enn26800 owner manual

user manual Fridge-Freezer ENN26800 Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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Electrolux. Thinking of you.

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CONTENTSSafety information 2Control panel 4First use 6Daily use 6Helpful hints and tips 7

Care and cleaning 8What to do if… 9Technical data 11Installation 11Environmental concerns 17

Subject to change without notice.

SAFETY INFORMATIONIn the interest of your safety and to ensurethe correct use, before installing and firstusing the appliance, read this user manualcarefully, including its hints and warnings.To avoid unnecessary mistakes and acci-dents, it is important to ensure that all peo-ple using the appliance are thoroughly fa-miliar with its operation and safety features.Save these instructions and make sure thatthey remain with the appliance if it is movedor sold, so that everyone using it through itslife will be properly informed on applianceuse and safety.For the safety of life and property keep theprecautions of these user's instructions asthe manufacturer is not responsible fordamages caused by omission.


• This appliance is not intended for use bypersons (including children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experience and knowledge, un-less they have been given supervision orinstruction concerning use of the appli-ance by a person responsible for theirsafety.Children should be supervised to ensurethat they do not play with the appliance.

• Keep all packaging well away from chil-dren. There is risk of suffocation.

• If you are discarding the appliance pullthe plug out of the socket, cut the con-nection cable (as close to the applianceas you can) and remove the door to pre-vent playing children to suffer electricshock or to close themselves into it.

• If this appliance featuring magnetic doorseals is to replace an older appliancehaving a spring lock (latch) on the door orlid, be sure to make that spring lock un-usable before you discard the old appli-ance. This will prevent it from becoming adeath trap for a child.



Keep ventilation openings, in the applianceenclosure or in the built-in structure, clear ofobstruction.• The appliance is intended for keeping

foodstuff and/or beverages in a normalhousehold as explained in this instructionbooklet.

• Do not use a mechanical device or anyartificial means to speed up the thawingprocess.

• Do not use other electrical appliances(such as ice cream makers) inside of re-frigerating appliances, unless they are ap-proved for this purpose by the manufac-turer.

• Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.• The refrigerant isobutane (R600a) is con-

tained within the refrigerant circuit of theappliance, a natural gas with a high levelof environmental compatibility, which isnevertheless flammable.During transportation and installation ofthe appliance, be certain that none of thecomponents of the refrigerant circuit be-come damaged.If the refrigerant circuit should becomedamaged:

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– avoid open flames and sources of igni-tion

– thoroughly ventilate the room in whichthe appliance is situated

• It is dangerous to alter the specificationsor modify this product in any way. Anydamage to the cord may cause a short-circuit, fire and/or electric shock.

Warning! Any electrical component(power cord, plug, compressor) mustbe replaced by a certified service agentor qualified service personnel to avoidhazard.

1. Power cord must not be lengthened.2. Make sure that the power plug is not

squashed or damaged by the backof the appliance. A squashed ordamaged power plug may overheatand cause a fire.

3. Make sure that you can come to themains plug of the appliance.

4. Do not pull the mains cable.5. If the power plug socket is loose, do

not insert the power plug. There is arisk of electric shock or fire.

6. You must not operate the appliancewithout the lamp cover (if foreseen) ofinterior lighting.

• This appliance is heavy. Care should betaken when moving it.

• Do not remove nor touch items from thefreezer compartment if your hands aredamp/wet, as this could cause skin abra-sions or frost/freezer burns.

• Avoid prolonged exposure of the appli-ance to direct sunlight.

• Bulb lamps (if foreseen) used in this appli-ance are special purpose lamps selectedfor household appliances use only. Theyare not suitable for household room illu-mination.


• Do not put hot pot on the plastic parts inthe appliance.

• Do not store flammable gas and liquid inthe appliance, because they may ex-plode.

• Do not place food products directlyagainst the air outlet on the rear wall. (Ifthe appliance is Frost Free)

• Frozen food must not be re-frozen onceit has been thawed out.

• Store pre-packed frozen food in accord-ance with the frozen food manufacturer'sinstructions.

• Appliance's manufacturers storage rec-ommendations should be strictly adheredto. Refer to relevant instructions.

• Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks inthe freezer compartment as it createspressure on the container, which maycause it to explode, resulting in damageto the appliance.

