to superior tasks like understanding. Because cognitive resources are limited, poor decoders forget the meaning of the words they read because they do not have the capacity to process and store why the driver lost text thread and do not capture the gist of this and this is supported by Schunk 2000.

A book wrote by Rasinski ,2003 state that Word Recognition is concerned about how people can remember the word they found during their reading. He have outlined many theories and strategies. Each method is proper for each person who has different learning style. This may compose Sight word, which is the word that readers can immediately remember without any hard effort. This can be used to indicate how the proficient readers are. According to Ehri, Nunes, Stahl & Willows,(2001).

Phonics is the strategy that uses the sound-symbol technique for decipher sound into word patterns. This technique is rather more pragmatic than the first one. Pierrehumbert (2002) has reported that Word Patterns is another skill used by many readers. This technique uses the relationship between how often the letter collocating in the pattern forms. Context is the interesting technique. This style helps readers guess the meaning the hard word by the surrounding context, topic or the keywords appear in those articles. Another is Word Part. Word part is the applying of knowledge of word-roots, prefixes and suffixes to evaluate and guess the meaning without checking the exact meaning from the dictionary. These two last strategies help more readers interpret the passage effectively in the practical style.

A large deal of research such as ( De Temple(2003) , Hirsch(2003), Biemiller & Boote (2006) refers that there is a straight correlation between the circle of vocabulary and a number of books you have read. As mentioned above, the more you remember the word, the more you capture the key points on the literacy materials. If you can apply the word recognition strategy which suits you the most, it would yield you to understand the context easily and effectively, then, you can read more comprehending. Teachers must try to make relationships and connection between the matter that they are teaching and the usage of same family of words in it in a repetitive manner so that there is effective reinforcement of the family words until they know them by hear without any type of confusion.

Additionally as per my personal ideology it is very important that children must be evaluated for their current level of knowledge and understanding as teaching them something that they have no knowledge about will be a waste of time on the part of both children and teacher. Teachers must be expert enough to identify the level of childs understanding and then grab onto the opportunity of introducing the similar sounding words so that it remains in the memory of the child ( Seigneuric, Ehrlich,Oakhill & Yuill (2000) .

Gone are the days teaching at school was only left to the concern of school teachers and school administration. Serious measures have been undertaken in certain states of America in order to change and modify the existing schooling system particularly with regards to teaching students how to read. Laws with regards to instructional methods in teaching has been written and applied in Texas while standards and laws with regards to teaching of reading in schools have also been put in place for teachers and schools in the states of Ohio, California and Alabama. The latest issues that surround the improvement of schooling system are related to increasing security, hiring more teachers, reducing the class size and improving physical plants and are the focus of policy makers ( Bowles ,2014).

Armbuster 2010 has put forward his view that reading is also once such area of importance which is considered very important during the elementary school years and it has been suggested that if the child is unable to read accurately then he will face issues in understanding of lot of other subjects in future. Phonics by far is the most important and effective way to teach reading that is matching the print of the letter to its speech sound. The alphabetic principle suggest that every alphabet has certain speech sound that marks the importance of phonic.

Another contrasting concept of whole language outlined by Koda 2005 emerged that breaking the English language into bits and pieces will not help, the student should be rather made a part of high quality fiction and non fiction reading and writing classes. Several important stages of phonic reading has been mentioned from letter differentiation, phoenomic awareness, decoding, sight words, automaticity, semantic clues to advanced decoding, spelling and writing and finally comprehension. Some of the important strategies to improved child reading potential is to provide him with guidance as to how the written material is organized and structured so that he is able to point out the main points, increasing vocabulary and active thinking on the part of child also helps him in making sense of what he is reading.

It is essential for pupils to acquire efficient reading skills, in order to be able to develop and gain an understanding of the content. To develop reading proficiency in different content areas has become a growing concern for educators (Darling-Hammond & Bransford 2007). Teachers and administrators in secondary school curriculum have determined that students fail to meet the reading expectations. It was initially believed by Allington (2002) that the responsibility of reading solely lies with the elementary school teachers.

