enjoy arlington - spring 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011



    Arl ington Countys Guide to Recreation & L eisure Spr i ng 2011

    Online registration begins March 29 at 8am @ www.arlingtonva.us/PRCR

    Dont let fee or ability be a barrier!Check out the Countys fee reduction

    and accommodation policies on page 10.

    El Condado de Arlington puede proveeracomodaciones necesarias a personas con necesidadesespeciales. Arlington no quiere que ni costos ni idioma

    sean una barrera para que residentes participen enclases, campamentos o programas. Llame al (703)

    228-4747 o TTY (703) 228-4743 para mas informacin.

    Subscribe to Enjoy Arlington and never

    miss out on great classes and activities! Itsfree! Call 703-228-4747 or subscribe online

    at www.arlingtonva.us, search classes.


    With morethan 250 classes

    to keepyou active

    Aerobics 2

    Fitness 2

    Pilates 4

    Yoga 4

    Wellness 5

    Wellness Workshops 5

    Aquatics 6

    Gymnastics 7

    Martial Arts 9Registration Info 10

    Registration Form 11

    55+ 11

    Fencing 12

    Tennis 12

    Sports 13

    Movement & Music 13

    Social Skills 15

    Theater 15

    Dance 15

    Arts & Crafts 16

    Art Workshops 16

    Ceramics 17

    Drawing/Painting 17

    Jewelry 18

    Photography 18

    Woodworking 18

    Dog Obedience 18

    Science & Discovery 18

    Spring Break Camps 19

    Fitness Memberships 20

    Arlington Newsletters 20



  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    2 Ej ! Al O n l in e r e g istr atiO n b e g in s M ar c h 29 at 8aM at w w . ar l in gtO n v a. us/ p r c r

    AerobicsTeen & AdulT

    Adapted Aerobic Fitness/Dancewist and turn and bounce around to great

    latin rhythms in this fun cardio cass thatcaters to teens with disabiities who ovemusic and ove to dance! Students wiincrease stamina, condition the heart, andbuid musce tone using their own bodyweight a whie earning coo routines! Comeoin us in the PE room at Stratford! StratfordSchool. nst.: Fit2BeAges 12-22 8 Sessions $55

    304004a Mon., Apr. 25, 4:00-5:00pm

    Step AerobicsStep has been a tness favorite for many yearsfor very good reasons. t is a fabuous cardio-vascuar workout that uses more musces thanother types of cardio training, thereby reducingthe risk of overuse inuries. he effort made toearn the moves aso stimuates the brain so youimprove your mind and your body. his cass is

    designed for peope who are famiiar with step,but anyone wi become comfortabe with themovements after a few weeks.Walter ReedCenter. nst.: Maclear

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $100

    340310a ues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:30pm

    High/Low Impact Aerobicsry this tness cass that combines cardiovas-cuar and toning exercises to strengthen yourheart, sim your gure and eave you feeingenergized. his choreographed aerobic cassincudes warm-up, coo down, strength workand stretching. Wear exercise shoes and bring amat or towe and ight weights. Reed School.

    Ages 15-Adult 15 Sessions $109

    340307a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:30pmnst.: Sosdian340307bMon./Wed., Apr. 25, 7:40-8 :40pm

    nst.: Hunt


    Cardio Aerobicshis cardiovascuar training cass incorpo-rates high and ow impact aerobics with basicchoreographed routines. ou wi enoy an easyapproach to tness in a cass that progresseswith you by offering a variety of modicationsto make your workout more efcient. CardioAerobics is suitabe for a tness eves. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center.nst.: Cenrgy

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $71

    340309a hurs., Apr. 28, 6: 05-6:50pm

    Choreographed CardioDance for your gure, tness and fun! outinesincude warm-ups, toning exercises and up-beat

    dance steps to promote endurance and strength-en the heart and ungs. o previous danceexperience necessary. Wear exercise shoes andbring a mat or towe and ight weights. nst.:Aerobix nc.Madison Center

    Ages Adults 18 Sessions $156

    340325a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 6:35-7:35pm

    Ages Adults 17 Sessions $147

    340325bMon./Wed., Apr. 25, 9:10-10:10amLubber Run Center

    Ages Adults 18 Sessions $156

    340325cues./hurs., Apr. 26, 9:10-10:10amJamestown ES

    Ages Adults 17 Sessions $147

    340325DMon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:30pm

    Choreographed Low-Impact Cardioet t and tone musces in this dance exercisecass designed especiay for peope with knee,hip or foot issues to minimize umping whiemaximizing the workout. Strengthen your heartand other musces whie you burn caories.Wear exercise shoes and bring a mat or towe.

    nst.: Aerobix nc.Madison Center

    Ages Adults 18 Sessions $156

    340330a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 9:40-10:40am340330bues./hurs., Apr. 26, 5:30-6:30pmAshlawn ES

    Ages Adults 17 Sessions $147

    340330cMon./Wed., Apr. 25, 7:15-8:15pm

    Add a Day of Cardioet a three-day workout each week (whichis the weeky suggested minimum). egisterfor this cass ony if you are aso registeredfor Choreographed Cardio or Choreographedlow-mpact Cardio. Wear exercise shoes andbring ight weights and a mat or towe. MadisonCenter. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $78

    340327a Fri., Apr. 29, 9:05-10:05am

    Knee Rehab on Stepf your knees are good, this cass wi hep youkeep them that way. f you have chaengedknees, we can hep make them stronger andess painfu. ou earn moves that make kneesget better and better (ony rehab moves wi beused in this cass).Walter Reed Center. nst.:Maclear

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $50

    340308a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:35-8:05pm

    FitnessToT & AdulT

    Mom & Toddler Workout

    Moms can keep t in this workout cass andhave their todders come too! his efcient,chid-friendy exercise format for moms andtodders ages one to three incudes a variety ofstrength, cardio and exibiity work, incorporat-ing yoga asanas, step, resistance bands, freeweights, caisthenics, partner work, stretchingand chidrens music circe/together time. nechid per parent.Walter Reed Center. nst.:BodyMoves Fitness llC

    Ages 1-3 8 Sessions $100

    310301a ues., Apr. 26, 10:00-10:50am

    Mommy & Me 123let your itte ones run freey and vigorousy,whie at the same time moms get a wonderfuworkout! Cass movements aternate betweenthe wiggy running that todders crave andmom-focused exercise to create heathy

    bodies. ogether this workout makes for greatfamiy bonding. Langston-Brown Center. nst.:Maclear

    Ages 1-3 7 Sessions $66

    310305a Mon., Apr. 25, 4:40-5:25pm

    Teen & AdulT

    Cardio Karatejab, cross, kick and bock your way to tness!his one-hour, moderate- to high-intensityworkout is designed for cardiovascuar andmusce endurance. Work through a combinationof martia arts dris using music to create a fast-paced, fun-packed workout. nstructor modiesevery move so that anyone can participate.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages 16-Adult 6 Sessions $39

    340368a Sun., May 1, 4:30-5:00pm

    cHDCardio/Sculptjoin us for a high-energy, tota-body workoutin an hour. Start with a cardio workout withyour favorite od-schoo aerobic moves, thenscupt your musces with weighted body barsand dumbbes. he cass ends with mat workfocusing on abs, gutes and back strengthening.

    A na stretch concudes the cass. nst.: EricaFairlington Center

    Ages 13-Adult 14 Sessions $132

    340345a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:30pmBarcroft Sports & Fitness Center

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $66

    340345bSat., Apr. 30, 8:00-9:00am

    Fighting FitAre you tired of sef-motivated waking,ogging or treadmi routines? Want to oseweight and get a trim, hard body? rain ike aprofessiona (without getting hit) with WordKickboxing Champion odney Bat Batistesghting t workouts! Bat has used these trainingworkouts to get in shape and make weight goasfor his ghts for over 12 years. ot ony wi youose weight and tone musces, but aso yoube empowered with proven sef defense basics

    (this is not a karate cass). Workouts incudecaisthenics, rope umping, shadow boxing,road work, ight and heavy bag work, basicsin boxing, kick-boxing and more! (o contactsparring in this cass.) Dawson Terrace Center.nst.: Batiste Martia Arts

    Ages 15-Adult 16 Sessions $123

    340301a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 7:00 -8:00pm

    Ages 15-Adult 6 Sessions $46

    340301bSat., Apr. 30, 8:15-9:15am

    NW Adapted F.I.T. Walks

    Famiy nterva & rai (F) Waks is a waking& interva workout program for individuasages 13+ with disabiities and their famiy.Participation of a caregiver is required. n thisprogram you wi wak for tness whie enoy-ing beautifu Arington trais, and stop to do

    exercises with peers, parents, sibings, guard-ian, friends and/or staff. t is an hour ongprogram, meeting at a different AringtonCounty Park weeky. ny register chid/individua with disabiity. nst.: Fit2BeAges 13-Adult 4 Sessions $45

    302010a Sat., Apr. 30, 9:00-10:00am302010bWed., jun. 1, 6:00-7:00pm

    Gourmet StretchSoothing sounds and simpe, effective stretchesmake this cass perfect for anyone who needsto stretch after a ong day. Because this cassuses anatomy instead of tradition to choose thestretching positions, its perfect for peope whothink they cannot stretch and for peope whowant to improve aready-good exibiity. Enoyhow this cass wi make your week easier. nst.:

    MaclearWalter Reed Center

    Ages 16-Adult 8 Sessions $50

    340315a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:35pmBarcroft Sports & Fitness Center

    Ages 16-Adult 6 Sessions $57

    340315bSun., May 1, 6:00-7:15pm

    Look for to nd great classes and programs to help you be healthy and t. For more informationon FitArlington and more opportunities to get t, go to www.arlingtonva.us/FitArlington.

    Subscribe to Enjoy

    Arlington! Its free. Call

    703-228-4747 or go online

    at www.arlingtonva.us,

    search classes

    Getting t is fun and youll feel and look

    better than you ever have. And best of

    all youll be energized to face each day!

    Contact us to try a class for free any time.

    now Get GoinG!


    into Shape!



    Mommy Fitness Classes


    Moms Night Out



    Helping Moms MAKE STRIDES

    in Fitness, Motherhood and Life!

    A total tness program for moms that

    they can do with their children

    Includes Power Walking and intervals

    of body toning

    Its a great workout for any level

    of exerciser

    Classes are ongoing so join us at


    For more information contact Jennifer

    Lungren: [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    SP 2011 Ej ! Al DE ECEA ClASSES 3

    Hoopnotica Mixed-Level WorkoutExpore the fundamenta moves of Hoopnoticahoop dance whie toning your abs, back, arms,hips, buns and egs, strengthening and openingyour upper back and chest, increasing baanceand getting a cardio workout! Each week youmaster tricks and experience tness dris,dynamic choreography and free spin time.Burn 600 caories in one hour and fee great!his cass is great for beginners and providesa tness chaenge for experienced hoopers.pen to a, incuding pregnant and postpartumhoopers (with your physicians consent). Bringyour own hoop or rent ($2) or purchase directy

    from the instructor. Carver Center. nst.: HoopDance DC!