• Ice lollies can cause frost burns if con-sumed straight from the appliance.


• Before maintenance, switch off the appli-ance and disconnect the mains plug fromthe mains socket.

• Do not clean the appliance with metalobjects.

• Do not use sharp objects to remove frostfrom the appliance. Use a plastic scraper.

• Regularly examine the drain in the refrig-erator for defrosted water. If necessary,clean the drain. If the drain is blocked,water will collect in the bottom of the ap-pliance.


Important! For electrical connectioncarefully follow the instructions given inspecific paragraphs.

• Unpack the appliance and check if thereare damages on it. Do not connect theappliance if it is damaged. Report possi-ble damages immediately to the placeyou bought it. In that case retain packing.

• It is advisable to wait at least four hoursbefore connecting the appliance to allowthe oil to flow back in the compressor.

• Adequate air circulation should bearound the appliance, lacking this leadsto overheating. To achieve sufficient ven-tilation follow the instructions relevant toinstallation.

• Wherever possible the back of the prod-uct should be against a wall to avoidtouching or catching warm parts (com-pressor, condenser) to prevent possibleburn.

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• The appliance must not be located closeto radiators or cookers.

• Make sure that the mains plug is accessi-ble after the installation of the appliance.

• Connect to potable water supply only (If awater connection is foreseen).


• Any electrical work required to do theservicing of the appliance should be car-ried out by a qualified electrician or com-petent person.

• This product must be serviced by an au-thorized Service Centre, and only genu-ine spare parts must be used.


This appliance does not contain gasseswhich could damage the ozone layer,

in either its refrigerant circuit or insula-tion materials. The appliance shall notbe discarded together with the urbanrefuse and rubbish. The insulation foamcontains flammable gases: the appli-ance shall be disposed according tothe applicable regulations to obtainfrom your local authorities. Avoid dam-aging the cooling unit, especially at therear near the heat exchanger. The ma-terials used on this appliance markedby the symbol are recyclable.



1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ON/OFF switch

2 Freezer temperature regulator

3 Fridge-Freezer temperature indicationbutton

4 Display

5 Function buttonAlarm reset switch

6 Fridge temperature regulator


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Fridge compartment indicator

2 Freezer compartment indicator

3 Positive or negative temperature indica-tor

4 Temperature indicator

5 Action Freeze function

6 Shopping function


After plugging the plug into the power out-let, if the display is not illuminated, pressON/OFF switch.As soon as the appliance is turned on, thefollowing signals will appear on the controlpanel:

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• Positive or negative temperature indicatorwill be positive, indicating that the tem-perature is positive

• the temperature flashes, the backgroundof the display is red and you will hear abuzzer.

Press Function button and the buzzer willgo off (also refer to "Excessive temperaturealarm" ).Set the desired temperature (refer to "Tem-perature regulation").


The appliance is shut off by pressing ON/OFF switch for more than 1 second.After this, a countdown of the temperaturefrom -3 -2 -1 will be shown.When the appliance is switched off, Displayalso goes off.


Each time the Fridge-Freezer temperatureindication button is pressed, the display in-dicates in sequence:1. – The Fridge compartment indicator is

on.– The display indicates the fridge tem-

perature.2. – The Freezer compartment indicator is


– The display indicates the freezer tem-perature.

In any case, after 10 seconds normal dis-play conditions are restored.


Each time Function button is pressed, thefollowing functions are activated in a clock-wise direction:• Action Freeze function• Shopping function• no symbol: normal operation.

Important! You can set one function ON ata time.

To set the functions OFF, press the Func-tion button several times until no icon ap-pears.


The temperature within the appliance iscontrolled by the Temperature regulator sit-uated at the top of the appliance.The temperature of the fridge compartmentmay be regulated by rotating the Fridgetemperature regulator, and may vary be-tween more or less +2°C and +8°C.The temperature of the freezer compart-ment may be regulated by rotating theFreezer temperature regulator, and mayvary between more or less -15°C and-24°C.For a correct storage of the food the follow-ing temperatures should be set:+5°C in the fridge-18°C in the freezer.During normal functioning the Temperatureindicator shows the temperature currentlyset.To operate the appliance, proceed as fol-lows:• turn the Temperature regulator clockwise

to obtain the maximum coldness• turn the Temperature regulator counter-

clockwise to obtain the minimum cold-ness.

