environmental issues

Topic 1 Global Warming (Problem-Solution model essay) One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming.Many experts believe that our production of carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases is heating the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerousfor human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some solutions for it. Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest isrising sea level. This could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas andcities, such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Another problem ischanges in weather patterns. Many areas of the world are experiencingincreased hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. A final issueassociated with this phenomenon is the negative effect on animals. Fish populations could be effected, while some insects which spread disease might become more common. There are several things we can do to deal with global warming. Oneanswer is to stop making C02. We can do this by switching from oil, coal andgas to renewable energy. A second solution is to plant more trees. Trees absor C02 and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas. A third idea is to useless energy and recycle more products. If we use less energy and are moreenvironmentally friendly, the earth’s temperature may not rise too much. In conclusion, making small changes now in the way we live meansavoiding huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individualsmust work together to overcome this serious threat. Topic 2 (alternative energy sources) One-day the world’s oil and gas reserves will run out. The search for alternative energy sources like wind power, solar power, burning waste, and water power are causing as much environmental damage as the oil and nuclear power sources they are intended to replace. How far do agree with this latter statement?•What possible benefits do the alternative energy sources bring? Or what damage do they cause? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.The depleting petroleum resources with its huge environmental hazards have forced scientists to search for a perfect alternative energy that can replace this conventional power source. Although alternative fuels like wind power, solar energy have certain disadvantages, they will emerge as a force to reckon with in meeting the world’s energy shortage and replacing oil and gas. In the first place, alternative energy sources, like solar power, is clean and environment friendly. This should be seen against the fact that traditional sources of energy like gas and petrol cause enormous damage to the environment. However, the problem with this is that the cost of power generation is much higher as compared to mining and processing petroleum. This problem will soon be overcome as a great deal of research is now going on in order to reduce the cost of photovoltaic technology. If this is achieved in the near future, which definitely is a possibility, the energy needs of the world will easily be met. Energy from wind and water is also equally environment friendly, although it is sometimes said to be unreliable. Burning waste may have the disadvantage of polluting the environment by emitting smoke, but we need to take into consideration the amount of waste that is removed through this process.

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Page 1: Environmental Issues

Topic 1

Global Warming (Problem-Solution model essay)One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming.Many experts believe that our production of carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases is heating the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerousfor human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some solutions for it.Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest isrising sea level. This could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas andcities, such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Another problem ischanges in weather patterns. Many areas of the world are experiencingincreased hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. A final issueassociated with this phenomenon is the negative effect on animals. Fish populations could be effected, while some insects which spread disease might become more common.There are several things we can do to deal with global warming. Oneanswer is to stop making C02. We can do this by switching from oil, coal andgas to renewable energy. A second solution is to plant more trees. Trees absor C02 and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas. A third idea is to useless energy and recycle more products. If we use less energy and are moreenvironmentally friendly, the earth’s temperature may not rise too much.In conclusion, making small changes now in the way we live meansavoiding huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individualsmust work together to overcome this serious threat.Topic 2(alternative energy sources) One-day the world’s oil and gas reserves will run out. The search for alternative energy sources like wind power, solar power, burning waste, and water power are causing as much environmental damage as the oil and nuclear power sources they are intended to replace.How far do agree with this latter statement?•What possible benefits do the alternative energy sources bring? Or what damage do they cause?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.The depleting petroleum resources with its huge environmental hazards have forced scientists to search for a perfect alternative energy that can replace this conventional power source. Although alternative fuels like wind power, solar energy have certain disadvantages, they will emerge as a force to reckon with in meeting the world’s energy shortage and replacing oil and gas.In the first place, alternative energy sources, like solar power, is clean and environment friendly. This should be seen against the fact that traditional sources of energy like gas and petrol cause enormous damage to the environment. However, the problem with this is that the cost of power generation is much higher as compared to mining and processing petroleum. This problem will soon be overcome as a great deal of research is now going on in order to reduce the cost of photovoltaic technology. If this is achieved in the near future, which definitely is a possibility, the energy needs of the world will easily be met. Energy from wind and water is also equally environment friendly, although it is sometimes said to be unreliable. Burning waste may have the disadvantage of polluting the environment by emitting smoke, but we need to take into consideration the amount of waste that is removed through this process.

