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El Observador Newspaper September 16 2011


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A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area.

P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 9510999 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES (408) 938-1700 www.el-observador.com2

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Por Rubén Barrera. Corresponsal

Washington, (Notimex).- El presi-dente Barack Obama se pronun-ció en contra de la propuesta de

quienes en México apoyan un arreglo con elcrimen organizado, como una salida a la violen-cia provocada por el narcotráfico.

“Si se compra la paz llegando a un arreglocon gente sin moral y sin respeto a la vida hu-mana, eso no es bueno para una sociedad”, dijoel mandatario.

Obama consideró que la lucha contra estosgrupos, bajo el gobierno del presidente FelipeCalderón, tiene profundas implicaciones so-ciales para México.

“El presidente Calderón entiende y está enlo correcto, cuando dice que si los criminalespueden controlar enormes segmentos de laeconomía y por ello se presentan como partede la fibra social del país, eso tiene un efecto cor-rosivo y corruptor en cualquier economía decualquier sociedad”, dijo Obama.

El mandatario confió en que este razonamiento prevalezca entre la población, dadassus profundas implicaciones.

“No creo que los mexicanos quieran vivir enuna sociedad donde los narcotraficantes seanconsiderados uno de los sujetos más poderososen la sociedad”, precisó.

Obama dijo que ha conversado con el presidente Calderón, quien sufre de ver que estetipo de violencia tiene lugar, y sé que quiere re-ducirla, pero ha tomado una decisión que com-parto y respeto”.

El mandatario dijo que está evaluando unasolicitud del Congreso para que la Casa Blancaturne documentos, correos electrónicos y notasde tres altos funcionarios, que tuvieronconocimiento de la operación Rápido y Furioso,que permitió infiltrar armas a México.

“Vamos a ver la petición, mi consejero legalen la Casa Blanca está a cargo de atender estaspeticiones de información del Congreso, y nome involucro en los detalles de eso”, dijo al sercuestionado.

La petición fue hecha por el presidente del

Comité de Supervisión de la Cámara de Repre-sentantes, el republicano Darrel Issa, y por elsenador republicano Charles Grassley, comoparte de una ampliación de la pesquisa legisla-tiva sobre la operación.

Los tres funcionarios implicados son el ex di-rector para América del Norte del Consejo Na-cional de Seguridad, Kevin O’Reilly; su directorpara el hemisferio occidental, Dan Restrepo, y eldirector de terrorismo, Greg Gatjanis.

Obama reiteró su desconocimiento sobre elcontroversial programa, mediante el cual la Ofic-ina de Alcohol, Tabaco y Armas de Fuego (ATF)permitió el ingreso ilegal de más de dos milarmas a México.

Explicó que los tres funcionarios en cuestiónrecibieron información en términos generales,sin detalles sobre los alcances que ahora hantrascendido.

“Este no es un tema en el que la Casa Blancatuviera conocimiento de lo que ahora se sabe,fue un problema real de que un compradorpudo llevar esas armas a México”, precisó.

Dijo que su gobierno ha respondido ya envarios frentes, primero con una investigaciónconducida por el Departamento de Justicia, ycon cambios recientes en la dirección de la ATFy su oficina en Phoenix.

El procurador general Eric Holder “ha sidoclaro de que esa decisión no reflejó la política dela administración, por eso es que se han vistocambios”, explicó.

A preguntas sobre su resistencia a impulsarque se restablezca la prohibición de la venta dearmas de asalto, Obama dijo entender que elcontrol de armas “es sensible en México, y lo quequeremos es cooperar” con ese gobierno.

Dijo que por ello, su gobierno está tomandopasos para atacar la venta ilegal de armas, cer-rando vacíos legales, y adoptando verificacionesmás rigurosas de los antecedentes de los com-pradoras y para prevenir la compra por interme-diarios.

“Vamos a hacer todo lo que podamos ahí, yvamos a continuar explorando una ampliagama de pasos para apoyar lo que el gobiernode México hace”, indicó.Δ

No habrá pacto con Narcos

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ESTurn to Science toSpur U.S. EconomyThe U.S. and other ad-

vanced economies are look-ing to science and technologyadvancements to spur eco-

nomic security and growth.

Masterpiecesfrom Paris

The exhibition Picasso:Masterpieces From the MuséeNational Picasso, Paris entersits final weeks at the de YoungMuseum in San Francisco andcloses on October 10. 

Civil WarSesquicentennialActivities

Did abolitionist JohnBrown’s family have a SantaClara Valley connection? Whileit has been 150 years since the1861 beginning of the Ameri-can Civil War, time has not di-

minished interest in its causes and effects.

¿Qué se vienepara el 2012?

Mucho se ha hablado delas predicciones Mayas, las vi-siones de Nostradamus y unaserie de premoniciones de loque depara el año 2012. ¿Real-mente que se nos viene?. Leala nota de nuestro astrólogoMario Jiménez Castillo

Alergia al Wifi”La llamada “electrosensi-

bilidad” o también conocidacomo “alergia al wifi” vacamino de convertirse, segúnexpertos, en uno de losgrandes males de la “sociedadde la información”.

¿Medicina nat-ural o tradicional?

A lo largo de los últimosaños, muchas personas se hanalejado del uso de medica-mentos recetados y han de-positado su confianza en losremedios naturales. ¿Por quéocurre esto?

Festival MulticulturalDía: 17 de septiembreHora: 11:00 am - 4pmLugar: Alviso Marina CountyPark Mills Street in Alviso.

Susana Baca en concierto Día: September 29 Herbst Theater 401 Van Ness Ave. San Fran-cisco, CAHora: 7:00pm door - 7:30 pmshowBoletos:www.cityboxoffice.com

Venta de librosDía: Sábado 17 de septiem-breHora: 10 am a 12pmLugar: Seven Trees Commu-nity center3590 Cas Drive San Jose, Ca

Dia del PasaporteHaga los trámites necesariosDía: Sábado 17 de septiem-breHora: 10:00 am – 3:00 pmLugar: San Francisco Pass-port Agency95 Hawthorne Street, 5thFloorSan Francisco, CA 94105

Caballosen Rancho Day FiestaDía: 17 de septiembreHora: 12pm 0 4pmLugar: Sanchez Adobe Historic Site1000 Linda Mar Blvd., Paci-ficaIngreso: $1

Conferencia sobre Amenazaen escuelasDia: Miércoles 28 de Septem-bre Hora: 6:00-8:30 PMLugar: San Jose City Hall,Wing Rooms 118-119200 East Santa Clara StreetEstacionamiento será revali-dado

Luna Park Chalk Art FestivalDía: 24 de septiembreHora: 10 am - 4pmLugar: Backesto Park Empire and North 15thSan Jose, CA 95112Info: (408) 205-4207

Coma y apoye una buenacausaRestaurantes del área de labahíadonarán un percentage aMeals on WheelsDía: Martes 4 de octubreLugar:Visite y entérese en quérestaurantVisit www.dineoutNOW.org Info: (888) 716-3669, or locally Mary Cummins at(408) 975-4861

Exhibición del Sabor LatinoDestaca logros de latinos enEUDía: Hasta el 13 de noviem-breDonde: San Francisco Public

LibraryMain Library. Skylight Gallery35 Grove Street entrance, 6thFloor, San Francisco

Ejercicios al aire libreNecesita registrarse Costo: $40 y $50 Días: Hasta el 15 de octubre Hora: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.Lugar: Guadalupe River Park& Gardens 438 Coleman Avenue, SanJoséInformes: www.grpg.org o(408) 298-7657.

Preparados para una emer-gencia?Solicite plan informativoLlame a Graciela Alfaro(408) 849-2440

Clínica de salud gratuitaThe Pacific Free clinicNo preguntan estado migra-torio y son paraPersonas que no tienen se-guro médicoLugar: Overfelt High School1835 Cunningham AvenueInformes: 1-888-321-9972.

Quieres sacarte el tatuaje?Se inicio la inscripción parajóvenesentre 14 y 25 añosLugar: 1694 Adrian Way San José, CA 95122Informes:(408) 794-1660Fax (408) 923-5215

Dpto de Salud MentalLlame al 1(800) 704-0900 o (408) 885-5673 y recibaayudaDone celulares y pagersLugar: Happy Hollow 1300 Senter RoadHora: 10:00am - 5:00 pmSan Jose, CA 95112Informes (408) 794-6404

Necesita Comida?Informes: 1-800-984-3663 www.shfb.org.

Registre su celularReciba alertas deemergencia en español visitewww.alertscc.gov

Art exhibition: Reflejos de Nuestras RaicesDate: Now - October 1Time: regular business hours Location: South First Billiards420 S. 1st StreetSan Jose, CA 95112Info: (408) [email protected]

Walk to the Future Silicon ValleyDate: September 17Time: registration at 7:30 am walk at 9:00am - 10:30amLocation: Jubilee ChristianCenter175 Nortech PkwySan Jose, CA 95134Info:www.regathon.com/walk-foryouth

Medicare Public ForumDate: September 17Time: 9:30am - 12:00pmLocation: O’Connor HospitalAuditorium2105 Forest Ave.San Jose, CA 95128Info: impacts of health carereform

Tejano Dance NightDate: September 17Time: 8:00pm - 12:00amLocation: JTS Northside Community Center488 N. 6th St.San Jose, CA 95112Info: (408) 515-7365

China CentenaryDate: September 28Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pmLocation: Dr. Martin LutherKing, Jr. LibraryRoom 225/229 - 2nd Floor1500SE. San Fernando St.San Jose, CA 95112Info: (408) 297-2299

Spanish StorytimeDate: Fridays starting September 30Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pmLocation: Fremont Library2400 Stevenson Blvd.Fremont, CA 94538Info: (510) 745-1414

Free ClinicLocation: Overfelt HighSchool1835 Cunningham Ave.San Jose, CA 95122Info: 1-888-321-9972

Free Heart Screening for Children Date & time: by appointmentLocation: Valley Medical Center or family’s homeInfo: (408) 885-4415 www.infant-heart.com

Tattoo Removal-the city helps youth removetattoo, between 14 and 25years of ageLocation: 1694 Adrian WaySan Jose, CA 95122Info: (408) 794-1660

Need Food?Info: 1-800-984-3663www.shfb.org

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3 mesespor sólo


Por María del Carmen SennEl Observador

El calentamiento global está cadadía más latente en nuestras vidas yla necesidad de desarrollar méto-

dos sustentables para nuestra existencia estan indispensable como el pan de cada día.

Pero ¿¿qué es el calentamiento global?.La energía del sol golpea la tierra y parte deesta energía rebota de vuelta hacia el espa-cio. Lo demás es absorbido por la tierra, losocéanos y la atmósfera.

La energía llega a la superficie calentán-dola y luego es despedida en parte al espa-cio pero además parte es absorbida porciertos gases en la atmósfera templando lasuperficie aún más. Estos son los Greenhousegases” y están presentes en la naturaleza,pero nuestros desperdicios y mal uso de laenergía aumenta el nivel de ellos.

