ensighten roi calculator

Savings Calculator Step 1 ) Please fill out your Company Information below. Step 2 ) Modify or customize the Observed Savings Metrics to the right. Step 3 ) Review your results on the ROI Estimates and Break-Down of Savings tabs. Step 4 ) Share with your organization or incorporate into your broader analysis or presentation. Your Company Information Observed Savings Metrics 1 )Company Name 1 )Cost of vendor deployment 2 )Total annual online media budget $50,000 2 )Average cost for tag-related changes 3 )Total annual tag-dependent vendor budget $5,000 4 )Number of tag-dependent vendor tools deployed annually 3 )Average cost for mobile or flash tag changes 5 )Number of tag-related changes made annually $10,000 6 )Of those changes, how many are mobile or flash tags? 4 )Value of more accurate and flexible analytics data 7 )Total eCommerce revenue (if applicable) $50,000 5 )Value of privacy policy compliance management $50,000 © Ensighten, 2011 Ensighten Manage, having been deployed on hundreds of sites, has provided significant savings in time and resources for its clients. We have compiled some of the most significant factors of ROI, so that you may easily calculate the value of Ensighten Manage for your company. These figures are based on information that we have gathered and that clients have provided. Since all businesses are different, it is expected that the figures set forward will not necessarily be transferrable to your organization. We invite you to customize these figures to suit your business and create an accurate ROI estimate. (Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.) (Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.) (Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.) (Includes savings associated with earlier access to data due to faster deployments and additional data due to asynchonous tag loading.) (Includes reduced cost and reduced risk associated with maintaining best of breed consumer privacy compliance.) < ensighten.com | [email protected] | 650-249-4712 | Cupertino, CA >

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Post on 22-Aug-2014




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See this ROI calculator from one of our leading tag management partners, Ensighten.


Savings Calculator

Ensighten Manage, having been deployed on hundreds of sites, has provided significant savings in time and resources for its clients. We have compiled some of the most significant factors of ROI, so that you may easily calculate the value of Ensighten Manage for your company. These figures are based on information that we have gathered and that clients have provided. Since all businesses are different, it is expected that the figures set forward will not necessarily be transferrable to your organization. We invite you to customize these figures to suit your business and create an accurate ROI estimate. Step 1 ) Please fill out your Company Information below. Step 2 ) Modify or customize the Observed Savings Metrics to the right. Step 3 ) Review your results on the ROI Estimates and Break-Down of Savings tabs. Step 4 ) Share with your organization or incorporate into your broader analysis or presentation.

Your Company Information1 ) Company Name

Observed Savings Metrics1 ) Cost of vendor deployment(Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.)

2 ) Total annual online media budget

$50,000 2 ) Average cost for tag-related changes

3 ) Total annual tag-dependent vendor budget

(Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.)

$5,000 4 ) Number of tag-dependent vendor tools deployed annually 3 ) Average cost for mobile or flash tag changes 5 ) Number of tag-related changes made annually(Includes all associated costs, e.g., IT resources, developers, agencies, consultants and internal resources.)

$10,000 6 ) Of those changes, how many are mobile or flash tags? 4 ) Value of more accurate and flexible analytics data(Includes savings associated with earlier access to data due to faster deployments and additional data due to asynchonous tag loading.)

7 ) Total eCommerce revenue (if applicable)

$50,000 5 ) Value of privacy policy compliance management(Includes reduced cost and reduced risk associated with maintaining best of breed consumer privacy compliance.)


< ensighten.com | [email protected] | 650-249-4712 | Cupertino, CA >

Ensighten, 2011

Savings Calculator

Quantifiable Results Savings for Tag-Dependent Vendor Tools Improved eCommerce profit Enhanced Media Effectiveness Improved Web Analytics Data Savings Risk Reduction and Privacy Value Total Value of Ensighten for your company $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $100,000

Non-Quantifiable BenefitsFaster time to market Elimination of vendor lock-in Increased data accuracy due to asynchronous loading time Extended functionality of vendor tools Improved social media and mobile tracking data

InputsTotal annual online media budget Total annual tag-dependent vendor budget Number of tag-dependent vendor tools deployed annually Number of tag-related changes made annually Of those changes, how many are mobile or flash tags? Total eCommerce revenue (if applicable)< ensighten.com | [email protected] | 650-249-4712 | Cupertino, CA >

$0 $0 0 0 0 $0 Ensighten, 2011

< ensighten.com | [email protected] | 650-249-4712 >

Savings Calculator

Savings for Tag-Dependent Vendor ToolsSavings in vendor deployment costs Number of tag-dependent vendor tools deployed annually Average cost deployment of each tag-dependent application Ensighten can reduce deployment costs by 95%* 0 $50,000 95%

$0Savings in tag changes Number of tag-related changes made annually Average cost for tag-related changes Ensighten can reduce tag change costs by 100%* 0 $5,000 100%

$0Savings in flash or mobile tag changes Mobile or flash tag changes made annually Average cost for mobile or flash tag changes Ensighten can reduce mobile and flash change costs by 100%* 0 $10,000 100%

$0Savings due to eliminated vendor lock-in Total annual tag-dependent vendor budget Ensighten can produce 5% savings due to increased leverage from reduced vendor lock-in and switching costs* $0 5%

$0 $0

Improved eCommerce ProfitsTotal eCommerce revenue (if applicable) By increasing page load time by .5 second, Ensighten can increase conversion rate by 3.5%** $0 4%


Enhanced Media Effectiveness ValueTotal annual online media budget Ensighten can improve media budget effectiveness by 3% via better campaign measurement and management $0 3%


Enhanced Analytics Effectiveness ValueValue of more accurate and flexible analytics data


Risk Reduction and Privacy ValueValue of privacy policy compliance management*Based on Ensighten and Ensighten customer findings. ** Based on research by Aberdeen Group. Ensighten Manage is available for a wide variety of business. Due to the variance of different businesses, the value of Ensighten Manage may vary. Ensighten, 2011


< ensighten.com | [email protected] | 650-249-4712 | Cupertino, CA >