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Secondly, alternative energy is never ending and renewable because sources like sun and water will never be exhausted and do not use up natural resources. A perfect example of this would be solar energy, which is generated from the heat of the sun. In contrast, traditional way to sourcing energy eat up precious natural resources and are not renewable.Overall, one can clearly come to a conclusion that alternative sources of energy are environment friendly and a perfect replacement for oil, gas and even nuclear energy. With the right research and use of modern technology, we can foresee a pollution free world of energy.Topic 3Individuals and the reduction of pollution. Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities. Although a great deal of effort is being now made by governments all over the world, individuals also have a major role to play in the minimising global environmental hazards.To start with, one of the major reasons for the pollution of the environment is the uncontrolled use of automobiles. If individuals can make a conscious effort to change their lifestyle, by cutting down the use of private cars and use public transport, it would substantially reduce the burning of fossil fuels. For instance, serious attempt should be made by individuals to travel to work regularly by buses and trains. The lack of public support can seriously hamper any government endeavour towards the reduction of pollution.Again, people use enormous amount of plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. Individuals can make a great contribution for the protection of the environment, opting for eco friendly substitutes. An ideal way to do this is by using paper and cloth bags instead of plastic in supermarkets. Finally, people should gradually withdraw from excess consumerism, which has greatly contributed to the over exploitation of natural resources. This would mean that they should give greater priority to durable and reusable products in the shopping list, consequently discouraging ‘use and throw’ culture.Inconclusion, individuals have a crucial role in joining hands with the government in reducing the harm caused to the environment.

What can I do to help?Every day we hear about the importance of using renewable energy. Our meteorologists talk about solar paneling and energy-efficient light bulbs. The electric company offers to install a programmable thermostat at no charge, saving energy consumption by 10% or more. Recycling bins are available in a number of places.

All these suggestions are good, but I wonder what can I do to help? I decided to set aside one day a week to devote to green energy. We have an open farmers market every Wednesday near my home. All sorts of vegetables and fruit in season, grown on neighboring farms, are sold at the market for reasonable prices. Since these small farms are individually owned, there is no long distance trucking and storage involved. The produce is fresh, free of unknown pesticides and food handling risks by large grocery store chains. I left my car in the garage and walked to the market, less than a mile away. After selecting a variety of produce, I purchased a few of the green plants for sale. I placed the small herb plants, thyme, rosemary, and parsley, on the windowsill and the other green plants in

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several rooms. Green plants are efficient and effective self-cleaning air purifiers. They are attractive, inexpensive additions to any home, providing necessary humidity to indoor living.

I no longer ask what I can do to help. Some of the simplest things I, or you, can do will help renew the world we live in, ensuring a healthy future for us all.

Green Energy- Renewable Energy - An Overview -In today's climate of high oil prices, fears of dependence on foreign oil, accusations of price gouging by big energy conglomerates and fears of the safety and waste, not to mention pollution caused by nuclear energy and fossil fuels, renewable energy is becoming a more pressing and clear choice for future consumer and corporate usage. The cost in health and the environment, the depletion of natural resources, not to mention the political costs of both fossil fuel and nuclear energy will soon force the hands of governments across the globe towards renewable sources of energy.

What is renewable energy? Most people know the basics, forms of renewable energy that have been around as long as man has built tools and some more recent forays into alternative energy sources.

Water power, wind power, even organic power such as something as simple as a human or an ox pulling a yoke which in turn rotates a millstone for grinding grain are all renewable sources of energy. Some, like the ox, are not practical for modern power sources, though it could be argued that the individual household could employ such methods as alternative, renewable energy sources.

Other older forms of renewable energy are as simple as the burning of wood or other vegetable matter for heat. Depending on the source material, such as hemp or other fast growing crops, this represents a renewable source of energy. Many field crops can be grown for this purpose, or for other purposes and once utilized, the plant waste can be used for combustion. Animal oil, such as whale oil, is arguably a renewable energy source. The problem inherent with this is that the animal would most likely need to be domesticated in order to have a renewable source.

Some of the more practical and more recent advances in renewable energy sources are familiar as well; solar energy for one. With the invention of the photovoltaic cell, the power to harness the energy from the sun has become a viable alternative and a reliable source of renewable energy. The photovoltaic, or solar cell, is a semiconductor device that converts photon, or light rays, into electricity. The limitations to this are of course, that the sun is only available for about 12 of our 24 hour day. The solution to this is to use batteries to store the energy the sun emits during the day for use at night.

There are many other sources of renewable energy. Hydrogen has been viewed as a viable source of energy, but until recently, the energy needed to convert hydrogen into a source of power has been too costly. Just recently, two companies have worked together to create hydrogen using a biodiesel fuel for use in a zero emission fuel cell. Biofuels made from vegetable products like ethanol from corn, sugar beets or cane have long been seen as an alternative to fossil fuels. Biogas sources of fuel such as the methane and other gases produced by landfills or animal waste are renewable energy sources.

Geothermal energy such as the heat generated by volcanic activity or other geothermal sources is another source of renewable energy. The geothermal energy from the core of the Earth is closer to the surface in some places than others and is therefore more practical there. Geothermal heat can be used to heat or cool buildings. A liquid is pumped into the Earth, allowing it to evaporate, and the hot gases are then used to power turbines. Ocean thermal energy conversion is a way to generate electricity using the temperature difference of seawater at different depths.

