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www.way2freshers.com www.way2freshers.com 1) Azad Hind Fauj was A) Indian National Army B) British National Army C) Pakistan National Army D) French National Army Explanation - : INA was formed in 1942 in South East Asia. Motto unity, Faith and sacrifice in Hindustani. Bose formed the “Azad Hind Government”. In 21 st October 1943. INA freed the Andaman and Nicobar Islands were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheed islands . 2) Planning Commission of India was set up in the year A) 1950 B) 1949 C) 1951 D) 1952 Explanation - : Planning Commission, Extra constitutional, Non- statutory and Advisory body. By an executive order in t h 15 March 1945. First Deputy Chairman, Gulzari Lal Nanda & T.T. Krishnamachari 3) The State Governor must have completed…….years of age A) 30 B) 35 C) 40 D) 45 www.way2freshers.com Explanation - : Governor, President = 35 years Chief Minister = 25 Prime Minister = 25 MLA = 25 Member in Lok Sabha = 25 Rajya Sabha member = 30 2 4)x +10x+21=0 The solution set of x+10x+21 = 0 is A) {7,3} B) {7, -3} C) {-7, 3} D) {-7, -3} Short Cut: 2 x +10x+21 = 0 this quadratic equation does not contain any negative term, so the roots must be negative so answer is {-7, -3}. With Explanation - : x +10x+21 = 0 2 x +7x+3x+21 = 0 x(x+7)+3(x+3) = 0 (x+3) (x+7) = 0 x+3 = 0 (or) x+7 = 0 x = -3 (or) -7 5) The Election Commission of India is a body of……..members. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3D) 4 Explanation - : 1 Chief Election Commissioner and 2 other Election Commissioners.

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Azad Hind Fauj wasA) Indian National ArmyB) British National ArmyC) Pakistan National ArmyD) French National ArmyExplanation - :INA was formed in 1942 in South East Asia. Mottounity, Faith and sacrifice in Hindustani.Bose formed the “Azad Hind Government”. In 21 st

October 1943. INA freed the Andaman and NicobarIslands were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheedislands .

2)Planning Commission of India was set up in the yearA) 1950 B) 1949 C) 1951 D) 1952Explanation - :Planning Commission, Extra constitutional, Non-statutory and Advisory body. By an executive order in

t h15 March 1945. First Deputy Chairman, Gulzari LalNanda & T.T. Krishnamachari


The State Governor must have completed…….years ofageA) 30 B) 35 C) 40 D) 45www.way2freshers.comExplanation - :Governor, President = 35 yearsChief Minister = 25Prime Minister = 25MLA = 25Member in Lok Sabha = 25Rajya Sabha member = 30

24) x +10x+21=0The solution set of x+10x+21 = 0 isA) {7,3} B) {7, -3} C) {-7, 3} D) {-7, -3}Short Cut:

2x +10x+21 = 0 this quadratic equation does not containany negative term, so the roots must be negative soanswer is {-7, -3}.With Explanation - :x +10x+21 = 0

2x +7x+3x+21 = 0x(x+7)+3(x+3) = 0(x+3) (x+7) = 0x+3 = 0 (or) x+7 = 0x = -3 (or) -7


The Election Commission of India is a bodyof……..members.A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4Explanation - :1 Chief Election Commissioner and 2 other ElectionCommissioners.

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Recommended by Dinesh Goswami Committee, 1990 12)6)

The Pandiyan king who put an end of the Kalabhra rule The construction of Qutb-Minar was started byis A) Iltutmish B) Qutb-ub-din-AibakA) Kadungon B) Simhavishnu C) Razia D) BalbanC) Maravarman D) Achuthan Explanation - :Explanation - : Iltumish: Completed by Iltumish


In Tamil Nadu there is a……..tier system of Rural local7) government

A) one B) two C) three D) fourExplanation - :

‘Narai mudithu sollal murai seidha cholan” is Village Panchayat, Panchayat union, Dist PanchayatA) Kulothungan B) Rajendran I 14)C) Karikalan D) Vijayalayan


Tamil Nadu is………..in geographical area among thestates of the Indian unionA) Eleventh B) SecondC) Third D) Seventh

The plan launched on the fiftieth year of Independence Explanation - :was t h thPopulation: 6 ; Population Density: 6A) Third Five-Year Plan B) Eighth Five-Year Plan 15)C) Tenth Five-Year Plan D) Ninth Five-Year Plan


www.way2freshers.comAccording to 2001 Census, India’s population wasA) 1.027 billion B) 1.037 billion

The north-eastern parts of Himalayas receive more C) 1.047 billion D) 1.057 billionthan 300 cm rainfall by (Or) 1027 Crores.A) Bay of Bengal branch B) Arabian sea branch 16)C) Gulf of Khambhat branch D) Konkan branchExplanation - : The stepping stone for the progress of the society isBay of Bengal branch: Kerala upto Punjab thru A) School B) College C) University D) OfficeAravallis