Dióxido de carbono es un claro ejemplo.Esto hace que las altas temperaturas derri-tan los glaciares y el nivel del mar aumente,

lo que conlleva a desastres naturales fu-nestos como huracanes y otras tormentasque cada día se vuelven más poderosas.

En el Museo Tecnológico de San Joseestá vigente una nueva exposición: “GreenGarage” o “Garaje ecológico” (en español) endonde podemos observar diferentes vehícu-los eléctricos que nos permiten hoy en díaalcanzar 100 millas con una sola carga.

Para los más aventureros también exis-ten motocicletas. Esta es una excelente in-versión porque no solo ponemos nuestrogranito de arena en reducir emisiones dedióxido de carbono sino que además notenemos que lidiar con el precio de lagasolina que esta por las nubes.

Debemos ver recursos como electrici-dad de bajo consumo, energía renovable,energía solar y considerarlas no una nuevamoda o estilo de vida, sino un requisito paranuestra supervivencia y la de nuestras fu-turas gene raciones. Está en cada uno denosotros la subsistencia de los seres vivos deeste plane ta.Δ

Green Garage

“”Green Garage” se exhibe en el TechMuseum. Más fotos de María del CarmenSenn www.el-observador.com

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By Hilbert Morales [email protected]





By Hector [email protected]

Last Thursday, September 8, 2011,President Obama presented his“Jobs for America” proposal to a

joint session of Congress. The purpose ofthe American Jobs Act is simple: put morepeople back to work and put more moneyin the pockets of working Americans. Andit would do so without adding a dime tothe deficit. The American Jobs Act has fivecomponents:

1. Tax Cuts to Help America’s SmallBusinesses Hire and Grow.

2. Putting Workers Back on the JobWhile Rebuilding and Modernizing Amer-ica (rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airports,harbors, etc.).

3. Define and Fund Pathways Back toWork for Americans Looking for Jobs.

4. Tax Relief for Every American Work-ers and their Families.

5. Fully Paid for as Part of the President’sLong-Term Deficit Reduction Plan.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2011, theSilicon Valley Leadership Group conductedseveral forums dealing with “game chang-ers’ which would solve many of the chal-lenges of todays stalled economy.

These ‘game changers’ were ideas, in-novations, and inspirations which justmight cause the economy to change justas the personal computer caused profoundchanges in America’s society and economy.

Several panelists discussed the “GreenEconomy” being established in San Jose.Mayor Reed aptly presented the hope thatmany jobs would be created, especially forthe local worker.

Shai Agassi, CEO, Better Place, spokeabout the improvements to the environ-ment using alternative energy such as bat-tery powered cars which would helpeliminate dependency on foreign crude oil.

A second panel addressed the chang-ing economic engine of Silicon Valley. Themost important idea was that the commu-nity needs to invest in the training and ed-ucation of youth or else there would be noskilled labor and its leadership.

The State economy and Public servicewas the focus of the third panel. HereJames Gutierrez, CEO, Progresso Fi-nanciero, presented the fact that Latinosmall businesses have a much harder timeobtaining sufficient capital to fund smallbusinesses located in disadvantaged com-munities.

He proposed that U.S. Congress passenabling legislation which would permithis firm to sell bonds to raise the invest-ment funds to be provided to small busi-nesses located in the barrios.

His firm had provided $200 million inventure capital funding to a variety of com-munities. The sale of tax credits and busi-ness ‘losses’ would be used to raise needed

funds.Staying competitive as a state and na-

tion was discussed by panelists who in-cluded State Senator Joe Simitian.

The final panel discussed California’sWorkforce from the perspective of MichaelRossi, Advisor to Governor Brown for Jobsand Business development and Rob Chan-dra, Bessemer Ventures Partners.

SVLG president & CEO Carl Guadinoended this Game Changer 2012 with hisclosing comments.

An important idea endorsed by manywas the need to reduce corporate taxes onoffshore profits to encourage corporationsto bring trillions of dollars back into theAmerican economy.

In fact one panelist recommended thatSVLG become the Silicon Valley Manufac-turing Group once again to emphasize theneed to have manufacturing jobs re-estab-lished in America.

A disappointment was that no panelistspoke to the current practice of corporateexecutives to emphasize profits while notproviding gainful employment to theAmerican domestic work force.

Eventually, manufacturing jobs will becreated in industries which assemble an allelectric car or in the creation of alternativesto crude oil as a source of energy, whicheliminates the need to import foreigncrude oil at a cost of $750 billion, some ofwhich is used to fund terrorist efforts.

In addition the impact of the militaryindustrial complex was not ‘touched’ be-cause the shut down of even one weaponssystems development and its manufacturewould impact employment in all 50 states.

It seems that no one has his/her armsaround this challenge to ‘create jobs’ in amanner that would reestablish the Ameri-can consumer economy.

So President Obama’s American JobAct will meet much difficulty inCongress.This nation now has the largestnumber of residents who live in povertyever experienced since 1953.

It will take a revolution of some sort tobegin the creation of markets with de-mand for products needing manufacturingwhich creates jobs for those unemployedmillions.

The unemployed will continue to sufferbecause the private sector will not createjobs soon enough, if ever.

This recession is unlike any ever expe-rienced by America. Republicans will con-tinue to derail anything that may helpPresident Obama to be re-elected. So our‘majority rules’ governance system is beingderailed by an effective small RepublicanTea group.Δ

Jobs: How To Create ThemPor Maribel Hastings

La administración anunció nuevasguías discrecionales para priorizar lasdeportaciones y queda por ver si se

sostienen en la práctica, sobre todo entreagentes migratorios que no siempre siguen lasdirectrices de Washington.

Todavía insisto en que la administraciónpuede hacer más sin que medie el Congresopara regular programas como ComunidadesSeguras y 287(g) que han sido el motor del alzaen las deportaciones. La insistencia en na-cionalizar Comunidades Seguras es inqui-etante e incluso indignante.

Dicho esto, las alternativas que de mo-mento nos ofrece el Partido Republicano danganas de llorar.

El debate de los aspirantes republicanos deturno a la nominación presidencial republicanano arrojó nada nuevo: ocho aspirantes, seishombres anglosajones, un afroamericano yuna mujer. El único latino que figuró en el de-bate fue el presentador de Telemundo, JoséDíaz-Balart, quien hizo una breve apariciónpara hacer la pregunta de inmigración que losdos periodistas anglosajones no formularon.

Sus respuestas migratorias: vagas y algu-nas hasta ofensivas. Repetir la perorata de la se-guridad fronteriza antes de hablar de reformamigratoria, a pesar de que el propio gobiernoasegura que la frontera es ahora más seguraque antes. Evadir qué hacer con los 11 millonesde indocumentados que ya viven en EstadosUnidos. Sólo dos de ellos dijeron que hay quebuscar una solución “humana” aunque noqueda claro qué significa eso. Si no ayudarona su propio presidente republicano, George W.Bush, cuando quiso impulsar una reforma mi-gratoria, qué van a ayudar a un presidentedemócrata.

Imaginé el rostro de satisfacción del terror”de los indocumentados, Lamar Smith, el con-gresista republicano de Texas que preside elComité Judicial de la Cámara Baja, si el 7 denoviembre de 2012 amanece con presidenterepublicano en Casa Blanca, aunque sea unode esos que promueven soluciones “humanas”.

Imaginé también si ese presidente repub-licano cumple algunas de las promesas es-bozadas por los precandidatos: revocar lareforma de salud, o el Obama Care, como elloslo llaman; impulsar políticas fiscales que sólobeneficien a los más acaudalados.

Me parece que el presidente Obama hasido demasiado pasivo al lidiar con el PartidoRepublicano. A veces actuar con demasiadabuena fe se confunde con una debilidad fácilde explotar en las urnas.

A veces las cachetadas con guante blancono son buena estrategia política con quienessólo quieren verte fracasar.

No estoy justificando a Obama, pero dig-amos que le estoy dando el beneficio de laduda como quizá lo hagan otros votantes lati-nos en 2012.

Las encuestas, empero, evidencian el des-gaste latino. Según la firma encuestadoraGallup, el apoyo hispano a Obama cayó a 48%.En 2008 Obama logró 67% del voto latino.

Sería bueno que el Mandatario se sinceraracon nuestra comunidad, que dejara de justi-ficar todos estos programas que han lastimadoy separado a muchas de nuestras familias, quealgunos que le rodean y asesoran dejaran delado la arrogancia cuando son cuestionados yentendieran que el voto latino que lo ayudó en2008 puede salvarlo en 2012 de convertirse enpresidente de un solo periodo.Δ

Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva deAmerica’s Voice

El beneficio de la duda

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Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Funcionarios federales de inmigración estánrecorriendo el país para difundir la informa-ción sobre los recursos disponibles para las

víctimas extranjeras de trata de personas, delitos violentos y de violencia doméstica.

San José es una de las 30 ciudades de todo el país

que está siendo visitada por estos funcionarios, queestán tratando de llegar a estas víctimas.

La trata de personas es ahora el mundo de la em-presa criminal más grande en segundo lugar detrás eltráfico de drogas.

Los funcionarios de inmigración definen a la tratade personas como una forma de esclavitud modernaen la que las víctimas son transportadas y obligadas a

prostituirse, a trabajos forzados o están obligados ala servidumbre doméstica.

A diferencia de contrabando, que es “una transac-ción entre partes independientes con el tráfico, seconvierte en un activo económico en curso”, dijo la Ofi-cial de USCIS de Asuntos Públicos Sharon Rummery.

Autoridades de la Oficina de Ciudadanía e Inmi-gración de EE.UU. en San José, dijeron que el abusotiene que terminar.

Lamentablemente existen en nuestro país situa-ciones de trata y de esclavitud. Esto puede pasar ennuestro propio barrio y tal vez no lo hemos notado.

“Desde el año 2003 se han reportado víctimas detráfico de personas. Desde entonces la cifra ha ido enaumento. Obligan a personas a prostituirse, em-pleadas domésticas, trabajadores del campo, traba-jadores en la construcción”, dijo Lynette Parker,Abogada de Inmigración del Centro Legal Comuni-tario, Katharine & George Alexander.

“Muchas de las víctimas son de Perú, México, ElSalvador, Brasil, Africa, Ucrania. Es probable que viva-mos cerca de víctimas y no lo sabemos. Por eso pedimos que si notan algo sospechoso es importantedenunciarlo, todo es confidencial” dijo Parker a EO.

A menudo, los traficantes se aprovechan de mu-jeres y niños pobres, atrayéndolos a una vida de es-clavitud con la promesa de un trabajo remunerado enlos EE.UU. explicó la abogada.

Una vez atrapados, muchas víctimas no sabencómo escapar, dijo Lynn Boudreau, asistente del di-rector del centro de servicio en Vermont de USCIS.

La agencia federal se ha asociado con grupos co-munitarios, funcionarios policiales y de inmigraciónen el Área de la Bahía y en todo el país para llegar a lospotenciales de tráfico y víctimas de la violencia y ed-ucarlos acerca de sus opciones.

Las víctimas de estos delitos pueden solicitar unaVisa T o U, creado en virtud de las Víctimas de la Tratay la Ley de Protección contra la Violencia de 2000, losfuncionarios de USCIS, dijo.

