english study tour to singapore (booklet)

7/26/2019 English Study Tour to Singapore (Booklet) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-study-tour-to-singapore-booklet 1/21  Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board of Directors’ College 29 March, 2005 – 1 April, 2005 Name: ___________ ( ) Group: _____ Cover designed by Ngan Nga Wai, Candy (5B)  

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 Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board of 

Directors’ College

29 March, 2005 – 1 April, 2005

Name: ___________ ( ) Group: _____ 

Cover designed by Ngan Nga Wai, Candy (5B)


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English Sudy !our o Singapore

General Information

Date of Departure: 29th March, 2005

Date of Return: 1st April, 2005

Total no. of people: 37 (incluin! teachers " stuents#

Tour fee: $%&3,000'person (incluin! &1,10 su)si* fro+ the school#

Organising committee

Aisor: Mr. $ui -in! $o (The rincipal#

Teacher: Miss /han /hor -an, -en*, Miss /heun! u ee, ion,

Mr. Dietrich 4rian Al)ert, Miss a+ -an u+, hoe)e

tuent Tour eaer: au $iu Man, ui (611#

ice tuent

Tour eaer: Ma uet in!, 8atalie (6111#

n!lish peain!

Monitor: he /hin! un!, Aien (612#

n!lish peain!

Monitress: i e Man, ic* (;31;#

ecretar*: un! $o Man, /an* (3107#

Treasurer: a< /hi in!, ulana (6109#

hoto!rapher: /hen! %<o $o, 8ic (612;#


ecretar*: /hau Ta in, Ashle* (3;06# " eun! Ti+ %u, =ris (2212#

/o>or!aniser: $on! %on! outh /ultural ?chan!e =nternational i+ite

Representatie: Mr. eun! -ai /heon!, eli? (9;01 6292#














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in!apore <as foune as a 4ritish

train! colon* in 119. =t @oine the

Mala*sian eeration in 1963 )ut

separate t<o *ears later an )eca+e

inepenent. in!apore is locate inoutheastern Asia, )et<een Mala*sia an

=nonesia. in!apores strate!ic position

has helpe it !ro< into a +a@or centre for 

trae, co++unications an touris+. =t su)seBuentl* )eca+e one of the <orls +ost

 prosperous countries <ith stron! international train! lins (its port is the <orls

 )usiest in ter+s of tonna!e hanle# an <ith per capita CD eBual to that of the

leain! nations of -estern urope.


in!apores population of al+ost four +illion co+prises 77 /hinese, 1;

Mala*s, =nians an 1 urasians an people of other escent.


There are four official lan!ua!es in in!apore: Mala*, Manarin, Ta+il an

n!lish. n!lish is the lan!ua!e of )usiness an a+inistration, an is <iel*

spoen an unerstoo. Most in!aporeans are )ilin!ual, an spea their +other 

ton!ue as <ell as n!lish. Mala* is the national lan!ua!e.

-ith such a )i! si+ilarit* in historical )ac!roun, econo+ic eelop+ent an

+oe of co++unication )et<een $on! %on! an in!apore, it is <orth<hile

isitin! in!apore to learn fro+ its culture. isitin! in!apore also helps us to

i+proe our n!lish as n!lish is <iel* spoen an unerstoo in eer* part of 

in!apore. peain! in n!lish urin! the fe< a*s in in!apore, <e coul

efinitel* enhance our n!lish a)ilit*.


Day 1 Hong Kong Singapore

29 Mar 2005


Mornin! $on! %on! =nternational Airport

li!ht nu+)er: E1 (0:00 F 11:;0#

  Afternoon in!apore /han!i Airport→ unch→ hotel

 8i!ht Dinner→

 8i!ht tour of in!apore <ith in!aporeRier /ruise (/lare Eua*, Merlion ar an Theatre

