environment strategy governance people culture infrastructure · environment strategy governance...

ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY GOVERNANCE GOVERNANCE PEOPLE CULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE PEOPLE INFRASTRUCTURE CULTURE Consolidated list of transformation achievements 2015–17 Our transformation is the key to achieving our vision of unleashing the power of statistics for a better Australia ABS Engagement Strategy and Relationship Management Plan implemented – promotes best practice in partnerships. Working closely with stakeholders to improve ABS’ understanding of the future of official statistics: Australian Statistics Advisory Council Blue Sky Workshop Commonwealth taskforce on transparency of data on government spending and performance of government initiatives Chief Methodologists’ Network (international) contributed to international statistical standards and priorities. Increased external engagement to improve relationships and understand changing policy requirements, including: The Treasury; the Reserve Bank of Australia; the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet; Departments of the Environment and Energy; Social Services; Health; Industry, Innovation and Science; Education and Training, and Human Services as well as CSIRO; the Productivity Commission; and the ATO. Community Trust Survey results: 100% public trust in ABS, 99% trust in statistics from informed users (2015) 93% of key stakeholders say their relationship with the ABS has improved over recent years. Responded to government inquiries: • MacGibbon Review Senate inquiry on 2016 Census Productivity Commission inquiry into data availability and use. Increased media engagement to raise awareness of importance of ABS statistics. • ABS Trends&Insights launched – popular, user-friendly fortnightly snapshot for media increased social media activity and followers. ABS Corporate Plan, Portfolio Budget Statement & Forward Work Plan setting clear direction for the future and contributing to better prioritisation of work so ABS can continue to provide greater public value in a challenging resource environment. Transforming Statistics program decreasing the burden on business and households: phasing out of paper forms for business surveys over next four years use of Address Register and Business Register to improve sample efficiency Agricultural Census pioneers new ways of working with the National Data Acquisition Centre and reducing burden on smaller farms research, innovation and extensive consultation undertaken to drive significant enhancements to the CPI including the use of transactions data supplied direct from retailers. ABS contributing to whole-of-government public data management and data integration initiatives: Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) and the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) engaging stakeholders to put data integration on a more sustainable footing Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit recommendation on opportunities in Australia for an integrated data resource Government response to Productivity Commission inquiry into data use and availability. Successful 2016 Census data release. Strong interest in scheduled data and data seminars to engage and educate stakeholders and users. Centre of Excellence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics and Community Engagement established. $37 million in funding for ABS Data Integration Partnership for Australia (DIPA) – brings ABS data with administrative, transactional and other data to provide new insights into matters of importance to Australians. Qualitative Market Research (2016 and 2017) – gauging community views on the ABS to inform future communication activities. Evolving, flexible organisational structure and new governance structures established to support ABS transformation goals: Economic Statistics Advisory Group (ESAG) Population and Social Statistics Advisory Group (PSSAG) • new Statistical Strategy Committee established • new Executive Board and committees – People, Finance & Resource Prioritisation, Network Services, Security, Census 2021 Program Board. Statistical Risk Management Plan developed collaboratively for all Main Economic Indicators and Estimated Resident Population estimates ensures minimal disruption to statistics during change. Expanded independent advice: Australian Statistics Advisory Council – broader membership and Gary Banks AO appointed as Chair Statistical Business Transformation Program Board established with external members prominent established the Independent Census Assurance Panel to independently review and assure the quality of statistical outputs from the 2016 Census. ABS Statement of Expectations and Intent – setting government expectations and ABS’ response in 2015. Microdata Access Policy review – providing better access to microdata for key organisational partners. Establishment and further review of the Enterprise and ABS Risk Management Frameworks. Updated internal policies reflecting principles- based approaches with internal audit completed to improve delegations at appropriate levels. People and Culture Action Plan 2017 & 18 developed and implementation commenced. Greater staff mobility – exposing staff to experiences outside the ABS and bringing fresh perspectives to the organisation: in-postings from partner agencies external appointments to SES to bring greater diversity and fresh perspectives staff exchanges underway with The Treasury, Department of Finance and Australian Tax Office, as well as state and territory governments greater diversity and professional expertise across ABS senior executive. Mentoring, coaching and training programs aimed at delivering transformation: 360-degree feedback provided to all SES analytical skills training program • mentoring framework • Self-Learning Guide coaching for high performance new tailored induction program. Supporting and increasing diversity in the workplace: ABS Pride Network established Disability in the Workplace Manager’s Guide launched Leveraging Aspergers Network established Gender Diversity Network established and increased number of women in our senior executive (from 24% to 50% over 2 years) Youmpla Network established – collaborating with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues to help better support them and acknowledge their contributions increased number of SES Diversity Champions. Improvements in WHS case management and injury prevention – reducing our ComCare premium. Capability Plus wins gold at the 2016 Learn X Awards for Best New Technology Implementation. Consultants engaged to support the ABS Strategic Workforce Plan. Ongoing engagement with external agencies to discuss lessons learned and to support cultural change within the ABS and APS. Commenced Cultural Transformation Strategy to broaden the current approach to change, including: • SES training staff culture survey and diagnostics to baseline culture • strategic workforce planning values exercise in all programs. Knowledge management – renewed focus on improving. Implemented twice-yearly Transformation Survey to measure staff perceptions of ABS Transformation and guide communication and culture strategy. Drop in unscheduled absences. Down from 12.4 days per FTE in 2015 to 11.5 days per FTE in 2017. 2015 2017 SES Management Meetings focus on culture including clear SES commitments to behaviours. Working with staff to establish and achieve our agreed target culture – high performing, aligned, engaged, innovative and accountable. $250 million investment over 5 years in our statistical business infrastructure and processes announced in 2015 Budget. Significant progress on our new infrastructure development, including: • NextGen Infrastructure • Data Acquisition • Integration Platform • Statistician’s Workbench Enterprise Data Management Environment (EDME) Security and Identity and Access Management (SIAM) • Web Services Trial Metadata Registry and Repository and Common Authoring Tool. Improvements to ABS website with new homepage design and navigation implemented – to facilitate easier access to ABS information. Improved ICT: rollout of the new and more flexible NextGen desktop environment completed, enhancing security while increasing flexibility • updated technology channels (NextGen (Worx Mail) and Skype) to improve communication. ABS Stats Mobile App wins gold in the Government Services category of the DRIVEN X DESIGN 2017 TECH Design Awards. DataLab – delivering remote access to data and increased ability to handle large datasets with faster processing through new servers. Total registered users: 491 ABS National Data Acquisition Centre opened in Geelong as a new centre of excellence in data capture. Expanded Activity Based Working arrangements – 5 of 9 offices have moved to ABW as well as parts of ABS House; new Melbourne office incorporates state-of-the-art design. Move ABS Data Centre to the Canberra Data Centre (CDC) in Hume. June 2017

