eporccn t i>'iffl;t*irtmthaving run 21/cortland ny... · in v itnl to inspect the finest...

* you 1. >/. * » C0RTLAI»*STAK4)ARD Oortland/Puesd LOl *y.Maroh24,l888. IHItOi IOKV. Post office. (to MAIL* AUIIIVH: BiinVo„Alb8ny, Byracnta and Northern Way, at - i - - - • Oroton, St i"iLjf -.'- •- *v> »i'.'-«« tlhac*. •» ^**B-'I»ML^!> l l » U V « -> andM>tt<sber. Monday, Wed- and Friday, »t . - - Norwich sate Pitcher, Tuesday, Thurs- iUy sail Haturtta), at - - rjjvi >•• Y-w York, Hqston snd Southern W»y, .it . - - Sjr memo, through mall, at . . . Through Mall North. a» - . -. southern Way, and N o * York and Hot- ton, a« III* 10:80 A. M. mt, M. 8:00 P. ¥. " J0:00 10:15 10: IB 2= 5 THE CpRIXANB COUNTY STANpARd.-TTIKSDA ..rotun.At . . . . . . . 4 s..,wlcn and Pttehar, Monday, Wed- nesday and Pridey. at *- Nnrwk* and WtchsV, Tuesday, Thtm- •ley end Saturday, at - • •• V Irgll, Tuesday, Thor* Offlee open ftwn 1:» *. M day, from W M. to 1*»jK,¥. ie#i< : •« M. toftSO P.M. On Bon- ;&»«K , ff»- ,ti Time Table. Troiiu post CorliOAd ttoUon qi Sofoict; .. I'ttitiHr, moving sonth, - 10:80 A. M. 7:irtl\ II. Pas5S»f, •«• 'north, 9:08A.M. tMo " frelghf, " " • : ' fc0SA.MS; Ptuttnfftr troiiu on Ou trU HoUtcay Uat* .Wnj- hamltm at/oHmm: K»*TWAI«D—At Jtrl-J A IMP. M.StMP. M..H-. Ws»TW*»r>-At *.*> A. M., MM A. Mi,ftUA. M, 1:80 ». M., 4UMF. M, &•»» P.M., *8BP. M, lk«I , tralnt on tlu New York (Mitral Hallway fsiim flyiiiiisiN ttslrtlftftifft.- '' l«rJ^gl5ATk.^«:lB A. M. *W A.M., 11:10 1:40P. M., «:48 P. M. Ohurohef? :'.t*T. ,.. I'tSTf corner ery So Choi fl •ML A4»W !flv«MXU#- MdlBt» MM M»T»0Bl»»^t.% Cvrttt, ITBOUO—JK CWJflW*, 1 rvicee hotels. toasto, Sdrtteto «T««> aba- tor—north cornor 0/ Church irvlcoe every Sunday At 11 UN ivsiuAurr' J. Af. 4u<(lrt, Pastor-corner of Church and jpto streets. Service* every other BmldajP * "iwir-Wf trie preaentj Court Home. Bervlcef *i CAYUOI40—i M»ln«troet, on the nxHlfrom P«tor-one mile Alnetroet, on the nxwl from Mill utri . \V»l»on tUeet. Hurvlcu* ovory other week. ewt of reet to Port WW »i 1,'nnTLiHDriu.B luge on to* let, Sd, »nd olh •omen/ thf lid re room 11», I. < and A. M--Moot- i of each month, onte. NoJH P. And A. Ith Wedneedaye of . ilte Cortland llouno. O. of O. T.- - MeetlngK on log lneaeh room Agents for the Standard. Tim following named gentlemen are au- thorized to act as our agents to recolvo sub- criptlonsforthe 8TAKp4«|DpfJYI TO. P. I. Maybury. Marathon. W. II. Phelps, for Bolon. Honry McKevltt,forTruxton. F. Markham, for Preblo, N. A. P. Klnnoy, for Sfcott. L. 0. Ball,forHarford Mills. 8. W. Nelson, for Harford. A. P. Rowley, for South Cortland. M. Q. Smith,forMcOrawvlllo. W. II. Smith, for Virgil. W. J. Mills,forWillott. W. O. Angel,forUnion Valley A. II. Jordan,forTaylor. J. E. Cushlne, for Little OT^rk. NOTARIES PUHLIO.—GOV. FKNTOH has ap pointed ARTIIUR HOLMES and WM. J. MAK- TANYB Notaries Publlq'for tlie county of Cortland. Stereoscopic Views of the Paris Kxposl- tlonjngre*} varjrtyjat T. BDWARDS'B Pho- tograph Gallery,'italn street, Cortland. 88tf »»» TAXBN TO PRISON.—Ex-ShajJrT HAVMES, last week, took three prisoners to Auburn— HENRY L ( 'UAS DAI.I,, for two years and one monthi VVII.I.«AM l),vt>v, tin-tour yenr.i and six months; and Kit ANK OTTXRSON, one year' and six months—and one—WM. VAN TYNB, 18 years of age, to the Western House of Refuge at Rochester. Buyers! of f^ple, ^|!fiu^ojrdrp goqd»! are In v Itnl to Inspect the finest collection of the above goods to be found this side of New York. Messrs. TANNER Bros, conduct thelr buslnen with reference to Out wantoof all. AooinxNT.—We learn that the little daughter of A. N. RouNSBVKU., Esq., who attends the select school of Mis* M. BRAD- FORD, was playing to-day on the steps at the front door of tho school room, when she Ml to the ".round and broke both of tho tomes below the elbow of tho left arm. ; The' arm was set by Dr. HVOHES. I n i i>#»>im-» HI . Correspondence!. Vrson,, March 17,1868. JRrtW *<rrtfiVwl.^Virgll has been almost plated from -Cortland and surrounding <eountyfornearly three weeks, most on ac- count of the unusual depth of snow. But now the drifts arb'fast disappearing, and torrafrWtorapidly Appearing. .'The political parties of Virgil are in quite a commotion coMcrnrhg^ die late election for Supervisor. The Republicans claim that their candidate was elected by two or three Majority, mill also that two lllejjul voles were cast by Democratic residents of Dryden apd proton. (You know how ready and willing the Democrats always are to do anything for tho sake of gaining a vote or two.) The Dcmocrate are willing to call It a tie, and not have any town meeting, as the present Democratic nomlnootothe Supervisor ; hut tho Republicans are anxious to have Another election to sottlo the mutter, feeling confident that they Can c.ect their choice by seventy- flVe majority. Republicans of Virgil I We appeal to you. Knowing that a-fiill Republican vote will elect your choice, will you stay away from the. polls And thereby allow Virgil to stand before your sister towns unredeemed from Democratic rule ? Let como what may, be prepared to do your duty. Should there be another town meeting, let evory Republican attend, ami Urn ilay Is theirs. The Demo crato will be thert certain. Yoursforthe cause, . > > (}. K. R. . YIROUV, March 20. ttlitor ttumUml :• I.itst evening we had tho pleasure of witnessing an exhibition giv- en by our village school i under the direction of tliclr teachers—Mr. JOUN HMITIC ami Miss FRANK SWEET, and justice prompts us to Hay that, in Its general conduct, point Of cos- tumes and variety of programme, It surpassed any exhibition of the kind we have-ever at- tended here. The exhibition was hold In the Presbyterian Church, which was well filled -both above and below, and wo noticed among the audience several from tho neighboring townjdf r^den :«c*a^^^ own village. .-'':.• i •: •;• ' The clu^acter pf Mr. SMiTtf^.b^hjbl^oiis' am so well known that hetoinvariably greeted by a full house ; which, considered, of courso, as evidence that his labors to edu- cate our children are wen appreciated, must 1R> a source of gratification to him. ..-. When all did well, and manifested so much earnestness to eauso the evening's en- tertain ment to answer the expectations of the audience, It Is hardly necessary and diffi- cult to Speak of particular pieces ; but wo cannot well keep silent regarding a few of them.... .r';,' Tim Introductory by Master Wif.cox wl*s well delivered. The song of the "lAttle Workers" was first-rate, and created no small degree of amusement. The piece en- titled "OloVHleads, on Yonhgi Shoulders," by the yonnger portion of the students was well played Recitation, "Don'), Slop Over," "by little JBNNia SasBMAN, was one of the best things of the evening,' and it Is really Won- derful that ono so young could remember so well and appear so composed. The tab- leaux, "Tho Duelist" and "Grandfather's Prodigy," were, considering the disadvanta- ges Under which they labored la regard to tho lights, decidedly good. The song enti- tled "Polly Perkins," by JNO. RRESJS, was sung IhMt-iate; in fact, we deemed it the host of the evening. The colUxniy of "Beauty and tho Beasts," and the play of "The Seven Clerks," and "The Stage Stnick Yankee," wore well given, and generally speaking the various parte were, fully committed to memo- ry. Declamation-entitled "Union and I,ill- ei ly," by S'li-ieiiuN JONES, was a masterly ef- fort, as was the Recitation of Whlttor's "Bar- bara Fritchle," by HOHAOH BRONSON. Indeed, Mr. Editor, now that we are par' tlcularlilng, Wo find It difficult to cease, as every piece deserves especial mention, wbioh we would give had we tltno and you space, but finding that we have already trespassed we will close by saying that too much praise cannot bo awarded thd teachersforthe skill, tadt and energy which they have displayed through the past term, and especially so in training the scholars to fill satisfactorily their sovoral narts. Yours, educationally, Two OBSERVERS. A Wretched Sight. Some.three or four weeks ago, when tho facfe.of mother cattli was covered by tho groatest-dep^th'Of snow ; when upon the gut-, tcreof our streets was piled huge heaps of tho fleecy, element as swept from our side- walks, we became one morning tho observ- er of about as sad and, wretched a shrjit as It Is possible, In our 'opinion,forthe "human form divine" to present, ... Standing at our office window, wo gazed upon earth's !wfcRp itfantle'^ith looks of ad- miration, -our mind occupied with dreamy thoughts suggeetcd'by the beautiful scene, when our attention was attracted _ to the movements of a man whd, with'one ejfe cov- ered by a white bandage, came staggering down the opposite side Of the street, leading by the hand a^llttje boy—his own ton I Tear- fully "we "watched tlSe course ome miserable parent who was thus setting so dreadful sn exampleforthe future guidance of a child who could not otherwise than look uppn his tiilher its A teaehcr. Attempting to cross the street In the shoveled path just above the Masonic Hall Blocks he 'staggered Into a heap of snow, and after ineffectually strug- gling to work his way through It, retreated to the sidewalk, which with tbvm lien.t and unsteady steps he frequent'ly traversed, until a short distance,below,qur.pfttce,,he,again turned into the deep snow, and,, stlll'aragglug his little son, after a rough- and tempestuous rjassage; during I which we often thought I ho. forco of circumstances would bo too much tor his equilibrium, he managed to reach this side of the street Several doors of shops and stores were opened by htm, seemingly endeavoring to find something to take winch |/ good, -would "steady his nerves," but all desires of jthat kind could noi W'Wltfflott'atany ^Pr^sto* in him was ifi .*»0e«"t'f §|K cut i-oycil t THOSE beautiful Hamburg*, real thread laces. Sets of lace collars, handkerchiefs and cuffs are attracting*«' gYeVf rftaPdr 1 attention at TANNER Bros. Dn. H. A. BOIAES.—We seo by the Girard (Pa.) Spectator of March 10, that Dr. BOLLKS, our Well-known follow citizen, gave the Good Templars of that place the benefit of a lec- ture after his regular courso wasfinished,In the notice of which the above paper says: "The people of this town having had am- ple opportunity to apprise themselves of the abilities of Dr. Holies as a lecturer, and the fact that each succeeding of his lectures were more largely attended than the preceding ones attest more eloquently to their merits than an attempt of ours at eulogising them, could W * MISSINO.—BVRON QOODYVAB, a man of unsound mind and cheerful disposition. Was last seen at the Cortland Depot about eight weeks since. He wore a gray cloth cap, black coat and pants, and black and white Checked shirt Any Information in regArtl to the said QYHON gratflftoUy received by his friends. Address ,xLoi>0', TOJ*1 DB. F. GooMfAAS, .. •• Cortland, N. Y. SyracosaBASd'BhalMOhton paper* fcnd)pa- pers In this vicinity, please copy. «•*—" '• TUKY iUvK TIUIM.—Those now good* havo arrived at Messrs. TANNER Bros. The assortmenttocomplete. They are offering them at prices -low enough to pleaee the most difficult -*^t<r «w.>^t,~. u TEACOEHS' EXAMWATIONS.