Boudreau, dijo que las víctimas inmigrantesdeben saber que ellos pueden ser elegibles para so-licitar dos tipos de visas que les permitan permanecery trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos durantetres años.

La visa “T” es para víctimas de la trata y la visa “U”

es para las víctimas de delitos graves.“Nuestro propósito es dar a conocer todos los

componentes para que podamos hacer un mejor tra-bajo al llegar a estas personas que son víctimas vul-nerables”, agregó la representante de USCIS.

Boudreau dijo que debido a su estado, muchosinmigrantes temen denunciar los abusos, por lo quesu oficina está tratando de llegar a los organismospoliciales para que puedan dejar que las víctimassepan que hay ayuda disponible.

Visa “T” y “U”Ambas visas proporcionar a las víctimas protec-

ción de la inmigración, lo que les permite permaneceren los EE.UU. durante tres años.

Durante ese tiempo, los titulares de la visa “T” y“U” pueden solicitar la residencia permanente, dijo.

Requisitos visa “T”- Solicitante debe demostrar que ha ayudado a la

policía a arrestar y a enjuiciar a los traficantes.

- Demostrar que con el regreso a su país correnpeligro.

Visas U Están disponibles para las víctimas que han

sufrido abuso físico o mental que se produjo comoconsecuencia de haber sido víctima de actividadescriminales. Los solicitantes deben demostrar queestán dispuestos a ayudar en la investigación y el en-juiciamiento de la actividad criminal, explicaron losfuncionarios federales.

Hay visasBoudreau dijo que el gobierno emitió 9,857 visas

“U” el último año fiscal, y sólo se emitieron 800 de5,000 visas disponibles “T” el año pasado.

Sin embargo, dijeron que esas cifras han aumen-tado desde el año anterior, debido en gran parte a lacolaboración permanente del USCIS con la policía ygrupos comunitarios por atender a las víctimas en suscomunidades.

Carol Keller, Directora de las Oficinas de inmi-gración en San José exhortó a que la comunidad de-nuncie casos de tráfico de personas.

“Para reportar una víctima de trata potenciales ensu comunidad, USCIS pide al público a llamar a unaorganización no gubernamental, la línea de ayudaconfidencial en 1-888-373-7888.”, puntualizó Keller.w








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El Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) llevará a cabo ocho reuniones públicas con el fin de proveer información a la comunidad acerca del Proyecto de Transito Rápido de El Camino Real. Este proyecto hará cambios a la avenida El Camino Real, desde la ciudad de Palo Alto hasta la ciudad de San José, con el fin de mejorar el servicio y agilizar las rutas al instalar carriles sólo para autobuses y construir estaciones de abordaje similares a las del tranvía. Las reuniones informativas serán las siguientes:


Proyecto de Transito Rápido de El Camino Real Reuniones Públicas

Jueves, 22 de septiembre, 2011 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.Mountain View City HallCouncil Chambers Para llegar aquí use el tranvía de VTA o las líneas de autobús 35 y 51.

Martes, 27 de septiembre, 2011 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.Sunnyvale Community Center Neighborhood Room Para llegar aquí use la línea de autobús 55.

Martes, 18 de octubre, 20113:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. City of Santa Clara City Hall Council Chambers Para llegar aquí use las líneas de autobús 22, 32, y 60.

Jueves, 20 de octubre, 2011 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Palo Alto Medical Foundation Hearst Education Conf. Ctr. Palo AltoJamplis Building, 3er Piso, Salas A y FPara llegar aquí use la línea de autobús 22.

Para obtener más detalles, por favor visítenos en la página de internet al: www.vta.org/rapidtransit o comuníquese con el Departamento de Relacionescon la Comunidad de VTA (408) 321-7575.

Para personas que requieren traducción de idiomas, tienen impedimentos auditivos, o requieren documentos en formatos accesibles, por favor comuníquese al TTY (408) 321-2330 cinco días antes de la reunión que desea asistir. Todas las salas de reuniones son accesibles para personas con discapacidad.

Visas para víctimas de tráfico humano y violenciaLlame al 1-888-3737-888

En la foto Carol Keller, Directora de la Oficina de Inmigración y Ciudadanía en San José, Lynn Boudreau,Asistente del Director de la Oficina de Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de Vermont y Abogada deInmigración Lynette Parker del Centro Legal Comunitario, Katharine & George Alexander, buscan víctimasdel tráfico humano y de violencia para otorgarles visas T y U.

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Todos los gastos pagados!

¡Disfrute de una tarde

donde obtendrá sugerencias

personalizadas para ahorrar agua

y reembolsos para su hogar con

Inscríbase para recibir una Visita GRATUITA

que le ayudará a reducir su consumo de agua.


Disfrute de una taard






y reeem

de obtteendráá sugeren

alizaadas para ahorr

mbolsos para su hog



ar agua

ar con

























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Por Rosario VitalEl Observador

Pelearemos hasta que se instale unaescuela “charter”. Lucharemos por laeducación de nuestros hijos hasta las

últimas consecuencias”, dijo Karen Martinez.Martinez fue una de los padres de familia

que asistió a la junta de la Mesa Directiva delDistrito Escolar de Alum Rock el pasado 12 deseptiembre.

En esta reunión, los miembros de la mesano aprobaron la presencia de la nueva escuela“charter “Alpha”” dentro de su distrito escolar.

Martinez es madre de siete hijos y segúnella debido al problema y a la poca atenciónque hay en la escuelas públicas, uno de sushijos ha tenido que enfrentar situaciones terribles como ir al correccional de menores.

“No contamos con la educación apropiada,no tenemos los elementos básicos y nues troshijos corren el riesgo de caer en la deserciónescolar”, dijo Martinez a EO al concluir la re-unión.

La comunidad en los últimos meses ha es-tado luchando por contar con una de estas es-cuelas debido al sorprendente éxito y avanceque han tenido sus hijos en escuelas como“Rocketship”, un centro educativo dedicado alos primeros años educativos.

“No queremos mala educación somos tes-tigos de alta tasas de deserción escolar, la infil-tración de pandillas, la delincuencia”, dijoAntonia García, madre de familia de AlumRock.

“Somos más los padres que disfrutamos deestas escuelas “chárter”. Es algo que nues troshijos merecen. El distrito escolar solo se pre-

ocupa porque recibirán menos fondos del es-tado, pero pienso que las escuelas públicas noson buenas ni suficientes”, dijo Rolando Mozo.

Por cada estudiante que sale de AlumRock, el distrito pierde alrededor de 6,330dólares en fondos estatales.

Muchos padres de familia expresaron suconformidad sobre el programa que “Rocket-ship” ha tenido en sus hijos.

“Mis hijos han logrado un gran avanceacadémico. Se ve que nuestros pequeños lle-van muy bien sus clases. “Rocketship” es hastael 5to grado y después de esto no hay algunaescuela intermedia que les permita continuara los pequeños bajo el mismo sistema”, dijoMozo.

Por su parte María Terea Bárcena, expresósu disconformidad por la decisión de la mesadirectiva. “Se está cometiendo un gran error,estamos pidiendo por la educación de nue-stros hijos y debemos continuar con nuestratarea de seguir haciendo la lucha”, explicóBárcena.

“Queremos proporcionar las mejoresoportunidades educativas para nuestros niñosde este Distrito. Necesitamos un tipo de edu-cación que permita prosperar a los nuestros”,dijo Martinez.

La mesa directiva dijo que las escuela“Alpha” no está bien estructurada y la curricula no cuenta con los elementos básicos paraasegurar un buen rendimiento de los estudi-antes.

Karen Martínez afirma que “esto es falso. Laescuela chárter “Alpha” se ha basado en la ex-periencia que ha tenido en Oakland. “Es claroque la mesa no quiere ni siquiera ni informarsede lo exitosa de esta escuela””, concluyó.Δ

“¡Lucharemos por la educaciónde nuestros hijos!”

En la foto Rolando Mozo y sus hijos gemelos Rolando y Uriel y la pequeña Jennifer todosello estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Rocketship en el Distrito Escolar de Alum Rock. Mozoestá preocupado por el futuro escolar de sus hijos y considera que las escuelas públicas noson buenas.

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(NewsUSA) - What’s the best way to stop a bully? Don’t let him (or her) become one. Multiplestudies have shown that teaching children positive social skills and taking proactive steps to pre-vent and discourage delinquent behavior can go a long way toward preventing bullying and pro-viding a more effective learning environment.

Unfortunately, childhood bullying has become a 24/7 problem, and the anonymity of the In-ternet makes it more difficult to identify and punish bullies. But programs in which schools andthe community work together to prevent bullying and reduce disruptive behavior can make a dif-

ference.The benefits of bullying prevention programs include freeing teachers to teach, instead of

spending their time disciplining students. These programs also cut down on chaos in the classroomand foster a positive learning environment.

Michelle Molina, president and CEO of PeaceBuilders says that “Children need to be given theskills so they can solve these problems and adults need to be the guides on the sides.”According to the nonprofit organization Child Trends, PeaceBuilders has been found to work in increas-

ing conflict resolution skills and reducing aggression and bullying.PeaceBuilders is a program designed to foster a positive environment not only in schools, but at home

and in the community. The program is already in place in thousands of schools across the United States,where it is successfully used to prevent and decrease bullying and other disruptive behavior.

PeaceBuilders is designed to combat bullying early through a combination of school-based pro-grams, parent training and community outreach. Parents are a critical part of the program, ensur-

ing that practices are duplicated at home. The PeaceBuilders program can be tailored to agesand developmental levels from preschool through high school.

The program works by first identifying risk factors for bullying, including vi-olent or aggressive behavior, drug use and tobacco use. PeaceBuilders pro-

vides tools to foster civil behavior and to discourage disruptivebehavior. Then a roadmap is created that includes regularly

praising children and teens for good behavior at schooland at home, while discouraging bad behavior. In-

volving parents in the behavior improvement be-fore adolescence helps communities create a

way of life that encourages people to be nicerto each other.

For more information, visitwww.peacebuilders.com.

Stop Bullying Before It Starts

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Discovering new and unique tasty foods can betricky, but The Dannon Company just made it de-liciously simple. New, great-tasting Activia Selects

French, Greek and Parfait yogurts, inspired by culturalrecipes, will satisfy cravings for something delicious and allowyogurt lovers nationwide to explore new tastes and textureswhile still enjoying the benefits of Activia.

For Johnny Iuzzini, award-winning executive pastry chefand “Top Chef Just Desserts” head judge, Activia Selects rep-resent a way for yogurt lovers to enjoy unique styles and fla-

vors, while satisfying individual taste preferences. “These newyogurts are about finding a taste that fits with your person-ality,” he says. “And that is what I appreciate most aboutthem.”

A new style for eating right With Activia Selects, yogurt fans have a large selection of

flavors and styles to choose from. They also have the satis-faction of knowing that whatever their choice, it will alsohave the Activia benefit for their digestive systems.

