environmental management programme compliance assessment


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South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 2

Document Control

Version Control

Date Overview of Changes Author

0.1 13 December 2018 Create report Janna Bedford-Owen

0.2 January 2019 Review Peter Maseko, Nosipho Mosito and Goodness Bopape

0.3 January 2019 Authorise Thembani Mashamba & Sello Nzama

Distribution List

Name Email address

Goodness Bopape [email protected]

Peter Maseko [email protected]

Nosipho Mosito [email protected]

Sello Nzama [email protected]

Thembani Mashamba [email protected]

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South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 3


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Terms of Reference ...................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Assumptions and Limitations ................................................................................... 10

2. Auditors ................................................................................................................................ 11

3. Audit Methodology ............................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Information Collation and Review ............................................................................. 13

3.2 Site Verification .......................................................................................................... 15

3.3 Assessment Methodology ......................................................................................... 16

4. Results ................................................................................................................................. 17

4.1 Non-Compliances ....................................................................................................... 17

4.2 Partial Compliances ................................................................................................... 17

4.3 Audit Findings ............................................................................................................ 20

5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 65

APPENDIX A – CURRICULA VITAE .......................................................................................... 69

APPENDIX A – DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ............................................................. 72

APPENDIX B – PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE .......................................................................... 73


Figure 1-1: Witbank Prospecting Right Regional Locality (2018) ................................................................. 6

Figure 1-2: Witbank Prospecting Borehole Locality Map as per Prospecting Renewal Application (all

phases) .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 1-3: Witbank Prospecting Borehole Locality Map (updated October 2018) ...................................... 8

Figure 5-1: Summary of Percentage Compliance per Section: EA Specific and F1 – F5 .......................... 66

Figure 5-2: Summary of EA Percentage Compliance (incl. N/A) ................................................................ 67

Figure 5-3: Summary of EA Percentage Compliance (Excl. N/A) ............................................................... 67

Figure 0-1: W307106 North west facing towards R544 from farmers access road .................................... 74

Figure 0-2: W307106 Farmers access road facing north east .................................................................... 75

Figure 0-3: W307106 Sealed borehole location.......................................................................................... 75

Figure 0-4: W307106 Core storage location (now ploughed and planted) ................................................. 76

Figure 0-5: W307106 South East from drill site towards access road (site has been planted) .................. 76

Figure 0-6: W307107 Core storage location with some natural regrowth .................................................. 77

Figure 0-7: W307107 Drill site with drain line to sumps and sealed borehole ............................................ 78

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 4

Figure 0-8: W307107 Rehabilitated sumps ................................................................................................. 79

Figure 0-9: W307107 Rehabilitated sumps with farmers access road South West facing ......................... 80

Figure 0-10: W307105 Core storage now plough and planted, south facing ............................................. 81

Figure 0-11: W307105 Rehabilitated sumps facing south east from access road ..................................... 82

Figure 0-12: W307105 Farmers access within planted field, west facing from drill site ............................. 82

Figure 0-13: W307105 Rehabilitated sumps within ploughed and planted field ......................................... 83

Figure 0-14: W307104 Rehabilitated core storage south west facing ........................................................ 84

Figure 0-15: W307104 Remanence of plough/tracker access to ploughed and planted drill site .............. 84

Figure 0-16: W307104 Main farmers access road north east of the drill site ............................................. 85

Figure 0-17: W307104 Borehole location with sumps west facing ............................................................. 86

Figure 0-18: W307104 Drill site noting ploughing and planting of crops with growth evident .................... 87


Table 1: Witbank Prospecting Right Borehole Coordinates (all phases) ...................................................... 5

Table 2: NTC Services Summary ............................................................................................................... 11

Table 3: EAP Contact Details...................................................................................................................... 12

Table 4: Assessment Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 16

Table 5: Recommendation timeframes ....................................................................................................... 17

Table 6: Compliance Audit Findings and Recommendations ..................................................................... 20

Table 7: Compliance Assessment Percentage Breakdown ........................................................................ 65

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 5

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

South32 SA Coal Holdings (Pty) Ltd (South32) was issued a prospecting right for various portions of the

Farm Witbank 3017 JS, situated in the Magisterial District of Moutse, in the Mpumalanga Province (Figure

1-1). This Prospecting Right (MP 30/5/1/1/2/253 PR) was issued on 5 October 2006 and a renewal was

issued in February 2018 (valid for a three-year period). The prospecting area is ~1379 hectares in extent

and the intention is to drill a total of 12 holes over three years viz. four holes per year. The drilling proposed

is diamond drilling with full core recovery holes. Phase 1 (four holes namely BH001 – BH004 recently

amended to W307104/5/6/7) drilling was completed over October 2018, and Phase 2 and 3 will be

completed in 2019 and 2020 respectively. The drilling coordinates are provided in Table 1 the regional

locality is provided in Figure 1-1 and the borehole locations in Figure 1-2 and update locality in Figure 1-3.

This report fulfils the compliance assessment requirement for Phase 1 completed in the 2018 period.

Table 1: Witbank Prospecting Right Borehole Coordinates (all phases)

Drill Holes Drilled in FY2018 – As surveyed on 17/10/2018

Project – Witbank South

LO 29 (CAPE) Y X

W307104 -20058.6 2865382.63

W307105 -20566.85 2865706.53

W307106 -18864.98 2865907.16

W307107 -18868.18 2866239.98

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 6

Figure 1-1: Witbank Prospecting Right Regional Locality (2018)

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 7

Figure 1-2: Witbank Prospecting Borehole Locality Map as per Prospecting Renewal Application (all phases)

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 8

Figure 1-3: Witbank Prospecting Borehole Locality Map (updated October 2018)

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 9

1.2 Terms of Reference

The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) Government Notice

Regulation (GNR) 527, regulation 55 thereof, requires the monitoring and performance assessments of

Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR), which are now known as Environmental

Authorisations (EA), to assess the continued appropriateness and adequacy of the EMPR/EA. The GNR

527 (55) requires the holder of the EA to:

• Conduct continuous monitoring;

• Conduct performance assessments;

• Compile and submit performance assessment reports (PAR) to the Department of Mineral

Resources (DMR).

Regulations 55 (2) states that the frequency of PAR will either be specified in the approved EA, every two

years or as agreed to in writing by the Minister.

Regulation 55(4) adds that the holder of the mining right may appoint an independent competent person(s)

to conduct a performance assessment and compile a PAR.

However, in 20141, the MPRDA was amended (No.49 of 2009) and aligned with the National Environmental

Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) as amended (NEMA). Section 39 – 42 relating to the EMPR

development, management, financial provisions etc. were repealed and Section 38 A and B were inserted.

Section 38 B of the MPRDA states “an environmental management plan or environmental management

programme approved in terms of this Act before and at the time of the coming into effect of the National

Environmental Management Act, 1998 shall be deemed to have been approved and an environmental

authorisation been issued in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998”. Therefore, as

South32 was in possession of an approved prospecting right at the time of the 2017 NEMA Environmental

Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (GNR 326, 2017) coming into effect, it is safely deduced that

South32 – Witbank is in possession of an ‘Environmental Authorisation’ (EA).

Regulation 34 of the NEMA EIA Regulations (GNR 326, 2017) states that a holder of an EA must ensure

compliance to conditions contained therein and be regularly audited at a frequency as stipulated therein or

by the DMR. Regulation 34 further details the persons whom may undertake the audit, the minimum

specifications of the audit report, submission requirements and stakeholder notification requirements.

Following from the above, the approved South32 Witbank Prospecting Right is required to undergo regular

auditing in accordance with NEMA EIA Regulations and Appendix 7 thereof, at a frequency stipulated in

the EA / Prospecting Right itself.

1The 2014 NEMA EIA Regulations were again amended in 7 April 2017.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 10

NTC Group (Pty) was appointed by South32 as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner

(EAP) to undertake the 2018 annual Prospecting Right and EMPR (Ref: MP30/5/1/1/3/2/1 (253) EM File

No. MP/30/5/1/1/253 (PR)) compliance assessment. This report presents the methodologies and findings


1.3 Assumptions and Limitations

The following assumptions and/or limitations are applicable to the audit process and resulting findings:

• This audit is a snap-shot representation of the Witbank prospecting operation and the audit period

assessed includes February 2018 to February 2019 only. Anything occurring prior to this period is

assumed to have been audited previously and was thus not included herein. Therefore, such items

were determined to be “Not Applicable”;

• Due to the nature and extent of the operation, not all areas were visited during the site assessment.

Instead specific areas representative of the operation and assessment period were selected, more


o W307104;

o W307105;

o W307106; and

o W307107.

• Witbank is in Phase 1 of three proposed prospecting activities, and activities relating to

Construction, and/or Closure that were not currently occurring on site were deemed “Not


• Procedures developed by South32 Witbank (as included in the contractors’ agreements) and the

Drilling Contractor, are deemed to be appropriately implemented by site personnel;

• No prospecting activities, namely drilling, were occurring at the time of the site assessment and all

holes had been sealed; and

• Current/relevant legislation will be substituted for legislation referenced in the Prospecting Right

EA that is outdated/repealed.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 11

2. Auditors

NTC GROUP (PTY) LTD was established in 2005. It is 100% female black owned with a Level 1 Broad

Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Rating. The company essentially runs two divisions:

Chemicals and Environmental Consulting. In terms of environmental capabilities, NTC renders the below

(Table 2) services

Table 2: NTC Services Summary

We undertake our services with professional integrity and we have built good reputations with stakeholders

in the environmental management field including regulatory authorities and government departments. We

undertake all our services within the requirements of applicable South African legislation, as well as

acceptable international best practices, norms and standards. The details of the specific environmental

Environmental Authorisations Environmental compliance monitoring

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Environmental Management Program Report (EMPR) for mining right applications

Environmental Management Plans

Integrated Water Use License Application (IWULA)

Integrated Water and Waste Management plan

Waste Permit application

Other permit applications

Compliance audits in line with permits

Construction projects monitoring

Environmental Monitoring

Ground & Surface water

Fauna & Flora

Air quality


Environmental Risk Assessment

Environmental Management Systems - ISO 14001

Environmental strategic projects Specialist studies

Environmental Management Framework (EMF)

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Environmental Rehabilitation Projects

Mine closure studies

Rehabilitation of contaminated soil

Rehabilitation plans

Pollution assessment studies

Mine water balance studies

Engineering services to complement environmental studies

Land Capability and Land Use/Zoning Assessments

Soil Assessments (Description, Classification and Pollution Assessment).