 )* the 4a*#→ hotel

Day 2 Singapore

30 Mar 2005 Mornin! 4reafast at hotel →  isit 8an $ua econar*

chool, sit in lessons

(-e# Afternoon unch → sit in lessons → isit 8ational Gniersit* of 


 8i!ht Dinner→ 8i!ht afari Tour → hotel

Day 3 Singapore

31Mar 2005 Mornin! 4reafast at hotel → isit in!apore cience /entre

(Thu# Afternoon unch→ isit entosa =slan

 8i!ht Dinner→ hotel

Day 4 Singapore Hong Kong

1 Apr 2005


Mornin! 4reafast at hotel →  /it* Tour: ittle =nia, Mala*

%a+pon! /hinato<n, /hinato<n $erita!e /entre,Raffles anin! ite, 4otanic Carens

Afternoon unch →  e!eta)le far+ tour →  in!apore /han!i

Airport > li!ht nu+)er: E6 (19:00 F 22:;5# →

$on! %on! =nternational Airport

Acco++oation: -/A ort /annin! o!e (3 stars# or eBuialent

Meal: All +eals are inclue urin! the tour  

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Grouping $is

Group A General Information!

 $ui %a Man, /ar+en (610;#

-on! $ei Tun!, /r*stal (1112#

$ui -in! %ee, -ini (2210#

 8! %a an, =* (3215#

-on! %a in, Aa (;115#

ai %<un un!, Allen (;;3;#

a< /hi in!, olana (6109#

/hen! %<o $o, 8ic (612;#

: Croup eaer 

 : hoto!rapher 


Group " Pop #ulture!

 Ton! ai e, Alice (611;#

eun! Ti+ %u, =ris (2212#

$o %a Man, /ar+en (3303#

-on! an $in!, %aren (3;1#

i e Man, ic* (;31;#

/han $iu eun!, unn* (;325#

u o an, Has+ine (;;21#

he /hin! un!, Aien (612#

: Croup eaer 

 : hoto!rapher 

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Group # $%ucation!

 $o /hun %it, Dennis (6125#

ip /hun a+, Matthe< (21;0#

Tse e -un, arah (2220#

un! $o Man, /an* (3107#

/hau Ta in, Ashle* (3;06#

Tsan! Min! -ai, Iphelia (;;16#

/heun! Ts $on!, Hac* (;;2#

au $iu Man, ui (611#

: Croup eaer 

 : hoto!rapher 

Group D &oo%!

 Ton! %a -ai, Crenae (6129#

 8!an i in!, laine (1316#

-on! %<an a+, enus (2317#

/han $in! /ha, tephen (3121#

%<o %a in!, ion* (3305#

u ui %iu, =a (;211#

i o Man, =ce* (;;10#

Ma uet in!, 8atalie (6111#

: Croup eaer 

 : hoto!rapher 

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%ules & %egulaions

 A.Before Departure

1. ersonal )elon!in!s

%eep *our lu!!a!e eas* to carr* an

re+e+)er to attach a ta! <ith *our 

na+e an school na+e on it. DonJt carr* an* o)@ects <hich +i!ht

cause trou)le in *our han )a!!a!e.

(e.!. nies, nail cutters, etc.#

4rin! enou!h clothin! an an*thin! ieal for hot an hu+i <eather.

(e.!. cotton T>shirt, hat, u+)rella, slippers, etc.# Also )rin! alon! a

complete summer uniform.

4rin! ail* necessities (e.!. tooth)rush, note)oo, pen, ca+era, fil+#

Tae *our +o)ile phone an i!ital ca+era char!ers.

2. assport

our passport shoul )e at least ' mont( ali countin! fro+ the ate

of eparture.

3. Meicines

repare *our personal +eicines in case of illness.

;. Tour infor+ation

=nfor+ *our parents a)out all the tour etails incluin! the itinerar*,

acco++oation, contact nu+)er, etc.

5. The a* )efore eparture

ac *our lu!!a!e an re+e+)er to )rin! alon! *our Hong Kong

I%entity #ar% an passport.

Mae sure *ou arrie at the $on! %on! =nternational Airport on time to

aoi +issin! of the tour.

B.At The Airport

1. %eep *our lu!!a!e an han )a!!a!e loce an uner *our superision.

2. DonJt accept an* paca!es fro+ other people.

3. /hec the near)* e+er!enc* e?its at the airport.

;. DonJt touch an* unattene lu!!a!e or paca!es. =nfor+ airport staff 

a)out the+ if *ou fin an*.

C.On The Coach/Cruise

1. ou shoul sit properl* <hile the

coach'cruise is +oin!.

2. 8o shoutin! an pla*in!.

3. DonJt put an* parts of *our )o* out of the coach or cruise.

D.At The Hotel

1. /hec the e+er!enc* e?it route fro+ *our roo+.

