enviroinfo 2008, luneberg challenges of seis and sise: integrating environmental knowledge in...

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe. Knowledge in Europe. Jiří Hřebíček Jiří Hřebíček Michael Nagy Michael Nagy Rudolf Legat Rudolf Legat Werner Pillman Werner Pillman

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EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg

Challenges of SEIS and SISE:Challenges of SEIS and SISE:Integrating Environmental Integrating Environmental

Knowledge in Europe.Knowledge in Europe.

Challenges of SEIS and SISE:Challenges of SEIS and SISE:Integrating Environmental Integrating Environmental

Knowledge in Europe.Knowledge in Europe.

Jiří HřebíčekJiří HřebíčekMichael Nagy Michael Nagy

Rudolf LegatRudolf Legat

Werner PillmanWerner Pillman

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008


IEMSS 2008 Barcelona 2


Introduction to Introduction to eEnvironment eEnvironment (Electronic access to Environmental (Electronic access to Environmental

information)information) Shared Environmental Information Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)System (SEIS)Single Information Space in Europe for Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE)the Environment (SISE) Towards eEnvironment (Challenges of Towards eEnvironment (Challenges of SEIS&SISE)SEIS&SISE)ConclusionConclusion


Introduction to Introduction to eEnvironment eEnvironment (Electronic access to Environmental (Electronic access to Environmental

information)information) Shared Environmental Information Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)System (SEIS)Single Information Space in Europe for Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE)the Environment (SISE) Towards eEnvironment (Challenges of Towards eEnvironment (Challenges of SEIS&SISE)SEIS&SISE)ConclusionConclusion

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

White paper White paper of of eeEnvironmentEnvironmentM. Nagy, R. Legat, and J. HrebicekM. Nagy, R. Legat, and J. Hrebicek

Electronic access to environmental information – an important fundament for eDemocracy and sustainable development particularly environmental protection

Buchman’s Ad hoc Committee on eDemocracy of the Council of Europe (CAHDE) presentation of White paper of eEnvironment

Strasbourg, 8 - 9 October 2007 eEnvironment Terminology London, 26 - 27 February 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008


is based on existing Aarhus Conventions and EU Directives

guarantee citizen standardized: access to environmental information public participation access to justice

is a fundament for eDemocracy is connected with eGovenment and


EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

Reuse of Public Sector Information

EU Implementation of DirectivesEU Implementation of Directives





INSPIRE: Infrastructure for Spatial Information

Providing for Public Participation

Public Access to Env. Information

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

eeEnvironment supports the environment Environment supports the environment protection and sustainable growthprotection and sustainable growth

Control effect: Each individual can control the compliance with environmental law and point out deficits

Participation effect: Increase of transparency and better public participation.

Education effect (awareness effect): Distribution of knowledge regarding the state of the environment; better acceptance of measures

Prevention effect: Potential polluters should be discouraged because of the risk of publication of these activities

Standardization effect: Pan-European comparable principles regarding access to environmental information. Prevention of competitive distortion.

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SEIS – Shared Environmental Information System

Development of a Shared Environmental Information System in Europe:

• history • improved usage of environmental data• „Streamlining and harmonisation of monitoring and

reporting obligations“• INSPIRE as a core element• GMES and usage of chosen data

Parties involved: „Group of 4“ (Go4)• DG ENV• EEA• Eurostat• JRC

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008





Good Environmental Information (Pick 2008)Good Environmental Information (Pick 2008)

Nature Energy Agriculture TransportHealth

Local Regional Federal European 3rd Party

...is hard to find!

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008



INSPIRE Directive, 2007

Directive on Public Participation, 2003

Directive on Reuse of Public Sector Information, 2003

Directive on Public Access to EnvironmentalInformation, 2003

Declaration of the UN Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, 16 June 1972

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, June 1992

Aarhus-Convention, 1998

SEIS Communication, 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SEIS - SEIS - Comission CommunicationComission Communication

February 1st, 2008: Commission Communication

COM(2008) 46 final: „Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)” released

links with INSPIRE and streamlining of reporting and monitoring provisions

suggest policy options to go from ‚Concept to Reality‘

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

Sharing data and information in SEIS

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SEIS Principles (1)SEIS Principles (1)

• Common principles for timely, reliable and relevant information on the state of environment:

Information should be managed as close as possible to its source;

Information should be collected once, and shared with others for many purposes;

Information should be readily available to public authorities and enable them to easily fulfill their legal reporting obligations;

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SEIS Principles (2)SEIS Principles (2)

Information should be readily accessible to end-users, primarily public authorities at all levels from local to European, to enable them to assess in a timely fashion the state of the environment and the effectiveness of their policies, and to design new policy;

Information should also be accessible to enable end-users, both public authorities and citizens, to make comparisons at the appropriate geographical scale (e.g. countries, cities, catchment areas) and to participate meaningfully in the development and implementation of environmental policy;

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SEIS Principles (3)SEIS Principles (3)

Information should be fully available to the general public, after due consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation and subject to appropriate confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the relevant national language(s);

Information sharing and processing should be supported through common, free open source software tools.

