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Taylor Freeman

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❖ The recent French banning of the wearing of traditional Muslim garments such as Burqas and the Niqabs has sparked my interest in the clothing. I do not agree with ban, for I see it as a direct attack on the Muslim religion. It comes into question if the garments were to be worn by another religion, would the ban have even come into effect or even considered. The law or ban is said to have been put in place for security reasons. The wearing of the clothing is seen as a security risk for the fact that a large portion of the body, sometimes including the head and face, is covered to the public. This would prevent identification of a person in the occurrence of a crime. The security risk that was presented was accepted by the public, by the ban seem to be an act that crosses a line in a free society. The banning of the garment seems to target only a certain group of people. A group of people whom have not been treated fairly in recent history, and this law seems to be just another form of discrimination. The ban is not directed towards to Muslim or Islamic people, but it is overwhelmingly obvious who the target is.

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We live in a free society, and you should not be allowed to tell

someone what to wear or not to wear in a free society. The choice to wear a garment because of what you believe is a human right and should

not be criticized.

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Hijab: the headscarf worn by muslim women, sometimes including a veil that covers the face except for the eyes.

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The hijab, chador, and many other foreign customs are having an effect on the American society. The teaching that the women are to keep from tempting men, rather than the men being responsible is only furthering the inequality in not only the Muslim society, but the world. This idea can be related to many inequality situations in the world today, sexual as well as non-sexual. The wage gap, glass ceiling, female infanticide in China, victims of violence, and even the right to travel can be traced to being by the simple forms of gender inequality.

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Women today are still blamed for situations such as sexual assault for their part in the act, even though the situation is completely one sided. Women are seen as asking for it if they are wearing clothing that is seen as being too revealing or tempting to individuals. This is basically saying that the individuals whom commit the act are only partly responsible, for they had no choice or opportunity of control due to what the woman is wearing or acting.

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A woman is responsible for actions taken against them

because they are tempters. this theory can be traced back to the bible fable of adam being

tempted by eve.

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This is how young girls and women are taught to look and act in the world, yet when something negative results from such acts, they are responsible because they were too revealing.

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I am in no way condoning the blaming of men for all negative situations involving women. I am only pointing out the level of blame on women, and how it is irrelevant to the situations. If a women is raped, whether or not her outfit is too revealing or her actions were not of many standards, the final decision is that if the man or person committing the assault and for that reason that greater portion of blame belongs to them. She asked for it is not a defense.

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domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a crime, and is not right in any situation, whether committed by a man or a woman. Domestic violence is also another example of gender inequality in the world. Most situations are viewed as the female in the situation is the victim, but there are cases, usually famous situations, when the female is blamed. In some situations, the female is questioned as to what they did to cause the violence. I believe that unless the female physically assaulted the individual whom assaulted them, they can not be questioned or seen as a tempt to the violence.

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I am no way offended by the choice for an individual to wear garments that they feel are appropriate, nor do I want to insult the Muslim culture. I am only trying to bring to light the what message it sends to societies across the world, and how it is negatively affecting the Women’s Movement that is still going on today. An individual is entitled to their belief, and that is acceptable in all situations. I am only questioning how some beliefs, acts, and practices are not teaching equality. It is impossible to not realize how this...

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leads to this...

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If females are only seen as objects that are to be controlled and to avoid interfering with men advancing in society, it makes it almost acceptable by some to commit acts like this. Accepting this only leads to this...

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Women will continue to be seen as unequal to, or lesser than men if certain societies accept the inequality. American is a combination of different people from many different countries in the world. This means that the people from other places whom are acceptable to the inequality are only bringing this teaching to an already unequal society, hindering the growth of females in society.

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If this...

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Can be the cause to this, then there is an obvious societal issue that must be addressed immediately.

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Things like this are seen as acceptable, and even a joke, but people need to see the real message this is sending.

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This inequality can not be rid away with in one society and remain at large in another. One country can not prosecute rape as a crime, while another condones it due to a woman’s actions.

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In the broadest of terms, if this continues in one nation, and seen as a responsibility of a woman to cover herself in order not to tempt men, rather than as a respectable act of religious beliefs...

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Then this will continue, without a vision of equality to be in sight.

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The virtues, like the muses, are always seen in groups. a good principle was never found solitary in any breast.

– Siddhartha Guatama

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I understand that the women whom wear the hijab and not all oppressed. I would only like to bring attention to the ones whom do feel this way, and how their feelings of oppression can be relatable to the oppression women across the world feel. The idea of American’s viewing the Muslim or Islamic nation as one whom is so far from what Americans believe is ridiculous. Inequality and wrong doing is the same no matter whom does it. It does not depend on the color of one’s skin, or by the gender one identifies themselves. We are all the same, and for one movement to take place, it requires the nation, not a community. Only the true equality and peace will come when one can rejoice in their advancements and accomplishments as one unlike them may do as well.

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Individuals must accept this and began to live as one rather than fight against each other.

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Works Cited http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hijab







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Works Citedhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_AL2DU6KwWqw/S7Lpl67P6zI/AAAAAAAAAAc/ReWsS9TdfFo/s1600/chador.jpg


Asking for It? - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com. 04 May 1981. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,954748,00.html>.

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Works Cited