    Ages 11-Adult 8 Sessions $100

    340818a Fri., Apr. 29, 6:30-7:30pm

    NW Introduction to Hoopdance

    Hoop Dance is the return of the hua hoop asa fun, tness entertainment art. With coorfu,adut size hoops, you expore foundationamoves such as Waist Hooping & Hip Hooping,Passing & Hao. Burn 300-600 caories an hourwhie you tone your core, egs, buns, back, chestand arms with this ow impact tness cass.Walter Reed Center. nst.: Hoop Dance DC!

    Ages 11-Adult 1 Session $13

    340814a Sun., May 1, 1:00-2:00pm

    NW Chest & Shoulder Hooping

    Hoopers eventuay face the chaenge of earn-

    ing and rening chest and shouder hooping.Hooping on the upper body opens a dynamicand iberating expression of movement and oy.t opens the heart, reieves discomfort in theupper back and increases mobiity of the spine.However, many hoopers fee stuck and experi-ence obstaces when earning how to isoatethis motion segment the ribcage and uppertorso. hey aso discover cheats which give theiusion of isoation but encourage repetitive useinuries and misaignment. joceyn ordon, ogaherapist, ntegrative Movement Expert andHoopnotica Master rainer, wi ead you throughan interactive warm-up, hands-on practice andski buiding session that wi improve yourrange of motion and expand your hoop practice.Walter Reed Center. nst.: Hoop Dance DC!

    Ages 15-Adult 1 Session $19

    340815a Sun., May 1, 2:00-3:30pm

    cHD Muscle Conditioning &Sculptinget a great workout and scupt a your maormusce groups. he cass focuses on squats,unges and resistance work with weighted bodybars and dumbbes. Scupt shouders, biceps,triceps and ats, and then move to the oor forisoated abdomina, gutes and back work. Ana stretch competes the cass. nst.: EricaFairlington Center

    Ages 13-Adult 14 Sessions $132

    340347a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 7:35-8:20pmBarcroft Sports & Fitness Center

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $66

    340347bSat., Apr. 30, 9:05-10:00am

    Power CardioCome on over and do basic cardio moves for agood sweat. et your heart, ungs and body inshape for tness and ong-term heath mainte-nance. ts a simpe and effective workout ustfor you! Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.:Maclear

    Ages 16-Adult 6 Sessions $39

    340318a Sun., May 1, 4:00-4:30pm

    Absolutely ABS!his 30-minute core training workout incorpo-rates exercises geared to tone the trunk, incud-ing upper and ower abs, the obiques (the ovehande area) and the ower back. his workoutincudes intervas of aternating abs and side andback exercises to baance the body and increasetorso strength. reat for stabiizing the middeof the body, you deveop good posture andcreate a toned and trimmed waistine. Langston-Brown Center. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages 15-Adult 9 Sessions $57

    340365A Fri., Apr. 29, 8:00-8:30amBarcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages 16-Adult 8 Sessions $50340365bhurs., Apr. 28, 5:30- 6:00pm

    Beyond Absighten your mid-section and make your upperback fee great too! Keep your shouders inoptimum shape by working the musces aaround the shouder. n this cass, we work themusces that hod the arms to the rib cage andshouder badesand even our neck support aswe as go through a fabuous set of exercises forthe abdomen, spine and ower back. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages 16-Adult 6 Sessions $57

    340320a Sun., May 1, 5:05-5:50pm


    Body SculptingStart your workout with a ow- impact warm up,foowed by 50 minutes of ight weights and resis-tance band work to scupt and tone your entirebody. Coo down reaxation and yoga stretchesfoow. Wear comfortabe cothing, bring a mat,towe and hand weights if possibe (one pound isne). Madison Center. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 17 Sessions $147

    340334a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 8:00 -9:00am340334bMon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:20-7:20pm

    Ages Adults 18 Sessions $156

    340334cues./hurs., Apr. 26, 8:30-9:30am

    Boxing 101et in the ring! hese high-intensity casses area great fu body workout, incorporating a broadrange of punches and athetic dris sure to makeyou sweat! Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: Sierra

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $100340348a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:30-8:30pm340348bFri., Apr. 29, 7:30-8:30pm

    Flirty Girl Fitnessladies, get ready to have a sexy, sender, fabuousbody with the Firty ir Fitness Program. fyoure ready to fee irty, t, and fabuous, thentrade in the treadmis for dance poes, kitchenchairs, and pink feather boas. his system utiizesthe hottest dance moves from the cub scene toexotic dancing in a fat-burning workout routinethat anyone can do. et t whie unocking yourinner diva! Participants can purchase a Firty irt-shirt and boa at the rst cass for $20. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: XFactor

    Ages Adults 5 Sessions $49

    340342a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:35-8:35pm

    Healthy HipsStrengthen a the musces from your nave toyour knees and hep keep a hip repacementaway. Perfect for chaenged knees and great forhips and tummy to hep ght off sciatica! ou winot nd a cass as anatomicay specic anywhereese.Walter Reed Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $75

    340317a ues., Apr. 26, 5:45-6:30pm

    Improve Your Posture

    our bones change so much that at any giventime, your skeeton may be ony ten years od.o matter what shape your bones are in now,you can improve your posture at any age! nthis cass you wi genty use your musces tourge your bones into better posture. Fight backagainst the beief in postura aging with thesephenomena exercises. Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: Maclear

    Ages Adults 6 Sessions $57

    340304a Sun., May 1, 7:20-8:05pm

    NW Kickbox Rock

    his high impact cass caters to a tness evesand is a fun way to buid stamina and muscetone. o matter your tness mobiity there isa modication movement for those who needto buid up to the more chaenging moves.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Fit2Be

    Ages Adults 6 Sessions $52

    340312a Wed., Apr. 27, 8:00-8:45am

    Muscle ConditioningMusces begin to weaken after four days ofrest - keep your musce strength! his cass winot ony give you better musce tone but asobetter bone density and posture. he instructorprovides modications for every tness eve.Langston-Brown Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions $88

    340346a Mon., Apr. 25, 5:30-6:30pm

    Neck and Shoulder ShapingStrengthening a the musces in the shouders iscrucia to preventing shouder inuries. Come tothis cass and fee great with compete shouderworkouts! We wi do specic exercises for eachand every musce around the shouder compexand a 52 musces in the neck. Barcroft Sports& Fitness Center. nst.: Maclear

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $50

    340333a hurs., Apr. 28, 5:00-5:30pm

    Strength & StretchMerge two workouts! ry 30 minutes of strengthtraining using ight weights and body-weightexercises foowed by 30 minutes of yoga typestretches to reieve aches and pains. o priorexperience necessary. Bring a mat or purchaseone from the instructor. Carlin Springs ES. nst.:Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 18 Sessions $156

    340336a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:30pm

    Special Olympicsjoin us to earn and practice track and

    ed skis. Each session wi begin with awarm-up, foowed by specic ski deveop-ment and end with a coo down. Programcapacity is 16. Staff to participant ratio is 1 to7. ncudes some Saturdays due to regionaevents. Athetes must meet specic require-ments to quaify for participation in regionaevents. egistration started February 1, 2011for this program. Paperwork is due by March11, 2011 to fuy register for the program.Thomas Jefferson Center.

    Ages Adults 16 Sessions $40

    302005a ues./hurs., Mar. 15, 6:45-8:00pm

    ArlingTon CounTys

    PersonAl TrAiners

    HelP you geT FiT!

    Perhaps you are not sure where to start

    or you have been exercising regularlybut are in a rut. Personal training

    is a smart investment of your tness

    funds. Our friendly, nationally certi-

    ed personal trainers will help you

    determine your specic tness needs

    and will assist you in establishing

    attainable goals. These one-on-one

    workouts not only provide the motiva-

    tion you need to keep on track, but

    also ensure you are using proper form

    and technique. Contact Jeff Gordon at

    703-228-5916 or [email protected]

    for more information.


    offers co-ed tness boot camp

    programs, called outdoor condi-

    tioning and baby boomer condi-

    tioning, in Arlington. We have

    both a.m. and p.m. classes.

    Try a free demo class to see

    why you should think outside

    of the gym! Visit our website at

    CustomFitnessConcepts.com or

    contact us at 1-877-598-0530.

    Interested in becoming

    an instructor for Arlington

    County Parks and

    Recreation? Contact

    Laurie Reid for more

    information 703-228-1833

    or [email protected]

    ZumbaDitch the workout, oin the party! his dance-inspired cardio cass is for a eves featuringthe atest in sasa, cumbia, samba, merengue,cha-cha, reggaeton and more! hese easy-to-foow routines feature aerobic tness intervatraining with a combination of fast and sowrhythms that maximize caoric output, fatburning and tota body toning.

    Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: XFactorAges 13-Adult 7 Sessions $69

    340344a Mon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:30pm

    Ages 13-Adult 4 Sessions $39

    340344bSat., Apr. 30, 1:00-2:00pmWalter Reed Center. nst.: XFactor

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $79

    340344cues., Apr. 26, 7:45-8:45pm340344Dhurs., Apr. 28, 7:45-8:45pmMadison Center. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $88

    340344ehurs., Apr. 28, 7:40-8:40pm

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $79

    340344FMon., Apr. 25, 10:30-11:30amJamestown ES. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $79

    340344gMon., Apr. 25, 7:40-8:40pm340344hWed., Apr. 27, 7:40-8:40pm

    The Therapeutic Recreation Ofce provides programs

    and services that embrace Arlingtons vision of creating

    a community that promotes healthy leisure lifestyles for

    individuals who have disabilities. Check out screened

    boxes throughout catalog for individuals with disabilities.