2. /hec <here the nearest fire e?tin!uishers are locate an fa+iliarie

*ourself <ith the e+er!enc* instructions at *our roo+.

3. =f *our roo+ has a safet* loc, use it.

;. Mae sure *our oor is loce <hen sleepin!.

5. DonJt let an* stran!ers into *our roo+ an onJt open the oor if *ouJre

not e?pectin! an*one.

6. our actiities in the hotel shoul )e

Buiet so as not to istur) other !uests of 

the hotel.

7. -ithout teachersJ prior per+ission, *ou

are not allo<e to enter roo+s occupie

 )* the opposite se?.

. Re+e+)er the roo+ nu+)er of the

teachers in case *ou nee an* help fro+ the+.

9. u!!este )eti+e is 11 p.+. an no actiit* is allo<e )e*on that.

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E.Important Notice

1. $nglis( is the onl* +eiu+ of co++unication urin! the <hole trip.

2. trict iscipline is e?pecte in the trip.

3. ou shoul )ehae *ourseles <ith proper +anners.

;. ou +ust follo< the instructions of teachers an the tour !uies.

5. Teachers shoul )e infor+e i++eiatel* <ith an* accients or pro)le+s

foun.6. ou hae to actiel* participate in all actiities or!anise in the trip.

A)sence fro+ the actiities is not accepta)le. ou shoul not leae an

actiit* location <ithout infor+in! the teachers.

7. roper unifor+ is reBuire <hen isitin! other schools.

. ta* <ith *our !roup urin! all isits.

9. /arr* a local +ap <ith *ou an +ar it <ith i+portant places such as

hotel, e+)ass*, police station, etc.

10. /arr* the aress an phone nu+)er of the hotel all the ti+e.

11. ou are not allo)e% to smo*e or rin an* alco(olic +e,erages.

12. earn ho< to use local pu)lic phones an eep enou!h phone +one* or 

 phone cars <ith *ou.

F.Important Reminders While In Singapore

1. /usto+s

A nu+)er of ite+s are prohi)ite in in!apore

such as che<in! !u+, <eapons, ru!s, pirate


2. /urrenc*

$%D&100 K &20 (appro?.#

ou shoul e?chan!e +one* )eforehan in $on! %on!.

Mone* e?chan!e serice is aaila)le at local )ans, hotels an le!al

+one* e?chan!ers.

3. lectricit*

The operatin! olta!e in in!apore is 220>2;0.

Three>pin socets (the sa+e as use in $on! %on!# are co++onl*


Most hotels suppl* aaptors.

;. tiBuette

#(e)ing gum is strictly pro(i+ite% in in!apore.

+oin! is not allo<e in pu)lic )uses, ta?is, lifts, theatres, cine+as,

!oern+ent offices, an in air>conitione restaurants an shoppin!

centres. irst>ti+e offeners face a +a?i+u+ fine of &1,000.

irst>ti+e offeners of litterin! face a fine of up to &1,000. or repeat

offeners>>its a fine of up to &2,000 an a /orrectie -or Irer 

(/-I#. The /-I reBuires litter)u!s to spen a fe< hours cleanin! a

 pu)lic place

ines fro+ &150 to &1,000 are also applie to not flushin! after usin!

 pu)lic toilets.

/usto+s of ifferent places shoul )e o)sere an follo<e.

5. Coos an serice ta? (CT#

=f *ou )u* !oos costin! CD&300 or oer, *ou +a* )e eli!i)le to

clai+ the 5 per cent CT.

6. hone calls

=nternational calls: Dial 005 L countr*

coe L telephone nu+)er 

in!apore countr* coe: 65, $on!

%on! countr* coe: 52

+er!enc* calls: 999 (police#, 995 (fire

an a+)ulance#


There is no ti+e ifference )et<een $on! %on! " in!apore.

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!he erlion ar*

Where did the Merlion come from?