The intermediate position is usually themost suitable.However, the exact setting should be chos-en keeping in mind that the temperature in-side the appliance depends on:• room temperature• how often the door is opened• the quantity of food stored• the location of the appliance.


If you need to insert a large amount ofwarm food, for example after doing the gro-cery shopping, we suggest activating theShopping function to chill the productsmore rapidly and to avoid warming the oth-er food which is already in the refrigerator.The Shopping function is activated bypressing Function button (several times ifnecessary) until the corresponding icon ap-pears .The Shopping function shuts off automati-cally after approximately 6 hours.

1) In normal conditions.

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It is possible to deactivate the function atany time by pressing Function button (see"Activation of functions" ) .


To freeze fresh foods, you will need to acti-vate the Action Freeze function. PressFunction button (several times if necessary)until the corresponding icon appears.This function stops automatically after 52hours.It is possible to deactivate the function atany time by pressing Function button (referto "Functions Menu").


An increase in the temperature in the freez-er compartment (for example due to a pow-er failure) is indicated by:• flashing temperature• freezer compartment flashing (Freezer

compartment indicator )

• red illumination of display• sounding of buzzer• alarm symbol.When normal conditions are restored:• the acoustic signal shuts off• the temperature value continues to flash• the display illumination remains red.When you press Function button / Alarm re-set switch to deactivate the alarm, the high-est temperature reached in the compart-ment appears on indicator for someseconds.At this point the flashing stops and the dis-play illumination changes over from red towhite.During the alarm phase, the buzzer can beswitched off by pressing Function button /Alarm reset switch.The illumination of the display remains reduntil normal storage conditions are re-stored.


Before using the appliance for the first time,wash the interior and all internal accesso-ries with lukewarm water and some neutralsoap so as to remove the typical smell of abrand-new product, then dry thoroughly.

Important! Do not use detergents or abra-sive powders, as these will damage the fin-ish.


The freezer compartment is suitable forfreezing fresh food and storing frozen anddeep-frozen food for a long time.To freeze fresh food activate the ActionFreeze function at least 24 hours beforeplacing the food to be frozen in the freezercompartment.Place the fresh food to be frozen in the thirdcompartment.The maximum amount of food that can befrozen in 24 hours is specified on the ratingplate, a label located on the inside of theappliance.The freezing process lasts 24 hours: duringthis period do not add other food to be fro-zen.


When first starting-up or after a period outof use, before putting the products in thecompartment let the appliance run at least24 hours on the Action Freeze setting.If large quantities of food are to be stored,remove all drawers and baskets from appli-ance and place food on cooling shelves toobtain the best performance.

Warning! Make sure that foods do notexceed the load limit stated on the sideof the upper section (where applicable)

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Important! In the event of accidentaldefrosting, for example due to a powerfailure, if the power has been off for longerthat the value shown in the technicalcharacteristics chart under "rising time", thedefrosted food must be consumed quicklyor cooked immediately and then re-frozen(after cooling).


Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to beingused, can be thawed in the refrigeratorcompartment or at room temperature, de-pending on the time available for this opera-tion.Small pieces may even be cooked still fro-zen, directly from the freezer: in this case,cooking will take longer.


This appliance is equipped with one ormore trays for the production of ice-cubes.Fill these trays with water, then put them inthe freezer compartment.

Important! Do not use metallic instrumentsto remove the trays from the freezer.


The freezer contains at least one cold accu-mulator which increases storage time in theevent of a power cut or breakdown.


The walls of the refrigerator are equippedwith a series of runners so that the shelvescan be positioned as desired.For better use of space, the front half-shelves can lie over the rear ones.


To permit storage of food packages of vari-ous sizes, the door shelves can be placedat different heights.To make these adjustments proceed as fol-lows:gradually pull the shelf in the direction of thearrows until it comes free, then repositionas required.


• Do not open the door frequently or leaveit open longer than absolutely necessary.

• If the ambient temperature is high andthe Temperature Regulator is set to lowtemperature and the appliance is fullyloaded, the compressor may run continu-ously, causing frost or ice on the evapo-rator. If this happens, set the Tempera-ture Regulator toward warmer settings to

allow automatic defrosting and so a sav-ing in electricity consumption.