    For more information call 703-228-4740 or go to

    www.arlingtonva.us, search therapeutic recreation.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    4 Ej ! Al O n l in e r e g istr atiO n b e g in s M ar c h 29 at 8aM at w w . ar l in gtO n v a. us/ p r c r

    Zumba Toningake Zumba to the next eve with Zumba oningSticks! his latin dance-inspired cardio cassuses Zumba choreographed routines whie incor-porating the use of ightweight toning sticks thatare simiar to a set of maracas. Ditch the workoutand oin the party for a fun and effective totabody toning workout. Students can purchaseZumba oning Sticks for $20. Barcroft Sports &Fitness Center. nst.: XFactor

    Ages 13-Adult 4 Sessions $39

    340350a Sat., jun. 4, 1:00-2:00pm

    PilatesToT & AdulT

    Pilates for Mommy & MeMeet other moms whie you get back in shape...and bond with your baby at the same time.ew moms need to strengthen and tone theirabdomina and pevic oor musces, the areasthat are especiay weakened by pregnancy andchidbirth. Each cass targets deep abdominamusces, reeases tension in the back, neck andshouders and improves overa posture. Bringyour baby with you so you can enhance yourmaterna bond and increase your exibiityand strength. emember to bring a supportivepiow for your baby.Walter Reed Center. nst.:BodyMoves Fitness llC

    Ages 1-8 months 8 Sessions $89310801a Fri., Apr. 29, 11:00 -11:45am


    Introduction to PilatesA tness eves can earn Piates in this intro-ductory cass. And if you have taken a Piatesfoundation cass and sti fet ike the cass wastoo advanced, try this cass for a sower, morehands-on approach. ou earn proper Piatesbreathing and aignment, the components ofessentia Piates mat exercises and prepareyoursef for Piates leve . nst.: johfsWalter Reed Center

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $118

    340862a Wed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:55pm

    Pilates: Level IExperience new eves of core strength and

    exibiity. tiize exercises and techniques thatstrengthen the mid-section and back, engthenthe spine and reieve back pain.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $133

    340860a ues., Apr. 26, 1:30-2:30pmLangston-Brown Center nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $133

    340860B hurs., Apr. 28, 4:00-5:00pm

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $118

    340860cMon., Apr. 25, 9:30-10:30amMadison Center nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $118

    340860DMon., Apr. 25, 7:25-8:25pmFairlington Center nst.: johfs

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $118

    340860eWed., Apr. 27, 7:30-8:30pm

    Beyond PilatesHave you ever wanted to take your Piates toa new eve? se bands, bas and weights tointensify your Piates workout and fee strongand stretched. A Piates fundamentas areincorporated into this invigorating and strenuouscass. ou must take Piates: leve 1 with Aerobixnc. before trying this out. A mat is needed forcass and can be purchased from the instructor.Madison Center. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $118

    340868a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:25-8:25pm

    Power PilatesA faster paced Piates workout open to a tnesseves. Langston-Brown Center. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $118

    340864a Fri., Apr. 29, 8:35-9:35am

    Power Pi-YoFaster-paced Piates/yoga workouts open to atness eves. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $118

    340863a hurs., Apr. 21, 7:40-8:40pm

    YogaToT & AdulT

    Yoga for Mom & MeExpore caming and strengthening yoga posesin a payfu, non-competitive environment. sechid-friendy postures to buid sef-esteem,enhance focus and deveop patience and sefawareness. An encouraging and fun format aowschidren to accept and incorporate breathingand sef-caming techniques that wi graduaytransfer to situations at home, schoo and pay.ake advantage of this unique opportunity forenhancing your chids persona and physica sef-discovery. egister chid ony for this cass, butadut must attend. ne chid per adut. Langston-Brown Center. nst.: BodyMoves Fitness llC

    Ages 1-2 7 Sessions $67310300a Sat., Apr. 30, 9:30-10:15am

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $67

    310300bSat., Apr. 30, 10:30-11:15am310300cSat., Apr. 30, 11:30am-12:15pm

    youTH & AdulT

    Adapted Yoga Youth & Parents Ioga is designed for youths who requiremutipe prompts, moderate-maximumsupport to foow instructions or engage inactivities. Adut participants wi assist thechid with earning and practicing yoga. n afun-ed and non-competitive environment,yoga postures and breathing exercises aremodied for youth with disabiities. Modiedyoga postures hep foster greater bodyawareness, chaenge motor coordinationand baance, and improve musce tone andovera strength. egister youths ony for thecass, but adut must attend.Walter ReedCenter. nst.: HuffmanAges 6-21 8 Sessions $64

    302002a Sat., Apr. 30, 3:30-4:00pm

    Adapted Yoga for Youth andAdult IIoga is for youth who can foow simpedirections and engage with minima support,prompts or other assistance. oga posturesand breathing exercises are adapted foryouth with disabiities to create an enoyabeexperience, aowing the youth and theirparents to earn yoga-based strategies forcaming and sef-reguation for home andschoo. E: Adapted oga for outh and

    Parents is not a prerequisite for this cass.egister youth ony for the cass, but adutmust attend as a participant in the cass.Walter Reed Center. nst.: HuffmanAges 9-21 8 Sessions $96

    302003a Sat., Apr. 30, 2:30-3:15pm


    Gentle Yogaf you are interested in restoring exibiity andstrength whie easing tensions, oin this cassand work at your own pace in a non-competitiveyoga cass. his muti-eve cass is designed tot participants needs at a eves. he instruc-tor can give specia attention to senior aduts orparticipants with physica imitations. MadisonCenter. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $114

    340902aWed., Apr. 27, 10:20 -11:20am

    Yoga Level 1

    his cass teaches yoga fundamentas andprogressivey incorporates new postures into thepractice. Participants must bring their own matto cass or purchase one from instructor. nst.:Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $114

    Langston-Brown Center340904a ues., Apr. 26, 4:00-5:00pmKenmore MS340904bWed., Apr. 27, 7:30-8:30pmMadison Center340904cFri., Apr. 29, 8: 00-9:00am

    Yoga: Level 2his intermediate yoga cass advances partici-pants from oga: leve so they can use whatthey have aready earned to progress into newyoga poses. nst.: Aerobix nc.Langston-Brown Center

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $114340913a ues., Apr. 26, 7:15-8:15pmBarcroft Sports & Fitness Center

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $102

    340913bMon., Apr. 25, 10:00-11:00am

    Integral Hatha Yoga Iet a soid foundation in the basics to ensurecorrect posture and mind-body knowedge;a good foundation in the basics wi aso hepguard against inury. his cass wi teach youhow to hande stress and proper breathingtechniques as we as promote baance, exibiityand strength. Especiay good for newcomers orthose who woud ike a refresher on the poses.A eves are wecome. Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: shwari

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $127

    340907a ues., Apr. 26, 9:00-10:15am

    Integral Hatha Yoga IIEnoy this continuing, mutieve cass. learnnew poses from those previousy earned inntegra Hatha oga and nd out more aboutthe phiosophy of yoga, its chants and somemeditation techniques. Prerequisite: ntegraHatha oga . Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: shwari

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $152

    340906aWed., Apr. 27, 10:15-11:45am

    nergizing YogaCombine many styes of yoga incuding power,hot yoga and traditiona Hatha yoga to focuson aignment, technique, ow and variation.Both beginners and experienced yogis who arein good physica heath wi practice poses ina basic to advanced format depending on the

    individuas eve of tness, strength and exibi-ity. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: ayor

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $152

    340918aWed., Apr. 27, 7:00-8:30pm

    Yoga For Flexibility & RelaxactionAdd exibiity to your ife! Whatever your currenttness eve is, these Hatha yoga routines wiimprove your breathing and exibiity. aturayincrease your strength and menta focus. leavecass feeing stretched but reaxed. nst.: nterdonato

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $127

    Fairlington Center340919a Fri., Apr. 29, 5:45-7:00pmCulpepper Garden Center340919bWed., Apr. 27, 7:15-8:45pmWalter Reed Center

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions $134

    340919cMon., Apr. 25, 6: 30-8:00pm


    Everyone Fears a Strong Woman

    Femmes FITales is a medium/high intensity,varied workout designed for women. We useweights, medicine balls and our own bodyweight to make us stronger. We emphasizecore strength training and endurance and havetwo days a week of intense cardio exercise.The format changes from week to week, andyoull never have the same workout twice.Every other Friday, we devote the entire classto stretching and core exercises, so youll alsohave a chance to work exibility and balance.Class size is small so you'll get individualattention, encouragement and coaching.

    We meet every weekday morning, rain or shinefrom 5:45 to 6: 45 a.m. at Williamsburg MiddleSchool in Arlington. No class on Thanksgiving,

    Christmas, or New Years day, or if ArlingtonCounty Schools are closed due to inclementweather.

    If you want to get into shape, meet fun peopleand be pushed harder than you will pushyourself, Femmes FITales is for you.

    A unique exercise program dedicated to

    hard-working moms who are serious about

    a healthy liestyle and proper exercise

    techniques. Oering personal and group

    ftness training, FIT 4 MOMS incorporates

    core strength training, cardio, yoga, sports

    conditioning and stretching to create a un

    and unique experience.

    Why choose FIT 4 MOMS?

    No membership ee

    Children o all ages join the un

    Total body workout

    Certifed ftness instructors

    Proessional on-site child caresupervision

    All levels o ftness welcome and youdon't have to be a mom!

    11 classes in the Arlington area


    Wed like to hear from you! If you have a question

    or concern, or have a suggestion as to how we can

    improve our services, please email us at registration

    @arlingtonva.us or call 703-228-1871.

    Scholarship FundH AtA

    A AD w!

    Donate to the Schoarship Fund to support

    residents who woud otherwise not

    participate due to nancia hardship. just

    add a donation when you register for a

    casstheres a famiy in Arington that

    wi reay appreciate your hep.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    SP 2011 Ej ! Al DE ECEA ClASSES 5



    Feldenkrais: An IntroductionHeres a one-time workshop to introduce you to the basics ofFedenkrais, an educationa system centered on movement,aiming to expand and rene the use of the sef through aware-ness. For more information on Fedenkrais go to www.wenessin-motion.com. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: McHugh

    Ages Adults 1 Session $14

    340851a ues., Apr. 19, 7:20-8:20pm

    Bio-Detoxicationoday it is we accepted that chemica exposure from what youeat, touch or have contact with has devastating effects on thehuman body. As simpe as this concept sounds, few of us take itseriousy enough to put forth a concentrated effort into avoidingnew daiy chemica exposures or detoxing from past exposures.join us for a workshop to hep you earn how to rid your bodyof dangerous chemicas to improve heath and vitaity. For moreinformation, go to www.heavenybodiescinic.com.Walter ReedCenter. nst.: Dr. Ana

    Ages Adults 1 Session Free

    340800a Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:30pm

    Cosmetic AcupunctureCosmetic Acupuncture, aso known as acupuncture facia reuve-nation or acupuncture faceift, is nding its way into an increas-ing number of fu-service spas, and for a good reason. his newmodaity can enhance not ony your physica appearance butyour overa heath, giving you a gow that radiates from deepwithin. For more information go to www.heavenybodiescinic.com.Walter Reed Center. nst.: Dr. Ana

    Ages Adults 1 Session Free

    340803a Sat., Apr. 30, 1:00-2:00pm

    More Life, Less StressAs the hoiday season fades away, its critica to nd a heathyreease for pent up stress. ot sure how best to de-stress? joinus for a workshop that covers ust that....techniques for stressreduction. Fairlington Center. nst.: Bird

    Ages Adults 1 Session $19

    340823a Sat., Apr. 30, 1:00-3:00pm

    Meditation Plus WorkshopDo you think of meditation ony as caming and reaxingexercises? his workshop is different! learn to cam your mindand body as we as watch and change your thinking, reduceyour response to stress, focus and heighten awareness, andbreathe more efcienty. Each cass combines instruction,exercises and discussion. Wear comfortabe cothing; bring apiow, banket and unch if you ike. Beginner and practicingmeditators wecome. nstructor is certied to teach ntegrativeMeditation; cass is not afiated with any reigion or spirituapractice. Fairlington Center. nst.: nterdonato

    Ages Adults 1 Session $64

    340813a Sat., Apr. 30, 9:00am-2:00pm

    astern Medicine Nature Beauty Treatmentshis seminar wi cover information on acupuncture face ifttreatments and permanent makeup appications, Qi and energyow to the face, ifting the skin, reducing wrinkes, and

    smoothing skin coor. A natura herbs and ois used after theneede treatments reuvenate ces and suppy moisture andnutrients to the skin giving you that youthfu gow. Walter ReedCenter. nst.: Dr. Ana