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Consolidated list of transformation achievements 2015–17Our transformation is the

key to achieving our vision of unleashing the power of statistics

for a better Australia

ABS Engagement Strategy and Relationship Management Plan implemented – promotes best practice in partnerships.

Working closely with stakeholders to improve ABS’ understanding of the future of official statistics:

• Australian Statistics Advisory Council Blue Sky Workshop

• Commonwealth taskforce on transparency of data on government spending and performance of government initiatives

• Chief Methodologists’ Network (international)• contributed to international statistical

standards and priorities.

Increased external engagement to improve relationships and understand changing policy requirements, including: The Treasury; the Reserve Bank of Australia; the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet; Departments of the Environment and Energy; Social Services; Health; Industry, Innovation and Science; Education and Training, and Human Services as well as CSIRO; the Productivity Commission; and the ATO.

Community Trust Survey results:

• 100% public trust in ABS, 99% trust in statistics from informed users (2015)

• 93% of key stakeholders say their relationship with the ABS has improved over recent years.

Responded to government inquiries:• MacGibbon Review• Senate inquiry on 2016 Census• Productivity Commission inquiry into

data availability and use.

Increased media engagement to raise

awareness of importance of ABS statistics.

• ABS Trends&Insights launched – popular, user-friendly fortnightly snapshot for media

• increased social media activity and followers.

ABS Corporate Plan, Portfolio Budget Statement & Forward Work Plan setting clear direction for the future and contributing to better prioritisation of work so ABS can continue to provide greater public value in a challenging resource environment.

Transforming Statistics program – decreasing the burden on business and households:

• phasing out of paper forms for business surveys over next four years

• use of Address Register and Business Register to improve sample efficiency

• Agricultural Census pioneers new ways of working with the National Data Acquisition Centre and reducing burden on smaller farms

• research, innovation and extensive consultation undertaken to drive significant enhancements to the CPI including the use of transactions data supplied direct from retailers.

ABS contributing to whole-of-government public data management and data integration initiatives:

• Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) and the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) engaging stakeholders to put data integration on a more sustainable footing

• Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit recommendation on opportunities in Australia for an integrated data resource

• Government response to Productivity Commission inquiry into data use and availability.

Successful 2016 Census data release. Strong interest in scheduled data and data seminars to engage and educate stakeholders and users.

Centre of Excellence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics and Community Engagement established.