The Merlion was designed as an emblem

for the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in19!" The designer was Mr #raser 

Brunner$ a member of the sou%enir 

committee and a curator of the &an 'leef 


The Merlion has a lion head and a fish bod* resting on a crest of wa%es" The lion

head s*mbolises the legend of the redisco%er* of Singapura$ as recorded in the

+Mala* nnals+" ,n ancient times$ Singapore was -nown as Temase-$ a .a%anese

word for sea" ,n the 11th centur* "/$ 0rince Sang ila 2tama of the Sri &i3a*a

4mpire redisco%ered the island" When the 0rince first landed on Singapore5s shores$

he sighted a m*stical beast which he later learnt was a lion" The 0rince then decided

to name the island +Singapura+ which in Sans-rit means 6ion (Singa) Cit* (0ura)"

The fish tail of the Merlion s*mbolises the ancient cit* of Temase- and represents

Singapore5s humble beginnings as a fishing %illage" The Merlion and the Cub were

originall* located b* the 4splanade Bridge$ 3ust 178 metres from their present

location" lso called the Merlion 0ar-$ the area soon became a popular tourist

attraction and too- its place among the famous landmar-s of great cities of the

world" Mr 6ee 'uan ew$ the 0rime Minister of Singapore$ officiated the installation

ceremon* of the Merlion on 1: September 19;7" bron<e plaue commemorated

the auspicious occasion with the inscription$ +The Merlion has been erected as a

s*mbol to welcome all %isitors to Singapore+"

Toda*$ the Merlion attracts more than one million %isitors a *ear who ma-e the trip to

the Merlion 0ar- to photograph this world famous icon at her new home$ at the

ad3acent to =ne #ullerton"

!he erlion Saue

The Merlion statue$ measuring >" metres high and weighing ;8 tonnes$ was built b*

the late Singapore craftsman$ Mr 6im ang Seng" ,t is made of cement fondue"

smaller Merlion statue$ measuring two metres high and weighing three tonnes was

also built b* Mr 6im" The bod* is made of cement fondue$ the s-in from porcelainplates and e*es from small red teacups"

Clar*e +uay

amed after Sir ndrew Clar-e$ the second go%ernor of Singapore$ Clar-e ua* has

pla*ed a big part in the building of Singapore" ,n its he*da*$ do<ens of bumboats

loaded and unloaded the produce of the British 4mpire" These da*s the area@s old

shophouses and godowns has been transformed into a festi%al %illage bursting with

restaurants$ bars and attractions"

$ile "ndia

Traditionall* the home of Singapore5s ,ndian

communit*$ Serangoon Aoad and its

neighbouring side streets are still toda* a

bustling hi%e of sights$ sounds and intriguing

aromas" rainbow of colours greets *ou as *ou wind *our wa* through the streets"

ere$ where the locals shop$ *ou can bu* almost an*thing that5s ,ndian$ from

handicrafts and 'ashmir sil- to peacoc- feathers and flower garlands" littering sil-D

threaded saris$ brassware and ,ndianDdesigned 3eweller* are particularl* good bu*s"

Chec- out the spice mill along Serangoon Aoad for read*Dmade pac-ets of spices

for fish$ meat or %egetable curries that can be easil* pac-ed into a suitcase" ou5ll be

charmed b* 3ewellers selling sil%er amulets$ bridal ornaments as well as cheap$

colourful bangles$ an-le chains and other adornments" 6oo-$ for luggage of e%er*

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description$ ,ndian bedspreads and giant photographs of ,ndian mo%ie stars" Chellas

aller* specialises in papierDmache boEes and other collectibles from 'ashmir"

Singapore S#ien#e Cenre

The worldDacclaimed Singapore Science

Centre has one of the countr*5s largest

collections of educational eEhibits de%oted toscience" ,t houses more than >:8 interacti%e

eEhibits$ depicting the wonder and beaut* of 


 fter a S/ F> million re%amp eEercise$ new facilities ha%e been de%eloped at the

Science Centre" These include a new main entrance$ a full* co%ered lin-wa* 3oining

the Science Centre and the =mni DTheatre$ a 'inetic arden$ and an nneE



Singapore5s Chinatown e%ol%ed around 1>71 when

the first Chinese 3un- arri%ed from Giamen$ #u3ian

pro%ince in China" The passengers$ all men$ set up

home around the south of the Singapore Ai%er 

which is -nown toda* as Telo- *er" Conditions

were harsh" The onl* source of fresh water were

from the man* wells in nn Siang ill and at

Spring Street" 4ach household had to collect fresh

water in bulloc-Ddrawn carts$ hence Chinatown5s

local name D iu Che Shui (Bulloc- Cart Water)"