Generally it was assumed by the secondary school teachers that once students have been taught the basic reading skills, with simple usage, development and application, refinement of these skills would be followed. However, this assumption has been discarded gradually by Graves & Juel 2001 and Harper & Jong 2004 that as administrators and educators have experienced an increase in the number of students that are not able to meet the reading requirements in the content classrooms. Thus, teachers have recognized that it is imperative to have continued development of reading instructions at the secondary level. Therefore, the aim of the research would be to focus on the need for understanding the significance of teaching reading skills to students in the content classrooms. Phonic based reading over whole language or other conventional methods of teaching reading is provided by intervention studies by Osterhouse 2013 suggesting that phonic awareness in pre-school leads to better decoding capacity in beginner and older level readers. It has also been suggested that low awareness of phonic leads to spelling issues and dyslexia in children. Joseph (2002) has also emphasized upon the training of phonics by recognition of different phonic sounds and then putting them together to make a word as an effective practice in reading.

Dehaenes (2009) article with regards to how the brain works when the child is trying to read provides with an in depth insight into the brain circuitry behind reading. He has suggested for a strong neuronal recycling which suggests that cultural inventions and structural constraints take over the older brain circuitry or in other words literacy can improve and modify the brain to learn, invent or transmit the cultural concepts. It has been suggested to be like a plastic that can change with type with the growing network of nerve fibers and thus improved reading practice can help in the growth of this network of this neural network. He also suggests that learning to read depends upon the connection of two important regions of the brain that are, object recognition system and the language circuitry. These two regions must collaborate and combine so that people can become mature human beings aware of their existence and surroundings.

Reading and writing is also an important part of this maturity development system Dehaene, (2005).All in all it is suggested that existing brain circuitry of an individual is already functional and its just needs to be reoriented in order to learn to read. He has further divided the process of learning to read into pictorial (connection of pictures with meaning), phonics (connecting letters with sounds), orthographic stage (advanced reading ability). In the first stage the brain of the child depends on the visuals that is color, shape of the letters while in the second stage the visuals change and in the third stage the brain is able to recognize strings of word due to ease in understanding the meaning and pronunciation .

Essentially traditionally, intervention has focused on the phonological level, with significant results in areas such as improving phonological awareness and decoding skills. However, in the analysis of the achieved effects have not been observed a generalization of this progress to other skills such as fluency and text comprehension. Thus, it is necessary to develop interventions specifically focused on these skills , particularly in the case of children with reading difficulties, and this is supported by Rasinski 2009 whom suggests that it is essential that they receive direct and intensive assistance to progress in fluency. Generally, the teaching of language and writing skills improvement requires large amounts of reading and continued practice. Repeated practice and exposure to written texts form the basis of most intervention programs on reading fluency that have been conducted so far. It is well established that the opportunities to practice are essential in the development of fluency and that these can be provided by repetition or modeling .

Reading Comprehension and Strategies

Duke & Pearson 2002 says: Reading comprehension also engages complicated interaction of the readers background knowledge, rather than only comprehending words, phrases, or even clauses, . Thus reading strategies plays a vital role in understanding a written text and various kind of reading strategies has been proposed to direct the reader of all kind of different levels. Basically, reading skill win the fundamental place whenever we initiate to learn any language and this goes same to same to English language as well. Every living human being, starts to acquire English attentively not just only of their personal preference but the current career requirements are seeking for them to master it to meet current working requirement. Current employers make learning English language as a long-term goal and assign their employee to work abroad and giving them English courses and make them adapt English learning culture. From different view, readers with less skilled , came across great difficulties in reading and comprehending a text in their learning process. In a result, they cant accomplish their task according to their reading level and demotivated in their reading lessons.Due to the readers inability to comprehend the reading text .It can be prevented continuous reading practice. To solve this reading fluency deficiency, several research has been conducted to investigate the relationship of the level of students comprehend the text and comprehension strategies.Oxford ( 2002), has outlined language learning strategies as act of quicker,more fun, more well-heeled, which is needed by the readers to adapt new position and explained concretely how learning strategies are applied to the four language skills namely reading, writing , speaking and listening skills and became mutual conditions of the reading activities, as well. And for sure techniques and skill are too big term in reading dictionary.Explicitly, reading is a making sense activity. One of the scheme to master reading skill is involve in living process and actively interact with text to make sense by the reader and also listener. The arousing attention from reader to text making sense that reading session is becoming more validity.Duke & Pearson,(2002 )investigate the validity and the relationship between students interest on comprehending the text and the reading strategies that the educators applies in different context. According to my reading , many research are keen to to conduct research on interaction between readers and text and the relationship among readers ability to comprehend text and reading strategies. Reading comprehension happens automatically nearly in any reading context. Presley(2002) has put forth the fact that the effectiveness of better reading process took place with continuous automaticity of reading during decoding the text.Specifically, to comprehend the reading , readers have to be a strategic reader to smoothen the reading process. Besides,the reader calls to identify the reading difficulties during reading process took place, direct the balances among text information and prior knowledge, decide for supervising comprehension, and new goals for reading that are keep updating . Thus , representing a model of strategic reading.Obviously, in reading evaluation is happening instantly. Therefore a good reader will utilize the strategies till he turn to be a fluent reader. A fluent reader will always checks the flexible until they meet the purpose of reading the text and continuously supervise their comprehension about the text When a good reader use strategies, they can read fluently, flexible in line with changing purpose and then continue monitoring the comprehension. Similarly, reading is an process that evaluating the reader, who must decide if the reading information is coherent and finds out the purpose for reading.Anderson (2002) claimed that the reader and the text together must be fluent reading or the ability of the reader to use a extensive variety of reading strategies to put in effect for a purpose for reading or the ability to attain at an appropriate rate with sufficient comprehension .

