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English translation and layout by Zoltan Molnar

Consultant: 1M Tamas Erdelyi

decoArt Books 9.

© dr. Daniel Lovas

Cover design: Borbala Kovats

ISBN 978-963-87095-9-2

Co-Publisher: CAISSA KFT

H -6000 Kecskemet E-mail: [email protected] .hu

Published by Panton Bt. Responsible editor: Daniel Lovas

Printed in Hektograf Nyomda, Plisp6kladany

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Sofia 2010

by Daniel Lovas

The Story of the Great Match For the FIDE World Champion Title

The 12 Games with Detailed Annotations



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Prologue 5


In oui days, world chess title is shining in its old light. As a result of decade-long debate , the International Chess Federa­tion has at last succeeded in forming a tournament system mobilizing the best chess players of the world. Furthermore , a number of brilliant young talents have appeared, whose un­concealed aim is to win over the chess throne .

These circumstances were also instrumental in that the final organized in Sofia between Indian title-holder Viswa­nathan Anand and Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria, world chart leader for a 19n9 time, excited world-wide interest. The two contestants of outstanding knowledge did not cause disap­pointment. The 1 2-game match brought a glowing but sports­manlike fight and clashes of a high standard.

It is presumably well-known to every reader that Anand won 6 Yz : 5Yz, thus defending his world title . But to the final an adventurous path was leading. On the next pages I am going to make an attempt at recalling the story of the match as attractively as possible , first of all for those who could not follow the events in a minute-by-minute live broadcast.

The final in Sofia abounded in dramatic turns . Even the start was disturbed by an unexpected event. Owing to the Icelandic volcano eruption, Anand and his team could only get to Sofia with an adventurous travel. In the opening match played with a one-day delay because of this, Topalov won with a spectacular knight sacrifice. But Anand was quick in

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6 Prologue

taking his revenge, and, showing great moral strength, he stood up to the repeated assaults of his opponent till the end of the match.

The match was made even more interesting by the peculiar situation arisen around the draws. Anand did not accept that they should play according to the Sofia Rule, forbidding draw offers, but Topalov had declared before the match that he uni­laterally considered it binding on him and he would not offer or accept a draw in any circumstances. So that every game brought a long and lively battle . Though there were draws, all of them resulted in thoroughly played positions, after mutual repetition of moves.

Who can bear the unusual mental and physical strain bet­ter? - chess lovers from all over the world asked, since the decision remained to be made in the last round. And the cli­max of the match brought another dramatic turn. Owing to the enormous pressure of the home environment craving for win, Topalov - just like a kamikaze fighter - staked every­thing on one card. However, Anand refuted his risky plan with a spectacular counterattack.

To assist the better understanding of the memorable 1 2th game, detailed annotations are enclosed, which, in addition to the analysis of the variations, also touch on the role tourna­ment tactical and moral factors played in the forming of the result.

Daniel Lovas .

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The Career of Anand 7

The Career of Anand

The fifteenth world champion - the first Asian - of modern chess, Viswanathan (Vi shy) Anand marks the beginning of another era in the history of the royal game. His person is symbolic: it expresses that chess sport, the centre of which was for a long time in Western Europe and Russia, became uni­versal in our age. Anand was born where chess itself originates from. Chaturanga, the ancient chess took shape in India some­time round the fifth century. One and a half millennium later, on 1 1 th December 1969 , a boy-child was born in the town of Chennai (the former Madras) , of which he is now the best known son. Anand is not a lonesome knight of chess. The love and support of a rising, continent-sized country is behind him. In India, as early as 2000, when winning the FIDE title, he was already regarded as a world champion of full value. And since winning the reunified title of World Chess Champion in 2007 he is a celebrated national hero. In the vast country he is looked upon as the greatest Indian sportsman. In addition to his individual talent, it is this historic and cultural background that accounts for the persistent ambition of the likeable Indian chess player, which, as a result, enabled him to get to the peak of the chess world at the age of 37 years.

He learned to play chess at age six from his mother. His extraordinary gifts are indicated by the fact that already in his

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8 The Career of Anand

childhood he played at an unusually quick rate - and yet with few mistakes and effectively. As the result of his rapid manner of play, the nickname "lightning-handed Vishy" was stuck to him in the chess world, but with regard to his native land, in the international press he is often called "the Tiger from Mad­ras", too.

In his native land he swiftly rose among the best, and in 1987 he earned the title of World Junior Champion - the first Asian to do so. He was the first Indian Chess player to be awarded the title of international grandmaster. It was two years later, at the age of 19 , that he became connected with the fight for the adult world title. He qualified as equal third from the Manila Interzonal World Championship final. In his first world champion candidates' match he won against Aleksei Dreev, but among the best eight he lost to Anatoly Karpov.

He achieved his first, really sensational tournament win in 1992 in Reggio Emilia, where he won defeating both Kasparov and Karpov. By this time, his style characterized by a dynam­ic conduct of play containing a lot of combinative elements has taken shape. It is not for nothing that he is considered to be one of the greatest experts of open games. His play is var­iegated, never boring, and his games - just like his whole per­sonality - radiate the love of chess. He competes a lot and does not lose heart when doing not so well . With his modest, like­able manners he is one of the most attractive figures of the international chess elite.

He competed in both branches in the parallel world cham­pionship cycle of 1993-95 . Although in the FIDE tournament he was eliminated by Gata Kamsky of USA, in the title-gain-

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The Career of Anand 9

ing contests of PCA (Professional Chess Assocoation) he got almost as far as the peak. In 1995 in New York he could match his strength with Kasparov for the PCA world title . In the middle of their match he took the lead, but in a brilliant game Kasparov equalized and finally defended his title . But defeat did not discourage Vishy, and in the following years he repeatedly went to war to gain the world title.

In the knockout system world championship of FIDE organized in Groningen in 1998 he qualified for the final by defeating his six opponents, including Michael Adams. Then, after a score of 3 :3 with Anatoly Karpov, he was beaten by him only in the rapid game playoff. It may have been some compensation to him that for his first book, My Best Games of Chess, he was given "The Best Book of the Year" award by the British Chess Federation.

In 2000 his efforts were at last crowned with success. He won the World Cup, and in the FIDE World Championship in New Delhi he could defeat Adams a second time, too. Then came the final in Teheran, and by defeating Aleksei Shirov of Spain he became FIDE World Chess Champion.

But then the era of Kasparov's reign still lasted, therefore Anand - except for the Indians - was not really looked upon as the number one player of the world. And one year later he did actually lose his title, having been defeated in Moscow already in the semi-final by Vassily Ivanchuk of Ukraine, ahead of whom he had won the Junior World Championship. This fiasco was followed by a one and a half year long trough. But once he got over this, he started soaring again, winning one super-tournament after the other: in Wijk aan Zee, Dort­mund, Linares, Monaco, and Mainz . Chess specialists , too,

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10 The Career of Anand

have appreciated his successes: after 1997 and 1 998, two times again, in 2003 and 2004, they selected him The Best of the Year. So far he was four times awarded the Chess Oscar.

It is well-known that the Indian grandmaster is a specialist of rapid tournaments . In short games he is almost undefeat­able , and this is what brought him his second world title . FIDE organized the first rapid world championship final in 2003 in Cap d'Adge with 25-minute games and an additional 10 seconds after each move, which was won by Anand by beating Kramnik in the finaL So Lightning-Handed Vishy has won the title World Rapid Chess Champion - the first to do so in the world.

In 2004, he won the historic super-tournament "Corus" in Holland for the fourth time. With this win Anand entered the elite league of players that have won the Corus four times: for­mer World Champion Max Euwe, Lajos Portisch and Viktor Korchnoi. This year brought him several great successes. He also came first in the Dortmund super-tournament, and then, in rapid chess, he won for the fourth time the very strong event in Mainz and, for the fifth time, the tournament in Corsica. In the Calvia Olympiad, as captain of the team, he led the Indians to a historic sixth place .

In 2005 , he was also one of the favourites in the World Championship Final in Argentina, but then, after an unex­pected loss , he failed to catch up with Topalov playing at the top of his form, so at length he finished equal second.

It was in April 2006 that his Elo rating broke the 2800 mark, and from April 2007 he has been holding the number one spot in the world ranking list. This is an extraordinary achievement, specially as he is an extremely active com-

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The Career of Anand 1 1

petitor, and the many tournaments following one another involve the risk of weaker performances. But Anand is a real chess player who fears neither failure nor the burden of being a favourite .

However, he could only become the most active super­grandmaster of the past two decades by sharing his time between India and the world's chess centre, Europe. He set­tled down with his wife Aruna in Collado Mediano, a small Spanish town near Madrid. Yet he is in a close, daily, contact with his homeland, where he is extremely popular.

Anand is said to have revolutionized Indian chess life. His performance was recognized with the highest Indian sport and civilian awards. His English-language Indian home page is: tnq.inlvishwa.h tml

To the 2007 World Championship final held in Mexico he came with prospects of victory, too, but besides him the field included the active world champion Kramnik and six more -almost invincible - supergrandmasters. This time Anand has realized Kasparov's prophecy, who held him the number one favourite. He was better prepared than his rivals, and worked out a number of new opening variations with his Danish sec­ond, Peter Heine Nielsen. He managed to remain unbeaten, though Kramnik made him sweat, and in his game against Grischuk he also had to fight for the draw. But finally, with a score of 9 out of 1 4 games, a full point clear of the field, he won the tournament, gaining his third world title - this time the reunified one - at the age of 37 years.

At the end of 2007, he still heads the world ranking list, being the only one of the super-grandmasters to surpass the magic 2800. "King Anand", the first Asian World Chess

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12 The Career of Anand

Champion meritedly wears the symbolic crown of the chess king. But by now the rate has speeded up, the struggle among the best is intensified. In 2008, according to the rules , Anand had to defend his throne against Kramnik in a return match. After eleven games, Anand successfully defended his title by a final score of 6%:41/2

In the July 201 0 FIDE rating list he was ranked third with 2800.

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A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games 13

A SELECTION OF ANAND'S NICEST GAMES (Game titles by Zoltan Molnar)

1 . Vishy Steps on It V. Anand - G. Kasparov

'New York 1 995 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 flxd4 flf6 5 fle3 a6 6 lile2 e6 7 0-0 lile7 8 a4 fle6 9 lile3 0-0 10 f4 \We7 1 1 wh l fre8 1 2 1ilf3 Iild7 1 3 flb3 fla5 1 4 flxa5 \Wxa5 1 5 \Wd3 frad8 1 6 frfdl ! lile6 1 7 b4 \We7 1 8 b 5 Iild7 1 9 frab l ! axb5 20 flxb5! Iilxb5 21 \Wxb5 fra8 22 e4 e5 23 Iilb6! \We8 24 fxe5 dxe5 25 as 1ilf8 26 h3 \We6

27 frd5! ilid5?? 28 exd5+­\Wg6 29 e5 e4 30 lile2 fre5 31 \Wd7 ! frg5 32 frgl ! e3 33 d6 frg3 34 \Wxb7 \We6 35 wh2 ! [35 . . . fre8 36 d7+- (36 frfl +-)] 1--0

2. Horse 's Kick V. Anand - B. Gelfand

Wijk aan Zee 1 996 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 e5 2 fle3 d6 3 f4 g6 4 flf3 Iilg7 5 lile4 fle6 6 d3 e6 7 0-0 flge7 8 \We I! h6 9 Iilb3 a6 1 0 e5! flfS 1 1 wh l ! flfd4 1 2 fle4 flxf3 1 3 frxf3 dxe5 1 4 fxe5 flxe5 1 5 frfl g5! 1 6 \Wg3 0-0 17 Iilxg5! hxg5 1 8 flxg5 flg6 1 9 frae I ! \We 7 20 frfS ! ! Iilf6

21 fue6! fxe6?? 22 frxe6! wg7 23 frxe7t Iilxe7 24 frxf8 1ilxf8 25 h4! [25 .. . wh 7 26 h5 fle727\Wf3 (27. \Wf4 Iild7 28. \Wf6 Iilc6 29. 1ilf7+-) 27 . . . 1ilf5 28 \Wxb7+-] 1--0

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14 A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games

3 . Battering Ram V. Anand - J . Timman

Wijk aan Zee 2004 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 flxd4 flf6 5 fle3 fle6 6 �g5 e6 7 i.MJd2 a6 8 0-0-0 �d7 9 f3 �e7 10 �e3 fre8 1 1 g4 fla5 12 wbl b5 1 3 �d3 fle4 1 4 �xe4 frxe4 15 flee2 0-0 1 6 g5 fle8 1 7 h4 i.MJe8 1 8 b3 fre7 1 9 flf4!? fre3 20 frdgl b4 21 h5 fle7 22 g6 �f6

23 h6!? fxg6 24 hxg7 frf7 25 frxh7! wxh7 26 i.MJh2t wxg7 27 flxg6+- frxe3 28 fle7t wfB 29 flxe8


4. Endlosung S. Rublevsky - V. Anand

Bastia 2004 Scotch Opening

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 fle6 3 d4 exd4 4 flxd4 �e5 5 flb3 �b6 6 flc3 flf6 7 i.MJe2 0-0 8 �g5 h6 9 h4 d6 10 f3 hxg5 1 1 hxg5 flg4 12 fxg4 i.MJxg5 1 3 i.MJf3 �xg4 1 4 i.MJg3 fle5 1 5 �e2 f5 1 6 exfS i.MJxfS 17 0-0-0 �xe2 18 flxe2 i.MJf2 19 i.MJh2 i.MJxe2 20 i.MJh8t wf7 21 frdfl t �f2 22 i.MJh7

22 . . . we6! 23 wb l i.MJg4


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A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games 15

5 . Let us Be Sacrificers, But Not Butchers

B. Macieja - V. Anand Calvia 2004

Queen 's Pawn Game

1 d4 flf6 2 flf3 e6 3 �g5 h6 4 �xf6 lWxf6 5 e4 d5 6 flbd2 g6 7 c3 �g7 8 �d3 0-0 9 0-0 fld7 10 e5 lWe7 1 1 h4 c5 12 lWe2 cxd4 1 3 cxd4 �d8 14 a3 flf8 15 h5 �d7 16 hxg6 flxg6 17 g3 f5 1 8 exf6 lWxf6 1 9 �ae 1 �f8 20 wg2 �f7 2 1 lWd 1 �af8 22 lWc2

22 . . . flf4t! 23 gxf4 lWxf4 24 �gl �xd4 25 wfl t wh8 26 �e2 �c8 27 lWb 1 �f6 28 fle 1 e5 29 flg2 �h3 30 �hl �xg2t 3 1 wxg2 �g7t 32 wfl �gc7 33 flb3 g:c1 t! 34 flxc 1 �xc 1 t 35

lWxc1 lWxc1 t 36 �e l lWf4 37 �b l e4 38 �a2 �h4 39 �e2 d4


6. Giving Black Short Shrift V. Anand - R. Kasimdzhanov

Leon 2005 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 flf6 5 flc3 a6 6 �e3 e6 7 f3 b5 8 lWd2 flbd7 9 g4 h6 10 0-0-0 �b7 1 1 h4 b4 1 2 fla4 lWa5 1 3 b3 flc5 1 4 a3 �c8 15 lWxb4 lWc7 16 wb l flfd7 1 7 flb2 d5 1 8 lWd2 dxe4 1 9 f4 flf6 20 �e2 fld5 2 1 flc4 fld7 22 g5 flxe3 23 lWxe3 �d5 24 �hfl �c5 25 lWc3 hxg5 26 flf5 �xc4 27 flxg7t we7 28 �xc4 �hg8 29 hxg5 e3 30 f5 fle5 3 1 fxe6 �xg7

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16 A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games

32 frd7t! flxd7 33 Wlxg7 1-0

7. Stepping up the Pressure V. Anand - M. Adams

San Luis 2005 Ruy Lopez

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 flc6 3 �b5 a6 4 �a4 flf6 5 0-0 �e7 6 fre l b5 7 �b3 d6 8 c3 0-0 9 h3 �b7 1 0 d4 fre8 1 1 flbd2 �fB 1 2 a4 h6 1 3 �c2 exd4 1 4 cxd4 flb4 1 5 �bl c 5 1 6 d5 fld7 1 7 fra3 c4 1 8 axb5 axb5 1 9 fld4 Wlb6 20 flf5 fleS 2 1 frg3 g6 22 flf3 fled3 23 Wld2 �xd5 24 flxh6t �xh6 25 Wlxh6 Wlxf2t 26 wh2 flxel

27 flh4! fled3 28 flxg6

Wlxg3t 29 wxg3 fxg6 30 Wlxg6t wfB 31 Wlf6t wg8 32 �h6 1-0

8. Volodya's Dark Day V. Anand - V. Kramnik

Sofia 2005 Petroff Defence

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 flf6 3 flxe5 d6 4 flf3 flxe4 5 d4 d5 6 �d3 flc6 7 0-0 �e7 8 c4 flb4 9 �e2 0-0 1 0 flc3 �f5 1 1 a3 flxc3 1 2 bxc3 flc6 1 3 fre 1 fre8 1 4 cxd5 Wlxd5 1 5 �f4 frac8 1 6 Wlc 1 fla5 1 7 c4 Wle4 18 �d 1 Wld3 19 fre3 Wlxc4

20 freS! 1-0

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A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games 17

9. The Disrespect of a Pawn R. Kasimdzhanov - V. Anand

Linares 2005 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5\ 2 4Jf3 d6 3 c3 4Jf6 4 �e2 �g4 5 d3 e6 6 4Jbd2 4Jc6 7 4Jfl d5 8 exd5 4Jxd5 9 IWa4 �h5 1 0 4Jg3 4Jb6 1 1 IWdl �g6 1 2 0-0 �e7 1 3 a4 0-0 1 4 as 4Jd5 1 5 IWa4 IWc7 1 6 d4 cxd4 1 7 4Jxd4 4Jxd4 1 8 IWxd4 fS 1 9 IWa4 �ad8 20 �dl f4 2 1 4Je4 IWe5 22 �f3 b5 23 IWc2 4Jf6 24 4Jxf6t IWxf6 25 IWb3 �xdl t 26 IWxdl �d8 27 IWe2 �d3 28 lWeI e5 29 �e2 �xe2 30 IWxe2 e4 31 g3 e3 32 fxe3

32 . . . £31 33 IWxb5 flt 34 wg2 �f8 35 IWd5t wh8 36 wfl IWh6 37 �d2 IWh3t 38 IWg2 IWfS 0-1

1 0. The Weaker King J. Polgar - V. Anand

San Luis 2005 Caro-Kann

1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 4Jc3 dxe4 4 me4 4Jd 7 5 �d3 4Jgf6 6 4Jf3 4Jxe4 7 �xe4 4Jf6 8 �d3 �g4 9 �e3 e6 1 0 c3 �d6 1 1 h3 �h5 1 2 IWe2 IWa5 1 3 a4 0-0 1 4 IWc2 �xf3 1 5 gxf3 IWh5 1 6 0-0-0 4Jd5 1 7 wbl b5 1 8 �dgl f6 19 axb5 cxb5 20 �c 1 �ab8 2 1 IWe2 �fe8 22 IWe4 wh8 23 h4 fS 24 IWe2 IWf7 25 �g2 �f4 26 �hgl �g8 27 �e3 IWd7 28 IWd2 �d6 29 �c2 IWb7 30 �g5 b4 31 c4 b3 32 �d3 �b4 33 IWe2 IWa6 34 �h6

34 . . . 4Jc3tl 35 bxc3 �xc3 36 wc 1 IWa3t 37 wdl IWa l t 38 �c 1

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18 A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games

b2 39 tWe3 �xd4 40 tWd2 bxc ltWt 41 tWxc l tWa2


1 1 . The Final Stab V. Anand - L. Van Wely

Wijk aan Zee 2006 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 �f3 �c6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ilid4 �f6 5 �c3 e5 6 �db5 d6 7 �g5 a6 8 �a3 b5 9 �d5 �e7 10 �xf6 �xf6 1 1 c3 �g5 1 2 �c2 :gb8 1 3 a4 bxa4 1 4 �cb4 �d7 1 5 �xa6 ilib4 1 6 cxb4 0-0 1 7 0-0 �c6 1 8 :gxa4 �xa4 19 tWxa4tWe8 20 tWxe8 :gfxe8 2 1 b5 f5 2 2 b 6 fxe4 2 3 h4 �d2 24 b7 wf7 25 :gd1 �h6 26 �b4 We7 27 �d5t wf7 28 g4 �f4 29 :gel g5 30 :ge2 :ged8 31 �b4 d5 32 �c6 :gg8 33 ilib8 :gxb8 34 h5 We7 35 wfl d4 36 :gc2 e3 37 fxe3 dxe3 38 :gc7t wf6 39 :gxh7 e4 40 �c4 :gd8 41 :gf7t we5