To obtain the best performance:• do not store warm food or evaporating

liquids in the refrigerator• do cover or wrap the food, particularly if it

has a strong flavour• position food so that air can circulate

freely around it

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Useful hints:Meat (all types) : wrap in polythene bagsand place on the glass shelf above the veg-etable drawer.For safety, store in this way only one or twodays at the most.Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc..: theseshould be covered and may be placed onany shelf.Fruit and vegetables: these should be thor-oughly cleaned and placed in the specialdrawer(s) provided.Butter and cheese: these should be placedin special airtight containers or wrapped inaluminium foil or polythene bags to excludeas much air as possible.Milk bottles: these should have a cap andshould be stored in the bottle rack on thedoor.Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if notpacked, must not be kept in the refrigera-tor.


To help you make the most of the freezingprocess, here are some important hints:• the maximum quantity of food which can

be frozen in 24 hrs. is shown on the rat-ing plate;

• the freezing process takes 24 hours. Nofurther food to be frozen should be add-ed during this period;

• only freeze top quality, fresh and thor-oughly cleaned, foodstuffs;

• prepare food in small portions to enable itto be rapidly and completely frozen and

to make it possible subsequently to thawonly the quantity required;

• wrap up the food in aluminium foil or pol-ythene and make sure that the packagesare airtight;

• do not allow fresh, unfrozen food totouch food which is already frozen, thusavoiding a rise in temperature of the lat-ter;

• lean foods store better and longer thanfatty ones; salt reduces the storage life offood;

• water ices, if consumed immediately afterremoval from the freezer compartment,can possibly cause the skin to be freezeburnt;

• it is advisable to show the freezing in dateon each individual pack to enable you tokeep tab of the storage time.


To obtain the best performance from thisappliance, you should:• make sure that the commercially frozen

foodstuffs were adequately stored by theretailer;

• be sure that frozen foodstuffs are trans-ferred from the foodstore to the freezer inthe shortest possible time;

• not open the door frequently or leave itopen longer than absolutely necessary;

• once defrosted, food deteriorates rapidlyand cannot be refrozen;

• do not exceed the storage period indica-ted by the food manufacturer.

CARE AND CLEANINGCaution! Unplug the appliance beforecarrying out any maintenanceoperation.

This appliance contains hydrocarbonsin its cooling unit; maintenance and re-charging must therefore only be carriedout by authorized technicians.


The equipment has to be cleaned regularly:• clean the inside and accessories with

lukewarm water and some neutral soap.

• regularly check the door seals and wipeclean to ensure they are clean and freefrom debris.

• rinse and dry thoroughly.

Important! Do not pull, move or damageany pipes and/or cables inside the cabinet.Never use detergents, abrasive powders,highly perfumed cleaning products or waxpolishes to clean the interior as this willdamage the surface and leave a strongodour.

Clean the condenser (black grill) and thecompressor at the back of the appliance

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with a brush. This operation will improve theperformance of the appliance and saveelectricity consumption.

Important! Take care of not to damage thecooling system.

Many proprietary kitchen surface cleanerscontain chemicals that can attack/damagethe plastics used in this appliance. For thisreason it is recommended that the outercasing of this appliance is only cleaned withwarm water with a little washing-up liquidadded.After cleaning, reconnect the equipment tothe mains supply.


Frost is automatically eliminated from theevaporator of the refrigerator compartmentevery time the motor compressor stops,during normal use. The defrost water drainsout through a trough into a special contain-er at the back of the appliance, over themotor compressor, where it evaporates.


The freezer compartment of this model, onthe other hand, is a "no frost" type. This

means that there is no buildup of frostwhen it is in operation, neither on the inter-nal walls nor on the foods.The absence of frost is due to the continu-ous circulation of cold air inside the com-partment, driven by an automatically con-trolled fan.


When the appliance is not in use for longperiods, take the following precautions:• disconnect the appliance from elec-

tricity supply• remove all food• defrost (if foreseen) and clean the appli-

ance and all accessories• leave the door/doors ajar to prevent un-

pleasant smells.If the cabinet will be kept on, ask some-body to check it once in a while to preventthe food inside from spoiling in case of apower failure.