Aquatic Ecological Assessments.

Hydrological/Surface Water Assessments

Air Quality Assessments.

Noise level Assessments

Geotechnical Studies

Environmental Legal Assessments

Biodiversity studies

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 12

consultants who completed and/or assisted with the Compliance Assessment are provided in Table 3 and

the Curricula Vitae’s are provided in Appendix A, along with the auditors’ declaration of independence.

Table 3: EAP Contact Details

Role Responsible Person Contact Details



Thinga Nethanani is the founding member of NTC

Group (Pty) Ltd. She has over 12 years’ experience

in the Environmental Management field. Thinga

provided quality assurance during the audit

preparations and report compilations.

Tel: +27 11 4622 022

Fax: +27 86 665 1864

Email: [email protected]




Janna Bedford-Owen is a Principal Consultant at

NTC Group (Pty) Ltd. She has over 11 years’

experience in the Environmental Management field

including extensive experience within the mining

sector. Janna was the Lead Auditor who undertook

the audit preparations, site assessment and audit

report compilation.

Tel: +27 11 4622 022

Fax: +27 86 665 1864

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +27 86 665 1864

Email: [email protected]

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 13

3. Audit Methodology

3.1 Information Collation and Review

NTC reviewed the Prospecting Right EA and compiled a checklist, which contained the conditions verbatim

(Table 6), that required compliance assessment. During the audit checklist compilation, NTC developed

and submitted an information request to South32 to begin collation and review thereof. The information

verified during the audit included inter alia:

• Approval of the Environmental Management Plan for Ingwe Collieries Limited in respect of various

portions of the farm Witbank 307JS situated in the magisterial district of Moutse, Mpumalanga

Region (Ref: MP 30/5/1/1/3/2/1 (253) EM, dated 5 October 2006);

• Environmental Management Plan (Ref: MP 30/5/1/1/2/253 (PR) dated 30 June 2005 as received

by the DMR (receipt stamp dated 4 July 2005);

• Witbank Report on the extent of compliance with the approved EMP, the rehabilitation to be

completed and the estimated cost thereof, Ref: MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR dated 2008;

• Approved Application for Renewal of a Prospecting Right in terms of Section 18 of the MPRDA

(2002): Portion 57, 66, 67 and the Remaining Extent of the Farm Witbank 307 JS, Magisterial

District of Witbank (Ref: MP 30/5/1/1/2/253 PR, dated 23 February 2018).

• Witbank Prospecting Work Programme submitted for a prospecting right application without bulk

sampling, Ref MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR, Appendix A – E;

• Schematic Drill layout (2018);

• Witbank Project MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR Boreholes, dated 17 October 2018 (Ref: Witbank_PWP-


• South32 SOPs:

o OLD_KPS_SOP_HSE_057 Spillage Clean-up of Dangerous Products revalidation date

September 2017;

o OLD_KPS_SOP_IP_004 Exploration Borehole Drilling revalidation date May 20018;

• Gubhani SOPs 1 – 24:

o GUB_SHE_SOP1: A. Activity: Driving to Site and B. Transporting Personnel

o GUB_SHE_SOP2: Activity: Personal Protective Equipment;

o GUB_SHE_SOP3: Activity: Medicals and Induction;

o GUB_SHE_SOP4: Activity: SHE Checklists a. On drill site: and b. On Camp:

GUB_SHE_SOP5: Activity: Internal SHE Induction;

o GUB_SHE_SOP6: Activity: SHE Training;

o GUB_SHE_SOP7: Activity: Risk Assessments;

o GUB_SHE_SOP8: Activity: Medical Exits;

o GUB_SHE_SOP9: Activity: SHE Administration;

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 14

o GUB_SOP 1: Locating the hole;

o GUB_SOP2: Barricading the site B. Set Up of Drill Rig, 1. Underfoot conditions, 2.

Overhead power lines, 3. Set up of the drill rig;

o GUB_SOP 3: Sumps A. Digging Sumps B. Water Recharging C. Draining the sumps;

o GUB_SOP4: Rod Handling, A. Stacking of the rods, B. Loading the rods onto/off the truck,

C. Lifting and Lowering of Rods, D. Inserting the rods into the hole, E. Cleaning the rod

threads, F. Manual Lifting of Material;

o GUB_SOP5: Starting the Drill Hole A. Reaming the hole, B. Inserting the casings;

o GUB_SOP6: Core Management A. Removing the inner tube (NQ), B. Washing and

marking the core. C. Emptying “Q” Series Inner Tubes;

o GUB_SOP7: Q Series Inner Tube A. Assembly of “Q” Series Inner Tube, B. Assembly of

“Q” Series Barrel, C. Changing “Q” Series Backend Parts, D. Adjusting “Q” Series Backend

Length, E. Changing Overshot Lifting Dogs;

o GUB_SOP8: Changing the drill bit;

o GUB_SOP 9: Moving the rig, Hitching of Trailer, Un-Hitching of Trailer;

o GUB_SOP10: Refuelling;

o GUB_SOP11: Changing the drilling cables, A. Replacing winch cable, B. Removal of wire

line (If old wire line is to be cut & new wire spliced);

o GUB_SOP12: Hole Rehabilitation, A. Closing the hole with cement;

o GUB_SOP 13: Down Hole Surveying;

o GUB_SOP 14: Use of Strong Arm (Cheater Bar), A. For breaking Drill Rods, B. For

Breaking 6 Meter Inner Tube, C. Backing up wrenches to break tight casing;

o GUB_SOP 15: Pulling & Running Rods, A. Running Rods Normal, B. Rod Cage Use Whilst

Drilling, C. Placing P.W. or H.W. Casing, D. Adding three-meter head rod in broken country,

E. Loading HWT drill rods from ground or racks to truck;

o GUB_SOP 16: Breaking out Bits and Reamers;

o GUB_SOP17: Cutting the grass;

o GUB_SOP 18: Extending 3-meter quill rod to 6 meters (where 6m solid quill rod is not


o GUB_SOP19: Lock Out of Machinery and Equipment;

o GUB_SOP20: Tyre Change Procedure;

o GUB_SOP21: Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS);

o GUB_SOP22: Brake Test, Testing the Hand Brake, Testing the Foot Brake;

o GUB_SOP23: Spill Response Procedure;

o GUB_SOP24: Gas Testing.

• Training Records and Critical Task Observation Checks:

o GUM_SHE_SOP1; signed proof of training attendance confirmed;

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 15

o GUB_SHE_SOP3 Medicals and Induction;

o GUB_SHE_SOP5 Internal SHE Induction;

o GUB_SHE_SOP6 SHE Training;

o Gubhani South32 Induction training registers dated 4 May 2018 – 2019 including SOP

training registers;

o MSDS and SHE Policy, refresher training register dated January 2018;

o GUB_SHE_SOP 1, 6, and 7, and GUB_SOP1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24

dated January 2018;

o Working in or near water and Risk Assessment competency assessments dated January


o South32 on the job induction dated 5 May 2017; and

o South32 Induction and HIRA Tests dated 19 May 2017.

• Daily use inspections:

o Ctrack/Geotab installation invoices;

o EME Tyre pre-shift checklist (Ref: CGG009, dated 10, 16 and 20 October 2018);

o LDV Pre-use Checklist for CGG005 (Ref: 15781, dated 27 November 2018, Ref: 15753,

dated 12 October 2018); and

o Drill Rig Daily Use Checklist (dated 30 November 2018 and 30 October 2018).

• Gubhani vehicle service records dated 2013 – 2018 for various vehicles were verified;

• Sanitech Tax Invoice to Gubhani, Ref: WIT652447 dated 25 October 2018, specific to service toilets

dated October and November 2018;

• Emalahleni Local Municipality No. 25103 dated October 2018;

• Borehole Sealing Certificates W307104, W307105A, W307105B, W307106 and W307107 various

dates in October 2018;


o CP8B Unleaded Petrol;

o Eezimix;

o PPC;

o Diesel;

o Hydraulic Oil AW; and

o Multis EP2 Grease.

3.2 Site Verification

A pre-site assessment meeting was completed on 7 December 2018 by Janna Bedford-Owen (NTC), Peter

Maseko (South32), Tlhaloso Nakedi (Gubhani) and Lebogang Petlele (Gubhani). During this meeting,

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 16

additional documents were collated, and information was verified, South32 and Drilling Engineer personnel

were interviewed. The site assessment was completed on 11 December 2018 by Janna Bedford-Owen and

Peter Maseko and selected areas in the prospecting right were visited i.e. verified using photographic

evidence presented in Appendix B. The photographic evidence is presented as follows:

• Borehole No. W307106: Figures 1 – 5;

• Borehole No. W307107: Figures 6 – 9;

• Borehole No. W307104: Figures 10 – 13; and

• Borehole No. W307105: Figures 14 – 17.

3.3 Assessment Methodology

NTC assessed each of the EA conditions per the criteria provided in Table 4. Only conditions in the Partial-

or Non- compliance categories were given recommendations for rectification.

Table 4: Assessment Criteria

Criteria Acc Description



Full Compliance is when the construction or operational activities comply with

the EA conditions. No mitigation measures are required where operations





Partial Compliance is when construction or operational activities are compliant

with some but not all the requirements of the EA condition. Areas where activities

could be improved upon are recorded as Partial-Compliances. Partial-

Compliances have a low priority and should be addressed only once Non-

Compliances have been addressed satisfactorily.