See Diagram

42 :gd71 1-O

12 . A Tempo of Two Pieces' Worth

S. Karjakin - V . Anand Wijk aan Zee 2006

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 �f3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ilid4 �f6 5 �c3 a6 6 �e3 e5 7 �b3 �e6 8 f3 �e7 9 tWd2 0-0 1 0 0-0-0 �bd7 1 1 g4 b5 1 2 g5 b4 1 3 �e2 �e8 1 4 f4 as 1 5 f5 a4 1 6 �bd4 exd4 1 7 �xd4 b3 18 wb1 bxc2t 19 �xc2 �b3 20 axb3 axb3 21 �a3 �e5 22 h4 :gaS 23 tWc3 tWa8 24 �g2

See Diagram

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A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games 19

24 . . . flc7! 25 lMixc7 ffc8 26 lMixe7 flc4 27 g6 hxg6 28 fxg6 flxa3t 29 bxa3 ffxa3 30 gxf7t wh7 3 1 f8flt ffxf8 32 lMixf8 ffal t 33 wb2 ffa2t 34 wc3 lMia5t 35 wd3 lMib5t 36 wd4 ffa4t 37 wc3 lMic4t (37 ... lMic4f 38 wd2 ffa2f 39 wellMie2#)


1 3 . As Deep as the Sea V. Topalov - V. Anand

Sofia 2006 Ruy Lopez

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 flc6 3 �b5 a6 4 �a4 flf6 5 0-0 �e7 6 ffel b5 7 �b3 0-0 8 h3 �b7 9 d3 ffe8 10 c3 h6 1 1 flbd2 �f8 1 2 a3 d6 13 �a2 flb8 14 b4 c5 1 5 flb3 flc6 1 6 ffbl �c8 1 7 �e3 �e6 1 8

lMic2 ffc8 1 9 lMib2 c4 2 0 dxc4 �xc4 2 1 flbd2 �xa2 22 lMixa2 d5 23 ffbdl d4 24 cxd4 exd4 25 flb3 flxe4 26 �xd4 flxd4 27 ffxd4 flg5 28 fle5

28 ... ili:h3t! 29 gxh3 lMig5t 30 wh2 lMifS 3 1 ffde4 ffxe5 32 ffxe5 �d6 33 flc5 �xe5t 34 wg2 ffc6 35 lMib3 ffg6t 36 wfl �g3 !0-1

14. Elegant and Convincing V. Anand - A. Morozevich

Mexico 2007 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 flxd4 flf6 5 flc3 a6 6 f3 e5 7 flb3 �e6 8 �e3 flbd7 9 g4 flb6 1 0 g5 flh5 1 1 lMid2 ffc8 12

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20 A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games

0-0-0 (}2e7 1 3 ffgl 0-0 14 wb l \MIc7 1 5 \MIf2 £lc4 16 (}2xc4 (}2xc4 1 7 £ld5 (}2xd5 18 ffxd5 f5 1 9 gxf6 frxf6 2 0 \MIe2 £lf4 2 1 (}2xf4 frxf4 22 frd3 \MId7 23 £ld frcfS 24 a3 wh8 25 £la2 \MIh3 26 frg3 \MIh5 27 \MIg2 frh4 28 h3 \MIh6 29 frb3 b5 30 £lb4 frh5 3 1 \MIfl frh4 32 \MIg2 frh5 33 £lxa6 (}2h4 34 frg4 (}2f6 35 \MIe2 frxh3 36 frxb5 (}2d8 37 frb8 \MIf6 38 £lb4 frxf3 39 £ld5 \MIf7 40 \MIa6 h5 41 frg2 h4 42 \MIxd6 (}2e7 43 \MIxeS frxb8 44 \MIxb8t wh7 45 \MIc7 (}2fS 46 \MIxf7 frxf7 47 ffg4 frf1 t 48 wa2 frh 1 49 e5 (}2c5 50 e6 wh6 5 1 frc4 h3 52 frxc5 h2 53 £le3 fral t 54 wxal h l\M1t 55 wa2 \MIe4

56 fre5! 1--0

1 5 .Curtains v. Anand - V . Topalov

Leon 2007 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 £lf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 £lf6 5 £lc3 a6 6 (}2e3 e6 7 (}2e2 £lbd7 8 0-0 b5 9 a4 b4 10 £lc6 \MIc7 1 1 fub4 d5 12 fua6 (}2xa6 1 3 exd5 (}2d6 1 4 h3 exd5 15 fud5 £lxd5 16 \MIxd5 (}2b7 1 7 \MIc4 (}2c6 1 8 b4 \MIb7 1 9 fradl (}2e7 2 0 b 5 (}2xg2 2 1 frxd7 wxd7 22 \MIg4t we8 23 \MIxg2 \MIxg2t 24 wxg2 frxa4 25 b6 fra5 26 frdl (}2g5 27 b7 we7 28 (}2b6 fre5

29 (}2d8t! 1--0

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A Selection of Anand's Nicest Games 21

16. Attack a la Anand V. Anand - M. Carlsen

Linares 2007 Ruy Lopez

1 e4 es 2 flf3 flc6 3 �bs a6 4 �a4 flf6 5 0-0 �e7 6 ffel bs 7 �b3 d6 8 c3 0-0 9 h3 flas 10 �c2 cs 1 1 d4 fld7 1 2 ds flb6 1 3 �bd2 g6 14 b4 cxb4 15 cxb4 flac4 1 6 flxc4 flxc4 1 7 �b3 flb6 18 �e3 �d7 19 ffc1 ffc8 20 ffxc8 �xc8 2 1 Wc2 �d7 22 ffc 1 fla8 23 Wd2 Wb8 24 �gs �xg5 25 fug5 ffc8 26 llil h6

27 fle6! wh7 28 f4 Wa7t 29 wh2 �e8 30 f5 gxf5 31 exfS f6 32 ffel flc7 33 ffc 1 �d7 34 ffc3 e4 35 ffg3 flxe6 36 dxe6 �e8 37 e71 �h5 38 Wxd6 1--0

1 7. Simple But Winning L. Aronian - V . Anand

Mexico 2007 Queen '5 Gambit

1 d4 ili6 2 c4 e6 3 flf3 ds 4 flc3 c6 5 �g5 h6 6 �h4 dxc4 7 e4 g5 8 �g3 b5 9 fles h5 1 0 h4 g4 1 1 �e2 �b7 1 2 0-0 flbd7 13 Wc2 fues 1 4 �xes �g7 15 ffadl 0-0 1 6 �g3 fld7 1 7 f3 cs 18 dxcs We7 19 whl a6 20 a4 �c6 2 1 flds exd5 22 exd5 �es 23 f4 �g7 24 dxc6 fucs 25 ffd5 fle4 26 �el We6 27 ffxhS f5 28 wh2 ffac8 29 �b4 fffe8 30 axbs axb5 3 1 ffe 1

3 1 . . .WU! 32 �g5 fug5 33 fxgs ffxc6 34 �f1 ffxe 1 35 �xel ffe6 36 �c3 Wc7t 37 g3 ffe3 38 Wg2 �xc3 39 bxc3 f4 40 Wa8t wg7 41 Wa6 fxg3t 0-1

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22 The Career of Topalov

The Career of Topalov

Grandmaster Veselin Topalov was born in 1 975 in Rusze, Bulgaria. In the past decades he went through all the obstacle­filled paths of becoming a professional Gompetitor, from jun­ior championships to the super-tournaments. He reached the summit of his career up till now in 2005 , when in San Luis he came first hands down in the World Championship Final organised by FIDE, winning herewith the world title .

As so many future greats, he learned the fundamentals of chess from his father at the age of eight. Soon he became a reg­istered competitor and his knowledge was polished by skilled trainers, and he kept stepping forward by degrees in the national and, later, international age group championships. In Puerto Rico in 1 989 he won the 14-Year-Olds' World Championship. One year later, in Singapore, he became silver medalist among the 1 6-year-olds. By this time, it was obvious that the student of the young Bulgarian competitor, 1M Silvio Danailov, was one of the most talented members of the new generation of chess players.

He won the title International Grandmaster in 1 992, join­ing therewith the elite of professional adult chess players. This enabled him to participate in tournaments of the highest rank.

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The Career of Topalov 23

And he did avail himself of this possibility. He travelled and competed a lot, having ample opportunity to get to know the best of the world.

At the 1 994 Moscow Chess Olympiad, as first board of the selected Bulgarian team, the 19-year-old grandmaster led his compa'triots to the fourth place. His first significant wins against the leading players of the time derive from this period. It was from the mid - 1 990s that he started his march towards winning the world title.

Topalov took part in every knockout system world cham­pionship. In 1 998 in Groningen he was eliminated in round two, in 1 999 in Las Vegas he was beaten by Kramnik in the rapid play-off, and a year later Adams stopped him. Then came Moscow, where Shirov beat him, and in 2002 in Dortmund the world championship semi-final was won by Leko against him 2.5- 1 .5 . But all these did not discourage Topalov from getting to the top. In Tripoli in 2004 he did not lose a single game until the semi-final. It was considered a sur­prise that he lost to Kasimdzahov in the rapid play-off.

From the mid- 1 990s he rose to be one of the super-GMs, but for a decade or so his competitor's career was uneven. In our days the vanguard of the world is so well-balanced that in addition to outstanding talent, a favourable coincidence of several kinds of circumstances is also required to be first among the excellent. For Topalov this period came after a laborious decade, in 2005 . It was in this year that he could win for the first time against Kasparov in a classical tournament game, in the last round of the Linares tournament. Not long after this, Kasparov announced his intention to retire . His loss to Topalov may also have played a part in this decision.

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24 The Career of Topalov

In the eight-participant final, organised in San Luis in 2005 , took part all the world champion candidates who had earlier been able to stop Topalov. But this time the Bulgarian grand­master was unstoppable . Being all along in the lead, he won the tournament hands down. He became world champion quite deservedly - not only on the strength of his score , but also in virtue of the level of his game and his engaging, elegant competitor's conduct .

The international chess public opinion received it with agreement that the Chess Oscar in 2005 was awarded to Topalov. In addition to winning the world title , he came first easily in the super-tournament in Sofia, getting ahead of Anand by one point. It was then that he stated of himself: "[ am not afraid of losing, and that 's what makes the difference between me and the others. "

Indeed, the chess Topalov is playing is a modern one and is of a typically 21 th century approach. He is well aware that without taking risks you cannot succeed in an extremely strong field. He bravely undertakes open game and often takes chances. He plays unbiasedly in all stages of the game, and makes the best of the possibilities presenting themselves with a brilliant technique . He is not unbeatable , but is able to beat anyone in today's leading group. Even after serious losses he quickly finds his legs, playing the next game already with all his strength. Similarly to the best of other sports, he is unbe­lievably energetic, striving after success to the last moment in every tournament. Super-GM Topalov stands for the truly high-level, top-quality competitive chess.

The results of the past years proved that the 30-year-old grandmaster of chess, living in Salamanca, Spain, has become

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The Career of Topalov 25

fully ripe and got to the summit of his career. On the FIDE rating list published in January of 2006 his rating was 280 1 , becoming herewith the third player, after Kasparov (285 1 ) and Kramnik (28 1 1 ) , t o surpass the magic 2800, and indicating that his is an outstanding playing strength. By the way, on the April 2006 list his rating rose to 2804.

Already on the day after his world championship victory, Topalov proclaimed that he would not rest on his laurels , and is ready to defend his title . In April, the president of the FIDE offiCially announced that in September of 2006 it will be pos­sible to play the title reunification match between the FIDE World Champion and the holder of the classical world title , i .e . between Topalov and Kramnik. It is surely going to be a most interesting match if realised at all, yet it would make no real difference : with his career up to now, Topalov has already written his name in the golden book of chess. His original way of thinking, his style, in which an enormous number of mate­rial knowledge is combined with an immense playing strength, makes his play a delightful experience .

It is worth learning from Topalov how to win with an ele­gant and forceful play in our days when not only the grand­masters are of outstanding playing strength, but at all levels excellently prepared opponents sit on the other side of the board.

In the July 201 0 FIDE rating list he was ranked second with 2803 points .

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26 A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games


Game titles by Zoltan Molnar

1 . A Model Deflection V. Topalov - G. Kasparov

Moscow 1994 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 flf6 5 flc3 a6 6 �e3 e6 7 g4 h6 8 f4 flc6 9 �e2? ! e5 ! 10 flfS g6 1 1 flg3 exf4 12 �xf4 �e6 1 3 �fl �c8 14 h3 \Wb6? ! 1 5 \Wd2 �g7 1 6 �xd6 flxg4? 1 7 �xg4! \Wxb2 1 8 e5?! flxe5 1 9 �bl \Wxc3 20 \Wxc3 �xc3 2 1 �xe6 fxe6 2 2 �xb7 flc4 2 3 �b4 �e3t 24 fle2 �e5 25 Efff7 Efxh3

26 fld4! �e3t 27 wfl �e4 28 �fe7t 1--0

2. Hang On, Pete ! V. Topalov - P. Leko

Dortmund 1996 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 flxd4 flf6 5 flc3 flc6 6 �c4 e6 7 �e3 �e7 8 \We2 0-0 9 0-0-0 �d7 1 0 f4 �c8 1 1 e5 fle8 1 2 flxc6 �xc6 1 3 fS e m 14 e6 wh8 15 exf7 flf6 16 �e6 �d7 17 �b3 ! f4 1 8 �xf4 �g4 1 9 \We3 �xdl 20 �xdl a6 21 �e6 �c5 22 g4 b5 23 h4 b4 24 fle2 \Wc7 25 g5 Efxc2t 26 wbl flh5 27 �h2 g6 28 �b3 �c5 29 flf4 �e5 30 \Wd4 flxf4 31 �xf4 \Wc5 32 �xe5t dxe5 33 \We4 wg7 34 �d5 \Wd6 35 �b3 \Wc5 36 �c 1 \Wd4 37 \Wb7 �d8 38 �dl \Wb6 39 We4 �c7 40 �c4 as 41 �d7 a4 42 \Wf3 �d8 43 \Wg3 �c7 44 b3 a3 45 \Wf3 �d8 46 wc2 wh8 47 wd3 wg7 48 we2 wh8 49 \Wd5 �c7

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A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games 27

50 ird8!1 �xd8 5 1 IWxe5t �f6 52 IWxf6t IWxf6 53 gxf6 h5 54 wf3 wh7 55 wf4 wh6 56 we5 g5 57 we6 ffb8 58 �b5 ffh8 59 we7 wg6 60 �d3t


3. Hand-to-Hand Fight B. Gelfand - V. Topalov

Linares 1997 King's Indian Defence

1 d4 flf6 2 flf3 g6 3 c4 �g7 4 flc3 0-0 5 e4 d6 6 �e2 e5 7 �e3 exd4 8 flxd4 ffe8 9 f3 c6 10 �f2 d5 1 1 exd5 cxd5 1 2 0-0 flc6 1 3 c5 flh5 1 4 g3 �h3 15 ffe 1 IWg5 1 6 fldb5 ffad8 1 7 fld6

See Diagram

17 ... �d4!! 1 8 lWeI �e3 19 �xe3 ffxe3 20 wf2 d4 2 1 fldl ffxe2t 22 ffxe2 IWd5 23 fle4 fle5 24 IWg5 ffe8 25 ffd2 IWc4 26 fldc3 h6 27 IWh4 dxc3 28 ffd8 cxb2 29 ffxe8t wg7 30 ffdl IWc2t 3 1 ffd2 b 1 IW 32 IWxh3 IWceI

0-1 4. A Vicious Horse

V. Ivanchuk - V. Topalov Linares 1997

English Opening

1 flf3 flf6 2 c4 c5 3 flc3 flc6 4 e3 e6 5 d 4 d5 6 a3 a6 7 dxc5 �xc5 8 b4 �a7 9 �b2 0-0 10 �d3 IWe7 1 1 0-0 ffd8 1 2 IWe2 �d7 1 3 ffac l ffac8 1 4 cxd5 exd5 1 5 h3 h6 1 6 fffdi �e6 17 b5 axb5 18 fub5 �b8 19 �bl

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28 A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games

fle4 20 �a2 flg5 2 1 flfd4 fud4 22 �xd4 fle4 23 a4 �c6! 24 �a7? �dc8! 25 lMJb2 lMJh4 26 �xc6 bxc6 27 �c1

27 .. . flxf2! 28 lMJxf2 �h2t 29 wfl lMJxa4


5 . All Pieces are En Prise ! V. Topalov - A. Morozevich

Cannes 2002 Ruy Lopez

19 fue5 fue5 20 lMJxh5 �xd4 21 lMJf5 flf3t 22 whl lMJxf5 23 �xf5 �f6 24 �a7 c5 25 �e4 fle5 26 �dl ! flc4 27 �b7 �g5 28 �xg5 hxg5 29 b3 fle5? 30 �d5 �fe8 3 1 �xc5 �e7 32 �b5 fld3

33 �e4! 1-0

6. The Last Blow V. Topalov - E. Bareev

Dortmund 2002 French Defence

1 e4 e6 2 d 4 d5 3 flc3 flf6 4 1 e4 e5 2 flf3 flc6 3 �b5 a6 �g5 dxe4 5 flxe4 flbd7 6 flf3

4 �a4 flf6 5 0-0 b5 6 �b3 �c5 �e7 7 fuf6t �xf6 8 h4 c5 9 7 a4 �b8 8 c3 d6 9 d4 �b6 1 0 lMJd2 cxd4 1 0 flxd4 h6 1 1 �xf6 axb5 axb5 1 1 fla3 0-0 1 2 fub5 fuf6 1 2 lMJb4N fld5? ! 1 3 lMJa3 �g4!? 1 3 �c2 h6? ! 14 dxe5?! lMJe7 14 �b5t �d7 1 5 �xd7t flxe5 1 5 flbd4 d5 1 6 exd5 wxd7 1 6 lMJa4t wc7 1 7 �h3 a6 lMJxd5 1 7 h3 �h5 1 8 g4! flfxg4 1 8 �b3 lMJc5 19 0-0-0 b5?? 20

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A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games 29

lWa5t IWb6? ! 2 1 lWe I ! wb7 22 dxe4 19 lWe3 fld5 20 fud5 lWe2 wa7 23 flxb5t ! axb5 24 ffxd5 2 1 �d4? ! f5 22 f3 fffd8 ffxb5 IWc6 23 c3 ffxd4! 24 cxd4 f4 25

IWb3t �d5 26 IWc2 e3 27 fle4 1Wf7 28 flc3 �e6 29 d5 �f5 30 fle4 ffxd5 3 1 ffxd5 IWxd5 32 ffd1 lWe6 33 wa1 h5 34 a3 wf7 35 lWa4 �xe4?! 36 fxe4 �f6 37 IWc2 IWc6 38 wb1 g4 39 hxg4 hxg4 40 IWd3 lWe6 4 1 g3 f3 42 IWxe3 �e5 43 IWg5 �xg3 44 IWh5t wg7 45 IWg5t wf7 46 IWh5t wg7 47 wa1 f2 48 IWg5t

25 ffdxd5!! exd5 26 lWe7t wf7 49 IWh5t wg7 50 ffh 1 ? �e5 wa6 27 ffb3 5 1 IWh7t wfB 52 IWxb7 g3 53

1-0 ffcl

7. Queen is an Awfully Strong Piece

J. Tirnrnan - V. Topalov Wijk aan Zee 2003

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 flc6 3 �b5 d6 4 d4 cxd4 5 IWxd4 �d7 6 �xc6 �xc6 7 flc3 flf6 8 �g5 e6 9 0-0-0 �e7 10 ffhel 0-0 1 1 wbl h6? ! 1 2 �h4 lWa5 1 3 IWd2 IWh5 1 4 h3 g5 1 5 �g3 e5 1 6 IWd3 ffad8 1 7 fld2 d 5 1 8 �xe5

53 . . . lWc4!1-+ 54 lWa8t we7 55 IWxa7t �c7


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30 A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games

8. A Battering-Ram at Work V. Topalov - S. Movsesian

Tripoli 2004 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 flf3 flc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 tWc7 5 flc3 e6 6 �e3 a6 7 tWd2 flf6 8 0-0-0 �b4 9 f3 fle5 10 flb3 b5 1 1 wb1 �e7 1 2 tWf2 d6 1 3 �b6! tWb8 1 4 �d4 flc6 1 5 �e3 fld7 1 6 g4 0-0 1 7 g5 b 4 1 8 fla4 flce5 19 �gl �b7 20 fla5 �c8 2 1 b3! �c6 22 flxc6 flxc6 23 f4 flc5 24 flxc5 dxc5 25 fS fle5 26 �h3 exfS 27 exfS �e8 28 �f4 �d6