—Cortland Vil- lage, Thursday, April 9, at Stone sohool- house. , ' . . Virgil CoWre, Frid'sJ'.lprtl iO.ailclibol- house. - • i *• itiirford, Monday, April 18, at school- Cmdbnatra.Wednetid'ay.Aprll l^atKjfOol. houso,'ttpp*r tlUag* '<»' •'' ' ~ W^IJti ttfuxaday' A^rH^,: * •choo?. house. The st 10 o' IConiia'rPlrstDtot THE BEST FLAOB in thistowntoget gro son tea, 00 cento ^per U>., and beat Japan, 06 <MK% BY^«Nr,(iWtla mm**--. ,, •MM" ]XS±lt*rrrfaf» Marathon Items. The bridge at MarAthon ha\|ng been car- ried away by the flood of two weeks ago; the /sutler says that their village Is In a "de- plorable condition—the clergyman are on the east side of tho river and the physicians are on the west side." .,. The Oohttactforbuilding an Iron bridge' has been given to 8. DEGROEP, of Syracuse. The structure Is to be one hundred and eighty feet long and twenty-seven feet wide, resting on two abutments, ono on each sido of tho rlvef, and Is to be 1 completed'within twenty days after said abutments are roady— though we are not informed when that will ho. A ferry forfreightand loot passengers has, in the meahtlmo, been WtaMlshed by'StoR* oass Bros, sod CHAJS. ROUTON, who give all persons attending church, day and singing school, » ride for h» If fare. The Ltadtr of last week has a mysterious Article describing a fight between a man, who was supposed to be drunk, and his wlfo, who, It says, reside "near the outskirts of a village not a thousand milesfromOort- litiul." Tho article goes ontosky that tho wife's tongue was TOO KEEN ,-*that the bus band, Irritated by her words, proceeded to blows ; that the wife, in retaliation, seized the poker and Inflicted a wound over the eyes of her lord and would-be master, which caused hintto.appear next day with his head wrapped In a bandage, and to mutter lu re- plytothe inquiries of curious inquirers, something about "«oai dvsf" and "eindert." We have seen many persons about our streets of late with their heads bandaged, but knowing the cause in some of tho Cases to be "bolls," we are unabletosay that tho rest w^re not, W,e dp wonder,, however, I there can be any - possible ooOfiectlbn' W tween the subject of this dark, affair as narra- ted In the Ltad»r y and the subject of tho sketch In this week's Issue of the STANDARD, headed "A Wretched Sight" i ifu7rognto'*e Court. IIKKOBK A. P. SMITH, MUHItOOATK. ^i,'!' MARCH 16,-r-In the, matter of proving the last will and testament o f SARAH MttBs, de- cikisud, Of Homer. Wilt admittedtopro. bate, and letters testamentary Issued to CAR; oilN K 9. MH.KS, of Homer. In the matter of the accounting of the ex- cmiStirs of ItoswKT.i, K. BoiTRNB, deceased, of Olnclnnatus. Final accounting adjourned tq March 80, at 10 A. M. I -'-/''' In the matter of proving the last will and testament of HENBY SMITH, deceased, of Clncinnatus. Adjourned to March 88, at {f A. M. ; M Alum 10.—Iii the matter of the estate of AUSTIN PKMBKH, deceased, of WilleU. Pe^ tltiou of administratorforfinalsettlement tiled, ami citations Issued returnable April 97, at 10 A. M. 8»i,p-EvmKM.^nm»unlty te-'***/'^ the hantoous faco; the cheek*,"bleared the curious eye, .Studded the flue ndth v'cjqus horuidry." Thinking, too, of how winning' must be the education of tho after life of that Child to prevent nit^oltowlng tlie footet*li* io/ hM? degraded father. Wo have nover been Able.,to:comprehend or solve the quesUoifw'satlflry'-fihe wonder, why man, In sober mood, can deliberately 1 place himself under tlie mituenco of that which he knout will sink him below a boast; of that which "Weaks the brain. It apoltothe. m^oipry, naatens on sge and wilful poverty; It drowns his butter parts, making bis name . To foes a laujjhtur, to hisft-rondsa »lwuo. 'TIs virtue's poison and tho bane of trust, The match of wrath, the fuel unto lust." It seems to us that If respect for his own appearance was not sufficiently strong to restrain man from tlie indulgence of an ap- petite which we have too much regard for the bruto creation to call beastly, respect for his friends or relations, or wlfe v or a desire to transmit to his chlidnrj a fepvitatlon which will help them in the battle of life -would serve to do so ; but, as in the above instance, In addition to the usual disgraco attached to, the bearer of tlie name of drunkard, whefe< a man not only makes a public spectacle of himself in that humiliating condition, but al- so compels ins innocent little son to become a party to it—thus attaching to him more firmly than before tho curse <if infamy to be loft him as an' heritago by his father; ;•- -and When wo think of tho many opportunities which have boon showered upon this samo father, (for helms I, mg been a resident of Cortland) which, if improved, would ere this have placed him high upon the list of Influ- ential names,—of how he has trampled thorn all under foot,—forgotten lilmseif, his fellow- beings and his God, and made himself what hois, a by-word, a reproach, a burden upon society and a scoffer at ovCrythtrigdccont and respeotobJeA-we say it is not apparen>:to us how a more wretched, degraded sight can bo presented by tho Godlike Human form. "phimsMt-wpnderniKv. c, •• , That in a whole village full ,j. Friends ho has nonoj* We know of but one'good'use to which such a being can lie rattle subservient. I'n- rents can point him to their sous and say to them: " Iutcmpcrance and vile associa- tions will cftuso youtolook iike that.*' ' ••ii ' »•••». , i . Court Proceedings. At tho Court of Sessions, tho following criminal business has been disposed of: The Pooplo vs. William Dady ami Asa M. Wliitnoll. Defendants arraigned. Dady plead guilh^Bd WlufneH not, guilty. Tho indictment was 'sent lo tho nbxt Sessions on 'WwmujJmiu::^ 11 ••..'. ,.— '' t. ~ . ...I.'J^Ui-.' Y. M. C. A. to the Public. EDITOR 8*ANDAith :~-Xte»r 8tr~Ki you have kindly offered the Young l$.m'e Chris- tian AsaoclAtloii tho use of youi; columns, It may not tie out of place to say,fortho infor- mation of,Y>U* dltlaens, that tht*npw>tfyni!bi*l nono but church members are takenrato'thu Association as ao|lvn.merAbe% Is vjrong., Jt Is Intended to. Inculcate moral and religious sentiments, and to elevate tho dignity o^btii- natures by teaching young men .to-make a. propci; \iso of. their tlnip. ,,AH moral young men, between the ages of sixteen and forty- live, are InvitedtoJoin: The officers are to be chosen from the active members of tho Association, and to he uiemliers In good H,, in- ding Of some Evangelical church. It J»i^- tended to establish (if prospered, and we hope to be) a reading" circle, ioctiires 'and debates, •knd any other means' fo»-tho oultiveilon of' religious and moral principles.' ,. AH meetings or the Association will bo m.en lo llu< public, mid it is intended I hat I he 'members shallfornlsh,if possible, public en tci-iai a men is, by reading, speaking, anid the like,' so' that those wishingtoencourage notno cultivation, can, do so, . •.-,>'; \> We hope to be encouraged by the public, and that many, not wishingtobecome ac- tive members, by reason of ; their ago, will be- come HonCrar^^r Llfo hicmbors. Especial- ly do We expect the support and countenance of the cliargy, and af*' surprised to'find' : ahy, : ouo v wUhng to lajiorforthcsalvattpno.f'.sjitr-' ucrs, mi willing to co-operate with us. Our meetings are to he opened mid closed with rehgWhs exercised, a'tid will be orderly'atri respectabfoj Jolh u»'»ud:rwo will do you ,i 1,.', *. 1 ' I iV. oh is tlio fullest piecesfromthe A MEMDEII. place so far as we could i^'jajtd.aoonUe,^j- Evj^Trl'NrriA^PAPnTBiwE^sometiu^ went, while wo turned away, thinking how tliit IT INITIAL I'APBTKiuis—w will sult.evoiybndy, at tho Book MuslC Store, Literary. The SBKUC M<tgiui»e, wli ombodlMfat of the choicest. magazine and periodicals pt Europe, pub llsbod in America, gives for April a most ox- Collont table of contents. Itihas for a froiifts- plece, a finely engraved lfkehoBS of Professor FARADAY, a long and Interesting artielo (es- pecially at this time) on Abyssinkv from the London Quarterly Jtivkw.' ! . VThe firoat Nebula In Qrlob,"—Frazer's Magazlnt; "A Great Man's Rclaxatimia,''— Dublin "University; "Tlu> Mummy of TbobMi.'VChaniber's Journal; "The Block- ade , an Episode of theJBnd ot tho Epiplre," Continued,—Trauslateo from the French; "Tho Eastern Question " Coritlhued-^London Quarterly lteview ; "Tornulloies and Land- Btorms,"—Temple Bar j "Bketchee «.from Norway,"—Temple Bar;: "Literair Lions," •^-Saturday Review,- "Lady Macbeth,"— McMillian's Magn/.lno j "Pro£ Agussiz and llrazil,"^Saturday 'Beytctwi;' "A Strange . Story ;" "^Esthetic W<>nwn>y-r-Satnfday lfo- vlew; "Diamonds and Prebloiik Istones,"— Chambere's Journal:';The Fijwch Govern- ment and Political, E*llcfl,"jr-waturday Re- view ; "Among tho Paoifio Islands-," "Ele- phant Hunting in South America;"—Lols- ureHours; Poetry.MotosoujBooka,Science, Varieties, and several other articles. < Singlo copies <o( tlie BoUtftie, 40 cents ; 'one copy, one year, fd.OO; two Copies," one year. f&OO: five comos, ono year, $20. Ad- dress W, H. Bidwoll & Co., 5 Beokmau St, New York. •'' v ';. ',, ; , /'MV,' V:, : ?^'* •At A ii AN keeps it. l'utiutm't MagazineforApril publishes a list of its contributors, which, wo see contains tltc name* of some ot the most distinguished writers America olalms. Every department pfj learning is bountifully represented. Witli •tlie mwislaneo of such Writers, we do not see ^hOw I'ut)i<im Can possibly "fail lo reach apo- silion as high as 'ambition could nsk. . .The April numbevhas* portrait.of H. W. Bocoh- or.as hoatipbaw in Plymouth Church pul- pit; an Intercstiiig "Paper on Papoti"- - : CiAJKlVOYASf EXA>^tNATlX)Nn^ftt^?*-r^<> subject requires so uiuch, so thorough a study, and Investigation aa bow to' Um% clnimlo diseases. Tlie most In'toljtectitol and learned physicians 'Are often at fault and groping in Uio darkforcausototlie trah) of symptoms that present themselves. Their skill Is baffled and thousands' go down to ah untimely gravo, for want of n proper under! standing of their osie. Dr. Rvpr^RTmiun has not only the gift of Clairvoyance, but the c x pi sic nee of treating all classes of chronic diseases with almost universal suc- cess. 'Consumption can be cured if tubercles havo not been already formed.^Dyspepsia, i Clwonlo Diarrhea, all female dismes, can be given vp ny others. -J Let all consult Dr. B. who are snfteriiig from any-form' of disease, at the Sperry Ho- tel, Cortland, ErtObay and Saturday, M^arch, 0aiMli7»iand,two,<}a W| ^erY ji two, weeks af- ter that- . *WR .ii: notww'i'S tn<»s>i>i i i!'!f'i';y:rj •»-"!' IxiYors pf good. bMcult.eake, or bread, a Baking .lUlJJj- ** Second" part but truth- istoiynnd its Phi >bf"ThoJi|^i(iessiVaied«r.*8ad - IJuI picture of the manner In-which "Poor vGjrtov jur t ,, n New YorkGlty ij»rfc thlid.of ''Llfe'lnflrfeatCities('»'"Tlw Popeaudu-tiie - '^/Tempoi^i...Scjv.eretop^'»V" "Too''True;-a "fory of-5 , o,aay.i!f .-',"/' eriand,}" * . 'cop Jnto. Now Nctli- Chionlclc " ..Ac., .Ac., bt»Bift*dbni4.|4,(X), don't falltoget Dr. I'UICK'H Powder, at KINOMAN & Buss*. '" •'<• • : / : i r t - ' > ! « • " • " : • 'JW-'l:!;.' J,hft ( L JUST TABS A I/>OK at the latest styles of ladles' and misses' nnf gaiters, Just rocetved' aj. DIOBINSON & MoBnAWfl.' They Werei iiiiinii raelurcil oxpressly for them to order) and wociin nKsiiroyoii, lliey lire quite a dlf fereiit article from the Eastern trash with "^hlch the inarket Is flooded. They manu- iUcturc n. large Mho of goods -themselves, and ai««mhif.to sell the" hit quality of goods to lie found iii town, and positively tissui-o us Hint they can iand will sell tlie same grade of goods hirer tlinu'jsny otliCl- dealers in Cort- land county. 'AM iiey nsk is a comparison of goods and priee*. At Uio eign of tho '• NOTICKS of deaths furniture, Furniture, FUR MIT U 0»{ •KWRNITimR Hetoltod St WholesaJo Prioes for the jP.«ext8^TTr»4Y8,»t Si G.MAYJ)^'WC0^S, ' , 4Ci^Uiftollna8t.,»yracn | se.y.Y, Nets' ay 1st to our iilliSalliiaSt,, o»r. immense ipscions We*Mc w^Uyt»»W«i*V,*s *"!. C9I*XI«R,' l'"'i PA*K>«,'' ; ' U« BtNINO; j j i»n A KY Ajm|fJTcaat^^rr«N^pq8K, ,;M lfOR i Wll.NKltt > '»tXTi'l)AY^ ! '' Rather than romOVe them. (Mrfloodsare New. and SOY" MIM€KIiI,4NKOIJ8, ,; --j. ,i— «» ,,, , . ii i 'I., INSX7BANOE! OPlke Old JlStnat, dF BjUtJVoh, OOm., A 8S*TS AT MASKST VAXtH JX. Ov^BPOUBMILLIOlfDOLlAlWL ' •aVWt'ftfi (ttO 'ill \y.;y\ir,t S'l)^ •• j H.,.lf!«'l i/i' .^J'D'll'iliJirletl oHj \{f*tt&^tt fl. ej&Lfif iltoth ilkiil !">«« MS^OY 9W>tlt u.ttWmPbimm.