eot act 1-3

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  • 8/13/2019 EoT Act 1-3


    "End of Time" Replacement (Working Title)


    Thom Cote

    "Doctor Who"by Sydney Newman


  • 8/13/2019 EoT Act 1-3




    Suddenly, the TARDIS zips by, zigzagging through space.


    As Donna and her grandfather Wilfred watch, the Doctor andanother man fight for control of the TARDIS. The intruderlooks slightly older than the youthful Doctor, but sports adistinctive, well-trimmed light brown beard. They runaround the hexagonal TARDIS control panel flipping leversand trying to stop the other, all the while yelling at eachother over the lurching, out-of-control TARDIS.

    DOCTORDont touch that! Very sensitive

    equipment! Not something forbeginners.

    INTRUDERQuiet, Im working.

    DOCTOR(straining to get the intruderaway from controls)

    Then you might want to get your ownoffice!


    (pushes back to controls)Sorry, havent got time for that.

    DOCTORYou know, most people ask beforetraveling with me.

    INTRUDERDo I look like people?

    DOCTORNah, youre a little hairier thanmost.

    The intruder sheepishly rubs his beard.

    INTRUDERDonna likes it.

    The Doctor stares at Donna.


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    DONNAWhat? Reminded me of my granddad!

    WILFREDOh, thanks.

    DOCTOR(to Intruder)

    T-M-I. If you want to be anassistant Id gladly consider, butthere are application forms andpapers and passports andlicenses. Very complicatedprocess.

    INTRUDERSaying "Ooooh, its bigger on theinside!" seems to get most anyoneon board.

    The Doctor grabs a photo of Rose Tyler off the console andshoves it in a drawer. The intruder does not notice.

    DOCTORHow would you even know what youare on board?

    INTRUDERTARDIS. Time and RelatedDimensions in Space.



    DOCTORNow where are you even taking us?

    INTRUDERJust a little detour. A coursecorrection, if you will.

    DOCTORNo, no, you dont do that!

    INTRUDERI know what Im doing! Its inboth our best interests.

    DOCTORThen you must be mistaken. Now getout, this is my room!


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    INTRUDERWith this decor you can hardly tellanymore!


    Youve been here before?

    The intruder throws a lever.

    INTRUDERWere off to Gallifrey.

    DOCTORGallifrey? Who do you think youare? You cant just--

    INTRUDEROh, but I can, Doctor! You might

    say Im a master at my craft!

    The Doctor pauses, realizing who hes dealing with.


    ACT 1



    "Two Days Earlier"

    Donnas grandfather Wilfred and her mother Sylvia eatbreakfast.

    SYLVIADad, wheres Donna got off to?

    WILFREDEh? Oh, I dont know.

    SYLVIAShes been gone for two days.

    WILFREDOh, a lot longer than that, Iimagine.



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    WILFREDDont worry. Shell be back in herown time.

    The familiar sound of the TARDIS can be heard outside.

    SYLVIAWhats that sound?



    Wilfred and Sylvia come outside just as the TARDIS finishesmaterializing on the lawn. Donna comes out.


    Mum, granddad!


    SYLVIA(to Wilfred)

    What was she doing in that box?

    The Doctor stumbles out of the TARDIS dressed in a Hawaiianshirt and shorts that are just the slightest bit too smallfor him.


    WILFREDI thought you knew him. Dont tellme youve never met the Doctor.

    SYLVIAIf only.

    DONNAIts great to see you again,Mum. How are things going on theol homestead?

    SYLVIAWere fine, Donna. We can survivetwo days without you.


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    DONNATwo days? Oh, yeah. Lost track oftime.

    SYLVIAWhere on Earth have you been?

    DONNAOh, nowhere.

    Donna brushes past her into the house.

    SYLVIAAlright, really. Be serious for asecond.

    DOCTORShe is serious. Nowhere on Earth.


    Donna, the Doctor, Wilfred, and Sylvia are gathered in theliving room.

    SYLVIASo tell me, why did you two bringus a police box?

    DONNAWell, its his box.

    DOCTORMy box.

    SYLVIABut really, what have you beendoing? You never even called me.

    WILFREDShes just got back, dont pressher so much.

    SYLVIAI have a right to know what mydaughter is doing with her life.

    DONNAOh, you know. Things. Very boringthings. You wouldnt beinterested.