29 g6! hxg6 30 fxg6 �a7 3 1 tWg2 flc4 3 2 �xd6! fud6 33 tWd5 frd8 34 gxf7t frxf7 35 �e6 tWb7 36 tWg5


9. Shattering Black's Hopes V. Topalov - A. Shirov

Linares 2004 Ruy Lopez

1 e4 e5 2 flf3 flc6 3 �b5 a6 4 �a4 flf6 5 0-0 �e7 6 �e l b5 7 �b3 d6 8 c3 0-0 9 h3 fla5 1 0 �c2 c 5 1 1 d 4 Wc7 12 d5!? flc4 1 3 b3 flb6 1 4 a4 �d7 1 5 a5 flc8 1 6 c4 g6 1 7 flc3 flh5 1 8 fle2 �e8 19 �a2 �fB 20 g4! flg7 2 1 flg3 f6 2 2 flh2 ! �e 7 2 3 h 4 �f7 24 f4 exf4 25 �xf4 tWd8 26 �f1 We7 27 h5 fle8 28 �d3 ! �g7 29 wg2 tWfB 30 Wc 1 bxc4 3 1 bxc4 �b8 32 �af2 frb3 33 �f3 fle7 34 �d2 �c8 35 tWc2 �b8 36 whl gxh5 37 flxh5 flg6

38 e5! ! dxe5 39 �xg6 hxg6 40 Wxg6 e4 41 �h3 frfb7 42

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A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games 31

fJf4 Erb I 43 \Wh 7t wf7 44 \Wh5t wg8 45 fJg6 1--0

10 . Fortune Favours the Brave

A. Khcirlov - V. Topalov Tripoli 2004

Bishop 's Opening

1 e4 e5 2 �c4 fJf6 3 d3 c6 4 fJf3 �e7 5 0-0 d6 6 a4 0-0 7 Ere l fJbd7 8 fJc3 fJc5 9 d4 exd4 10 fJxd4 a5 1 1 �f4 fJg4 12 �e2 fJf6 1 3 �f3 Ere8 14 \Wd2 g6 15 h3 fJfd7 1 6 Eradl �fB 1 7 g4!? \Wb6 18 �g2 fJe5 19 b3 IWb4 20 fJde2 f6 21 �e3 h5 22 f4 fug4! 23 hxg4 �xg4 24 \WeI fS 25 Erd4 \Wb6 26 \Wd2 \Wc7 27 �f2 Ere6 28 Erc4 Erae8 29 fJd4

29 . . . !he4! 30 fue4 fue4 3 1 �xe4 fxe4 3 2 Erc3 d 5 3 3 Erg3 �d6 34 �e3 \Wd7 35 c3 ErfB 36 Erfl b6 37 Erf2 c5 38 fJb5 �b8 39 Erfg2 g5 ! 40 Erf2 wg7 41 \WeI wg6 42 \Wfl ErfS 43 Ergg2 \Wf7 44 fxg5 �f3 45 Erh2 �xh2t 46 Erxh2 Erf4! 47 �xf4 \Wxf4 48 Erg2? h4!-+ 49 \We 1 e3 50 Erh2 \Wxg5t 5 1 wfl h3 ! 52 \Wbl t �e4 53 \Wb2 �d3t


11 . Let the Funeral March Sound

V. Topalov - F. Vallejo Pons Linares 2005

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 fJf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fJxd4 fJf6 5 fJc3 a6 6 �e3 e5 7 fJb3 �e7 8 f3 �e6 9 \Wd2 0-0 1 0 0-0-0 fJbd7 1 1 g4 b5 1 2 g5 b4 1 3 fJe2 fJe8 1 4 f4 a5 1 5 fS a4 1 6 fxe6 axb3 1 7 exf7t Erxf7 18 wbl bxc2t 19 wxc2 fJb6 20 fJeI d5 2 1 exd5 fJd6 22 wb 1 Erf3 23 h4 fJa4 24 \We2 Erg3 25 �f2 Erc3 26 \Wxe5 fJxb2 27 �d4 �fB 28 wxb2 Erf3 29 �d3 wh8 30 \We2 Erf4 3 1 \Wh5 fJfS

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32 A Selection of Topaloy'S Nicest Games

32 g6! 1-0

12 . Neglected Development V. Topaloy - A. Naiditsch

Dortmund 2005 Queen '8 Gambit


13. Sacrificial Fireworks V. Topaloy - R. Ponomarioy

Sofia 2005 Queen '8 Indian Defence

1 d4 �f6 2 c4 e6 3 �f3 b6 4 1 �f3 �f6 2 c4 e6 3 �c3 d5 g3 �a6 5 b3 �b4t 6 �d2 �e7 7

4 d4 dxc4 5 e4 �b4 6 �g5 c5 7 �c3 0-0 8 frc l c6 9 e4 d5 10 e5 e5 cxd4 8 �d4 �xc3t 9 bxc3 �e4 11 �d3 �xc3 12 frxc3 c5 WaS 10 exf6 Wxg5 11 fxg7 13 dxc5 bxc5 14 h4 h6 15 �bl Wxg7 12 Wd2 0-0 13 �xc4 a6 f5 16 exf6 �xf6 17 Wc2 d4 14 0-0 frd8 1 5 Wf4 b5 16 Wc7 Wffi I 7 �d3 frd7 18 Wf4 �b7 19 frael Wg7 20 �e4 wh8 2 1 fre3 �xe4 22 Wxe4 frd5

See Diagram

23 �e6 fxe6 24 Wxe6 frd7 25 frg3 Wffi 26 fre 1 fraa7 27 Wf6t

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A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games 33

18 'flgS! hxg5 19 hxg5 dxc3 20 �f4 wf7 2 1 I!lJg6t we7 22 gxf6t frxf6 23 I!lJxg7 t frf7 24 �g5t wd6 25 1!lJxf7 I!lJxg5 26 frh7 l!lJe5t 27 wfl wc6 28 l!lJe8t wb6 291!lJd8t wc6 30 �e4t


1 4. A Staggering Blow V. Topalov - M. Adams

San Luis (W ch) 2005 English Opening

1 'flf3 'flf6 2 c4 e6 3 'flc3 c5 4 g3 b6 5 �g2 �b7 6 0-0 �e7 7 frel 'fle4 8 d4 fuc3 9 bxc3 �e4 10 �fl d6 11 h4 'fld7 12 d5 0-0 13 a4 h6 14 �h3 exd5 1 5 cxd5 �f6 16 fra3 b5 17 axb5 'flb6 18 c4 �xf3 19 frxf3 fuc4 20 l!lJa4 'fle5 2 1 fra3 fre8 22 h5 fre7 23 �f4 frb8 24 �f5 l!lJe8 25 �c2 lMid7 26 l!lJe4 'flg6 27 I!lJd3 c4 28 lMixc4 fuf4 29 I!lJxf4 fre5 30 1!lJf3 lMih3 3 1 frxa7 frxh5 32 e31!lJh2t 33 wfl I!lJh3t 34 we2 fre5 35 frc7 frc8

See Diagram

36 �f5!! frxfS 37 frxc8t wh7 38 frhl


1 5 . With Knights for a Better Future

L. Bruzon - V. Topalov Wijk aan Zee 2005

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 'flf3 e6 3 d3 'flc6 4 g3 g6 5 �g2 �g7 6 c3 'flge7 7 0-0 0-0 8 fre 1 e5 9 �a3 d6 10 �e3 b6 1 1 I!lJd2 �g4 1 2 h3 �xf3 1 3 �xf3 l!lJd7 1 4 �g2 f5 1 5 exfS gxfS 16 f4 frad8 17 fre2 l!lJe6 18 I!lJc2 I!lJg6 19 wh2 wh8 20 l!lJa4 d5 2 1 fxe5 �xe5 22 �f4 I!lJf6 23 �xe5 'flxe5 24 d4 'fl5g6 25 dxc5 bxc5 26 frfl

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34 A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games

26 . . . f4! 27 gxf4 'fJf5 28 Wxa7 Wh 4 29 Wxc5 M4 30 fid2 fuh3 3 1 Wc7 fid6 32 fr2 Wg3t 33 wh l fih60-1

1 6. Rope for Lowering the Coffin

V. Kramnik. - V. Topalov Wijk aan Zee 2005

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 'fJf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 'fJf6 5 'fJc3 a6 6 �e3 e6 7 f3 b5 8 g4 h6 9 Wd2 b4 1 0 'fJa4 'fJbd7 1 1 0-0-0 �e5 12 Wxb4 �d7 1 3 'fJb3 fib8 14 Wa3 0xf3 1 5 h3 fue4 16 �e2 'fJe5 1 7 fihe l Wc7 18 �d4 'fJc6 19 �c3 d5 20 �bc5 20 ... Wa7!


1 7. Shock Treatment P. Svidler - V. Topalov San Luis (Wch) 2005

Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 �f3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 fud4 �f6 5 �c3 a6 6 �e3 'fJg4 7 �g5 h6 8 �h4 g5 9 �g3 �g7 1 0 h3 'fJe5 1 1 'fJf5 �xf5 1 2 exf5 �bc6 1 3 �d5 e6 1 4 'fJe3 WaSt 15 c3

15 ... 'fJf3t 16 Wxf3 �xc3t 1 7 wdl Wa4t 1 8 �c2 �xb2 1 9 fxe6 fxe6 20 Wb3 Wxb3 2 1 axb3 �xa 1 22 'fJxa 1 We 7 23 �d3 fiac8 24 fie 1 �d4 25 f3 fic3 26 wd2 frhc8 27 fib 1 fi3c5 28 b4 fid5 29 �f2 wd7 30 �e3 �f5 3 1 �f2 3 1 . . .'fJh4! 3 2 �xh4 gxh4 33 �c2 h5 34 fie 1 fig8 35 wc3 as 36 �c4 fic8 37 �e3 fibS 38 wd3

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A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games 35

:i'txb4 39 �xe6t wxe6 40 f'lc2t "lidS 41 f'lxb4t axb4 42 fre7 b5 ,13 frh7 frc3t 44 wd2 frc4


18 . Out, Damned Spot! V. Topalov - L. Aronian

Wijk aan Zee 2006 Queen '5 Indian Defence

1 d4 f'lf6 2 c4 e6 3 f'lf3 b6 4 g3 �a6 5 b3 �b4t 6 �d2 �e7 7 �!g2 c6 8 �c3 d5 9 f'le5 f'lfd7 1 0 ':"lxd7 f'lxd7 1 1 f'ld2 0-0 1 2 0-0 ':"lf6 1 3 e4 b5 1 4 exd5 exd5 15 T(e 1 frb8 1 6 c5 �c8 1 7 f'lf3 f'le4

See Diagram

18 me4! dxe4 19 f'le5 IWd5 20 lWe I �f5 2 1 g4 �g6 22 f3 b4 23 fxe4 IWe6 24 �b2 �f6 25

fuc6 IWxc6 26 e5 IWa6 27 exf6 frfe8 28 IWfl IWe2 29 IWf2 IWxg4 30 h3 IWg5 3 1 �c 1 IWh5 32 �f4 frbd8 33 c6 �e4 34 c7 frc8 35 fre1 IWg6 36 frxe4 frxe4 37 d5 frce8 38 d6 fre 1 t 39 wh2 IWf5 40 IWg3 g6 41 IWg5 IWxg5 42 �xg5 frd1 43 �c6 fre2t 44 wg3

1-0 .

19 . An Eye-Filling Kerfuffle S. Kariakin - V. Topalov

Wijk aan Zee 2006 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 c5 2 f'lf3 f'lc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 f'lxd4 f'lf6 5 f'lc3 e5 6 f'ldb5 d6 7 �g5 a6 8 f'la3 b5 9 f'ld5 �e7 1 0 �xf6 �xf6 1 1 c3 �g5 12 f'lc2 0-0 1 3 a4 bxa4 1 4 frxa4 as 1 5 �c4 frb8 1 6 fra2 wh8 1 7 f'lce3 �xe3 1 8 fue3 f'le 7 1 9 b3 f5 20 em fuf5 21 f'ld5 �b 7 22 0-0 frc8 23 IWd3 f'lh4 24 frd1 h6 25 IWg3 f'lf5 26 IWg4 frc5 27 frad2 �c8 28 IWe4 �b7 29 h3 f'lh4 30 �d3 frf5 31 �b1 frxc3 32 IWg4 h5 33 IWe2 IWg5 34 f4 frxf4 35 wh1

See Diagram

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36 A Selection of Topalov's Nicest Games

35 ... fug2! 36 \Wxg2 !!g3 37 fuf4 �xg2t 38 �xg2 !!xh3t 39 wgl !!g3 40 !!f2 wg8 41 !!xd6 h4 42 !!e6 \Wg4 43 �f5 !!xg2t 44 !!xg2 \WxfS 45 !!eg6 \Wf7 46 !!6g4 \Wf6 47 wh2 wf7 48 wh3 e4 49 !!g5 e3 50 wxh4 g6


20. Queen Sortie V. Topalov - M. Carlsen

Bilbao 2008 Sicilian Defence

1 e4 e5 2 �f3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 fud 4 �f6 5 �e3 g6 6 �e3 �g7 7 f3 �e6 8 \Wd2 0-0 9 �e4 �d7 10 0-0-0 !!e8 1 1 �b3 �e5 12 wbl a6 1 3 h4 h5 14 g4 hxg4 15 h5 �xh5 1 6 !!dgl !!e5 1 7 �h6 wh7 1 8 �xg7 wxg7 19 f4

�e4 20 �xe4 !!xe4 2 1 f5 e5 22 �de2 !!h8 23 b3 !!e6 24 !!xg4 �f6 25 ffggl ffxhl 26 ffxh l �g4 27 �g3 wg8 28 �d5 ffe5 29 �e3 �xe3 30 \Wxe3 \Wf6 3 1 \Wh6 \Wg7 32 \Wg5 f6 33 \Wd2 ffe6 34 wb2 gxfS

35 \WaS! \We7 36 \Wd5t �e6 37 \Wdl \Wg7 38 exfS �f7 39 �e4 wfB 40 fud6 we7 41 fub7 \Wg8 42 \Wd2 ffb6 43 !!dl \We8 44 �d6 \Wd7 45 fuf7 \Wxd2 46 ffxd2 wx£7 47 e4 we7 48 we3


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The Anand - Topalov World Championship Match


April 22-May 13, 2010, Sofia


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38 Gamel

The overture: a startling knight sacrifice

In matches the first game is of outstanding importance, since the outcome may greatly influence the state of mind of the combatants, and, in consequence , may have an impact even on the final result. The history of chess provides several exam­pIes of this. The best-known is, perhaps, the World Cham­pionship final Fischer-Spassky in Reykjavik in 1972, in the first game of which Fischer, inexplicably, lost after making a gross blunder, and then, to the greatest astonishment of the organ­izers, the world press and his opponent, he did not even show up for the second game. At length, starting with a disadvan­tage of two points, he won the match hands down, conquer­ing the world title.

This time, surprisingly, it was as if the title holder, world champion Anand had taken Fischer's role . At the opening match accompanied with intensified interest he could not produce the best of his knowledge. This may also have been related - what an odd coincidence, too ! - with the complica­tions around his adventurous travel owing to the Icelandic volcanic ash and the one day postponement of the beginning. But it is doubtless that Topalov, enjoying the support of home environment, won the first game with a spectacular knight sacrifice - one might as well say, by a knockout. With this he not only scored an important point in the relatively short, 12-game match, but, presumably, gained a considerable psycho­logical advantage as welL Right at the beginning of the match he could prove to his opponent - and the whqle chess world -that he was a worthy challenger of the world champion.

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Topalov-Anand 1 :0 39

The first game seems to justify Kramnik's opinion, who had said before the match, weighing the odds: "With regard to the final result it may be a decisive factor for Anand, looking more tired due to the long travel, that Topalov can play in a h()me environment. Anand is a grownup man, conscious of his actions, but if I were in his place I would not have agreed to playing the match in Sofia," he stated. With full knowledge of the final result of the match, everyone can decide to what extent the ex-world champion, extremely experienced in the genre of matches, was right. But now let's see the first game, instructive in several respects.

Game 1 V. Topalov-V. Anand

Griinfeld Defence (D87)

l .d4 � 2.c4 g6 3.flc3 dS 4.cxdS flxd5 5.e4 fuc3 6.bxc3 �g7 7.�c4 c5 8.fle2 flc6 9.�e3 0-0 10.0-0 flaS 1 1 .�d3 b6 12.\Wd2

Now White would be ill advised to accept the offered pawn sacrifice, because after 12 .dxc5 bxc5 1 3 .�xc5 \Wc7 14. �d4 e5 1 5 .�e3 flc4 1 6.�xc4 \Wxc4 1 7.\Wd5 \Wxd5 1 8.exd5 �a6 19 J!fel frfd8 20J!adl �c4 Black regains it in an ad­vantageous position, with the bishop pair in his possession.

12 . . . e5 13.�h6 cxd4 14. �xg7 wxg7 15.cxd4 exd4

Even the experts looking at the game were surprised at seeing that the combatants made the first 1 5 moves al­most without thinking, in six or seven minutes . Both of them must have been thor­oughly prepared for the first game, in which a well-known variation came up, having already been played many times by them in practical games. So that the later con­tinuation bringing an unex­pected punchline is all the more surpnsmg.


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The first critical paIr of moves, when both parties are forced to put their cards on the table . The reason Topalov had to make his first impor­tant decision here was that in the first game of the 2009 World Championship Candi­date Match in Sofia against the American GM Kamsky he had opted for 1 6.f4, but could not gain any advantage. This time he availed himself of the advantage of the white co­lour, diverting the game in another path. A move like this in itself does not give an obvious advantage, but forces the side playing with black to disclose his cards and choose from the possible defensive strategies.

16 . . . IWd6 The world champion was

at a crossroads here, as he must have known the game Kariakin-Carlsen played at the 2008 Foros tournament, in which Carlsen, as Black, achieved a draw after 16 . . .


�b7. Rather than repeat Carl­sen's move, evidently known by Topalov and thoroughly analysed by his team, Anand introduced a novelty, steering the black defence into an­other path.

17.f4 f6 18.5 IWe5 These pairs of moves were

also made relatively quickly by the combatants. Both of them were still on a beaten track in what is called the centre-forming variation of the Griinfeld Defence, in which White, at a compara­tively early stage, sacrifices a pawn for development ad­vantage. This strategy deter­mines the character of the game: White has to attack as soon as possible if he does not want to be put at a lasting dis­advantage . The possibilities are given, as Black's queen­side pieces are undeveloped, and his knight on the rim is temporarily shut out of play, while, at the same time, sev­eral of the white pieces are

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Topalov-Anand 1 :0

waiting for the continuation in extremely favourable posi­tions.

19.�f4 g5?! With full knowledge of

what folloWed, it is the open­ing move of a losing strategy. What Anand had to weigh was developing his pieces as quickly as possible with the move 1 9 . . . �d7, or, even be­fore this, driving away the knight from its menacing po­sition. He opted for the latter. Maybe it was a continuation quickly simplifying for a draw he had in view, and he did not take into considera­tion Topalov's attacking vein, ready for taking risks, too .

20.�h5t! The knight would be seem­

ingly better posted after 20. �d5 , but Topalov already has an attack against the king be­fore his eyes. The value of this move lies in the fact that though a concrete positional advantage on White 's part cannot be shown yet, he


compels Black to make defen­sive moves before finishing his queenside development.

20 ... wg8 21 .h4 h6 22.hxg5 hxg5

It was perhaps this posi­tion Anand had before his eyes , a position they had ob­viously reached with his team during their preparations. Black's plan is relatively sim­ple and in keeping with the tournament strategy he chose in the first game: to achieve a quick and safe draw. Here , after 23.�c4t fuc4 24J!xc4 �d7 25 .IWxd4 IWxd4t 26.!:rxd4 �e8 27.g4 White, if he so wished, could also settle for an effortless draw. However,

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assessing the intentions of his opponent, this time Anand was wrong. Choosing the drawish variation did not even enter Topalov's mind. Instead, he launched an at­tack.

23J�f3! The decisive psychological

turn was brought by this, in fact self-evident, rook move, which is also shown by the fact that this time Anand was pondering for long on his reply. White's plan is logical and simple : he tries to trans­fer his rook as quickly as pos­sible to the opened-up h-file , threatening the black king. This move contains concrete threats, too, but its psycho­logical content is even more important, giving the oppo­nent to understand: your king is in danger, flee as long as you can do it !