Non-Compliance is when construction or operational activities are in

contravention with the EA conditions and have the potential to impact on the

environment in a detrimental manner. Non-compliance may also be associated

with activities breaching legislation. Non-Compliance findings have a high

priority and mitigation measures are mandatory


Applicable N/A

Not Applicable is assigned to EA conditions which no longer occur, that do not

apply to current activities that may be incorrect and require amendment, fall

outside the audit period and/or are duplicates of existing conditions.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 17

The timeframe in which proposed recommendations should be implemented are presented in Table 5.

Table 5: Recommendation timeframes

Timeframe Description

Short Term 0 – 3 months.

Medium Term 3 – 6 months

Long Term 6 – 12 months

4. Results

This section is aimed at highlighting the identified non-compliances so South32 – Witbank can prioritise

implementation of recommendations and rectification actions. Partial-compliances which are recurring or,

in the opinion of the auditor, warrant rectification have been included. The full audit details are included in

Table 6 below.

4.1 Non-Compliances

No non-compliant findings were identified by the auditor.

4.2 Partial Compliances

Commitment F1.1.1(b): The plan must be updated on a regular basis with regard to the actual

progress of the establishment of surface infrastructure, mining operations and rehabilitation (a

copy of the updated plan shall be forwarded to the Regional Manager on a regular basis).


Condition F1.1.1(a) refers. Only Phase 1 of this Renewal Prospecting Right has been completed in October

2018 and an updated layout (dated October 2018) has not yet been submitted to the DMR.

Recommendation: Short Term

An updated layout should be submitted to the DMR Regional Manager and proof of submission retained.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 18

Commitment F2.4.3(b) All used oils, grease or hydraulic fluids shall be placed therein and these

receptacles will be removed from the site on regular basis for disposal at a registered or licensed

disposal facility.


Hydrocarbon waste was reported to be disposed of at a licenses facility, but evidence of safe disposal

certificates was not available for verification.

Recommendation: Short Term

Hazardous waste removed from site must be disposed of at a registered/licensed facility and records of

disposal retained.

Commitment F4.1(a): Regular monitoring of all the environmental management measures and

components shall be carried out by the holder of the prospecting right, mining permit or

reconnaissance permission in order to ensure that the provisions of this programme are adhered



The contractor reported that site inspections regarding drilling activities, as well as Health and Hygiene

were completed by the SHE Officer, the site manager as well as the site supervisor. However, monitoring

reports relating to environmental aspects as per this EMPR were not available for verification. Records of

internal assessments could not be verified either.

Recommendation: Medium Term

Inspections / Monitoring should include environmental aspects as required by the EMPR.

Commitment F4.1(d): Inspections and monitoring shall be carried out on both the implementation

of the programme and the impact on plant and animal life.


The contractor reported that site inspections regarding drilling activities, as well as Health and Hygiene

were completed by the SHE Officer, the site manager as well as the site supervisor. However, monitoring

reports relating to environmental aspects as per this EMPR were not available for verification.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 19

Recommendation: Medium Term

Inspections / Monitoring should include environmental aspects as required by the EMPR.

Commitment F4.2(a): Layout plans will be updated on a regular basis and updated copies will be

submitted on a biennial basis to the Regional Manager


Only Phase 1 of this Renewal Prospecting Right has been completed (October 2018) and an updated layout

has not yet been submitted to the DMR.

Recommendation: Short Term

An updated layout should be submitted to the DMR Regional Manager and proof of submission retained.

Commitment F5.5(a): The holder of the prospecting right, mining permit or reconnaissance

permission must also take cognisance of the provisions of other legislation dealing with matters

relating to conservation, and which include …”.


South32 reported that environmental legal audits are completed on the company’s mining right areas but

that the prospecting right areas are not included therein.

Recommendation: Long Term

South32 must ensure that all prospecting right areas are compliant with relevant legislated provisions where


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 20

4.3 Audit Findings

Table 6: Compliance Audit Findings and Recommendations

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

11. EA specific conditions: Mpumalanga Parks Board minimum requirements

Where roads, drill sites or any sites are cleared,

relocation plans of plants of conservation importance

should be included and this relocation should be

done by a specialist that have expertise in the

environmental concern.


The relocation of plants was not required as the

drill sites were in previously disturbed areas

and/or agricultural land.


Silting of roads and any other sites to be disturbed,

must be done according to the following:

• Wetlands and other aquatic features must be


• If possible, rocky ridges and outcrops must be


• Sensitive grassland, clusters or indigenous

trees and shrubs or similar dumps that may

contain large biodiversity or threatened and

endangered species must be avoided.

• Sites of ecological importance must be


• Care must be taken to avoid adverse impacts

on nesting or feeding birds.

• Veld fires must be prevented.


The drill sites and access routes were sited in

accordance with these requirements where/as



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 21

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

• Farmlands actively used for crops farming

preferably must be avoided.

• Clumps of invasive, especially exotic growth be

regarded as preferential drilling sites.

• Land where the original and growth had been

disturbed through farming activities such as

plough, the establishment of kraals and other

activities is regarded as preferential drilling


• Access and farm roads are regarded as

preferential drilling sites where the drilling

position can be structured in a manner that will

still allow traffic to continue normally.

Section F: F1.1.1 Site Layout

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 22

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

a) A copy of the layout as provided for in Regulations

2.2 must be available at the prospecting/mining site

for scrutiny when required.


The Witbank Prospecting Layout as submitted

with the Prospecting Right Renewal application

(Witbank Prospecting Work Programme

submitted for a prospecting right application

without bulk sampling, Ref

MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR, Appendix A – E)

compliant with Regulation 2.2 was verified by

the Auditor. This was amended and the new

layout was made available during the site

assessment (Witbank Project

MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR Boreholes, dated 17

October 2018).


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 23

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

b) b The plan must be updated on a regular basis with

regard to the actual progress of the establishment of

surface infrastructure, mining operations and

rehabilitation (a copy of the updated plan shall be

forwarded to the Regional Manager on a regular



Condition F1.1.1(a) refers. Only Phase 1 of this

Renewal Prospecting Right has been

completed (October 2018) and an updated

layout (dated October 2018) has not yet been

submitted to the DMR.

An updated layout should be

submitted to the DMR

Regional Manager and proof

of submission retained.

Timeframe: Short Term

c) A final layout must be submitted at closure of the

mine or when operations have ceased. N/A

Phase 1 drilling has been completed. However,

the Prospecting Right Renewal is valid until

2020 and Phases 2 and 3 are pending.


F1.1.2 Demarcating the Mining/Prospecting Area

a) The mining/prospecting area must be clearly

demarcated by means of beacons at its corners, and

along its boundaries if there is no visibility between

the corner beacons.


The site layout demarcates the boundary and

drill sites. However, as the prospecting area fell

on farming land, the existing fences surrounding

the property boundaries were deemed

adequate for demarcation. The boreholes

themselves were demarcated and safety

barricades erected during drilling activities in

accordance with the contractor SOP

GUB_SOP2: Barricading the site and B: Set up

of drilling rig.


b) Permanent beacons as indicated on the layout plan

or as prescribed by the Regional Manager must be C

Commitment F1.1.2(a) Refers. The fences

surrounding the farmer’s property were well

maintained for the duration of drilling and


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 24

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

firmly erected and maintained in their correct position

throughout the life of operation.

verified during the audit (Appendix B). The

temporary barricades around the drill rigs and

site were removed following completion of

drilling activities.

c) Mining/Prospecting and resultant operations shall

only take place within this demarcated area.


The auditor verified the boreholes drilled were

in the same position as indicated in the updated

site layout (Witbank Project

MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR Boreholes, dated 17

October 2018) (Appendix B).


F1.1.3 Demarcating the River channel and Riverine Environment

a) Beacons as indicated on the layout plan or

prescribed by the Regional Manager must be

erected and maintained in their correct position

throughout the life of operation.


South32 and the contractor reported that the

prospecting area and activities do not occur

within a river/riverine area and the auditor

verified, during the site audit that no prospecting

activities took place within a riverine

environment (Witbank Prospecting Work

Programme, Ref MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR,

Appendix A – E, as well as the updated Witbank

Project MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR Boreholes, dated

17 October 2018). Appendix B provides

photographic evidence of boreholes audited.


b) These beacons must be of a permanent nature

during the operations and must not be easily

removable, especially those in a river channel. The


Commitment F1.1.3 (a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 25

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

beacons must, however, be removed at the end of

the operations.

c) The mining of and prospecting for any mineral shall

only take place within this demarcated mining area. N/A

Commitment F1.1.3 (a) refers. None.

d) If the riverine vegetation is present in the form of

reeds or wetland vegetation, the presence of these

must be entered in Part C1.45 of the EMPlan and

indicated on the layout plan.


Commitment F1.1.3 (a) refers. None.

e) The holder of the mining permit/prospecting right will

also be required to permanently demarcate the

areas as specified in F1.1.2.


Commitment F1.1.3 (a) refers. None.

F1.2 Restrictions of Mining/Prospecting

a) On assessment of the application, the Regional

Manager may prohibit the conducting of mining of

prospecting operations in vegetated areas or over

portions of these areas.


No such prohibitions or similar

limitations/restrictions were issued by the

Regional Manager.


b) In the case of areas that are excluded from the

mining or prospecting, no operation shall be

conducted within 5 m of these areas.


No such prohibitions or similar

limitations/restrictions were issued by the

Regional Manager.


F1.3 Responsibility

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 26

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

a) The environment affected by the mining/prospecting

operations shall be rehabilitated by the holder, as far

as practical, to its natural state or to a predetermined

and agreed to standard or land use which conforms

with the concept of sustainable development. The

affected environment shall be maintained in a stable

condition that will not be detrimental to the safety and

health of humans and animals and that will not

pollute the environment or lead to the degradation



The prospecting right is valid for three years viz.

February 2020. Although Phase 1 drilling

activities have ceased, Phases 2 and 3 are still


Interim rehabilitation by the contractor has

occurred in accordance with the contractor’s

SOPs, specifically Gubhani GUB_SOP 3:

Sumps section C and GUB_SOP12: Hole

Rehabilitation section A.


b) It is the responsibility of the holder of the

mining/prospecting right to ensure that the manager

on the site and the employees are capable of

complying with all the statutory requirement which

must be met in order to mine, which includes

implementation of this EMP.