    Ages Adults 1 Session Free

    340806a Sun., May 1, 1:00-2:00pm

    Introduction to Muscle TestingAppied Kinesioogy musce testing, a simpe system of biofeed-back deveoped by the ate Dr. eorge oodheart and expandedon by Dr. john hie, creator of ouch for Heath can be used todetermine environmenta stressors, food aergies and sensitivi-ties, and physica, menta and emotiona imbaances. n thiscass, students wi practice basic musce testing with a focus oncear and accurate resuts and wi earn techniques to reducestress in minutes! Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: ayor

    Ages Adults 1 Session $32

    340804a Sat., May 7, 3:00-5:30pm

    Dr. Sears L..A.N. ssentialsf you are confused by the atest Food Pyramid, worried aboutthe obesity epidemic or ust want to earn how to eat heathier,oin us for this fun, interactive educationa session and earn Dr.Sears four piars of heathy iving: l.E.A..: lifestye, Exercise,Attitude, utrition. Dr. Wiiam Sears is the author of over 40books and has been referred to as Americas Pediatrician. our

    certied l.E.A.. Coach wi guide you through fun activities,video cips and a deicious, heathy snack. Specicay, we widiscuss why you shoud care about what your chidren eat,trafc ight eating, why breakfast is important, the skinny onfat, how much protein is enough, how pay heps chidren grow,why frequent sips of water are so essentia and so much more!Participants wi eave with ots of answers, heathy and tastyrecipes, a discount on the l.E.A.. Start Program and the lEAEssentias Workbook. Pease bring a $15 materias fee to cass.Educationa certicates wi be given. Be sure to visit www.ParentChid.com to earn more! nst.: KretzerWalter Reed Center

    Ages Adults 1 Session $25

    340809a hurs., May 12, 6:00- 8:00pmFairlington Center

    Ages Adults 1 Session $25

    340809bSat., jun. 11, 2:30-4:30pm

    Brain RepatterningMaster the piano! mprove your gof game! vercome yourfear of pubic speaking! Brain re-patterning is a technique thatactivates and integrates the right and eft hemispheres of thebrain to improve a eves of functioning. he brain is the mastersystem of the body. esearch has shown the benets of brainre-patterning to improve academic and athetic skis as we asgenera heath and we-being. nce you earn this technique,it can be appied to any area of your ife to achieve success inpersona and professiona goas. Wear oose, comfortabe coth-ing and bring a water botte. nstructor is a speciaized kinesi-oogist in the ed of whoe-brain integration and former vicepresident of Brain/Body learning with the ationa learningFoundation. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: ayor

    Ages 13-Adult 1 Session $32

    340819a Sat., May 14, 2:30-5:00pm

    Yoga For The Less FlexibleCoud you never touch your toes, or ustcant anymore? Havent exercised in years?verweight or recovering from an inury? hiscass is for you. join us for simpe stretching andbreathing and gain exibiity and condence asyou exercise genty. Culpepper Garden Center.nst.: nterdonato

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $127

    340908aWed., Apr. 27, 6:00 -7:15pm

    Yoga for Neck, Back,and Shoulder Painovices, athetes and yogis wi a benet from

    this series of simpe, therapeutic moves thatprovide immediate and noticeabe resuts. naddition to increasing exibiity and range ofmotion, you earn 30-second stress-bustersand instant pain reducers. echniques suchas yoga, energy medicine, ibetan yoga andvibration heaing are utiized. he instructor is asecond-generation yoga teacher and speciaizedkinesioogist. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: ayor

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $102

    340911aWed., Apr. 27, 5:45-6:45pm

    Power YogaFaster-paced piates/yoga workouts open to atness eves. nst.: Aerobix nc.

    Ages Adults 9 Sessions $114

    Langston-Brown Center340912a ues., Apr. 26, 6:05-7:05pm

    Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center340912bhurs., Apr. 28, 10:30-11:30amAshlawn ES340912churs., Apr. 28, 7:00 -8:00pm

    Traditional YogaCassic yoga poses are taught in a hands-on manner and are foowed by a period ofguided reaxation. here are mutipe transi-tions between oor and standing positions. naddition, this 90-minute cass incudes chanting,eye exercises, and breathe work. Langston-Brown Center. nst.: Moore

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions $134

    340903a hurs., Apr. 28, 7:00 -8:30pm

    WellnessAcupuncture & Traditional

    Chinese MedicineAcupuncture and herbs have proven effectivewhere Western medicine has had no resuts.But is it for you? Each cass wi discuss differentmethods that may hep improve your heath.Walter Reed Center. nst.: Dr. Ana

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions Free

    340801a Mon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:30pm

    Feet TreatFeet are the most abused part of the body. n thiscass, we wi do exercises for the many muscesin the feet to hep foot bones and nerves andincrease circuation to the feet.Walter ReedCenter. nst.: Maclear

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $50

    340821a ues., Apr. 26, 5:10-5:40pm

    Feldenkrais: All Levelsf you are interested in introspective movement,you wi ike this cass. he Fedenkrais Method isan educationa system centered on movement.t aims to expand and rene the use of the sefthrough awareness. ou wi often be ying downyet sometimes sitting, kneeing or standing. ouwi be outwardy moving the whoe time, whiesimutaneousy exporing a given inward focus. ouwi aso earn more about anatomy. Fedenkraisincreases your awareness of yoursef. ver thesessions you are ikey to nd that you are morereaxed, nagging pains are diminishing, you arefeeing more imber and energetic and new options

    are opening up for you. Bring a bath towe to coverthe County-suppied mats and, if you desire, asma piow. (ou can take a one-day workshop onFedenkrais. See Weness Workshops). For moreinformation go to www.wenessinmotion.com.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: McHugh

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $112

    340845a ues., Apr. 26, 5:10-6:10pm340845bues., Apr. 26, 7:20-8:20pm340845churs., Apr. 28, 1:00-2:00pm

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions $98

    340845DSat., Apr. 30, 11:10am-12:10pm

    Meditation PlusDo you think of meditation ony as caming andreaxing exercises? his cass is different! learnto cam your mind and body as we as watchand change your thinking, reduce your responseto stress, focus and heighten awareness, and

    breathe more efcienty. Each cass combinesinstruction, exercises and discussion. Wearcomfortabe cothing; bring a piow, banketand unch if you ike. Beginner and practicing

    meditators wecome. nstructor is certied toteach ntegrative Meditation; cass is not afi-ated with any reigion or spiritua practice. nst.:nterdonatoWalter Reed Center

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $108

    340817a Wed., Apr. 27, 11:30am-12:30pm

    Ages Adults 7 Sessions $95

    340817cMon., Apr. 25, 8:15-9:15pmFairlington Center

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $108

    340817bFri., Apr. 29, 11:15am-12:15pm

    Arlingtons goal is for all County residents to benet from County programs.

    There are special resources so that age, ability or income is not a barrier. For more information call 703-228- 4747.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    6 Ej ! Al O n l in e r e g istr atiO n b e g in s M ar c h 29 at 8aM at w w . ar l in gtO n v a. us/ p r c r

    Thin Thoughts, Thin Thighshis cass is a hoistic, mind/body/spiritapproach to weight oss & weness. Did youknow that your subconscious mind runs 90-95%of the day? ou may be working reay hard toose weight and/or reach your weness goas,but unti you address unconscious patternsand behaviors that are sabotaging your effortsyou wi most ikey continue to work hard, butsee itte to no improvement. hats why itstime to make the Mind/Body/Spirit WenessConnection where we wi connect a the dotsand hep you eat, move, and think your wayto reaching your goas one heathy bite at a

    time. ou wi earn: Powerfu energy toos youcan use at home to hep you reease negativepatterns and beiefs that no onger serve youand are bocking you progress; How to get offthe diet roercoaster and create a wenessifestye; What foods work for your body; ipsfor preparing heathy, happy homemade measin a hurry; How to fee ess stress and havemore energy. Cass incudes handouts, recipes,a ourna, heathy food sampes, and ots ofsupport and encouragement! Cass wi incudeguten-free and/or casein free recipes for thosewith guten or casein aergy.Walter ReedCenter. nst.: King

    Ages Adults 8 Sessions $116

    340825a ues., Apr. 26, 7:00-8:30pm

    Voice for Singing & SpeechFee the oy of a smooth voice in this cass and

    get penty of extra oxygen into your boodstream with 30 minutes of voice exercises andsimpe intonations.Walter Reed Center. nst.:Maclear

    Ages Adults 3 Sessions $19

    340816aWed., Apr. 27, 6:35-7:05pm

    AquaticsToT & AdulT

    cHD WaterbabiesBabies wi buid swimming readiness and earnsafety skis in a fun environment. Parents andchidren wi earn eementary water exporationtechniques. Aduts do not need to know howto swim but they must participate in the water.

    Babies must wear snug swim diapers. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6 Months-1 8 Sessions $73

    310402a Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:00pm

    Ages 6 Months-1 7 Sessions $65

    310402bSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 6 Months-1 8 Sessions $73

    310402cues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:00pm310402DWed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:00pm310402ehurs., Apr. 28, 6:30-7:00pm

    Ages 6 Months-1 7 Sessions $65

    310402FSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am310402gSat., Apr. 30, 11:30am-12:00pm310402hSun., May 1, 12:30-1:00pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 6 Months-1 8 Sessions $73

    310402ihurs., Apr. 28, 6:30-7:00pm

    Ages 6 Months-1 7 Sessions $65310402JSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am

    cHD Water Totsodders wi buid swimming readiness andearn safety skis in a fun environment. Parentsand chidren wi earn how to safey practiceeementary swimming skis together. odderswho are not toiet trained must wear snug swimdiapers. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 1 -3 8 Sessions $73

    310403a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:35pm

    Ages 1 -3 7 Sessions $65

    310403bSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:40am Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 1 -3 8 Sessions $73

    310403cues., Apr. 26, 7:05-7:35pm310403DWed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:35pm

    310403ehurs., Apr. 28, 7:05-7:35pm

    Ages 1 -3 7 Sessions $65

    310403FMon., Apr. 25, 7:05-7:35pm310403gSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:40am310403hSat., Apr. 30, 11:05-11:35am

    310403iSat., Apr. 30, 12:05-12:35pm310403JSat., Apr. 30, 12:40-1:10pm310403KSun., May 1, 1:05-1:35pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 1 -3 8 Sessions $73

    310403l ues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:00pm310403Mhurs., Apr. 28, 7:15-7:45pm

    Ages 1 -3 7 Sessions $65

    310403nSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:40am310403OSat., Apr. 30, 11:40am-12:10pm

    Tot Splash Adaptedhrough group work and individua atten-tion, preschooers with disabiities wi payand earn eementary aquatic skis with afocus on water safety, breath-contro, puing,kicking and adustment skis. nst.: Staff.Yorktown PoolAges 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310401a Fri., Apr. 29, 5:00-5:30pm310401bSun., May 1, 1:00-1:30pm

    NW cHD Pre-Fin & Me

    his beginner cass requires parent participationin the water and is meant for chidren who havetaken a parent and chid cass, but are ookingfor more of a chaenge, or chidren who areready to swim but wi not eave their parentfor Pre-Fin yet. his cass is meant to aowmaximum interaction with the instructor andby the end of the cass chidren shoud be readyto take Pre-Fin on their own.Washington-LeePool.