23 . . . wfl?? The message has got horne.

The right plan would still have been to develop the


queen's bishop, 23 . . . �d7. But Anand was obviously sur­prised and worried by the menacing rook, and, in a reflex-like manner, he tried to escape with his king as soon as possible from the en­dangered zone . But by doing so, he made a serious, profes­sionally almost inexplicable mistake : he overlooked the immediate tactical blow.

24.tfuf6! Topalov logically contin­

ued his conduct of play. He didn't hesitate much, and the sacrifice popped off. The knight sacrificing itself has destroyed the key piece of the pawn position defending the

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Topalov-Anand 1 :0

king. What's more, it forced another king move, as after 24 . . . lWxf6 2S .�bS ! lWe7 26.lWxd4 :gd8 27.lWb2 Black's position cannot be defended.

24 ... wxf6 25.:gh31 :gg8 Black has neither a useful

development move nor any active counterplay because 2S . . . lWf4 does not work in view of 26.eSt ! wxeS 27.:ge1 t wf6 28.lWe2.

26.:gh6tl wfl 27.:gh7t we8

Desperate king strolls like this can be seen in romantic games from the 19th century, in which the opponents of Morphy and Anderssen try to save what cannot be saved after spectacular sacrifices.


Anand's king would also flee, but in fact there is no place for it to hide. The extra piece is to no avail, the pawn chain has fallen apart, and there is no harmony between the black pieces. White's heavy pieces, on the other hand, can freely penetrate deep into the black position to capture the fleeing king. The defending move, 27 . . . :gg7, seemingly of­fering itself, did no longer work because of 28 .:gxg7t wxg7 29.lWxgst wfB 30.lWd8t lWe8 3UWxd4 lWf7 32.�bS �b7 33.:gc7! lWxc7 34.lWh8t we7 3S .lWg7t wd6 36. eSt leading to win by force .

28.:gcc7 An even more spectacular

win would have been 28. �bSt ! wd8 (28 . . . lWxbS 29.lWxd4 �e6 30.lWf6 wins) 29.lWc2, but now Topalov took no chances. It is easy to see that there is no defence against the rooks controlling the seventh rank.

28 . . . wd8 29.�b51 lWxe4 30.:gxc8tl l

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44 Game 2

The finishing shot. At the �xc6 IWe3t 33 .IWxe3 dxe3 34. sight of this further sacrifice, �xa8 wins a piece and the Black resigned because 30. game. �xc8t wxc8 3 1 .IWc 1 t 'fjc6 32. 1-0

Equalizing with a consistent strategy

Will the title holder be able to get over the serious defeat suf­fered the previous day? - asked the commenters all over the world. In the second game, in which he could play with the white pieces the first time, Vishy Anand made a reply to con­jectures, worthy of a world champion. He selected the open­ing well, and with a consistent strategy he forced 'Topa' to a continuous defence, who apparently did not like the role assigned to him by his opponent.

A complicated position in which unexpected tactical blows are possible would have been much more in accordance with Topalov's style and his present state of mind aspiring to victo­ry. In fact, he did try several times to bring about such a situ­ation during the game, but his attempts were staved off with success by the world champion. Anand could all along keep control of the course of the game, working his will upon his opponent who could not wriggle out of the lasting, ever­increasing positional pressure, and finally he entirely lost the thread of the game. This game is also a good example of the fact that competitive chess is not only a mechanical calcula­tion of variations, not pure mathematics, but psychological factors also play an important role in the shaping of the result.

While the first game was decided by a quick and spectacu-

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Anand-Topalov 1 : 1 45

lar tactical blow, the second brought a strategic struggle of a difficult character. Right at the beginning of the match, both players made their debut with a valuable victory. The lively overture promises an exciting continuation of high level.

( ' Game 2

V. Anand-V. Topalov Catalan Opening (E04)

l .d4 �f6 2.c4 e6 3.00 d5 4.g3 dxc4

Anand chose the fianchet­to variation of the Queen's Gambit, and the later stage of the game proved that his decision was right. So far they had not played a game of this variation with Topalov who, by the early taking of the c4 pawn, directed the game into a direction richer in tactical elements .

5.�g2 a6 6.�e5 c5 7.�a3 While in the first game it

was Topalov who sacrificed a pawn for development, this time Anand decided on a continuation with pawn sac­rifice. The point of his strate­gy is that in return for the

material deficit he wishes to obtain development advantage and attacking chances on the queen's flank.

7 . . . cxd4 8.�axc4 �c5 9.0-0 0-0 lO.�d2 �d5

With his knight posted in the centre , Black tries to restrict the range of the pow­erful g4 bishop threatening his queenside . From now on one of the main questions of the game is how long this blockade can be sustained.

llJkl �d7

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This pair of moves shows well the difference between the two positions. White comfortably finishes the de­velopment of his queenside pieces, placing them in har­monious attacking positions, while Black - in spite of his extra pawn in the centre - is short of space and has prob­lems developing his pieces. The violent pawn move 1 1 . . . b S would have led t o White's advantage after 1 2 .fld3 �a7 13.�aS We7 ( 1 3 . . . Wf6 1 4.fld6 fld7 IS .Wc2 �b6 16.�b4 as 1 7.fle4) 1 4.flceS �b7 I S J�c7! fuc7 1 6.�xb7.

12.fld3 �a7 The bishop controlling the

dark squares must be pre­served as long as possible .

13.�a5 Entering the middlegame,

the guidance is in Anand's hands. He would like to pro­voke the pawn move b6 to weaken the c6 square and the diagonal hl-aB.

Game 2

13 . . . We7 14.Wb3 �b8

lS.Wa3!? Until now the combatants

have been going on an essen­tially known path, yet this move surprised the analysts. At first sight the offer of the exchange of queens seems il­logical as White is a pawn down. Given the subsequent developments, however, we can say that it was here that Anand made one of the most important decisions of his strategy leading to victory. The appearance is that under the influence of his loss in the first game he would like to prevent even the mere possi­bility of a mating attack against his king. But his aim is

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Anand-Topalov 1 : 1

deeper than this: to reach a position controllable with po­sitional means, and to create the possibility of a long stran­gling in order to tire out his opponent. As for Topalov, he could not refuse the exchange offered because his momen­tary position got better by it; according to the assessment of the computer analysis pro­grams, Black had even some advantage in this stage of the game. Paradoxically, Black's position has improved, but his practcal chances have be­come worse.

IS . . . lW:x:a3 16.b:x:a3 Another surprise, reveal­

ing the deeper sense of Anand's strategy. Instead of the more peaceful knight move he undertakes the fur­ther weakening of his pawn structure to go ahead with the attack on the repressed black queenside.

16 . . . fl7f6 One of Topalov's last pos­

sibilities to confuse the issue


and to divert the game to a fa­vourable direction for him would have been 1 6 . . . flc5 1 7.fi:fdl fud3 1 8.fi:xd3 �d7 19. �d5 fi:fc8.

17.flceS fi:e8 18.fi:c2 b6 19.�d2 �b7 20JUc1 fi:bd8 21 .f4 �b8

The only thing the jam­med black pieces can do for the time being is a nerve­racking manoeuvring on the back rank, while White can, relatively freely, regroup his pieces and strenghten his knight post.

22.a4 as 23. flc6 �xc6 24J�xc6 h5

The penetration of the white heavy pieces on the queen's flank has begun -Black also has to do some­thing. But later we will see that the pawn move on the kingside is not the beginning of a well thought-out plan. It was at this stage that Topalov has lost his patience . . . and the thread of the black conduct of play. Anand's strategy will

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reach the goal within a few moments.

25JUc4 fle3?! The Bulgarian ex-world

champion made this commit­ting move after a short think, which does not lead directly to loss, but proved to be a decisive strategic error. He could not only say goodbye to his active knight but, in the long run, also restricted the range of his bishop moving along the dark squares. Better would have been flg4 or {f2a7.

26.{f2xe3! dxe3 27.\Uf3! A many-sided move which

defends against the later threat of frxd3, opening the way of the pawn, attacks the

Game 2

h5 pawn and, at the same time, vacates g3 for the white king. The immediate regain of the pawn on b6 would have offered Topalov the ac­tive counterplay he was for long desiring for: 27.frxb6? ! frxd3 !? 28.exd3 e2 29.frb l \Ua7+ 30.d4 e 5 3 1 .fxe5 flg4 32.fre l frd8 33.h3 fle3 34.frcc 1 flf5 35 .{f2f3 \Uxd4t 36.wg2 \Uxe5 37.frxe2 f6 with mutual chances.

27 . . . g6?! There is nothing else to do

for Black but wait passively. For want of anything better, he is trying to reinforce his kingside pawn structure . The other alternative, the some­what more active piece play does not solve the problems either, as after 27 . . . fld7 28. \Uxh5 e5 29.fxe5 fue5 30.fue5 frxe5 3 1 .{f2f3 other defenders can be traded off, further re­ducing the chances of a coun­terplay.

28.frxb6 {f2a7 The surprising exchange

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Anand-Topalov 1 : 1

sacrifice which had been be­fore Topalov's eyes when playing the move 4Je3 did not work, because 28 .. J1:xd3 29. exd3 {}ia7 30.fi:b l e2t 3 1 .wg2 4JdS 32 .fi:c6 would be in White 's favour. With his bishop move Topalov contin­ues to evoke tactical motifs .

29.fi:b3 fi:d4?!

30.fi:c7! An important gain of tem-


po. Anand's win is close at hand.

30 . . . {}ib8 31 .fi:cS {}id6 32. fi:xa5 fi:c8 33. wg2 fi:c2 34.a3 fi:a2?

Another, already fatal, in­accuracy. 34 . . . 4JdS was some­whatbetter.

3S.4Jb4! (jixb4 It was compulsory to take

the knight, or else the a4 pawn cannot be stopped.

36.axb4 4JdS 37.bS! The distant passed pawn

heading for the back rank de­cides the game.

37 . . . fi:axa4 38.fi:xa4 fi:xa4 39.{}ixdS exdS 4O.b6 fi:a8 41 .b7 fi:b8 42. wf3 d4 43. we4

And Black resigned. 1-0

A cautious, strength -assessing test of patience

The first chess competitions in those days were modelled on tournaments, and it's as if the present World Championship final also followed the choreography of a medieval j ousting in single combat. In the first two games the combatants clashed violently, putting their cards on the table , showing their own

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50 Game 3

strength and sizing up, as it were, that of the other. At the ini­tial encounters it turned out that both of them are able to strike serious blows, so in the continuation - the third game -they were more cautious, watching tensely where they can find a weak point on the armour of their opponent.

For those who like spectacular turns, this game was more uneventful than the preceding ones, but from the point of view of psychology and tournament tactics a very instructive strategic fight could be seen. With the black pieces Anand decided on a different defence as in the first game. He chose one of the fashionable variations of the Slav Defence , which siuts his style excellently. As White, Topalov tried to put the same strong pressure on his opponent as he had experienced in the previous, lost, game. Although he had the initiative in the whole game, he could not break the resistance of the world champion, who self-confidently warded off the attack­ing attempts . Though Topalov, true to his promise , did not make a draw offer at the board, finally the game - with an arbiter's decision owing to the repetition of moves - ended in a daw. This result rather favoured Anand who had the bene­fit of playing with the white pieces in the next round.

Game 3 V. Topalov-V. Anand Queen 's Gambit, Slav

Defence (D 1 7)

l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.'fJf3 'fJfO 4.'fJc3 dxc4 5.a4 �f5 6.'fJe5 e6 7.f3 c5 8.e4 �g6 9.�e3 cxd4

to. Wxd4 Wxd4 1 1 .�xd4 'fJfd7 12.fud7 fud7 13.�xc4

In addition to being better developed, White has a space advantage , so according to the opening theory his posi­tion is clearly more favour­able . But as his queen has

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Topalov-Anand 1 ,5: 1 ,5

been soon exchanged off, his further attacking chances are limited. It is a position calling for a solid conduct of play, in which Capablanca or Petrosi­an would have made them­selves at home. But what can Topalov liking activity and complications do in this field?

13 . . . a6 Up to this point, the play­

ers have been following the game Topalov-Kramnik play­ed in the 2006 W orId Cham­pionship final in Elista , which ended in a draw. Here Topa­lov deviated and instead of 14.we2 , he had then played, tried to take his opponent by surprise with a different con­tinuation.


14Jkl 14 . . J!g8 IS.h4 h6 16.we2 �d6 17. h5 �h7 18.aS we7 19.fla4 f6 20.b4 frgc8

While Black was busy bringing his two bishops into play, White has pressed for­ward on the queen's flank. The time has come to start an action increasing the advan­tage till victory.

21 .�c5?1 �xcS 22.bxcS frc7 23. flb6 frd8 24. flxd7 frdxd7 2S.�d3 �g8

Exchanging the attacking white pieces will not be too lucky as Black will have time to start freeing his second bishop. True, at the cost of having to allow the danger­ous-looking pawn move c6.


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26 . . Jrd6!? The world champion has

thought up a surprising de­fending manoeuvre. Accord­ing to the computer analysis programs the line 26 .. J;rxc6 27 .frxc6 bxc6 28 .frb l wd6 ! 29.�xa6 fra7 gave a simpler equalizing.

27.cxb7 frxb7 28.frc3 �fl 29.we3 �e8!

After the long journey of h7-g8-f7-e8, Anand's light­squared bishop is again in play at last. The pawn posi­tion is symmetric , the pieces are equally active, and as for practical chances the position is even. Though none of the black pieces has crossed the sixth rank yet, one cannot see where to find a grip on the resilient defensive position. From the course of the game until now it does seem that Anand has not set a more ambitious aim than a draw, slowing down Topalov's ml­tial dynamism.

Topalov-Anand 1 ,5: 1 ,5

30.g4 eS 31 .frhc1 �d7 32. frc5 �bS!

The beginning of a pre­cisely calculated manoeuvre, which solves the problems of the defending side for good.

33.�xbS axbS 34.frbl b4 3S.frb3 fra6 36.wd3 frba7 37.frxb4 frxa5 38.!!xa5 frxa5 39.frb7t wfB 4O.we2

Topalov started backwards with his king, admitting that he has abandoned any hope of winning.

4O .. . fra2t 41.we3 fra3t 42. w:t2 fra2t 43. we3 fra3t 44. w:t2 fra2t 4S.we3 fra3t 46.w:t2

Drawn due to a three-time repetition. 1h-¥.z

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Game 4, Anand-Topalov 2,5:1 ,5 53

A brilliant attacking play with neat mating patterns

Chess is a complicated game, but its essence can be simply defined. The aim of the combatants is to give mate to the king of the opponent. It is possible to achieve victory with posi­tional means, obtaining a vast material superiority or decisive positional advantage, but the spice of the game is given by the spectacular actions against the king. Spectators , too, are fasci­nated most by games in which one of the sides - even at the price of material sacrifices - launches an open attack against the king of the opponent. The most popular, evergreen games of the chess history, almost without exception, abound in sur­prising sacrifices and stormy attacks leading to unavoidable mate. However, in the professional chess of today, where extremely well prepared opponents fight, and the power rela­tions are balanced, even super-grandmasters are rarely given the opportunity to give vent to their imagination motivated by giving mate in their tournament games. It is, therefore, all the more extraordinary that the World Championship final just begun has already delighted the chess players with the second such magnificent attacking game rich in mating patterns.

Round four began according to the classical choreography of matches. With White, the world champion stuck to the same well-tried opening that brought him the first victory. Although Topalov did not avoid the Catalan setup, from the very beginning he tried to divert the course of the game in a direction favourable for him. Both of them have thoroughly prepared for the struggle, what is shown by the fact that the first ten moves were made by them in 5 minutes, practically

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54 Game 4

without thinking, following the prepared variation. T opalov endeavoured to create tension on the board by early taking the gambit pawn c4 and keeping his extra pawn as long as pos­sible. But about this conduct of play, as far back as the 1940s, the Hungarian grandmaster Geza Mar6czy wrote in his The Guide-book of the Advanced Chess Player: "According to the present view of theory, with Queen 's Gambit Accepted it is more difficult to equalize than with Queen 's Gam bit Declined. "

Game 4 V. Anand-V. Topalov Catalan Opening (E04)

l .d4 ffii 2.c4 e6 3.flf3 d5 4.g3 dxc4 S.�g2 �b4t 6.�d2 as 7.\Wc2 �xd2t 8.\Wxd2 c6 9.a4 bS

Comparing the position arisen with that of the second game after the ninth move, one can see how different the character of the fight is now. Black's pawns on the queen­side outnumber their white colleagues , and seemingly they are marching forward menacingly. But due to their structural weaknesses and at-

tackability, regaining the sac­rificed pawn is only a ques­tion of time. Anand is not in a hurry about it, holding it more important to develop his pieces and create their harmonious teamwork .

1O.fla3!? This was the first time To­

palov was pondering for a long time. It may be possible that this move was not in­cluded among the variations. he had prepared. In game one of the World Championship final Kramnik-Topalov in Elista, White followed the self-evident plan of 1 O.axb5 cxb5 1 1 . \Wg5 0-0 1 2 .\Wxb5;!;.

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Anand-Topalov 2,5 :1 ,5

White's move in this position is a novelty, its aim is to re­duce Black's pieces to passivi­ty as long as possible . If Anand really succeeded in surpising' his opponent, it meant the win of the first psychological fight at the beginning of their encounter. But it may be also possible that the reason of Topalov's musing was that here he could chose from three differ­ent defensive plans: �d7, �a6 and fra6.

10 . . . �d7 1 1 .�e5 �d5 Owing to the numerous

weak points, Black's defen­sive position holds various risks. Yet this slightly chaotic setup just fits into Topalov's strategy of seeking active co­unterplay.

12.e4 �b4 This is the logical continu­

ation of the strategy Black had hitherto followed, since he has already succeeded in evoking a concrete threat in the form of the unpleasant


�d3t. By the way, the move �b4 will have sad conse­quences in the long run, as an important defender has moved away from the king's wing for good.

13.0-0 0-0 14.frfd1 �e8

15.d5! For White it is logical to

occupy the centre . Never­theless, commentators found it odd that Anand still thought only 20 minutes, whilst Topa­lov used already 50. Accord­ing to one of them, it must have been a shocking feeling to Topalov to see that his op­ponent was still playing the horne analysis prepared in ad­vance, in spite of his effort to

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surprise him with a rarely­employed defensive strategy .

lS . . . \Wd6 Topalov chose the more

risky path again, true , by doing so he induced his oppo­nent to come to a decision: should he or should he not apply a temporary sacrifice in the variation beginning with 1 6.dxc6 \Wxe5 1 7.axb5, which was indicated even by the computer analysis programs as the strongest line for White .

16.flg4!? Anand decided that for the

time being he would not do his opponent the favour of al­lowing him an active coun­terplay. By the way, this was the first move he was ponder­ing over for a long time. He was obviously aware that this decision of his might be one of the important turning points of the game . With the move he chose he continues to be in sure control, leaving several ways of attack open.

Game 4

16 . . . \WcS 17.fle3 fl8a6 18. dxc6 bxa4 19. flaxc4 �xc6 20. frac1

By this time, the thinking time of the players has got almost even: Anand used 1 hour 5 minutes , Topalov 1 hour 1 5 minutes . As a result of the pairs of moves leading on to the middlegame, a com­plicated position has arisen, with better chances to White . There can be no doubt about Anand's advantage: his knights are more active , he has con­trol over the open d-file , and the black queen does not find her proper place. But a con­crete queenside action is not yet possible , as Black has carefully organized his de­fence: he grouped all his pieces here , and his thoughts, too, must have been solely focused on this half of the board. At least, his following moves give evidence of the fact that he had had no sense of danger as for the position of his king.

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Anand-Topalov 2,5: 1 ,5

20 . . . h6?! In full knowledge of the

consequences we can state that the weakening of the king's position , the aim of which was to unburden the back rank, was a mistake . Nothing compelled Black to make this pawn move now. He could have calmly manoe­uvred on with his pieces, as he could choose from several equivalent continuations: Wh5, fJc7 or �ab8. Although it is doubtless that no kind of con­crete threats can be seen as yet. Who would think that two moves later the outcome of the game will be practical­ly decided?

21 .fJd6 Wa7 22.fJg4! Seemingly without no rea­

son whatsoever, the white knight appeared for the sec­ond time on g4, a rather un­


amine the intention of his op­ponent. Even when there is no other attacking piece near to the lonely knight starting on an adventure . But it seems that this time Topalov was suspectless, though it would have been enough for him to call the first game to mind, in which it was his own knight lurking on the edge of the board that swooped down un­expectedly on Anand's king position . . .