*® ; *M*EV> IIS .,• j \>'<:T)''«aTV*A«iw'<^,i(WacrHOii,ir';!Sliii<i I if«hl vi» m^fit.tgjjjl ;ii ,r«a<Stf/i oil J vn I oJii l))tJ! Viiiti i:U dw,„.s.",hi»:t Attn , Now 1" tho time to bey roosi , trade, „.. to tb,e Quality and Price. yont ,'" •''" ' SPRIira n i t M H HI;. »« . OOME^ON^I 'COMB! At-tf^*' 5 tar'nemeimber the fntraber, 4o Booth Saltoa Bt, opponlto Uio UIOIMI Hole). U-.-.I0. a HAYDENftOO. guitars, accordepiis, flu.^nas, .coucorUuas, fltltos, Violin and guitar strings, and every- thing In tho mnslBal'llne^^ «t N l<JW - t « 6 « ) ' * t ' H MAHAN'K«boka^a^BrhsittstOro.''( / »>4&t' Yppg,G()tto$i pirRissiAN AtppqiAipoNvoft Cortlandyllh\mpt,at Eiremw's Hall^o». Mon- day j6Yapjings and pwj»sdiagi were cpmnupn- Ce4 with prayer by ?*he President > ' • : > Tuo *»rrW»«W &M^ffi$i0- On motion of Mr. MYEUS it was resolved- th^t'tlie njj^t mjeting,*^, a, deYptjional one, and. tlije subsequent onoto,bo passed Ju, llte T raiy-eierolse*.'- . •>.!'"•»««.': •:••' • «i," ,\w..ri< On AwUon %Xl&M^kmib^i^i thkt'fliV <?h»ir! ap"pomt'!'a^'c^utnj|ltt*A'-V)f' two \ toi-oMl-eomo historical sketch, and the Chair i appbrnteKM^rB/^Cr^Tit^'"'•%d p it*A:' i ; KG. 8. pi -t: 'noiiid Kccollccttoiis tjons hi Sloeoef AmeriOi Courti'' ••EdltoVi Itarpor m* , most pop ' Jsplcndld | h jnaitcei'' *l,00p-ba}L A, D-Watersforplalntiil"; it Champlln for defendants. The Peoplo vs. Geo. ,W. Cottroll chi . .,.„>., ft ,«.,,.j. ..,.» on u with the; understanding that ho whslidf to >P lgrted' on charge l'lpad guilty, and oa statement, tlijit Defend- of selling bfeer. hug, prosocutod until notilledtostop, and that he kept a respectable place and was a man of good character. The sentence was suspend- , ed till nextterm. ,A.D, Watersfoxplain tiff RJI. Dueil (tit.defendant' " ' ' ™ The Peoplo vs. Joseph .Allien. Recogni- zance to keep Uio peace. Discharged, no one appearing to prosecute.' A, DV Waters' for plaintiff i O. Portor for.defenj ThcPeopUVs.' FrAnklTn^fl!SlfoglaT#rtirif i William Hiudick. Defendants gave bail in $1,000forappearance at next Sessions to swer Indictment for assault Ac. A. 0. \v s,- tcrs for plaintiff; W. If. Warrenfor.defend- ant*. I !• ,-•(,.<••-.. .I»IMII> hiruill -</e > . The People vs. NehemlaU, Rnrgcsi De- fiiidant arraigned on indictment for forgery Plead not guilty. Sent to noxt Oyei Terminer on «1,000 bail. A. D. Waters for, plaintiff; 11. C. Miner for defendant. The People vs. B. Frank 'Cftterson.- «De- fendaiit arraigned on imUctmeiitforgrand larceny lu stealing clqUdnjr frvni Mi's. Bar- ron. Plead guilty and seiitlo^Ailburn prison ono year and six months. |0U D. Waters for pWntWjL.Q,PQrtei- for defendant Tho People vs. Luke P. Babcock. Defen- dant plead guilty by hli- attorney xefeAMllng beer. Sentence suspended. A". D, Waters. SON a coinniittee to: draft additional l*y-laws. On motion of It Ai SMITH, it waei-esolvod that a vote of tharlksbotehdortdy.,/9. Rttf-. NEY, editor6ftho "ConTI^NDCOCNTTSYAN»' DARD," v tn tokon of anprocja-tloirof Jrie miss its shown in his. interest in this As. wbu as expressed in-said " HTANDAW' Other names wore added to tho list, mul on motion of-J. A. TODD-,: tho meeting ailjourn- ed toiMouday evening hext, at % o'clock.'' A. -rANNER, Pres. 1\ t>. FRB»KRlfoir:, Seryy.'''" • i J»C )f! ti>. -1' . .1 i i. «as>< a.fci: ', I.t'J ! tit ! .Atthbslgn-.qf.thoGolden'ROot. yo^ar^ sure .Of getting the 1 best Rubbers-mid Rubber Boots In Cortland county, Having tho agou.- cyi anil getting their Bubbbf goods from the 1 manufacturer, they claim to sell a- hotter quality of goods than those-buying In small: er.qnantUy, from second; b^da. ^Anything ydu wishtop u r o h a s e ^ their line; youVwifi save nioaey hy .tiuyWg^of '*herni; ['French Calf SeWcd Boots Iron* VfAff to fJt^OO. Don't buy anything buVtaie- boet^they) fwftl'; prove the oheapost (Shqddy g<io4l'»>e doAr', at any price.) Call lu.; v,; '"^' .'•'''.'.•' '.',' ,, *?'":: THE WBATHBR.r-tnUlvS^turday.of last week the snow .continuedto.dtocontinue, al- 'Gl ft ••4. [fventyf i Attic .rev rls," illustrated tho Minister," llhti 8*'«ft#*fWfr,; ^wdSl|,<i»ii»rs«iu.|-r W i.v« On motion, tho Chair appointed Messrs. 3- Again ;"'Vltt Lady- .'who put Bait A. TODD/#. 1 H. MYERS and-Li- H: (XARRIV? aCoffoo," Jutas'trated ;•' "Round the I .'WMO-went as'Commissioner of e»t to.SouUi AniericAtojettld (ig.clMWs >W«sw;&o7tfi.iwd 01111 voty ontortniniiig and ful- % ung peoajff.gMtviganAr^HttB.pf:,. ireS'-W 'AWca. f'aheftlsld'-**' <>f iliftiisvi^^^ertided^ ir ox jjbli'mTOfWofc' "English- Photographs by an as ana-, t i«r Supfame ^•^onBiWoKMi,*. rawer," Ac, Ac Ptiblishcd by rather* at |4.00 ponyj^r. ,11,^.11 gto,.1. of Tickuor A Field uWtcatlonsIgtyeSsJbr.Api jAartthirndHaftlfflay liade»»'pickeffl ,HluStratea ifi sa*^i*s*afB!^<fcrp< J »aE 11a MtolaV Visit to' ,)^L*»onsonMag-t_ ic French Exposition for ti'lconoluded-rillusttatcd; "ThQ ">illiii»trated.t 'J'Emilv at Homo" "t in .her* Evenbig Lamp';" i'put Letter Box," with Jllustra- ./tlon, wlthfpootry, music, charades, puzzles, Ac. Only'f3 a year. The Atlantic MonthlyforApril gives UiC following coiitento :— "A Plea for the Afternoon;" "Tho ..Wreck of tho Pocahontas;" "Sponsor;" "Lagos p»/j' f "ByWays of Europb;". "OncC More;»' "Our Roman Catholic Brethfon ;" "The Pol'#n'of, tho ltatlicsnako ;" "A Most Kxtmordiaaiy Caso;" "Doctor Molkc's Yx\mte:iW$mMw"*lj" "Aprl; 1 - "Art;" Reviews end Literary Notloes^ Ac, Pubi dlsllcd by Tlcknor AFiekls, Bostop, Mass., at#«..ooW-y^»'< •' •/'„'• ''•...•": -i••; ' A^'i^M^-for March'38, hosthefol* lowing contents :-^ "Foul JBov^ \'fi*Atta/-' Bciencos;" "OhioniclSt an^.^hManfers •» .^Dodging, a Shark V 'Xaniarttne V'.- v, The 8qul«e's Tom-,> pfcrTrop j 1 '' "The Dublin Book Auctions and Rook ••,•«•?!*;,'of Yesterday' 1 ,''' "Foreign ; '^ho Hawking ..pi " * "-" n>»rtogeswlllliorc- nftcr be published in the STANPA1«I>freeof iwh.?»»,ii.;[Met <? nl yj ewJTork pneee. ' M 1 —•• oi n-n-A ' ^^'"Thto 1 wondertul'f " / G^*xv<ll<; - ©3y^Q^i*»*»?M'rjWfBi 1 ;j«,l,« , t 4t<t*rvph Arttvt. , *JrtU!i| 6i7f r i . V i j jnim;!.,.. K> UUS- .|JE^ ON IO, lEAL J- R t O Q ^ ' -1 ii...OO*TfcMP^W.)rV'-'-. ><u;-..l . Andprepsrodto makel'llOTOOKAPHBlnallstyles ^^J^k vol,, »- o1 iii « " « *»lT;>f'Jill v<0/ 1 l*6bB^Vi6i»fcf*BX Srt0ito ^ »> ; ^^''''i«Ajrt^tilr'vl*rtt,*ad-'' ; '«^"'i j «i;o.fjtwio!j «V/t> iiiM.Ij hMaamytwn^.^ :4tii ban <JjI«^ifAJ»»>-<.i sniyhrjaah tni, MTl3Rl>OH€OPI« VIKWM 1 to! ifiEi!. jinl ^4JiJ;{i>Vo yhuui f,-,- FrJsjBJf ctvfiiifi*] ,K\H^ owl W-I.JII •»»» •_ <"\i>-> »'i"> <•• i. I-idJ ,<n,flr ( *u4ir.r<Mw>,.«DA:«, ... i t. -:'i ;i)»iiH». aftCftl •M-Jl ,\J-J9iii) yitiJIjr 1 .--.•I .:/lt »('.v-iii'r" ,i..»ov/ -ii ni diiiq.. :-,i.- ',.-, snaprtonnt pAyvMHQ- Vsr.)»•>:!<;- ' OHIO I OHIO! Oiuol life preserver keeps tho feet dry and warm. Ittoa perfect and pormanont polish and does not injure the ,; leather. A v e r y 1 foot BhouWv.bp ; ;P#|baoM> r te,iiTl.#?' »»J)». f/ t ;i ^Apothecary Hall. ^ ., ^ ^ (», , H<wp 8«fj»Te.Tarytfn!Wanti » fw.vrw ttylp H.popjklrt,-, gotojWfrM r # l ,W A WrlCfV l eery eMap. .__... nMtT i Don't pae that black, miserableflour,any lbnger,' but gotoJCINOMAW A BMRS' mid call for a sack 'Of" Peacemaker," Which is war- uted bettor tlian any other in market. rmti 1 ) j *^W ^n.w.'';ff' j a'B:tc3pb MB I i '• SNIDER-BISHOP- In this village, Mon- d »^v^e 88ainst,,at ^ S .rei3Jdpnce, L of the . bride v s faUier, Mr. Luman Bishop, by the \ Rev. J. M. Austin, CHARGES P. SNIUKK to. Miss Hwffl ML;, BI»H|)P, all of;OorUa)i,d. iA ! ittniA :< «in«>'jj mMS OABlMkfj '"•i* Undo as desired.'1 iva I'ifi f-'ii j -8« '^Hol'ittlfll Urwitlii 1; ,'i!<f"Otl "I Stereosoopes and Storeosoopio ViewB ' Boston. Now York, White Mountain, - IfcjN j>e, ana or numvrova oilier 1 *ivw «vin| V* USVQ 4nwuiiv»iii| JUIHV '" salo, or furnished to-order In ',<«,[ Dfi - ij-jrfv.- 3fv*jri'jnt" ''.i iiftr. hvi.' - ; f f l l # # ^ •«*r«iHk* it i« = j ti;ol>()j{v/D*MM4rl^i^«<tI vfi sH«l oi . , Wr*WffW , ^-*a3*A^* , T *^ H M\»)f Oi l>ti! Attna and Phcsnlx, « xHrt 1 W ; <j»V"*tx£' - : «n' iMtBoW, WHAT SHOtr-n BE DONK DSOLAJAM" '''•' '• ,auoo^ liutft tifi fill' i-'nit .jNpm-->:>i wromqBora»)ttiT>»jAMw*. 1 i .*» i fjA$i{ ,-iijt '.1 ' not •(•li'jii:? iti in '. Ill .>>l/ft;'JTt"ir li"^7IOl('iifto>tvf .V.'»i»U' 6^05 vtl'rttf ji «f tt^ ,W" i I .I'vjVfe .•liryWMtt-vJ.vi^.ii'isi,- 1 Yilll'lilJ.lVeo.. Ju-CrTT Tft Tl^frT •. ^«vr ytt '':. ah ni ^m^^^!T^ 1i, ^ 4 ' New /a<lTor(iH«;ni<;ntH. '•'":"•: estsctt: -^T a: ac 1868.' 18«8. "Marg* hod o: •fir otos;"; ("Tho Hawking .Party V,' .«ti" and- "A Surprise." Publ :Ticknoro^ieids,,»tg^per'ye>r. , ' ( >. •-'.^;.' \f. for plaintiff uoll for defondani The Peoplo vs. Calvin N- Slftoumb., Plead gdiity to iudictmontfor selling beer" Se> : tencosuspended. •• • •. "/ ...ti.i- The People vs. Frank' B: Oort and Frltts. Defendants discharged, no indictment having; beenfound. A. D.nf7ateraforplamttff. ,u».. The People vs. Garry Thompson. Dis- charged from iwOgnirancotokeep the peace, no one appearing. A. D. Watersforplain- tiff; R II. Duell for defendant CaUM ° ntri> :-/V / .tiVls.sT,T.l,iO-l Fos SAUB.—TWO houses and lots and one vacant lot^:d«raniyuT()48ej\n4ir Mnkiist, In this village^ are offeredforsale. The houses IjelhgIn good cpndltftni ^d conYen- iontlyftrrartged, and trie lot^ all"that ooulrx- be desired, tho attention of purchasers is call- edtotheso bargains. For particulars in- quire of ! #11C dA. P. SMITH. . 85-tf 'i -- "•' :: i-,-,-•'">;«;n •'••••- -'> The tfvrtery, that.moet.sehaarfmngmjsMi- slhoforchildren, ha^ »H Sorts' of pleasing thhigs'W'W April*number. We believe that if Uio parents, who read the STAN DA HD could but see a copy of the Nurtery, they would not rest satisfied that they children Were being educated, properly until this do-. lightful and appropriate collection of lessons, stories, pictures, songs, pootry, Ac, was add- ed to tho little one's books. iS»itoiuW''#.jta^ Shorey, at 11.50 yer year. <i '^">f '<•• k •.- ,, 1 , .. — f * * : » ••• TEAS ANIICO^RESATNEW YORK PHICKS. though less rain fblT than during' the week previous., 'On Friday th? .weathejr changed,; and Saturday WA» one of the stormiest days of the past winter.,, Tjlip ^l^jitew^riouB-; lyj snow fell rapidly,, .and W fli)a lattoVwas, darrtp It ^ a s re^Ry n|ore, unpfcosahtto en*. counter than' "a coid, blustering.atomi ;**». the temperAtatef pre»10tui had-.been-.<* tlie 8u!rat^,,suna^yry, l^e. sUddeni itsttd- great change ierlansly' folti to(t=i*W0if«^fl( choU 6H"»H prediction^ of anoarly springY A little daughter of one «if'onr.citlzcus rc- iiiarked complaluingly Uirtt "summer has gon^en^ w,.py\£$^, ,'^^ny, and jorlQua icolds werAt^.Jr%lC(Wrseli,fo^ thCmft' tlfno this wlhterfb«ra|V»te4 toa visltfroin oio, affecting us,!So?%(«cV* that .'."W; on * tlroly Indlfewnt yyhoi^er .fei?^po} k«nj» or Uw STANDARD was -i^iuid. We should t ror torgenr , ^^ ^^ A^ont aifoofrofenow.'IMlj?wblohw .Watersfoe'>«>»*«•. ••V**'"* Awar"iwe#iu*r,to'dta,'^ rlvajfrhas.ty | as, to^Ay tot Itttle rentoins, to "tell the tolo of all the good It ilia not do." Wo presume,Wt4^p*p> iWWt. $$&&.'• iirilays:s|b^m- ; wo,*':U»e';last expiring kirtr*.'. and « spiteful ono, tobr-of as long and so- v^'i'Mfe.,^' wo >*CrnWr" to'^ext; After such atediouswinter, His not wou- kderflil! U»*i the Ixetmn b|f 8pJ.i^'to ioyfliliy haileil by young and old. Professor M. L. HAWJLKY, one of our contributors, seiids lis the follow ing as expressive of his pleasure at thofJaWJfoWsl^ .u-^»»8,n»«»^o*.« MAcb Vet;" and- "A Surprise." Published by --|,.at*$0 per/ve.tr. choice'thH»'fo»AeVMie*^ t)f the latest styles, descriptions of fancy work, neW designs of household articles, and ttll put togOtuB: in the War'jjer*' usual handsome stylo, make a rleh-looking numbor. .«« R. B. SpeijLdley & Go. ".•ni '.. . AM> ""''T' | 4 'tfR's'; ,Y w .J"..i/i MoTT .!-.Tr<i.!npiri..^|.j).,,i , ; il^ ni ie.i'fi JAT-r 1 7/ iviioijsui; & iti/i AIL. li» 1-it inn-, lit •! v.j-iii! - .ii-. j 'I" r*n ltAN'Sii j Vfl ANfl'I QKNEltAVlt of Wilson, 1 l|flO.,writi trial at, Tt liero; and. cjihia.-*: IqhM.' 'knoWnj n^ailoon be done on 'hhve never write you W" •i.l bu-..