17)Arabian sea branch: Andaman & Nicobar, NE statesupto Punjab Plains

10)Simple interest for Rs.5,000 at the rate of 5% for 2years isA) Rs. 250 B) Rs. 500 C) Rs.750 D) Rs. 800The name of scales in Mullet fish isExplanation - :A) Placoid B) Cycloid C) Ctenoid D) Ganoid

PnrExplanation - : S.I = , P = 5000, n = 2, r = 5%100Placoid: for sharks

Ctenoid: Comb like scales 5000 2 5 500S.I =Ganoid: Scales with shiny covering 10011) 18)

Who was praised as “Minnanar Vanangum Deivam”?A) Wife of Kusela B) Ananganar The ultraviolet rays from the sunlight causesC) Wife of Krishna D) Anusuya A) skin cancer B) blood cancerSource : School Book

C) lung cancer D) bone cancerExplanation - :Reason: Ozone depletion leads to skin cancer &cataract

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19) 26)Which equation has y = 4 as solution?

Which is not a simple fruit? A) 2y + 3 = 0 B) y - 7 = 2 C) y + 3 = 7 D) y + 4 = 0A) Polyalthia B) Berry C) Pepo D) Drupe Explanation - :Explanation - : y+3 = 7 y = 7 – 3 = 4 y = 4Polyalthia: Aggregate 27)Berry: TomatoPepo: CucumberDrupe: Mango

20)One a.m.u is equal toA) 139 Mev B) 391 Mev Two prominent leaders of Punjab were arrested inC) 931 Mev D) 936 Mev connection with the hartal against Rowlatt Act. They areExplanation - : A) Jawaharlal Nehru and GandhiEnergy obtained in disintegration of 1 atom (or 1 atomic B) Motilal Nehru and C.R.Dasmass unit) C) Satyapal and Saifuddin Kichloo

21) D) Tilak and Bipin Chandra PalExplanation - :Rowlatt Act - 1919

28)The Operation Flood Programme relates toA) milk production developmentB) water resources development Large number of jute mills found on the banks of theC) flood control riverD) poultry development A) Kosi B) Hooghly C) Tapti D) IndusExplanation - : Explanation - :Father of White Revolution – Verguese Kurien Distributary to River Ganga

22) Kolkatta city is situated on the banks of river Hooghly29)

www.way2freshers.comThe Andes mountain range is located inA) North America B) Asia The Samarasa Suttha Sanmarga Sangam was foundedC) South America D) Australia byExplanation - : A) Periyar B) VallalarNorth America: Rockies C) Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy D) T.M. NairAsia: Himalayas Explanation - :

23) Periyar – Self Respect movementDr. Muthulakshmi Reddy – Avvai Illam

The state which ranks first in per capita income is T.M. Nair – Justice Party30)A) Orissa B) Bihar C) Punjab D) Gujarat

Explanation - :Among Union territories: Chandigarh

Rajya Sabha members are elected for a period of24)A) four years B) three yearsC) five years D) six yearsExplanation - :Incidence of ‘Yeasu Kaviyam’ was held at

A) Jerusalem B) Somalia Qualification age: 30 yearsOne third retire once in 2 yearsC) Jordan D) Samaria

31)Explanation - :(According to School Book, most of the incidenttook place in Jeruselam, but some also in “D”)Yeasu Kaviyam written by Kannadasan Insulin is a/an

25) A) human growth hormone B) therapeutic productC) vaccine D) organic acidExplanation - :

Vellore Sepoy Mutiny was fought in ‘Therapy’ means treatment for the treatment of diabetesA) 1806 A.D B) 1860 A.DC) 1804 A.D D) 1857 A.DExplanation - :

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32) 38)

The first known metal to man isThe main aim of non-co-operation movement wasA) Gold B) Copper C) Iron D) SilverA) large scale demonstrations B) HartalExplanation - :C) non-payment of taxes D) to attain Swaraj6 standard book Chapter - 1, & Self evaluationth

Explanation - :33)Started in 1920. Suspended by Gandhiji in 1922 due tochauri-chaura incident

39)Formation of red blood cells in a normal human adultoccurs in

Bauxite is an ore ofA) muscle B) spleen C) bone marrow D) skinA) Aluminium B) Iron C) Copper D) MicaExplanation - :Explanation - :Life span: 120 days; disintegrated in spleenCopper - Copper Pyrites34)Iron – Magnetite, HaematiteThe melting point of silver isMica – a mineralA) 327 C B) 80 C C) 961 C D) 1083 C0 0 00

40)Explanation - :0Iron – 1536 C

0Gold – 1064 CThe headquarters of World Trade Organisation is atA) New York B) Geneva C) London D) WarsawExplanation - :35)Established in 1995.