“Digestive wellbeing is important to me, and Americansstop me on the street every day to tell me that it matters tothem, too,” says Jamie Lee Curtis, actress and Activiaspokesperson. She stars in a new commercial for Activia Se-lects in which she takes the viewer on a tour of the world’sgreat tasting yogurts that provided the inspiration for thenew, delicious French and Greek styles of Activia Selects. “Ac-tivia Selects offers even more choices that can help regulatedigestive systems when consumed every day for two weeksas part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, while still en-joying what you eat.”

Activia Selects are three new styles for yogurt enthusiaststo enjoy, reflecting a variety of foodie cultures and taste pref-erences. Influenced by France’s food culture, French style hasa deliciously silky taste. Greek style, rich and textured, is fat-free and an excellent source of calcium and protein. Finally,Parfait style tops lowfat yogurt with granola for a balance be-tween smooth and crunchy.

Each style offers its own benefits, whether that’s soothinga sweet tooth, helping you stay fulfilled, or providing a com-bination of textures to satisfy food cravings.

“I’m always looking for new ways to eat well while still en-joying my favorite tastes,” says Iuzzini. “Activia Selects presentlots of new possibilities for snacking or as an addition tomealtime.”

Activia: Ongoing commitment to digestive wellness Activia Selects contain Bifidus Regularis, the exclusive

probiotic culture and when consumed daily for two weeks aspart of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, helps regulatethe digestive system.

Changing the culture of yogurt

With the recent adoption of new informed con-sent requirements for California chiropractors,the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners

has joined the ranks of only a few chiropractic regulatoryagencies in the nation to require its licensees to inform pa-tients of potential risks of their treatment. 

The new law, which goes into effect on October 7, 2011,requires chiropractors to obtain patient consent prior to pro-viding any treatment that could pose a risk of harm to the pa-tient.  Specifically, this regulation will:

- Require all licensees to inform each patient, verbally andin writing, of the material risks of proposed care.

- Define material” as a procedure inherently involvingknown risk of serious bodily harm.  Require the licensee to ob-tain the patient’s written informed consent prior to initiatingclinical care.

- Provide that the signed written consent shall becomepart of the patient’s record.

- Specify that a violation of the above requirements con-stitutes unprofessional conduct and may subject the licenseeto disciplinary action.

“The BCE has been working diligently to improve thestandards of care in the chiropractic profession in California,”said Fred N. Lerner, D.C., Chair of the BCE. The BCE’s primarymission is consumer protection, and these new regulationsare part of the Board’s ongoing effort to ensure patient safety.Informed consent is considered a standard of care in the chi-ropractic profession and this regulation reinforces that stan-dard.

The informed consent process ensures that the patient’sright to self-determination regarding health care is para-mount.

The BCE continues to work with stakeholders on otherregulations to improve patient safety and consumer protec-tion. 

California Chiropractic BoardAdopts Informed Consent Requirement For Chiropractors

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Marisol Muñoz-Kiehne,Ph.D.

Desde el 15 de Septiem-bre hasta el 15 de Octubre secelebra en Estados Unidos elMes Nacional de la HerenciaHispana. En estos días sehonran las influencias yaportaciones que han con-

tribuido los Latinos a estepaís. Conmemoramos la di-versidad y riqueza culturalde la comunidad Lati-noamericana por medio dedesfiles, festivales, conferen-cias, y eventos políticos yartísticos. Rendimos home-naje a nuestras tradiciones, ya los esfuerzos y logros denuestra gente.

Cuando hablamos decultura, hablamos de valores,costumbres y creenciaspropias de una región. In-cluye historia, idioma, artes,religión, alimentos, vesti-mentas, y más.

Una de las funciones fun-damentales de la familia es elconservar y transmitir estaherencia cultural de gen-eración en generación através de la crianza de losniños. Enseñarles a respetary valorar nuestra herenciacontribuye a la formación desu identidad, como individ-uos y como miembros de ungrupo cultural.

Es nuestra responsabili-dad que los niños de nues-tras familias crezcanconociendo y apreciandocon orgullo sus raíces Lati-noamericanas. Pero no todoestá en manos de la familia.Los niños se benefician aúnmás cuando las personasque los cuidan y los educanrespetan nuestros valores ytradiciones culturales.

Estimado lector, le pre-guntamos, ¿cómo fomentaen sus niños el respeto yaprecio de sus raíces Latinas?¿Qué se puede hacer al re-

specto en casa, en laguardería, en la escuela, enel vecindario? ¿Cómo lidiarcon los obstáculos, talescomo la ignorancia, los pre-juicios, los estereotipos y elracismo que entorpecen eldesarrollo de una identidadcultural sana en nuestrosniños?

Lecciones a enseñar* Diversidad- Los Latinos

somos similares y diferentessegún nuestro país de ori-gen, las razones y circunstan-cias por las cualesemigramos, el tiempo que ll-evamos en los EEUU, y lasoportunidades educativas,sociales y económicas quetuvimos y tenemosdisponibles.

* Lenguaje- Los Latinosusamos el español y/olenguas indígenas comosímbolo de identidad grupaly transmisor de la cultura alas generaciones jóvenes.Aunque hablemos inglés, encasa se hablan las lenguas denuestros antepasados.

* Familismo- Los Latinosconsideramos que el bien dela familia es más importanteque el bienestar individual.La familia se extiende alcompadrazgo y a genera-ciones de adultos, niños yancianos. Nuestra fuenteprincipal de guía y apoyo esla familia.

* Espiritualidad- Los Lati-nos demostramos valores es-pirituales y fe por medio dedevociones y rituales. Recur-rimos a líderes religiosos

cuando buscamos ori-entación y apoyo.

Acciones a tomar* Leer libros y ver pelícu-

las sobre nuestra historia ynuestras figuras históricas.

* Conocer nuestra tradi-ción oral de cuentos y leyen-das, y nuestra literatura.

* Visitar museos que ex-hiben arte y artefactos repre-sentativos de nuestracultura.

* Participar en desfiles yfestivales culturales locales.

* Escuchar y bailar nues-tra música, y aprender atocar nuestros instrumentosmusicales.

* Cocinar y disfrutar nue-stros platillos tradicionales.

* Vestir y lucir las vesti-mentas de nuestras tierras.

* Apreciar nuestras arte-sanías y aprender artes man-uales tradicionales.

Libros a estudiar* Criando Nuestros

Niños: Educando a NiñosLatinos en un Mundo Bicul-tural (Gloria G. Rodríguez)

* Criando a su Niño conOrgullo Latino (Carmen InoaVázquez)

¡Feliz Mes Nacional de laHerencia Hispana! ¡A cele-brar!

Escuche a la Doctora Marisol enNuestros Niños los domingos de 8 a 9

AM en La Kalle 100.7/105.7FM, KBBFLa Nuestra 89.1FM, KLOK Tricolor

99.5FM, KSES 107.1FM y KMBX700AM. Para más información, llame

al 1-866-99NINOS y visite www.nue-strosninos.com.






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Vale la pena proteger a su familia.

Si usted o uno de los miembros de su familia se enferma, lo que menos necesita es tener la preocupación de cómo pagar por la atención médica. Proteja su familia y su bolsillo por medio de Kaiser Permanente. Desde el cuidado preventivo hasta el tratamiento de enfermedades graves como la diabetes y la obesidad, usted recibe una amplia variedad de servicios de atención médica a precios razonables. Y gracias a nuestro personal hispanohablante, encontrará que es fácil obtener la atención que necesita.

Si desea información adicional, llame a David Romero (Licencia de California #0D79778) de Romero Financial and Insurance Services al 415-606-5102.


Fomentando Orgullo Latino en Nuestros Niños

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Novartis Pharmaceuticals CorporationEast Hanover, New Jersey 07936© 2011 Novartis 7/11 DIO-1080906

No ignore las señales de aviso de la presión arterial alta. Pregúntele a su médico

cómo Diovan puede ayudarle a que su nivel de presión arterial sea más saludable.

DIOVAN es un bloqueador de los receptores de angiotensina (ARB).

DIOVAN es un medicamento de venta con receta que se utiliza para tratar la presión arterial alta en adultos.


¿Cuál es la información más importante que debo saber sobre DIOVAN?

Si queda embarazada, deje de tomar DIOVAN y llame de inmediato a su médico. DIOVAN puede dañar al feto causando lesiones o incluso la muerte. Si tiene planeado quedar embarazada, hable con su médico sobre otras opciones de tratamiento para bajar la presión arterial alta antes de tomar DIOVAN.

DIOVAN puede producir efectos secundarios graves como presión arterial baja (hipotensión), especialmente si toma diuréticos, consume una dieta con bajo contenido de sal, recibe tratamiento con diálisis, tiene problemas cardíacos, o tiene un cuadro de vómitos o diarrea. Acuéstese si se siente mareado o percibe que puede desmayarse y llame de inmediato a su médico. Otros efectos secundarios graves que se pueden presentar con DIOVAN son problemas renales. Llame a su médico si se le hinchan los pies, los tobillos o las manos, o sube de peso de forma inexplicable.

Informe a su médico sobre todas sus afecciones médicas, incluido si está embarazada o planea quedar embarazada, está lactando, tiene alergias, enfermedad cardíaca o problemas hepáticos o renales.

Informe a su médico sobre todos los medicamentos que utilice, en especial otros medicamentos para la presión arterial alta o un problema cardíaco, diuréticos, suplementos de potasio y sustitutos de la sal que contienen potasio o medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (NSAID, por sus siglas en inglés, como ibuprofeno o naproxeno).

Los efectos secundarios más comunes observados con DIOVAN en el tratamiento de la presión arterial alta son dolor de cabeza, mareos, síntomas de gripe, cansancio y dolor estomacal (abdominal).

Le animamos a que avise a la FDA sobre cualquier efecto negativo a un medicamento de venta con receta. Visite www.FDA.gov/medwatch o llame al 1-800-FDA-1088.

Si no cuenta con cobertura de medicamentos de venta con receta y no tiene cómo pagarlos, llame al 1-800-245-5356 o visite pap.novartis.com.



La presión arterial normal para la mayoría de adultos sanos es inferior a 120/80. Cada día que sus cifras están en 140/90 o más, usted está dañando sus vasos sanguíneos y haciendo que su corazón trabaje más. DIOVAN relaja y ensancha los vasos sanguíneos permitiendo que la sangre fluya más fácilmente.

DIOVAN es el medicamento de venta con receta número 1 de su tipo.* DIOVAN empieza a hacer efecto desde el primer día que lo toma. Pregúntele a su médico hoy mismo por DIOVAN.

Para obtener más información, visite www.Diovan.com.

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Patient Information

DIOVAN® (DYE -́o-van)(valsartan) Tablets40 mg, 80 mg, 160 mg, 320 mg

Rx only

Read the Patient Information that comes with DIOVAN before you take it and eachtime you get a refill. There may be new information. This leaflet does not take the placeof talking with your doctor about your medical condition or treatment. If you have anyquestions about DIOVAN, ask your doctor or pharmacist.What is the most important information I should know about DIOVAN?Taking DIOVAN during pregnancy can cause injury and even death to your unbornbaby. If you get pregnant, stop taking DIOVAN and call your doctor right away.Talk to your doctor about other ways to lower your blood pressure if you plan tobecome pregnant.What is DIOVAN?DIOVAN is a prescription medicine called an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB). It isused in adults to:

lower high blood pressure (hypertension) in adults and children, 6 to 16 years of age.treat heart failure in adults. In these patients, DIOVAN may lower the need for hos-pitalization that happens from heart failure.improve the chance of living longer after a heart attack (myocardial infarction) inadults.