-. »; ii omonut.Oj list us and' our'descoudantoforsovoral ,»'.(.tttifij. -Nili d"i, "si-.i •jBBBRS&JBEifa toes REAI. Etfip^r dositi);fo"jii]re:a good .house for we n«M (y«a». . I have for sale- ' ( tn««i 'd^slwble^Xew Welling''hofises,' o«,o li ftirrh offorlpracree, good buildings, ono tract 1 off six acrtiiand building lato#n'ilk«<corpo-,, "ration, and ten acres, good -bi^Ulings,;'and jthhty-fiyo^rito'Of.ioholce -land, lyTng just ibeyondi'fliaP^ijJr^^^A^ •I 160 acres TOfreetowhj. 'ter,m^ In all cases, 1 I V .''i-'i T I,/, »<' ,,, ,-,»x:0-^ ...I ..1 ' Oai.tM and Capa •nr. «JSp%gapflSuRuner,!rr^dfl f :'.'j':\>oH Which wo «III sell At '- " •>'>««"'''' ill «r%iir : ^dds"are ''oi.-. e 'j„ , llifti : i\ I,' j ill 'I.,,! .,; .;i '|..| ! .- |. ., ! ^^ll^te.^W?:.,'. < ilosilstoRlvnoiir«n»t<>imirrtalKl(lI) AS-- T at u>w FIOUOBS. uii; wi ••nii'ijir/o id.-w..!i 'iin'>(tyi 19.^16 %, W. ft..nabbanl (, Y,,.Hudcr dato of Febfuary 18, 1: ...S'.Thj Report of/^e riceiit iy.'ls waking up some. It(t<ir ; cst -.quirics And callstosee our ma- AgGlMlfV, are becoming fro-, ionHi^WeferJ v is^well> iterjt calls have long 'been . lo little. Job*, that c M d not, or machinos ; and I think wo Ith^iricegi Aoi • } Ailso r for cfolee jachfeo Ui having run eporccnt i>'iffl;t*irtMT^ ehave.A good, stock «• i- ;«>•>• mu., \l\h i; III •>!<•> I,,'•( . ,)i^>/i,'l ^HflH. ' V|.;-.' .:.,,<•, :• mbrella^ (M , r; ,, - - - . -.Oiukow., AT.*?.,.sKr.*!., SUM 4to?' •••' of'8 lo >>tta*i t 'i amDi IKAP. rV-picaso call' and oxamt.10 gs5tt« ..".. .Ti 7T u,.- -i .-: ,- for orJ&'SmlnJorThe'iS ... Whon UwMmphonlea orhature cteaffl'''''''** H 1: Wjth»^Ji(^M>to«BWtSv id ,v! h,r, yftn an^»f»?^«* tt«ia5 And nh: Shall lean fool It Which aro I For tho etlOK wl Has been whol. I can see It In the inclln 1 AfoiiK tho wusturn sky, Ana tfpon tho liuMisi eloi m er.rin 11 dreaded !-• lft.il l.uj. thd pnliiv s»'ht*.<wjim [5Ji{ 6«Mrr«|ts<iSR in ..-•ii'. n .»•!.. Another correspondent SYI.VKSTKH OI.EH, ^vlews.matte^^rn a Marathon stand-point, and has not, as yet, we, guess, recovered, from tho chilling Influence to which he has ArtTirton HotMEs. , THE NmrtyvWf£Wk>•' n « w .i for, Qort" lAiid,,calle^'>rnnVtto]",.ciin be; vobtein*d iat' tjie ' grocery store of KmoHAX A lir.im Similar in appdararicetojaeoclics, they aro. cfulte' sni»l»J^d BltYC>, spley,, pk<Sf,'. tajrt fla- v|or,' whichto-decidedly pleasant .Wetjiave tried tills fr||itt, : and It makes "abeautifql p}o and oxcelltot sauco. KINOMAN A Buss 'have thenl.'Sw,; ; I purpose contlnuliur the trado, at WUOI.KBAtK AND ItRTAIT., At tho awne placo, and shall keep constantly on hand a largo stock of tjio ;r :t*. Y"I j.T.'.i- . ) J:n:. I. !».- •(;,. Ntimdard ANI> ,... v „,, ; , i j„,,, ]ffltt<;«llancoui4 WorkM, ^(3JIOOL'BOOKS A STATIOlsERY' "'""• : " ^-I'^ersU-ktods', Btit»tl5pQKS VTRAtvpStit PA- , '-.,; u •,\MW*JSm WHWirifl 1IKHKH, -I-; » : - : I II" .:.lul -. ".- " * * % & > - ' » '-<•'• ; "'''-KUSTIOand " ' ,., . ,•,, «A»y»pp»AKng, ;v ,. of aU slses, -"*»" Fnat OHROMOB, . . HTJ<KI. KNWH AV1NI IS, : . PHOTfllinAPHBand, , , ,. trrh6URAPn8, • • '.'.',, ';,'.', ,/^PABTAJl' . ' ;,'.'... Marble Busts & Croups, ^(KOANT TOnaT^ETBi ; 1- . , , la ItuliKiiilsn tilnss und I'orceltiln, and. oUjer works of artistic merit 1 Also, s complete assortmeot of - pancy < - <><»<!w, AiiiHtN' JrlidcrialH, Newspapers, MagiwiiioH, &o. I am now opening and offerlpg for wdo an Immense stock of -' » Wall and Window Paper. SixadeB oud 'S'ixtur.eB, ' \ SJ'T'O'R f 1" On^'SJoor iiijitli of ^ ; ^T*' • > T > Pfta ,'i'Tiii) of *»t ii-.u! ilJif^ro, , ni »ii** 0«uitr 01erk'« Office. ,111-nlJ ii-.i« ^;l^u|it)'^< ^o flj»f{^n.j» -i ••! l'!{Jii!iit»' vJiiiitiitss i i . t i t oeorJ'} x mUtt>xl*Mlpt> i SU«i*aaT :"-[..m | rrt',(jl ii v; 1 P'Wm odEi^fcsr 1 ''' • -• ' •••• !it';< -Jr. c.i '••vhL'"i '<A iffll I.' 4*i">li> Building Ufjirtm : -nXill .-ill .(Plvi»-| fy!\ u7 r ,».n.,.-T.ri,iyr ,-' -i-.v ,xfi .-r^'iaHilp-i viii >o » 7 1 •>. A UKNKKA). and CtlMl-I.IJTB ANHOHTMRKT '1 -• f->J,'. .11 ;\ . •- , Shelf Hardware ••Liiti- ' i -,!i /.',.„;•' Tin Ware! . , , 1 ; 11 lun'i .' 'nlf . .' I would Mil special attention tolcversl .. . • ..- 'ii >.l.',/ ! • OOOKINCr 1 STOVES r - ':.•.,,-.-/. ,-'.,• .... ' h ,'• Of which I hare aamnlos on exhibition. TIN, AM. KIN IIS OK beautifyI-pMtons, Whloh I Wll Sell i.t 'or oath. I would respectfully ask t a cart- -JftWWtMof&f 'took land prtoe'sla tkla de. •rtment, by thoso desirous of purchasing, before I would stso call tho attention of Teachers, fktusl clans, ud all lntbr«st*4tomusic, (<• tho Isrgo (took J_ -..'<*—.-'/ •."' ••-. ( ,. i ' SHEET IRON, »A , , I COPPER WORK GAB FITTING PLUMBIN0, in its vnrimm bran o). m Milk Tats' STEAM AND WATER PIPES, FOR ClIBKSK PACTOKKM, ,•>'.'. 7 1 - 1 ' i . put np im slim 1 actios. ;:i.r;" n iil'j till of ,^EW, ; SP«IN- -it'.-; •mm. Ml* ' .-,; I ca.C»c« It when I In tho axuro or"tho huiivo And the twluklo of tho iti* *WARR«N ^ih^'^jifi^^Mmmm •imv Now York, tliey offer greater luducemuuts than. eVqr before^fHid 5*111 keep. eyerything in tho: line of fancjr goods, dress goods, domestics,. baa Tjt Ao. ThelrJtook of spring casslmores.ls.un>.. svirpassed, having tlie latest styles. - Give thema canf \' •i*-'-- -••• •<- -'--. if 11 ..Wiif»»Sli '«"•' "Norwoopi" by BKKOHBR, just received At MAHAN*.'# "•']." 97' ' I, .... ,., m 4 »,.WIM u.ai.-. APpiiBTO#a Cheap edition of Dickens, 10 to 35' cents per volume, $4.50 complete, at MAUAN'S. 87 [tAjenii •-•.< ^o^ojiri if -s-I r>rt/" Mosses, jLoaves,: Imortolles and small shells for'Wlcy'work.fttMAHAN'A «7 ; " -•i'-iC....'.'- , r-'-KiUti:- •>n:tlif-t'- V> '..'i'.'.- ! r H( ;.:.;:'•,..-.:. -> ^.t ,.,-, ".' U,ii*-j j 1114 Iii VSO\ tc MvAXHUW j «t>'»'«ie«i <i(i<ti:.7.'it;.:i|.'« i i n l .-• !.<> ;v/' il^er8?or re,f, I* M, * lf ?* 1 -•T 4 -«*»»•»• *W t ' T f u J>'>"ij itinoji<jiio/iii. '.'.> vJj'ii/i'.i. etli" ;^AAtTS.»<A)alft k SH.Ok& I to "•'•iiV'^kWVrlllb^sstt-'at'tMe '""' '••<•'•,"* J k OWSK^5l'-''* f 0 '"'"' 1 ' 4 t'"" j ' | 'l | ' t ' (din una U) $ 0S 6mk>^ < »-«.v«u..i ' xai'{« >fi !o« ™"iflfiruitiuu: w.n-i-A j ''HJAY. '»J>!S«17^.**' , TPJS«' Jiiiir.il 000Ju j OOo,000,0:.S si fivii.lxJff^pBoii-.'ut, ttoitwA 'K> Boijnti.ui oC&gHftiKif 1 el J$H ntiij(JujJ^fiti ^(po.^d^Ai :Adl^*efl*taW*' fV«Ji.,fl ^0 QititoM, iiitS Musical Instruments! of HOiiilynUIdiMlH. • • 'i ,'*'*!• I ,u • • " . SHEET MUSIO, h...- . . MU8IOBOOKS- 1 i ••'(•>• f SINGHNG BOOKS, And flciioral MUHH.'Af. MKI«!HANJ)1MK, which I am now receivingfromthe Importers. Mamiractiircrs and I'uhllsliern. and Mhnll kcoii lu stock. AnyUiliuj in the lino of Miisle., Airiilslicd at tliii list pi lees, with usual discount to Toa ' nlaU promptly dUed. I ~ i"i" UOWI* Erf..T!^r^T.r''^T3T.rfT^rJI^ , y, iiS> WW&^'hfitlf&fatUili NoTiOB.- r -At a meeting of the Trustees of m m ' X "tie Bmp^:?Coal »hd Mining Company,ou : Whjch beclouds ovory ray o^ their reason, of tlie Stookkpldcrs of said company be call- t ed and he$ft 'W^e, <%#',% ^t^ A 1 ray e 1 been tliat tlio thattl *n.«Ub^.nStoech^" 7 ^ ^ m i M ^ ^ ( p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •»!W»«attMi^ M Wy stock- ^tlT^\litt»kiil| > 1 •D.^ofcdiM^hie. ^'aWS' blameforthe mere existence ot corruption .{- ul its mldat, If imkuowu. Bat those who by their patronage knowingly -import corrup- tion, are not only guilty of higratitudotore-, spcctable socioty, but also of countenancing vioni ' }; , K[;} ...,.,,»>»»-— . SoMayraiNo NKW.—Bverett Initial Pape- teiieatMAHAN'8. m » -.8. D. BBACw^uGo.^t the NfW yprk JTea Warehouse, Masonic Mall Block, Cortland, aro now prepared to duplieoteftnyowlor sent to the Great American Tea Company for teas, 1 and will guaranteeto';p»Wl4r«l '«»> tire satisfaction qr no {tale, . . . ; 89 j, >'i ii it. s»4i».>.i%.a'l -J *i yiTZORRAU) A FRROVSON, in the Scher- •«> 8r#?«,;<A«l»N* .1 *Wv«t *WMl S!T*«». CKS When tho woathcr grows slopntr and mild, klndinor' 'tis tho season for sowing the grain man; Nowosa of dcathsand marriages will here- of ' " ^l»Mfe oi* ITAflirjM, . ^'rjjiftbest thlng.ofttt*, is BACON'S homo gymnasl- ic<|,,dura,bIfl,orn. Va^arliQlethat laliy thoso fol- tun »4l» prise, , >...: ;. th«rt«i«tK«f'> '••'..'- *^m<Whk*nu*. \-yHSkUt < ^V3fttWjB?u l.J^.v especially '• m . Baud the planner - -;,.(( ';/»? V.v'i-',.- »i» 1' i>»J- ;nltptla<^ W^i$!r1ti ^lv«no^w8 ;,rrM'Mit',*tt*4 HlWCrt .W VTKH - - wftfWfl *;>lM>a*!ilo<tc. •(../ s>i<,* T :;^ , ,; r ' 0 ^ dap. ; , 1 * 1 II." tell 11 •{. t"~'in~u<':i .1 OAK A NO IIUMLQpB: KIP», mtq resellers. Orders by Ii i Ii; 04 :-l|<il I lii«>*'iii .;i )>t>. -,«h •-:-; IhsvoauioJustopoudln . ,, ., ... !4rWr» Ajrn.y4ttWrBM10PMf<WlflW ft*,, OltlKX I A I, HKA Nil II.IS Which I havo Imported expressly for the people of rtilfT t •,): I Ii fctf/nisiin Ooppor Bnth Tubs, Mnrbl.W*tl,»M|n»» 0 4 . ' v , .11 ),:,••> gHrfe*. TIPRIOHT OOPPllltBOlbfJRfl, , EOIJBJ xv»pm» KAHBLB snd BbATfl HANXbKB, COAL ORATXB and KKNI1KHH, and, OAB PIXTUIUB, . . •: i'rsrAisfctJ t j - tint ii.' " ' "i 1 < .i.,..Ui ' >. :nti~- -7. ' ivlm . tffOfrrTF.rTPfft W.PfcAO*,^. „, ., , Ono door aouth of Co. Clerk'. oWlM l|l|X>i...il .1 : theso 1aro (iK 1 to como this I tint. ItiWIaflylBvii t«r csiiiiogiics fiimisiioa. i.i )l tDnif mo :.,. l3_4l(t 0. u .fllf-IOl f. h n i^i^^ ^v^"^ M!h " \+Wip*ur)<.T,\>-W#?n w m (si wi t \{oo );i '• House, and 19 Acres of Land, ' J ^ta^A^pr^QQBIr^A^.irjrr^^^^ ,,; Belmrjoart^ ^e.J^^Adaf,.^., .^,4 (<i ^8K ; AND Oyt.^JtgrNQ8 A^R V^ffffp^ Apdttors is lutoa tkeprsmiiHi|Aii.ii)Ji -qo-to 'C'';iil j. IViti'tSffflt-'i H.vgL ff.if'fififtf*'* '«<ni '• M\nm the whole, or a t>oAlod o , fine i, premis t y,' ow ^om,imihh ^hM%Wtf)nt,r osru»«i'Vi«w»,'»eMi >«•*'•"'•• •^••'toi .ffOflO JrfjjJ^w ,,J j ;ii.''Slwii mi irj.v., 1 > iiiffl. 10 -"Ul> ;<J (i iiiB'A OiQiNtiO/i.u v ... . mm INVliNTED. INVAWIABLE TO OP ^B^WT'«WnPATI0W» m , SB?iC" ,. mipletoOytnastoinsIhsthavobeen previously »»o^o e f^ot?atf^^«e?ig ng adapted to swinging or somersault exorcises, lclrs wffid oVercofie^tLeeeTufilcnllles,s2o%ls°wa SBSSmBBBSS Trial A#ke4, l'i- '.' .)iii*Vr'..itai. «~»- 1: lo ! l'j'/ OompariBon Invited! ;:,iji.:t'j A 1 it M^WWMfim, # Oa-'iStort, OorOm4, ft. f. F , MJl «."1 .'Tli 7 ! .': H',i> rtks"wpBt »WT KWfcueved 1 ImtThls -being cheap, iiorlahlo, and' adaptedtoall ib^waWiftr 0 "* w.'iHrf^. d by an lnnotona Aavtea, ths rings and e exercises. Tho apparatus an also I* jitos trapew. ftttoettSieto,.eF»Twlb| je.)n.veplle, , , ., ... ^ 6e M the' •"^"^•~ « -—•-' —*kl '«i-L»-' ' u -.: GROCERIES rv PROvrtiONS, FARM KIW PltODl )OK, Ki.Oll It and ¥K K11 - «AW," •'••wfAa,'' 'OO'FPBK, ' -"mkA, BTBUP, JtOLABBBB, PORK, I. A HI), llin-J'KM, . (• , , OIIKKHK, BMOKKI) MKAT8, DltlKli FlttHT, ,• ••• •' warn PRVMV ' ami.h.1 V«OHTAHJe», 1 j mj'ft* -A'l'.toHl liMtL. '. < / ,vill:'^i.T*ft» *** Wears well and amply supnllcl wllh all Mis neccs- sarv-varieties ol stock, togotSer wllh lliesupllances and aocomiianlments wMeT. tend to make a p * i ^ ^ M' *c pmsror.AKs •"> - ; < > IM. ' ]i. OB00 RTBTOBB />..•.<: and long reUIn toecwrtdwe* ttTifie pnbfi5T^^^^ W BK AB JBKPBtoBrtPKD, , , and oar oxpiainlng The Uraposo adjiiBtnioiitJ with ' trsttons., w . /rrrrW.:ft tor too Oymnssi tint, with fbtir --9*) •1000, lifji^Wo'Ulqs. tO'il^Vi+vii.', oftl. 880 lie •trfn>> '.11U T«rrr)» «r« ReaeonaDte. .'. ' Oatoxuwnosnal^pSrtonry.tos'req.^sto^k ' i n' vfAIB TftlM. and t'i. .1ftfillu<;)y*-A>ti.> \ j ., : i',-.-,.:iQP|iBy>fl«»o»of.«eowir rnli-il O. D. BOPS*. 8. B. HPBSSHD. H. B.HODSS. ... I :T . Specimen Copy 10 cent- ^"^gStoW^pTSVato,, toVcirtto monthly Periodicals. .r*a^«re*^S||r!®l^tefif^•»• " Jr^nf^SJf 1 ** » «* iuW ^effrt" 1 „,;-: I lilijovi ••ioiy' i iSJB^fflfrytv" ' T* " ^ ^ N - ^ ^ " WMlQ ' •.-«/; '..it *frwmm>m*i*<*, ^ , , . •, fo.MSt' . ' . 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: eporccn t i>'iffl;t*irtMThaving run 21/Cortland NY... · In v Itnl to Inspect the finest collection of the above goods to be found this side of New York. Messrs. TANNER Bros, conduct