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

What benefits will the SEIS bring?What benefits will the SEIS bring?

Simplification and efficiency:(i) the content of information requirements in

thematic environmental legislation,

(ii) the content and procedure for reporting at international level, and

(iii) more efficient organisation of data-gathering activities within Member States.

Better regulation, better policy Empowering citizens

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

What actions are necessary to realise What actions are necessary to realise SEIS?SEIS?

implementation of the INSPIRE directive further development of the GMES initiative revising the Standardised Reporting directive

91/692/EC, and Community financial support allocated for this

purpose through the Research Framework Programmes, LIFE+, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the Structural Funds.

coordination by Commission (DG ENV, DG INFSO and DG ENTREPRISE) in cooperation with European Environment Agency

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

Shared Environmental Information Systems – Shared Environmental Information Systems – Peeling the Onion Peeling the Onion (Pick 2008)(Pick 2008)






Single European Information Space

Single Information Space 4 the Env.

Shared Env. Information System

After Guy Weets, 2007


EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SSingleingle Information Space Information Space for Environment in for Environment in Europe (SISE) Europe (SISE) (Pick 2008)(Pick 2008)

ICT tools ( Monitoring Network, Interconnected Information Systems, Dynamic Data Flows, GIS, Decision Support, Chaining Of Services)

ICT tools to help monitor and predict environment

ICT tools for better managenment of natural resources

Key concept is Interoperability: Enable Seamless Cooperation Sound Environmental Policy Interdisciplinary Approach for

environmental monitoring

A4 - Model Availability Accessibility Accountability Accuracy

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SSingleingle Information Space Information Space for Environment in for Environment in Europe (SISE)Europe (SISE)

Themes of SISE were identified on workshop – ICT for Sustainable Growth – Brussels 15 Feb 2008:

SISE Application and Services SISE Services Process Chaining and Uncertainties Real-time Mapping and Modelling Thesauri Open Standards and Open Source Software

SISE Open Semantics and Standards Standardisation and Framework Projects Standardisation and Community Knowledge Semantic Web Technologies for the SISE Ontologies

Data Interoperability and Web Communities Web 2.0 Technologies Data Provision in the Semantic Web SOA/Web Services and Model Driven Communities Social SISE

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

SSingleingle Information Space Information Space for Europe in for Europe in EnvironmentEnvironment

Themes of SISE were identified on workshop – ICT for Sustainable Growth – Brussels 15 Feb 2008 :

Data Visualisation and Modelling including Risk Assessment Visualisation of Environmental Data SOA and Semantic Web Services Simulation and Modelling Complex 3D/4D models Chained web services and legacy systems

SEIS Deployment Models From Framework Projects to Market Deployment Project’s Knowledge Loss Regional Application of European Interoperability Standards SISE and Business Models

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

Open space for ICT-ENSURE workshopOpen space for ICT-ENSURE workshop

European conference of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU

Towards eEnvironment Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental

Knowledge in Europe. Conference will be held March 25- 27, 2009,

Prague, Czech Republic The European conference Towards eEnvironment is dedicated

to information exchange among scientists, public administrations, environmental agencies and institutions involved in environmental information processing as well as environmental informatics end-users.

The conference is a meeting place for experts from leading edge technologies, fostering information flows in Europe and beyond, standardization, necessary for a sustainable development.

Driving topics for the conference will include best practices of European Member States in the implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) with a cooperation of GMES and INSPIRE activities and research towards the development of a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment (SISE).

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008


IEMSS 2008 Barcelona 26

Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention


CContaontacct:t:Prof. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekProf. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekE-mail: hrebicekE-mail: [email protected]@iba.muni.cz

Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention


CContaontacct:t:Prof. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekProf. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekE-mail: hrebicekE-mail: [email protected]@iba.muni.cz

EnviroInfo 2008, Luneberg, 10. September 2008


IEMSS 2008 Barcelona 27

Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention


CContaontacct:t:Prof. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekProf. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekE-mail: hrebicekE-mail: [email protected]@iba.muni.cz

Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention


CContaontacct:t:Prof. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekProf. Dr. Jiří HřebíčekE-mail: hrebicekE-mail: [email protected]@iba.muni.cz