    Ages 2 -4 8 Sessions $73

    310404a ues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm310404bWed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:25pm

    Ages 2 -4 7 Sessions $65

    310404cSat., Apr. 30, 11:20am-11:50pm

    cHD Pre-Finhis beginner cass requires no prior experiencein swimming casses, but chidren must partici-pate without a parent/guardian. Pre-Schooerswi become more comfortabe in the water withan instructor and group of chidren. By the endof the course the participants shoud be abeto fuy submerge their faces and oat on theirfront and backs without support. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310405aWed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:25pm310405bWed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:35pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310405cMon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310405DMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:00pm

    310405eMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:00pm

    310405FSat., Apr. 30, 9:00 -9:30am310405gSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am310405hSat., Apr. 30, 12:15-12:45pm Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310405iues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm310405Jues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:00pm

    310405KWed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:25pm310405l Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:00pm310405Mhurs., Apr. 28, 5:55-6:25pm310405nhurs., Apr. 28, 6:30-7:00pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $68

    310405OMon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310405pMon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310405Q Sat., Apr. 30, 9:00-9:30am310405rSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am310405sSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:40am310405tSat., Apr. 30, 10:55-11:25am310405uSat., Apr. 30, 11:30am-12:00pm310405vSat., Apr. 30, 11:55am-12:25pm310405wSun., May 1, 12:30-1:00pm310405XSun., May 1, 1:05-1:35pm310405YSun., May 1, 2:25-2:55pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310405Zues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm310405aa ues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:00pm310405bbhurs., Apr. 28, 5:55-6:25pm310405cchurs., Apr. 28, 5:55-6:25pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310405DDSat., Apr. 30, 9:00 -9:30am310405eeSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am310405FFSat., Apr. 30, 11:05-11:35am310405ggSat., Apr. 30, 11:30am-12:00pm310405hhSat., Apr. 30, 12:15-12:45pm

    cHD Mini-FinMini-Fin is for chidren who are comfortabein the water and have successfuy competedPre-Fin or have comparabe skis. Participantswi earn safety skis and movement in thewater on their fronts and backs. By the end ofthe course, participants shoud be abe to swim15 feet of front and back craw. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310407a Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:00pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310407bMon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310407cMon., Apr. 25, 7:05-7:35pm310407DSat., Apr. 30, 9:00-9:30am310407eSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:40am Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310407Fues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm310407gues., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:00pm310407hWed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:25pm310407iWed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:35pm310407Jhurs., Apr. 28, 5:55-6:25pm310407Khurs., Apr. 28, 7:15-7:45pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310407l Mon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310407MMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:00pm

    310407nSat., Apr. 30, 9:00-9:30am310407OSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:05am310407pSat., Apr. 30, 10:45 -11:15am310407Q Sat., Apr. 30, 12:05-12:35pm310407rSun., May 1, 1:40-2:10pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $73

    310407sues., Apr. 26, 7:05-7:35pm

    Ages 3-5 7 Sessions $65

    310407tSat., Apr. 30, 9:00-9:30am310407uSat., Apr. 30, 10:20-10:50am310407vSat., Apr. 30, 12:05-12:35pm

    cHD Advanced-FinChidren who have successfuy competedMini-Fin or have comparabe skis wi earnto coordinate front and back craw and moreadvanced safety skis ike treading water. By theend of the course, participants shoud be abeto comfortaby swim 15 yards of front and back

    craw with rhythmic breathing. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 4-6 8 Sessions $73

    310409a Wed., Apr. 27, 5:55-6:25pm

    Ages 4-6 7 Sessions $65

    310409bMon., Apr. 25, 5:55-6:25pm310409cMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:00pm Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 4-5 8 Sessions $73

    310409Dues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm310409eues., Apr. 26, 7:05-7:35pm310409FWed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:00pm310409ghurs., Apr. 28, 5:55-6:25pm

    Ages 4-6 7 Sessions $65

    310409hMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:00pm310409iSat., Apr. 30, 9:00 -9:30am310409JSat., Apr. 30, 10:50-11:20amYorktown Pool

    Ages 4-6 8 Sessions $73310409Kues., Apr. 26, 5:55-6:25pm

    Ages 4-6 7 Sessions $65

    310409l Sat., Apr. 30, 9:00-9:30am310409MSat., Apr. 30, 10:55-11:25am

    cHD Youth Swim: Level IBeginners with itte or no experience in thewater wi focus on water exporation andeementary aquatic skis. By the end of thecourse, participants shoud be abe to submergetheir faces comfortaby and oat on their frontsand backs for three seconds without support.nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320405a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:50-8:30pm320405bSat., Apr. 30, 10:45-11:25am Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79320405cues., Apr. 26, 7:40-8:20pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320405DMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:10pm320405eSat., Apr. 30, 10:10-10:50amYorktown Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320405Fhurs., Apr. 28, 7:50-8:30pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320405gSat., Apr. 30, 10:20-11:00am

    cHD Youth Swim: Level IIChidren who have successfuy competedouth Swim: leve or have comparabe skiswi focus on deveoping safety skis and beginto add movement in the water. By the end ofthe course, participants shoud be abe to swimve yards of front and back craw and step into

    chest-deep water without support. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320407a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:05-7:45pm320407bSat., Apr. 30, 10:45-11:25am Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320407cWed., Apr. 27, 7:40-8:20pm320407Dhurs., Apr. 28, 6:30-7:10pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320407eMon., Apr. 25, 7:40-8:20pm320407FSat., Apr. 30, 10:45-11:25am320407gSun., May 1, 3:00-3:40pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320407hues., Apr. 26, 7:40-8:20pm320407ihurs., Apr. 28, 6:30-7:10pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320407JSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:15am

    Are ou aking aSwimming Cass?

    Arington County is proud to provide essonsthat are based on the ed Cross learn-to-Swim Program. When registering pease makesure participants can compete a necessaryprerequisites prior to beginning the cass.Student who are not at the right eve hinderthe casses abiity to function. Everyoneprogresses at different speeds, so it is typicato repeat courses.Pubic Heath requires poos to cose when

    contaminated. Swim diapers or snug-ttingpastic pants must be worn by anyone who isincontinent. Aso pease do not eat within 30minutes of swimming.Chidren under nine years od must beaccompanied by an adut at a times in thebuiding. Chidren under ve must have aguardian in the water with them when cassis not in session. f the poo is open for pubicswim after cass, chidren can swim up to 5minutes but a guardian must be with them inthe water at this time.

    Arlington County is looking for instructors to teach

    Aquatics/Sports classes. Please contact Jennifer Groner

    at [email protected] and for Gymnastics classes

    contact Carly Myer at [email protected].

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    SP 2011 Ej ! Al DE ECEA ClASSES 7

    cHD Youth Swim: Level IIIChidren who have successfuy competed outhSwim: leve or have comparabe skis wifocus on coordinating front and back craw andother safety skis. his course wi aso introducebuttery kick, treading water and side breathing.By the end of the course, participants shoud beabe to swim 15 yards of front and back crawwith rhythmic breathing. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320408a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:05-7:45pm320408bSat., A pr. 30, 11:30am-12:10pm Washington-Lee HS

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79320408cues., Apr. 26, 7:40-8:20pm320408DWed., Apr. 27, 7:05-7:45pm320408ehurs., Apr. 28, 7:05-7:45pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320408FMon., Apr. 25, 7:05-7:45pm320408gSat., Apr. 30, 9:35-10:15am320408hSun., May 1, 1:40-2:20pm320408iSun., May 1, 3:45-4:25pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320408Jhurs., Apr. 28, 7:05-7:45pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320408KSat., Apr. 30, 10:55-11:35am

    Youth Swim: Level IVChidren who have successfuy competed outhSwim: leve or have comparabe skis wifocus on deveoping condence in their skis andimproving other aquatic skis such as diving andtreading water. By the end of the course, partici-pants shoud be abe to swim 25 yards of front andback craw, 15 yards of eementary backstroke and15 yards of breaststroke. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320409a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:40-8:20pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320409bSat., Apr. 30 , 11:30am-12:10pm Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320409churs., Apr. 28, 7:40-8:20pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320409DMon., Apr. 25, 7:15-7:45pm320409eSat., Apr. 30, 10:20-11:00am320409FSun., May 1, 3:00-3:40pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320409gues., Apr. 26, 7:05-7:45pm

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320409hSat., Apr. 30, 11:40am-12:20pm

    Youth Swim: Level VChidren who have successfuy competed outhSwim: leve V or have comparabe skis wifocus on rening strokes and aquatic skis. Bythe end of the course, participants shoud knowaquatic safety skis and be abe to swim 50yards of front and back craw and 25 yards eachof breaststroke, buttery, eementary backstrokeand sidestroke. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69

    320410a Sat., Apr. 30, 12:15-12:55pm Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $69320410bSat., Apr. 30, 12:25-1:05pm320410cSun., May 1, 2:15-2:55pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 6-12 8 Sessions $79

    320410Dues., Apr. 26, 7:50-8:30pm

    youTH & Teen

    NW Youth Splash Adapted

    Level I & IIChidren with disabiities wi have fun andbegin to deveop water skis through groupwork and individua attention. he programwi focus on water exporation, safety andadustment, and other eementary aquaticskis from leve 1 and 2.Yorktown Pool.Ages 6-10 7 Sessions $69

    320401a Fri., Apr. 29, 5:35-6:15pm320401bSun., May 1, 1:45-2:25pm

    NW Youth Splash AdaptedLevel III & IVChidren with disabiities wi have fun andcontinue to deveop water skis throughgroup work and individua attention. heprogram wi focus on breath contro,swimming front and back, puing, kickingand endurance skis from leve 3 and 4.Yorktown Pool. nst.: StaffAges 8-12 7 Sessions $69

    320422a Fri., Apr. 29, 6:20-7:00pm320422bSun., May 1, 2:40-3:20pm

    Youth Swim AdvancedChidren who have successfuy competed outhSwim: leve V or have comparabe skis andwoud ike to continue earning aquatic skis wifocus on further rening strokes and aquatic

    skis and increasing endurance for swimming.By the end of the cass, students shoud be abeto pursue other aquatic activities such as tnessswimming, ife guarding, diving or swim team. Washington-Lee Pool.nst.: Staff

    Ages 9-14 8 Sessions $69

    320411a Sat., Apr. 30, 12:25-1:15pm

    Ages 9-14 7 Sessions $69

    320411bSun., May 1, 3:45-4:25pm

    Teen & AdulT

    Teen/Adult Splash AdaptedChidren with disabiities wi have fun andbegin to deveop water skis through groupwork and individua attention. he programwi focus on water exporation, safety andadustment, and other eementary aquatic

    skis from leve 1 and 2.Yorktown Pool.nst.: StaffAges 13-Adult 7 Sessions $79

    320402a Sun., May 1, 3:30-4:10pm

    cHD Swimming: Teen/AdultBeginnerBeginners and advanced beginners wi focuson water adustment, proper aignment,oating and kicking on their fronts and backs.Participants wi earn the correct stroke for thefront and back craw and wi be introduced totreading water and other deep-water safetyskis. nst.: StaffWakeeld Pool

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $79

    340401a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:50-8:30pm Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $79

    340401bWed., Apr. 27, 7:50-8:30pm340401churs., Apr. 28, 7:50-8:30pm

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $69

    340401DMon., Apr. 25, 7:50-8:30pm340401eSat., Apr. 30, 12:40-1:20pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $69

    340401FSat., Apr. 30, 12:25-1:05pm

    cHD Swimming: Adult Intermediatef you can oat on your front and back, do a frontand back craw for 25 yards and can swim indeep water, this cass is for you! his cass focuseson rotary breathing, eementary backstroke andother aquatic techniques. nst.: Staff Washington-Lee Pool

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $79

    340406a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:40-8:20pm

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $69

    340406bMon., Apr. 25, 7:50-8:30pm340406cSat., Apr. 30, 11:35am-12:25pmYorktown Pool

    Ages 13-Adult 8 Sessions $79

    340406Dhurs., Apr. 28, 7:50-8:30pm

    cHD Adult Lap Swimeens and aduts who want to increase theirphysica endurance wi focus on competitiveswim techniques using the pace cock andbuid their workout. Workouts are based onthe overa abiity of the cass. Students mustbe abe to swim at east 50 yards of freestyeand backstroke and shoud have some practicewith breaststroke. his cass is preparation for aswimming eague program.Wakeeld Pool.