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    SYLVIAAh. Well, let me go get you somesnacks.

    Sylvia heads toward the kitchen but hides around a corner,able to hear the conversation in the living room.

    DOCTORBoring things? You could be moreappreciative.

    DONNAI am! It was amazing, Doctor. Ijust dont think Im ready to tellher. Not yet.


    He pauses as Sylvia comes back in with snacks.

    SYLVIAOh, dont let me interrupt you.

    DOCTORWe were just talking about...howlovely your house is.

    SYLVIAReally? Donna used to tell me howrepulsive the place is. Funnyshed change her mind in two days.


    SYLVIASo how long are you and yourboyfriend planning to stay?

    DONNAHe is not my boyfriend!

    DOCTORI should think so! At my age Idbe her man-friend!

    DONNAIts a term, Doctor.

    DOCTORAh. Yes. Just making a joke.


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    SYLVIALook, you dont have to hide itfrom me. I heard what you weresaying about not telling me, butId love to know your plans.

    The Doctor and Donna glance at each other.

    DOCTORCan I tell her?

    DONNAMay as well.

    DOCTORAlright, here goes. Im a TimeLord from the planet Gallifrey, andDonna and I have been travelingtogether in my spaceship.

    SYLVIADont kid, kid.

    DOCTORIm not kidding! Weve been flyingthrough space!

    SYLVIANever heard it called that before.

    DOCTORI mean were literally flyingthrough space! In aspaceship! You just saw usland! That groaning,remember? The...

    The Doctor imitates the TARDIS sound.

    DOCTOR(gesturing between him andDonna)

    That was us.

    Silence. They all stare at the Doctor.

    DOCTORUh, what I mean is--

    SYLVIAWhy are you covering yourselveswith this ridiculous spaceshipstory? Kids, I want to hear thetruth! Im happy for you two!


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    DONNAMum, this is the truth. Were nottogether, not how you mean. TheDoctor is a Time Lord. He comesfrom another planet. Remember, hesaved us from the Daleks!

    WILFREDTheyre telling the truth. Ivebeen in his ship.

    The conversation is interrupted by the telephoneringing. Wilfred answers it.



    The Master, the man seen in the teaser, stands at a phonebooth talking on the phone.

    MASTERYes, hello, is this the Nobleresidence?


    WILFREDYes. Who is this?

    MASTERMr. Quentin Anax.

    WILFREDAnax? Oh, youre Donnasfriend. Shes talked about you.

    MASTERIm flattered. Just checking by,seeing if Donna is in.

    WILFREDWell, this isnt really a good


    MASTERCould I stop by later?

    WILFREDUh, I suppose. Id have to askDonna--


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    MASTERExcellent! Ill be there at fiveoclock sharp.

    The Master hangs up.


    WILFREDApparently your friend Anax iscoming over later today.

    DONNAOh, him.


    DONNAQuentins just a guy I know. A bitawkward but hes nice enough. Alot like you, actually.


    The Master exits the phone booth and walks down thestreet. He pulls a small communicator out of his pocket.

    MASTEREn route. I will be on Gallifrey

    in a matter of hours.

    VOICE (V.O.)Good. Contact us when you arethere.

    The voice is that of Dalek Caan!

    END OF ACT 1

    ACT 2


    The doorbell rings, and Sylvia answers. The Master iswaiting outside.

    SYLVIAMr. Anax.


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    CONTINUED: 10.

    MASTERAh, Mrs. Noble! Pleasure to seeyou again.

    WILFREDHey, Quentin. Come in, come in!

    The Doctor watches as the Master speaks quietly to Donna asthey go into another room. Wilfred and Sylvia come backinto the living room.

    DOCTORSo, who is this guy?

    WILFREDAn old friend. They workedtogether for a while.



    After an awkward silence, Donna and the Master come back.

    DONNAMum, Dad, can I talk you you for amoment?

    SYLVIASure, honey.

    DONNA(walking away)

    Hes just asked me out. I dontknow what to say...

    They walk into another room to talk, leaving the Doctoralone with the Master. Theres another bit of silence.

    DOCTORSo, uh, how about that weather?

    MASTERHm? Oh, yes, the weather. Very...


    MASTERYes, quite. Weathery.



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    CONTINUED: 11.

    MASTERDo you watch sports?