18 ct contains……% weight of gold. Present Director General - Mr.Pascal LamyA) 91.6 B) 75 C) 100 D) 94

41)Explanation - :24 Carat = 100%22 Carat = 91.6%

Who bagged two Oscar awards for the film ‘Slumdog100 100 3 Millionaire’?18 75 %18 Carat = www.way2freshers.com24 4 A) Gulzar B) Bhanu AthaiyaC) Satyajit Ray D)AR Rahman36) Explanation - :

The cube root of 512 is Gulzar: Shared ‘oscar’ with A.R. Rahman for lyrics of‘Jai Ho’A) 18 B) 8 C) 6 D) 16

stBhanu Athaiya: 1 Indian to win OscarExplanation - :Satyajit Ray: Winner of ‘Lifetime Achievement Oscar8 8 8 512 512 83, (ie) Award’

37) 42)

The First President of India was Who received the Padma Bhushan award for socialA) Dr. Rajendra Prasad work in 2009?B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan A) V.P. Dhananjayan B) Sarojini VaradappanC) V.V. Giri C) D. Jayakanthan D) G. Sivarama KrishnamurthyD) Giani Zail Singh Explanation - :Explanation - : V.P. Dhananjayan: Arts (Bharatanatyam)

ndDr. S. Radhakrishnan: 2 President of India Sarojini Varadappan: Social ActiviststV.V. Giri: 1 independent candidate to win presidential D. Jayakanthan: Writer

election G. Sivarama Krishnamurthy: ArtsstGiani Zail Singh: 1 Sikh President 43)

Who was the President of India during the year 2002-2007?A) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam B) K.R. NarayananC) R.Venkataraman D) B.D. JattiExplanation - :Books by him – Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, India 2020

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Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Schemewas introduced in the yearA) 2007 B) 2009 C) 2010 D) 2008 A) Darwin B) MendelExplanation - :

C) Schwann D) OperonNREGS introduced in 2006. Renamed as MGNRES in

Explanation - :2009Schwann & Scleiden in 1838-39


The first totally literate district in India is52)

A) Nellore in Andhra Pradesh B) Ernakulam in KeralaC) Kolar in Karnataka D) Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu

Explanation - :Kerala – highest literacy rate in India

Circular extra genomic DNA is called46) A) Recipient cell B) Plasmid

C) Flagella D) PilusExplanation - :Found in E.coli used in genetic engineering

The first Indian woman who travelled in American53)space shuttle, Columbia was

A) Indira Nooyi B) Sania MirzaWhat force would be needed to produce anC) Kalpana Chawla D) Pratibha Patelacceleration of 1 ms on a ball of mass 1 kg?-2

Explanation - :A) 1N B) 2N C) 3N D) 4NKalpana Chawla - Belonged to Haryana stateExplanation - :Columbia crashed in 2003F = ma47) -2F = 1kg × 1 ms

2= 1 kg.m/s= 1Nwww.way2freshers.comThe first woman DGP in Tamil Nadu is 54)

A) Thilagavathy B) Lathika SaranC) Aruna D) Kiran Bedi

48) X-rays were invented byA) J.J. Thomson B) FaradayC) Roentgen D) Henry BecquerelExplanation -

World’s fifth most powerful Indian woman in business is J.J. Thomson: ElectronA) Meira Kumar B) Fathima Bibi Faraday: Electro-magnetic InductionC) Pratibha Patel D) Indira Nooyi


t h20 Commonwealth Speakers Conference was held atA) New Delhi B) MumbaiC) Chennai D) Thiruvananthapuram


Branches of which tree appear on the UN flag?A) Eucalyptus B) OliveC) Maple D) Barley

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55) 60)

Gain of electron is The first battle of Tarain took place in the yearA) combustion B) decomposition A) 1194 A.D. B) 1191 A.D.C) oxidation D) reduction C) 1193 A.D. D) 1195 A.D.Explanation - : Explanation - :Oxidation: loss of electron 1191-Mohmad Ghori defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.