you 1. >/.

* »

C0RTLAI»*STAK4)ARD Oortland/Puesd



I H I t O i I O K V .

Post office.


M A I L * A U I I I V H :

BiinVo„Alb8ny, Byracnta and Northern Way, at - i - - - •

Oroton, St i"iLjf -.'- •- *v> » i ' . ' -«« tlhac*. •» ^**B-'I»ML^!> l l » U V «

-> andM>tt<sber. Monday, Wed-and Friday, »t . - -

Norwich sate Pitcher, Tuesday, Thurs-iUy sail Haturtta), at • - - rjjvi >••

Y-w York, Hqston snd Southern W»y, .it . - -

Sjr memo, through mall, at . . .

Through Mall North. a» - . - . southern Way, and No* York and Hot-

ton, a« III*

10:80 A. M.

mt, M. 8:00 P. ¥ .

*« "

J0:00 10:15 10: IB

— 2=


..rotun.At . . . . . . . 4 s..,wlcn and Pttehar, Monday, Wed­

nesday and Pridey. at • *- • Nnrwk* and WtchsV, Tuesday, Thtm-

•ley end Saturday, at - • •• V Irgll, Tuesday, Thor*

Offlee open ftwn 1:» *. M day, from W M. to 1*»jK,¥.

ie#i<: •«

M. toftSO P.M. On Bon-

;&»«K ,ff»- , t i

Time Table. Troiiu post CorliOAd ttoUon qi Sofoict; • ..

I'ttitiHr, moving sonth, - 10:80 A. M. 7:irtl\ II.

Pas5S»f , •«• 'north, • 9:08A.M. tMo " frelghf, " " • : • ' fc0SA.MS;

Ptuttnfftr troiiu on Ou trU HoUtcay Uat* .Wnj-hamltm at/oHmm: K»*TWAI«D—At Jtrl-J A

I M P . M.StMP. M . . H - . Ws»TW*»r>-At *.*> A. M., MM A. Mi, ftU A. M,

1:80 ». M., 4UMF. M, &•»» P.M., *8BP. M, lk«I

, • tralnt on tlu New York (Mitral Hallway fsiim flyiiiiisiN ttslrtlftftifft.- '' l«rJ^gl5ATk.^«:lB A. M. *W A.M., 11:10

1:40P. M., «:48 P. M.

O h u r o h e f ? :'.t*T. , . .


corner ery So Choi fl • M L

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M»T»0Bl»»^t.% Cvrttt,




toasto, Sdrtteto «T««> aba­tor—north cornor 0/ Church irvlcoe every Sunday At 11

UN ivsiuAurr' J. Af. 4u<(lrt, Pastor-corner of Church and jpto streets. Service* every other BmldajP

* "iwir-Wf trie preaentj Court Home. Bervlcef *i

CAYUOI40—i M»ln«troet, on the nxHlfrom

P«tor-one mile Alnetroet, on the nxwl from Mill utri .

\V»l»on tUeet. Hurvlcu* ovory other week.

ewt of reet to Port

WW » i

1,'nnTLiHDriu.B luge on to* let, Sd, »nd olh

•omen/ thf lid re room 11», I. <

and A. M--Moot-i of each month,

onte. NoJH P. And A.

Ith Wedneedaye of . ilte Cortland llouno.

O. of O. T.- - MeetlngK on

log lneaeh room

A g e n t s for t h e S t a n d a r d .

Tim following named gentlemen are au­thorized to act as our agents to recolvo sub-criptlons for the 8TAKp4«|DpfJYI T O .

P. I. Maybury. Marathon. W. II. Phelps, for Bolon. Honry McKevltt, for Truxton. F. Markham, for Preblo, N. A. P. Klnnoy, for Sfcott. L. 0 . Ball, for Harford Mills. 8. W. Nelson, for Harford. A. P. Rowley, for South Cortland.

M. Q. Smith, for McOrawvlllo. W. II. Smith, for Virgil. W. J. Mills, for Willott. W. O. Angel, for Union Valley A. II. Jordan, for Taylor. J. E. Cushlne, for Little OT rk.

NOTARIES PUHLIO.—GOV. FKNTOH has ap pointed ARTIIUR HOLMES and WM. J. MAK-TANYB Notaries Publlq'for tlie county of Cortland.

Stereoscopic Views of the Paris Kxposl-tlonjngre*} varjrtyjat T. BDWARDS'B Pho­tograph Gallery,'italn street, Cortland. 88tf


last week, took three prisoners to Auburn— HENRY L ( 'UAS DAI.I,, for two years and one monthi VVII.I.«AM l),vt>v, tin-tour yenr.i and six months; and Kit ANK OTTXRSON, one year' and six months—and one—WM. V A N TYNB, 18 years of age, to the Western House of Refuge at Rochester.

Buyers! of f^ple, ^|!fiu^ojrdrp goqd»! are In v Itnl to Inspect the finest collection of the above goods to be found this side of New York. Messrs. TANNER Bros, conduct thelr buslnen with reference to Out wan to of all.

AooinxNT.—We learn that the little daughter of A. N. RouNSBVKU., Esq., who attends the select school of Mis* M. BRAD­FORD, was playing to-day on the steps at the front door of tho school room, when she Ml to the ".round and broke both of tho tomes below the elbow of tho left arm. ; The' arm was set by Dr. HVOHES.

• I n i i > # » > i m - » H I .

Correspondence!. Vrson,, March 17,1868.

JRrtW *<rrtfiVwl.^Virgll has been almost p lated from -Cortland and surrounding <eounty for nearly three weeks, most on ac­count of the unusual depth of snow. But now the drifts arb'fast disappearing, and torrafrW to rapidly Appearing. .'The political parties of Virgil are in quite a

commotion coMcrnrhg die late election for Supervisor. The Republicans claim that their candidate was elected by two or three

Majority, mill a lso that two lllejjul voles were cast by Democratic residents of Dryden apd proton. (You know how ready and willing the Democrats always are to do anything for tho sake of gaining a vote or two.) The Dcmocrate are willing to call It a tie, and not have any town meeting, as the present Democratic nomlnoo to the Supervisor ; hut tho Republicans are anxious to have Another election to sottlo the mutter, feeling confident that they Can c.ect their choice by seventy-flVe majority.

Republicans of Virgil I We appeal to you. Knowing that a-fiill Republican vote will elect your choice, will you stay away from the. polls And thereby allow Virgil to stand before your sister towns unredeemed from Democratic rule ? Let como what may, be prepared to do your duty. Should there be another town meeting, let evory Republican attend, ami Urn ilay Is theirs. T h e Demo crato will be thert certain.

Yours for the cause, . > > (}. K. R.

. YIROUV, March 20. ttlitor ttumUml :• I.itst evening we had

tho pleasure of witnessing an exhibition giv­en by our village school i under the direction of tliclr teachers—Mr. JOUN HMITIC ami Miss FRANK SWEET, and justice prompts us to Hay that, in Its general conduct, point Of cos­tumes and variety of programme, It surpassed any exhibition of the kind we have-ever at­tended here. The exhibition was hold In the Presbyterian Church, which was well filled -both above and below, and wo noticed among the audience several from tho neighboring townjdf r ^ d e n : « c * a ^ ^ ^ own village. .-'':.• i • •: •;•

' The clu^acter pf Mr. SMiTtf^.b^hjbl^oiis' am so well known that he to invariably greeted by a full house ; which, considered, of courso, as evidence that h is labors to edu­cate our children are w e n appreciated, must 1R> a source of gratification to him. ..-.

W h e n all did we l l , and manifested so much earnestness to eauso the evening's en­tertain ment to answer t h e expectations of the audience, It Is hardly necessary and diffi­cult to Speak of particular pieces ; but w o cannot wel l keep si lent regarding a few of them.... . r ' ; , '

Tim Introductory by Master Wif.cox wl*s well delivered. The song of the "lAttle Workers" was first-rate, and created no small degree of amusement. The piece en­titled "OloVHleads, on Yonhgi Shoulders," by the yonnger portion of the students was well played Recitation, "Don'), Slop Over," "by little JBNNia SasBMAN, was one of the best things of the evening,' and it Is really Won­derful that ono so young could remember so well and appear so composed. The tab­leaux, "Tho Duelist" and "Grandfather's Prodigy," were, considering the disadvanta­ges Under which they labored la regard to tho lights, decidedly good. The song enti­tled "Polly Perkins," by JNO. RRESJS, was sung IhMt-iate; in fact, we deemed it the host of the evening. The colUxniy of "Beauty and tho Beasts," and the play of "The Seven Clerks," and "The Stage Stnick Yankee," wore well given, and generally speaking the various parte were, fully committed to memo­ry. Declamation-entitled "Union and I,ill-ei ly," by S'li-ieiiuN JONES, was a masterly ef­fort, as was the Recitation of Whlttor's "Bar­bara Fritchle," by HOHAOH BRONSON.

Indeed, Mr. Editor, now that we are par' tlcularlilng, Wo find It difficult to cease, as every piece deserves especial mention, wbioh we would give had we tltno and you space, but finding that we have already trespassed we will close by saying that too much praise cannot bo awarded thd teachers for the skill, tadt and energy which they have displayed through the past term, and especially so in training the scholars to fill satisfactorily their sovoral narts.

Yours, educationally, Two OBSERVERS.

A Wretched S i g h t . Some.three or four weeks ago, when tho

facfe.of mother cattli was covered by tho groatest-dep^th'Of snow ; when upon the gut-, tcreof our streets was piled huge heaps of tho fleecy, element as swept from our side­walks, we became one morning tho observ­er of about as sad and, wretched a shrjit as It Is possible, In our 'opinion, for the "human form divine" to present, . . .

Standing at our office window, wo gazed upon earth's !wfcRp itfantle'^ith looks of ad­miration, -our mind occupied with dreamy thoughts suggeetcd'by the beautiful scene, when our attention was attracted _ to the movements of a man whd, with'one ejfe cov­ered by a white bandage, came staggering down the opposite side Of the street, leading by the hand a^llttje boy—his own ton I Tear­fully "we "watched tlSe course o m e miserable parent who was thus setting so dreadful sn example for the future guidance of a child who could not otherwise than look uppn his tiilher its A teaehcr. Attempting to cross the street In the shoveled path just above the Masonic Hall Blocks he 'staggered Into a heap of snow, and after ineffectually strug­gling to work his way through It, retreated to the sidewalk, which with tbvm lien.t and unsteady steps he frequent'ly traversed, until a short distance,below,qur.pfttce,,he,again turned into the deep snow, and,, stlll'aragglug his little son, after a rough- and tempestuous rjassage; during I which we often thought I ho. forco of circumstances would bo too much tor his equilibrium, he managed to reach this side of the street Several doors of shops and stores were opened by htm, seemingly endeavoring to find something to take winch |/ good, -would "steady his nerves," but all desires of jthat kind could noi W'Wltfflott'atany

^ P r ^ s t o *

in him was


.*»0e«"t'f § | K cut i-oycil t

THOSE beautiful Hamburg*, real thread laces. Sets of lace collars, handkerchiefs and cuffs are attracting*«' gYeVf rftaPdr1 attention at TANNER Bros.

Dn. H. A. BOIAES.—We seo by the Girard (Pa.) Spectator of March 10, that Dr. BOLLKS, our Well-known follow citizen, gave the Good Templars of that place the benefit of a lec­ture after his regular courso was finished, In the notice of which the above paper says:

"The people of this town having had am­ple opportunity to apprise themselves of the abilities of Dr. Holies as a lecturer, and the fact that each succeeding of his lectures were more largely attended than the preceding ones attest more eloquently to their merits than an attempt of ours at eulogising them, could W * •

MISSINO.—BVRON QOODYVAB, a man of unsound mind and cheerful disposition. Was last seen at the Cortland Depot about eight weeks since. He wore a gray cloth cap, black coat and pants, and black and white Checked shirt Any Information in regArtl to the said QYHON gratflftoUy received by his friends. Address

,xLoi>0', TOJ*1 DB. F. GooMfAAS, .. •• Cortland, N. Y.

SyracosaBASd'BhalMOhton paper* fcnd)pa-pers In this vicinity, please copy.

« • * — " '• TUKY iUvK TIUIM.—Those now good*

havo arrived at Messrs. TANNER Bros. The assortment to complete. They are offering them at prices -low enough to pleaee the most difficult -*^t<r «w.>^t,~. u

TEACOEHS' EXAMWATIONS.—Cortland Vil­lage, Thursday, April 9, at Stone sohool-house. , ' . .

Virgil CoWre, Frid'sJ'.lprtl iO.ailclibol-house. - • i *• •

itiirford, Monday, April 18, at school-

Cmdbnatra.Wednetid'ay.Aprll l^atKjfOol. houso,'ttpp*r tlUag* '<»' • •'' ' • ~

W^IJti ttfuxaday' A^rH^,: * •choo?. house.

The st 10 o'


THE BEST FLAOB in this town to get gro

son tea, 00 cento per U>., and beat Japan, 06

<MK% BY^«Nr,(iWtlamm**--. ,, •MM"


Marathon Items. The bridge at MarAthon ha\|ng been car­

ried away by the flood of two weeks ago; the /sutler says that their village Is In a "de­plorable condition—the clergyman are on the east side of tho river and the physicians are on the west side." . , .

The Oohttact for building an Iron bridge' has been given to 8. DEGROEP, of Syracuse. The structure Is to be one hundred and eighty feet long and twenty-seven feet wide, resting on two abutments, ono on each sido of tho rlvef, and Is to be1 completed'within twenty days after said abutments are roady— though we are not informed when that will ho.

A ferry for freight and loot passengers has, in the meahtlmo, been WtaMlshed by'StoR* oass Bros, sod CHAJS. ROUTON, who give all persons attending church, day and singing school, » ride for h» If fare.

The Ltadtr of last week has a mysterious Article describing a fight between a man, who was supposed to be drunk, and his wlfo, who, It says, reside "near the outskirts of a village not a thousand miles from Oort-litiul." Tho article goes on to sky that tho wife's tongue was TOO KEEN ,-*that the bus band, Irritated by her words, proceeded to blows ; that the wife, in retaliation, seized the poker and Inflicted a wound over the eyes of her lord and would-be master, which caused hint to. appear next day with his head wrapped In a bandage, and to mutter lu re­ply to the inquiries of curious inquirers, something about "«oai dvsf" and "eindert."

We have seen many persons about our streets of late with their heads bandaged, but knowing the cause in some of tho Cases to be "bolls," we are unable to say that tho rest w re not, W,e dp wonder,, however, I there can be any- possible ooOfiectlbn' W tween the subject of this dark, affair as narra­ted In the Ltad»ry and the subject of tho sketch In this week's Issue of the STANDARD, headed "A Wretched Sight"

iifu7rognto'*e Court. • IIKKOBK A. P. SMITH, MUHItOOATK. ^i,'!'

MARCH 16,-r-In the, matter of proving the last will and testament o f SARAH MttBs, de-cikisud, Of Homer. Wilt admitted to pro. bate, and letters testamentary Issued to CAR; oilN K 9. MH.KS, of Homer.

In the matter of the accounting of the ex-cmiStirs of ItoswKT.i, K. BoiTRNB, deceased, of Olnclnnatus. Final accounting adjourned tq March 80, at 10 A. M. I • - ' - / ' ' '

In the matter of proving the last will and testament of HENBY SMITH, deceased, of Clncinnatus. Adjourned to March 88, at {f A. M. ; M Alum 10.—Iii the matter of the estate of AUSTIN PKMBKH, deceased, of WilleU. Pe^ tltiou of administrator for final settlement tiled, ami citations Issued returnable April 97, at 10 A. M.