22 . . J�ad8??

usual, instable , square , where Black has committed a se­it cannot stay for long. In rious blunder, making an im­such a case , the defending mediate losing move on a full side should at least begin to board. But it took a world suspect and thoroughly ex- champion to see the piece

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sacrifice deciding the game, who has realized that the focal point of the game could be transferred to the king's flank from one moment to the other, since Black's pieces - especially his two knights ­were numbly loitering on the remote, queenside area of the board.

23.fDili6t! ! A nice and daring move !

Realizing the possibility was not enough, with a lot being at stake , bravery was also called for to apply this sacri­fice. Anand had to make pre­cise calculations, foreseeing all the important ramifica­tions in order to reach the decision from where there was no turning back. The real point of the sacrifice will be seen only on move 26, and the fact that White can teach the winning position in all variations is by no means self­evident.

23 . . . gxh6 24. IWxh6 f6 After committing himself

Game 4

by accepting the sacrifice , Black selected the strongest defence. On 24 . . . �xd6 25 . IWg5t wh7 26.�xd6 �b8 27. �h3! �xe4 28.IWh4t wins, and if 24 . . . IWc7, then 25 .IWgst wh7 26.e5 �b8 27.IWh4t wg7 28. �c4 wins. Perhaps here Topa­lov still hoped that he could parry the attack, but the next two pawn moves are like two sledgehammer blows.

2S.eS! �xg2?1

Better would have been to give back the piece at once and save what could be saved with IWh7 or �xd6.

26.exf6! Black's material advantage

grew even further, but Anand

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Anand-Topalov 2,5 :1 ,5

is not interested in the loss of another piece of his. It is enough for him to wedge a pawn into f6 to totally para­lyze the defence of his oppo-


nent. From far away, on the other side of the board, the two black knights are help­lessly watching the proceed­ings. And the conductor of these knights, Topalov, could be seen in the live internet broadcast as holding his head desperately with both hands. Straining every nerve, he was trying to find a way out from the situation looking more hopeless with each move. In­credible as it may seem, there is no defence in this position.

26 . . J:rxd6 27.�xd6 �e4 Seemingly better is 27 . . .

�d5, but after 28.Wlg6t whB another rook sacrifice fol­lows: 29. �c4! �xc4 30.�d4 Wh7 3 1 .�h4 �f7 32.�xh7t �xh7 33.WeB, leading to mate .

28.�xe6! The move order 2B.Wg5t

whB 29.�xe6 also gives a deci-


sive advantage, e .g . 29 . . . fld3 30.�c2 �gB 3 1 .Wh6t Wh7 32. f7! Wlxh6 33.�xh6t wg7 34. fxgBWlt wxgB 35 .�xa6 +-.

28 . . . fld3 At long last, one of the

black knights has moved. To­palov tried to reorganize his defence and - mobilizing his pieces - create a counter­threat on the f2 square, but now it is too late . Nor did work 2B . . . Wh7 because of 29. Wg5t �g6 30.f7t ! wg7 3 1 . Wf6t wh6 32.�e4.

29.�c2! Wh7

30·f7t! Also winning was 30.Wlg5t

�g6 3 1 .f7t wxf7 32.�cc6. 30 . . . Wxf7 31.�e41 ,1lif57

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And this is the end- of it. Black - maybe hoping for a miracle - made one more, re­signed, queen move, which loses at once.

Game S

32.fre7! Mate is inevitable . On 32 . . .

frf7 33.frc8t IWxc8 34.IWg6t wh8 35 .IWh5t wg7 36.frxf7t wg8 37.IWh7 mate. 1--0

No break-through for the second time either

It is well-known that a match is not going on only between the two players sitting on the stage, but it is also a struggle of background teams working hard on both sides. The prepara­tion is helped by the members of the team consisting mainly of grandmasters , and all the games played are at once analyzed by them in depth, seeking possibilities of improvement. An opening variation can only be put on the agenda again if it had already worked in an earlier game, or if the team succeeded in finding an improvement giving the opponent a surprise.

In the 5th game, Topalov, as White, employed the same variation of the Slav Defence, against which Anand had held his position self-confidently in game 3, achieving a draw. For the first 1 5 moves the combatants used only four or five min­utes out of the precious thinking time. Anand seemed to have entirely trusted in the variation. Topalov has obviously pre­pared thoroughly, and being White, sat down to play not with the intention of another draw. So all spectators and commen­tators were curious to see what novelty he was going to come up with.

Yet the deviation from the previous game did not occur of his own intention, but that of the second player. On 1 4.h4,

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Topalov-Anand 2:3 61

Anand did not reply h6, but the more active pawn move, hS , setting a somewhat new direction for White's conduct of play, too. So after all we could not find out what improvement Topalov's team had prepared.

But as for the rightness of the tournament tactics to apply the variation again, we can draw a conclusion. Considering the final result, it seems that the balance is negative . Although Topalov had a positional advantage in almost the whole game, a decisive breakthrough was not possible, he could not con­vert the advantage into win. He must probably admit that for him this is not the way to victory against Anand. It would be not at all surprising, then, if this variation were not seen again in the match.

Game S V. Topalov-V. Anand Queen '8 Gambit, Slav

Defence (D 1 7)

l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3. ro flf6 4.flc3 dxc4 S.a4 �5 6.fleS e6 7.£3 c5 8.e4 �g6 9.�e3 cxd4 10J!iJxd4 \!!Jxd4 1 1 .�xd4 flfd7 12.flxd7 flxd7 13.�xc4 a6 14. frc1 frg8 lS.h4

All these are entirely iden­tical with the opening moves of the third game. As for the opening, see the annotation written there.

lS . . . h5 In the preceding game

bringing a favourable result for him, Anand continued with lS . . . h6, but now he in­troduced a novelty, slightly upsetting Topalov' s plans, who was going to corne up with a novelty himself. This move hinders the advance of the white h-pawn, but at the same time offers a new target of attack to the knight head­ing for f4. Topalov loses no time in starting to carry out this manoeuvre.

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16.fle2 �d6 17.�e3 It belongs to the history of

this _ game that at this move the lights suddenly went out in the Central Military Club, the venue of the match. The ten-minute power outage and the stoppage of the computers caused a confusion mostly in the work of the commenta­tors, later the players them­selves did not complain about the temporary break of the game.

17 . . . fleS 18.flf4 The line 1B .wf2 �xe4 19 .

fxe4 flg4t 20.wf3 fle5t led to perpetual check.

IB .. Jk8 In the stage leading on to

the middle game, Anand must play very accurately, because he can easily find himself in a position leading to a disad­vantageous endgame. E.g. on 1B . . . flxc4? ! 19 . frxc4 b5 20.frc2 we7 2 1 .fug6t fxg6 22.�g5t wf7 23.we2 ! can follow, with considerable advantage to White .

Game S

19.�b3 frxc1 t 20.�xcl we7 21.we2 frc8 22.�d2?!

A minor inaccuracy, yet just enough to put an end to Topalov's winning chances. Naturally, the bishop is head­ed for c3, but the move order chosen enables Anand to solve , in this game, too, the problem of his critical g6 bi­shop. In the third game, he had activated his hemmed in bishop with the lengthy ma­noeure of h7-gB-f7-eB. Now he selected another way.

22 . . . f6! In case of 22 .frd 1 this

would not have worked, as on 22 . . .f6? 23.flxe6 �f7 24.fug7 �xb3 25 .flf5t wf8 26.�h6t can follow. But now if 23. �xe6, then 23 . . . frc2 24.frb 1 (24.b3 �eB ! ) flc4 25.�xc4 �xf4 26.frd 1 frxb2=, and on 23. flxe6 �f7 24.fld4 �xb3 25 . fub3 frc2 26. f4 flc6 27.frb 1 frc4 2B.wd3 frxa4, also with equal position.

23.fug6t fug6 At this pawn structure ,

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Topalov-Anand 2:3

possessing the bishop pair does not give any advantage to White . The computer ana­lysis programs - for the first time during the game - assess the position as entirely equal. In this variation, too, Anand has equalized, whereas he has to defend very precisely yet.

24.g3 fle5 On 24 . . . �xg3? 2S ,frgl flf4t

26.wfl frd8 27.�b4t would have lost a piece. But with such simple traps Anand can­not be ensnared. In this stage of the game - similarly to game 3 - Topalov is trying to wrest an advantage from the even position.

2S.f4 flc6 26.�c3 �b4 27.�xb4t flxb4 28.frdl flc6 29.frd2 gS?!

In the post-match press conference the world cham­pion evaluated the gS-g4 ad­vance as a very important strategical manoeuvre , help­ing to maintain the balance . Though it created a weakness on hS in his own position, it


restricted White's possibili­ties of manoeuvring, and ob­tained an attackable point himself in his opponent's po­sition, on g3 .

30.wf2 The taking of the gS pawn

does not give an advantage, since the black knight appears menacingly on the centre square eS.

30 . . . g4 31.frc2 frd8 32.we3 frd6 33.frc5 flb4!

The key piece of the de­fence is the black knight , which finds excellent support points on the dark squares, frustrating White's attacking plans.

34.frc7t wd8 3S.frc3 we7 36.eS frd7 37.exf6t wxf6 38. we2 flc6 39. We 1 fld4 4O.�dl as

White's winning chances have flown away for good, and what's more , the range of movement of his bishop is re­stricted, and the knight post­ing on the centre square d4 is so strong that from now on

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the computer analyses indi­cate Black's positional advan­tage. The endgame was evalu­ated basically equal by the analysts, but in fact, right till this moment, only Topalov could play for a win, while Anand was defending his po­sition. However, from the move pairs 39 and 40, the tide has turned, and more and more variations appeared with

Game 6

winning chances for Anand. Topalov had no choice but to start saving what could be saved. In the spirit of his ear­lier promise , he could not of­fer a draw, so he resorted to repeating the moves again.

41 .frc5 'fJf5 42.frc3 'fJd4 43. frc5 'fJf5 44.frc3

The threefold repetition having arisen, a draw was ag­reed. 1h-lh

A pair of knights fighting against a bishop pair

A world championship match is one of the most difficult com­petition forms, since here the opponents do not alternate each day. Two persons of outstanding knowledge face each other for weeks or, there was also an example of it, even months, and only one of them can be a winner in the end. This situa­tion means an increased mental strain to the competitors , and the struggle on the chessboard is influenced more than usual­ly by the psychological factors.

This is why the combatants make decisions, one after an­other, whose background will be only later, or never, acco­unted for. It was such a decision Topalov made when under­taking the Catalan with Black for the third time too, though he suffered serious defeats in it during the first two games. Did he want to prove that he was afraid of nothing? Had he pre­pared a vast surprise? Only he can know the answer.

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Anand-Topalov 3,5:2,5 65

After all , this unusual and daring decision of his was justi­fied by the course of the game and the result. This was the first time he could successfully resist Anand playing with White, and this can increase his confidence for the remaining games.

And Anand can also be contented with the outcome of the game, as he closed the first half of the match with a one-point advantage and, thanks to the peculiar regulation, he can also play with the white pieces in the next game.

Game 6 V. Anand-V. Topalov

Catalan Opening (E04)

l .d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3. ro d5 4.g3 dxc4 5.�g2 a6 6.fle5 c5 7.fla3 cxd4 8.flaxc4 �c5 9.0--0 0-0

So far both players fol­lowed the course of the sec­ond game which was won in an intricate fight by Anand. Oddly enough, now it is he who directs the game into a new channel. Was he perhaps afraid of a surprise prepared by Topalov?

1O.�g5 A more active and com­

mitting move than 1O.�d2 em­ployed in the second game.

10 . . . h6 1 1 .�xf6 \MJxf6 As a logical continuation

of the selected plan, White renounces his bishop pair. This line is chosen more sel­dom, because Black obtains the bishop pair. Anand's aim may be to allure his opponent from the beaten track.

12.fld3 �a7 13.\MJa4?1

A provoking move . Just

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like in the previous games, White has soon sacrificed a pawn for development, and would like to put as strong pressure on the black queen­side as he can. During the transition to the middlegame, Topalov must play very cau­tiously if he wants to avoid the strategic trap prepared for him.

13 . . . 'fJc6!? It is easy to see that the

promising double attack with 1 3 . . . b5? did not work because of 14.lMJc2 bxc4 15 . lMJxc4 'fJd7 1 6.�xa8 'fJb6 1 7.lMJc7!+-. The right decision is to give back the pawn in return for the possibility the black pieces are given to develop.

14J!ac1 The strategical fight going

on in the whole game has commenced. White refuses the pawn offered, giving pref­erence to the development move.

14 . . . e5 Topalov is now willing to

Game 6

sacrifice even the e5 pawn to give elbowroom to his hem­med in bishops. It must be accepted.

15.�xc6 b5! 16.lMJc2 This time it was Topalov

who set a strategic trap. Win­ning Black's queenside pawns, but allowing the central pawns supporting each other to live would lead to an ex­tremely complicated position. Anand is consistent and does not go into the line promising hardly calculable complica­tions: 1 6 .�xb5 axb5 1 7.lMJxb5 e4 18 . 'fJde5 d3. Following his solid strategy that led to vic­tory in the second game, he is trying to simplify as soon as possible , steering the course of the game into an endgame­like position.

16 . . . Wxc6 17.'fJcxe5 lMJe4 18. Wc6 �b7 19.Wxe4 �xe4

The comment one of the analysts made on the queen exchange was: "This is the first time during the match when Topalov can draw com-

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Anand-Topalov 3,5:2,5

fortably with Black." With his bishop pair he really has good long-term prospects, but the question is what the world chaptpion can do with his active knights in the so far still closed position.

20Jk2 f!fe8 21 .f!fc1 f6 22. 4Jd7

The white knight goes for a long, adventurous journey, the aim of which is to hunt down one of the white bish­ops.

22 ... �f5 23.4J7c5 �b6 Topalov - quite under­

standably - sees his chances in the bishop pair, therefore, as long as he can do it , he consistently evades the ex­change . A long and instruc­tive manoeuvring ensues, in which both sides are trying to attain their strategic target under the most favourable circumstances.

24.4Jb7 �d7 25.4Jf4 f!ab8 26.4Jd6 f!e5 27. 4Jc8 �aS 28. 4Jd3 f!e8 29.4Ja7 �b6 30.4Jc6 f!b7 31 .4Jcb4 as 32.4JdS a4


33.fu:b6 Now it is worth pausing

for a moment and drawing up a balance of the peculiar fight going on in the middlegame. A bit of statistics can help to understand what we see, and it also sheds light on how peculiar possibilities are in­herent in chess if the men are conducted by really , expert hands. An interesting feature of the game is that Black's last pawn move was 2 1 . . . .f6, which was followed by the next, 3 1 . . . . a5 , only after ten pairs of moves. And so far White -almost incredible ! - made only three pawn moves in the game; for the last time he moved a pawn on the 4th

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move ! And perhaps even more interesting is the long trip the white knight was making on the board. 1 3 of the first 32 moves were made by this knight, in fact, in a manner that it never moved twice to the same square . This is the route it made: b 1 -a3-c4-eS-d7-cS-b7-d6-c8-a7-c6-b4-dS-b6. In the middlegame this was almost the only piece White moved . The reason Black allowed the knight to roam about in his camp was that trading off any of his bishops would have left him with a disadvantageous end­game. This time Topalov had the patience to wait, and Anand could not drive him mad with the irritating gam­bolling of the knight. And when finally the knight ex­changed itself for a bishop, Black could bail out into a tenable ending.

33 .. .frxb6 34.'fJc5 �f5 35. �d2 �c6 36.b4 axb3 37.axb3 b4!?

Game 6

Once again Black is willing to sacrifice a pawn to be able to organize his counterplay.

38.�xd4 �xe2 39.�xb4

39 . . . �h3! The key move of Black's

plan. His bishop of paralyzing power keeps the white king under constant pressure , and his rooks threaten to pene­trate on the second rank, at­tacking the weak f2 square. Anand obtained an endgame with extra pawn in vain, as now he has to be very careful, lest that his king should fall victim to the white pieces weaving a mating net.

4O.�bc4 �d6 41 .�e4 �2 42.�eel?!

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Anand-Topalov 3,5:2,5

According to the computer analysis programs it is not the most active move. For Anand, however, safety - to avoid a possibl� defeat - is more im­portant here than to look for a way to win in a forcible , ris­ky manner.

42 .. J�dd2 43.fle4 frd4 44.flcS frdd2 45. fle4 frd3!

For the time being, Topa­lov avoids move repetition leading to a draw, trusting in the increased activity of his pieces. His horne fans had even started to have visions of winning chances on the in­ternet.

46JThl frdxb3 47.fld2 frb4 48.£3 g5 49. Erxb2 frxb2 50. frdl wfl 51.wfl


With precIse manoeuvres White has dissolved the blockade of his king. It is more and more evident that the position can be won by neither side.

5L.h5 52.we3 frc2 53.fral wg6 54.fra6 �f5 55.frd6 frc3t 56. wfl frc2 57. we3 frc3t

Having obtained the ini­tiative in the finishing stage of the game, now Topalov admitted that in the position arisen he cannot convert the advantage of principle the bishop has against the knight.

58.wfl frc2 And, as we could already

get used to it in this match, drawn by repetition.


Twenty moves, three sacrifices - in five minutes

With the 7th game - with Anand leading by 3 ,5 :2 ,5 - the sec­ond half of the match got under way. At this critical stage , it was vital for Topalov that the world champion playing with White twice over canno� increase his advantage further, because with a two- or three-point disadvantage the chal­lenger would have got into an almost hopeless position.

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70 Game 7

Playing with Black, he succeeded in drawing the sixth game memorable for its knight stroll. Preparing for the next, Topalov - evidently having heard the advices of his team and weighed the largeness of the stake - made a daring decision: in the game of key importance he would deploy one 'of the prepared "secret weapons". That is, a risky but deeply ana­lyzed variation which - having the element of surprise -might cross Anand's winning plans.

However, such novelties can be employed only once, in an exceptional situation, as their antidote can be found relatively easily in the course of subsequent analyses. Their other feature is that playing them carries an enormous risk, as miracles no longer exist today, even in opening theory. Variations evoking extraordinary complications can be defended with accurate and faultless play. But in practical play, with a fixed amount of time to think, it is very hard to find the best continuation move by move in an unknown variation concealing dozens of traps. This was the lesson, by no means an easy one, Anand was given by his challenger in round seven. But he succeeded in dealing with the task with an elegance befitting a world champion, maintaining his advantage .

But Topalov has also attained the aim he set: although he could not win, he avoided a further loss, and thus continued to have chances to equalize .

Game 7 V. Anand-V. Topalov

Bogo-Indian Defence (El l)

l .d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3. ffi d5

4.g3 �b4t Black deviates from the

earlier applied line 4 . . . . dxc4, striving to divert the course of the game as soon as possi-

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Anand-Topalov 4:3

ble in the direction chosen by him.

5.�d2 �e7 6.�g2 0--0 7.0--0 c6 8.�f4 dxc4 9.�e5 b5?!

Topalov's first "partial" victory: he managed to reach the otherwise well-known position in which he can de­ploy, instead of the self-evi­dent 9 . . . �d5 , the deeply ana­lysed horne variation holding vast complications.

10.flxc6 flxc6 1 1 .�xc6

1 1 . . .�d7!? The key move of the varia­

tion, the novelty of the Topa­lov team. Hardly two months before , at the Amber tourna­ment in Nizza, in the blind­fold game Gelfand-Ivanchuk,


the Ukrainian grandmaster continued 1 1 . . .�a6, where­upon 12 . �xa8 IWxa8 1 3 .lWc2 IWc6 14.�g5 �b7 1 5 .£3 e5 16 . �xf6 IWxf6 1 7.d5 followed, and the game ended in a draw. At the press conference follow­ing the match, Topalov re­vealed that starting from the above game, one of his sec­onds, grandmaster I van Che­pari nov had worked out the improved variation, in which Black, at the cost of manifold sacrific�s, obtains connected central pawns and a powerful counterplay.

12.�8 At the sight of the surpris­

ing, voluntary sacrifice , after a short think Anand gave up his important bishop in re­turn for winning the ex­change .

12 . . . lWxa8 13.f3 �d5 14.�d2 After accepting the sacri­

fice, the world champion is trying to consolidate his posi­tion, but Black cannot leave him time for this.

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14 . . . eS I? Black has to go on forward.

This time a pawn sac fol­lowed in order to open the way for the d7 bishop. From now on it was clear to both the spectators and the com­mentators that they were looking at a thoroughly pre­pared home analysis, as Topa­lov played the risky move at once, without thinking.


