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  • 8/6/2019 Eoz Sample Newsletter


    Palestine Press Agency reports on Mahmoud

    Abbas's remarks in Norway concerning the

    unilateral move to have the UN short-circuit

    negotiations with Israel.

    He said, "Our people are eagerly awaiting

    their freedom and independence."

    If that is so, then why does he refuse to nego-

    tiate with Israel? If that is so, why does he

    consistently refuse to compromise on any

    major issues? If his people are so eager to

    have a state, then why not accept one of the

    many that Israel has already offered?

    He said, "Our choice is peace, and we con-

    tinue to strive to achieve this with Israel

    through negotiations."

    Then why did he leave the negotiating table?

    why did he refuse to negotiate during Israel's

    ill-advised "settlement freeze"?

    He said, "We are involved in the path of build-

    ing our institutions and the development of

    our economy."

    If so, then why is the Palestinian Arab econ-

    omy still so dependent on outside aid? Why is

    paying the families of terrorists, and salaries

    to the terrorists themselves in prison, a higher

    priority than paying his own employees?

    He said, "We will make every effort possible

    to reach the unity of our people and end the

    suffering of our people in Gaza Strip."

    If so, then why has he not made any move to

    re-assert the PA's authority in Gaza? Why has

    he not yet visited the area? Why is he accept-

    ing Hamas' de facto rule?

    And why aren't any Norwegian reporters or

    politicians asking these questions to him?

    this issue

    Abbas lies again P.

    Gazas new mall P.

    Israel Hayom beats Haaretz P.

    UNESCO converts MaimonidesP.

    Syria again P.

    How to tell an Arab leftist P.


    This is a fantasy newsletter/

    magazine, showing only a small por-

    tion of the type and variety of sto-

    ries at the Elder of Ziyon blog every


    Maybe one day Ill have time, or

    staff, or money to do this right, in-

    stead of just using a canned business

    brochure template.

    The blog is at ElderOfZiyon.com .

    EoZNews and opinion on the Middle East

    ISSUE #00 JULY 20 2011

    Mahmoud Abbas lies in Norway

  • 8/6/2019 Eoz Sample Newsletter


    Gazas New Andalusia Mall

    Israel HaYom, which has recently

    come out with an online English

    edition, is now the most popular

    newspaper in Israel, read by some39.3% of the population in the first

    half of this year.

    The newspaper is a breath of fresh

    air as it reports without the sicken-

    ing bias of Ha'aretz, whose reader-

    ship fell to a tiny 5.8% market share.

    Of course, this won't stop foreign

    journalists from using Ha'aretz as

    their benchmark on how Israeli soci-

    ety thinks. They like to push the false

    idea that Israel hates its government

    and it more oriented to Meretz than

    Likud - since this is more in line with

    what they themselves be-

    lieve. Wishful thinking trumps sober

    reporting nearly every time.

    From Al Masry al-Youm:

    After marking its inaugural opening on Tues-

    day, the three-story mall in Gaza City now

    offers products running the gamut. The su-

    permarket has nearly all possible commodi-

    ties. Shoe stores with popular brand names,

    such as Nike, Adidas and Fox, sit next to

    clothing shops displaying window manne-

    quins with hot miniskirts and vibrantly col-

    ored t-shirts.

    On the Andaluseyya malls top floor, custom-

    ers are able to enjoy quality time with their

    families, eating at restaurants, play-

    ing arcade games and, for the first time in

    Gaza, watching a movie in the cin-

    ema. Escalators, rare sites in this besieged

    coastal enclave, escort people between

    floors. To top it off, air conditioning provides

    much-needed respite from the oppressive

    heat outside.

    Once again I am saddened to have to show

    you the photos of the hopelessness that

    Gazans are forced to live under - hopeless-

    ness that is worse than ahumanitarian crisis.

    The captions are written in the style of the

    Free Gaza Movement, 972Mag, Mondoweiss

    and Reuters.

    The horror is almost too much to contemplate

    Israel HaYom is read

    by nearly 7x as

    many Israelis as


    Gazans are forced to wait in dehumanizing lines in

    the scorching heat to have a few minutes of respite

    from their unbearable lives.

    Escalators were installed at the insis-

    tence of the Zionists who manufac-

    tured, and are enriched by, them. This

    is meant to ensure that proud Gazans

    get less exercise and more heart at-

    tacks, thus contributing to theirslow


  • 8/6/2019 Eoz Sample Newsletter


    UNESCO Islamicizes Maimonides

    YNet has a damning article by Giulio Meotti

    about UNESCO that makes a very good case

    that the agency is actively engaging in a fight

    against Israel, and even against Jewish cul-

    ture and history - especially if that historyhappened to occur on the "wrong side" of an

    imaginary green line.

    This one part of the article was stunning to


    On a final note, a recent UNESCO report on

    science, Jewish physician and theologian

    Maimonides is classified as a Muslim named

    Moussa ben Maimoun. So the Rambam -

    for Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon has been

    forced to convert to Islam by the UNs revi-

    sionist historians.