By and large, we can deny that Malaysian students facing difficulties in reading and comprehending English text. As one might expect to overcome this crucial issue , Malaysian Government collaborates Ministry of Education. Thus they have increased the benchmark especially to higher education level as in secondary and tertiary level demands a good reading fluency and comprehension skill for a English text as reading has become the most important elements in ones life.(Lim,2013).

Two way of communication of text is the exchanging the data or the information among both the reasders and the writer of certain text (Bamford & Day (2002) and in addition from what Lim (2013) have studied, it shows that there are a lot of difficulties faced by native speaker of Malaysia students whereby the interference of the L1 mother tongue occurs and also by the in understanding the English text . This complication may be due to inadequate vocabularies, the lengthy sentence or jargon words the writer used,readers from various socio-background Theories of Reading Fluency & Word Recognition

The comprehension and deciphering skills are the two significant cognitive competencies by Hoover (2002),the ability to obtained a word's phonological designate from the series of letter that represent it. The reader decoding skill permits to recall the content of alien word coordination via spoken language. Therefore it is essential for reader to comprehend the fundamental phonological units of word in order to decode, Subsequently children who are not able to decode letters (graphemes) quickly into phonemes (sounds) may read slowly or pronounce the wrong word. If these pronunciations are linked to the incorrect word then this will result in miscues (reading errors) and comprehension difficulty .

In contrast studies have shown that children who are phonologically aware of the units of speech, and are able to articulate and manipulate these ultimately acquire reading competencies sooner than those who dont. Studies founded that phoneme awareness can be learn attentively if they were taught in effective manner. As a result students will start to recognize the work and enjoy reading.directly, this leads to reading fluency and acts as a bridge to reading comprehension and word recognition. By doing this, the students can easily pen their thought without any worries on their vocabulary knowledge and grammatical order..

Correlation studies conducted in this area has found that when students received instruction in phonemic awareness they possessed better reading abilities than those who didnt (Hoover, 2002) .Teachers must therefore be guided by theoretical principles that underpin phonological awareness development. They must possess a thorough understanding of the salient principles underlying instructional approaches in this area, if they are to be successful at addressing phonological awareness difficulties in children. Teachers must possess an understanding of how speech develops in children. This will enable them to recognize where there might be deficits and be able to provide the necessary guidance for children. In addition teachers should be able to ascertain where an individual child has reached on the phonological awareness continuum and are able to provide stage appropriate activities rather than age appropriate ones.