Anand, on the other hand, is doing his best to filter out all risks , so that Black can carry on with his plan only at the price of another sacrifice.

lS . . . �b3 Topalov - playing outright

Game 7

again - offers his third piece too as a sacrifice. The chess clock tells everything about the course of the game up till now: Black used only 3 min­utes - in fact he did not think at all about his moves - whilst Anand was pondering almost an hour, having to assess the position and find the moves at the board.

16.exdS �xf1 17.l.MJxf1 exd4 18.a41

The world champion is a piece up, but the strong cen­tral pawns make it hard for him to find an apt counter­play. With this move he starts an action on the queenside .

18 . . . l.MJxdS 19.axbS l.MJxbS 20. ffxa7 ffe8

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Anand-Topalov 4:3

21 .whl !? This was the first time in

the game that T opalov has been pondering for a long time, 1 7 minutes. Visibly, his home �nalysis ended here . Anand - first during the fight - managed to surprise his ad­versary. True, the computer programs and expert com­mentators considered the move 2 1 . wg2 stronger, but we can safely accept the as­sessment of the world cham­pion, who did not wish to get into a pin on the second rank, selecting another defensive plan instead. By the way, Kasparov, watching the game on the internet, recommend­ed in a talk forum the vari­ation 2 1 .b3 i.Wxb3 22.i.We 1 h6 23Jhe7 fi:xe7 24.i.Wxe7 i.Wxb1 t 25 .i.We 1 i.Wb5 . Although White is unable to convert his extra piece, he cannot lose either. However, then Anand was al­ready aspiring after some­thing more than this .

21 . . .�f8?!


Topalov's first 'own' move was not received with gener­al enthusiasm by the analysts watching the game, many of them recommending the self­evident 2 1 . . .i.Wxb2. As it turned out later, the problem with this and the other lines is that they don't give Black more than a draw. Yet at this mo­ment, perhaps even Topalov longed for more . The excite­ment rose to the highest pitch.

22.fi:c7 d3 23.�c3 �d6 24. fi:a7 h6!?

Bad would have been 24 . . . i.Wh5 25 .fld2 �xg3? i n view of 26.i.Wg1 �e5 27.fi:a5 and White wins .

25.fld2?! According to the analyses,

better is the risky-looking 25. i.Wh3 ! , but a move like this is by no means in keeping with Anand's style .

25 . . . �b4! 26.fi:al �xc3 27. bxc3 fi:e2

The rook appears on the second rank with a great

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force , the question is whether this threat can be converted into win.

28J!dl \MIa4 29.fle4 \MIc2 30. ffcl !

This time, too, Anand has hit upon the right way of de­fence .

30 . . . ffxh2t 31 .wgl ffg2t 32. \MIxg2 \MIxcl t 33. \MIfl \MIe3t 34. \MIf2 \MIcl t 35. \MIfl \MIe3t 36. wg2

The tables have turned. Black's attack has petered out, and Anand avoids a repetition of moves. Being a piece up, from now on he is playing for a WIn.

36 . . . £5 37.flf2 wh7 38.\MIbl \MIe6 39.\MIb5 g5 4O.g4 fxg4 41. fxg4 wg6 42. \MIb7?!

Inaccuracy, ruining White's winning chances . 42 .\MIa4 was necessary.

Game 7 - Anand-Topalov 4:3

42 . . . d2! The key move of Black's

defence . The passed pawn compels the white camp to the first rank.

43.\MIbIt wg7 44.wfl \MIe7 45.wg2 \MIe6 46.\MIdl \MIe3 47.\MIf3 \MIe6 48.\MIb7t wg6 49.\MIbIt wg7 50. \MIdI \MIe3 51 . \MIc2 \MIe2 52. \MIa4 wg8 53. \MId7 wfB 54. \MIdS wg7 55.wg3 \MIe3t 56. \MIf3 \MIeSt 57.Wg2 \MIe6 58.\MIdl

And drawn by repetition. 1h-lh

The stubborn will to win was worth a point

In the previous round, Topalov succeeded - for the first time during the match - in controlling the game almost to the very end, forcing his will upon his opponent. Though it ended in a draw, even then it could be felt that the challenger's fighting

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Game 8 - Topalov-Anand 4:4 75

spirit was unbroken, and his will to win grew stronger and stronger. After the two black games, everybody was curious to see what tactics Topalov will choose with White, since he could hardly have a goal other than victory - that is, making the scorer level before the finish of the match.

What caused a surprise this time was that there was no sur­prise . For the third time, too, Topalov undertook the early queen exchange variation of the Slav Defence. But this time, further refining his play, he put a greater pressure than any time before on the black position grappling with development problems. Anand defended on the high level customary for him, and he succeeded in going for an endgame with a pawn deficit and opposite-coloured bishops. Of positions like this chess players think that it's impossible to lose , and almost impossible to win. But Topalov, who was aware that he might scarcely get better winning chances against Anand, attempted the impossible .

At the sight of the position arisen, one of the commentators on the internet wrote jokingly to the visitors of the home page : "Just go to have supper and attend to your business ; this game is going to last for 100 moves, because Topalov has no other choice than to attempt to win, and in this position he can keep trying it without any risk almost interminably."

Only a part of what the commentator wrote was justified. The game ended relatively soon because after an inaccurate bishop move Anand unexpectedly resigned. Some analysts thought that he should not have resigned at once , he could have waited to see if his opponent really saw the winning variation. But at the very end, this game was decided by the state of nerves rather than objective chess knowledge . In any

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76 Game S

case , Topalov has achieved his aim. After a long march, de­servedly, he equalized, so in the last four games the chances are equal again. We can look forward to an exciting finish !

Game 8 V. Topalov-V. Anand Queen '8 Gambit, Slav

Defence (D 1 7)

l .d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.'fJf3 'flf6 4.'flc3 dxc4 S.a4 �f5 6.'fleS e6 7.f3 cS 8.e4 �g6 9.�e3 cxd4 lO.lMlxd4 lMlxd4 1 1 .�xd4 'flfd7 l2.fud7 fud7 l3.�xc4 frc8

Everybody was waiting for Topalov's novelty, but all in vain. In the end it was Anand who left the path followed in the third and fifth game. The continuation 1 3 . . . a6 had ear­lier led to two draws. This time the question is also the same: can Topalov find a way to win in the closed position without queens?

l4.�bS a6 lS.�xd7t wxd7 l6.we2 f6 17. frhdl we8

See Diagram

l8.aS!? A novelty, presumably the

result of the industrious pre­paratory work of the Topalov team. In this position, moves occurring earlier - 1 8. �b6 and 1 8.frac 1 - did not give a con­crete advantage . Will White be able to prevent the black pieces stuck on the back rank from developing? Should the rook and the bishop get out successfully, like in the previ­ous games, Black would equa­lize. But if Anand fails to do it in the next stage , White ob-

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Topalov-Anand 4:4

tains winning chances. 18 . . . �e7 19.�b6 frf8 20.

frac1 f5 21 .e5 �g5 22.�e3 f4?! This move was liked by

nobody "( except, perhaps, Topalov. Even Anand himself remarked in the post-match press conference that he would have done better to follow the variation 22 . . . �xe3 23.wxe3 f4t 24.wd4 we7 25 . fle4 �xe4 26. wxe4, though in the resulting rook ending he would have had serious prob­lems. The main drawback to the text move is that the f4 pawn gets lost in the long run as it is hard to protect.

23. fle4 frxc1



The knight arrives in the black camp with a check with tempo. It is an old chess wis­dom that if White manages to create a knight post on d6, then sooner or later he wins. From now on, right until the end of the game , the key of the position will be the d6 square kept continuously oc­cupied with different white pieces. In the next phase of the game , both parties will be trying to attain a transition to an endgame as favourable as possible for them.

24 .. . wd7 25.�xc1 wc6 26. �d2 �e7 27. frc1t wd7 28.�c3 �xd6

Black has made up his mind: he cannot allow the knight paralyzing his position to live , he would rather give up his bishop pair.

29.frdl �f5 30.h4!? An important zwischen­

zug, ensuring White that he should show up actively on both flanks.

30 . . . g6

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The other defensive possi­bility is 30 .. J;rd8 3 1 . exd6 (3 1 . :r;1xd6t wc7 32.:r;1xd8 wxd8 33. �d2 wc7 34.�xf4 b6) 3 1 . . .g6 32.�e5 :r;1c8 with good draw­ing prospects.

31.:r;1xd6t we8 32.�d2 :r;1d8 33.�xf4 :r;1xd6 34.exd6

The weak f4 pawn is lost, but in return an ending of drawing chances has arisen, in which, in addition to the kings, only two pieces re­mained on the board: one bishop on each side , which can never meet each other since they move on squares of different colour. According to public belief this division of materials promises an easy

Game 8

draw to the side with disad­vantage , because he can block the advance of the pawns. But this rule is often replaced by another: the side which can launch a coordinated attack on the squares his bishop is moving on has winning chances, because it is as though he played with an extra piece, and his opponent has no defending piece be­sides his king to use for clos­ing the penetration points .

34 . . . wd7 35.we3 �c2 The point of Black's defen­

sive plan is that by moving his bishop on the a4-e8 diag­onal, he arrests the d6 pawn, while his king, moving on the white squares, g8-f7 -e8-d7-c8, blocks the way of the white king, keeping the pen­etration points under con­stant control.

36.wd4 we8 37.we5 wfl 38. �e3 �a4 39. wf4 �b5

For the time being, it can­not be seen how White can make progress. The exciting

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Topalov-Anand 4:4

endgame was being analyzed by several leading grandmas­ters in the internet portals. It is quite clear that in this endgame only Topalov can have -Winning chances. But what is the way to victory? Is there one at all? Interestingly, it was Anand's compatriot, grandmaster Harikrisna of In­dia, who pointed out a plan promising victory in case of a faulty defence : 40.wg5 �e8 41 . wh6 wg8 42 .�d4 �d7 43.g4 �c6 44.f4 �d7 45 .�e5 �c6 46. h5 gxh5 47.wxh5 wf7 48. wh6 wg8? (it is important to arrest the white g-pawn: 48 . . . �e4! 49 .b4 we8 50.wg5 wd7 5 1 .£5 exfS 52.gxfS h6t 53.wf4 �c2 54.f6 we6 55 .we3 �g6 56.wd4 h5 57.wc5 wd7 58.wb6 wc8=) 49 .g5 �d7 50 .�g7 �c6 5 1 . g6+-. Topalov chose another path, but it could be expected that he would keep trying till the last dim chance of win­ning, since equalizing was a vital question for him.

4O.�cS 4O . . . wffi 41 .�d4t


wfl 42.wgS �c6 43.wh6 wg8 44.h5 �e8 4S.wgS wfl 46.wh6 wg8 47.�c5

White 's first attempt at bringing about a zugzwang. It is not successful yet, but it indicates the way of a possi­ble win . Now neither the black king nor the bishop can move . Luckily, there is still a moveable pawn on the board.

47 . . . g:xhS 48.wgS wg7 49.�d4t wfl SO. �eS!

An important move , block­ing Black's e-pawn.

SO . . . h4 Sl .wxh4 wg6 S2. wg4 �bS S3. wf4

As if the white king had directed its steps towards the queen's flank, so Black's king also has to start in that direc­tion to get there in time . Who would think that in this posi­tion only a few moves will occur till resignation? Even the computer analysis pro­grams did not forecast the en­suing developments . Interes­tingly, the computers of to­day are not yet able to find

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their way around the world of endings containing more than six pieces, which, as we can see, hold innumerable tactical and strategic possibil­ities.

53 . . . w£7 54.wgS

Another manoeuvring move testing the opponent's vigi­lance, but this time back­wards. Topalov's calculation has worked well.

54 . . . �c6?? In case of the consistent

54 . . . we8 the position seems

Game 8 - Topalov-Anand: 4:4

tenable , because 55.wh6 would be met with �d3, and 55.wf6 with �c4, and in the event of a pawn storm: 55.f4 wd7 56.g4 �d3 57.fS exfS 58.gxfS h6t ! 59.wf6 we8 60.b3 wd7=. As it is, on 55 .wh6 the bishop can­not defend on e4 because of the f3 pawn. The world champion's sense of danger ceased to function for just one moment, but it was enough for T opalov. After the text move he can evoke the zug­zwang motif he had earlier tried.

55.wh6 wg8 56.g4! Black resigned because of

the zugzwang arising in the continuation 56 . . . �e8 57 .g5 �c6 58.�g7 ! �e8 59.f4 �c6 60.g6 hxg6 61 .Wxg6, winning for White .


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Game 9 - Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5 81

With two rooks against the queen and the time

What a fantastic game it was! - sighed several hundred thou­sands of chess players beside the computers all over the world at the lend of the six-hour battle . Indeed, such a tense fight rich in lively turns was not seen in any of the rounds so far, although we have already experienced quite a lot of excite­ment during the match. It is probable that not every move of the combatants will pass the test of subsequent a�alysis, hav­ing both of them made several errors . Yet, as if this game had been a fine advertisement of chess, it presented all the beau­ties and unexpected turns of the "royal game" .

This time Topalov did not undertake the torments of the Catalan Opening, selecting the Nimzo-Indian Defence instead, and one of its main lines was put on the agenda. The specific features of this variation are the white isolated pawn on d4 and the possibility of a lively piece play on both sides. On the 18th move, Anand employed a novelty, and then offered his queen to be traded for two rooks. The resulting assymetric division of materials led to an extremely intricate position. The game was all through directed by the world champion, but twice he got into a time trouble , and both times he let the win out of his hands. Or, to be more precise, during the game Topalov lined up every tactical and competition psychological means, mobilizing his whole strength of mind to prevent White from winning. This unshakeable fighting spirit led eventually to success: the white queen, struggling to the end almost all by herself, compelled the enemy king to flee end-1essly by giving it interminable checks.

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82 Game 9

Thus, the score of the match continued to be even. The quick comments after the game, almost without exception, were analyzing the mental impact the marathon fight, visibly agitating both players, would make on the continuation. It is doubtless that the result is more favourable for Topalov, who admitted himself in the post-match press conference that this time he escaped from defeat with an enormous amount of luck. And what's more, in two of the remaining three games - in the last one, too - he will be White . But knowing Anand, there can be no doubt that in the following games he will fight on a similarly high level, mobilizing all his power reserves, since the final decision is yet to come, and his chances of vic­tory are by no means less than his opponent's . As we could see in this game, too : any turn, however fantastic and unforeseen, can occur on the chessboard.

Game 9 V. Anand-V. Topalov

Nimzo-Indian Defence (E54)

1 .d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3. flc3 As the Catalan Opening,

which was at first efficient, last time did no longer bring victory, instead of 3.flf3 Anand diverted the game in a differ­ent direction.

3 . . . �b4 4.e3 0-0 5.�d3 c5 6.flf3 d5 7.0-0 cxd4 8.exd4

dxc4 9.�xc4 b6 10.�g5 �b7 1 1 .�e1 flbd7 12.�c1 �c8 13. �d3 �e8

We can see one of the well-known, thoroughly ana­lyzed variations of the Nimzo­Indian Defence. It is charac­terized by the white isolated pawn on d4, for whose at­tackability White comes to an active play in return. The time used for thinking after 1 3 moves is: Anand 5 min-

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Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

utes, Topalov 1 9 minutes, but in fact, Topalov, too, was pondering lenghtily only on his 1 3th move, playing also almos� at once up till then in the known position. But here he had to choose for a longer term from the various possi­bilities. Finally he opted for the most frequent continua­tion.

14.\llJe2 �xc3 Black closes the c-file so

that he can bring his queen into play here .

lS.bxc3 \llJc7 16.�h4 flhS 17.flgS g6 18. flh3!?

The world champion made this move, unprecedented in the databases, after a striking­ly short think. This time Anand resorted to the psy­chological weapon applied several times by Topalov, obviously to demonstrate that he knows everything about the position, that is, he is playing a thoroughly pre­pared variation.

18 . . . eS 19.f3


A logical continuation hold­ing some risk, too. If now Black avails himself of the possibility of exd4, White must give up his queen for the two black rooks. As for material, White is not worse, but the resulting position of assymetric division of materi­als, in which the black queen can start operations hard to foresee, makes the outcome of the game unpredictable .

19 . . . \llJd6 20.�f2

Anand is practically pro­voking his opponent, leaving open for the second time the possibility of exchanging his queen for two rooks. It seems that a careful home analysis is

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behind his intention. This time his aim is not simplifica­tion, quite the contrary, he is luring his opponent towards complications .

20 . . . exd4!? Interestingly, for the sec­

ond time Topalov does what he did not undertake on the first occasion: he gives up his two rooks for the white queen. This is a committal de­cision, wherewith Black di­verts the game into a new channel. The path chosen is apparently not against the combatants' will, but at this time none of them suspects yet what complications are to come.

21 .lWxe8t �xe8 22.�xe8t flfS 23.cxd4

The advantage of the pawn capture is that it opens the c­file, but the drawback to it is that thus the bishop moving along the dark squares is less active than it would have been on d4. Anand has been weighing for a long time if he

Game 9

should take with the pawn or the bishop on d4. This was the point when he caught up his opponent on the clock, but then no one attached any particular importance to it yet.

23 ... flf6 24.�eel fle6 25. �c4 �d5 26.�g3

The bishop vacates f2 for the h3 knight. In the previous moves both players were en­deavouring to arrange their pieces in the best possible position before the clash pro­mising to be violent.

26 . . . lWb4 Black is the first to launch

an action. Topalov is seeking an active counterplay, but the price of this is that his queen moves away from the defence of the king. True, after 26 . . . lWd7 27.�eS �xc4 28.�xf6 bS 29.a4 a6 30. flf2! Black is also better.

27.�e5! fld7! From now on, almost every

move brings some new, sur­prising development.

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Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

28.a3 A far-sighted deflection

the sense of which will be­come clear on the 30th move, when t;he e 1 rook will not be en pnse.

28 ... \MIa4 29.�xd5 fue5 30. �xe6 \MIxd4t?!

Self-evident but not the strongest continuation. It en­ables the white forces to be activated. Better would have been 30 . . . fld3 ! 3 1 .frcSt wg7 32 ,fk7 flxe 1 33.frxf7t wh6 34. flf2 \MIxd4 35.wfl flc2 36.flg4t wh5 37.we2 \MIgl 3S.g3 \MIe l t 39 .wd3 \MIxe6 40.frxh7t wgS 41 .h4t w5 42 .frf7t \MIxf7 43. flh6t we6 44.flxf7 flxa3 with equal chances . However, even the best of the world cannot be expected to foresee and assess such long lines.

31 .whl fxe6 32.flg5! \MId6 33.fle4 (Diagram)

In this position, computer analysis programs suggest 33. flxe6, but also considered was the line 33.fred1 ! fld3 (33 . . . \MIxa3?? 34.frdSt wg7 3S .frc7t


wf6 (35 . . . wh6 36.h4 \MIa 1 t 37. wh2 flxf3t 3S.flxf3) 36.flxh7t w5 37.frf8t) 34.fle4 \MId4 35 . frc2 \MIe5 36.h3 flc5 37.flxc5 bxc5 3S.frdc1 . But to under­stand the conduct of play of the combatants we must be aware that from now on one of the main motifs of the game was time! Until the first time-control - at move 40 -seven moves had to be made in the opening position, in which calculation is getting more and more difficult, and Anand had 1 3, Topalov 20 minutes, that is, rather few for both of them. It is, there­fore, easy to understand that the world champion chose

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the surest looking way: his knight had an excellent out­post on e4 and strong threats in every direction. But thus Black gets time for a counter­action.

33 . . . !Wxa3! Topalov does not hesitate:

he makes a sally with his queen from its defensive posi­tion, and removes the only white piece on the queen's flank which could stand in the way of the advance of his pawns. From this moment on, T opalov followed the tactics of carefully preserving his time advantage and striving to evoke intricate situations, to further increase the pres­sure of time weighing heavily on Anand.

34J:k3 !Wb2 35.h4!? b5?! Topalov does not care

about the storm clouds gath­ering round his king and, tak­ing chances again, he starts with his pawn on the queen's wing. It consumes valuable seconds of his opponents time

Game 9

to calculate the danger evoked in this manner. In the pres­sure of time, a spectacular battle, not devoid of psycho­logical motifs either, devel­ops. Finding the objectively best move is no longer the only thing that counts. The combatants are striving to in­crease tension to the breaking point, taking care to avoid falling into an unexpected trap, losing everything.