South32 reported that employees, contractors

and supplier are required to undergo induction

and task observation checks by South32, which

includes environmental training and the

following training materials;

• GUB_SHE_SOP3 Medicals and Induction;

• GUB_SHE_SOP5 Internal SHE Induction;

• GUB_SHE_SOP6 SHE Training;

• Gubhani South32 Induction training

registers dated 4 May 2018 – 2019

including SOP training registers;

• MSDS and SHE Policy, refresher training

register dated January 2018;


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 27

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

• GUB_SHE_SOP 1, 6, and 7, and

GUB_SOP1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16,

21, 22, 23, 24 dated January 2018;

• Working in or near water and Risk

Assessment competency assessments

dated January 2018;

• South32 on the job induction () dated 5

May 2017; and

• South32 Induction and HIRA Tests dated

19 May 2017.

Further to that, the EMPR requirements were

included into the contractor packs issued to staff

on site and site inspections regarding drilling

activities, as well as Health and Hygiene were

completed by the SHE Officer.

c) If operations are to be conducted in an area that has

already been disturbed, the holder must reach

specific agreement with the Regional Manager

concerning the responsibilities imposed upon

himself/herself pertaining to the rehabilitation of the

area and the pollution control measures to be



Commitment F1.3(a) refers.

The drilling activities occurred within agricultural

areas, and agreements between landowner and

the contractor regarding final rehabilitation

requirements is pending finalisation post Phase

3 drilling completion.

If transfer of liabilities is

required by South32, the

Regional Manager must be

consulted and agreement to

transfer any of the liabilities as

per this commitment obtained.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 28

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

F2.1 Topsoil

a) Topsoil shall be removed from all areas where

physical disturbance of the surface area will occur.


The prospecting activities comprised drilling of

boreholes and setup of associated drilling rigs.

This required removal of vegetation, digging out

of a catchment sump (1-2m). Topsoil from this

area was located on site adjacent to the sumps.

No topsoil was removed from the drilling sites.

The sites established followed the contractor

SOPs (Gubhani GUB_SOP2: Barricading the

site and Drill Setup, and GUB_SOP3: Sumps).


b) All available topsoil shall be removed after

consultation with the Regional Manager prior to the

commencement of any operations.


Commitment F2.1(a) refers. None.

c) The topsoil removed, shall be stored in a bund wall

on the high ground side of the mining/prospecting

area and outside the 1:50 year flood level within the

boundaries of the mining/prospecting area.


Commitment F1.2(a) refers. None.

d) Topsoil shall be kept separate from overburden and

shall not be used for building or maintenance of

access roads.


Commitment F1.2(a) refers. None.

e) The topsoil stored in the bund wall shall be

adequately protected from being blown away or

being eroded.


Commitment F1.2(a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 29

Condition Com Finding Recommendations


F2.2.1 Establishing access roads on the site

a) The access road to the mining/prospecting area and

the camp/site office must be established in

consultation with the landowner/tenant and existing

roads shall be used as far as practical.


Agreement between the local farmers,

landowner and South32 (including contractors)

was reached regarding access roads use. The

auditor confirmed, during the site assessment,

that existing access roads were utilised

(Appendix B: Figures 2, 9, 12 and 15). Minimal

temporary roads (0 – 200m) leading to exact

borehole sites were used during drilling (~2 – 4

days per hole). The addition of gates or fences

was not necessary.

No drilling was occurring at the time of the audit.


b) Should a portion of the access road be newly

constructed the following must be adhered to:

• The route shall be selected that a minimum

number of bushes or trees are felled and existing

fence lines shall be followed as far as possible.

• Watercourse and steep gradients shall be

avoided as far as practicable.

• Adequate drainage and erosion protection in the

form of cut-off berms or trenches shall be

provided where necessary.


Commitment F2.2.1(a) refers. The contractor

reported that only a maximum 200m roads

leading to exact boreholes (Appendix B: Figures

2, 9, 12 and 15) were created and rehabilitated

by closing trenches that were created (track

marks when driving). Rehabilitation was specific

to site and the roads were never seeded,

instead vegetation was not removed/cleared

and areas disturbed were left to grow naturally

or planted by the famer(s) (as observed by the



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 30

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

The auditor confirmed, during the site

assessment that no road was close to a


No drilling was occurring at the time of the audit.

c) If imported material is used in the construction or

upgrading of the access road this must be listed in C



No imported materials were used during road



d) The erection of gates in fence lines and the open or

closed status of the gates in new and existing

positions shall be clarified in consultation with the

landowner/tenant and maintained throughout the

operational period.


No new fences or gates were required nor was

there a need to close roads or gates. This was

confirmed by the auditor during the site

inspection. Agreement between the landowner

and South32 was reached prior to drilling



e) No other routes will be used by the vehicles or

personnel for the purposed of gaining access to the



The auditor did not observe alternative roads

providing access to the prospecting area.


F2.2.2 Maintenance of access roads

a) In the case of dual or multiple use of access roads

by other users, arrangements for multiple

responsibility must be made with the other users. If

not, the maintenance of the access road shall be the


Commitment F2.2.1(a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 31

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

responsibility of the holder of the mining/prospecting


b) Newly constructed access roads shall be adequately

maintained so as to minimise dust, erosion or undue

surface damage.


Commitment F2.2.1(a) refers.

No drilling was occurring at the time of the audit.


F2.2.3 Dust control on the access and haul roads

a) The liberation of dust into the surrounding

environment shall be effectively controlled by the use

of inter alia water spraying and/or other dust allaying

agents. The speed of haul trucks and other vehicles

must be strictly controlled to avoid dangerous

conditions; excessive dust or excessive deterioration

of the road being used.


The contractors reported that the drill rigs were

equipped with dust suppression systems

(Diamond Core Drilling was utilised at all the


No drilling was occurring at the time of the audit.

The auditor did not observe dusty conditions

(due to road use, bare soils or other sources)

and the roads were observed to be in good


The auditor confirmed that driving and obeying

road rules and speed limits were communicated

to the employees as part of the Induction and

SOP Training (GUM_SHE_SOP1, Pre-shift

inspection LDV or HV; signed proof of training

attendance confirmed and daily pre-shift

checklists (EME Tyre, drill rig, LDV) for the

October and November 2018 period verified).

Further to that, the contractor indicated that


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 32

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

Ctrack/Geotab/ in-vehicle monitoring system is

used to monitor the vehicle speed from the

office (Confirmation of installation verified in

invoices provided by the contractors).

F2.2.4 Rehabilitation of access road

a) Wherever a mining/prospecting right is suspended,

cancelled or abandoned or if it lapses and the holder

does not wish to renew the permit or right, any

access road or portions thereof, constructed by the

holder which will no longer be required by the

landowner/tenant, shall be removed and/or

rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Regional



Commitment F1.3(a) and F 2.2.2(b) refer. None.

b) Any gate or fence erected by the holder which is not

required by the landowner/tenant shall be removed

and the situation restored to the pre-

mining/prospecting situation.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F 2.2.2(b) refer. None.

c) Roads shall be ripped or ploughed, and if necessary,

appropriately fertilized (based on a soil analysis) to

ensure the re-growth of vegetation. Imported road

construction materials which may hamper re-growth

of vegetation must be removed and disposed of in

an approved manner prior to rehabilitation.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F 2.2.2(b) refer. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 33

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

d) If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-

establishment of vegetation is unacceptably slow,

the Regional Manager may require that the soil be

analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil

arising from the mining/prospecting operation, be

corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to

the Regional Manager’s specification.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.2.2(b) refer. None.


F2.3.1 Establishing office / camp sites

a) Office and camp sites shall be established, as far as

practical, outside the floodplain, above the 1:50 year

flood level mark within the boundaries of the

mining/prospecting area. N/A

An office/camp for drilling was not required (Site

Layout plan was verified). South32 reported that

drill rigs were established at the drilling sites

only and comprised minimal infrastructure for

drilling only e.g. sump (1-2m), temporary

storage of cores and drill equipment, chemical

toilet. The drill sites and minimal laydowns were

not located within 1:50year flood level mark.


b) The area chosen for these purposes shall be the

minimum reasonably required and which will involve

the least disturbance to vegetation. Topsoil shall be

handled as described in F2.1 above.


Commitment F2.3(a) refers. Soil removal or

storage was not required for drilling activities

and the sumps used followed the SOP

GUB_SOP3: Sumps.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 34

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) No camp or site office shall be located closer than

100 meters from a stream, river, spring, dam or pan. N/A

An office/camp for drilling was not required. Drill

rigs were established at the drilling sites only

(Appendix B).


d) No trees or shrubs will be felled or damaged for the

purpose of obtaining firewood, unless agreed to by

the landowner/tenant.


Damage to tree or shrubs for purposes of fires

is strictly prohibited and forms part of the

employee and/or contractor Induction Training

(GUM_SHE_SOP1 Locating the Hole,

GUM_SHE_SOP2 Barricading the Site Section

B Drill setup and GUM_ _SOP3 – Sumps

Section A). Damage to trees and shrubs, or

evidence of fires on site was not observed by

the auditor (Appendix B).


e) Fires will only be allowed in facilities or equipment

specially constructed for this purpose. If required by

applicable legislation, a fire-break shall be cleared

around the perimeter of the camp and office sites.


The restriction of fires on site forms a part of the

employee and/or contractor Induction Training

(GUM_SHE_SOP1; signed proof of training

attendance confirmed).


f) Lighting and noise disturbance or any other form of

disturbance that may have an effect on the

landowner/tenant/persons lawfully in the vicinity

shall be kept to a minimum.


The auditor did not observe light or noise

disturbances during the site assessment

(drilling had ceased at the time of the audit).

Furthermore, drilling activities were located a

sufficient distance from adjacent

landowners/tenants to ensure minimal


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 35

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

disturbance during operations (verified during

the site assessment).

