english tilda matilda free amigurumi pattern

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  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva



  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    Hi again!!! Finally I can share with you all this wonderful project, a crochet Tilda has me fall in love from the

    minute one, and I was craving calling her “Matilda” oes it seem right"

    This is a great project and has #een a challenge for me #ecause the pattern of this wonderful Tilda was atranslation from the utch$

    The original designer is Inge %lde &ng#erin' www$ingescreaties$#logspot$com, a person who has #een

    generous enough to share with everyone this great pattern for free and also allowed me the translation

    into &nglish and (panish to share with all of you )*++*

    ♥ Than's Inge♥ 

    I, in addition to translation, also I have ta'en the license to do some modifications that seemed correct and

    elegant to get a #eautiful Tilda$

    In any way here are the lin's to original pattern on the #log of Inge, you will also find how todo hair,

    dresses, sandals and other small details that if you fancy you can do$




    7s I always say, I hope you e8cuse me if you find any errors in the instructions, you can write me at my

    email pitusasypetetes9gmail$com to correct it and so share it with everyone else$


    ** %riginal esing #y Inge %lde &ng#erin' )www$ingescreaties$#logspot$com

    ** Translation and modifications #y %livia (ilva )www$pitusasypetetes$#logspot$com

    ** The sale, copying and distri#ution of this pattern and its instructions is prohi#ited$

    ** Is it permitted the sale of products made from this model #ut please indicate the %riginal esing #y Inge%lde &ng#erin'$

    This is a pattern for a #asic Tilda doll, ie, a color for the #ase and another color for the #ody$ I

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    (TIT=H&( >%? :&& T% ;:%@-

    (c- single crochet

    (s- slip stitch

    Inc- increase

    ec- invisi#le decrease

    =- chain

    (c flo- single crochet in the front loop only

    (c #lo- single crochet in the #ac' loop only


    M7T&AI7B( 7: T%%B(-

    1 Call of 30g$ Bimol (oftcotton &gyptian =otton =olor 36 white

    1 Call of 30g$ Bimol (oftcotton &gyptian =otton =olor 33 Dreen

    1 Hoo' ama /,33mm

    1 :eedle sewing without top

    / (afety eyes 2mm )not essential

    (tuffing of synthetic cotton


    1 =ount turns )I use a closing any jewelery


    For hair- &gyptian =otton yarn in Crown, fine needle and thread to sew i tinto his head$

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    @ith this material has #een created Matilda Tilda and measuring appro8imately 30 cm$, note that the

    material that you use changing the siEe will #e different$


  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva




    White yarn.

    1º Make a magic ring with 5 sc (5) Pull the ring closed

    2º *1 inc around (10)

    3º *1 sc, 1 inc* around (15)

    4º *2 sc, 1 inc* around (20)

    5º - 10º *1 sc around (20)

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    11º *2 sc, 1 dec* around (15)

    12º - 13º *1 sc around (15)

    *This time I used safety eyes and are placed in lap nº 6 from the top and with a separation of about3 stitches. Start filling in with cotton.

    14º *1 sc around (15) 

    15º *1 sc, 1 dec* around (10)

    16º - 19º *1 sc around (10) Keep refilling.

    20º *1sc, 1 inc* around (15) 

    21º *2 sc, 1 inc* around (20)

    22º *3 sc, 1 inc* around (25)

    23º *4 sc, 1 inc* around (30)

    24º *4 sc, 1 inc* around (36)

    25º *5 sc, 1 inc* around (42)

    26º *1 sc around (42)

    Change to green yarn.

    27º - 28º *1 sc around (42)

    29º *5 sc, 1 dec* around (36)

    30º *1 sc around (36)

    31º *4 sc, 1 dec* around (30)

    32º *1 sc around (30)

    33º *3 sc, 1 dec* around (24)

    34º - 38º *1 sc around (24)

    39º *3 sc, 1 inc* around (30)

    40º *4 sc, 1 inc* around (36)

    Refill, if you want to make the design with different color, this is the moment when you will have to

    make the change of yarn. I have continued with the same color.

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    41º *5 sc, 1 inc* around (42)

    42º *6 sc, 1 inc* around (48)

    43º *1 sc around (48)

    44º *7 sc, 1 inc* around (54)

    45º - 46º *1 sc around (54)

    47º *8 sc, 1 inc* around (60)

    48º - 53º *1 sc around (60)

    54º *9 sc, 1 inc* around (66)

    55º - 59º *1 sc around (66)

    60º *10 sc, 1 inc* around (72)

    61º - 66º *1 sc around (72)

    67º *11 sc, 1 inc* around (78)

    68º - 71º *1 sc around (78)

    72º *38 sc, 1 inc, 38 sc, 1 inc (80)

    73º *1 sc around (80)

    Refill and close the body with the same hook as show in the picture. Finish and cut the yarn.