II Tarain – 1192, here Ghori defeated Prithviraj.56)61)

Example for killed vaccines isA) Cholera vaccine B) BCG vaccineC) DPT vaccine D) TT vaccineExplanation - :

Match List I with List IIcorrectly and select your Influenza vaccine, polio vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine areanswer using the codes given below: examples of killed vaccinesList I List II 62)a) Bromine 1. Calciumb) Sulphur 2. Polyatomic elementc) Gases 3. Liquid The least count of vernier calipers isd) Mineral water 4. Compressible

A) 0.01 mm B) 0.01 cm C) 0.1 m D) 0.001 cmExplanation - :For screw gauge = 0.01mm or 0.001 cm

63)B) 3 2 4 1

What are the constituents of bronze?A) Copper and tin B) Copper and zinc57)

www.way2freshers.comC) Copper and iron D) Zinc and ironExplanation - :2rCopper and zinc - Brass

4 264) 1+tanThe perimeter of the circle is

The value of isA) 2 r units B) sq. units

A) cos B) sec C) cosec D) cot2 2 22

r 2Explanation - :C) sq. units D) units

4 2 2Formula: 1+tan = sec58) (or)

2 2 2sin cos sin 11 sec21+tan =2ndThe 42 Constitutional Amendment Act was enacted in 2 2 2cos cos costhe year65)D) 1976

Explanation - :Called as ‘Mini Constitution’; added fundamental dutiesand amended preamble with 3 words – socialistintegrity secular.

India is following59)A) Parliamentary DemocracyB) Presidential DemocracyC) KingshipD) DictatorshipThe river that flows through Salem, Namakkal,

Dharmapuri, Nagapattinam and Thanjavur is Explanation - :A) Vaigai B) Kaveri Parliamentary Democracy: Art 75(3)C) Thamirabarani D) Cheyyar Presidential Democracy: USExplanation - :Length of Kaveri – 760 km

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66) 72)The G.C.D. of 3 and 6 is

C) 3Explanation - :G.C.D of 3 and 6 = 3

The first railway line was laid between…….in 1853. 73)A) Delhi and Calcutta B) Bombay and CalcuttaC) Bombay and Thane D) Bombay and ChennaiExplanation - : The District Judges are appointed by theIntroduced by Lord Dalhousie A) Governor B) District Collector

67) C) Chief Minister D) President of IndiaExplanation - :

The Danish founded a factory at President of India Appoints Chief Justice and JudgesA) Pondicherry B) Karaikal C) Tranquebar D) Chennai of Supreme Court and High Court

74)68)The earth is inclined at an angle of

0 01 1C) 23Khilafat movement was started against the 2 2

A) British Government B) Hindus Explanation - :C) Muslims D) Christians

01Explanation - : 23 - Also this the reason for different seasons.2In 1920 by Mohamad Ali and Saukat Ali

69) 75)

The author of ‘Kuil’ magazine wasA) Kannadasan B) Bharathiar Special locomotory organ is absent inC) Suradha D) BharathidasanExplanation - : C) Paramecium D) Hydra



Which is called the Manchester of India? Mukkurthi National Park in Nilgiri Hills is the sanctuaryforA) Chennai B) Mumbai C) Delhi D) Salem

Explanation - : A) Tiger B) Peacock C) Leopard D) LionManchester is in London Explanation - :Manchester of South India - Coimbatore Peacock: Virali Malai

Lion: Gir forests in Gujarat71)77)

In 1995 World Women’s Conference was held atA) Beijing B) Delhi C) London D) New York

78)Match List I with List IIcorrectly and select your The mode of 7, 4, 5, 1, 7, 3, 4, 6, 7 isanswer using the codes given below: A) 7List I List II

Explanation - :a) Electrovalent bonding 1.b) Co-ordinate bonding 2.

The most repetitive value is 7.c)

79)d) 4. Polar bond

The black cotton soils are found extensively in thedistrict of

C) 4 1 2 3 A) Salem B) DharmapuriC) Coimbatore D) ChennaiExplanation - :

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Coimbatore called ‘Manchester of South India. Explanation - :Fifth five year plan: 1974-197980)


Reserve Bank of India acts as the banker and the agentof the A cheque in circulation for more than six months isA) W orld Bank calledB) International Monetary Fund A) stale cheque B) post-dated chequeC) Government of India C) ordinary cheque D) crossed chequeD) I.F.C. 87)Explanation - :Reserve Bank of India 1935; nationalized in 1949;Governor: D.Subbarao During the period of Kaniskha, Buddhism had split into

81) A) two branches B) three branchesC) five branches D) four branchesExplanation - :

The world famous wall paintings of the Guptas was Two branches: Mahayana, Hinayanafound at

88)A) Gaya B) Mathura C) Ajanta D) SarnathExplanation - The sum of two numbers is 60 and their difference is 8.Gaya: Buddha attained enlightenment The numbers areSarnath: Ashoka Pillar A) 32, 28 B) 33, 27 C) 35, 25 D) 34, 26

82) Explanation - :x+y = 60 & x-y = 8 x = 34 & y = 26 (or) x=26 & y = 34

The volume of a cone with radius 7 cm and height 2489)www.way2freshers.comcm is

Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in the year3 3A) 168 cm B) 1176 cmA) 1961 B) 1960 C) 1962 D) 19633C) 392 cm D) 784 cm3