8»i ,p-EvmKM.^nm»unlty te-'***/'^

the hantoous faco; the cheek*,"bleared the curious eye,

.Studded the flue ndth v'cjqus horuidry." Thinking, too, of how winning' must be

the education of tho after life of that Child to prevent nit^oltowlng tlie footet*li* io/ hM? degraded father.

Wo have nover been Able., to: comprehend or solve the quesUoifw'satlflry'-fihe wonder, why man, In sober mood, can deliberately

1 place h i m s e l f under tlie mituenco of that w h i c h he knout wi l l sink h im below a b o a s t ; of that w h i c h

"Weaks the brain. It apoltothe. m^oipry, naatens on sge and wilful poverty; It drowns his butter parts, making bis name

. To foes a laujjhtur, to his ft-ronds a »lwuo. 'TIs virtue's poison and tho bane of trust, The match of wrath, the fuel unto lust."

I t seems to us that If respect for his o w n appearance w a s not sufficiently strong to restrain man from tlie indulgence of an ap­petite w h i c h w e have too much regard for the bruto creation to call beastly, respect for his friends or relations, or wlfe v or a desire to transmit to his chl idnrj a fepvitatlon which will help them in the battle of life -would serve to do so ; but, as in the above instance, In addition to the usual disgraco attached to, the bearer of tlie name of drunkard, whefe< a man not only makes a public spectacle o f himself in that humiliating condition, but al­so compels ins innocent little son to become a party to it—thus attaching to him more firmly than before tho curse <if infamy to be loft h im as an' heritago by his father; ;•- -and When w o think of tho m a n y opportunities which have boon showered upon this samo father, (for h e l m s I, mg been a resident of Cortland) which , if improved, wou ld ere this have placed him high upon the list of Influ­ential names,—of h o w he has trampled thorn all under foot,—forgotten lilmseif, his fellow-beings and his God, and made himself w h a t h o i s , a by-word, a reproach, a burden upon society and a scoffer at ovCrythtrigdccont and respeotobJeA-we say it is not apparen>:to us h o w a more wretched, degraded s ight can bo presented b y tho Godlike Human form.

"phimsMt-wpnderniKv. c, •• , That in a whole village full

, j . Friends ho has nonoj* W e k n o w of but o n e ' g o o d ' u s e to which

such a being can lie rattle subservient. I'n-rents can point h im to their sous and say to them: " Iutcmpcrance and vile associa­tions wi l l cftuso you to look i ike that.*' • ' •

• ••ii ' » • • • » . , i .

Court Proceedings. At tho Court of Sessions, tho following

criminal business has been disposed of: The Pooplo vs. William Dady ami Asa M.

Wliitnoll. Defendants arraigned. Dady plead guilh^Bd WlufneH not, guilty. Tho indictment was 'sent lo tho nbxt Sessions on

'WwmujJmiu:: 11 ••..'. ,.— '' t. ~ . ...I.'J^Ui-.' Y . M. C. A. t o t h e P u b l i c .

EDITOR 8*ANDAith :~-Xte»r 8tr~Ki you have kindly offered the Young l$.m'e Chris­tian AsaoclAtloii tho use of youi; columns, It may not tie out of place to say, for tho infor­mation of,Y>U* dltlaens, that tht*npw>tfyni!bi*l nono but church members are takenrato'thu Association as ao|lvn.merAbe% Is vjrong., Jt Is Intended to. Inculcate moral and religious sentiments, and to elevate tho dignity o^btii-natures by teaching young men .to-make a. propci; \iso of. their tlnip. ,,AH moral young men, between the ages of sixteen and forty-live, are Invited to Join: The officers are to be chosen from the active members o f tho Association, and to he uiemliers In good H,,in- • ding Of some Evangelical church. It J»i^-tended to establish (if prospered, and we hope to be) a reading" circle, ioctiires 'and debates, •knd any other means' fo»-tho oultiveilon of' religious and moral principles.' ,. • • •

AH meetings or the Association will bo m.en lo llu< public, mid it is intended I hat I he

'members shall fornlsh, if possible, public en tci-iai a men is, by reading, speaking, anid the like,' so' that those wishing to encourage notno cultivation, can, do so, . •.-,>'; \>

We hope to be encouraged by the public, and that many, not wish ing to become ac­tive members, by reason of ; their ago, wil l be­c o m e HonCrar^^r Llfo hicmbors. Especial­l y do We expect the support and countenance o f the cliargy, and af*' surprised to'find':ahy,:

o u o v w U h n g to lajior for thcsalvattpno.f'.sjitr-' ucrs, mi wil l ing to co-operate with us. Our meetings are to he opened mid closed w i th rehgWhs exercised, a'tid wi l l be orderly'atri respectabfoj Jo lh u»'»ud:rwo wi l l do y o u

,i 1,.', *. 1 ' I iV .

oh is tlio fullest pieces from the


place so far as we could i^'jajtd.aoonUe,^j- Evj^Trl'NrriA^PAPnTBiwE^sometiu^ went, while wo turned away, thinking how tliit

I T I N I T I A L I'APBTKiuis—w will sult.evoiybndy, at tho Book

MuslC Store,

Literary. T h e SBKUC M<tgiui»e, wli

ombodlMfat of the c h o i c e s t . m a g a z i n e and periodicals pt Europe , pub llsbod i n America , g ives for Apr i l a most ox-Collont table of contents. Itihas for a froiifts-plece, a finely engraved lfkehoBS o f Professor F A R A D A Y , a long and Interesting artielo (es­pecially at this time) o n Abyss inkv from the London Quarterly Jtivkw.' ! . VThe firoat Nebula In Qrlob,"—Frazer's M a g a z l n t ; "A Great Man's Rclaxatimia,''— Dubl in "University; "Tlu> M u m m y o f TbobMi.'VChaniber's J o u r n a l ; "The Block­ade , an Episode o f theJBnd ot tho Epiplre," Continued,—Trauslateo from the F r e n c h ; "Tho Eastern Question " Coritlhued-^London Quarterly l t ev iew ; "Tornulloies and Land-Btorms,"—Temple Bar j "Bketchee «.from Norway,"—Temple Bar;: "Literair Lions," •^-Saturday Rev iew, - "Lady Macbeth,"— McMillian's Magn/.lno j "Pro£ Agussiz and l lrazi l ,"^Saturday 'Beytctwi;' " A Strange

. Story ;" "^Esthetic W<>nwn>y-r-Satnfday lfo-v l e w ; "Diamonds and Prebloiik Istones,"— Chambere's J o u r n a l : ' ; T h e F i j w c h Govern­ment and Political, E*llcfl,"jr-waturday Re­view ; "Among tho Paoifio Islands-," "Ele­phant Hunting in South America;"—Lols-u r e H o u r s ; Poetry .MotosoujBooka ,Sc ience , Varieties, and several other articles. < Singlo copies <o( tlie BoUtftie, 40 cents ;

'one copy, one year, fd.OO; t w o Copies," one year. f&OO: five comos, ono year, $20. A d ­dress W , H. Bidwol l & Co., 5 Beokmau S t , N e w York. •'' v';. ',,;, / ' M V , ' V : , : ? ^ ' *

•At A ii A N k e e p s it.

l'utiutm't Magazine for April publishes a list of its contributors, which, wo see contains tltc name* of some ot the most distinguished writers America olalms. Every department pfj learning is bountifully represented. Witli •tlie mwislaneo of such Writers, we do not see

^hOw I'ut)i<im Can possibly "fail lo reach apo-silion as high as 'ambition could nsk. . .The April numbevhas* portrait.of H. W. Bocoh-or.as hoatipbaw in Plymouth Church pul­pit; an Intercstiiig "Paper on Papoti"-


: CiAJKlVOYASf EXA>^tNATlX)Nn^ftt^?*-r^<> subject requires so uiuch, so thorough a study, and Investigation aa bow to' Um% clnimlo diseases. Tlie most In'toljtectitol and learned physicians 'Are often at fault and groping in Uio dark for causo to tlie trah) of symptoms that present themselves. Their skill Is baffled and thousands' go down to ah untimely gravo, for want of n proper under! standing of their osie. Dr. Rvpr^RTmiun has not only the gift of Clairvoyance, but the c x pi sic nee of treating all classes of chronic diseases with almost universal suc­cess. 'Consumption can be cured if tubercles havo not been already formed.^Dyspepsia, i Clwonlo Diarrhea, all female dismes, can be

given vp ny others. -J Let all consult Dr. B. who are snfteriiig

from any-form' of disease, at the Sperry Ho­tel, Cortland, ErtObay and Saturday, M arch, 0aiMli7»iand,two,<}aW|^erYjitwo, weeks af-ter that-

. *WR .ii: notww'i'S tn<»s>i>iii!'!f'i';y:rj •»-"!' IxiYors pf good. bMcult.eake, or bread,

a Baking .lUlJJj-

** Second" part but truth-

istoiynnd its Phi >bf"ThoJi|^i(iessiVaied«r.*8ad „ -IJuI picture of the manner In-which "Poor vGjrtov jurt,,n New YorkGlty ij»rfc thlid.of ''Llfe'lnflrfeatCities('»'"Tlw Popeaudu-tiie

- '^/Tempoi^i...Scjv.eretop^'»V" "Too''True;-a "fory of-5,o,aay.i!f.-',"/' eriand,}" *

. 'cop Jnto. Now Nctli-Chionlclc " ..Ac., .Ac.,


don't fall to get Dr. I'UICK'H Powder, at KINOMAN & Buss*.

'" •'<• • : / : i r t - ' > ! « • " • " : • 'JW-'l:!;.' J,hft(L JUST TABS A I/>OK at the latest styles of

ladles' and misses' nnf gaiters, Just rocetved' aj. DIOBINSON & MoBnAWfl.' They Werei iiiiinii raelurcil oxpressly for them to order) and wociin nKsiiroyoii, lliey lire quite a dlf fereiit article from the Eastern trash with "^hlch the inarket Is flooded. They manu-iUcturc n. large Mho of goods -themselves, and ai««mhif.to sell the" h i t quality of goods to lie found iii town, and positively tissui-o us Hint they can iand will sell tlie same grade of goods hirer tlinu'jsny otliCl- dealers i n Cort­land county. 'AM iiey nsk is a comparison of goods and priee*. At Uio eign of tho

'• NOTICKS of deaths

furniture, Furniture, F U R M I T U


•KWRNITimR Hetoltod St WholesaJo Prioes for the jP.«ext8^TTr»4Y8,»t

Si G.MAYJ)^'WC0^S, ' , 4Ci^Uiftollna8t.,»yracn|se.y.Y,

Nets' ay 1st to our i i l l iSal l i iaSt, , o»r. immense

ipscions We*Mc

w^Uyt»»W«i*V,*s *"!. C9I*XI«R,' l'"'i PA*K>«,'' ; ' U« BtNINO;

j j i»n A KY Ajm|fJTcaat^^rr«N^pq8K,

, ; M lfOR iWll.NKltt>'»tXTi'l)AY^ !'' • Rather than romOVe them. (Mr floods are New. and


• ,; - - j . , i — «» , , , , . ii i ' I . , —

INSX7BANOE! OPlke Old JlStnat,



Ov BPOUBMILLIOlfDOLlAlWL ' •aVWt'ftfi (ttO 'ill \y.;y\ir,t S'l)^ •• j

H.,.lf!«'l i / i ' .^J'D'll'iliJirletl oHj \{f*tt&^tt

fl. ej&Lfif i l toth i lki i l !">«« MS^OY 9W>tlt

u.ttWmPbimm.*®;*M*EV> IIS .,• j \>'<:T)''«aTV*A«iw'<^,i(WacrHOii,ir';!Sliii<i I if«hl vi» m^fit.tgjjjl ;ii ,r«a<Stf/i oil J vn

I oJii

l))tJ! V i i i t i i:U

dw,„.s.",hi»:t Attn , Now 1" tho time to bey

roosi , trade, „.. to tb,e Quality and Price. yont ,'" •''" '

SPRIi ra n i t M H HI ; . »« . OOME^ON^I 'COMB! At-tf^*'5

tar'nemeimber the fntraber, 4 o Booth Saltoa Bt, opponlto Uio UIOIMI Hole). —

U-.-.I0. a HAYDENftOO.

guitars, accordepiis, flu. nas, .coucorUuas, fltltos, Violin and guitar strings, and every­thing In tho mnslBal'llne^^ «tNl<JW - t « 6 « ) ' * t ' H MAHAN'K«boka^a^BrhsittstOro.''( / »>4&t'

Yppg,G()tto$i pirRissiAN AtppqiAipoNvoft Cortlandyllh\mpt,at Eiremw's Hall o». Mon­day j6Yapjings and pwj»sdiagi were cpmnupn-Ce4 with prayer by ?*he President > ' • : >

Tuo *»rrW»«W &M^ffi$i0-On motion of Mr. M Y E U S i t was resolved-

th^t'tlie njj^t mjet ing ,*^ , a , deYptjional one , and. tlije subsequent ono to, bo passed Ju, llteT

raiy-eierolse*.'- . •>.!'"•»««.': •:••' • «i," ,\w..ri< On AwUon o« %Xl&M^kmib^i^i

thkt'fliV <?h»ir! ap"pomt'!'a 'c utnj|ltt*A'-V)f' two \ toi-oMl-eomo historical sketch, and the Chair i appbrnteKM^rB/^Cr^Tit^'"'•%dpit*A:' i;

K G . 8.

pi -t:

'noiiid Kccollccttoiis tjons


Sloeoef AmeriOi Courti'' ••EdltoVi Itarpor

m* , most pop ' Jsplcndld | h jnaitcei''

*l,00p-ba}L A, D - W a t e r s for plalntiil"; i t Champlln for defendants.

T h e Peoplo vs. Geo. ,W. Cottroll chi

. .,.„>., ft,«.,,.j. ..,.» on u with the; understanding that ho whslidf to

>P lgrted' on charge

l'lpad guilty, and oa statement, tlijit Defend-

of sel l ing bfeer.

hug, prosocutod until notilled to stop, and that h e kept a respectable place and was a m a n of good character. The sentence was suspend- , ed till nextterm. ,A.D, Waters fox plain tiff RJI . Dueil (tit.defendant' " ' ' ™

The Peoplo vs. Joseph .Allien. Recogni­zance to keep Uio peace. Discharged, no one appearing to prosecute.' A, DV Waters' for plaintiff i O. Portor for.defenj

ThcPeopUVs.' FrAnklTn^fl!SlfoglaT#rtirifi

William Hiudick. Defendants gave bail in $1,000 for appearance at next Sessions to swer Indictment for assault Ac. A. 0. \v s,-tcrs for plaintiff; W. If. Warren for. defend­ant*. I !• ,-•(,.<••-.. .I»IMII> hiruill -</e > .

The People vs. NehemlaU, Rnrgcsi De-fiiidant arraigned on indictment for forgery Plead not guilty. Sent to noxt Oyei Terminer on «1,000 bail. A. D. Waters for, plaintiff; 11. C. Miner for defendant.

The People vs. B. Frank 'Cftterson.- «De-fendaiit arraigned on imUctmeiit for grand larceny lu stealing clqUdnjr frvni Mi's. Bar­ron. Plead guilty and seiitlo^Ailburn prison ono year and six months. |0U D. Waters for pWntWjL.Q,PQrtei- for defendant

Tho People vs. Luke P. Babcock. Defen­dant plead guilty by hli- attorney xefeAMllng beer. Sentence suspended. A". D, Waters.

SON a coinniittee to: draft additional l*y-laws. On motion of It Ai SMITH, it waei-esolvod

that a vote of tharlksbotehdortdy.,/9. Rttf-. NEY, editor6ftho "ConTI^NDCOCNTTSYAN»' DARD,"vtn tokon of anprocja-tloirof Jrie miss its shown in his. interest in this As. wbu as expressed in-said " H T A N D A W '

Other names wore added to tho list, mul on motion of-J. A. TODD-,: tho meeting ailjourn-ed toiMouday evening hext, at % o'clock.''