F2.3.2 Toilet facilities, waste water and refuse disposal

a) As a minimum requirement, the holder of the mining

permit/prospecting right shall, at least, provide pit

latrines for employees and proper hygiene measures

shall be established.


It was reported that a chemical toilet (portable)

was provided for onsite staff. No additional

facilities e.g. washing, basins, kitchens etc.

were required on site. The chemical toilet was

maintained by the service provider and the

suppliers (Sanitech Tax Invoice to Gubhani,

Ref: WIT652447 dated 25 October 2018,

specific to service toilets dated October and

November 2018).


b) Chemical toilet facilities or other approved toilet

facilities such as a septic drain shall preferably be

used and sited on the camp site in such a way that

they do not cause water or other pollution.


Commitment F2.3.2(a) refers. The chemical

toilets were adequately maintained, and the

contractor reported that it did not lead to

pollution incidents onsite.


c) The use of existing facilities must take place in

consultation with the landowner/tenant. N/A

Chemical toilets (portable) were provided for

onsite staff. No existing ablutions/facilities were



d) In cases where facilities are linked to existing

sewerage structures, all necessary regulatory

N/A Commitment F2.3.2(a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 36

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

requirements concerning construction and

maintenance should be adhered to.

e) All effluent water from the camp washing facility shall

be disposed of in a properly constructed French

drain, situated as far as possible, but not less than

200m away from any stream, river, pan, dam or



Commitment F2.3.2(a) refers. None.

f) Only domestic type water shall be allowed to enter

this drain and any effluents containing oil, grease or

other industrial substances must be collected in a

suitable receptacle and removed from the site, either

for resale or appropriate disposal at a recognised



Commitment F2.3.2(a) refers. None.

g) Spills should be cleaned up immediately to the

satisfaction of the Regional Manager by removing

the spillage together with the polluted soil and by

disposing of them at a recognised facility. C

The contractor reported that no spills or

environmental pollution causing incidents

occurred during on site drilling activities.

The contractor further reported that should such

occur, these spills would be managed per the

SOPs (GUB_SOP23: Spill Response



h) Non-biodegradable refuse such as glass bottles,

plastic bags, metal scrap etc. shall be stored in a

container at a collecting point and collected on a

regular basis and disposed of at a recognised


South32 and appointed contractors reported

that waste generated during the prospecting

activities was collected from site and stored at

the contractors’ offsite offices prior to disposal


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 37

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

disposal facility. Specific precautions shall be taken

to prevent refuse from being dumped on or in the

vicinity of the camp site.

by the municipal service provider. Records of

disposal at recognised facilities was verified

(Emalahleni Local Municipality No. 25103 dated

October 2018). The auditor did not observe any

waste littered on site, or evidence of waste

disposal/burial (Appendix B).

The South32 Spillage Clean-up of Dangerous

Goods procedures and SOP CUB_SOP23 Spill

Response Procedure notes the containment,

storage and disposal requirements for

petrochemical or chemical spills onsite.

Core waste was reported to be discarded at the

Ifalethu Discard facility and no evidence of core

was observed on site.

i) Biodegradable refuse generated from the

office/camp site, processing areas, vehicle yard,

storage area or any other area shall either be

handled as indicated above or be buried in a pit

excavated for that purpose and covered with layers

of soil, incorporating a final 0.5 metre thick layer of

topsoil (where applicable). Provision should be made

for future subsidence of the covering.


Commitment F2.3.2(h) refers. The contractor

reported that no waste was buried or left on site.

The auditor observed the sites to be free of



F2.3.3 Rehabilitation of the office/camp site

a) On completion of operations, all buildings, structures

or objects on the camp/office site shall be dealt with

N/A The prospecting right is valid until February

2019 and prospecting activities for Phase 1


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 38

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

in accordance with Section 44 of the MPRDA which


have ceased and drilling sites decommissioned,

and boreholes sealed (Borehole Sealing

Certificates W307104, W307105A, W307105B,

W307106 and W307107 various dates in

October 2018), however no camp site was

established on site.

Site rehabilitation was completed according to

the SOPs (Gubhani GUB_SOP12: Hole


b) Where office/camp sites have been rendered devoid

of vegetation/grass or where soils have been

compacted owing to traffic, the surface shall be

scarified or ripped.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.3.3(a) refer. None.

c) Areas containing French drains shall be compacted

and covered with a final layer of topsoil to a height of

10cm above the surrounding ground surface.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.3.3(a) refer. None.

d) The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seed mix

adapted to reflect the local indigenous flora. N/A

Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.3.3(a) refer. None.

e) If reasonable assessment indicates that the re-

establishment of vegetation is unacceptably slow,

the Regional Manager may require that the soil be

analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil


Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.3.3(a) refer. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 39

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

arising from the mining/prospecting operation be

corrected and the area be seeded with a vegetation

mix to his/her specification.

f) Photographs of the camp and office sites, before and

during the mining/prospecting operation and after

rehabilitation, shall be taken at selected fixed points

and kept on record for the information of the

Regional Manager.


Commitment F1.3(a) and F2.3.3(a) refer. None.


F2.4.1 Establishing the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage areas

a) The vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage

area will be established as far as is practical, outside

the flood plain, above the 1 in 50 flood level mark

within the boundaries of the mining/prospecting



South32 reported that an onsite vehicle

maintenance yard or storage areas were not

required. Equipment used during drilling were

located at the drill site for the duration of the

drilling only.


b) The area chosen for these purposes shall be the

minimum reasonably required and involve the least

disturbance to tree and plant life. Topsoil shall be

handled as described in F2.1 above.


Commitment F2.4.1(a) refers. None.

c) The storage area shall be securely fenced and all

hazardous substances and stocks such as diesel,

oils, detergents etc. shall be stored therein. Drip


Commitment F2.4.1(a) refers. Bulk storage

occurred offsite with minimal storage onsite for

use if/when needed.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 40

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

pans, a thin concrete slab or a facility with PVC

lining, shall be installed in such storage areas with a

view to prevent soil and water pollution.

d) The location of both the vehicle maintenance yard

and the storage areas are to be indicated on the

layout plan.


Commitment F2.4.1(a) refers. None.

e) No vehicle may be extensively repaired in any place

other than in the maintenance yard. N/A

Commitment F2.4.1(a) refers. None.

F2.4.2 Maintenance of vehicles and equipment

a) The maintenance of vehicles and equipment used

for any purpose during the mining/prospecting

operation will take place only in the maintenance

yard area.


Commitment F2.4.1(a) refers. Vehicle

maintenance was completed off site.


b) Equipment used in the mining/prospecting area must

be adequately maintained so that during operations

it does not spill oil, diesel, fuel or hydraulic fluid.


The contractor reported that the vehicles and

drilling equipment were well maintained and

were not the source of pollution (Gubhani

vehicle service records dated 2013 – 2018 for

various vehicles were verified).

Daily inspection sheets were completed and

verified by the auditor:

• EME Tyre pre-shift checklist (Ref:

CGG009, dated 10, 16 and 20 October



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 41

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

• LDV Pre-use Checklist for CGG005 (Ref:

15781, dated 27 November 2018, Ref:

15753, dated 12 October 2018); and

• Drill Rig Daily Use Checklist (dated 30

November 2018 and 30 October 2018).

c) Machinery or equipment used on the

mining/prospecting area must not constitute a

pollution hazard in respect of the above substances.

The Regional Manager shall order such equipment

to be repaired or withdrawn from use if he/she

considers the equipment or machinery to be polluting

and irreparable.


Commitment F2.4.2 (b) refers. The Regional

Manager did not issue such instruction.


F2.4.3 Waste Disposal

a) Suitable, covered receptacle shall be available at all

times and conveniently placed for the disposal of



Commitment F2.3.2(h) refers. The auditor

observed the sites to be free of waste. The

contractors reported that no waste was buried

or left on site (Appendix B).


b) All used oils, grease or hydraulic fluids shall be

placed therein and these receptacles will be

removed from the site on regular basis for disposal

at a registered or licensed disposal facility.


Commitment F2.3.2(h) refers. Hydrocarbon

waste was reported to be disposed of at a

licensed facility, but evidence of safe disposal

certificates was not available for verification.

Waste Records must be

retained as evidence of safe


Timeframe: Short Term

c) All spills should be cleaned up immediately to the

satisfaction of the Regional Manager by removing

C Commitment F2.3.2(g) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 42

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

the spillage together with the polluted soil and by

disposing of them at a recognised facility.

F2.4.4 Rehabilitation of vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage areas

a) On completion of mining/prospecting operations, the

above areas shall be cleared of any contaminated

soil, which must be dumped as referred to in section

F2.4.3 above.


The contractor reported that as the drilling was

a day time operation only, no machinery or

equipment was stored on site. Drill rigs that

were setup for drilling remained overnight for

the duration of drilling only. Vehicle, equipment

or machine maintenance was completed off


The prospecting right is valid until February

2020 and prospecting activities for Phase 1

have ceased and drilling sites decommissioned

and rehabilitated. Rehabilitation by the

contractor has occurred in accordance with the

contractors’ SOPs Gubhani GUB_SOP 3:

Sumps section C and GUB_SOP12: Hole

Rehabilitation Section A).


b) All buildings, structures or objects on the vehicle

maintenance yard and secured storage areas shall

be dealt with in accordance with Section 44 of the



Commitment F 2.4.4(a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 43

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) The surface area shall then be ripped or ploughed to

a depth of at least 300mm and the topsoil previously

stored adjacent the site, shall be spread evenly to its

original depth over the whole area. The area shall

then be fertilised if necessary (based on a soil



Commitment F 2.4.4(a) refers. None.

d) The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seed mix

adapted to reflect the local indigenous flora. N/A

Commitment F 2.4.4(a) refers. None.

e) If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-

establishment of vegetation is unacceptably slow,

the Regional Manager may require that the soil be

analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil

arising from the mining/prospecting operation, be

corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to

the Regional Manager’s specification.


Commitment F 2.4.4(a) refers. None.


F3.1 Limitation on mining/prospecting

a) The mining of or prospecting for precious stoned

shall take place only within the approved

demarcated mining or prospecting area. C

It is noted that precious stone referred to herein

is erroneous as the prospecting right is for Coal.