Explanation - Amended in 1984Explanation - : Volume of a cone (90)

1 22 7 7 24 392=3 7

83) The breaking waves are calledA) waves B) white capsC) surf D) wave cut platform

The early Vedic period is known from 91)A) the Epics B) the UpanishadsC) the Rig Veda D) the Aranyakas The total number of districts of Tamil Nadu in 2010 isExplanation - :

C) 32Harappan culture: Archaeological evidence

Explanation -rdThe Rig Veda: 1028 hymns, 10 mandalas, 3 containsMunicipal corporations: 10Gayatri MantraTaluks: 220

84) Town Panchayats: 56192)

Find the meaning of the underlined word:Mudhu Mozhi Kanchi

t h96 Indian Science Congress was held inA) Town B) River C) Mountain D) Jewel A) Bangalore B) HyderabadExplanation -

C) New Delhi D) ShillongExplanation - :

85) t h97 – Thiruvananthapuram (2010)98 – Chennai (2011)t h

t h99 – Bhubaneshwar (to be held in 2012‘Garibi Hatao’ means

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93) 99)t hThe 11 Five-Year Plan period is

Chandrayaan-I was successfully launched in the year A) 2006-2011 B) 2007-2012A) 2008A) 2008A) 2008A) 2008

C) 2008-2013 D) 2005-2010ndExplanation - : Launched on October 22 100)


W hich day is called as the Indian Census Day?thA) 9 February B) 9 Januaryth

t h t hThe confirmatory test for AIDS is C) 9 March D) 9 AprilExplanation -A) X-ray B) Biopsy C) Western blot D) ELISANational Voters Day – January 25Explanation - :

Drug: AzidothymidineELISA: Preliminary test for AIDS


An instrument used for enlargement and reduction ofmaps with accuracy isA) Sonograph B) PantographC) Spectrograph D) Thermograph


www.way2freshers.comMatch List I with List IIcorrectly and select youranswer using the codes given below:List I List IIa) Viswanathan Anand 1. Astrophysicsb) Sania Mirza 2. Chessc) S. Chandrasekhar 3. Tennisd) Garba dance 4. Punjab

A) 2 3 1 4


On June 28, 2010 India signed a civil nuclearagreement withA) Canada B) America C) Iran D) Croatia


IAF proposed honorary post for the cricketer on June22, 2010 which was conferred onA) Sachin Tendulkar B) M.S. DhoniC) Srikant D) Kapil DevExplanation -Designation: Group Captain

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105) 117)










111) 126)


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128) 141)








A)136)A) www.way2freshers.comB)










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147) 159)


149) 160)

150) 161)

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162) 174)







www.way2freshers.com168) 180)

169)181) "Court"

182) "Complete"170)



184) Publication172)



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1)Azad Hind Fauj wasA) Indian National ArmyB) British National ArmyC) Pakistan National ArmyD) French National ArmyExplanation - :INA was formed in 1942 in South East Asia. Mottounity, Faith and sacrifice in Hindustani.Bose formed the “Azad Hind Government”. In 21st

October 1943. INA freed the Andaman and NicobarIslands were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheedislands.2)Planning Commission of India was set up in the yearA) 1950B) 1949 C) 1951 D) 1952Explanation - :Planning Commission, Extra constitutional, Non-statutory and Advisory body. By an executive order int h

15March 1945. First Deputy Chairman, Gulzari LalNanda & T.T. Krishnamachari3)The State Governor must have completed…….years ofageA) 30B) 35C) 40 D) 45

www.way2freshers.comExplanation - :Governor, President = 35 yearsChief Minister = 25Prime Minister = 25MLA = 25Member in Lok Sabha = 25Rajya Sabha member = 302

4)x+10x+21=0The solution set of x+10x+21 = 0 isA) {7,3} B) {7, -3} C) {-7, 3}D) {-7, -3}Short Cut:2

x+10x+21 = 0 this quadratic equation does not containany negative term, so the roots must be negative soanswer is {-7, -3}.With Explanation - :x +10x+21 = 02

x+7x+3x+21 = 0x(x+7)+3(x+3) = 0(x+3) (x+7) = 0x+3 = 0 (or) x+7 = 0x = -3 (or) -75)The Election Commission of India is a bodyof……..members.A) 1 B) 2C) 3D) 4Explanation - :1 Chief Election Commissioner and 2 other ElectionCommissioners.