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva




  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    ♥ LEGS: (2 equal) Go cotton filling while they increasing the turns.

    Start with White yarn.

    1º Make a magic ring with 5 sc (5) Pull the ring closed

    2º *1 inc around (10)

    3º - 15º *1 sc around (10)

    16º *1 sc, 1 inc* around (15)

    17º - 26º *1 sc around (15)

    Change to green yarn.

    27º *1 sc around (15)

    28º *1 sc blo around (15)

    29º *2 sc, 1 inc* around (20)

    30º - 41º *1 sc around (20)

    Refill and close with the same hook make 10 sc.

    42º *20 sc flo (20) That is, on the basis of 10 sc make 10sc flo, turn and make another 10 sc flo.

    43º - 44º *1 sc around (20) 

    45º *3 sc, 1 inc* around (25)

    46º - 50º *1 sc around (25)

    51º *4 sc, 1 inc* around (30)

    52º - 61º *1 sc around (30)

    62º *5 sc, 1 inc* around (35)

    63º - 67º *1 sc around (35)

    68º *6 sc, 1 inc* around (40)

    69º - 73º *1 sc around (40)

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    Refill and close with the same hook make 20 sc. Finish and cut the yarn leaving a long yarn for use

    after sewing to the body.


    ♥ ARMS: (2 equals) Go cotton filling while they increasing the turns.

    Start with white yarn.

    1º Make a magic ring whit 5 sc (5) Pull the ring closed

    2º *1 inc around (10)

    3º - 14º *1 sc around (10)

    15º *4 sc, 1 inc* around (12)

    16º - 30º *1 sc around (12)

    31º *5 sc, 1 inc* around (14)

    32º - 40º *1 sc around (14)

    Change to green yarn.

    41º - 46º *1 sc around (14)

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    Completely fill.

    47º *1 dec around (7) 

    Cut yarn leaving a long end, with the help of a needle close the circle passing the yarn the frontloop of each sc, pull the yarn and hide the excess inside the arm.


  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    Once we have finished all parts, we will sewing them.

    - I start sewing the legs to the body as you can see in the pictures.

    - Now it sewing arms, placed on either side of the body and with the help of a piece of yarn

    to sew them up the color change.

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    * For hair I made first base shaped hair bangs with needle and yarn, and I’ve added after a braid.

    To make all this I followed the wonderful tutorial of Stelinha Bonecas


    Anyway, the original hair you can see it here:


    And do not forget to put their characteristic blush.

    I hope you forgive any mistakes because my Dutch is not perfect lol ;-)

    As always I say, I like to see your works from this pattern.

    Blog: http://pitusasypetetes.blogspot.com.es/

    Email: [email protected]

    My Instagram: @olipyp 

    My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pitusas-y-Petetes/126107184227199

    My Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/PitusasyPetetes

    My Dawanda Shop: http://es.dawanda.com/shop/pitusasypetetes

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    ** %riginal esing #y Inge %lde &ng#erin' )www$ingescreaties$#logspot$com

    ** Translation and modifications #y %livia (ilva )www$pitusasypetetes$#logspot$com

    ** The sale, copying and distri#ution of this pattern and its instructions is prohi#ited$

    ** Is it permitted the sale of products made from this model #ut please indicate the %riginal esing #y Inge

    %lde &ng#erin'$

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    ** %riginal esing #y Inge %lde &ng#erin' )www$ingescreaties$#logspot$com

    ** Translation and modifications #y %livia (ilva )www$pitusasypetetes$#logspot$com

    ** The sale, copying and distri#ution of this pattern and its instructions is prohi#ited$

    ** Is it permitted the sale of products made from this model #ut please indicate the %riginal esing #y Inge

    %lde &ng#erin'$

  • 8/17/2019 English Tilda Matilda Free Amigurumi Pattern


    TILDA MATILDA : FREe amigurumi PATTERn

    Original Desing by Inge Olde Engberink (ingescreaties.blogspot.com)

    Traducción al español y modificaciones by Olivia ilva


    ** %riginal esing #y Inge %lde &ng#erin' )www$ingescreaties$#logspot$com

    ** Translation and modifications #y %livia (ilva )www$pitusasypetetes$#logspot$com

    ** The sale, copying and distri#ution of this pattern and its instructions is prohi#ited$

    ** Is it permitted the sale of products made from this model #ut please indicate the %riginal esing #y Inge

    %lde &ng#erin'$