Drilling sites were located within the

demarcated area, and the auditor did not

observe evidence of drilling activities having


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 44

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

occurred outside these demarcated areas

(Appendix B).

b) Mining/prospecting may be limited to the areas

indicated by the Regional Manager on assessment

of the application. C

The prospecting right area was limited to the

areas within the renewed prospecting right

approved by the DMR, as were related activities

(Appendix B).


c) The holder of the mining permit / prospecting right

shall ensure that operations take place only in the

demarcated areas as described in section F1.1.2



Commitment 3.1(a) refers. None.

d) Operations will not be conducted closer than one

and a half times the height of the bank from the edge

of the river channel and in such a manner that the

stability of the bank of the river is affected. N/A

The auditor confirmed that there is no

watercourse near the drilling sites, nor is it

located within a wetland, pan, and/or flood line

(Witbank Project MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR

Boreholes, dated 17 October 2018) (Appendix



e) Precautions shall also be taken to ensure that the

bank of the river is adequately protected from

scouring or erosion. Damage to the bank of the river

caused by the operations, shall be rehabilitated to

condition acceptable to the Regional Manager at the

expense of the holder.


Commitment 3.1 (d) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 45

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

f) Restrictions on the disturbance of the riverine

vegetation in the form of reeds or wetland vegetation

must be adhered to. The presence of these areas

must be entered in part of the programme and

indicated on the layout plan.


Commitment 3.1 (d) refers. None.

F3.2 Mining/Prospecting operations within the riverine environment

a) The mining of or prospecting for precious stones in

the river or the banks of the river will be undertaken

only after the Regional Manager has consulted with

the DWA (now DWS).


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


b) The canalisation of the river will not be undertaken

unless the necessary permission has been obtained

from the DWS. Over and above the conditions

imposed by the said DWS, which conditions shall

form part of this EMPlan, the following shall also



Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 46

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) Access to the riverbed for the purpose of conducting

excavations in the riverbed, shall be through the use

of only one access at a time. The location of the

access to the river channel across the river bank

shall be at a point of the river bank where the least

excavation and damage to vegetation will occur and

shall not be wider than is reasonably required. The

position of the river access together with all planned

future access points, must be indicated on the layout



Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


F3.2.1 Rehabilitation of access to river bed

a) When rehabilitating the access point, the original

profile of the river bank will be re-established by

backfilling the access point with the original material

excavated or other suitable material.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 47

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

b) The topsoil shall then be returned over the whole

area to its original depth and if necessary fertilised

and the vegetation allowed to grow.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


c) If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-

establishment of vegetation is unacceptably slow,

the Regional Manager may require that the soil be

analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil

arising from the mining/prospecting operation, be

corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to

the Regional Manager’s specification.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


d) In the event of damage from an occurrence where

high flood waters scour and erode access points in

the process of rehabilitation over the river bank or an

access point currently in use, repair of such damage

shall be the sole responsibility of the holder of the

mining permit or prospecting right.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


e) Repair to the river bank to reinstate its original profile

to the satisfaction of the Regional Manager must

take place immediately after such event has

occurred and the river has subsided to a point where

repairs can be undertaken.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 48

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

f) Final acceptance of rehabilitated river access points

will be awarded only after the vegetation has re-

established to a point where the Regional Manager

is satisfied that the river bank is stable and that the

measures installed are of durable nature and able to

withstand high river flow conditions.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


F3.2.2 Rehabilitation of mining/prospecting areas in the bed of the river

a) The goal of the rehabilitation with respect to the area

where mining/prospecting has taken place in the

river bed is to leave the area level and even, and in

a natural state containing no foreign debris or other

materials and to ensure the hydrological integrity of

the river by not attenuating or diverting any of the

natural flow.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


b) All scrap and other foreign materials will be removed

from the bed of the river and disposed of as in the

case of other refuse (see section F2.3.2 above),

whether these accrue directly from the

mining/prospecting operation or are washed on to

the site from upstream.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


c) Removal of these materials shall be done on a

continuous basis and not only at the start of



Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 49

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

d) Where reeds or other riverine vegetation have been

removed from the areas, these shall be re-

established systematically in the approximate areas

where they occurred before mining/prospecting.


Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


e) An effective control programme for the eradication of

invader species and other plants exotic plants, shall

be instituted on a regular basis over the entire

mining/prospecting area under the control of the

holder of the mining permit/ prospecting area under

the control of the holder of the mining

permit/prospecting right, both during

mining/prospecting and at the stage of final



Commitment F3.2(a) refers. The prospecting

area and activities do not occur within a

river/riverine area.


F.3.2.3 Water Use Licences

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 50

Condition Com Finding Recommendations


The prospecting activities did not require a

Water Use License.



F3.3.1 Establishing the excavation area

a) Wherever any excavation is undertaken for the

purpose of locating and/or extracting ore bodies of

all types of minerals, including precious stone

bearing gravels, the following operating procedures

shall be adhered to:

• Topsoil shall, in all cases (except when

excavations are made in the river-bed), be

handled as described in F 2.1 above.

• Excavations shall take place only within the

approved demarcated mining/prospecting



South32 reported that no excavations were

undertaken as part of the prospecting activities

(Prospecting Work Programme) only test

borehole drilling (using diamond drilling rigs)

was undertaken.

All boreholes were full core diamond holes

drilled for geotechnical data on strata where the

initial proposed shaft position was.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 51

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

• Overburden rocks and coarse material shall

be placed concurrently in the excavations or

stored adjacent to the excavation, if

practicable, to be used as backfill material

once the ore or gravel has been excavated.

• Trenches shall be backfilled immediately if

no ore or precious stone-bearing gravel can

be located.

F3.3.2 Rehabilitation of excavation areas

a) The following operating procedures shall be adhered


• The excavated area must serve as a final

depositing area for the placement of tailings

during processing.

• Rocks and coarse material removed from

the excavation must be dumped into the

excavation simultaneously with the tailings.

• Waste, as described in paragraph F 2.3.2

above, will not be permitted to be deposited

in the excavations.

• Once excavations have been refilled with

overburden, rocks and coarse natural

materials and profiled with acceptable

contours and erosion control measures, the


Commitment F3.3.1(a) refers. No excavations

were required for prospecting activities.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 52

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

topsoil previously stored, shall be returned

to its original depth over the area.

• The area shall be fertilised if necessary to

allow vegetation to establish rapidly. The

site shall be seeded with a local or adapted

indigenous seed mix in order to propagate

the locally or regionally occurring flora.

• If a reasonable assessment indicates that

the re-establishment of vegetation is

unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager

may require that the soil be analysed and

any deleterious effects on the soil arising

from the mining/ prospecting operation, be

corrected and the area be seeded with a

vegetation seed mix to his or her



F3.4.1 Establishing processing areas and waste piles

a) Processing areas and waste piles shall not be

established within 100 metres of the edge of any

river channel or other water bodies.


The prospecting and drilling activities did not

occur within a watercourse.


b) Processing areas should be established, as far as

practicable, near the edge of excavations to allow N/A

The prospecting and drilling activities did not

require excavation works.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 53

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

the waste, gravel and coarse material to be

processed therein.

c) The areas chosen for this purpose shall be the

minimum reasonably required and involve the least

disturbance to vegetation.


The auditor observed the core storage areas to

be the minimum possible (Appendix B; and

Schematic Layouts).

Rehabilitation by the contractor has occurred in

accordance with the contractors’ SOPs

(Gubhani GUB_SOP 3: Sumps section C and

GUB_SOP12: Hole Rehabilitation Section A).


d) Prior to development of these areas, the topsoil shall

be removed and stored as described in paragraph F

2.1 above.


Topsoil removal was not required for the drilling

activities, and processing was completed off

site. The waste runoff was contained in a small,

lined sump. The sump was developed by

removing topsoil to one side and subsoil to the

other (thus creating a depression surrounded by

a minimum 30cm earth wall) before being

overlaid with a PVC liner. The closing of the

sump was undertaken as per the contractors’

SOPs (Gubhani GUB_SOP 3: Sumps section C

and GUB_SOP12: Hole Rehabilitation Section



e) The location and dimensions of the areas are to be

indicated on the layout plan and once established,

the processing of ore containing precious stones


Schematic layout drawings of the drill sites were

verified by the auditor.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 54

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

shall be confined to these areas and no stockpiling

or processing will be permitted on areas not correctly


Processing of cores or coal seam samples was

completed off site. Core samples obtained were

stored temporarily during daily drilling before

being removed for offsite analysis.

f) Tailings from the extraction process must be so

treated and/or deposited that it will in no way prevent

or delay the rehabilitation process.


No tailings occurred on site (due to the nature

of the drilling completed).


F3.4.2 Rehabilitation of processing areas

a) Coarse natural material used for the construction of

ramps must be removed and dumped into the



Commitment F3.3.1(a) refers. No excavations

were required for prospecting activities and thus

no ramp construction occurred.

Processing of cores or coal seam samples was

completed off site. Core samples obtained were

stored temporarily during daily drilling before

being removed for offsite analysis.


b) On completion of mining/prospecting operations, the

surface of the processing areas especially if

compacted due to hauling and dumping operations,

shall be scarified to a depth of at least 300mm and

graded to an even surface condition and the

previously stored topsoil will be returned to its

original depth over the area.


Commitment F3.4.2(a) refers.

Note: The prospecting activities comprised

Drilling Boreholes using Diamond Drill Rigs.

Additional infrastructure (e.g. camp site, offices,

storage areas, ablutions, processing plants etc.)

was not necessary and thus compaction was



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 55

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) Prior to replacing the topsoil, the material that was

removed from the prospecting area will be replaced

in the same order as it originally occurred.


Commitment F3.4.2(a) refers. None.

d) The area shall then be fertilised if necessary to allow

vegetation to establish rapidly. The site shall be

seeded with a local, adapted indigenous seed mix.


Commitment F3.4.2(a) refers. None.

e) If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-

establishment of vegetation is unacceptably slow,

the Regional Manager may require that the soil be

analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil

arising from the mining/prospecting operation be

corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to

his or her specification.