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.comRecommended by Dinesh Goswami Committee, 199012)6)The Pandiyan king who put an end of the Kalabhra ruleThe construction of Qutb-Minar was started byisA) IltutmishB) Qutb-ub-din-AibakA) KadungonB) SimhavishnuC) Razia D) BalbanC) Maravarman D) AchuthanExplanation - :Explanation - :Iltumish: Completed by Iltumish13)In Tamil Nadu there is a……..tier system of Rural local7)governmentA) one B) twoC) threeD) fourExplanation - :‘Narai mudithu sollal murai seidha cholan” isVillage Panchayat, Panchayat union, Dist PanchayatA) Kulothungan B) Rajendran I14)C) KarikalanD) Vijayalayan8)Tamil Nadu is………..in geographical area among thestates of the Indian unionA) EleventhB) SecondC) Third D) SeventhThe plan launched on the fiftieth year of IndependenceExplanation - :wast hth

Population: 6; Population Density: 6A) Third Five-Year Plan B) Eighth Five-Year Plan15)C) Tenth Five-Year PlanD) Ninth Five-Year Plan9)

www.way2freshers.comAccording to 2001 Census, India’s population wasA) 1.027 billionB) 1.037 billionThe north-eastern parts of Himalayas receive moreC) 1.047 billion D) 1.057 billionthan 300 cm rainfall by(Or) 1027 Crores.A) Bay of Bengal branchB) Arabian sea branch16)C) Gulf of Khambhat branch D) Konkan branchExplanation - :The stepping stone for the progress of the society isBay of Bengal branch:Kerala upto Punjab thruA) SchoolB) College C) University D) OfficeAravallis17)Arabian sea branch:Andaman & Nicobar, NE statesupto Punjab Plains10)Simple interest for Rs.5,000 at the rate of 5% for 2years isA) Rs. 250B) Rs. 500C) Rs.750 D) Rs. 800The name of scales in Mullet fish isExplanation - :A) Placoid B) CycloidC) CtenoidD) GanoidPnrExplanation - :S.I =, P = 5000, n = 2, r = 5%100Placoid:for sharksCtenoid:Comb like scales50002

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.comRADIAN IAS ACADEMY (A Hi-Tech Advanced Coaching cum Guidance Centre) -3-www.radianiasacademy.org19)26)Which equation hasy =4 as solution?Which is not a simple fruit?A) 2y + 3 = 0 B) y - 7 = 2C) y + 3 = 7D) y + 4 = 0A) PolyalthiaB) Berry C) Pepo D) DrupeExplanation - :Explanation - :y+3 = 7 y = 7 – 3 = 4 y = 4Polyalthia:Aggregate27)Berry:TomatoPepo:CucumberDrupe:Mango20)Onea.m.uis equal toA) 139 Mev B) 391 MevTwo prominent leaders of Punjab were arrested inC) 931 MevD) 936 Mevconnection with thehartalagainst Rowlatt Act. They areExplanation - :A) Jawaharlal Nehru and GandhiEnergy obtained in disintegration of 1 atom (or 1 atomicB) Motilal Nehru and C.R.Dasmass unit)C) Satyapal and Saifuddin Kichloo21)D) Tilak and Bipin Chandra PalExplanation - :Rowlatt Act - 191928)The Operation Flood Programme relates toA) milk production developmentB) water resources developmentLarge number of jute mills found on the banks of theC) flood controlriverD) poultry developmentA) KosiB) HooghlyC) TaptiD) IndusExplanation - :Explanation - :Father of White Revolution –Verguese KurienDistributary to River Ganga22)Kolkatta city is situated on the banks of river Hooghly29)

www.way2freshers.comThe Andes mountain range is located inA) North America B) AsiaThe Samarasa Suttha Sanmarga Sangam was foundedC) South AmericaD) AustraliabyExplanation - :A) PeriyarB) VallalarNorth America:RockiesC) Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy D) T.M. NairAsia:HimalayasExplanation - :23)Periyar– Self Respect movementDr. Muthulakshmi Reddy– Avvai IllamThe state which ranks first in per capita income isT.M. Nair– Justice Party30)A) Orissa B) Bihar

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.com32)38)The first known metal to man isThe main aim of non-co-operation movement wasA) GoldB) CopperC) Iron D) SilverA) large scale demonstrations B) HartalExplanation - :C) non-payment of taxesD) to attain Swaraj6standard book Chapter - 1, & Self evaluationth

Explanation - :33)Started in 1920. Suspended by Gandhiji in 1922 due tochauri-chaura incident39)Formation of red blood cells in a normal human adultoccurs inBauxite is an ore ofA) muscle B) spleenC) bone marrowD) skinA) AluminiumB) Iron C) Copper D) MicaExplanation - :Explanation - :Life span: 120 days; disintegrated in spleenCopper - Copper Pyrites34)Iron – Magnetite, HaematiteThe melting point of silver isMica – a mineralA) 327C B) 80CC) 961CD) 1083C0000