Singapore5s Chinatown is full of contrasts and fascinating details" 0arts of Chinatown

aren5t e%en Chinese" Witness$ for eEample$ the l brar Mosue along Telo- *er 

Street$ and the .amae Mosue and Sri Mariamman Temple along South Bridge

Aoad" The peaceful coDeEistence of the different places of worship in the same area$

e%en until toda*$ reflects the racial and religious harmon* in Singapore"

Chinaon -eriage Cenre

6ocated in three newl* restored

shophouses at the ethnic uarters of 

Chinatown$ the Chinatown eritageCentre houses a wealth of memories

and untold stories of how Singapore

earl* forefathers had settled in this

area after their perilous 3ourne* from


4ach le%el of the Centre ta-es *ou to a different time in the histor* of Chinatown and

allows *ou to trace the li%es of its earl* occupants" 6ife in the old da*s was %er*

simple and almost e%er*one li%ed in rented cubicles of shophouses" 0o%ert*$

diseases and harsh li%ing conditions were common and widespread" The hard life of 

the migrants resulted in man* of them see-ing solace in the four e%ilsH opium

smo-ing$ prostitution$ gambling and secret societies" =n a brighter note$ Chinatown$

in its he*da*$ was alwa*s bustling with life and acti%it*" Traditional festi%als of 

different races were celebrated here$ thus ma-ing Chinatown culturall* %ibrant and


Boani# Gardens

The ardens epitomises the tropical island5s luEuriant par-s" Spread o%er :7

hectares and close to the centre of the cit*$ the ardens is a combination of 

untouched primar* forest and specialt*

gardens displa*ing frangipanis$ roses$

ferns and desert plants$ to name a few"

There are numerous plant species here$

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including man* rare specimens$ reflect the ardens5 richness and di%ersit* of plant


The present orchid enclosure has 78$888 orchid plants on displa*" The ational

=rchid arden promises sprawling orchid displa*s$ water features$ and an eEotic

bromeliad collection from Central and South merica" =ther attractions for %isitors5

en3o*ment include 0alm &alle*$ 4coD6a-e and outdoor concerts on S*mphon* 6a-e"

Nigh Sa.ari

This is the world5s premier night

<oo" The twilight holds man*

surprises """ and more so at

ight Safari$ where *ou can loo-

a rhinocerous in the e*e or hear 

the howls of a pac- of striped

h*enas" There are o%er 1$788

animals of o%er 118 eEotic

species to watch out for" The animals are in > <ones that recreate %arious

geographic regions li-e the Southeast sian rainforest$ frican sa%anna$ epalese

ri%er %alle*$ South merican pampas and Burmese 3ungle"

Stri-e out on *our own along the wal-ing trail or relaE in a tram ride D whiche%er *ou

choose$ ight Safari is a wild ad%enture not to be missed"

Winner of the Tourism wards 7888$ 1999$ 199; and

199 D 6eisure ttraction of the ear"


  former fishing %illage turned British militar* base$

Sentosa was transformed into an id*llic island resort

in 19;7 for the en3o*ment and recreation of 

e%er*one" To describe Sentosa as merel* one thing or another would do no 3ustice

to the multiple facets of this island 3ewel half a -ilometre south of Singapore" fter 

all$ it is the %ariet* and %ersatilit* that ma-e Sentosa (meaning peace and tranquility)

different and special for millions of %isitors from all around the world" nd unli-e an*

other %acation destination$ *ou are right on the fringe of the cit* bu<<$ which is 3ust

minutes awa* b* cable car$ ferr* or %ia a ;18Dmetre road lin-" Toda*$ Sentosa is a

F98Dhectare recreational ha%en boasting a-aleidoscopic range of attractions and

acti%ities which cater to a wide audience"