Commitment F3.4.2(a) refers. None.


a) The permission of the Regional Manager must be

obtained should a tailings dam be constructed for the

purpose of handling the tailings of the

mining/prospecting operations. The construction,

care and maintenance of tailings dams have been

regulated as per the applicable regulations such as

NEMWA Regulations 632 etc.


A tailings dam was not required for purposes of

the prospecting operations.



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 56

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

a) All infrastructure, equipment, plant, temporary

housing and other items used during the mining

period will be removed from the site (section 44 of

the MPRDA).


The auditor did not observe any infrastructure,

equipment, plant, temporary housing and items

that were used during the mining period during

the site assessment. The drilling of Phase 1 was

completed, with Phases 2 and 3 pending. All

boreholes were sealed accordingly (Borehole

Sealing Certificates W307104, W307105A,

W307105B, W307106 and W307107 various

dates in October 2018).

Interim rehabilitation by the contractor has

occurred in accordance with the contractor’s

SOPs, specifically Gubhani GUB_SOP 3:

Sumps section C and GUB_SOP12: Hole

Rehabilitation Section A


b) Waste material of any description, including

receptacles, scrap, rubble and tyres, will be removed

entirely from the mining area and disposed of at a

recognised landfill facility. It will not be permitted to

be buried or burned on the site.


Commitment F2.3.2(h) refers. The contractor

reported that no waste was buried or left on site.

The auditor observed the sites to be free of



c) Final rehabilitation shall be completed within a period

specified by the Regional Manager. N/A

The Renewed Prospecting Right is valid until

February 2010 and Phases 2 and 3 drilling is

pending. The Final Rehabilitation periods have

not yet been specified by the regional manager.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 57

Condition Com Finding Recommendations


F4.1 Inspections and monitoring

a) Regular monitoring of all the environmental

management measures and components shall be

carried out by the holder of the prospecting right,

mining permit or reconnaissance permission in order

to ensure that the provisions of this programme are

adhered to.


The contractor reported that site inspections

regarding drilling activities, as well as Health

and Hygiene were completed by the SHE

Officer, the site manager as well as the site

supervisor. However, monitoring reports

relating to environmental aspects as per this

EMPR were not available for verification.

Records of internal assessments could not be

verified either.

NTC Group (Pty) Ltd was appointed as the

independent EAP to undertake the February

2018-February 2019 EA Compliance

Assessment. This report provides evidence


Inspections / Monitoring

should include environmental

aspects as required by the


Timeframe: Medium Term

b) Ongoing and regular reporting of the progress of

implementation of this programme will be done.


Commitment F4.1 (a) refers. NTC was

appointed to assess compliance to the EA

implementation and report compliance, non-

compliance thereto, as well as provide trend

analysis and recommendations for rectification.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 58

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) Various points of compliance will be identified with

regard to the various impacts that the operations will

have on the environment.


Commitment F4.1(b) refers. None.

d) Inspections and monitoring shall be carried out on

both the implementation of the programme and the

impact on plant and animal life.


The contractor reported that site inspections

regarding drilling activities, as well as Health

and Hygiene were completed by the SHE

Officer, the site manager as well as the site


However, inspection or monitoring records of

plant and animal life specifically, was not

available for verification.

Inspections / Monitoring

should include environmental

aspects as required by the


Timeframe: Medium Term

e) Visual inspection on erosion and physical pollution

shall be carried out on a regular basis. PC

Condition F4.1(d) refers. Condition F4.1(d) refers.

f) Regulation 55 promulgated in terms of the MPRDA. C

NEMA Regulation 34 is applicable.

Commitment F4.1(a and b) refers.


F4.2 Compliance reporting/ submission of information

a) Layout plans will be updated on a regular basis and

updated copies will be submitted on a biennial basis

to the Regional Manager. PC

Condition F1.1.1(a) refers. Only Phase 1 of this

Renewal Prospecting Right has been

completed (October 2018) and an updated

layout has not yet been submitted to the DMR.

An updated layout should be

submitted to the DMR

Regional Manager and proof

of submission retained.

Timeframe: Short Term

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 59

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

b) Reports confirming compliance with various points

identified in the environmental management

programme will be submitted to the Regional

Manager on a regular basis and as decided by the

said manager.


Phase 1 prospecting activities commenced in

October 2018 and are the first phase completed

thus far in terms of the Renewed Prospecting

Right. This is the first compliance assessment

for the proposed three phase drilling activities.

Proof of the 2008 Compliance Assessment

Report (Witbank Report on the extent of

compliance with the approved EMP, the

rehabilitation to be completed and the estimated

cost thereof, Ref: MP30/5/1/1/2/253PR dated



c) Any emergency or unforeseen impact will be

reported as soon as possible.


The contractor reported that no emergency or

unforeseen impact occurred during drilling

activities on site. The contractor further reported

that should such occur the contractors’ SOPs

(Gubhani GUB_SOP23: Spill Response



d) An assessment of environmental impacts that were

not properly addressed or were unknown when the

programme was compiled shall be carried out and

added as a corrective action.


Additional environmental impacts were not

identified during drilling activities.



South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 60

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

a) When the holder of the prospecting right, mining

permit or reconnaissance permission intends closing

down his/her operations, an environmental risk

report shall accompany the application for closure.

The requirements of such a risk report is contained

in regulation 60 of the Regulations promulgated in

terms of the Act.


The prospecting right expires in February 2020.

Although Phase 1 drilling activities have

ceased, Phases 2 and 3 are pending and as

such application for final closure and associated

environmental risk report has not been

compiled or submitted

If closure is required, the

environmental risk report and

closure plan must comply with

the requirements of the

EMPR and relevant


F5.1 Environmental Risk report

a) Application of Regulations GN 1147 (Old Regulation

60 of the MPRDA quoted).


Commitment F5(a) refers. The prospecting right

expires in February 2020.

If closure is required, the

environmental risk report and

closure plan must comply with

the requirements of the

EMPR and relevant


F5.2 Closure Objectives

a) Closure objectives form part of this EMPlan and


a) Identify the key objectives for mine closure

to guide the project design, development

and management of environmental


b) Provide broad future land use objective(s)

for the site; and


Commitment F5(a) refers. Closure objectives

were included as part of the original approved


If closure is required, the

environmental risk report and

closure plan must comply with

the requirements of the

EMPR and relevant


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 61

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

c) Provide proposed closure cost.

F5.2 Contents of closure plan

a) A closure plan forms part of the EMP and must

include the following:

a) A description of the closure objective and

how these relate to the prospecting or mine

operation and its environmental and social


b) A plan contemplated in Regulation 2(2),

coordinated according to generally accepted

standards, showing the land or area under


c) A summary of the regulatory requirements

and conditions for closure negotiated and

documented in the environmental

management programme or plan;

d) A summary of the results of the

environmental risk report and details of

identified residual and latent impacts;

e) A summary of the results of progressive

rehabilitation undertaken;

f) A description of the methods to

decommission each prospecting or mining

component and the mitigation or

management strategy proposed to avoid,


Commitment F5(a) refers. None.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 62

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

minimise and manage residual or latent


g) Details of any long-term management and

maintenance expected;

h) Details of financial provision for monitoring,

maintenance and post closure

management, if required;

i) A plan or sketch at an appropriate scale

describing the final land use proposal and

arrangements for the site;

j) A record of interested and affected persons

consulted; and

k) Technical appendices, if any,

F5.4 Transfer of Environmental Liabilities to a competent person

a) Should the holder of the prospecting right, mining

permit or reconnaissance permission wish to transfer

any environmental liabilities and responsibilities to

another person or persons, the following will pertain:

1. An application to transfer environmental

liabilities to a competent person in terms of

section 48 of the Act, must be completed on

Form O as set out in Annexure 1 to the

Regulations and be lodged to the Minister

for consideration.


South32 reported that transfer of any

environmental liabilities and responsibilities to

another person or persons was not undertaken.


South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 63

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

2. The holder of a prospecting right, mining

permit may transfer liabilities and

responsibilities as identified in the

environmental management plan and the

required closure plan to a competent person

as contemplated in Regulation 58.

3. When considering the transfer of

environmental liabilities and responsibilities

in terms of section 48 of the Act, the Minister

must consult with any State department

which administers any law relating to

matters affecting the environment.

4. No transfer of environmental liabilities and

responsibilities to a competent person may

be made unless the Chief Inspector of Mines

and the Department of Water Affairs and

Forestry have confirmed in writing that the

person whom the liabilities and

responsibilities is transferred to, have the

necessary qualifications pertaining to health

and safety and management of potential

pollution of water resources.

F5.5 Notes on legal provisions

a) The holder of the prospecting right, mining permit or

reconnaissance permission must also take

PC South32 reported that environmental legal

audits are completed on the company but that

South32 must ensure that the

prospecting right areas are

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 64

Condition Com Finding Recommendations

cognisance of the provisions of other legislation

dealing with matters relating to conservation, and

which include, inter alia, the following:

the prospecting right areas are not included


compliant with relevant

legislated provisions where


Timeframe: Long Term

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 65

5. Conclusion

The Auditors noted that the phase 1 prospecting activities as authorised by the Renewed Prospecting Right

(Ref: MP 30/5/1/1/2/253 PR, dated 23 February 2018), namely drilling of four test boreholes, had ceased

in October 2018 and the drill rigs were decommissioned. The above were considerations during the

compliance assessment and notes in this regard were included in the audit findings where relevant.

The trend analysis results for the 2018 EA Compliance Assessment are provided in Table 7 and presented

graphically in Figure 5-1 (noting compliance per EMPR Sections), Figure 5-2 (total compliance inclusive of

commitments not yet applicable) and Figure 5-3 (compliance excluding the not applicable commitments).