One central issue within cognitive psychology is concerned with how we recognize and process visually-presented words. Word recognition refers toa process of perceptual categorization, whereby input is matched to a known word form in memory (Coltheart , Rastle ,Perry,Langdon & Ziegler 2001). The input lexicon refers to the representation of words in our permanent memory. It contains a variety of information about words including the meaning, spelling, relationship the other words and any information linked to the specific word.There are several models of lexical access, which explain the process of activating the meanings of words. Lexical instance models propose that access to the lexicon is only perceptual and therefore contains solely representations of the features of words. There are two main types of lexical instance serial models; some models such as the serial search model assume that when recognizing a word a serial search method through a list of possibilities is used. Whereas models such as the logogen model use a direct, multiple activating process .The serial search model was proposed by Forster & Murray (2004). It suggests that word recognition is a process in which lists of possibilities based on their visual characteristics are searched through until the correct representation in the lexicon is found. Following this, information regarding pronunciation, meaning and syntax is found. Thebins (memory storage units) are arranged in order of decreasing frequency; therefore the most frequent words are accessed first. This gives rise to the word frequency effect. Associative priming can occur on lexical access in the master file and therefore sentence context can only occur post-lexically in mechanisms such as comparing the output against the higher level representations. The model has been criticized for focusing on serial search methods as this is time-consuming and word recognition is in fact a rapid process.

The logogen model Sartori ,Masterson & Job 2013 explains that every word has a logogen which acts by counting the features of words until its threshold is reached, whereby the word is recognised. Therefore lexical access is parallel and rapid. The threshold for a logogen is decreased everytime a word is presented. Thus, less sensory information is required for recognition of that word again. This theory gives rise to the word frequency effect. Context is seen to affect the firing of logogens as it increases its activation. The lexicon is fed this information from the cognitive system, which contains associative and semantic context, as does sensory information.

Hybrid models combine parallelism (logogen model) with serial search. The model suggests that perceptual processing cannot recognize a word without an additional top-down verification. Perceptual processing generates a sensory set of lexical possibilities ordered by frequency.

According to McNamara (2005), Context produces a semantic set which with the sensory set are compared to the visual characteristics of the word. The semantic set is checked first, but if no match is found then the sensory set will be verified. This process will benefit words presented in a specific context as the more specific a context, the smaller the set will be to verify .There are many variables that influence the process of retrieving lexical information from our memories such as the frequency of the word, the syntactic category, morphological complexity and whether semantic priming has occurred or not. Semantic characteristics of the word affect word recognition performance (accuracy and reaction times). Words can be semantically related in a number of ways.

The first is emotional valence which suggests that emotional words lead to better and more accurate performance than neutral words. The second is concreteness which implies that words that are easy to imagine lead to faster and more accurate performance then those that are not. The third is context effects, which is when words are semantically related or not.Context effects have received much research and it is now widely believed that semantic context effects occur during encoding rather than retrieval. Context effects have been seen to facilitate word recognition, largely by reducing the set of possibilities through the process of sub-categorisation and selection. The primes semantic unites causes feedback activation to the primes orthographic unites and any related orthographic unites connected to the semantic unites.

Jones , Mewhort (2007) studied context effects and found that a relationship between the target and context had a strong effect on word recognition performance. Typically their results showed that when words were highly predictable reaction times were faster, and when words were highly unlikely reaction times were the slowest. This could have been a result of either a facilitatory effect following a predictable context or an inhibitory effect of anomalous responses.Such phenomenological theories deal with the important role of the reader in the overall structure of any given literary text. The reader plays a great role in shaping how the work will be understood and what meanings it will have. Each new generation and each new group of readers in a new setting brings to a literary work different code for understanding it.

Goh (2008) has also suggested for theory of mind and other instructional methods as strategies to improve learning and meta-cognition. It has been suggested that in cases where the student remains unable to comprehend the content , it is crucial to undertake certain strategies that are mostly taken by good readers while the rest remain passive and uninterested in application of those strategies. The most common strategies uses by children are that of active rehearsal, organization of information into categories and elaboration.

The research on children by Baker (2005 ) and his colleagues also suggested that metacognitive strategies helped in the improvement of learning process of children as it involved generation of questions, acitive participation in discussion and exploring the question with what, why and when which automatically improved their learning in comparison to conventional method or active processing theory .