DIOVAN is not for children under 6 years of age or children with certain kidneyproblems.High Blood Pressure (Hypertension). Blood pressure is the force in your blood ves-sels when your heart beats and when your heart rests. You have high blood pressurewhen the force is too much. DIOVAN can help your blood vessels relax so your bloodpressure is lower.High blood pressure makes the heart work harder to pump blood throughout thebody and causes damage to the blood vessels. If high blood pressure is not treated,it can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure and vision problems.Heart Failure occurs when the heart is weak and cannot pump enough blood to yourlungs and the rest of your body. Just walking or moving can make you short ofbreath, so you may have to rest a lot.Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction): A heart attack is caused by a blocked arterythat results in damage to the heart muscle.What should I tell my doctor before taking DIOVAN?Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including whether you:

have any allergies. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients inDIOVAN.have a heart conditionhave liver problemshave kidney problemsare pregnant or planning to become pregnant. See “What is the most importantinformation I should know about DIOVAN?”are breast-feeding. It is not known if DIOVAN passes into your breast milk. You andyour doctor should decide if you will take DIOVAN or breast-feed, but not both. Talkwith your doctor about the best way to feed your baby if you take DIOVAN.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements. Especially tell your doctorif you take:other medicines for high blood pressure or a heart problemwater pills (also called “diuretics”)potassium supplementsa salt substitute

Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of your medicines with you to show to yourdoctor and pharmacist when a new medicine is prescribed. Talk to your doctor orpharmacist before you start taking any new medicine. Your doctor or pharmacist willknow what medicines are safe to take together.How should I take DIOVAN?

Take DIOVAN exactly as prescribed by your doctor.For treatment of high blood pressure, take DIOVAN one time each day, at the sametime each day.If your child cannot swallow tablets, or if tablets are not available in the prescribedstrength, your pharmacist will mix DIOVAN as a liquid suspension for your child. Ifyour child switches between taking the tablet and the suspension, your doctor willadjust the dose as needed. Shake the bottle of suspension well for at least 10 sec-onds before pouring the dose of medicine to give to your child.For adult patients with heart failure or who have had a heart attack, take DIOVAN twotimes each day, at the same time each day. Your doctor may start you on a low doseof DIOVAN and may increase the dose during your treatment.DIOVAN can be taken with or without food.

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is close to your next dose,do not take the missed dose. Take the next dose at your regular time.If you take too much DIOVAN, call your doctor or Poison Control Center, or go tothe nearest hospital emergency room.

What are the possible side effects of DIOVAN?DIOVAN may cause the following serious side effects:Injury or death to an unborn baby. See “What is the most important information Ishould know about DIOVAN?”Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension). Low blood pressure is most likely to happen ifyou also take water pills, are on a low-salt diet, get dialysis treatments, have heartproblems, or get sick with vomiting or diarrhea. Lie down, if you feel faint or dizzy.Call your doctor right away.Kidney problems. Kidney problems may get worse in people that already have kid-ney disease. Some people will have changes on blood tests for kidney function andmay need a lower dose of DIOVAN. Call your doctor if you get swelling in your feet,ankles, or hands, or unexplained weight gain. If you have heart failure, your doctorshould check your kidney function before prescribing DIOVAN.The most common side effects of DIOVAN used to treat people with high bloodpressure include:

Side effects were generally mild and brief. They generally have not caused patients tostop taking DIOVAN.The most common side effects of DIOVAN used to treat people with heart failureinclude:

dizziness joint and back painlow blood pressure tirednessdiarrhea high blood potassium

Common side effects of DIOVAN used to treat people after a heart attack whichcaused them to stop taking the drug include:

low blood pressurecoughhigh blood creatinine (decreased kidney function)rash

Tell your doctor if you get any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.These are not all the possible side effects of DIOVAN. For a complete list, ask yourdoctor or pharmacist.How do I store DIOVAN?

Store DIOVAN tablets at room temperature between 59° to 86°F (15°C-30°C).Keep DIOVAN tablets in a closed container in a dry place.Store bottles of DIOVAN suspension at room temperature less than 86°F (30°C) forup to 30 days, or refrigerate between 35°F-46°F (2°C-8°C) for up to 75 days.

General information about DIOVANMedicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in patientinformation leaflets. Do not use DIOVAN for a condition for which it was not pre-scribed. Do not give DIOVAN to other people, even if they have the same symptomsyou have. It may harm them.This leaflet summarizes the most important information about DIOVAN. If you wouldlike more information, talk with your doctor. You can ask your doctor or pharmacistfor information about DIOVAN that is written for health professionals.For more information about DIOVAN, ask your pharmacist or doctor, visitwww.DIOVAN.com on the Internet, or call 1-866-404-6361.What are the ingredients in DIOVAN?Active ingredient: valsartanInactive ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, hydroxypropyl methylcellu-lose, iron oxides (yellow, black and/or red), magnesium stearate, microcrystallinecellulose, polyethylene glycol 8000, and titanium dioxide


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Valentino “Tino”DeLeon , a nativeof San Jose, at-

tended Prospect HighSchool, graduating early andenrolling in DeAnza College.Back in the 1970’s when as-sembly work was still beingdone locally instead of inChina, Tino was on the Vindi-cator assembly line solderingboards and doing light tech-nician work testingtransponder boards. Tinoput school on hold to gainexperience in the electronicsfield which he loved somuch.

In 1987 /1988, Tinojoined forces with a friendand started Kalpana wherehe built and debugged net-working boards and systems.Kalpana is credited in the in-dustry for pioneering Ether-net Switching Technology. InDecember 1994, Cisco Sys-tems acquired Tino’s com-pany. His career with Ciscohas taken him all over theworld developing new gen-eration products and intro-ducing them tomanufacturing for Ciscobusiness.

Throughout the years,

Tino has been exposed tocommunity service workthrough family values passedon by his parents, Val andMary Helen DeLeon. Tinowas introduced to Kiwanis ,joined the Hispanic basedPueblo de San Jose Kiwanisclub and has been a part ofthe club for over 20 years. Hewas president of the club in2004 – 2005 and is currentlythe club’s president .

Besides volunteering thehundreds of hours necessaryin running a Kiwanis club,Tino is also the SponsoredYouth Chair . Pueblo de SanJose Kiwanis sponsors twohigh school level Key Clubsat Silver Creek High Schooland at Evergreen Valley HighSchool. He, with the help offellow members, also sup-ports a K-Kids club at RuskinElementary School in SanJose, CA. Besides overseeingthe smooth operation of theclubs, Tino leads the stu-dents by example. He men-tors and supports youth in allof their fundraising and train-ing activities while assistingthem in developing theirteam and leadership skills.

Closer to home, Tino hasbeen involved with neigh-borhood youth programs.He has coached baseball for14 years at all levels rangingfrom Tee-Ball to High School

Junior Varsity at EvergreenLittle League and EvergreenValley High School. Hecoached in the Mt HamiltonYouth Soccer league for 3years and East Hills Footballthrough the San Jose PoliceActivities League (PAL) for 2years and has been a chaper-one for junior high schooland high school age youthsin summer camps and wintercamp. As an ex-Boy Scout,Tino has given back to thatorganization, volunteering toassist in Eagle Scout projectsby mentoring the youngmen .

Spiritually, Tino is very in-volved in his church. Heworks with youth groups in amusic ministry program andis the group’s sound engi-neer during practices andperformances. Over theyears, family members bat-tling illnesses have benefit-ted because he researched,developed and invested inalternative technologies toassist those in need, makingthe technology available atno cost.

When asked about hisstrong commitment to theHispanic community, Tinoexplains that it is simple re-ally. He believes that, as a His-panic professional who hasgrown up in San Jose, givingback and encouraging His-

panic youth to do more thanwhat is expected of themcan open up doors and op-portunities to afford them abetter life. Mentoring theHispanic youth of San Josegives the youth a better op-portunity to do better thanthose that may not be recep-tive to mentoring or may nothave mentoring available.Tino believes that givingback is very important to thesuccess of any community.He cites that if you want to

build a thriving communitythen you have to get in-volved in it. He also believesthat one person can make adifference. But one who canmotivate others to share inthe same vision can make amonumental difference.Tino’s work and love for whathe does, the people he workswith, and the community heserves is his driving force. Itcomes from the heart, sup-ported by his family, friends,and God.






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U. S. Small Business Administration

SCORE is an all volunteer, nonprofit, organization that provides FREE confidential business advice.

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Register using this Code: “ElObservador” at www.svscore.org

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(ARA) - American entre-preneurism has been aroundas long as the country, butthat spirit is getting youngerevery day. Fifteen percent ofself-employed Americansare younger than 35, accord-ing to the U.S. Small BusinessAdministration, and that per-centage is growing.

Recent reports place theunemployment rate at 54percent for Americansyounger than 25. Driven inpart by the decline in tradi-tional job opportunities andin part by the innovativespirit that has long definedAmerican small business,members of the millennialgeneration are going into

business for themselves. Andthey’re using the same tech-nologies that they’ve grownup with in their personallives to facilitate their suc-cess as small-business oper-ators.

Because the youngergeneration grew up usingtechnology, they are usingtheir knowledge to helpthem follow their entrepre-neurial spirit - relying ontechnology to start theirown business. Because ofthis use of technology,young entrepreneurs shouldlook to these areas wheretechnology can help launchtheir new business:

1. Social media Born in the digital age,

millennials have grown upconnected to the Internet,Facebook and Twitter, andtexting is an everyday part oftheir lives. To avoid socialoverload and streamlinecommunication, use toolsthat help bring networks to-gether in one place. For ex-ample, users can connectFacebook to Hotmail andchat right from inside theirinbox, as well as keepLinkedIn and Facebook con-tact lists organized withauto-contact linking acrossHotmail and Windows LiveMessenger.

2. Network and buildrelationships

Millennial business own-ers have grown up in a mo-bile, digital world. So havetheir customers, and thosecustomers will be connect-ing with each other in cyber-space. Youthfulsmall-business owners areusing social networking anddigital media to communi-cate with customers aboutproducts and services. Theyalso rely on a variety of mo-bile devices for their net-working needs and chooseoperating systems that allowthem to communicateacross a broad range of de-vices.

Valentino “Tino” DeLeon, A Portrait of Success 2011

Millennials using technology to launch entrepreneurial careers

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www.el-observador.comobser.el-www .comadorvobser

By Cinthia Rodriguez – El Observador

The San Jose Mexican Heritage andMariachi Festival will kick off Sep-tember 18. This year will be known

as VivaFest, in an effort to recognize 20 yearsof Latino music, theater, film, and visual artswith educational music, dance workshopsand community conversations. This year’sevent will include several special events.