/se.ul ebsies

-elco+e to /han!i Airport (http:''<<<.chan!i.airport.co+.s!#

isit in!apore (http:''<<<.ne<asia>sin!apore.co+'+ain.ht+#

a< an Irer in in!apore (http:''<<<.e?patsin!apore.co+'!eneral'la<.ht+#

 8an $ua econar* chool (http:''schools.+oe.eu.s!'nhss#

 8ational Gniersit* of in!apore (http:''<<<.nus.eu.s!#

in!apore Rier /ruises (http:''<<<.riercruise.co+.s!#

in!apore 4otanic Carens (http:''<<<.s)!.or!.s!#

Manai Irchi Caren (http:''<<<.colorful>orchis.co+'ht+l'+anai.ht+l#

 8i!ht afari (http:''<<<.ni!htsafari.co+.s!#

entosa (http:''<<<.sentosa.co+.s!#

in!aporeJs Merlion ar (http:''<<<.annie)ees.co+'Asia'Asia;.ht+#

ittle =nia (http:''littleinia.co+.s!#

in!apore cience /entre (http:''<<<.sci>ctr.eu.s! #

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'##ommodaion 0 1WC' 2or Canning $odge

The #ort Canning 6odge combines strategic location and beautiful surroundings to

offer 717 beautifull* furnished rooms and famil* suites in one of Singapore5s

greenest parts of the cit*" 

6ocated in the #ort Canning area$ near 

=rchard Aoad$ the 6odge is ideal for both

leisure tourists and corporate clients" 

Within eas* wal-ing distance are the

entertainment centres$ shopping malls$ /hob* haut MAT station$ par-s$ museums

and cultural centres" The financial district is onl* about : minutes ride b* taEi"

Guests Room -  ll guest rooms and floors are accessible onl* b* electronic -e*D

cards a feature to ensure maEimum pri%ac* and enhanced securit*" ccommodation

includesH standard rooms$ pool%iew rooms$ deluEe rooms and famil* suites 

 ll rooms are furnished with rich wood tone furniture and fitted with all the modern

comforts I international direct dial telephone ser%ice$ miniDfridge$ remoteDcontrol

colour T&$ attached shower bathroom$ indi%iduall* controlled airDconditioning and

energ* sa%ing de%ices

Com!e"e#s$%e F'$($t$es

Fu#'t$o# Rooms - #ort Canning 6odge has an eEhibition hall to cater to eEhibitions"

,t has the capacit* to accommodate up to > booths and is fleEible for other uses

owing to its strategic location on the lobb* le%el"

  large ballroom located on 6e%el 7 with a seating capacit* theatre st*le of :88


StateDofDart euipment includesH D

motori<ed bac-drop$ large pro3ector screen$

stage lighting$ sound recording$ message

tit ler$ high ualit* sound s*stem and

assortment of microphones"

4ight wellDeuipped meeting rooms are

located on 6e%el F" ,deal for meeting$ training and tal- presentation" d3acent to it is

an outdoor swimming pool and 0ool Terrace"

 ddressH $ #ort Canning Aoad$ Singapore$ 1;9 !9!"

Tel" o"H (J:) FF> !777

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3aily S#hedule

Day 1- 2' .ar 2//0 ue!

06:00 Cather at $on! %on! =nternational Airport Area D

0:00 li!ht (E1# leaes11:;0 li!ht arries at in!apore /han!i Airport

12:30 Meet the ocal n!lish speain! !uie

13:00 unch

1;:30 Arrie at hotel an chec in

15:15 $otel fire rill an tae a rest

1:00 Dinner  

19:00 8i!ht tour of in!apore <ith in!apore Rier /ruise:

/lare Eua*, Merlion ar an Theatre )* the )a*

22:00 4ac to hotel

Note Sheet


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3aily S#hedule

Day 2- 3/ .ar 2//0 e%!

0:00 4reafast at hotel

09:00 Co to 8an $ua econar* chool

10:00 Arrie at school, <elco+e )riefin!, ca+pus tour an sit in lessons12:30 unch

13:30 it in lessons an chat <ith local stuents

15:30 Hoin in e?tra>curricular actiities

16:00 eae school an isit 8ational Gniersit* of in!apore

1:00 Dinner  

19:00 isit 8i!ht afari

21:00 4ac to hotel

Note Sheet 

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3aily S#hedule

Day 3- 31 .ar 2//0 (u!

0:00 4reafast at hotel

09:00 isit in!apore cience /entre

12:30 unch1;:00 isit entosa =slan

19:00 Dinner  

20:00 4ac to hotel

Note Sheet


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3aily S#hedule

Day 4- 1 Apr 2//0 &ri!