WHAT TO DO IF…Warning! Before troubleshooting,disconnect the mains plug from themains socket.Only a qualified electrician or compe-tent person must do the troubleshoot-ing that is not in this manual.

Important! There are some sounds duringnormal use (compressor, refrigerantcirculation).

Problem Possible cause Solution

The appliance does notoperate. The lamp doesnot operate.

The appliance is switched off. Switch on the appliance.

The mains plug is not connectedto the mains socket correctly.

Connect the mains plug to themains socket correctly.

The appliance has no power.There is no voltage in the mainssocket.

Connect a different electrical ap-pliance to the mains socket.Contact a qualified electrician.

The lamp does not work. The lamp is in stand-by. Close and open the door.

The lamp is defective. Refer to "Replacing the lamp".

The compressor oper-ates continually.

The temperature is not set cor-rectly.

Set a higher temperature.

The door is not closed correctly. Refer to "Closing the door".

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Problem Possible cause Solution

The door has been opened toofrequently.

Do not keep the door open longerthan necessary.

The product temperature is toohigh.

Let the product temperature de-crease to room temperature be-fore storage.

The room temperature is toohigh.

Decrease the room temperature.

Water flows on the rearplate of the refrigerator.

During the automatic defrostingprocess, frost defrosts on therear plate.

This is correct.

Water flows into the re-frigerator.

The water outlet is clogged. Clean the water outlet.

Products prevent that waterflows into the water collector.

Make sure that products do nottouch the rear plate.

Water flows on theground.

The melting water outlet doesnot flow in the evaporative trayabove the compressor.

Attach the melting water outlet tothe evaporative tray.

The temperature in theappliance is too low.

The temperature regulator is notset correctly.

Set a higher temperature.

The temperature in theappliance is too high.

The temperature regulator is notset correctly.

Set a lower temperature.

The door is not closed correctly. Refer to "Closing the door".

The product temperature is toohigh.

Let the product temperature de-crease to room temperature be-fore storage.

Many products are stored at thesame time.

Store less products at the sametime.

The temperature in therefrigerator is too high.

There is no cold air circulation inthe appliance.

Make sure that there is cold aircirculation in the appliance.

The temperature in thefreezer is too high.

Products are too near to eachother.

Store products so that there iscold air circulation.

There is too much frost. Food is not wrapped correctly. Wrap the food correctly.

The door is not closed correctly. Refer to "Closing the door".

The temperature regulator is notset correctly.

Set a higher temperature.


Caution! Disconnect the plug from themains socket.

1. Press on the rear hook and at the sametime slide the cover in the direction ofthe arrow.

2. Replace the lamp with one of the samepower and specifically designed forhousehold appliances. (the maximumpower is shown on the light bulb cov-er).

3. Install the lamp cover by fixing it into itsoriginal position.

4. Connect the plug to the mains socket.

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5. Open the door. Make sure that the lightcomes on.


1. Clean the door gaskets.2. If necessary, adjust the door. Refer to

"Installation".3. If necessary, replace the defective door

gaskets. Contact the Service Center.


Dimension of the recess

Height 1780 mm

Width 560 mm

Depth 550 mm

Rising Time 25 h

Voltage 230-240 V

Frequency 50 Hz

The technical information are situated in therating plate on the internal left side of theappliance and in the energy label.

INSTALLATIONRead the "Safety Information" carefullyfor your safety and correct operation ofthe appliance before installing theappliance.


Install this appliance at a location where theambient temperature corresponds to theclimate class indicated on the rating plate ofthe appliance:


Ambient temperature

SN +10°C to + 32°C

N +16°C to + 32°C

ST +16°C to + 38°C

T +16°C to + 43°C


Caution! Any electrical work requiredto install this appliance should becarried out by a qualified electrician orcompetent person.

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Warning! This appliance must beearthed.The manufacturer declines any liabilityshould these safety measures not beobserved.

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Important! The wires in the mains lead arecoloured in accordance with the followingcode:

1 Green and Yellow: Earth

3 Brown: Live

5 Blue: Neutral

As the colours of the wires in the mainslead of this appliance may not correspondwith the coloured markings identifying theterminals in your plug, proceed as follows:1. Connect the wire coloured green and

yellow to the terminal marked eitherwith the letter “E“ or by the earth sym-bol or coloured green and yellow.