36J;rc8t Anand starts a direct at­

tack against the king. 36 . . . wg7 The defending side has to

be very cautious. If 36 . . . 41£7, then 37.�dl f'ld3 (37 . . . gS 38. hS f)d3 39 .wh2 !Wd4 40.�c3) 38.wh2 ! !Wd4 39.�c3 !WeSt 40. wgl f'lf4 41 .�d7t we8 42 .�cc7 WIns.

37.�c7t wf8 Not possible was 37 . . . wh6

in view of the mate threat 38.f)gS , and if 37 . . . wg8, then 38.f)f6t is threatened with a check with tempo.

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Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

38.�g5 we8 The black king resorts to

escape. 39J�xh7 IWc3

Topalov moves his queen in the psychologically best moment, right before the time control, creating a new threat.

4OJ�h8t? It is hard to understand

why the world champion took such a committing deci­sion in the last moment of time trouble . Black's king, forced down by a rook, is lan­guishing on the back rank from where it can apparently never escape. If in such posi­tion the participant of a chil-


dren's tournament gives a rook check, releasing thereby the king, the trainer and the parents are clutching at their hair, horrified at the child's blunder. Behind Anand's move there might be some deep strategic idea or a many­move tactical motif, but even subsequently one cannot find such a thing. In fact, he di­verts the king closer to the black queenside pawns whose advance means the only co­unterchance for Black. The only positive feature of this move is that it does not lose at once. But it is quite evident that at this critical moment the world champion has lost his mental balance and made a flustered, imprudent deci­sion. It would have been a simple and self-evident means of gaining time and maintain­ing the threats if Anand had moved away with the at­tacked rook, playing 40J=!e2, which preserves the threats and leads to a quick win in

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several lines : 40 . . . as (40 . . . b4 41 .�xe6 b3 42.wh2 as 43J!c7 lMJal 44J!b7 a4 4s .�e4 a3 46. �d4+-) 41 .�xe6 a4 42.wh2 a3 43.�c7 lMJb2 44.�cc2 lMJal (44 . . . a2 45 . �xb2 allMJ 46.�xbs , and Black can resign) 4s .�cs a2 (4s . . . �c4 46.�ds+-) 46.�cc2 wd7 47.�xa2 lMJbl 48. �d4+-.

4O . • • wd7 And the first time trouble

is over, ending with Anand's first great miss and Topalov's first lucky escape . From now on, each player has one hour to make the next twenty moves. The struggle on the board is going on, the posi­tion is more complicated with each move, a single error can lead to defeat.

41 .�h7t wc6 42 .�e4 The world champion can

feel safe , his pieces protect each other. If only those two connected queenside pawns would not exist !

42 . . . b4 According to the computer

analysis programs, not the

Game 9

strongest move, but from the point of view of tournament tactics it is a perfect decision. Topalov is striving to seize the only counterchance, try­ing to create concrete threats as soon as possible .

43.fue6 wb6 44.�f4 Anand's attack on the king

regains strength again, this time on the other half. But he has only half an hour's think­ing time left again.

44 .. . lMJal t?! Several expert analysts re­

commended the more active 44 . . . lMJc 1 t, but from the point of view of tournament tactics this is the right decision as it maintains the threatening position of the es knight. As we'll see later, this knight is going to play an important role.

45.wh2 as See next Diagram

46.h5! A splendid attacking move

reviving the hope of victory. 46 .. . gxh5?!

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Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

This time it was Topalov's turn to err. More promising would have been 46 . . . g5 .

47J:rxhS The second white rook has

also joined in the attack, and together with the knight, the three of them are chasing the black king whose position is more and more hopeless.

47 . . . �c6 48.�d5t wb7 49. frh7t

An extremely complicated, hardly assessable position full of mutual traps has arisen, which was evaluated in a pretty different manner even by the computer programs. In the live broadcast, Anand could be seen tensely calcu­lating the variations, while To-


palov appeared to be calmer and more balanced, despite the fact that he had the worse, probably lost, posi­tion. More promising than the text move was the contin­uation 49. fre6 1.Wb l 50. f4 �d8 5 1 .frd6 �c6 52.f5 l.We4 53. f6 l.Wg6 54.�f4 l.We4 55 .�d3 l.Wg6 56.frb5t wa7 57.Wg l .

49 . . . wa6 50.fre6 wb5 5 1 . frh5 �d4?!

Another decisive moment. Topalov had 23, Anand only 7 minutes on the clock. Yet, in the more and more hope­less position, after a short think, Topalov run the risk of a quick loss rather than flee his knight to the passive square d8. He knew that his plight would then become entirely hopeless.

52.�b6t wa6 53.frd6 wb7 54.�c4?!

See Diagram Anand was in time trouble

again, having only 4 minutes left until the 60th move . He missed the almost immediate

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win again: 54.'fjd5 ! �c6 (54 . . . ilif3t 55 . gxf3 IWb2t 56.wg3 IWg7t 57.wh4+-) 55 J!h7t wa6 56.�xc6t wb5 57 .�e6 IWd4 58. �h5+-.

54 . . . 4Jxi3t! It looks as though the

chessmen were the heroes of a Shakespeare drama. In the last moment, the black knight heroically sacrifices itself, cre­ating thereby the only princi­pled drawing chance.

55.gxf3 IWa2t 56.�d2 Now already three white

pieces are fighting against the lonely queen, and the experts are about to chalk up the point for Anand. But Topalov still does not give up the fight, striving to seize even the very last chance.

Game 9

56 . . . we7 57.�hd5 Better was 57.�hh6 ! , pre­

serving the possibility of forc­ing back the king to the back rank.

57 . . . b3 The black pawn gets an­

other step closer to the pro­motion square.

58.�d7t we8 59.�d8t we7 6O.�8d7t we8

This was the point of Anand's 57th move. By giv­ing checks with the vertically moving rook, he got over the second time trouble. Now he has the last half-hour to win the game. The task does not seem insoluble.

61.�g7 a4 62.�e5t wb8 63. �d5 weB

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Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

64.wg3? An obvious move; the ma­

jority of beginners would have tried to pull the same simpltf trick: move away the king from the pin, enabling the d-rook to threaten with mate without the possibility of \Wxd2 check with tempo. But the world champion ought to have found the cor­rect plan leading to win. But in the fifth hour of the game, on the verge of the third time trouble, it is of course not easy to see that the bit irregu­lar 64J!dd7is leading to win: 64 . . . \Wc2 (64 . . . a3 6S .wg3 \Wal 66J!c7t wd8 67 .'f1a7 \WeI t 68. wg4 \We6t 69.wf4 \Wd6t 70.we3 \WcS t 7 1 .we2 \WeS t 72 .wfl \WbSt 73.M2 \WcSt 74.wg2+-) 6S .wg3 \Wdl 66.'f1df7 \WgI t 67. wf4 \Wh2t 68.wg4 \Wg2t 69.wfS \Wh3t 70.weS \Wh2t 7 1 .f4+-.

64 .. . \!!,Jal ! Anand missed another win

and Topalov at once seized the unexpected chance. With his queen, which was long


out of play, he occupies an important position, defend­ing and attacking at the same time.

65.'f1g4?! Anand has apparently lost

the thread of the attack on the king, he does not find the way to victory. Yet 6S .'f1dd7 would still have given some winning chances. The world champion was short of time again, managing the 30-sec­ond increments received after every move. So that now -making it possible for Black to advance farther with his pawn - he was rather taking care that he should not lose.

65 ... b2 66.'f1c4t wb7 67.wfl. With this resigned king

move White admittted the fail­ure of the manoeuvre started with 64.wf3. The expert com­mentators of the live broad­casts on internet forums claim­ed more and more firmly: To­palov has escaped, the posi­tion was a draw.

67 . . . bl\W 68.fubl

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Even after giving back the knight, the division of mate­rials remaining on the board would be in principle win­ning for White if the position of his pieces were favourable. But the connection between White's king and pieces has been broken, so the black queen can come into play with full force against the white king, circling around its only pawn, incapable of fleeing.

68 ... \WxbI 69J;rdd4 \Wa2t 70. wg3 a3 71 . �c3 \Wal 72.�b4t wa6 73.�a4t wbS 74.�cxa3

Game 9 - Anand-Topalov 4,5:4,5

7 4.�axa3 leads to the same result.

74 . . . \WgIt The rooks are standing pa­

ralyzed at the edge of the board, the perpetual check is unavoidable .

7S.wf4 \WeI t 76.wfS \WeSt 77.we4 \Wc2t 78.we3 \WeI t 79.wf2 \Wd2t 80.wg3 \Welt 81 . wf4 \WeI t 82.wg3 \WgI t 83.wf4

And after the nearly six­hour fantastic fight inter­spersed with errors a draw was agreed.


The final position

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Game 10 - Topalov-Anand 5:5 93

On more peaceful waters, striving for safety

The main question of the round was how much the exhaust­ing fight of the previous day wore out the opponents. It was apparent that neither of them could rid himself yet from the effect of the experiences. This time both of them were playing extremely cautiously, avoiding all risks.

In the opening, Anand reverted to his beloved Griinfeld Defence, but on the tenth move he chose a new path. This time Topalov did not hurry in the opening, giving careful thought to his decisions. He did find the way to an advanta­geous endgame, obtained the bishop pair, and was in control all along. But he could not break through the defensive posi­tion of the world champion, who, for the first time during the match, offered a draw in the obviously equal position, which Topalov accepted. So the decision will have to be made in the two last rounds.

Game 10 V. Topalov-V. Anand

Griinfeld Defence (D87)

l .d4 flf6 2.c4 g6 3. flc3 elS 4.cxelS fuelS 5.e4 fuc3 6.bxc3 �g7 7.�c4 c5 8.fle2 flc6 9.�e3 0-0 10.0-0 b6

In his lost game one, Anand continued 1 O . . . flaS . This time he selected such, well-known,

continuation which was made popular in the early 1 970s by such excellent grandmasters as Romanishin of Russia, Miles of England, and Smej ­kal from the Czech Republic. It was in this position that Topalov was pondering length­tily on his move for the first time.

1 l .1Wd2

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This time Topalov did not attempt to evoke complica­tions with I I .dxc5 , by accept­ing the sacrificed pawn. True, in this position Black offers his pawn with an easy heart, as after I l .dxc5 bxc5 1 2 .lWxd8 frxd8 1 3.�xc5 , owing to the weakness of the c3 square, he not only reagains the pawn sooner or later but comes to an active counterplay as well.

1 1 . . . �b7 12.frac1 frc8 13. frfdl

Here White could choose from several equivalent con­tinuations. Now Topalov de­cided on a solid conduct of play. The much more active 13 .h4 also occurred in this position .

13 . . . cxd4 14.cxd4 IWd6 15. dS �a5

This was the first time Anand fell a-thinking. He had to choose between 15 . . . �e5 and the game continua­tion. Similarly to the cau­tiousness of his opponent, he also gave preference to the

Game 10

solution promising less com­plications.

16.�b5 frxc1 17.frxc1 frc8 18.h3

It is almost an excess of precaution on Topalov's part. Evidently he wants to pre­clude any later complications, so he rejects the more prom­ising sequel 1 8 .frxc8t �xc8 1 9.�d4 a6 20.�f1 e6 2 1 .dxe6 fxe6 22.a4.

18 . . . frxc1 t 19.1Wxc1 e6 20.�4 exdS 21 .�dS f5 22.£3

It is no longer worth men­tioning that this time, too , Topalov opted for the more solid way. More active would have been 22.�f4, whereas this also leads to an equal position: 22 . . . lWc5 23 .lWxc5 bxc5 24.�d2 fxe4 25 .�c7 �c6 26.�c4t wh8 27.�e6 �e5 28. �c3 �xc4 29.�xg7tWg8 30. �h6 �d5 3 1 .fuc5 .

22 . . . £Xe4 23.£Xe4 lWe5 24. �d3 �c6

See Diagram 25.�a6! A strong move , determin-

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Topalov-Anand 5:5

ing the further course of the game, made by Topalov after thinking for nearly half an hour. In the post-match press conference Anand admitted that he had not expected this move.

25 . . . fld4?! The world champion did

not dare to take the way of­fered him by White, although 25 . . . �xa6 26.lWxc6 !Wal t 27. wf2 (27.�cl �b5 28.lWe6t wfB 29. lWd6t wg8; 27.wh2 �e5t 28.flf4 lWc3) 27 . . . lWxa2t 28.wg3 lWa3 would have led to an equal position. The selected knight move - after the queen exchange - leads to a worse ending for Black.

26.lWc4 �xdS 27.lWxdSt


lWxdS 28.exdS �e5 29. wf2 wf! 3O.�g5

The scenario we have al­ready seen several times dur­ing the match repeats itself: as White, Topalov obtains an ad­vantageous endgame and puts a lasting pressure on his op­ponent. Anand's balance is favourable in these positions, and this time, too , he's play­ing it cool. Manoeuvring pa­tiently in the cramped posi­tion, he defends accurately.

30 . . . ffi 31 .g4 fld6 32.w£3 fle8 33.�c1 flc7 34.�d3 �d6 35.we4 b5 36.wd4 a6 37.�e2 we7 38.�g5t

Although White is holding his advantage, he cannot in­crease it. Premature is 38.g5 , because Black can mobilize his knight throught the cor­ner square: 38 . . . fla8 39. �g4 flb6 40.�e6 fld7 4 1 .�g8 wfBl=.

38 . . . wd7 39.�d2 �g3?! An inaccuracy, enabling

the g-pawn to lunge forward. 4O.g5! �f2t 41 .we5 �g3t


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Anand saw it properly that the intrusion 42.wf6 em be easily defended: 42.wf6 fud5t 43.wg7 �f4 44.�xf4 flxf4 45 . �g4t wd6 46.wxh7 we5 47. wh6 b4 48.h4 a5 49.�d7 we4=.

42 . . . fleS 43.�g4t we7 44. �e6?!

With this, White's win­ning chances have fallen to dust for good. 44.�b4t or 44. wf3 would still have sustained the hope to break Black's de­fensive position.

44 .. . fld6t 45.wf3 45 . . . flc4! The activated black knight

will sooner or later penetrate White 's hinterland, and is able to defend Black's posi­tion almost all by itself. And what's more , this time Anand has half an hour's time ad­vantage .

46.�c1 �d6 47.we4 as 48. �g4 �a3 49. �xa3t

In the spirit of the "Sofia

Game 10 - Topalov-Anand 5:5

Rule", Topalov does not agree to draw, he keeps on trying , but all he achieves is that eventually he remains a pawn down.

49 . . . flxa3 50.we5 flc4t 51 . wd4 wd6 52.�e2 fla3 53.h4 flc2t 54.wc3 flb4 55.�xb5 flxa2t 56.wb3 flb4 57.�e2 fudS 5S.h5 flf4 59.hxg6 hxg6 6O.�c4

And it's a draw, as Black cannot prevent White from winning the a-pawn and sac­rificing his bishop for the only remaining black pawn.


The final position

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Game 1 1 - Anand-Topalov 5,5:5,5

A lukewarm start, a hot finish

The 1 1 th game was given a special importance by the fact that the world champion - at an even score - could conduct the white: pieces for the last time during the basic stage of the match. It was evident that if he wins, his advantage would be almost irreversible . But should they draw, or should his oppo­nent win, then in the last round Topalov's position would be more favourable .

Everybody was anxious to see what tactics Anand will select, and how his opponent will answer the challenge. The surprise did not fail to happen. The world champion opted for the English Opening, which seldom occurs in his tournament practice. For the last time it was in 2005 , just in Sofia, against English grandmaster Adams that he played a game of English Opening at normal thinking time, true, with a transposition, because then he adopted the move order l .flf3 flf6 2 .c4. This time, throwing his cards on the table , he played l .c4. So he could expect with good reason that he would surprise his opponent, who had presumably prepared for the various lines of l .d4, an opening of different character.

But Topalov did not seem to be surprised at all, he could effortlessly hold the balance with Black. But the world cham­pion, understandably, was not content with a draw. After a long manoeuvring, changing over to the endgame, he made up his mind to sacrifice a pawn. A sharp position arose , in which, despite the few pieces, tactical motifs, one more beautiful than the other, followed. By the end of the game, the struggle - in a manner worthy of the great stake - got heated, but neither player erred. The exciting game of high standard ended in a

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98 Game 1 1

mutually deserved draw. So the decision of the world title remained to be seen in the last round, promising to be more exciting than any earlier clash.

Game 1 1 V. Anand-V. Topalov English Opening (A29)

1 .c4 eS 2.flc3 flf6 3.ff.3 flc6 4.g3 dS S.cxdS fudS 6.�g2

The Dragon setup, well­known from the Sicilian De­fence, only with reversed co­lours, white pieces and the advantage of a move.

6 . . . flb6 7.0-0 �e7 8.a3 0-0 9.b4 �e6 10. d3 f6

Black continued in a se­date manner. To sharper fight lead the variations arising af­ter Wo o . aS l 1 .bS fld4.

1 1 . fle4 \We8!? So far T opalov has presum­

ably been waiting to find out what surprise his opponent prepared for him - in addi­tion to the choice of opening. But as hitherto everything went along the line written in

the textbooks of opening the­ory, he, after thinking for a long time, came up with a new idea himself, with which he managed to surpise the titleholder. Black's usual con­tinuation here is 1 1 . . .\Wd7 , 1 1 . . J;rb8 or 1 1 . . .fldS . But To­palov's move is also logical: the queen vacates d8 for the rook, and it can also join a later kingside attack on the squares g6 and hS . Behind Topalov's decision there may also be the consideration that Anand's team had probably not taken this rare move into account during their prepara­tions.

12.flcS!? Anand continues to carry

out his plan . The knight move provokes the exchange of the bishop and opens the b-file for White .

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Anand-Topalov 5,5:5,5 99

12 . . . �xcS 13.bxcS fJdS 14. made 1 6 pIece moves one �b2 f1:d8 lS.lWc2 fJde7 after the other. They were

A resilient, well-balanced looking for a hold on each position typical of the English other, waiting to see if the Opening has arisen, in which other made a mistake they both Sides have the possibility could profit from. Topalov's to rearrange their pieces even pawn move was the first deci­several times before starting a sion which, by virtue of its concrete action. Maybe this nature, could not be correct­was the very aim Anand had ed. Nor is its real aim visible set himself when choosing as yet. Black protected the g5 the opening, as in the genre square with another pawn, of long manoeuvring he is maybe to support a later f6-somewhat stronger than his £5, weakening, at the same opponent who has a liking for time, the g6 square which is active , resolute manner of to play an important part play. Topalov, however, is a later on. many-sided chess player, who 22.lWb1 fJdS 23.f1:b2 b6 24. doesn't mind at all that in this cxb6 cxb6 25.�d2 f1:d6 26. important game he does not f1:bc2 lWd7 27.h4?! have to defend at each move The game is flowing on­against concrete threats pre- ward slowly. After the de­pared during the horne analy- fending move b6 the c-file sis of his opponent's team. has opened, and the c6 square

16.f1:ab1 �a2 17.f1:bc1 lWfl weakened in Black's camp, 18.�c3 f1:d7 19.1Wb2 f1:b8 20. but this can be compensated f1:fd1 �e6 21 .f1:d2 h6?! by his strong centre position.

As it could be foreseen, for White , for lack of a concrete the time being not too much attacking possibility - simi­happened. The combatants larly to his adversary's move

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h6 - decided to make an un­usual preventive move with his h-pawn. In such positions more common is the setup h3 and wh2.

27 . . . frdS 2S.\!!Ib5 flde7 29. \!!Ib2 �d5 30.�b4 fub4 31 .axb4 frc6 32.b5 frxc2 33.frxc2 �e6

34. d4? ! Now that by means of the

advanced b5 pawn he man­aged to temporarily pin down Black's queenside, Anand re­signed himself to a committal move . By blasting the centre, he forces out a series of ex­changes, a transit into the end­game. Then it was not yet clear which side will profit more from this stategic decision.

Game 1 1

34 . . . e4 35.fld2 \!!Ixd4 36. fue4 \!!Ixb2 37.frxb2 wfl 3S.e3 g5 39.hxg5 hxg5 4O.f4 gxf4 41 .exf4

Now the hidden meaning of the move pair h6-h4 has become evident at last . Both players have been counting on and prepared for these pawn manoeuvres well in ad­vance.