    DOCTORSports? Oh, you know,sometimes. Football...

    He motions swinging a golf club.


    ...and all that.

    MASTERSo, what else do guys from aroundhere talk about? Im not a local,you see.


    Oh, you know. Politics and girlsand fishing. Guy stuff.



    MASTERSo, uh, how about that weather?

    DOCTORStill weathery.

    MASTERAh, yes. Just checking.

    As they talk, the Master tries to secretly reach intoDonnas purse to retrieve her TARDIS key, but stops whenDonna, Sylvia, and Wilfred reenter the room.

    DONNASo, got anywhere in mind?


    DONNAFor our date, silly!

    The Doctor is clearly shocked.


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    CONTINUED: 12.

    MASTEROh, yes, of course. I know thislovely restaurant very nearhere. Italian and Mediterranean.



    MASTERAnd calzones.

    DOCTOR(under breath)

    What a ham.

    DONNAThat sounds lovely. Tomorrownight, then?

    MASTERYes, that would be excellent.

    DONNASee you then, Quenty.

    The Master seems surprised, and genuinely smilesfaintly. The Doctor is disgusted.

    MASTERI look forward to it.

    The Master leaves the house.

    DONNAHes sweet, isnt he?


    Oh, yes, Quenty is just amazing.

    The Doctor sees Wilfred and Sylvia are there.

    DOCTORCould I speak to you outside for amoment?

    Donna and the Doctor head outside.

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    The Doctor and Donna exit the house and stand halfwaybetween the house the TARDIS.

    DOCTORDonna, what are you doing? We were

    going to Metebelis Seven tomorrow!

    DONNAI know, but Doctor...I...I dontreally want to go.

    DOCTORFine! We can go toFelspoon. There are mountains thatsway in the breeze--

    DONNAI mean I want to stay here.


    DONNAI want to stay on Earth. WithQuentin and mum and granddad.

    DOCTORQuentin? But I...

    DONNAIf you wanted to go out with me,you could have just asked! I stillwouldve said no, but you shouldhave asked!

    DOCTORNo, its not that, its--

    DONNAOh, I see. Its that I can get adate and you cant.


    I wouldnt put it like that--

    DONNAThen how would you put it?

    DOCTORDonna, the only person whos everloved me in the past thousand yearsis trapped in another universe.


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    CONTINUED: 14.

    DONNAWhat about River Song? She saidyou marry her in the future.

    DOCTORThen I feel sorry for that version

    of me, because I would never marrythat psychopath! Point is, thisalways happens. People always findanother person, and leave mebehind.

    DONNAThen find someone yourself!

    DOCTORFine! I will then!




    The Doctor walks to the TARDIS and Donna walks to thehouse. They both slam the doors behind them.


    DOCTORFine. Ill find someone.

    Pushing buttons and flipping levers, his hand hits thepicture of Rose on the console. He picks it up and looks atit for a moment.

    DOCTORIll find someone else.

    He fires up the TARDIS.


    Donna slams the door behind her.

    WILFREDDonna, whats wrong?



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    CONTINUED: 15.

    WILFREDTheres something wrong, and I wantto know what it is.

    DONNAIm not sure I want to travel withthe Doctor any more. I want my own

    life here.

    WILFREDHave you told him?

    DONNAHes getting an idea of it. Andhes not taking it well. I mean,this must happen for everyone whotravels with him long enough. TheTARDIS, the time travel, its allamazing and fun and all, but I wantto come back home. For

    good. Because I think if I staytoo long with him...


    DONNAHe makes you feel safe, like heknows exactly what hes doing andeverything will be okay. Butsomewhere you just know...you knowhow much danger youre alwaysin. Danger that, some time, the

    Doctor wont be able to save youfrom. Its just a matter oftime. Ironic, isnt it?

    WILFREDIts your choice. If you want tostay here, itll be great to haveyou back. If you want to stay withthe Doctor a while longer, Illwait for you. Youll always have ahome here.


    The TARDIS lands on a sidewalk. The Doctor comes outdressed in the same outfit the First Doctor would normallywear. A group of women walks by, and the Doctor smiles andnods at them. They pick up their pace and continue on. TheDoctor glances down at his gettup.


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    CONTINUED: 16.

    DOCTORCome on, this used to work like acharm.

    Another woman walks by.