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Some of the older sources of energy have been reworked for modern usage needs. The power of water has been transformed from the simple wheel turned by a stream to massive hydroelectric turbines in dams or falls. The power of the ocean, called wave energy, and its incessant tidal flow has been explored as a possible source of renewable energy as well. The power of ocean waves can be used as an energy source. Waves can be used to raise and lower devices like pontoons, using the kinetic energy created as a power source.

Wind power has gone from the small windmill to vast fields of giant windmills generating energy enough to power cities. The burning of organic material such as wood has also been revamped through technology. Under high pressure and high temperature, wood can be transformed into a gas, often much more efficient than simply burning it. This gas can be used to generate heat which in turn could be used to generate electricity.

There are many small scale sources of renewable energy as well. Piezoelectric crystals generate a small voltage whenever they are deformed. Kinetic energy, such as the motion of someone swinging their arm when they walk, has been used to power watches. Electrokinetics generate electricity from the kinetic energy in when it is pumped through channels.

Greenhouse Gases - The DangersGreenhouse gases are dangerous to the environment. The most prevalent greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by agricultural practices and by the burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases can be seen in populated cities throughout the world, when a car is started and smoke is emitted from the muffler, and industries burning toxins in which they create. All of these gases are harmful to the environment.

One of the dangers of greenhouse gases is global warming. Polar ice caps are melting as a result of the greenhouse effect and this increases the sea level and cause floods to the coastal areas. Greenhouse gases, which increase the temperature around the globe, cause the tides to rise. The ocean is the largest ecosystem and it changes the waters and releases ice that has been frozen for long periods of time. Ice melting as a result of greenhouse gasses inhibits measurements in which scientists use in studying the changes in the climate. Therefore greenhouse gases are a danger in climate changes on earth.

The greenhouse gases are a danger to the environment as it alters the weather. When the temperature increases evaporation of water increases as well. This brings about an increase in rainfall as well as dryer soil because of evaporation. This can change agriculture around the world with a lack of good soil. The weather is affected in storms which become increasingly violent as a result of greenhouse gases. These changes on a global scale could possibly bring about deserts in ecosystems. Greenhouse gases which change the weather bring about these events and are very real dangers that are presently occurring globally.

Greenhouse gases pose a danger to agriculture. Rising temperatures from greenhouse gases effect the yields of vegetation. While the increase in carbon dioxide brings about higher yields in agriculture the effect on the soil is not known. Growers of agriculture must now adapt to these changes in the climate. The clearing of vegetation, such as the Brazilian rainforests, releases greenhouses gases as well. The vegetation that is removed also removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, therefore it is a vicious cycle which threatens agriculture greatly. The climate change, or global warming as a result of greenhouse gases, brings about threats to agriculture and vegetation around the world.

Greenhouse gases are caused by a variety of things. The releasing of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere pose serious dangers to the environment.

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WE can do so much to protect our plant.Let's start !!!10 Things We can do to helpThe environment is being threatened by things such as greenhouse gasses, clearing vegetation, and a rapidly growing population. While there are many things that are out of our control there are many things we can do to help the environment in which we live. Here is a list of ten things we can do to preserve the environment.

Drive less– the emissions that are emitted from our vehicles drastically threaten the environment with all the harmful chemicals that are released. By taking public transportation, carpooling, riding bicycles, and walking we can reduce these harmful chemicals being emitted.

Purchase a more eco-friendly automobile– Smaller cars as well as hybrid cars reduce the chemicals that are released into the atmosphere therefore helping the environment.

Use green electricity in your home– In many areas you can buy electricity which is generated by wind, rivers, and the sun. If this is not possible Green tags are certificates which can be purchased that guarantees that another location is receiving green electricity at the amount that you purchase.

Teaching children about the environment– By teaching the next generation about the problems they will be more sensitive to it and not take the environment for granted.

Donate money to an environmental cause– Donating money to environmental causes is a way to have an affect as the money will, hopefully, be going to causes that sole purpose is to preserve the environment. There are many causes for the environment to donate money to. Research them to which one you feel will accomplish the most with your funds.

Volunteer– There are many Non Governmental Organizations which have many areas in which to volunteer for. It depends how much time you have to volunteer but, generally, since you are an unpaid volunteer these organizations are happy for you to help in any way you can.

Write letters– taking time to write a letter to organizations, politicians, or corporations is a way to get your view heard and if enough people have a voice action occurs. If you decide to state your displeasure with something word it in a constructive way. You can also organize a letter writing campaign considering the more letters are sent the greater possibility of getting heard and making change.

Vote– Change rarely occurs if the people that want the change do not vote for it. From local, state, and national elections there are many environmental causes to cast your vote for.

Recycle– Recycling has been a major environmental success even though our society still wastes too many things. Along the same line if you see a place such as your work or gym not recycling suggest it as every little bit helps. From plastic bags to cans and bottles every item that is recycled is an item which is not made out of a precious resource.

Change your diet

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– By eating less meat we save land and vegetation. Also only a fraction of the nutritional value that is eaten by the animal is then turned into nutritional value in the meat that we then consume.