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $69

    340402a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:40-8:20pm

    Shallow Aqua Fitnessou dont have to be a swimmer to conditionyour heart and ungs and increase musceexibiity and tone in this ow-impact workout.

    reat for those with oint pain and arthritis.Yorktown Pool. nst.: Staff

    Ages 13-Adult 15 Sessions $130

    340412a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 8:00 -8:50pm

    Deep Aqua FitnessParticipants must be comfortabe in water overtheir heads. ou wi use a variety of deep-waterexercises to enhance cardiovascuar tness whiestrengthening and toning musces. Aqua Fitnessbets are provided or you can bring your own.Yorktown Pool. nst.: Staff

    Ages 13-Adult 15 Sessions $130

    340415a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:15-7:05pm

    Water Walk/Power Plunge ComboWater waking wi get you moving on yourfeet in the poo. his cass bends impact evesand tempos with specic dris to enhance core

    stabiity whie water waking. Power punge isa 30-minute workout using a singe hand buoyfor upper body strengthening in shaow waterexercises.Yorktown Pool.

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $64

    340417a Sat., Apr. 30, 10:30-11:25am

    Aqua Cyclehis deep-water cass is a great interva workoutin the poo. ry a high-energy, no-impactworkout for aduts. se your noode in cass toCyce around the poo. his cass incorporatesupper and ower body musces simutaneousy.Yorktown Pool. nst.: Staff

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $64

    340418a Sat., Apr. 30, 9:30-10:25am

    Cardio Deep Water ComboWater waking wi get you moving on your

    feet in the poo. his cass bends impact evesand tempos with specic dris to enhance corestabiity whie water waking. Power punge isa 30-minute workout using a singe hand buoyfor upper body strengthening in shaow waterexercises. Washington-Lee Pool.nst.: Staff

    Ages 13-Adult 16 Sessions $138

    340419a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 6:30-7:25pm340419bues./hurs., Apr. 26, 7:30-8:25pm

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $64

    340419cSat., Apr. 30, 8:30-9:25am340419DSat., Apr. 30, 9:30-10:25am

    Moms in MotionSay good-bye to the myth of the deicatecondition and heo to pregnancy in the 21stcentury! Current research shows that womencan safey exercise and maintain their tnesseves during the prenata period with bothshort-and ong-term benets for moms-to-beand their unborn chidren. his speciaty casswi give mothers-to-be a fu body workoutwithout the stress from and exercise.YorktownPool. nst.: Staff

    Ages Adults 16 Sessions $138

    340421a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 7:10-7:55pm

    GymnasticsToT & AdulT

    Adapted Tot Gymnasticsymnastics is a great activity to enhancebaance, movement and coordination ina socia atmosphere. ots with disabiitieswork with a parent to earn basic gymnasticsskis. he sma cass with an instructor toparticipant ratio of 1:5 gives kids the con-dence they need to exce! Adut participationrequired. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: StaffAges 3-4 7 Sessions $97

    310500a Sun., May 1, 9:00-9:45am

    cHD Family Gymnasticsots are introduced or continue to earn aboutthe fun of gymnastics with their parents' super-vised guidance. Parents earn gymnastics safetyand basic spotting techniques. his mixed-agedcass is geared towards famiies with mutipechidren or ust one chid (each chid must beregistered for cass). Adut participation required.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 1 -5 8 Sessions $107

    310501a ues., Apr. 26, 10:30-11:15am310501bues., Apr. 26, 1:30-2:15pm310501cWed., Apr. 27, 9:30-10:15am310501DWed., Apr. 27, 11:30am-12:15pm310501ehurs., Apr. 28, 10:30-11:15am310501Fhurs., Apr. 28, 2:30-3:15pm310501gFri., Apr. 29, 9:30-10:15am310501hFri., Apr. 29, 11:30am-12:15pm

    Ages 1 -5 7 Sessions $97

    310501iMon., Apr. 25, 9:30-10:15am310501JMon., Apr. 25, 11:30am-12:15pm310501KSun., May 1, 1:00-1:45pm310501l Sun., May 1, 3:00-3:45pm

    cHD Tumbling for ToddlersCurious, high-energy todders can expore theword of gymnastics with their parents' super-vised guidance. Fantastic theme-based essonscater to the short attention span and eagernessof this age group. Parents earn gymnasticssafety and basic spotting techniques. Adutparticipation required. Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: Staff

    Ages 1 -2 8 Sessions $107

    310505a ues., Apr. 26, 9:30-10:15am310505bues., Apr. 26, 10:30-11:15am310505cues., Apr. 26, 11:30am-12:15pm310505Dues., Apr. 26, 2:30-3:15pm310505eWed., Apr. 27, 9:30-10:15am310505FWed., Apr. 27, 10: 30-11:15am310505gWed., Apr. 27, 11:30am-12:15pm310505hhurs., Apr. 28, 9:30-10:15am


    Our vision for Arlington is a happy and healthy place to live, learn, work and play.

    To make this a reality, our mission is to promote wellness and vitality through

    dynamic programs and attractive public spaces. Arlington Countys Department of

    Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources is one of about 90 agencies in the .S. to

    have received national accreditation from the Commission for Accreditation of Park

    and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) by meeting 155 standards.

    Wed like to hear from you!

    If you have a question or

    concern, or have a suggestion

    as to how we can improve our

    services, please email us at

    [email protected]

    or call 703-228-1871.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    8 Ej ! Al O n l in e r e g istr atiO n b e g in s M ar c h 29 at 8aM at w w . ar l in gtO n v a. us/ p r c r

    310505ihurs., Apr. 28, 10:30-11:15am310505Jhurs., Apr. 28 , 11:30am-12:15pm310505Khurs., Apr. 28, 3:30-4:15pm310505l Fri., Apr. 29, 9:30-10:15am310505MFri., Apr. 29, 10 :30-11:15am310505nFri., Apr. 29, 11:30am-12:15pm

    Ages 1 -2 7 Sessions $97

    310505OMon., Apr. 25, 9:30-10:15am310505pMon., Apr. 25, 10:30-11:15am310505Q Mon., Apr. 25, 11:30am-12:15pm310505rSun., May 1, 12:00-12:45pm310505sSun., May 1, 2:00-2:45pm310505tSun., May 1, 4:00-4:45pm

    cHD Tumbling For 3she unique needs of a three-year-od are metwith activities that bend ski progressions ina fun atmosphere. he structured format wihep your chid deveop istening skis and sociaawareness aong with basic gymnastic skis.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 3 8 Sessions $107

    310515a ues., Apr. 26, 9:30-10:15am310515bues., Apr. 26, 10:30-11:15am310515cues., Apr. 26, 11:30am-12:15pm310515Dues., Apr. 26, 2:30-3:15pm

    310515eWed., Apr. 27, 9:30 -10:15am310515FWed., Apr. 27, 10:30-11:15am310515gWed., Apr. 27, 11:30am-12:15pm310515hWed., Apr. 27, 12:30-1:15pm310515ihurs., Apr. 28, 9:30-10:15am310515Jhurs., Apr. 28, 10:30-11:15am310515Khurs., Apr. 28 , 11:30am-12:15pm310515l hurs., Apr. 28, 1:30-2:15pm310515MFri., Apr. 29, 9:30-10:15am310515nFri., Apr. 29, 10 :30-11:15am310515OFri., Apr. 29, 11:30am-12:15pm310515pFri., Apr. 29, 2:30-3:15pm310515Q Fri., Apr. 29, 4:30-5:15pm

    Ages 3 7 Sessions $97

    310515rMon., Apr. 25, 9:30-10:15am310515sMon., Apr. 25, 10:30-11:15am310515tMon., Apr. 25, 11:30am-12:15pm310515uMon., Apr. 25, 1:30-2:15pm310515vSun., May 1, 12:00-12:45pm310515wSun., May 1, 2:00-2:45pm310515XSun., May 1, 4:00-4:45pm

    cHD Tumbling for 4shis enthusiastic age group wi earn fundamen-ta gymnastics skis based on proper progres-sions and safety. heme-based activities wi asodeveop socia awareness and istening skis.