Additionally the context can also speed up the process of orthographic phase. Context decoder has been proven to be helpful to readers when they find it difficult to visualize the word in clear manner or understand it through orthographic processing. The Context process helps in reading of the words that are orthographically difficult and also reduces the time and effort that a reader put in while reading orthographically difficult words. All in all it has been suggested that the true comprehension of the word and its relation with some meaningful experience increase the chances that a child will know the spelling of that word and will also know where to use it by understanding its true interpretation. Thus the best way to improve a childs vocabulary is by making him use the word in meaningful context or situation so that he understands the true meaning and usage of that word which will be helpful in understanding orthographic structures and relationship between word and their meanings ( Beck, McKeown & Kucan (2013).

Furthermore it has been suggested then when reading a phrase attention should not be given to individual words but the overall phrase. The synctative abilities of the young readers are underdeveloped and this is where contextual processors provide them with support so that the comprehension does not suffer.The comprehension of the child can be further enhanced with the help of introduction of information with regards to suffix, prefix and word stems. Readers with synctatic issues often use few decoding strategies to understand and comprehend . The first strategy is to ignore the difficult words and try to understand the overall meaning of the words, the second strategy is related to the context processor where the readers is expected to have marginal knowledge the words and this will speed up or add automaticity to the reading process .The third strategy is to understand the phrase or sentence in relation to the previous text that he has read and relating it to the past text to derive correct meaning from it without compromising on the meaning and comprehension of the phrase or sentence(Ehri 2013). The main difference between the orthographic processor and meaning processors is that while in orthographic process the meanings of the familiar words is considered to be a set of interrelated letters but in case of meaning processor the comprehension and true understanding of the word takes place with regards to the persons experience with that word or the context of the word supported by Hirsch ,2003 and when the child identify new words and concepts he remembers them in the context of his personal experience

Researches of Waring and Takaki (2003) has proven that in order to make the child learn and remembers the meaning of the word, it is very important that he learns in relation to certain context as word learned in isolation will never be remembered but attaching a certain context to it will make it memorable for the child recommended that the more the number of encounters of child with a particular word, the more chances there are that he will remember the word but far more important thing is the richness and variety of context in which the word has been encountered which will reinforce his learning of the new word .Hence , learning new word with regards to the context is very important. The author also suggest that context processor plays an important role in decoding phase when the child is unable to read the difficult word or string of words. It is much easier for the young and less skilled readers to employ the context process and derive accurate meaning of the word while reading. Additional their research suggest that it reduce the time they might waste in trying to understand and read the difficult orthographic letters and reinforces better comprehension of the word so that they are capable to make out the correct gist of the words.

Furthermore, the effective usage and remembering of particular word is only possible when the person has seen its practical or real life usage in some real life situation. otherwise cramming different words in isolation, without understanding its true interpretation and usage in life, it becomes really difficult to remember or even understand the true meaning of that word. And since a person does not understand the meaning, his usage of that word will not occur. It is very important that reading process of the child must be enhance by contextual learning leading towards automaticity of the reading process in young children who are unable to identify complicated words.

All in all contextual learning of words will support both orthographic processor and meaning processor in order to enhance and improve the overall reading process of the child and improving his vocabulary which in turn will again enhance the reading of the child.

Teachers acquire experience in providing information and develop learning in their students with respect to their subject and education level and have to derive significant experience which is really crucial for meliorate students knowledge according to content area and students needs. Thus ,teachers have the responsibility to boost and ameliorate students confidence level and reading competency to improve reading quality by providing continues knowledge knowledge and encouragement. This statement supported by Lim (2013) that discussing that teacher should get proper training on reading skill to teach the reading skill in interesting and stimulus way.27.66% of secondary school teachers were reluctant to take responsibility to enhance this students reading skill and in-contrast they are argued that it is the elementary school teachers responsibility to shape the students reading skill at the initial stage. This statement is agreed by Armbuster (2012). Similarly , another research as mentioned that secondary school learners reading skill is not sufficient for them to acquire the greater ability of appropriate skill to develop reading abilities in them .Its is undeniable ,that each students are unique and different,therefore to identify the needs effectively are crucial for the teacher to have a better understanding of their respected students.Anyhow few educators refused this is a better way to understand their students and the researcher found that the teacher knows the important of understanding of reading ability is very significant. (Hammerness, Darling-Hammond,Bransford, Berliner,Cochran-Smith, McDonald, Zeichner, (2005). Till today,there are still arguments that secondary school teachers of Malaysian context to identify their students reading ability level and this properly due to level of confidence and competency are difference thus indirectly effecting student reading ability as well.National Education Panel 2001 , suggested that teachers are recommended to acquire sufficient training to ensure the students become a good learner and reader as well.