A. -rANNER, Pres. 1\ t>. FRB»KRlfoir:, Seryy.'''" •• i J»C )f! ti>.

-1' . • .1 i • i. «as>< a.fci: ', I.t'J ! tit ! .Atthbslgn-.qf.thoGolden'ROot. yo^ar^

sure .Of getting the1 best Rubbers-mid Rubber Boots In Cortland county, Having tho agou.-cyi anil getting their Bubbbf goods from the1

manufacturer, • they claim to sell a- hotter quality of goods than those-buying In small: er.qnantUy, from second; b^da. ^Anything ydu wish to p u r o h a s e ^ their line; youVwifi save nioaey hy .tiuyWg^of '*herni; ['French Calf SeWcd Boots Iron* VfAff to fJt OO. • Don't buy anything buVtaie- boet^they) fwftl'; prove the oheapost (Shqddy g<io4l'»>e doAr', at any price.) Call lu.; v,; '"^' .'•'''.'.•' '.',',,*?'"::

T H E WBATHBR.r-tnUlvS^turday.of last week the snow .continued to .dtocontinue, al-

'Gl ft

••4. [fventyf

i Attic .rev

rls," illustrated tho Minister," llhti

8 * ' « f t # * f W f r , ; ^ w d S l | , < i » i i » r s « i u . | - r W i . v « On motion, tho Chair appointed Messrs. 3- Again ;"'Vltt Lady- .'who put Bait

A. T O D D / # . 1 H . MYERS and -Li- H: (XARRIV? aCoffoo," Jutas'trated ;•' "Round the I

.'WMO-went as'Commissioner of e»t to.SouUi AniericA to je t t ld (ig.clMWs >W«sw;&o7tfi.iwd 01111 voty ontortniniiig and ful-

% ung peoajff.gMtviganAr^HttB.pf:,. ireS'-W 'AWca. f'aheftlsld'-**' <>f iliftiisvi^^^ertided^

ir ox jjbli'mTOfWofc' "English- Photographs by an

as ana-, t i«r Supfame ^•^onBiWoKMi,*.

rawer," Ac, Ac Ptiblishcd by rather* at |4.00 ponyj^r. , 1 1 , ^ . 1 1

• g to,. 1. of Tickuor A Field

uWtcatlonsIgtyeSsJbr.Api jAartthirndHaftlfflay

liade»»'pickeffl ,HluStratea ifi sa*^i*s*afB!^<fcrp< J»aE

11a MtolaV Visit to' ,)^L*»onsonMag-t_

ic French Exposition for ti'lconoluded-rillusttatcd; "ThQ ">illiii»trated.t 'J'Emilv at Homo"

"t in .her* Evenbig

Lamp';" i'put Letter Box," with Jllustra-./tlon, wlthfpootry, music, charades, puzzles, Ac. Only'f3 a year.

The Atlantic Monthly for April gives UiC following coiitento :—

"A Plea for the Afternoon;" "Tho ..Wreck of tho Pocahontas;" "Sponsor;"

"Lagos p»/j ' f "ByWays of Europb;". "OncC More;»' "Our Roman Catholic Brethfon ;" "The Pol'#n'of, tho ltatlicsnako ;" "A Most Kxtmordiaaiy Caso;" "Doctor Molkc's Yx\mte:iW$mMw"*lj" "Aprl;1- "Art;" Reviews end Literary Notloes^ Ac, Pubi

dlsllcd by Tlcknor AFiekls, Bostop, Mass., at#« . .ooW-y^»'< •' • / '„ ' • ' '• . . .•": -i••; ' A ^ ' i ^ M ^ - f o r March'38, hosthefol* lowing contents :-

"Foul J B o v ^ \'fi*Atta/-' Bciencos;" "OhioniclSt an^.^hManfers •» . Dodging, a Shark V 'Xaniarttne V'.- v,The 8qul«e's Tom-,> pfcrTrop j1'' "The Dublin Book Auctions and Rook ••,•«•?!*;,'of Yesterday'1,''' "Foreign

; ' ^ h o Hawking ..pi " * "-"

n>»rtogeswlllliorc-nftcr be published in the STANPA1«I> free of

iwh.?»», i i . ; [Met <?nlyj

ewJTork pneee. ' M 1

—•• oi n - n - A

' ^^ '"Thto 1 wondertul'f " / G^*xv<ll<;

- ©3y^Q^i*»*»?M'rjWfBi1;j«,l ,« ,t

4t<t*rvph Arttvt. , *JrtU!i| 6 i7 f r i . V i j jnim;!.,.. K> UUS-

. | JE^ ON IO, lEAL J - R t O Q ^ ' - 1 ii...OO*TfcMP^W.)rV'-'-. ><u;-..l .

Andprepsrodto makel'llOTOOKAPHBlnallstyles

^ ^ J ^ k v o l , , » - o 1 i i i«"« *»lT;>f'Jill v<0/ 1 l *6bB^Vi6 i» fc f *BX S r t 0 i t o ^ »> ; ^^''''i«Ajrt^tilr'vl*rtt,*ad-'' ;'«^"'i j «i;o.fjtwio!j «V/t> iiiM.Ij hMaamytwn^.^

:4tii ban <JjI« ifAJ»»>-<.i sniyhrjaah tni, M T l 3 R l > O H € O P I « V I K W M 1 to! ifiEi!. jinl ^4JiJ;{i>Vo yhuui f,-,-FrJsjBJf ctvfiiifi*] ,K\H^ owl W-I.JII

• » » » • _ <"\i>-> » ' i " > • <•• i . •

I-idJ ,<n,flr(*u4ir.r<Mw>,.«DA:«, ... i t.

-:'i ;i)»iiH». aftCftl •M-Jl ,\J-J9iii) yitiJIjr1

.--.•I .:/lt »('.v-iii'r" ,i..»ov/ -ii ni diiiq..

:-,i.- ',.-, snaprtonnt pAyvMHQ- Vsr.)»•>:!<;-

' O H I O I O H I O ! O i u o l life preserver keeps tho feet dry and warm. It to a perfect and pormanont polish and does not injure the,; leather. A v e r y 1 foot

BhouWv.bp ; ; P # | b a o M > r t e , i i T l . # ? ' »»J)».f/t;i

^Apothecary Hall. ^ ., ^ ^ ( » ,

, H<wp 8«fj»Te.Tarytfn!Wanti » f w . v r w ttylp H.popjklrt,-, go to jWfrMr#l,W


eery eMap. . _ _ . . . nMtT

i Don' t pae that black, miserable flour, any lbnger,' but g o to JCINOMAW A B M R S ' mid call

• for a sack 'Of" Peacemaker," Which is war-uted bettor tlian any other in market.

rmti 1

) j *^W ^n.w.'';ff'ja'B:tc3pb MB I i '• SNIDER-BISHOP- In this village, Mon-

d»^v^e 88ainst,,at ^S.rei3Jdpnce,Lof the . bridevs faUier, Mr. Luman Bishop, by the \ Rev. J. M. Austin, CHARGES P. SNIUKK to.

Miss Hwff l ML;, BI»H|)P, all of;OorUa)i,d.

iA ! ittniA :<

«in«>'jj mMS OABlMkfj '"•i* Undo as desired.'1 iva I'ifi f-'ii

j -8« '^Hol'ittlfll Urwitlii 1; ,'i!<f"Otl "I

Stereosoopes and Storeosoopio ViewB ' Boston. Now York, White Mountain, - IfcjN

j>e, ana or numvrova oilier 1 * i v w « v i n | V* USVQ 4nwuiiv»ii i | JUIHV

'" salo, or furnished to-order In

',<«,[ Dfi - ij-jrfv.- 3fv*jri'jnt" ''.i iiftr. hvi.'

• -; f f l l # # ^ •«*r«iHk* it i« =

j ti;ol>()j{v/D*MM4rl^i^«<tI vfi sH«l oi . ,Wr*WffW, -*a3*A *,T * ^ H M\»)f Oi l>ti!

Attna and Phcsnlx,

« xHrt1 W ;<j»V"*tx£' - : « n ' iMtBoW, WHAT SHOtr-n BE DONK DSOLAJAM" '''•'

'• , a u o o ^ liutft tifi f i l l ' i-'nit .jNpm-->:>i wromqBora»)ttiT>»jAMw*.1 i .*» i

• fjA$i{ ,-iijt '.1 ' not ;« •(•li'jii:? iti in

'. Ill .>>l/ft;'JTt"ir li"^7IOl('iifto>tvf

.V.'»i»U' 6^05 vtl'rttf ji «f tt , W " i I .I'vjVfe .•liryWMtt-vJ.vi^.ii'isi,- 1

Yilll'lilJ.lVeo.. Ju-CrTT Tft Tl frT •. ^«vr ytt '':. ah



New /a<lTor(iH«;ni<;ntH. '•'":"•: estsctt: - T a: ac

1868.' 18«8.

"Marg* hod o:

•fir otos;"; ("Tho Hawking .Party V,' .«ti" and- "A Surprise." Publ :Ticknoro^ieids,,»tg^per'ye>r.,'(>. •-'. ;.' \f.

for plaintiff uoll for defondani T h e Peoplo vs. Calvin N- Slftoumb., P lead

gdiity to iudictmontfor selling beer" Se>:

tencosuspended. •• • •. "/ ...ti.i-The People vs. Frank' B: Oort and Frltts.

Defendants discharged, no indictment having; beenfound. A. D.nf7atera for plamttff. ,u»..

The People vs. Garry Thompson. Dis­charged from iwOgniranco to keep the peace, no one appearing. A. D. Waters for plain­tiff; R II. Duell for defendant

C a U M ° n t r i > : - / V / . t i V l s . s T , T . l , i O - l F o s SAUB.—TWO houses and lots and one

vacant lot^:d«raniyuT()48ej\n4ir Mnkiist, In this village^ are offered for sale. The houses IjelhgIn good cpndltftni ^ d conYen-iontlyftrrartged, and trie lot^ all"that ooulrx-be desired, tho attention of purchasers is call­ed to theso bargains. For particulars in­quire of ! #11C dA. P. SMITH.

. 85-tf ' i - - " • ' : : i - , - , - • ' " > ; « ; n • ' • • • • - - ' >

The tfvrtery, that.moet.sehaarfmngmjsMi-slho for children, ha^ »H Sorts' o f pleasing thh igs 'W'W April*number. We believe that if Uio parents, who read the STAN DA HD could but see a copy of the Nurtery, they would not rest satisfied that they children Were being educated, properly until this do-. lightful and appropriate collection of lessons, stories, pictures, songs, pootry, Ac , was add­ed to tho little one's books.

iS»itoiuW''#.jta^ Shorey, at 11.50 yer year. • <i '^">f '<••k •.-

, , 1 , . . — f * * : » •••


though less rain fblT than during' the w e e k previous . , 'On Fr iday t h ? .weathejr changed,; and Saturday WA» o n e of the s tormiest days of the past winter . , , Tjlip ^ l ^ j i t e w ^ r i o u B - ; lyj s n o w fell rapidly,, .and W fli)a lattoVwas, darrtp It ^ a s re^Ry n|ore, u n p f c o s a h t t o en*. counter than' "a coid , b l u s t e r i n g . a t o m i ;**». the temperAtatef pre»10tui had-.been-.<* tlie 8u!rat^ , , suna^yry , l ^ e . sUddeni itsttd- great change w « i e r l a n s l y ' folti to(t=i*W0if«^fl( c h o U 6 H " » H prediction^ of a n o a r l y springY A little daughter o f one «if'onr.citlzcus rc-iiiarked complaluingly Uirtt "summer has gon^en^ w,.py\£$^, ,'^^ny, and jorlQua

icolds werAt^.Jr%lC(Wrseli,fo^ thCmft' tlfno this wlhterfb«ra|V»te4 toa visltfroin oio, affecting us,!So?%(«cV* that .'."W; W° on* tlroly Indlfewnt yyhoi er .fei?^po} k«nj» or Uw STANDARD was -i^iuid. We should

t ror torgenr , ^ ^ ^ A^ont ai foofrof enow.'IMlj?wblohw .Waters foe' >«>»*«•. ••V**'"* Awar"iwe#iu*r,to'dta,'^

rlvajfrhas.ty | as, to^Ay tot Itttle rentoins, to "tell the tolo of all the good It ilia not do." Wo presume, Wt4^p*p> iWWt. $$&&.'• iirilays:s|b^m-; wo,*':U»e';last expiring kirtr*.'. and « spiteful ono, tobr-of as long and so-v ^ ' i ' M f e . , ^ ' wo >*CrnWr" to'^ext;

After such a tedious winter, His not wou-kderflil! U»*i the Ixetmn b|f 8pJ.i^'to ioyfliliy haileil by young and old. Professor M. L. HAWJLKY, one of our contributors, seiids lis the follow ing as expressive of his pleasure at thofJaWJfoWsl^ .u-^»»8,n»«»^o*.« M A c b

Vet;" and- "A Surprise." Published by --|,.at*$0 per/ve.tr.

cho ice ' thH»' fo»AeVMie*^ t)f the latest styles, descriptions of fancy work, neW designs of household articles, and ttll put togOtuB: in the War'jjer*' usual handsome stylo, make a rleh-looking numbor. .««

R. B . SpeijLdley & Go.

".•ni ' . . .


""''T' |4 ' t fR's ' ; , Y w

.J"..i/i MoTT .!-.Tr<i.!npiri..^|.j).,,i ,; il^ ni ie.i'fi JAT-r 1 7/

i v i io i j su i ; & iti/i AIL. • li» 1-it inn- , lit •! v . j - i i i ! - . i i - . j

'I" r*n


j Vfl ANfl'I QKNEltAVlt of Wilson, 1 l|flO.,writi trial at, Tt liero; and. cjihia.-*:

IqhM.' 'knoWnj n^ailoon be done on 'hhve never write you W"

•i.l bu-..-. »; ii

omonut.Oj l i s t us and' our'descoudanto for sovoral

,»'.(.tttifij. -Nili d"i, "si-.i

•jBBBRS&JBEifa toes REAI. E t f ip^r dositi); fo"jii]re :a good

. h o u s e for w e n « M (y«a». . I have for sale-' (tn««i 'd^slwble^Xew Wel l ing' 'hof i ses , ' o«,o li ftirrh of forlpr acree, good buildings, ono tract 1 off six a c r t i i a n d building lato#n'ilk«<corpo-,, "ration, and ten acres, good -bi^Ulings,;'and j thhty-f iyo^rito'Of. ioholce -land, lyTng just ibeyondi'f l iaP^ijJr^^^A^

•I 160 acres TOfreetowhj. 'ter,m^ In all cases,

1 I

V .''i-'i T I,/ , »<' , , , , - ,»x:0-^ ...I ..1

' Oai.tM a n d C a p a

•nr. «JSp%gapflSuRuner,!rr^dflf

:'.'j':\>oH Which wo «III sell At '-

" •>'>««"'''' i l l «r%iir:^dds"are ''oi.-. e 'j„ ,

llifti : i\ I,' • j ill 'I.,,! .,; .;i ' | . . | ! .- |. ., !

^ ^ l l ^ t e . ^ W ? : . , ' . < ilosilstoRlvnoiir«n»t<>imirrtalKl(lI) AS--T at u>w FIOUOBS.

uii; wi ••nii'ijir/o id.-w..!i 'iin'>(tyi 19.^16 % , W. ft..nabbanl (, Y,,.Hudcr dato of Febfuary 18, 1: ...S'.Thj Report of/^e riceiit iy.'ls waking up some. It(t<ir;cst -.quirics And calls to see our ma-

AgGlMlfV, are becoming fro-, i o n H i ^ W e f e r J v is^well> iterjt calls have long 'been

. lo little. Job*, that cMd not, or machinos ; and I think wo

Ith iricegi Aoi •} Ailsorfor cfolee

jachfeo Ui having run

eporccnt i > ' i f f l ; t * i r t M T ^

ehave.A good, stock « • i- ;«>•>• mu. , \l\h i; III •>!<•> I,,'•( .