On September 18, the festival will host aKids Mariachi Day at the Children’s DiscoveryMuseum in downtown San Jose. Doors willopen at noon for a full day of special mari-achi and Latin music performances, arts andcrafts, and special workshops. It’s a chanceto introduce children to mariachi music andexplore the museum.

The following day, parents can attend aspecial screening of “Mexico,” an Imax filmat the Tech Museum. Narrated by MartinSheen, filmgoers will be able to go on a vi-sual journey through Mexico’s rich and var-ied past and present. The film is an insightfulportrait of the Mexican people and her cul-ture.

There will be a screening of “The Har-vest,” a documentary by Eva Longoria. Therewill also be a Q&A session with filmmakers

Olga Najera-Ramirez and Rusell Rodriguez,creators of Danza Folklorica Escenica.

On September 22, there will be a com-munity conversation with members of LosLobos, NPR reporter Richard Gonzales,MALDEF CEO Thomas Saenz, and OlgaBriseno, founder of the Association of His-panic Journalists. The topics will includehow the arts and the green movement im-pacts migrant farmworker conditions andlife after SB 1070 (Arizona).

The outdoor mariachi festival will be onSeptember 25. Mariachi Azteca is one of thegroups that is scheduled to perform. Theyhave been playing for 25 years. The group ismade up by musicians from different partsof Mexico and northern California. MariachiVeritas de Harvard, formed in 2001, will alsoperform during the outdoor festival. Thisgroup is the first and only undergraduatestudent mariachi on the East Coast.

Los Lupenos de San Jose will also be per-forming folklorico dances outdoor at the HPPavilion. They have a diverse history andover the years have accumulated a varied se-lection of dances from both sides of the bor-der. The outdoor event is a free event opento the public.

Viva Fest Special Events Mariachi Cobre will be performing at this year’s VivaFest!

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©2011 Disney Visit us at Disney.com/LionKing



Para cines y horarios:Consulte su periódico localEN CINES VIERNES, 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE

El 23 de septiembre se estrena“Killer Elite de Gary McKendry,donde podremos disfrutar a

Robert De Niro, Jason Statham y Clive Owen. Danny (Statham), un ex integrante de los

servicios especiales británicos, deberá en-

frentarse a un letal equipo de asesinos en-cabezado por Spike (Owen) para rescatar asu mentor Hunter (De Niro).

La película promete explosivas escenasde acción y persecuciones en una carreraque nos llevará a través de medio mundo.

Killer Elite: Una fórmula explosiva

“Dolphin Tale”Alcon Entertainment’s Dolphin Tale is in-

spired by the amazing true story of abrave dolphin called Winter and the

compassionate people who banded together tosave her life.

Swimming free, a young dolphin is caught in acrab trap, severely damaging her tail. She is res-cued and transported to the Clearwater MarineHospital, where she is named Winter.

But her fight for survival has just begun. Los-ing her tail may cost Winter her life. It will take theexpertise of a dedicated marine biologist, the in-genuity of a brilliant prosthetics doctor, and theunwavering devotion of a young boy to bringabout a groundbreaking miracle, a miracle that

might not only save Winter but could also helpthousands of people around the world. DolphinTale is a heartwarming, fun adventure about thehealing bonds of family, both human and animal.

The real Winter, who plays herself in DolphinTale, today serves as a symbol of courage andhope to millions of people especially those facingtheir own physical challenges who have beentouched by her remarkable story of recovery andrehabilitation.

The film will be distributed in 3D and 2D in se-lect theatres by Warner Bros. Pictures, a WarnerBros. Entertainment Company. It has been ratedPG for mild thematic elements.

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NO. 555395The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Dirty Birdie, 1158 Theo-den Ct., San Jose, CA 95121,Santa Clara Co. Andrew Luna, 1158Theoden Ct., San Jose, CA 95121,Vien Phan, 3585 Sandpebble Dr.Apt. # 501, San Jose, CA 95136.This business is conducted by ageneral partnership, registrant hasnot yet begun business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Andrew LunaSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/29/11.


NO. 111CV209246Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Peggy Sook Changand David Kee Chang, TO ALL IN-TERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioners, Peggy SookChang and David Kee Chang havefiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Peggy Sook Chang to Hyun SookChang b. David Kee Chang to KeeYoung Chang THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 11/15/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Sept. 15, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 111CV209241Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Natalia Kataeva andDmitry Svetlov, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioners, Natalia Kataeva andDmitry Svetlov have filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Sasha Svetlovto Sasha Jacqueline Kataeva. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 11/15/11at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Sept. 15, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 111CV209221Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Marcos oNau CorderoMartinez and Karen Kely MagnoliaCamo Velazquez, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioners, Marcos NauCordero Martinez and Karen KelyMagnolia Camo Velasquez havefiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Kelly Magnolia Cordero Velazquezto Kelly Magnolia Cordero Camo.THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 11/15/11at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Sept. 15, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 111CV209222Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Ping Szeto, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Ping Szetohas filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Ping Szeto to Fion Ping-Szeto Ngai. THE COURT ORDERSthat all persons interested in thismatter appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below to showcause, if any, why the petition forchange of names should not begranted on 11/22/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall be

published at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Sept. 15, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 555974The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Abril Cleaning Services,1200 Ranchera Way # 5, San Jose,CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. MariaCabrera, 1200 Ranchera Way Apt#5, San Jose, CA 95117. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Maria del Rocío CabreraSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/14/11.


NO. 555946The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Source Barter, SourceBarter Exchange, 1375 S. De AnzaBlvd., Cupertino, CA 95014, SantaClara Co. Terrence Wild, 15310Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA95032. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Terrence WildSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/11.


NO. 555888The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Flower’s Painting, 3180Cherry Ave., San Jose, CA 95118,Santa Clara Co. Gustavo Florez,3180 Cherry Ave., San Jose, CA95118. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in03/12/2001. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Gustavo FlorezSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/12/11.


NO. 555853The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Tamky Equipment, 1437Morill Ave., San Jose, CA 95132,Santa Clara Co. Hung Duong, 1437Morrill Ave., San Jose, CA 95132.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Hung C DuongSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/12/11.


NO. 555833The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Pacific Light & Power –In-ternal Martial Arts, Michael Shaman– Tai Chi Chuan, 7440 MontereyStreet, Gilroy, CA 95020, SantaClara Co. Allan M. Thomason, 7440Monterey Street, Gilroy, CA 95020.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant began businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed here in Sept. 1983. “Ideclare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Allan M. ThomasonSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/11.


NO. 555826The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Little Michoacan Taqueria#2, 300 Willow St., San Jose, CA95110, Santa Clara Co. Graciela In-fante Aguirre, 34101 Sylvester Dr.,Fremont, CA 94555, Efrain AguirreHernandez, 34101 Sylvester Dr.,Fremont, CA 94555. This businessis conducted by husband and wife,registrants began business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 10/15/11. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Graciela I. AguirreSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/11.


NO. 555784The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Danimal Services, 985South Bascom Ave., San Jose, CA95128, Santa Clara Co. EugenioBehemer Leon, 5161 Bela Drive,San Jose, CA 95129. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Eugenio Beher LeonSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/11.


NO. 555777The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Frontier Financial Serv-ices, 3081 Brandywine Dr., SanJose, CA 95121, Santa Clara Co.Robert G. Talley Mortgage Corpora-tion, 3081 Brandywine Dr., SanJose, CA 95121. This business isconducted by a corporation, regis-trant began business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhere in 12/29/80. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Robert E. Talley Mortgage Corpora-tionRobert E. Talley/PresidentSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/11.


NO. 555756The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Aguila Tax Services, 1866W. San Carlos St., San Jose, CA95128, Santa Clara Co. Lucila A.Godoy, 17490 Hoot Owl Way, Mor-gan Hill, CA 95037, Renato E. Gar-cia, 17490 Hoot Owl Way., MorganHill, CA 95037. This business isconducted by husband and wife,registrants began business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed here in 9/01/11. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Lucila A. GodoySept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/11.


NO. 555742The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Fun Gifts, 840 MeridianWay, # 104, San Jose, CA 95126,Santa Clara Co. Cheryl Kane, 840Meridian Way # 104, San Jose, CA95126. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Cheryl KaneSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/11.


NO. 555719The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, eLIVEon.com, 1825Woodland Ave., Santa Clara, CA95050, Santa Clara Co. Mike Cal-lender, 1825 Woodland Ave., SantaClara, CA 95050, Russ Vazquez,1395 Milton Way, San Jose, CA95125. This business is conductedby a joint venture, registrants havenot yet begun business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted hereon. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty ofa crime.)Mike CallenderSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/11.


NO. 555108The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Firme Te Proteje, 140Kiely Blvd #2, Santa Clara, CA95051, Santa Clara Co. Carlos Al-berto Inzunza Guzman, 140 KielyBlvd #2, Santa Clara, CA 95051.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Carlos Alberto Inzunza GuzmanSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/22/11.


NO. 555002The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Sexy Sexy Salon, 1199 SKing Rd, Ste 50, San Jose, CA95122, Santa Clara Co. Celicia Bar-bosa Becerril, 2352 Dobern Ave.,

San Jose, CA 95116. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Celicia BarbosaSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/11.


NO. 111CV208977Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Lo Thi Tran, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Lo ThiTran has filed a petition for Changeof Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Lo Thi Tran to Nancy Tran.THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 11/15/11at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Sept. 12, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 111CV208799Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Rose Lam, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Rose Lamhas filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Rose Lam aka Thi PhucHong Lam aka Hong Phuc Thi Lamto Sunshine Le. THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 11/15/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Sept. 08, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.


NO. 111CV207072Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Alonso and EstellaMartinez, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioners, Alonso and Estella Mar-tinez have filed a petition for Changeof Name with the clerk of this courtfor a decree changing names as fol-lows: a. Alonso Ariel Martinez toAlonso Andres Martinez. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 10/18/11at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 12, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011.



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the fictitiousbusiness name(s). The informationgiven below is as it appeared on thefictitious business name statementthat was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Lazos de America, 1090 Lincoln Ave#7, San Jose, CA 95125. Filed inSanta Clara County on 02/02/11under file no. 547564. Jose Luis DeSantiago, 2389 Lanham Ct., SanJose, CA 95148. This businesswas conducted by copartners. I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct ( Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.) Jose Luis De SantiagoSept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 07, 2011This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/06/11.


NO. 554566The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Current Werks Ltd., 134Loma Alta Ave., Los Gatos, CA95030, Santa Clara Co. TruePowerGroup LLC., 134 Loma Alta Ave.,Los Gatos, CA 95030. This busi-ness is conducted by a limited liabil-ity company, registrant has not yet

begun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)TruePower Group LLC.Patrick Manning/ManagerSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/08/11.