    (seductively)Hey. Ive got two hearts, and oneof them is for you.

    She looks disgusted and walks on.

    DOCTORThis is hopeless.

    He gets back in the TARDIS and dematerializes. Secondslater, the Master walks by and pulls out his communicator.


    Master to Dalek Caan. Master toDalek Caan.

    DALEK CAAN (V.O.)What is the meaning of this? Youwere told to contact us when youreached Gallifrey.

    MASTERJust reminding you of ourterms. My place in the HighCouncil.

    DALEK CAAN (V.O.)I am aware of your demands. Youwaste time by reminding me.

    MASTERI am making a new demand, Caan. Iwish to have the galaxy splitequally between us after takingover.

    DALEK CAAN (V.O.)Impossible! You will receive your

    ten percent, and no more.

    MASTERI demand it!

    DALEK CAAN (V.O.)This is unacceptable. Any moreinsolence and the arrangement willbe revoked.


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    CONTINUED: 17.

    MASTERAnd then what? You know as well asI that you have no army left. Nomeans to take over a single planet,let alone the entire galaxy! Youare stuck alone on a single

    spaceship, and only I can secureGallifrey for you.

    DALEK CAAN (V.O.)Very well. Your terms areaccepted. Proceed with yourmission.

    MASTERA wise decision, Caan. For yoursake. Master out.



    Dalek Caan switches off the communicator and turns around.

    DALEK CAANSuccess. The Master believes thereis but one of us. Once he securesGallifrey, he will beexterminated. With the power ofthe Time Lords, even the Doctorcannot stop us! The Daleks shall

    be victorious!

    PULL BACK to reveal a massive room full of Daleks!


    Victorious! Victorious! Victorious!

    PULL BACK even farther to reveal an entire fleet of Dalekships!


    Donna and the Master eat dinner at a table together.

    MASTERGood food, isnt it?


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    CONTINUED: 18.

    DONNADelicious. Thank you so much.

    They both smile at each other. Both smiles fade as they seethe Doctor enter the restaurant and sit by himself at atable across the room.

    MASTERSay, isnt that your friend...whatwas his name?


    As Donna looks over at the Doctor, the Master secretly leansdown and retrieves the TARDIS key from her purse. TheDoctor sees this and his eyes widen as he stares.


    Ugh, hes staring. Of course hewould.

    MASTERShall we leave, then?


    They get up and leave the restaurant. The Doctor follows ata distance.


    Nobody else is near the two as they walk, except for theDoctor, who is still at a distance.

    DONNAIm so sorry. The Doctor is soclingy.

    MASTERNo, Donna, Im sorry.

    DONNAIts not your fault.

    MASTERIm truly sorry.

    DONNAFor wha--


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    CONTINUED: 19.

    The Master holds a handkerchief of chloroform over Donnasface. He catches her fall and gently lays her down.

    MASTERIm so sorry.

    The Master runs away. The Doctor runs over to Donna and

    wakes her.

    DOCTORDonna! Donna!

    DONNAWha...what happened?

    DOCTORWeve gotta get after him. He tookyour TARDIS key.


    Whered you park it?

    DOCTORBack at your house.

    DONNAIts always about me, isnt it.

    She gets up and they run after the Master.


    The Master unlocks the TARDIS outside Donnas house andheads inside. The Doctor and Donna run into the yard,yelling at him to stop. Wilfred comes out of the house.

    WILFREDWhats going on?

    DOCTORSomeones got inside the TARDIS.

    The Doctor, Donna, and Wilfred enter the TARDIS as it beginsto dematerialize.


    As Donna and her grandfather Wilfred watch, the Doctor andthe Master fight for control of the TARDIS. They run aroundthe hexagonal TARDIS control panel flipping levers andtrying to stop the other, all the while yelling at eachother over the lurching, out-of-control TARDIS.


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    CONTINUED: 20.

    DOCTORDont touch that! Very sensitiveequipment! Not something forbeginners.


    Quiet, Im working.

    DOCTOR(straining to get the intruderaway from controls)

    Then you might want to get your ownoffice!

    MASTER(pushes back to controls)

    Sorry, havent got time for that.


    You know, most people ask beforetraveling with me.

    MASTERDo I look like people?

    SHOT: The TARDIS zigzags through space.

    MASTER (V.O.)Were off to Gallifrey.

    END OF ACT 2