0:00 4reafast at hotel

09:00 /hec out of the hotel, re+e+)er to )rin! all *our )elon!in!s

/it* tour: ittle =nia, Mala* %a+pon! /hinato<n, /hinato<n $erita!e

/entre, Raffles anin! ite, 4otanic Carens

12:30 unch

13:30 e!eta)le far+ tour  

16:00 Co to in!apore /han!i Airport

19:00 li!ht (E6# leaes

22:;5 li!ht arries at $on! %on! =nternational Airport

Note Sheet


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%e.le#ion 4




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%e.le#ion 6


Ne .riends

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I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t /

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 '( *ou! "#,s 1C( C(2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 '( *ou! "#,s 1C( C(2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 t"e# *ou! )'e .$(( su!e(* s"o. $t3

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 '( *ou! "#,s 1C( C(2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 stm *ou! )eet 1Stom Stom2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 stm *ou! )eet 1Stom Stom2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 t"e# *ou! )'e .$(( su!e(* s"o. $t3

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 stm *ou! )eet 1Stom Stom2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 s"out "!!* 1Hu!!*2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 s"out "!!* 1Hu!!*2

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 t"e# *ou! )'e .$(( su!e(* s"o. $t3

I) *ou+!e "* #, *ou #o. $t0 s"out "!!* 1Hu!!*2


To,* ."$(e t"e 4(ossoms st$(( '($#5 to t"e %$#e0

I+(( tste *ou! st!.4e!!$es0 I+(( ,!$# *ou! s.eet .$#e6

A m$(($o# tomo!!o.s s"(( (( ss .*0

E!e I )o!5et (( t"e 7o* t"t $s m$#e0 to,*6

I+(( 4e ,#,* #, I+(( 4e !o%e!0

 You+(( #o. ."o I m 4* t"e so#5 t"t I s$#50

I+(( )est t *ou! t4(e0 #, I+(( s(ee $# *ou! '(o%e!0

W"o '!es ."t tomo!!o. s"(( 4!$#56

O(, M'Do#(,

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

A#, o# "$s )!m "e ", some '"$'s0 E-I-E-I-


W$t" '(u'-'(u' "e!e0

A#, '(u'-'(u' t"e!e0

He!e '(u'0 t"e!e '(u'0 

E%e!*."e!e '(u'-'(u'0

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

A#, o# "$s )!m "e ", some 'o.s0 E-I-E-I-O8

W$t" moo-moo "e!e0

A#, moo-moo t"e!e0

He!e moo0 t"e!e moo0

E%e!*."e!e moo-moo0

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

A#, o# "$s )!m "e ", some $5s0 E-I-E-I-O8

W$t" # o$#-o$# "e!e "e!e0

A#, # o$#-o$# "e!e "e!e0

He!e # o$#0 t"e!e # o$#0

E%e!*."e!e # o$#0 o$#0

O(, M'Do#(, ", )!m0 E-I-E-I-O8

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Let9s st!t t t"e %e!* 4e5$##$#5

A %e!* 5oo, ('e to st!t

W"e# *ou !e, *ou 4e5$# .$t"

A-B-C6 W"e# *ou s$#5 *ou 4e5$# .$t" ,o-!e-m$

Do-!e-m$0 Do-!e-m$ T"e )$!st t"!ee #otes 7ust "e# to 4e

Do-!e-m$0 Do-!e-m$0 Do-!e-m$-)-so-(-t$

O"0 (et9s see $) I '# me $t es$e! 

: Doe0 ,ee!0 )em(e ,ee! 

R*0 ,!o o) 5o(,e# su#

Me0 #me I '(( m*se() 

F!0 (o#5 (o#5 .* to !u#

Se.0 #ee,(e u(($#5 t"!e,

L0 #ote to )o((o. se.

Te0 I ,!$# .$t" 7m #, 4!e,

T"t .$(( 4!$#5 us 4' to ,o666o" o" o"

Reet :