NO. 555689The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Engaged Intellectual, 666Hope St #3, Mountain View, CA94041, Santa Clara Co. LibertySmith, 666 Hope St #3, San Jose,CA 94041. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)Liberty SmithSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/07/11


NO. 555626The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Dandelion Chocolate, 334Santana Row #335, San Jose, CA95128, Santa Clara Co. Cocoa Co.,LLC., 334 Santana Row #335, SanJose, CA 95128. This business isconducted by a limited liability com-pany, registrant began businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed here in 08/06/11. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Cocoa Co. LLC.John Todd Masonis/DirectorSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/06/11


NO. 555624The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Castillo Check Casching,459 S. Capitol Ave Ste. 2, San Jose,CA 95127, Santa Clara Co.Guadalupe Perez, 4249 Santa Su-sana Way, San Jose, CA 95111,Mayra L. Perez, 4249 Santa SusanaWay, San Jose, CA 95111. Thisbusiness is conducted by husbandand wife, registrants have not yetbegun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Guadalupe PerezSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/06/11.


NO. 555622The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Key Tran Investments,379 Page Street, San Jose, CA95126, Santa Clara Co. Minh NgocTran, 379 Page Street, San Jose,CA 95126. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)Minh Ngoc TranSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/06/11.


NO. 555603The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Shanmar Delivery Serv-ices, 385 Pinefield Road, San Jose,CA 95134, Santa Clara Co. MarisaYap, 385 Pinefield Road, San Jose,CA 95134. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)Marisa YapSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/02/11.


NO. 555609The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Backstage Hair &Makeup, 724 Uvas Ct., San Jose,CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. MoniSebestyen-Ruelas, 724 Uvas Ct.,San Jose, CA 95123. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Moni Sebestyen-RuelasSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with the

County of Santa Clara on 09/02/11.


NO. 555564The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Mattress Deals, 3170Monterey Road, San Jose, CA95111, Santa Clara Co. MarisolRamos-Rico, 3159 Mt Isabel Ct.,San Jose, CA 95148. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 09/01/2011. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false isguilty of a crime.)Marisol RamosSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/11.


NO. 555438The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, UR-FINANCIAL GROUPINC., 415 Clyde Ave #109, MountainView, CA 94043, Santa Clara Co.IB FINANCIAL GROUP INC., 415Clyde Ave #109, Mountain View, CA94043. This business is conductedby a corporation, registrants beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in08/25/11. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)IB FINANCIAL GROUP INC.Young Ho Won/CEOSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/30/11.


NO. 555399The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Mock Software Consult-ing, 10218 Mira Vista Road, Cuper-tino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co.Markus Mock, 10218 Mira Vista Rd.,Cupertino, CA 95014. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 04/26/11. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false isguilty of a crime.)Markus MockSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/30/11.


NO. 555354The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Ideas Into Graphics, 6714Altiplano Way, San Jose, CA95119, Santa Clara Co. YazminAcevedo, 6714 Altiplano Way, SanJose, CA 95119. This business isconducted by an individual, regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)Yazmin AcevedoSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/29/11.


NO. 555316The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Happy Cleaners Service,919 Galahad Ave., San Jose, CA95116, Santa Clara Co. Maria Car-men Olivares, 919 Galahad Ave.,San Jose, CA 95116. This busi-ness is conducted by an individual,registrant has not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Maria Carmen OlivaresSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/26/11.


NO. 555124The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Mina Shoes, 925 BlossomHill Rd #G006A, San Jose, CA95123, Santa Clara Co. MayaFootwear Inc., 329 W. Ralston St,Ontario, CA 91762. This businessis conducted by a corporation regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)Maya Footwear Inc.Longhuo Liang/PresidentSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/11.


NO. 554764The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Basement 3 Productions,1046 Cuesta Drive, Mountain View,CA 94040, Santa Clara Co. SabineHeusler-Schick, 1046 Cuesta Drive,Mountain View, CA 94040, KennySchick, 1046 Cuesta Drive, Moun-tain View, CA 94040. This business

is conducted by husband and wiferegistrant began business under thefictitious business name or nameslisted here in 01/01/2010. “I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct.” (A registrantwho declares as true informationwhich he or she knows to be false isguilty of a crime.)Sabine Heusler-SchickSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/11/11.


NO. 111CV208631Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Chi-Ming Tsai andSu-Wen Hsu, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioners, Chi-Ming Tsai andSu-Wen Hsu have filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Yu-Chun Tsaito Yoyo Yuchun Tsai, b. Yu-Lin Tsaito Lynn Yulin Tsai . THE COURTORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter appear before thiscourt at the hearing indicated belowto show cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of names should notbe granted on 11/08/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Sept. 06, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.


NO. 111CV208096Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Kedest BekeleBahiru, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Kedest Bekele Bahiru hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Kedest Bekele Bahiru to KidistBekele Bahiru. THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 11/08/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Aug. 29, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.


NO. 111CV207775Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Alma Garcia, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Alma Gar-cia has filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as fol-lows: a.Brandy Yuleisy GarciaSanchez to Brandy Yuleisy GarciaPerez. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause,if any, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on10/25/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four succes-sive weeks prior to the date set forhearing on the petition in El Obser-vador, a newspaper of general circu-lation, printed in the county of SantaClara.Aug. 23, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011.



The following person(s) has/haveabandoned the use of the fictitiousbusiness name(s). The informationgiven below is as it appeared on thefictitious business name statementthat was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Cosmos Health Center, 20445Prospect Rd. #A, San Jose, CA95129. Filed in Santa Clara Countyon 07/08/2011 under file no.553441. Shufang Chen, 338 AlidaWay Apt 207, South San Francisco,CA 94080. This business was con-ducted by an individual. I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct ( A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.) Shufang ChenSept. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2011This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/15/11.


NO. 555437The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, ChumpCar World Series,18305 Llagas Court, Morgan Hill, CA95037, Santa Clara Co. ChumpCarInternational LLC, 18305 Llagas

Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Thisbusiness is conducted by a limited li-ability company, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in08/23/11. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)ChumpCar International LLCJohn Condren/CEOSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/30/11.


NO. 111CV208353Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Louis John Rocha,TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:The court finds that petitioner, LouisJohn Rocha has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Louis JohnRocha to Louie John Pereira. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 11/01/11at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA95113. A copy of the Order to Showcause shall be published at leastonce a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 30, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 555367The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, The Gardens Edge, 221Lanitos Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086,Santa Clara Co. Chris Metcalfe, 221Lanitos Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Chris MetcalfeSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/29/11.


NO. 555363The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Giga Network Services,1901 O’Toole Way, San Jose, CA95131, Santa Clara Co. KadakiaRentals LLC., 1901 O’Toole Way,San Jose, CA 95131. This busi-ness is conducted by a limited liabil-ity company, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed here in08/29/11. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Kadakia Rentals LLCManish Kadakia/CEO-DirectorSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/29/11.


NO. 555353The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, VKAL Design LLC, 2284Old Middlefield Way Ste.#8, Moun-tain View, CA 94043, Santa ClaraCo. VKAL Design LLC., 2284 OldMiddlefield Way Ste.#8, MountainView, CA 94043. This business isconducted by a limited liability com-pany, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed hereon.“I declare that all information in thisstatement is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)VKAL Design LLCDavid D Knight/PresidentSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/29/11.


NO. 555352The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, DM Mfg. LLC., 2284 OldMiddlefield Way Ste. #8, MountainView, CA 94043, Santa Clara Co.DM Mfg. LL., 2284 Old MiddlefieldWay Ste. #8, Mountain View, CA94043. This business is conductedby a limited liability company, regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information whichhe or she knows to be false is guiltyof a crime.)DM Mfg. LLCAngeline Huyen/PresidentSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/29/11.


NO. 555277The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, IEC Career InvestmentInt’l., 1159 Sonora Ct. Suite 303,Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara

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LEGAL NOTICESCo. Chris Uche Ugenyi, 9129Desiderio Way, Gilroy, CA 95020,Phyl Awele Uche, 9129 DesiderioWay, Gilroy, CA 95020. This busi-ness is conducted by husband andwife, registrants have not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Chris Uche UgenyiSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/25/2011.


NO. 555254The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, FAVEssay, Struck Work-shops, FAVE Right Stuff, 2368Gabriel Avenue, Mountain View, CA94040, Santa Clara Co. Rexchange,Inc., 2368 Gabriel Avenue, MountainView, CA 94040. This business isconducted by a corporation, regis-trant began business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhere in 08/21/11. “I declare that allinformation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Rexchange, Inc.Cynthia Nguyen/President Sept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/24/11.


NO. 555175The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Lucky Dan Stables, 6610Skyfarm Drive, San Jose, CA 95120,Santa Clara Co. Anthony F. Ventura,6610 Skyfarm Drive, San Jose, CA95120. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant has notyet begun business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)Anthony F. VenturaSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/23/11.


NO. 555112The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, CZA Properties, 21430Millard Lane, Cupertino, CA 95014,Santa Clara Co. Calogero Alaimo,21430 Millard Lane, Cupertino, CA95014. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in04/10/2006. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)Calogero AlaimoSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/22/11.


NO. 554918The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, ARAM Bakery, 5837 Cam-den Ave Ste D, San Jose, CA95124, Santa Clara Co. HosseinDabestani, 6478 Littlefalls Dr., SanJose, CA 95120. This business isconducted by an individual, registrantbegan business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein 04/12/1994. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Hossein DabestaniSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/16/11.


NO. 554795The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Caleedo, 13800 LaPaloma Road, Los Altos Hills, CA94022, Santa Clara Co. DonnaChang, 13800 La Paloma Rd, LosAltos Hills, CA 94022, Nancy Chang,13800 La Paloma Rd., Los AltosHills, CA 94022. This business isconducted by a general partnership,registrants have not yet begun busi-ness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)

Sept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/12/11.


NO. 111CV208162Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Asia Doan Phap TangTran, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Asia Doan Phap Tang Tranhas filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Asia Doan Phap Tang Tran to AsiaTran. THE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this matter ap-pear before this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change of

names should not be granted on11/08/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 30, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 111CV208113Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Linda Kieu Vo, TOALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, Linda KieuVo has filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Linda Kieu Vo to Jenny Anne Tran.THE COURT ORDERS that all per-sons interested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 11/01/11 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Aug. 29, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 111CV207893Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Raisa Popova, TOALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Thecourt finds that petitioner, RaisaPopova has filed a petition forChange of Name with the clerk of thiscourt for a decree changing namesas follows: a. Raisa Popova to RaisaAzova. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on10/25/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 25, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 111CV207843Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Loecadio Lapa GalangII, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Leocadio Lapa Galang II hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Leocadio Lapa Galang II to LeighYvonne Galang. THE COURT OR-DERS that all persons interested inthis matter appear before this courtat the hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of names should not begranted on 11/01/11 at 8:45 am,Room 107: located at 191 N. FirstStreet, San Jose, CA 95113. A copyof the Order to Show cause shall bepublished at least once a week forfour successive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the petition inEl Observador, a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, printed in the countyof Santa Clara.Aug. 24, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 111CV207832Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Gladis Natalia CaroLeón, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Gladis Natalia Caro León hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Evelyn Favela to Evelyn Caro Leónb. Nataly Favela to Nataly CaroLeón. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on11/01/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 24, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 111CV207509Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of the

application of: Ignacio Leonard Re-bolledo, TO ALL INTERESTEDPERSONS: The court finds that pe-titioner, Ignacio Leonardo Rebolledohas filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Florez (name listed on Birth Cer-tificate aka Leonard Rebelledo toIgnacio Leonard Rebollado. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 10/25/11 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Aug. 25, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtSept. 02, 09, 16, 23, 2011.