40)Explanation - :0

Iron– 1536C0

Gold– 1064CThe headquarters of World Trade Organisation is atA) New YorkB) GenevaC) London D) WarsawExplanation - :35)Established in 1995.18 ct contains……% weight of gold.Present Director General - Mr.Pascal LamyA) 91.6B) 75C) 100 D) 9441)Explanation - :24 Carat = 100%22 Carat = 91.6%Who bagged two Oscar awards for the film ‘Slumdog1001003Millionaire’?1875%18 Carat =

www.way2freshers.com244A) Gulzar B) Bhanu AthaiyaC) Satyajit RayD)AR Rahman36)Explanation - :The cube root of 512 isGulzar:Shared ‘oscar’ with A.R. Rahman for lyrics of‘Jai Ho’A) 18B) 8

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.comDAILY FREE GK-SMSes44)51)Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Schemewas introduced in the yearA) 2007B) 2009C) 2010 D) 2008A) Darwin B) MendelExplanation - :C) SchwannD) OperonNREGS introduced in 2006. Renamed as MGNRES inExplanation - :2009Schwann & Scleiden in 1838-3945)The first totally literate district in India is52)A) Nellore in Andhra PradeshB) Ernakulam in KeralaC) Kolar in Karnataka D) Kancheepuram in Tamil NaduExplanation - :Kerala – highest literacy rate in IndiaCircular extra genomic DNA is called46)A) Recipient cellB) PlasmidC) Flagella D) PilusExplanation - :Found in E.coli used in genetic engineeringThe first Indian woman who travelled in American53)space shuttle, Columbia wasA) Indira Nooyi B) Sania MirzaWhat force would be needed to produce anC) Kalpana ChawlaD) Pratibha Patelacceleration of 1 mson a ball of mass 1 kg?-2

Explanation - :A) 1NB) 2N C) 3N D) 4NKalpana Chawla - Belonged to Haryana stateExplanation - :Columbia crashed in 2003F = ma47)-2

F = 1kg × 1 ms2

= 1 kg.m/s= 1N

www.way2freshers.comThe first woman DGP in Tamil Nadu is54)A) ThilagavathyB) Lathika SaranC) Aruna D) Kiran Bedi48)X-rays were invented byA) J.J. Thomson B) FaradayC) RoentgenD) Henry BecquerelExplanation -World’s fifth most powerful Indian woman in business isJ.J. Thomson:ElectronA) Meira Kumar B) Fathima BibiFaraday:Electro-magnetic InductionC) Pratibha PatelD) Indira Nooyi49)t h

20Commonwealth Speakers Conference was held atA) New DelhiB) MumbaiC) Chennai D) Thiruvananthapuram50)Branches of which tree appear on the UN flag?A) EucalyptusB) OliveC) Maple D) Barley

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.com55)60)Gain of electron isThe first battle of Tarain took place in the yearA) combustion B) decompositionA) 1194 A.D.B) 1191 A.D.C) oxidationD) reductionC) 1193 A.D. D) 1195 A.D.Explanation - :Explanation - :Oxidation:loss of electron1191-Mohmad Ghori defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.II Tarain – 1192, here Ghori defeated Prithviraj.56)61)Example for killed vaccines isA) Cholera vaccineB) BCG vaccineC) DPT vaccine D) TT vaccineExplanation - :MatchList IwithList IIcorrectly and select yourInfluenza vaccine, polio vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine areanswer using the codes given below:examples of killed vaccinesList I List II62)a) Bromine 1. Calciumb) Sulphur 2. Polyatomic elementc) Gases 3. LiquidThe least count of vernier calipers isd) Mineral water 4. CompressibleA) 0.01 mmB) 0.01 cmC) 0.1 m D) 0.001 cmExplanation - :For screw gauge = 0.01mm or 0.001 cm63)B) 3 2 4 1What are the constituents of bronze?A) Copper and tinB) Copper and zinc57)

www.way2freshers.comC) Copper and iron D) Zinc and ironExplanation - :2rCopper and zinc - Brass42

64)1+tanThe perimeter of the circle isThe value of isA) 2 r unitsB) sq. unitsA) cosB) secC) cosecD) cot2222