2. Connect the wire coloured blue to theterminal either marked with the letter“N“ or coloured black.

3. Connect the wire coloured brown tothe terminal either marked with the“L“ or coloured red.

4. Check that no cut, or stray strands of

wire is present and the cord clamp 4is secure over the outer sheath.

5. Make sure the electricity supply voltageis the same as that indicated on the ap-pliance rating plate.

6. Switch on the appliance.The appliance is supplied with a 13 amp

plug fitted 2 . In the event of having tochange the fuse in the plug supplied, a 13amp ASTA approved (BS 1362) fuse mustbe used.

Warning! A cut off plug inserted into a13 amp socket is a serious safety(shock) hazard. Ensure that it isdisposed of safely.


Your appliance is equipped with shelf re-tainers that make it possible to secure theshelves during transportation.To remove them proceed as follows:1. Move the shelf holders in the direction

of the arrow (A).2. Raise the shelf from the rear and push

it forward until it is freed (B).3. Remove the retainers (C).


The door of the appliance opens to theright. If you want to open the door to theleft, do these steps before you install theappliance:1. Loosen and remove the upper pin.2. Remove the upper door.3. Remove the spacer.4. Loosen the middle hinge.5. Remove the lower door.6. Loosen and remove the lower pin.

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On the opposite side:1. Tighten the lower pin.2. Install the lower door.3. Tighten the middle hinge.4. Install the spacer.5. Install the upper door.6. Tighten the upper pin.


The airflow behind the appliance must besufficient.

min.200 cm2

min.200 cm2


Caution! Make sure that the mainscable can move freely.

Do these steps.

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1. If necessary cut the adhesive sealingstrip and then apply it to the applianceas shown in figure.

2. Install the appliance in the niche.Push the appliance in the direction ofthe arrows (1) until the upper gap coverstops against the kitchen furniture.Push the appliance in the direction ofthe arrows (2) against the cupboard onthe opposite side of the hinge.





3. Adjust the appliance in the niche.Make sure that the distance betweenthe appliance and the cupboard front-edge is 44 mm.The lower hinge cover (in the accesso-ries bag) makes sure that the distancebetween the appliance and the kitchenfurniture is correct.Make sure that the clearance betweenthe appliance and the cupboard is 4mm.Open the door. Put the lower hingecover in position.



4. Attach the appliance to the niche with 4screws.


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5. Remove the correct part from the hingecover (E). Make sure to remove the partDX, in the case of right hinge, SX in op-posite case.

6. Attach the covers (C, D) to the lugs andthe hinge holes.Install the vent grille (B).Attach the hinge covers (E) to thehinge.




7. Connect the appliance laterally to thekitchen furniture sidewall:– Fit the bracket (E) and (F), adjust the

distance.Fix using the screws (as in figure).

– Fit the cover (D).




8. Disconnect the parts (Ha), (Hb), (Hc)and (Hd).

Ha Hb



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9. Install the part (Ha) on the inner side ofthe kitchen furniture.

ca. 50 mm

ca. 50 mm

21 mm



21 mm

10. Push the part (Hc) on the part (Ha).



11. Open the appliance door and the kitch-en furniture door at an angle of 90°.Insert the small square (Hb) into guide(Ha).Put together the appliance door andthe furniture door and mark the holes.



8 mm

12. Remove the brackets and mark a dis-tance of 8 mm from the outer edge ofthe door where the nail must be fitted(K).



8 mm

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13. Place the small square on the guideagain and fix it with the screws sup-plied.Align the kitchen furniture door and theappliance door by adjusting the part(Hb).


14. Press the part (Hd) on the part (Hb).



Do a final check to make sure that:• All screws are tightened.• The magnetic sealing strip is attached

tightly to the cabinet.• The door opens and closes correctly.


The symbol on the product or on itspackaging indicates that this product maynot be treated as household waste. Insteadit should be taken to the appropriatecollection point for the recycling of electricaland electronic equipment. By ensuring thisproduct is disposed of correctly, you willhelp prevent potential negative

consequences for the environment andhuman health, which could otherwise becaused by inappropriate waste handling ofthis product. For more detailed informationabout recycling of this product, pleasecontact your local council, your householdwaste disposal service or the shop whereyou purchased the product.

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