41 . . .frd4 42.wfl flf5 43.�f3 �d5 44.fld2 �xf3 45.flxf3 fra4 46.g4 fld6 47.wg3 fle4t 48. wh4 fld6

49.frd2!? ,

By the series of exchanges Black obtained an active play, the resulting endgame seems preferable for him. And it

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Anand-Topalov 5,5:5,5

would certainly be if Anand waited passively for the de­velopments by playing 49.wg3. But the world champion is consistent: he was striving for an endgame himself, and now it turned out that he did it not with the intention of a quick draw. He resolved upon a risky pawn sac, and in spite of the few pieces he tried to breathe life into his position and strive for victory. Vishy's pawn sac is all the more in­teresting as it is improbable that he could calculate all possible variations in advance. He presumably relied upon his sense of chess when mak­ing his decision.

49 . . . fubS After a short weighing To­

palov accepted the pawn. From this moment the seem­ingly sleepy struggle resem­bling a mud wrestling gets heated.

50.£5 The logical continuation of

the plan started with a sacri-


fice . Anand initiates a coun­terplay on the kingside.

SO . . J:1:e4! Sl .whS fre3 52. flh4 flc3

A whole series of splendid, exciting moves ! Anand is pressing forward on the king­side in an original manner, while Topalov is holding the balance with strong counter­threats . The experts, as it were inspired by the exciting position, published interest­ing attacking and defending variations on the various in­ternet homepages. Although the majority of the lines final­ly led to a draw, a great num­ber of ramifications were pre­sented in which one of the sides managed to get the up­per hand. Similarly to the ninth game , such struggle arose on the chessboard, in which the computer analysis programs could not enter into competition with the creative human imagination; their as­sessments of position proved to be a lot more unreliable

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102 Game 1 1

then the quick analyses of the move 49JM2 would remain experts. graven on everybody's mem-

53J!d7t 'f1e7 54.'f1d3 ory. But if he loses, people It is only natural that the might believe that he has lost

rook, suited to force the black his sound judgement by tak­king and create threats of ing senseless chances in a mate, must not be traded off. critical game . So that there is

54 . . ,'tJe4 55,'tJg6 flc5 56.'f1a3 a whole lot at stake for him. 'f1d7 57.'f1e3 wg7 58.g5! b5! 6O . . . b3!

To Anand's kingside action Black can only respond by starting with his pawns on the other side . He begins the advance on the queen's flank, just as in the fantastic ninth game. From now on, any time Topalov wins a breathing space, he moves his passed pawn one square forward.

59.flf4 b4 6O.g6! An extremely complicated,

two-edged position has aris­en. The white pawn wedge paralyses the black king, but Topalov has two mobile , con­nected passed pawns on the queenside . Whichever of the two players errs , it may cost him the world title . If Anand were able to win, his brave

61.'f1c3! A brillliant move ! Anand

has found the most impres­sive counterplay. Splendid va­riations delight the specta­tor's eye. As one of the visi­tors on an internet forum put it at the sight of the masterful moves: "Seeing this move , a lot of people will take a fancy to chess !" Indeed, this hard-

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Anand-Topalov 5,5:5,5

fought endgame demonstrates almost all the beauties of chess.

61. .J;rd4 On 6 1 . . Jk7 62.frxc5?? frxc5

63.�e6t !wg8 64.fuc5 b2, and Black wins. But White can hold his ground with 62 . frxb3! fub3 63.�e6t followed by �xc7. Not possible is 6 1 . . . b2?? i n view o f 62.frxc5 ! b l tW 63.�e6t wg8 64.frc8t frd8 65 . frxd8 mate .

62.frxc5 62.�e6t fue6 63.frc7t fuc7

would have led to stalemate . And if after 63.frc7t Black moves away with his king, then the knight can already be taken on e6, e .g . 63. frc7t wffi 64.fxe6 b2 65 .frf7t we8 66.g7 frd5t 67.wh6 frg5 68 . frb7 frg l 69 .frxb2 we7 70. frb8 frhl t 7 1 .wg6 frgl t 72. wh6 frhl t 73.wg6=. But Vishy, not wishing to give up his winning chances yet , keeps


on examining his opponent in endgame skills . But Topalov has passed the test.

62 . . . frxf4 The position has turned

into a rook ending in which White can still force out the draw any time he wishes, but he cannot win if his opponent defends properly.

63.frc7t wg8 64.ID>7 On 64.frg7t obligatory is

64 . . . wxg7 and it's stalemate , because none of the remain­ing white pieces can move . However, Anand tries yet an­other test move before forc­ing out the draw with perpet­ual check.

64 .. . frf3 Seeing that his opponent

defends precisely, Anand stops his attempts at winning.

65.ID>8t wg7 And Black cannot avoid

the repetition of move . lh-Y.z

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104 Game 12

A dramatic finale, deciding everything

As it could be expected, the last round of the match was antic­ipated by an increased expectation. The theatre room and almost the whole building of the Central Military Club was jam-packed with the spectators and correspondents. "The high point of a fantastic match!" "The decisive encounter!" -such were the expressions the media heralded the last, deci­sive game. And the players, too, felt in the same way. In the press conference after the match Anand said: " When I woke up this morning I thought that this could be the saddest day of my life or the happiest. I have almost no experience in a World Championship match where every result is possible on the final game. I was not unhappy that it would be over soon. "

According to the public belief, Topalov's chances, owing to playing with the white pieces, were better, but appearances are sometimes deceptive. Being in a home environment, an enormous psychological pressure weighed upon the Bulgarian player: he had to take chances; he just couldn't allow himself not to play for a win in the decisive game. Anand, on the other hand, was not paralyzed by the pressure to win, so he could afford to play for two kinds of results - sedately, striving for safety. If he succeeds, he continues to be world champion. But had he not, a draw would not have been bad for him either, as in the playoff with shortened playing time he had clearly the better chances.

The course of the game precisely reflected the different psychological position of the two combatants. During the middlegame, on one occassion, Anand - with his move

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5 105

25.�a6 - offered the possibility of a peaceful repetition of moves in a position where nothing was decided yet. But Topalov did not - could not - accept the early conclusion of peace , whereas by doing so he could have assured the res­pectable result of attaining a draw against the world champi­on in !the basic stage of the match. From this moment on, the advantage of the home environment has become rather a dis­advantage for him, since a forced, stubborn will to win does generally not lead to a good result.

That was just the way it happened now. In the psychologi­cal warfare Anand obtained some advantage already with his choice of the opening, and after the refusal of his draw offer he was sitting at the board more and more calmly and self­confidently. The burden of weighing the final result has fall­en off his mind, and seemingly he was concentrating solely on the game . The interlude provoking a draw could rightly make Topalov think that his opponent had no winning ambitions . Probably the way he interpreted the situation was that Anand was doing his best to draw the last game with Black, for he was relying on the playoff. All he focused his attention on, accordingly, was the problem of finding the winning strategy. His sense of danger diminished, and mentally he was not pre­pared for the serious threat of a counterattack.

Where Topalov erred in his evaluation of the situation was that by this time Anand has been concentrating with full force on the events occurring on the chessboard. When, mentally relieved, hardly five moves after the offer and refusal of the draw, he started a brave counteraction, his opponent made a rash move . Or, to be more precise , he selected a bad plan, wanting to attack at any cost. For a moment Topalov lost his

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106 Game 12

sense of danger, and, insisting on his own, faulty, strategic plan, responded badly to Black's next attacking move . He made a mistake , even more serious than the previous one, that decided the outcome of the whole match. Yet the remaining part of the game continued to be very interesting, because after liis momentary neglect Topalov found himself again, and, defending resourcefully, he tried to seize every counter­chances. Now he was the one fighting for the draw. But the world champion, realizing the possibility of the final win, although tensely and nervously, yet with an accurate play, striving for safety, succeeded in converting his advantage .

The dramatic last game was a worthy finish of the extreme­ly high-level match . Just in the same way as it had started -with Topalov's fast mate attack - the World Championship final ended in a similar, unforgettable finale : with Anand's spectacular kingside attack launched with the black pieces. While in the first game key-role was given to a white knight, in the last clash it was given to a black bishop. But eventually the hand - and soul - conducting the black bishop proved to be stronger in Sofia. Viswanathan Anand of India, the 15th world champion of classical chess , just as against Kramnik, he successfully defended his title against Topalov, too !

Game 12 V. Topalov-V. Anand Queen '8 Gambit (D56)

l .d4 d5 2.c4 e6 After Black's second move

it has turned out that this

time the world champion was not going to play either Griin­feld or Szlav Defence. What did Anand and his team pre­pare for this crucial game?

3.ffi � 4:£lc3 (i2e7 5.(i2g5 h6 6.(i2h4 0-0 7.e3 f:le4

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5

This time Anand's choice fell on a well-known, classi­cal setup. According to statis­tical reports, the Queen's Gam­bit is the most frequently played opening in the world championship matches. With­in this, the Lasker Defence -the pet variation of the sec­ond world champion - is a sedate but very stable setup. It came now as a real surprise that hitherto it has never been adopted by Anand in any of his games with tradi­tional thinking time, he only used it in some blitz games, true, against noted grandmas­ters, Aronian and Grischuk. The opponent's analysing team could scarcely prepare thor­oughly for a rare line like this, so that Topalov had to cope with the problems of the opening all by himself, over the board.

8.�xe7 Y}}xe7 9J!c1 c6 10. �e2 fuc3 1 1 . !!xc3 dxc4 12. �xc4 fJd7

This position has already


arisen in a number of world championship matches. Its pe­culiarity is that though White has no problem with his own position, it is very hard for him to break Black's defence. Topalov could rightly think that Anand's chief aim was to prevent him from playing for a win with White . In the last game the world champion would be surely content with a draw.

13.0-0 b6 Just to be on the safe side ,

Anand selects a different way than at the 2009 Lightning World Championship, where against Grischuk he continu­ed 13 . . . eS .

14.�d3 c5 Black's plan is simple: he is

striving for a symmetric pawn structure, not exposing him­self to any attack.

15.�e4 !!b8 16.Y}}c2 fJf6 Not the most popul�r line ,

more common is 1 6 . . . aS or 16 . . . bS , but 16 . . . �b7 also oc­curs. Now it is possible for

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White to disrupt the symme­try of the pawn positions and create an attackable , weak pawn on c5 . And Topalov does not miss the possibility.

17.dxc5 ili:e4 18.\ll,Ixe4 bxc5 19.\ll,Ic2

White immediately starts attacking the c5 pawn. But it was not by chance that Anand steered the game in this di­rection. It is obvious that he had worked out with his team a very secure variation, giving much practical chances . Even if Black loses his pawn, he gets an excellent counterplay thanks to his rook controlling the b-file and the open diago­nals, along which he can start dangerous actions with his bishop.

19 . . . �b7 The later protagonist, the

black bishop moving along the light squares, has appear­ed on the scene. Anand de­fends his pawn by means of exploiting the possibilities in­herent in the position - men-

Game 12

tioned at the previous move -and creating counter-threats . 20.frxc5 is met with 20 . . . �xf3, followed by frxb2 with ad­vantage to Black.

20.fJd.2 On 20.fJe5 there follows

20 . . . �xg2 and IWg5t . 20 . . . frfd8 Another black major piece

makes its appearance on an important open line . The c5 pawn is now protected by the counter-threat frxd2.

21 .£3 Before starting to win the

lonely white pawn, White must secure his position. To­palov selects an original plan: he wants to make his kingside shell-proof with the setup e4-f3-frf2-wg2, closing the diago­nal a8-hl to Black's bishop.

21. . .�a6 Seeing White's plan unfold,

Anand pondered lenghtily on his reply, for the first time during the match. He decided to occupy the open a6-fl dia­gonal and the d -file .

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5

22JU2 :f(d7 23.g3 2Thd8 24. wg2


yet, and he is willing to agree a draw.

2S.IWc1 �a6 There can be no doubt that

if Topalov had played 26.IWc2, Anand would have moved his bishop to d3 again, the game is drawn, and let the playoff follow.

26.:f(a3 However, in front of his

home public Topalov could 24 . . . �d3 not allow himself to draw by With this move we have repeating moves without any

arrived at the psychological struggle . Also, he had to stay key motif of the game , whose true to his former promise background and relations I that in the spirit of the 'Sofia had tried to present in detail Rule' he would play every in the summary before the game to the end. Yet Anand game. The bishop has nothing has achieved his aim after all: to seek on the d3 square, so in his opponent put his cards on his next move Anand will put the table - he would fight, it back on its starting point, and, if he had to, risk, at any a6. This there-and-back move price in the interest of victo­is like a virtual draw offer. ry. It was then that the deci­With his bishop manoeuvre sive game - at least from the Black gives his adversary to point of view of the combat­understand that the position ants' state of mind - entered a is equal, the struggle has not new phase. White continues been decided in any direction his attacking manoeuvre .

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26 . . . �b7 27.�b3 "fic7 Another indirect pawn de­

fence . Not possible is 28 . "fixa7, because 28 . . . �xf3t wins the exchange .

28. �a5 �a8!? Anand decided that he

would preserve his most effi­cient piece at all costs. With full knowledge of the conse­quences, we may state that it was an extremely wise and far-seeing decision, even if the bishop gets to an unusual place.

29.�c4 White 's knight found a

sure support point, but it temporarily closes the way before the attack of the c5 pawn.

29 . . . e5 With the pawn move Black

gains space , but at the same time it weakens his position, allowing White the possibili­ty of a later knight manoeu­vre e4-�d3 and �f5 or �d5 . But will Topalov have time to carry this out?

Game 12


White goes ahead with his plan, finishing the build-up of his defensive position on the king's flank.

30 . . . 5! An unexpected turn after

the calm, peaceful manner of play. The world champion starts an action without de­lay. As it will soon become clear, he had assessed the po­sition very profoundly and understood its essence . His bishop is in an ideal attacking position, and if Black suc­ceeds in attacking the white pawns stationed on the large diagonal with other pieces as well, he can seize the initia-

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5

tive. The pawn move f5 serves this strategic aim. White's best reply would be 31 .frl2, organizing the defence of the e4 square , but Topalov is not in the least inclined to with­draw and make arrangements for defence. Not being men­tally attuned to this, he pre­fers to accept unforeseeable complications .

31 .exf5?! White made this commit­

tal move after thinking for just a few seconds. It made the commentators toss their heads in amazement. O-la-la! Really? - such expressions ap­peared throughout the world on the internet forums. The line 3 1 .<£ld2 fxe4 32.<£lxe4 �xe4 33.fxe4 frd4 would have led to a position of even chances, with better attack­ing prospects for Black. But Topalov had no intention of relinquishing the initiative , underestimating the perils looming over his king.

31. . .e4!

1 1 1

Black is consistent: he car­ries on opening up the diago­nal of his bishop stationing on aB.

32.fxe4?? The most dramatic moment

of the whole match ! There was still a chance of defence in the line 32.fre3 exf3t 33. wgl . But Topalov, continuing his unrealistic plan, made an immediate losing move, al­most without thinking. "And tell me now that chess is not a game of pure psychology!" Women's World Champion exclaimed in an internet fo­rum, seeing Topalov's moves. Indeed, it is hard to find any explanation other than one of

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mental origin for what hap­pened. Even a less experi­enced chess player can feel that with the pawns e4 and f.3 gone, White's king position is almost indefensible . Never­theless, Topalov opened the way himself for the black bi­shop. He may have reasoned that there was no immediate mate, and on the opening lines he, too, would be able to start an attack at last against the enemy camp. So the pos­sible explanation for his two, hardly understandable, moves is: attack at all costs, even at the expense of the greatest possible risk!

32 . . . Wxe4t 33.wh3 frd4! But here it is the world

champion who attacks, and it cannot be stopped.

34.'fle3 See Diagram

34 . . . We8!! This time such position

arose whose complicated but concrete , calculable varia­tions can be analyzed excel-

Game 12

lently by the computer pro­grams, almost better than by humans. Here , as a sure way to win, the computers pro­posed to Black an unusually hard move. The expert com­mentators were waiting curi­ously, wondering if Anand would discover the winning variation. The world champi­on did not disappoint them: he did find the key move con­sidered best even by the com­puters , and with this, the game was practically decided. From now on the only ques­tion was : will the world champion choose the shorter or longer way to finish the game? By the way, from this

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5

time on he was playing very carefully, so as not to let the final win slip through his fin­gers .

3S.g4 h5 36.wh4 gSt A manner of attack of a

typically "human logic" . Ac­cording to the calculations of the computer analysis pro­grams, a quicker win is 36 . . . \Wd8t 37.f6 (37.wg3 \Wd6t 38. wh3 \Wh6-+) 37 . . . hxg4 38. flxg4 gxf6 39.fHS ffh7t 40.wg3 \Wb8t 41 .wf2 ffxg4. The king standing on h4 surrounded with enemy pieces is done for anyway.

37.fxg6 \Wxg6 38.\wfl The only move not losing

at once. On 38.h3 38 . . . hxg4 39.fug4 ffh7t 40.wg3 ffxh3t 41 .wxh3 \Wh5t 42 .wg3 �xg4 mate !

38 . . . ffxg4t! The rook invading White's

defensive position cannot be taken because of \Wxg4 mate.

39.wh3 ffe7 Black's plan is simple: re­

move the knight with the

1 13

sacrifice ffxe3, followed by ffh4t and \Wg4 mate . Anand could already take his pick from various winning plans; fff7 was also possible .

4O.fffBt In chess slang this is called

vengeance check, although it still contains some threat. On 40 . . . wh7 4 1 .ffh8t wxh8 42 . \Wf8t \Wg8 43 .\Wh6t can follow, and the white queen can give further vengeance checks, but with exact play Black wins even then.

4O ... wg7 41 .flfSt wh7 42. ffg3 lhg3t 43. hxg3 \Wg4t 44. wh2

I t is worth casting a glance at the position. The chess-

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board IS divided into two parts by the empty a8-hi diagonal, which is kept under total control by the black bi­shop stationing on a8. There is no escape from its fatal force .

44 .. J!e2t 4S.wgl frg2t 46. �xg2 �xg2

Hitherto the black bishop has kept the white position under fire from a distance. During the attack it moves only once , but then with the no ble aim of winning the enemy queen - at the expense of sacrificing itself.

47.wxg2 Here White could also

have won his opponent's

Game 12

queen with 47.frf7t wg6 48. frg7t wxf5 49. frxg4, restoring material balance, but after 49 . . . hxg4! 50 .wxg2 we4 he would have been left with a lost pawn ending: 5 1 .wf2 wd3 52.b3 a5 53 .a4 (53.we l we3-+) 53 . . . wc3-+. So that Topa­lov had no other choice than to take the bishop.

47 . . . �e2t 48.wh3 c4 49.a4 as SO.frf6

Topalov's last hope is to sacrifice his knight for the c­pawn, and after winning the other two white pawns he would try to go for a rook versus queen ending, with drawing chances. But it is only natural that Anand does not allow time for him to carry out this complicated manoeuvre, and with accu­rate play he converts his ad­vantage. Normally, grandmas­ters do not play on in such disadvantageous positions, they resign the game. But this time Topalov, with regard to the extraordinary circumstances,

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Topalov-Anand 5,5:6,5

tries to seize even the last dim chance .

50 . . . wg8 51 .<flh6t wg7 52. ffb6 WJe4 53. wh2

The king move is obligato­ry, as IWJhl mate was threat­ened. White is now in a fatal zugzwang.

53 . . . wh7 54.ffd6 WJe5 55.<flf7 WJxb2t 56. wh3 WJg7!

T opalov resigned because he has no useful move left, and Black's c4 pawn is un­s toppable : in a few moves

1 15

it will be promoted to an­other queen .


The final position

Prime Ministerial Reaction

The words of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov:

"Let's hope we all will be second in the world in what we are doing and you will see how successful we will be even in the second place. We are proud of Vesko (Veselin) Topalov. We are a bit sorry he is not first. We are ready for a return match. One Bulgaria with eight million people again India with one billion - it is not that hard to lose by one point. "

The message of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, to Vish­wanathan Anand on his triumph at the World Chess Championship:

"I am delighted to salute you at your fourth World Chess Championship triumph within a decade. I understand that your championship game in Sofia was played under the most difficult circumstances but you proved once again that you remain the grandest of Grand Masters. You have made the country proud and I join millions of admirers of the game of chess in celebrating your magnificent triumph. "

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• - I ---- --- - - -. . . - -

The World Chess Cham�hip final orgMliBd in 2010 in Softa g ...... t .. outstanding interest. It is presumably well-known to evwy reader that Anand won 6:112 : Slh, defending his world title. But to the fiflal an adventurous path was leading. On the pages of this bookw 1 make an attempt at recalling the story of the match as

attrectively a5 possible. To assist the better understanding of the memorable 12'" �, detailed armotations are enclosed. which. in addition to the analysis of the variations. also touch on the role tournament tactical and moral factors played in the forming of the result •

.; C.HJlMI IOHSHIP ,,: .,

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