Table 7: Compliance Assessment Percentage Breakdown

EMPR Sections Cnt Percentage (%)


EA Specific 2 50,0% 0,0% 0,0% 50,0%

F1 - Site Layout 16 31,3% 6,3% 0,0% 62,5%

F2 - Infrastructure Req. 54 33,3% 1,9% 0,0% 64,8%

F3 - Operating Procedures 38 13,2% 0,0% 0,0% 86,8%

F4 - Monitoring and Reporting 10 40,0% 40,0% 0,0% 20,0%

F5 – Closure 6 0,0% 16,7% 0,0% 83,3%

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 66

Figure 5-1: Summary of Percentage Compliance per Section: EA Specific and F1 – F5












EA Specific F1 - Site Layout F2 -Infrastructure


F3 - OperatingProcedures

F4 - Monitoringand Reporting

F5 - Closure

Compliance Summary per EMPR Section





South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 67

Figure 5-2: Summary of EA Percentage Compliance (incl. N/A)

Figure 5-3: Summary of EA Percentage Compliance (Excl. N/A)

Following from the above, and Section 4.2 noting identified areas for improvement, the following

recommendations may facilitate future compliance with EMPR commitments and improve on site

environmental management:




Compliance Summary








Compliance Summary

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 68

• Locality Map:

The layout map outlining drilling activities includes majority of the information required by the DMR,

however an updated locality map noting drill hole locations has not been submitted to the DMR.

The updated locality map should be submitted to the DMR Regional Manager and proof of

submission thereof retained.

• Waste Management and Disposal Records

South32 and appointed contractors reported that waste generated during the prospecting activities

and hydrocarbon waste collected from site were stored at the contractors’ offsite offices prior to

disposal. However, evidence of waste management and disposal was not available for verification.

Records of such should be retained by the contractors for future compliance assessment purposes.

• Inspection and Monitoring:

South32 must ensure regular inspections on environmental aspects are conducted and records

kept including monitoring of flora and fauna. These aspects should be added to the regular

inspection reports in order to facilitate improved daily site management and prevent unwanted

impacts arising in future phases.

• Legal Compliance:

South32 must ensure that all prospecting right areas are compliant with relevant legislated

provisions where applicable. This can be completed by including prospecting areas into current

auditing or monitoring events.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 69



Janna has 12 years’ post-graduate experience in the field of environmental consulting and has managed

and coordinated a number of multi-disciplinary environmental projects, including inter alia environmental

management programme report updates / amendments for Anglo American Thermal Coal: Isibonelo and

New Vaal Collieries, Royal Bafokeng Platinum Mine, Anglo American Platinum (Dishaba and Tumela

Mines) and AngloGold Ashanti (Vaal and West Wits operations). Further to this, she has compiled several

environmental management plans, as per both national and international Green Star rating standards, for

a variety of developments within the greater Gauteng, as well as completed compliance monitoring thereof.

Janna is experienced in environmental authorisation process and legislation training, and was an IEMA

registered Lead Trainer for environmental management system (EMS) implementation (International

Organization of Standardization [ISO] 14001). She also has experience in system implementation and

alignment, and internal auditing (Modikwa and Mogalakwena, as well as Twickenham Mine).

She has extensive auditing experience in the commercial, industrial and mining sectors and in accordance

with a variety of legislature such as the National Water Act, National Environmental Management Act,

National Environmental Management: Waste Act and the Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Act,

as well as provincial and local legislations as applicable.

Her skills include environmental project management, environmental impact assessments, public

participation, environmental management programmes, compliance monitoring and auditing, limited

sustainability consulting and strategic assessments.


2005 : University of the Witwatersrand, BSc Zoology Honours

2004 University of the Witwatersrand, BSc Zoology and Environmental Science



Company: NTC GROUP (Pty) Ltd

Principal Consultant

Mobile: +27 82 302 8331

Email: [email protected]

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 70

2013 Personal Mastery and Leadership Training courses

2012 School of Graduates – Project Management course

2012 Climate Change and the Law certificate course (University of the Witwatersrand)

2012 Approved IEMA EMS Lead Tutor

2011 Environmental and Sustainable Development Law Course (University of the Witwatersrand)

2009 EMS Implementation and Auditing

2008 I&AP internationally certified training course Level 1 and 2 (effective planning and communication)




Janna has been involved in several projects as categorically outlined below:

▪ Environmental Management Programme reports, and Compliance Auditing

▪ Waste and Water Use license processes, auditing and amendments

▪ Environmental Authorisation compliance auditing

▪ EMS and Integrated Environmental Management

▪ Legal Process and EMS Training

▪ Environmental Impact Assessments

▪ Site Selection and Prefeasibility Studies

▪ Stakeholder Engagement

▪ Strategic Assessments

▪ Sustainability consulting (limited)


Several environmental management programme report audits have been undertaken for a variety of

development types, including above and below ground storage tanks for Anglo Platinum (Pty) Ltd and Shell

(Pty) Ltd respectively, generator installations (Anglo Platinum and Powertech (Pty) Ltd, large commercial

developments such as Old Mutual, Villa Mall (CAPICOL), Newtown and Majestic sites in Market street

Johannesburg, as well as the FNB commercial development in Windhoek Namibia. In particular, these

aforementioned projects all required the development of a green star (New South Wales Guideline)

compliant EMPs and compliance auditing thereto.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 71

In addition, water use and / or waste management license audits, and / or environmental management

programme report performance assessments for several industrial and mining operations such as:

• Two Rivers Platinum Mine Water Use License Compliance Audit (2018);

• South32 Metalloys Environmental Authorization Compliance Audit (2018);

• South32 Khutala Colliery Wastewater Treatment Works Regulation Compliance Assessment (2018);

• Modikwa Mine, Environmental Management System Internal Audit (2015-2017);

• South 32 Coal South Africa, Regional Prospecting Right EMPr Compliance Assessments (2017);

• South 32 Khutala Mine, WUL External Audit (2016);

• South 32, Hotazel Prospecting Right EMP Audit (2016);

• Harmony Gold 2015), Water Use license for the Kusasalethu operations;

• Sasol Synthetic Fuels (2013 – 2015) waste management license – specifically the Secunda coarse and fine ash with associated waste water;

• Sasol Technology (2013 – 2015) Sasolburg and Mozambique GEPP*;

• AfriSam South Africa (2012 – 2014) Water Use and Waste Management licenses;

• SCAW Metals (2013,2015) Environmental Authorisation and Waste Management licenses;

• SAPREF (2013), third party supplier legal audits;

• Anglo American Coal: New Denmark, Zibulo, New Vaal, Kleinkopje, Greenside, Landau, Kriel, Mafube and Isibonelo Collieries (2009 - 2015),

• Royal Bafokeng Platinum, Anglo American Platinum Modikwa Mine Water Use and EMPR performance assessments (2014 – 2015);

• AngloGold Ashanti (2014) EMPR for the West Wits, Vaal and Waste Management operations.

*I project managed and undertook the role of Environmental Compliance Officer for the development of

Sasol Sasoburg’s Gas Engine Power Plant over a two-year period; Similarly, I project managed and

undertook the role of ECO for the Sasol Mozambican Gas Engine Power Plant near Komatipoort (~2yrs).

Both these projects were IFC and World Bank projects, and thus required to meet those standards at a


Environmental legal compliance audits were completed for Much Asphalt (Nationally – 14 operations) and

Landau Colliery, as well as third party supplier legal compliance audits on behalf of SAPREF.

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe my

qualifications, my experience, and me. I also certify that I have only given permission for my CV to be

included in the proposal.

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 72


The Environmental Assessment Practitioner General declaration:

I, Janna Bedford-Owen, declare that –

• I act as the independent environmental practitioner in this Audit;

• I will perform the work relating to the audit in an objective manner, even if this results in views and

findings that are not favourable to the auditee;

• I declare that there are no circumstances that may compromise my objectivity in performing such


• I have expertise in conducting environmental compliance audits, including knowledge of the Act,

regulations and any guidelines that have relevance to the proposed activity;

• I will comply with the Act, Regulations and all other applicable legislation;

• I have not and will not engage in, conflicting interests in the undertaking of the activity;

• I will provide the competent authority with access to all information at my disposal regarding

the audit, whether such information is favourable to the auditee or not; will perform all other

obligations as expected from an environmental assessment practitioner in terms of the

Regulations; and

• I realise that a false declaration is an offence in terms of regulation 48 and is punishable in terms

of section 24F of the Act.

Disclosure of Vested Interest (delete whichever is not applicable)

I do not have and will not have any vested interest (either business, financial, personal or other) in the

activity other than remuneration for work performed in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Regulations, 2017;


Company: NTC Group (Pty) Ltd

Date: 30 January 2019

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 73


Photo Plate – Witbank

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 74

Borehole No.: W307106

Figure 0-1: W307106 North west facing towards R544 from farmers access road

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 75

Figure 0-2: W307106 Farmers access road facing north east

Figure 0-3: W307106 Sealed borehole location

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 76

Figure 0-4: W307106 Core storage location (now ploughed and planted)

Figure 0-5: W307106 South East from drill site towards access road (site has been planted)

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 77

Borehole No.: W307107

Figure 0-6: W307107 Core storage location with some natural regrowth

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 78

Figure 0-7: W307107 Drill site with drain line to sumps and sealed borehole

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Figure 0-8: W307107 Rehabilitated sumps

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Figure 0-9: W307107 Rehabilitated sumps with farmers access road South West facing

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 81

Borehole No.: W307105

Figure 0-10: W307105 Core storage now plough and planted, south facing

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 82

Figure 0-11: W307105 Rehabilitated sumps facing south east from access road

Figure 0-12: W307105 Farmers access within planted field, west facing from drill site

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Figure 0-13: W307105 Rehabilitated sumps within ploughed and planted field

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 84

Borehole No.: W307104

Figure 0-14: W307104 Rehabilitated core storage south west facing

Figure 0-15: W307104 Remanence of plough/tracker access to ploughed and planted drill site

South32 Witbank Prospecting Right EMPR Compliance Assessment Report 85

Figure 0-16: W307104 Main farmers access road north east of the drill site

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Figure 0-17: W307104 Borehole location with sumps west facing

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Figure 0-18: W307104 Drill site noting ploughing and planting of crops with growth evident