Simultaneously , there are plenitude strategies have been suggested and developed in current context.This outline would be a guidance to teacher, that teach English language and particular about reading skill. This act will guide the teacher to be ambitious on teaching reading skill and meliorate students reading skills. On the other hand ,the larger number of studies were encourage teachers to use the Summarization strategy which have a logical sequence that ,whenever students read aloud a text ,they might can comprehend the gist and the main idea of a text. This strategy drastically will meliorate students reading skill( Duke & Pearson 2002). A part from that,he also suggested SQ3R strategy which contains systematic steps.Basically this SQ3R strategy about formulating question about text and answer the question after understand the gist of the text. The secondary school teacher ,explicitly understand the the important of developing reading skill by sharing a positive attitude and perception towards students, to enhance this ability of reading .

A teacher must provide continuously a professional teaching process a study conducted results the teacher will reluctant to bear their responsibility to improve students reading skills by assuming it is the role of Head Panel of English department.In a another study , a larger ratio of educator considered that ,it is vital for their students to have a better understanding on what they are reading and keep themselves updated before teacher can provide training and to inculcate their reading habit. So, from this teacher might up with several effective reading instruction an integrated this strategics in their lesson as well.There for,all the research briefed here has outline the basic fundamental elements which is word recognition and fluency are very important to produce a meaningful reader with high readability level.

Word Recognition and Fuency are although the terms often used interchangeably is not the similar thing. Word recognition comes under Automaticity. A great deal of reading practice work hand to hand with automaticity , unstrained word recognition and fast reading . In initial part of learning to read, readers may suffer or accurate but ,deficient in word recognition and retard .Continues practice on reading will help the reader to recognize the words in the reading text in more speed and effortless.


Based on previous studies in the area of reading fluency, and an analysis of the existing intervention programs, our research team arose develop an intervention program with the main objective to improve the skills of children with reading difficulties and especially of dyslexic children. From there, a complex process of decision-making began, covering various aspects, in order to offer a program based on scientific evidence. It would be individualized and adapted (to the rhythm of each child), structured, sequential (reading of syllables, words and finally texts), which combines the classic procedure with the procedure repeated reading accelerated reading. It will include building activities phonological awareness training to complement the fluidity (vital for accurate recognition of different lexical and sub lexical units aspect) and the rules of grapheme-phoneme correspondence and spelling patterns. You will use customized child at the school level, with a format of interactive computer game (to promote fun and motivational component) materials. More and more parents are concerned about their children's learning as they are aware that it is essential to have adequate education to enable them to be competitive in the modern world. But what happens when they realize that their little fails to perform as do the children of his age, both at home and at school and in society but, on the contrary, is expressing serious learning difficulties .


Recalling the first question stated in introduction Are word identification ability ample for improving reading fluency ?" Yes and No. Isolated word recognition inadequate condition for reading fluency but its is necessary . The assumption that fluency was the result of word recognition proficiency, throughout much of the twentieth century. Therefore, the main focus on the word identification growth are none other than reading instruction and recent studies has proved that fluency can be develop separately without acquiring word recognition through reading instruction.

Reading continues to develop the comprehension of the language processes underlying spoken as well as written both language comprehension.The knowledge as well as the beliefs of the teachers impact indirectly and directly on the core curriculum proffered to the students.This is in terms of the enthusiasm of the teachers, beliefs as well as the knowledge regarding the subject. The studies on professional development of the teachers encompass with a number of issues rising on the subject of knowledge.There are a number of researchers discussing the impact of the childhood teachers using the information as well as the communication technology so as to augment the content knowledge regarding the subject in order to support the learning ability of the children.

This improves the reading of the students and helps them to develop the ability more with the time.It is very much important for the teachers so as to build up confidence in children by encouraging them so that these children can easily practice their developing skills of reading.The teachers ought to demonstrate as well as share their thinking so that the students make sense of the meaning of the words.

The process of teaching needs to a proper staging placing the activities as well as the tasks in priority. All such activitiesare taughtto the teachers, and it is due to this that plays an impact upon the teaching, and learning of the teachers.