$37 million in funding for ABS Data Integration Partnership for Australia (DIPA) – brings ABS data with administrative, transactional and other data to provide new insights into matters of importance to Australians.

Qualitative Market Research (2016 and 2017) – gauging community views on the ABS to inform future communication activities.

Evolving, flexible organisational structure and new governance structures established to support ABS transformation goals:

• Economic Statistics Advisory Group (ESAG)• Population and Social Statistics Advisory

Group (PSSAG)• new Statistical Strategy Committee

established• new Executive Board and committees

– People, Finance & Resource Prioritisation, Network Services, Security, Census 2021 Program Board.

Statistical Risk Management Plan developed collaboratively for all Main Economic Indicators and Estimated Resident Population estimates ensures minimal disruption to statistics during change.

Expanded independent advice:

• Australian Statistics Advisory Council – broader membership and Gary Banks AO appointed as Chair

• Statistical Business Transformation Program Board established with external members prominent

• established the Independent Census Assurance Panel to independently review and assure the quality of statistical outputs from the 2016 Census.

ABS Statement of Expectations and Intent – setting government expectations and ABS’ response in 2015.

Microdata Access Policy review – providing better access to microdata for key organisational partners.

Establishment and further review of the Enterprise and ABS Risk Management Frameworks.

Updated internal policies reflecting principles-based approaches with internal audit completed to improve delegations at appropriate levels.

People and Culture Action Plan 2017 & 18 developed and implementation commenced.

Greater staff mobility – exposing staff to experiences outside the ABS and bringing fresh perspectives to the organisation:

• in-postings from partner agencies• external appointments to SES to bring greater

diversity and fresh perspectives• staff exchanges underway with The Treasury,

Department of Finance and Australian Tax Office, as well as state and territory governments

• greater diversity and professional expertise across ABS senior executive.

Mentoring, coaching and training programs aimed at delivering transformation:

• 360-degree feedback provided to all SES• analytical skills training program• mentoring framework• Self-Learning Guide• coaching for high performance • new tailored induction program.

Supporting and increasing diversity in the workplace:

• ABS Pride Network established• Disability in the Workplace Manager’s Guide

launched• Leveraging Aspergers Network established• Gender Diversity Network established and

increased number of women in our senior executive (from 24% to 50% over 2 years)

• Youmpla Network established – collaborating with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues to help better support them and acknowledge their contributions

• increased number of SES Diversity Champions.

Improvements in WHS case management and injury prevention – reducing our ComCare premium.

Capability Plus wins gold at the 2016 Learn X Awards for Best New Technology Implementation.

Consultants engaged to support the ABS Strategic Workforce Plan.

Ongoing engagement with external agencies to discuss lessons learned and to support cultural change within the ABS and APS.

Commenced Cultural Transformation Strategy to broaden the current approach to change, including:

• SES training • staff culture survey and diagnostics

to baseline culture• strategic workforce planning• values exercise in all programs.

Knowledge management – renewed focus on improving.

Implemented twice-yearly Transformation Survey to measure staff perceptions of ABS Transformation and guide communication and culture strategy.

Drop in unscheduled absences. Down from 12.4 days per FTE in 2015 to 11.5 days per FTE in 2017.

2015 2017

SES Management Meetings focus on culture including clear SES commitments to behaviours.

Working with staff to establish and achieve our agreed target culture – high performing, aligned, engaged, innovative and accountable.

$250 million investment over 5 years in our statistical business infrastructure and processes announced in 2015 Budget.

Significant progress on our new infrastructure development, including:

• NextGen Infrastructure• Data Acquisition• Integration Platform• Statistician’s Workbench• Enterprise Data Management Environment

(EDME)• Security and Identity and Access Management

(SIAM)• Web Services Trial• Metadata Registry and Repository and

Common Authoring Tool.

Improvements to ABS website with new homepage design and navigation implemented – to facilitate easier access to ABS information.

Improved ICT:

• rollout of the new and more flexible NextGen desktop environment completed, enhancing security while increasing flexibility

• updated technology channels (NextGen (Worx Mail) and Skype) to improve communication.

ABS Stats Mobile App wins gold in the Government Services category of the DRIVEN X DESIGN 2017 TECH Design Awards.

DataLab – delivering remote access to data and increased ability to handle large datasets with faster processing through new servers.

Total registered users: 491

ABS National Data Acquisition Centre opened in Geelong as a new centre of excellence in data capture.

Expanded Activity Based Working arrangements – 5 of 9 offices have moved to ABW as well as parts of ABS House; new Melbourne office incorporates state-of-the-art design.

Move ABS Data Centre to the Canberra Data Centre (CDC) in Hume.

June 2017