    Ages 4 8 Sessions $107

    310516a ues., Apr. 26, 11:30am-12:15pm310516bues., Apr. 26, 1:30-2:15pm310516cues., Apr. 26, 3:30-4:15pm310516DWed., Apr. 27, 1:30-2:15pm310516eWed., Apr. 27, 2:30-3:15pm310516Fhurs., Apr. 28, 1:30-2:15pm310516ghurs., Apr. 28, 2:30-3:15pm310516hFri., Apr. 29, 1:30 -2:15pm310516iFri., Apr. 29, 5:30-6:15pm

    Ages 4 7 Sessions $97310516JMon., Apr. 25, 2:30-3:15pm310516KSun., May 1, 1:00-1:45pm310516l Sun., May 1, 3:00-3:45pm

    Spring Fling!Parents: here is the perfect opportunity tohave a night out without the kids. Drop offyour chid for a fun-ed evening of activities.Quaied instructors wi give your chidren anight ed with gymnastics, obstace courses,music, dancing, games and pizza. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: StaffAges 4-6 1 Session $40

    310502a Sat., jun. 11, 5:00 -9:00pmAges 7-12 1 Session $40

    310502bSat., jun. 11, 5:00 -9:00pm

    ToT & youTH

    cHD Gymnasticatsoung gymnasts wi continue their gymnasticsprogressions focusing on strength and ceanexecution. his cass is not an introductory cassfor rst-time beginners. Pre-requisite: umbingfor 3s or umbing for 4s. Barcroft Sports &Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 3.5-5 8 Sessions $107

    310522a ues., Apr. 26, 9:30-10:15am310522bues., Apr. 26, 1:30 -2:15pm310522cues., Apr. 26, 3:30-4:15pm310522DWed., Apr. 27, 10:30-11:15am310522eWed., Apr. 27, 12:30 -1:15pm310522FWed., Apr. 27, 1:30-2:15pm310522gWed., Apr. 27, 2:30-3:15pm310522hhurs., Apr. 28, 9:30-10:15am

    310522ihurs., Apr. 28 , 11:30am-12:15pm310522Jhurs., Apr. 28, 1:30-2:15pm310522Khurs., Apr. 28, 3:30-4:15pm310522l Fri., Apr. 29, 10:30-11:15am310522MFri., Apr. 29, 1:30 -2:15pm310522nFri., Apr. 29, 2:30-3:15pm310522OFri., Apr. 29, 4:30-5:15pm310522pFri., Apr. 29, 6:30-7:15pm

    Ages 3.5-5 7 Sessions $97

    310522Q Mon., Apr. 25, 10:30-11:15am310522rMon., Apr. 25, 1:30-2:15pm310522sMon., Apr. 25, 2:30-3:15pm310522tSun., May 1, 12:00-12:45pm310522uSun., May 1, 2:00-2:45pm310522vSun., May 1, 4:00-4:45pm

    cHD Junior Gymnastymnasts wi continue their ourney after takingymnasticats. Casses wi focus on rening

    fundamenta skis and work more advancedprogressions, preparing participants for leve orleve ymnastics. Pre-requisite: ymnasticats.Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 4-6 8 Sessions $107

    310524a ues., Apr. 26, 2:30-3:15pm310524bues., Apr. 26, 3:30-4:15pm310524cWed., Apr. 27, 1:30-2:15pm310524DWed., Apr. 27, 2:30-3:15pm310524ehurs., Apr. 28, 2:30-3:15pm310524Fhurs., Apr. 28, 3:30-4:15pm310524gFri., Apr. 29, 1:30-2:15pm310524hFri., Apr. 29, 2:30-3:15pm310524iFri., Apr. 29, 5:30-6:15pm310524JFri., Apr. 29, 6:30-7:15pm

    Ages 4-6 7 Sessions $97

    310524KMon., Apr. 25, 1:30-2:15pm310524l Mon., Apr. 25, 2:30-3:15pm

    310524MSun., May 1, 1:00-1:45pm310524nSun., May 1, 3:00-3:45pm


    Adapted Gymnasticsymnastics is a great activity to enhancebaance, movement and coordination in asocia atmosphere. Chidren with disabiitiesearn basic gymnastics skis through obstacecourse activities. he sma cass with aninstructor to participant ratio of 1:3 gives kidsthe condence they need to exce. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: StaffAges 5-7 7 Sessions $97

    320500a Sun., May 1, 10:00-10:45amAges 8-12 7 Sessions $97

    320500bSun., May 1, 11:00-11:45am

    Home School GymnasticsHome-schooed chidren can improve baance,deveop basic gymnastics skis and earn avariety of exercises using the vaut, unevenbars, baance beam and oor exercise. hecass teaches gymnastics in a safe, creative andsupportive environment whie gaining strength,exibiity and sef-condence. Barcroft Sports &Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 5-7 8 Sessions $107

    320508a Fri., Apr. 29, 12:30 -1:15pm

    Ages 5-7 7 Sessions $97

    320508bMon., Apr. 25, 12:30 -1:15pm

    Ages 8-12 8 Sessions $107

    320508cFri., Apr. 29, 12:30-1:15pmAges 8-12 7 Sessions $97

    320508DMon., Apr. 25, 12:30 -1:15pm

    cHD Gymnastics: Level IParticipants earn the fundamenta progressionsand get an introduction to basic skis on vaut,uneven bars, baance beam and oor exercise.his cass is for beginning students and studentswho need more experience at leve . Studentsneed to pass the ski requirements beforemoving to leve . Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: Staff

    Ages 5-7 8 Sessions $107

    320501a ues., Apr. 26, 5:45-6:30pm320501bWed., Apr. 27, 3:30-4:15pm320501cWed., Apr. 27, 3:30-4:15pm320501DWed., Apr. 27, 3:30-4:15pm

    320501eWed., Apr. 27, 4:30-5:15pm320501FWed., Apr. 27, 7:00-7:45pm320501ghurs., Apr. 28, 4:30-5:15pm320501hFri., Apr. 29, 3:30-4:15pm320501iFri., Apr. 29, 3:30-4:15pm320501JFri., Apr. 29, 4:30-5:15pm320501KFri., Apr. 29, 4:45-5:30pm

    Ages 5-7 7 Sessions $97

    320501l Mon., Apr. 25, 3:30-4:15pm320501MMon., Apr. 25, 3:30-4:15pm320501nMon., Apr. 25, 3:30-4:15pm320501OMon., Apr. 25, 3:30-4:15pm320501pSat., Apr. 30, 9:15-10:00am320501Q Sat., A pr. 30, 11:30am-12:15pm320501rSat., Apr. 30, 1:00-1:45pm320501sSat., Apr. 30, 2:45-3:30pm320501tSat., Apr. 30, 3:45-4:30pm320501uSun., May 1, 12:30 -1:15pm320501vSun., May 1, 3:30-4:15pm

    Ages 8-12 8 Sessions $107320501wWed., Apr. 27, 5:45-6:30pm320501Xhurs., Apr. 28, 7:30-8:15pm

    Ages 8-12 7 Sessions $97

    320501YMon., Apr. 25, 4:30-5:15pm320501ZSat., Apr. 30, 10:30-11:15am320501aa Sun., May 1, 2:30-3:15pm

    cHD Gymnastics: Level I for BoysBoys earn the fundamenta progressions and getan introduction to basic skis on vaut, para-e bars, bars, pomme horse, rings and oorexercise. his cass is for beginning students andstudents who need more experience at leve. Students need to pass the ski requirementsbefore moving to leve . Barcroft Sports &Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 5-7 8 Sessions $107

    320507a Wed., Apr. 27, 4:45-5:30pm320507bFri., Apr. 29, 3:30-4:15pm

    Ages 5-7 7 Sessions $97

    320507cMon., Apr. 25, 6:30-7:15pm320507DSun., May 1, 1:30-2:15pm

    Ages 8-12 7 Sessions $97

    320507eSat., Apr. 30, 9:30-10:15am

    Gymnastics: Level IIymnasts continue their gymnastics progres-sions, expanding their ski eve on vaut, unevenbars, baance beam and oor exercise. hiscass wi focus on strength, exibiity and ceanexecution of skis. Students need to pass theski requirements before moving to leve .Pre-requisite: leve . Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: Staff

    Ages 5-7 8 Sessions $125

    320502a Wed., Apr. 27, 3:30-4:30pm

    320502bWed., Apr. 27, 6:45-7:45pm

    320502churs., Apr. 28, 5:00 -6:00pm320502DFri., Apr. 29, 3:30-4:30pm

    Ages 5-7 7 Sessions $113

    320502eMon., Apr. 25, 4: 00-5:00pm320502FSat., Apr. 30, 10:15-11:15am320502gSat., Apr. 30, 11:45am-12:45pm320502hSat., Apr. 30, 2:30-3:30pm

    Ages 8-12 8 Sessions $125

    320502iues., Apr. 26, 5:00-6 :00pm320502JWed., Apr. 27, 4:30-5:30pm320502KFri., Apr. 29, 5:45-6:45pm

    Ages 8-12 7 Sessions $113

    320502l Sat., Apr. 30, 3:45-4:45pm320502MSun., May 1, 4:30-5:30pm

    Just Bars: Level IIhis new cass is a great addition to a gymnastsreguar leve ymnastics cass. his 30-minutecass wi focus on the chaenging uneven barsskis at the students eve and wi hep studentsadvance to the next eve faster. Barcroft Sports& Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 5-7 8 Sessions $86

    320510a hurs., Apr. 28, 4:15-4:45pm

    Ages 8-12 8 Sessions $86

    320510bues., Apr. 26, 4:15-4:45pm

    Gymnastics: Level II for Boysymnasts continue their gymnastics progres-sions, expanding their ski eve on vaut, paraebars, bars, pomme horse, rings and oorexercise. his cass wi focus on strength andcean execution of skis. Students need to pass

    the ski requirements before moving to leve .Pre-requisite: leve . Barcroft Sports & FitnessCenter. nst.: Staff

    Ages 6-12 7 Sessions $113

    320509a Mon., Apr. 25, 5:15-6:15pm

    youTH & Teen

    Gymnastics: Level IIIymnasts are introduced to advanced gymnas-tics skis on the vaut, uneven bars, baancebeam and oor exercise. A strong foundation isneeded to exce through these new progressions.Students need to pass the ski requirementsbefore moving to leve V. Pre-requisite: leve .Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 7-14 8 Sessions $125

    320503a ues., Apr. 26, 4:30-5:30pm320503bhurs., Apr. 28, 6:15-7:15pm320503cFri., Apr. 29, 7:00- 8:00pm

    Ages 7-14 7 Sessions $113

    320503DSat., Apr. 30, 1:15-2:15pm

    Just Bars: Level IIIhis new cass is a great addition to a gymnastsreguar leve ymnastics cass. his 30-minutecass wi focus on the chaenging uneven barsskis at the students eve and wi hep studentsadvance to the next eve faster. Barcroft Sports& Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 7-14 7 Sessions $82

    320512a Sat., Apr. 30, 12:30-1:00pm

    Gymnastics: Level IVymnasts focus on rening the advanced skison the vaut, uneven bars, baance beam andoor exercise. Pre-requisite: leve . BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 7-14 8 Sessions $86

    320504a ues., Apr. 26, 6:45-7:45pm

    Gymnastics: Level lll/lVSupervised Workouthis cass is for more experienced recreationagymnasts who have aready had at east one yearof a reguar leve or leve V cass or have priorexperience as a competitive gymnast. he cassis taiored to improving existing skis and addingnew eements in a non-competitive environmentusing estabished progressions of teaching skis.Experienced recreationa gymnasts who woudike to transition to the Aerias ecreationa eamare encourage to take this cass. Pre-requisite:leve or leve V for one year. Barcroft Sports& Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 7-14 8 Sessions $161

    320505a Wed., Apr. 27, 7:15-8:45pm

    Did you know? It takes

    about four sessions or a

    year to master the skills at

    each gymnastics level.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    SP 2011 Ej ! Al DE ECEA ClASSES 9

    Gymnastics: Level III/IV for Boysymnasts are introduced to advanced gymnas-tics skis on the vaut, parae bars, bars,pomme horse, rings and oor exercise. A strongfoundation is needed to exce through these newprogressions. Pre-requisite: leve . BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 7-14 7 Sessions $145

    320511a Mon., Apr. 25, 7:30-9:00pm

    Tumbling for CheerleadersCheereaders wi deveop or enhance gymnas-tics skis in this cass, with a focus on strength,exibiity, basic umps and tumbing. his is a

    great cass for anyone trying out for cheeread-ing. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 12-16 7 Sessions $113