Do !e m$ ) so ( t$ ,o0 so ,o

To o) t"e .o!(,

Su'" )ee($#+s 'om$#+ o%e! me

T"e!e $s .o#,e! $# most e%e!*t"$#5 I see

Not '(ou, $# t"e s* 5ot t"e su# $# m* e*es

A#, I .o#+t 4e su!!$se, $) $t+s ,!em

E%e!*t"$#5 I .#t t"e .o!(, to 4e

Is #o. 'om$#5 t!ue ese'$((* )o! me

A#, t"e !eso# $s '(e!0 $t+s 4e'use *ou !e "e!e

 You+!e t"e #e!est t"$#5 to "e%e# t"t I+%e 4ee#

: I+m o# t"e to o) t"e .o!(, (oo$#+ ,o.# o# '!et$o#

A#, t"e o#(* e;(#t$o# I '# )$#,

Is t"e (o%e t"t I+%e )ou#, e%e! s$#'e *ou+%e 4ee# !ou#,

 You! (o%e+s ut me t t"e to o) t"e .o!(, :

Somet"$#5 $# t"e .$#, "s (e!#e, m* #me

A#, $t+s te(($#+ me t"t t"$#5s !e #ot t"e sme

I# t"e (e%es o# t"e t!ees #, t"e tou'" o) t"e 4!ee<e

T"e!e+s (es$#+ se#se o) "$#ess )o! me

T"e!e $s o#(* o#e .$s" o# m* m$#,

W"e# t"$s ,* $s t"!ou5" I "oe t"t I .$(( )$#,

T"t tomo!!o. .$(( 4e 7ust t"e sme )o! *ou #, me

A(( I #ee, .$(( 4e m$#e $) *ou !e "e!e

Reet :

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W"te%e! .$(( 4e0 .$(( 4e

W"e# I .s 7ust ($tt(e 5$!(

I se, m* mot"e!0 =W"t .$(( I 4e>

W$(( I 4e !ett*> W$(( I 4e !$'">?

He!e+s ."t s"e s$, to me@

: =Que se!0 se!0 ."te%e! .$(( 4e0 .$(( 4e3

t"e )utu!e+s #ot ou!s to see

Que se!0 se!0 W"t .$(( 4e0 .$(( 4e :

W"e# I .s 7ust '"$(, $# s'"oo(

I se, m* te'"e!0 =W"t .$(( I t!*>?

S"ou(, I $#t $'tu!es> S"ou(, I s$#5 so#5s>?

T"$s .s "e! .$se !e(*@

Reet :

W"e# I 5!e. u #, )e(( $# (o%e

I se, m* s.eet"e!t0 =W"t ($es "e,>

W$(( .e "%e !$#4o.s0 ,* )te! ,*>?

He!e+s ."t m* s.eet"e!t s$,@

Reet :

No. I "%e '"$(,!e# o) m* o.#

T"e* s t"e$! mot"e!0 =W"t .$(( I 4e>

W$(( I 4e "#,some> W$(( I 4e !$'">?

I te(( t"em te#,e!(*@

Reet :

W"t .$(( 4e0 .$(( 4e6 Que se!0 se!

!on7ue !isers

F!es" )!$e, )$s"0

F$s" )!es" )!$e,0

F!$e, )$s" )!es"0

F$s" )!$e, )!es"6

I) o#e ,o'to! ,o'to!s #ot"e! ,o'to!0 ,oes t"e ,o'to! 

."o ,o'to!s t"e ,o'to! ,o'to! t"e ,o'to! t"e .* t"e

,o'to! "e $s ,o'to!$#5 ,o'to!s> O! ,oes "e ,o'to! 

t"e ,o'to! t"e .* t"e ,o'to! ."o ,o'to!s ,o'to!s>

Ho. mu'" .oo, .ou(, .oo,'"u' '"u'

$) .oo,'"u' 'ou(, '"u' .oo,>

He .ou(, '"u'0 "e .ou(,0 s mu'" s "e 'ou(,0

#, '"u' s mu'" .oo, s .oo,'"u' .ou(,

$) .oo,'"u' 'ou(, '"u' .oo,

Pete! P$e! $'e, e' o) $'(e, ee!s6

D$, Pete! P$e! $' e' o) $'(e, ee!s>

I) Pete! P$e! $'e, e' o) $'(e, ee!s0

."e!e9s t"e e' o) $'(e, ee!s Pete! P$e! $'e,>

A t.$ste! o) t.$sts o#'e t.$ste, t.$st6#, t"e t.$st t"t "e t.$ste, .s t"!ee t.$ste, t.$st6

#o. $# t.$st$#5 t"$s t.$st0 $) t.$st s"ou(, u#t.$st0

.ou(, t"e t.$st t"t u#t.$ste, u#t.$st t"e t.$sts6