r2Explanation - :C)sq. units D) units422

Formula:1+tan= sec58)(or)222sincossin11sec21+tan

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.comRADIAN IAS ACADEMY (A Hi-Tech Advanced Coaching cum Guidance Centre) -7-www.radianiasacademy.org66)72)The G.C.D. of 3 and 6 isC) 3Explanation - :G.C.D of 3 and 6 = 3The first railway line was laid between…….in 1853.73)A) Delhi and Calcutta B) Bombay and CalcuttaC) Bombay and ThaneD) Bombay and ChennaiExplanation - :The District Judges are appointed by theIntroduced by Lord DalhousieA) GovernorB) District Collector67)C) Chief Minister D) President of IndiaExplanation - :The Danish founded a factory atPresident of India Appoints Chief Justice and JudgesA) Pondicherry B) KaraikalC) TranquebarD) Chennaiof Supreme Court and High Court74)68)The earth is inclined at an angle of0011C) 23Khilafat movement was started against the22A) British GovernmentB) HindusExplanation - :C) Muslims D) Christians01Explanation - :23- Also this the reason for different seasons.2In 1920 by Mohamad Ali and Saukat Ali69)75)The author of ‘Kuil’ magazine wasA) Kannadasan B) BharathiarSpecial locomotory organ is absent inC) SuradhaD) BharathidasanExplanation - :C) Paramecium D) Hydra

www.way2freshers.com76)70)Which is called the Manchester of India?Mukkurthi National Park in Nilgiri Hills is the sanctuaryforA) ChennaiB) MumbaiC) Delhi D) SalemExplanation - :A) TigerB) Peacock C) Leopard D) LionManchester is in LondonExplanation - :Manchester of South India - CoimbatorePeacock: Virali MalaiLion: Gir forests in Gujarat71)77)In 1995 World Women’s Conference was held atA) BeijingB) Delhi C) London D) New York78)MatchList IwithList IIcorrectly and select yourThe mode of 7, 4, 5, 1, 7, 3, 4, 6, 7 isanswer using the codes given below:A) 7List I List IIExplanation - :a) Electrovalent bonding 1.

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.comCoimbatore called ‘Manchester of South India.Explanation - :Fifth five year plan:1974-197980)86)Reserve Bank of India acts as the banker and the agentof theA cheque in circulation for more than six months isA) W orld BankcalledB) International Monetary FundA) stale chequeB) post-dated chequeC) Government of IndiaC) ordinary cheque D) crossed chequeD) I.F.C.87)Explanation - :Reserve Bank of India 1935; nationalized in 1949;Governor: D.SubbaraoDuring the period of Kaniskha, Buddhism had split into81)A) two branchesB) three branchesC) five branches D) four branchesExplanation - :The world famous wall paintings of the Guptas wasTwo branches: Mahayana, Hinayanafound at88)A) Gaya B) MathuraC) AjantaD) SarnathExplanation -The sum of two numbers is 60 and their difference is 8.Gaya:Buddha attained enlightenmentThe numbers areSarnath:Ashoka PillarA) 32, 28 B) 33, 27 C) 35, 25D) 34, 2682)Explanation - :x+y = 60 & x-y = 8 x = 34 & y = 26 (or) x=26 & y = 34The volume of a cone with radius 7 cm and height 2489)

www.way2freshers.comcm isDowry Prohibition Act was passed in the year33

A) 168 cmB) 1176 cmA) 1961B) 1960 C) 1962D) 19633

C) 392 cmD) 784 cm3

Explanation -Amended in 1984Explanation - :Volume of a cone (90)1227724392=3783)The breaking waves are calledA) waves B) white capsC) surfD) wave cut platformThe early Vedic period is known from91)A) the EpicsB) the UpanishadsC) the Rig VedaD) the AranyakasThe total number of districts of Tamil Nadu in 2010 isExplanation - :C) 32Harappan culture:Archaeological evidenceExplanation -

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www.way2freshers.comwww.way2freshers.com93)99)t h

The 11Five-Year Plan period isChandrayaan-I was successfully launched in the yearA) 2006-2011B) 2007-2012A) 2008A) 2008A) 2008A) 2008C) 2008-2013 D) 2005-2010nd

Explanation - :Launched on October 22100)200894)W hich day is called as the Indian Census Day?th

A) 9FebruaryB) 9Januarytht ht h

The confirmatory test for AIDS isC) 9March D) 9AprilExplanation -A) X-ray B) BiopsyC) Western blotD) ELISANational Voters Day – January 25Explanation - :Drug:AzidothymidineELISA:Preliminary test for AIDS95)An instrument used for enlargement and reduction ofmaps with accuracy isA) SonographB) PantographC) Spectrograph D) Thermograph96)

www.way2freshers.comMatchList IwithList IIcorrectly and select youranswer using the codes given below:List I List IIa) Viswanathan Anand 1. Astrophysicsb) Sania Mirza 2. Chessc) S. Chandrasekhar 3. Tennisd) Garba dance 4. PunjabA) 2 3 1 497)On June 28, 2010 India signed a civil nuclearagreement withA) CanadaB) America C) Iran D) Croatia98)IAF proposed honorary post for the cricketer on June22, 2010 which was conferred onA) Sachin TendulkarB) M.S. DhoniC) Srikant D) Kapil DevExplanation -Designation:Group Captain

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