NO. 555268The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Swan Health Center, 3216El Camino Real Center, Santa Clara,CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. CuilanHuang, 470 Nolden Ave., San Jose,CA 95117. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Cuilan HuangAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 8/25/11.


NO. 554223The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Neck-Laced, 2221 FazeliCt., Campbell, CA 95008, SantaClara Co. Natalia Jeanpierre, 2221Fazeli Ct., Campbell, CA 95008.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Natalia JeanpierreAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 7/28/11.


NO. 555241The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Amherst Commercial Cap-ital, 179 Ranch Drive, Milpitas, CA95035, Santa Clara Co. Ying-fuLouis Tang, 258 Lander Place, SanRamon, CA 94583. This businessis conducted by an individual, regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Ying-fu Louis TangAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/24/11.


NO. 555236The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Mars Pinball Repair, 391Don Basillo Way, San Jose, CA95123, Santa Clara Co. MichaelJames Hafner, 391 Don Basillo Way,San Jose, CA 95123. This businessis conducted by an individual, regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Michael James HafnerAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/24/11.


NO. 555153The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Window Tint, 1721 RogersAve, Suite N, San Jose, CA 95112,Santa Clara Co. Tony Tran, 573Gaundabert Lane, San Jose, CA95136. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in11/05/2008. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)Tony TranAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/11.


NO. 555150The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, House of Tunez, 1721Rogers Ave., Suite N, San Jose, CA95112, Santa Clara Co. ThomasTran, 4922 Scarlett Way, San Jose,CA 95111. This business is con-

ducted by an individual, registranthas not yet begun business underthe fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Thomas TranAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/11.


NO. 555044The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Independence Car Serv-ice, 2415 Old Middlefield Way,Mountain View, CA 94043, SantaClara Co. VB Inc., 35881 Jacinto Ct.,Fremont, CA 94536. This businessis conducted by a corporation, regis-trant has not yet begun businessunder the fictitious business name ornames listed hereon. “I declare thatall information in this statement istrue and correct.” (A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)VB IncMichael Belous/SecretaryAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/19/11.


NO. 555021The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Sher E net, 317 CreeksideDr., Palo Alto, CA 94306, SantaClara Co. Luze Shi, 310 El MonteAve., Los Altos, CA 94022. Thisbusiness is conducted by an individ-ual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Luze ShiAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/11.


NO. 555014The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, California Fugitive Recov-ery Academy, CA-FRA, 760 North1st Street, San Jose, CA 95112,Santa Clara Co. Jose Luna, 760 N1st Street, San Jose, CA 95112.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Jose LunaAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/11.


NO. 555008The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Silicon Valley Medical Fa-cilitation Service, Santa Clara Med-ical Facilitation Service, 4038 Rio Ct.,San Jose, CA 95134, Santa ClaraCo. Anli He, 4038 Rio Ct., San Jose,CA 95134. This business is con-ducted by an individual, registrantbegan business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein 07/20/2011. “I declare that all in-formation in this statement is trueand correct.” (A registrant who de-clares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.)Anli HeAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/11.


NO. 554941The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Sonic Rooter, 142 N. Mil-pitas Blvd #259, Milpitas, CA 95035,Santa Clara Co. Sonic Rooter LLC.,142 N Milpitas Blvd. #259, Milpitas,CA 95035,. This business is con-ducted by a limited liability, registrantbegan business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listed herein 8/01/11. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)Sonic Rooter LLCAnthony Nguyen/ManagerAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/17/11.


NO. 554887The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Galaxy Taxi, 8406 DorisCt., Gilroy, CA 95020, Santa ClaraCo. Arturo Rodriguez, 487 BurgundySt., Los Baños, 93635, Aurelio Avila,8406 Doris Ct., Gilroy, CA 95020.This business is conducted by a gen-eral partnership, registrants have notyet begun business under the ficti-tious business name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)Arturo Rodriguez/Aurelio AvilaAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/16/11.


NO. 554729The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Zaynah’s Loving Child-care, 3172 Apperson Ridge Dr., SanJose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co.Farah Alam, 3172 Apperson Ridge Dr., San Jose, CA95148. This business is conductedby an individual, registrant beganbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in08/01/2011. “I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect.” (A registrant who declaresas true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)Farah AlamAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/11/11.


NO. 554704The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Lina Cuts, 812 S BascomAve., San Jose, CA 95128, SantaClara Co. Thien Nga Nguyen, 655 S34th St., #75, San Jose, CA 95116.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant have not yetbegun business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedhereon. “I declare that all informationin this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true in-formation which he or she knows tobe false is guilty of a crime.)Thien Nga NguyenAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/10/11.


NO. 554435The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Creative Arts Studio, 5633Indian Ave., San Jose, CA 95123,Santa Clara Co. Hee S Kim, 5633Indian Ave., San Jose, CA 95123.This business is conducted by an in-dividual, registrant has not yet begunbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed hereon. “I de-clare that all information in this state-ment is true and correct.” (Aregistrant who declares as true infor-mation which he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Hee S KimAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/03/11.


NO. 554348The following person(s) is(are) doingbusiness, Circle Time Child Develop-ment Centers, 2660 John Mont-gomery Ave., Ste 27, San Jose, CA95148. Santa Clara Co. TanishaBrame, 2118 Canoas Garden Ave.,San Jose, CA 95125, Guye Brame,2118 Canoas Garden Ave., SanJose, CA 95125, Lucille Gabriel,4255 Nerissa Cir., Fremont CA94555. This business is conductedby a joint venture, registrants beganbusiness under the fictitious businessname or names listed here in07/25/11. “I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect.” (A registrant who declares astrue information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.)Tanisha BrameAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on 08/02/11.


NO. 111CV207809Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Jinjin Huang, TO ALLINTERESTED PERSONS: The courtfinds that petitioner, Jinjin Huang hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Jinjin Huang to Linda Lieder. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 10/25/11 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Aug. 24, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.


NO. 111CV207779Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Dao Nguyen CatDang, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that peti-tioner, Dao Nguyen Cat Dang hasfiled a petition for Change of Namewith the clerk of this court for a de-cree changing names as follows: a.Dao Nguyen Cat Dang to KatelynDang. THE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in this matterappear before this court at the hear-ing indicated below to show cause, ifany, why the petition for change ofnames should not be granted on11/01/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: lo-cated at 191 N. First Street, SanJose, CA 95113. A copy of the Orderto Show cause shall be published atleast once a week for four successiveweeks prior to the date set for hear-ing on the petition in El Observador,

a newspaper of general circulation,printed in the county of Santa Clara.Aug. 23, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.


NO. 111CV207680Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Alicia Torres &Teodoro Rojas, TO ALL INTER-ESTED PERSONS: The court findsthat petitioners, Alicia Torres &Teodoro Rojas have filed a petitionfor Change of Name with the clerk ofthis court for a decree changingnames as follows: a. Jasmine Rojasto Jasmine Rojas Torres. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 10/25/11 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Aug. 22, 2011.Thomas Wm. Cain

Judge of the Superior CourtAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.


NO. 111CV207673Superior Court of California, Countyof Santa Clara-In the matter of theapplication of: Davoud and FattanehMaha, TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: The court finds that petition-ers, Davoud and Fattaneh Mahahave filed a petition for Change ofName with the clerk of this court fora decree changing names as follows:a. Roshanack Gandjian Maha toRoshanack Melody Maha b. SherwinMaha to Sherwin Sam Maha. THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appear be-fore this court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of namesshould not be granted on 10/25/11 at8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.A copy of the Order to Show causeshall be published at least once aweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the pe-tition in El Observador, a newspaperof general circulation, printed in thecounty of Santa Clara.Aug. 22, 2011.Thomas Wm. CainJudge of the Superior CourtAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011.



The following person(s) has/havewithdrawn from the partnership oper-ating under the fictitious businessname(s). The information givenbelow is as it appeared on the ficti-tious business name statement thatwas filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Ready 2 Roll, 3878Walnut Ave, Fremont CA 94538.Filed in Santa Clara County on06/21/2010 under file no. 539327.Karl Siganporia, 5375 Farwall Placed#109, Fremont, CA 94536. I declarethat all information in this statementis true and correct ( A registrant whodeclares as true information which heor she knows to be false is guilty of acrime.) Karl SiganporiaAug. 26; Sept. 02, 09, 16, 2011. This statement was filed with theCounty of Santa Clara on07/27/2011.


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By Cinthia Rodriguez – El Observador

With a lineup led by El Tri, Rev-olucion Rokkera featured thelegends of Rock en Español

during an all day music festival. Hundreds at-tended the Salinas Sports Complex whereMolotov, Fobia, and Dopamina performed.

Multi Grammy winning artist, Cesar“Vampiro” Lopez, is one of the best-knownguitarists in Spanish language rock. He is thelead guitarist for the Mexican bandJaguares. Vampiro is collaborating with Vic-tor Monroy, lead singer and composer fromPastilla, to form the project they call Dopam-ina. The audience responded well to theband’s material. Their set was short andsweet, performing only four songs for therowdy crowd. They are currently working onrecording their debut album that will featurenine original tracks and will be available forfree.

The second band to take the stage wasFobia. A band from Mexico City, who beganin the late 80’s when there wasn’t much pro-motion of the music they were creating.

Fobia was lucky enough to work with mem-bers of very well known bands that helpedthem record their demos. They returned thefavor to their industry by helping otherbands. They performed their classic songs tothe multitude of people that knew the lyrics.

Another popular Mexican band thattook part in the festival was Molotov, consid-ered one of the most original acts in thescene. They feature a mixture of Spanish andEnglish lyrics. They just wrapped up theirtour in Europe, where they completed theirrecent album and dvd “Desde Rusia conAmor,” (From Russia with Love).

The favorite band of the night was El Tri.The group originally known as Three Soulsin my Mind are considered influential andamong the founders of Mexican rock. Somefans were fortunate enough to meet andgreet front man, Alex Lora.

Revolucion Rokkera wasn’t just anotherconcert.  It was designed to give back to thecommunity.  Proceeds generated by theevent went directly to Youth Orchestra Sali-nas.

Giving back through music

Mexican band Fobia performed to hundreds of fans during Revolucion Rokkera at theSports Complex in Salinas, CA.

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CREE EN EL PODER DE NUESTRA CULTURAThe National Hispanic University is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).


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La crisis por la que atraviesaAmérica, es responsabilidad delchileno Carlos Reinoso, pero tam-

bién de todos los jugadores, mencionó elmediocampista Jesús Molina, quien co-mentó que no tienen más opción quevencer este miércoles a San Luis.

“La responsabilidad es de todos, somosun equipo, no sólo es Reinoso, hoy estamosen esta situación y no vamos a esconder lacabeza, no vamos a tirar la toalla y tenemosla posibilidad para salir adelante”, dijo. (leael análisis deportivo en www.el-obser-vador.com)

América llora derrotas