    320506a Sun., May 1, 5:45-6:45pm

    Teen & AdulT

    Teen Gymnasticshis is a cass designed for teenagers who areinterested in trying gymnastics for the rst timeor continuing after eve casses. learn a varietyof gymnastics skis on vaut, bars, beam andoor. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center. nst.:Staff

    Ages 13-16 7 Sessions $113

    330500a Sun., May 1, 7:00-8:00pm

    cHD Teen/Adult BeginnerGymnasticseens and aduts who have never tried gymnas-

    tics wi have a fun time earning the propergymnastics progressions. Aduts wi improvetheir strength, exibiity and wi master thefundamenta gymnastic skis. Students need topass the ski requirements before moving tothe Adut ntermediate cass. Barcroft Sports &Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 17-Adult 7 Sessions $113

    340501a Mon., Apr. 25, 8:00-9 :00pm340501bSun., May 1, 7:00-8:00pm

    cHD Teen/Adult IntermediateGymnasticseens and aduts wi master fundamentagymnastics skis focusing on cean execution.Advanced skis wi be introduced with a focuson proper technique. Students need to pass theski requirements before moving to the Adut

    Advanced cass. Pre-requisite: Adut Beginnerymnastics. Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center.nst.: Staff

    Ages 17-Adult 8 Sessions $125

    340502a ues., Apr. 26, 8:00-9 :00pm340502bhurs., Apr. 28, 8:00 -9:00pm

    cHD Teen/Adult AdvancedGymnasticseens and aduts wi master the advancedgymnastics skis focusing on cean executionand proper technique. his open workout aowsindividuas to focus on more specic skis.Pre-requisite: Adut ntermediate ymnasticsor previous competitive gymnastics. BarcroftSports & Fitness Center. nst.: Staff

    Ages 17-Adult 8 Sessions $125

    340503a ues., Apr. 26, 8:00-9 :00pm340503bhurs., Apr. 28, 8:00 -9:00pm

    Martial ArtsTo T

    cHD Karate Jamboreets Sesame Street the martia arts way! Withover 100 martia arts-reated games and earningactivities designed to tap into specic menta andphysica growth areas, todders wi pay as theygrow and earn as they pay. Whether yourchid is a three-year-od earning obect perma-nence, probem soving, sorting and puttingthings in order or a ve-year od earning body

    awareness, gross and ne motor skis, anguage,how to isten and foow instructions and sociainteraction skis, his or her deveopment wibe enhanced by this program. Dawson TerraceCenter. nst.: Batiste Martia ArtsBeginner

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $62

    310304a ues., Apr. 26, 9:30-10:15am310304bhurs., Apr. 28, 10:30-11:20am

    Ages 3-5 6 Sessions $44

    310304cSat., Apr. 30, 9:30-10:20amntermediate

    Ages 3-5 8 Sessions $62

    310307a ues., Apr. 26, 10:30am-11:20pm310307bhurs., Apr. 28, 9:30-10:20am

    Ages 3-5 6 Sessions $44

    310307cSat., Apr. 30, 10:30am-11:20pm

    youTH & Teen

    Beginning Judo for ChildrenHeres a course for chidren who have nevercompeted a Beginner judo course or need toearn a basic foundation in judo. his coursewi be imited to earning basic Kodokan judohistory and phiosophy, customs and courte-sies, warms-ups, posture, movement, baance,proper breakfa techniques and a few seectedthrows and pins best suited for chidren. Cassesare taught with fun and safety in mind. judouniforms can be purchased from the instructor ata nomina cost. pon competion of this course,chidren wi have the option of oining juniorjudo, hed on weekdays and Sundays. juniorjudo is an ongoing judo program for youngsterswith basic judo skis. Dawson Terrace Center.nst.: landstreet

    Ages 5-14 7 Sessions $57

    320305a Sun., May 1, 5:00-6:00pm

    Junior Judohis cass wi encompass earning Kodokan judowith a focus on improving break fa techniques,throws, mat work, randori, kata and shiai. deruniors wi aso earn choking techniques andkata. junior judo is an ongoing program forstudents who have competed a judo course orwho have judo experience. Students are requiredto oin the Sj F Shufu udanshakai or SjVirginia judo to be examined for promotions tohigher rank, compete in sanctioned tournamentsor attend seminars and cinics. Students arerequired to wear a judo uniform, which can bepurchased from the instructor. Dawson TerraceCenter. nst.: landstreet

    Ages 5-15 18 Sessions $147

    320307a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 6:45-7:45pm

    Ages 5-15 7 Sessions $57

    320307bSun., May 1, 6:15-7:15pm

    Karate BeginningDesigned by Word Champion od Batiste, thiscass wi bring your chid into the wonderfuword of martia arts. Students gain the trainingthat prepares them for ife in areas such as sef-condence, concentration, goa setting, persever-ance, sef-defense, sef-discipine, responsibiity,persona management, pride and a strong workethic! ts aso a fun way to deveop positivesocia skis and teamwork whie earning aboutother cutures. Dawson Terrace Center. nst.:Batiste Martia Arts

    Ages 6-13 15 Sessions $123

    320308a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 6:00-7:00pm

    Ages 6-13 6 Sessions $44320308bSat., Apr. 30, 11:30am-12:30pm

    Karate IntermediateHep your chid stay invoved in karate andcontinue his or her deveopment in sef-con-dence, concentration, goa setting, persever-ance, sef-defense, sef-discipine, responsibiity,persona management, pride and a strong workethic! Dawson Terrace Center. nst.: BatisteMartia Arts

    Ages 6-13 15 Sessions $123

    320309a Mon./Wed., Apr. 25, 7:05-8:05pm

    Ages 6-13 6 Sessions $44

    320309bSat., Apr. 30, 1:00-2:00pm

    cHD Tae Kwon DoBeginning and more experienced students wiimprove mobiity, breathing and exibiity by

    making the body ooser (oints and musces),tter and better prepared to hande day-to-dayactivities. ou earn the art of kicking andpunching and fundamentas of sef-defense.Langston-Brown Center. nst.: Shiekhy

    Ages 6-15 8 Sessions $62

    320314a Wed., Apr. 27, 6:30-7:30pm

    Ages 6-15 7 Sessions $54

    320314bMon., Apr. 25, 6:35-7:35pm

    Teen & AdulT

    Senior JudoA aspects of judo wi be taught. Senior judo isan ongoing judo program for those students whohave competed a judo course or have previ-ous experience in judo. Students are requiredto oin the Sj F Shufu udanshakai or SjVirginia judo to be examined for promotions to

    higher rank, compete in sanctioned tournamentsor attend seminars and cinics. Students arerequired to wear a judo uniform, which can bepurchased from the instructor. Dawson TerraceCenter. nst.: landstreet

    Ages 14-Adult 18 Sessions $147

    340353a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 8:00-9: 00pm

    Beginner Judo for Adultsjudo a japanese word meaning the gente way,uses the principes of maximum efciency withminimum effort and mutua wefare and benet.judo is an ympic sport, a method of sefdefense, a physica education and a way of ife.Kodokan judo invoves break fas, 67 throws,mat work, randori, kata and shiai. DawsonTerrace Center. nst.: landstreet

    Ages 13-Adult 7 Sessions $57

    340354a Sun., May 1, 7:30-8:30pm

    Tai Chi BeginningEnoy this sow, gracefu Chinese exerciseprogram and increase strength, tone musces,enhance your bodys range of motion andexibiity and improve your baance andcoordination. Participants can expect to see animprovement in quaity of ife as we as benetsfrom improved concentration, increased we-being, decreased stress, enhanced energy, betterposture and circuation. Fairlington Center. nst.:Chen

    Ages 15-Adult 16 Sessions $123

    340355a ues./hurs., Apr. 26, 6:00-7:00pm



    Donate to the Scholarship Fund

    to support residents who other-

    wise would not be able to enjoy

    great classes and activities due

    to nancial hardships. To support

    the Scholarship Fund, just add

    a donation when you register

    for a class. There is a family in

    Arlington that will greatlyappreciate your help!

    SpringPlant Sale

    Saturday, Apri 16, 1-3pm

    Adults. join us for our highy anticipat-

    ed native pant sae! he vast maority

    of our pants are propagated on site.

    here wi be a variety of spring and

    summer boomers aong with ferns,

    vines and shrubs. Cardboard boxes wi

    be provided for transporting your new

    purchases. ain date: Sunday, Apri 26.

    Payment can be made by cash or check

    (sorry, no credit cards). Pant advice is

    free. nformation: 703-228-6535. Long

    Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carin

    Springs d., Arington, VA 22204.

    Volunteer with the Departmentof Parks, Recreation and

    Cultural ResourcesVounteer to hep individuas with disabii-

    ties earn to swim in an adapted aquatics

    cass; assist parks staff at one of the many

    fun events that are hed in our parks and

    recreation centers; hep to keep the parks

    cean; vounteer with our senior aduts

    program or with chidren in our after

    schoo programs. here are so many ways

    that you can serve the Arington commu-

    nity. Pease og on to www.aringtonva.us/

    prcr to register to vounteer and to see a

    compete ist of vounteer opportunities.

  • 8/7/2019 Enjoy Arlington - Spring 2011


    10 E j ! A l O n l in e r e g istr atiO n b e g in s M ar c h 29 at 8aM at w w . ar l in gtO n v a. us/ p r c r

    When and Howto Register!

    roceso de nscripcin para ClasesPara inscribirse por nternet, necesitar su

    nmero de cuenta que est ocaizado en aparte superior donde dice Friend of PC yaparece su direccin en e catogo. Adems,os cientes pueden amar a 703-228-4747 ocomunicarse por correo eectrnico a [email protected] para obtener su nmero.enga en cuenta que os nuevos cientes tienenque estabecer una cuenta por nternet antesde inscribirse. Esto se puede hacer en https://registration.aringtonva.us. na vez registrado,as conrmaciones sern enviadas por correoe da en que son procesadas o a su direccineectrnica. Por favor no ame a a ocina deinscripcin para hacer cambios o para vericarsi est inscrito en aguna case hasta que hayarecibido su conrmacin. A comenzar cadacase e participante deber rmar un acuerdo.En caso de que e participante sea un menorde edad, un aduto deber rmar. E que norme e acuerdo no podr participar en a case

    o programa. las personas de a tercera edad(mayores de 62 aos) que residen en Aringtonrecibirn un descuento de 30% de costopubicado en e catogo.

    Las personas de la tercera edadmayores de 62 aos que residenen Arlington recibirn undescuento del 30% del costo dela clase que est en el catlogo.

    agosiene que hacer e pago a momento de inscri-birse. Puede pagar con cheque o money ordera nombre de reasurer, Arington County,o con tareta de crdito Visa, Master Card,Discover o American Express. E nombre departicipante, direccin y nmero de tefonodeber aparecer en e cheque. De acuerdo conas regas de Condado de Arington, se cobrar

    $25 en caso de que e cheque sea devueto. Sino reside en Arington, se e cobrar $10 enadicin a costo de a case. En as cases de atademanda se cobrar $25 adicionaes.

    Descuenolos descuentos en a matrcua se basan en eingreso y nmero de miembros en a