, ) i ^ > / i , ' l ^ H f l H . ' V | . ; - . ' .:.,,<•, :•

mbrella^(M, • r ; , , „

- - - . - . O i u k o w . , AT.*?.,.sKr.*!.,

SUM4to?' •••' of'8 lo >>tta*it'i amDi

IKAP. rV-picaso call' and oxamt.10 g s 5 t t « ..".. .Ti 7T u,.- -i .-: ,-


orJ&'SmlnJorThe'iS ... Whon UwMmphonlea orhature cteaffl'''''''** H1: w«

Wjth»^Ji(^M>to«BWtSv id ,v! h,r, yftn an^» f»?^«* tt«ia5

And nh: Shall

lean fool It Which aro I

For tho etlOK wl Has been whol.

I can see It In the inclln1

AfoiiK tho wusturn sky, Ana tfpon tho liuMisi eloi m

er.rin 11 dreaded !-•

l f t . i l l.uj. thd pnliiv

s»'ht*.<wjim [5Ji{ 6«Mrr«|ts<iSR in

..-•ii'. n .»•!..

Another correspondent SYI.VKSTKH OI.EH, ^vlews.matte^^rn a Marathon stand-point,

and has not, as yet, we, guess, recovered, from tho chilling Influence to which he has

ArtTirton HotMEs.

, THE NmrtyvWf£Wk>•'n«w.i for, Qort" lAiid,,calle^'>rnnVtto]",.ciin be; vobtein*d iat' tjie ' grocery store of KmoHAX A lir.im Similar in appdararice to jaeoclics, they aro. cfulte' sni»l»J^d BltYC>, spley,, pk<Sf,'. tajrt fla-v|or,' which to- decidedly pleasant .Wetjiave tried tills fr||itt,:and It makes "abeautifql p}o and oxcelltot sauco. KINOMAN A Buss

'have thenl.'Sw,; ;

I purpose contlnuliur the trado, at

W U O I . K B A t K A N D I t R T A I T . ,

At tho awne placo, and shall keep constantly on hand a largo stock of tjio

; r :t*. Y"I j .T . ' . i - . ) J:n:. I . !».- •(;,.

Ntimdard ANI> ,...v „,,;, i j„,,, ]ffltt<;«llancoui4 WorkM, (3JIOOL'BOOKS A STATIOlsERY'

"'""•: " ^-I'^ersU-ktods',

Btit»tl5pQKS VTRAtvpStit PA-, '-.,; u •,\MW*JSm WHWirif l 1IKHKH, -I-; » : - : I II" . : . l u l -.

" . - • " * * % & > • • • • • - • • ' • » •

'-<•'• ; "'''-KUSTIOand " ' ,., . ,•,, «A»y»pp»AKng, ; v , .

of aU slses, • -"*»" • Fnat OHROMOB,

. . HTJ<KI. KNWH AV1NI IS, : . PHOTfllinAPHBand, , , , . trrh6URAPn8, • • •

'.'.',, ';,'.', ,/^PABTAJl' . ' ;,'.'...

Marble Busts & Croups, ^(KOANT TOnaT^ETBi ; 1- . •

, , la ItuliKiiilsn tilnss und I'orceltiln,

and. oUjer works of artistic merit

1 Also, s complete assortmeot of -

p a n c y < - <><»<!w, AiiiHtN' JrlidcrialH,

Newspapers, MagiwiiioH, &o.

I am now opening and offerlpg for wdo an Immense stock of -' »

Wall and Window Paper.

SixadeB o u d 'S'ixtur.eB, ' \

SJ'T'O'R f 1" On 'SJoor iiijitli of ^ ; ^T*' • • >T> Pfta ,'i'Tiii) of *»t ii-.u! ilJif^ro,

, ni »ii** 0«uitr 01erk'« Office. ,111-nlJ ii-.i« ^;l^u|it)'^< ^o flj»f{^n.j»

-i ••! l'!{Jii!iit»' vJiiiitiitss i i . t i t oeorJ'} x

mUtt>x l*Mlpt> i SU«i*aaT :"-[..m|rrt',(jl i i v; 1

P ' W m odEi^fcsr1''' • -• ' •••• !it';< -Jr. c . i '••vhL'"i '<A iffll I.' 4*i">li>

Building U f j i r t m : -nXill .-ill .(Plvi»-| fy!\ u 7 r ,».n.,.-T.ri,iyr

,-' -i-.v ,xfi • .-r^'iaHilp-i vii i >o » 7 1 •>.





'1 -• f ->J , ' . .11 ;\ . •- ,

Shelf Hardware ••Liiti- '

i - ,!i / . ' , . „ ; • '

Tin Ware! . , • , 1 ; 11 l u n ' i .' 'n l f . .'

I would Mil special attention tolcversl . . . • . . - ' i i > . l . ' , / ! •

OOOKINCr1 STOVES r - ' : . • . , , - . - / . , - ' . , • . . . . ' h , ' •

Of which I hare aamnlos on exhibition.



beautifyI-pMtons, Whloh I Wll Sell i.t 'or oath. I would respectfully ask t a cart-

- J f t W W t M o f & f 'took land prtoe'sla tkla de. •rtment, by thoso desirous of purchasing, before

I would stso call tho attention of Teachers, fktusl clans, u d all lntbr«st*4 to music, (<• tho Isrgo (took

J _ -..'<*—.-'/ • . " ' ••-. ( , . i '




PLUMBIN0, in its vnrimm bran o).m

• Milk Tats'


FOR ClIBKSK PACTOKKM, • , • > ' . ' . 7 1 - 1 ' i • .

put np im slim 1 actios.


n i i l ' j



, ^ E W , ; S P « I N --it'.-;

•mm. • M l * ' .-,;

I ca.C»c« It when I

In tho axuro or"tho huiivo And the twluklo of tho

iti* * W A R R « N

^ih^'^jifi^^Mmmm •imv Now York, tliey offer greater luducemuuts than. eVqr before^fHid 5*111 keep. eyerything in tho: line of fancjr goods, dress goods, domestics,.

baa Tjt Ao. ThelrJtook of spring casslmores.ls.un>.. svirpassed, having tlie latest styles. - Give thema canf \ ' •i*-'-- -••• • •<-

- ' - - . i f 11 . . W i i f » » S l i ' « " • ' •

"Norwoopi" by BKKOHBR, just received At M A H A N * . ' # "•']." 97' ' I , . . . . , . , m 4 »,.WIM u.ai.-.

APpiiBTO#a Cheap edition of Dickens, 10 to 35' cents per volume, $4.50 complete, at MAUAN'S. 87

[tAjenii •-•..< ^o^ojiri i f -s-I r> rt /" Mosses, jLoaves,: Imortolles and small

shells for'Wlcy'work.fttMAHAN'A • «7 ;"

-•i'-iC....'.'- , r-'-KiUti:- •>n:tlif-t'- V> '..'i'.'.-! r H( ;.:.;:'•,..-.:. -> ^ . t , . , - , ".' U,ii*-j j

1114 I i i V S O \ tc MvAXHUW j «t>'»'«ie«i <i(i<ti:.7.'it;.:i|.'« i inl .-• !.<> ;v/'

i l^er8?or r e , f ,I*M ,* l f?* 1 -•T4-«*»»•»• * W t ' T f u J>'>"ij itinoji<jiio/iii. '.'.> vJj'ii/i'.i. etli"

;^AAtTS.»<A)alftk SH.Ok& I to "•'•iiV' kWVrlllb^sstt-'at'tMe '""' '••<•'•,"*

JkOWSK^5l'-''* f0'"'"'1'4t'""j'|'l|'t' (din una U)$0S6mk>^ < »-«.v«u..i ' xai'{«>fi!o« ™"iflfiruitiuu: w.n-i-A j ''HJAY. '»J>!S«17^.**' ,TPJS«' Jiiiir.il 000Ju j OOo,000,0:.S si fivii.lxJff^pBoii-.'ut,

ttoitwA 'K> Boijnti.ui oC&gHftiKif

1 el J$H ntiij(JujJ^fiti ^ ( p o . ^ d ^ A i

:Adl^*efl*taW*' fV«Ji.,fl ^0 QititoM, iiitS

Musical Instruments! of HOiiilynUIdiMlH.

• • 'i , ' * ' * ! • I j » , u • • " .

SHEET MUSIO, h...- • . . M U 8 I O B O O K S - 1 i ••'(•>• f SINGHNG BOOKS,

And flciioral MUHH.'Af. MKI«!HANJ)1MK, which I am now receiving from the Importers. Mamiractiircrs and I'uhllsliern. and Mhnll kcoii lu stock.

AnyUiliuj in the lino of Miisle., Airiilslicd at tliii list pi lees, with usual discount to Toa ' nlaU promptly dUed. I ~

i"i" UOWI*

Erf..T! r T.r'' T3T.rfT rJI , y, iiS>

WW&^'hfitlf&fatUili • NoTiOB.-r-At a meeting of the Trustees of m m ' X "tie Bmp^:?Coal »hd Mining Company,ou:

Whjch beclouds ovory ray o their reason, of tlie Stookkpldcrs of said company be call-

t ed and he$ft ' W ^ e , <%#',% t^A

1 ray e 1 been tliat tlio thattl

* n . « U b ^ . n S t o e c h ^ " 7 ^ ^ m i M ^ ^ ( p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

• » ! W » « a t t M i ^ M W y stock-

^tlT^\litt»kiil|> • 1 •D.^ofcdiM^hie. 'aWS'

blame for the mere existence ot corruption .{- ul its mldat, If imkuowu. Bat those who by

their patronage knowingly -import corrup­tion, are not only guilty of higratitudo to re-, spcctable socioty, but also of countenancing vioni ' }; , • K [ ; }

. . . , . , , » > » » - — . SoMayraiNo NKW.—Bverett Initial Pape-

teiieatMAHAN'8. m »

- . 8 . D. BBACw^uGo.^t the NfW yprk JTea Warehouse, Masonic Mall Block, Cortland, aro now prepared to duplieote ftny owlor sent to the Great American Tea Company for teas, 1 and will guarantee to ';p»Wl4r«l '«»> tire satisfaction qr no {tale, . . . ; 89

j, >'i ii it. s»4i».>.i%.a'l -J *i yiTZORRAU) A F R R O V S O N , in the Scher-

•«> 8r#?«,;<A«l»N* .1 * W v « t *WMl S!T*«».

CKS When tho woathcr grows slopntr and mild, klndinor'

'tis tho season for sowing the grain • man;

Nowosa of dcathsand marriages will here- of ' "

^l»Mfe oi*

ITAflirjM, . ^'rjjiftbest thlng.ofttt*, is BACON'S homo gymnasl-

ic<|,,dura,bIfl,orn. Va^arliQlethat

laliy thoso fol-


»4l» prise, , >...: ;. th«rt«i«tK«f'>

' • • ' . . ' -

*^m<Whk*nu*. \ -yHSkUt <^V3fttWjB?u l.J^.v

especially '• m . Baud the planner

- -;,.(( ';/»? V.v'i-',.-» i » 1' i>»J- ;nltptla<^

W^i$!r1ti lv«no^w8

;,rrM'Mit',*tt*4 HlWCrt .W VTKH - - wftfWfl *;>lM>a*!ilo<tc. •(../ s>i<,*

T:;^,,;r • ' 0 ^ dap. ; , 1 * 1 II." tell 11 •{. t"~'in~u<':i .1


resellers. Orders by

Ii i Ii; 04 :-l|<il I lii«>*'iii .;i )>t>. -,«h •-:-;

IhsvoauioJustopoudln . ,, . , ...

!4rWr» Ajrn.y4ttWrBM10PMf<WlflW ft*,, O l t l K X I A I, HKA Ni l I I . I S

Which I havo Imported expressly for the people of

rtilfT t •,): I

Ii fctf/nisiin

Ooppor Bnth Tubs,


. ' v , .11 ),:,••> g H r f e * .


, EOIJBJ xv»pm»




. . •: i'rsrAisfctJ t j - tint ii.' " ' " i 1 <

.i.,..Ui ' >. :nti~- - 7 . ' ivlm . tffOfrrTF.rTPfft W.PfcAO*,^. „, ., ,

Ono door a o u t h of Co. Clerk' . oWlM

l|l|X>i...il .1

: theso 1aro (iK 1 to como

this I tint.


t«r csiiiiogiics fiimisiioa. i.i )l tDnif mo :.,.




.fl lf-IOl f.

h n i ^ i ^ ^ ^v^"^ M ! h " \+Wip*ur)<.T,\>-W#?n w m (si wi t\{oo );i '• House, and 19 Acres of Land, ' J ^ta^A^pr^QQBIr^A^.irjrr^^^^ ,,; Belmrjoart ^e .J^^Adaf , .^ . , . ^ , 4 (<i

^ 8 K ; AND O y t . ^ J t g r N Q 8 A^R V^ffffp^

Apdttors is lutoa tkeprsmiiHi|Aii.ii)Ji -qo-to 'C'';iil

• j . IViti'tSffflt-'i H.vgL ff.if'fififtf*'* '«<ni

'• M\nm the whole, or a t>oAlod o ,finei,premisty,'

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SB?iC" , . mipletoOytnastoinsIhsthavobeen previously

» » o ^ o e f ^ o t ? a t f ^ ^ « e ? i g ng adapted to swinging or somersault exorcises,

lclrs wffid oVercofie^tLeeeTufilcnllles,s2o%ls°wa


Trial A#ke4, l'i- '.' .)iii*Vr'..itai.

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MJl «."1 .'Tli7! .': H',i>

rtks"wpBt » W T KWfcueved 1 ImtThls -being cheap, iiorlahlo, and' adapted to all

ib^waWiftr0"* w.'iHrf^.

d by an lnnotona Aavtea, ths rings and

e exercises. Tho apparatus a n also I* j i tos trapew. ftttoettSieto,.eF»Twlb|

je.)n.veplle, , , ., ... ^ 6e M the' •"^"^•~ « -—•-' —*kl '«i-L»-' '

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GROCERIES rv PROvrtiONS, FARM KIW PltODl )OK, Ki.Oll It and ¥K K11

- « A W , " • ' • •wfAa , ' ' 'OO'FPBK, ' -"mkA, BTBUP, JtOLABBBB, PORK,

I. A HI), llin-J'KM, . (• , , OIIKKHK,


DltlKli FlttHT,

,• ••• •' warn PRVMV ' • • ami.h.1 V«OHTAHJe»,

1 j mj'ft* -A'l'.toHl liMtL. '. </ ,vill:'^i.T*ft» ***

Wears well and amply supnllcl wllh all Mis neccs-sarv-varieties ol stock, togotSer wllh lliesupllances

• and aocomiianlments wMeT. tend to make a p * i ^ ^ M' *c pmsror.AKs •"> -;< > IM. ' ]i. OB00 RTBTOBB />..•.<:

and long reUIn toecwrtdwe* ttTifie pnbfi5T^^^^

W BK AB JBKPBtoBrtPKD, , , and oar


The Uraposo adjiiBtnioiitJ with ' trsttons.,w. /rrrrW.:ft

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Oymnssi tint, with fbtir

--9*) •1000, lifji Wo'Ulqs.

tO'il^Vi+vii.', oftl.

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T«rrr)» «r« ReaeonaDte. .'. ' Oatoxuwnosnal^pSrtonry.tos'req.^sto^k ' i • n' vfAIB TftlM. and t'i. .1 ftfil lu<;)y*-A>ti.>

\ •j.,:i',-.-,.:iQP|iBy>fl«»o»of.«eowir rnli-il O. D. BOPS*. 8. B. HPBSSHD. H. B .HODSS. ...

I :T . Specimen Copy 10 cent-

^"^gStoW^pTSVato,, toVcirtto monthly Periodicals.

. r * a ^ « r e * ^ S | | r ! ® l ^ t e f i f ^ • » • " J r ^ n f ^ S J f 1 * * » «*iuW ^ e f f r t " 1

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