enterprise workflow with apps script

Claudio Cherubino Google Apps Developer Relations http://plus.claudiocherubino.it Enterprise Workflow with Apps Script

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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Enterprise workflow with Apps Script

Claudio CherubinoGoogle Apps Developer Relations


Enterprise Workflow withApps Script

Page 2: Enterprise workflow with Apps Script

What is Apps Script?

● JavaScript engine in the cloud○ JavaScript Runtime○ Write and execute code in browser

● Comes with○ JavaScript syntax and classes○ Built-in access to various Google APIs○ Ability to integrate 3rd party services

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Why Apps Script?

Don't hate, automate

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Where is Apps Script?

● Executed in a variety of different ways○ Spreadsheet, Sites, Standalone, Async

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Who can use Apps Script?

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Apps Script Services

Don't hate, automate

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A basic example

// Function to convert from inches to centimeters function in2cm(inNum) { var outNum = 0; // this will hold the result var factor = 2.54; // multiply input by this factor if (typeof inNum != "number") { return("error: input must be a number"); } outNum = inNum * factor; return outNum; }

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Let's write some code...

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function main() { var documentId = '18ByAQxeL...'; var letter = DocumentApp.openById(documentId);

var subject = letter.getName(); var message = readDocumentBody(letter); }

function readDocumentBody(document) { var paragraphs = document.getParagraphs(); var txt = "";

for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) { if (paragraphs[i].getNumChildren() > 0) { txt += paragraphs[i].getChild(0).getText(); } txt += "\n"; } return txt; }

Read the content of a Google Doc

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function main() { var documentId = '18ByAQxeL...'; var letter = DocumentApp.openById(documentId);

var subject = letter.getName(); var message = readDocumentBody(letter);

// retrieve GOOG stock price var stockInfo = FinanceApp.getStockInfo('GOOG'); var stockPrice = Math.round(stockInfo.price * 100) / 100; var stockValue = stockPrice + ' ' + stockInfo.currency;

// replace placeholder with current stock value message = message.replace('[STOCKVALUE]', stockValue); }

Retrieve stock information

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var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1; // Number of rows to process

var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 4); var data = dataRange.getValues();

for (i in data) { var row = data[i]; var name = row[0]; var emailAddress = row[1]; var language = row[2]; var location = row[3];

// personalize letter with shareholder's name var text = message.replace('[SHAREHOLDER]', name); }

Process users from spreadsheet

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for (i in data) { var row = data[i]; var name = row[0]; var emailAddress = row[1]; var language = row[2]; var location = row[3];

// personalize letter with shareholder's name var text = message.replace('[SHAREHOLDER]', name);

if (language != 'en') { text = LanguageApp.translate(text, 'en', language); } }

Automatically translate messages

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for (i in data) { var row = data[i]; var name = row[0]; var emailAddress = row[1]; var language = row[2]; var location = row[3];

// personalize letter with shareholder's name var text = message.replace('[SHAREHOLDER]', name);

if (language != 'en') { text = LanguageApp.translate(text, 'en', language); }

MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, text); }

Send mail from a script

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var map = Maps.newStaticMap().setSize(1024, 1024); for (i in data) { var row = data[i]; var name = row[0]; var emailAddress = row[1]; var language = row[2]; var location = row[3];

// personalize letter with shareholder's name var text = message.replace('[SHAREHOLDER]', name);

if (language != 'en') { text = LanguageApp.translate(text, 'en', language); }

MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, text); map.addMarker(location); } var mapUrl = map.getMapUrl();

Add markers to Google Maps

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More examples...

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Calendar API

// get user's calendar var calendar = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar();

// schedule event var startDate = new Date(); var endDate = new Date(startDate); endDate.setHours(startDate.getHours()+2);

var event = calendar.createEvent( "Training:", startDate, endDate, {description:"Training event"});

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3rd-party APIs

// function to access Netflix API function searchNetflixTitles(genre, startPosition, numberOfResults) { var ODATA_GENRE_URL = "http://odata.netflix.com/Catalog/Genres";

var requestURL = ODATA_GENRE_URL + "('" + genre + "')/Titles?" + "$select=Name,ShortSynopsis&$format=json&$skip=" + startPosition + "&$top=" + numberOfResults;

var content = UrlFetchApp.fetch(requestURL); var result = Utilities.jsonParse(content.getContentText()); return result; }

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// create List Box Message Label var listBoxMessageLabel = app.createLabel() .setText("1. Choose the Training Category:"); decorateLabel_(listBoxMessageLabel);

// create List Box var categoryListBox = app.createListBox() .setName("categoryListBox") .setId("categoryListBox"); categoryListBox.addItem("Category List", "0"); categoryListBox.addItem("Language Instruction", "1"); categoryListBox.addItem("Computers & Electronics", "2"); decorateLabel_(categoryListBox);

// create change handler var categorySelectHandler = app.createServerChangeHandler("categorySelectionHandler_");

categorySelectHandler.addCallbackElement(mainPanel); categoryListBox.addChangeHandler(categorySelectHandler);

Ui Services

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function getData() { // populate the DataTable. We'll have the data labels in // the first column, "Quarter", and then add two data columns, // for "Income" and "Expenses"List Box Message Label var dataTable = Charts.newDataTable() .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING, "Quarter") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Income") .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Expenses") .addRow(["Q1", 50, 60]) .addRow(["Q2", 60, 55]) .addRow(["Q3", 70, 60]) .addRow(["Q4", 100, 50]) .build(); return dataTable; }

Charts Services - 1/2

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function buildChart(dataTable) { // Build the chart. We'll make income green and expenses red var chart = Charts.newColumnChart() .setDataTable(dataTable) .setColors(["green", "red"]) .setDimensions(600, 400) .setXAxisTitle("Quarters") .setYAxisTitle("$") .setTitle("Income and Expenses per Quarter") .build();

return chart; }

function main() { var chart = buildChart(getData()); var ui = UiApp.createApplication(); ui.add(chart); SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().show(ui); }

Charts Services - 2/2

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● Trigger ~= Event handler

● Triggers allow asynchronous execution of scripts

○ Helps in automation○ A user no longer has to manually execute the script

● Two Types of Triggers○ Event Driven - onEdit, onInstall, onOpen○ Time Driven

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● Apps Script documentation○ http://code.google.com/googleapps/appsscript/

● Tutorials○ http://code.google.com/googleapps/appsscript/articles.html

● Online community○ http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/apps-script/

● Google Apps Script Blog○ http://googleappsscript.blogspot.com/

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