    The document he is referring to was in the

    French version of a December 2010 re-

    port on science in the Arab world by Adnan

    Badran. Translated, It says:

    After the recovery of Toledo from the Moors

    by the Crusaders in 1085, European scholars

    flocked there to translate the ancient classi-

    cal texts from the Greek (which Europe had

    forgotten) to Arabic and Hebrew and Latin,

    making it the first part of the European Mid-

    dle Ages (1100-1543), the names of some

    European scholars appeared in scientific

    literature next to a large number of Muslim

    scholars, including Ibn Rushd

    (Averroes), Maimouna Ibn Moussa

    (Maimonides), Tousi and Ibn Nafis.

    This is in marked contrast to how UNESCO

    used to act. In 1986, it organized a roundta-

    ble to celebrate the 850th anniversary of

    Maimonides' birth, and dedicated an entire

    issue of its cultural magazine to Maimonides

    and Averroes that same year where his Jew-

    ish roots are emphasized. In that issue they

    mention that he is known as The

    Rambam and they say his name

    was Moses ben Maymun.

    That began to change as UNESCOstarted de-emphasizing his Juda-

    ism. In their description

    of Cordoba, for example, he is

    referred to as "Musa-ibn-


    And now - he is a Muslim.

    This isn't the usual anti-Zionism

    that we come to expect from theUN. This is a consistent pattern of

    the denial of Jewish history and

    culture. In other words - this is

    UN-sanctioned anti-semitism.


    Now Lebanon reports:

    Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem warned the French and US ambassadors on

    Wednesday not to travel outside Damascus after they both visited the flashpoint centra

    city of Hama earlier this month.

    "We will impose a ban on any [diplomatic] travel more than 25 kilometers (15 miles)

    outside Damascus, if the ambassadors continue to ignore [our] guidance," Muallem tol

    the envoys at a meeting broadcast by state television.

    "I hope that we will not be forced to impose the ban," he added.

    Both US envoy Robert Ford and French ambassador Eric Chevallier visited Hama on July

    amid repeated large demonstrations in the city against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.

    Either Ford should immediately go to Hama or he should immediately go home. There

    no value to his staying under virtual house arrest while the Syrian regime slaughters


    And if France does it first, it would make the US look really bad.

  • 8/6/2019 Eoz Sample Newsletter


    There is a Twitter hashtag, mostly written by Arabs, called

    "#HowToTellAnArabFarLeftist." A lot of them are quite funny -

    and many apply to leftists altogether.

    Here are some of the entries:

    when they say that Nutella is an American conspiracy prod-

    uct to taint the brains of 3 yr old kids.

    mention colonialism every 5 min even though foreign aid

    has hurt economies much worse.

    They despise the west and United States but they probably

    graduated from American University of Beirut

    they voted for Bush in 2000 because Gore's running mate

    was Jewish...then they complain about how Bush "stole" Florida

    they think Norman Finkelstein is a genius

    "there has always been a secret American plan to invadeand split up Iraq into 3 countries."

    Castro is not ruining Cuba. He is merely teaching his people how common misery is better than greedy capitalism.

    "The Israel lobby controls the media and the U.S. government."

    "my daughter is only allowed to marry from my village"

    the UN is a Zionist conspiracy. The Israel lobby is America's shadow government. Syrian revolt a conspiracy too.

    a sentence cannot be formed w/o: zionist, racist, imperialism, puppets, conspiracy, corporate.

    Speaking out against religious extremism is so pass compared to railing against corporations

    "they bitched and moaned when Bush passed the patriot act and said nothing when Obama renewed it

    "Palestinians aren't allowed to own land in Lebanon because they want them to go back to their homeland" holocaust denial. Sad but true.

    The only scholar worth mentioning in regards to the Middle East is Edward Said.

    If you criticize West they're your best friend,if you criticize Arabs they support you're guilty of Orientalism.

    "we're replacing Mubarak thugs w our much nicer ones who'll punish the real bad guys (e.g Investors)"

    Saddam Hussein was a good guy he is just misunderstood.

    Rage rage against human rights abuses by Obama and Bush. Crickets chirping with regard to Castro, Lenin, Stalin

    they are secular but praise Osama bin Laden and yell about it on al-Jazeera while screaming conspiracy.

    their vocabulary consists in one word: colonialism. Ok two, they can say it in Arabic too

    Having an import cup of coffee at a super lavish cafe while discussing child labour sympathizes with and takes photos of homeless people from his 1000$ Canon camera

    u thnk wearing a Keffiyeh & nagging will free Palestine, but an economically strong arab world won't.

    give you a long lecture about horror of fascist dictatorship then praise #Stalin

    strongly supports freedom of speech except when you disagree with his beliefs

    they don't smile because smiling is a western conspiracy to distract us from their plot to destroy us.

    they love revolutions and elections but hate liberty

    they would rather Palestine never get a state always be occupied, to bitch, rather than them get half the loaf.

    How to Tell an Arab Leftist
