epr stress survey - staff

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  • 7/31/2019 EPR Stress Survey - Staff


    Stress In The WorkplaceA survey carried out involving EPR staff

    April May 2012

  • 7/31/2019 EPR Stress Survey - Staff


    Security marking 2


    Survey design and response rates

    Survey questions based on Health Safety Executive (HSE)template

    Questions designed to test experiences and perception of stress

    against 6 Stress Management Standards; Demands, Control,Support, Relationship, Role and Change.

    A free text comment box was also included for staff to expressviews

    205 members of EPR staff completed the survey representing 23%of our staff base.

    72% of respondents are office based staff

    28% of respondents are street based depot staff

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    Headlines from the survey

    Stress arises mainly from reduced capacity within teams to meet

    demands of the job

    Team managers offer support and feedback for doing the job (i.e.the hard stuff) but not necessarily the support required to prevent

    or cope with stress factors (i.e. the touchy, feely stuff)

    Senior managers are not visible enough nor demonstrateinterest/commitment to staff and the issues that cause them stress

    Suggestion of isolated bullying and harassment that should be


    Staff know what their roles and responsibilities are and how that

    fits into the bigger picture

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    Demand - issues like workload, work patterns, and the work


    78% say they have to neglect some tasks

    61% say they have unachievable deadlines.

    69% feel they suffer from unrealistic time pressures

    91% say that they have to work very intensively

    The main issue is lack of staffing. We have too much work to do with too few people. Thismeans we have to sacrifice quality of service

    The area I work in is very busy and under resourced. I find it quite difficult to cope at these

    times, but I don't expect much help from colleagues as they are often busy covering their ownresponsibilities..

    There is not enough staff to do the work and this creates stress

    Senior Managers do not appreciate the pressures that some staff are under with regards towork load

    No mention of impact on health, it is a regular occurrence that I am often physically sick beforeleaving home for work in the morning and I consider that this is a direct result of work stress

    The stress is caused by staff shortages, this is not addressed in the survey questions.

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    Role - Whether people understand their role within the


    97% feel that they are clear what their role and responsibilities are

    93% say that they understand how their role fits into the overall aim of

    the organisation

    95% say they are clear what is expected of them at work

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    Control - How much say the person has in the way they do

    their work

    84% feel they have a choice in deciding how they do their work

    73% feel that they have a say in their work speed

    48% feel pressured to work long hours

    (52% say this is seldom or never the case) 70% agree they have some say over the way they work

    Appraisals do not appear sympathetic when agreed targets have been partially met.

    Its a thankless job and I am persuaded to refuse to take

    any more work as it will count against me at appraisal time and

    this 'poor performance' goes into my file when I am

    shunted over to DRS partner!

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    Support - the encouragement, sponsorship and resources

    provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues.

    85% feel they can rely on their manager to help out with a work problem

    62% say that they are given supportive feedback on the work they do

    38% feel this is seldom or never the case

    65% agreed that they receive the respect at work from their colleagues 47% agree that their line manager encourages them at work

    .. the amount of work expected and time frames involved is unrealistic, leading to long hours and

    often feeling ill as a result of the stressful environment.

    The biggest issue at present is the capacity of Assistant Directors and Team Managers and therefore

    the direction/steer on projects and resolution of technical matters can often come very late in the day

    Management support is very poor and there is a lack of direction within our team.

    Since all the changes taken/ taking place in Barnet the Managers are too busy trying to sell off the

    services. staff are not a priority any staff related issues are ignored ..

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    My colleagues and I have worked under a huge amount of stress since thestart of the DRS process. There has been no support from SeniorManagement in respect of this.

    Management has no time to talk and deal with issues raised and priorityis not put on officer safety and wellbeing.

    there have been incidents of verbal/physical abuse recently, which were not dealt with as high priority. This has caused stress

    Lack of communication, uncertainty and the absence of seniormanagement interest in our day to day work all add to an already stressedenvironment.

    I receive respect from my team colleagues and they are willing to listen towork-related problems. This does not always include the managers

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    Relationship -promoting positive working to avoid conflict

    and dealing with unacceptable behaviour

    48% say that they are never subject to personal harassment

    in the form of unkind words or behaviour

    44.6% say they are sometimes or seldom

    5% say this happens to them often

    2.5% say this always happens

    86% say that colleagues would help them out if work gets difficult 24% feel that such help is seldom or never forthcoming

    38% say that relationships are strained at work

    Some staff treated better than others. One rule for some,

    another rule for others

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    Encouragement and praise from a manager makes all the difference in the world. I believe

    ALL people in authority need to have people skills in place especially in these times when

    more is expected of us due to change.

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    Change - How organisational change is managed and


    74% either disagree (or are neutral) that they are always consulted

    about changes at work (26% agree)

    65% either disagree (or are neutral) that they have sufficient

    opportunities to question managers about change at work

    73% either disagree (or are neutral) that they are clear how changes at

    work will work in practice (27% agree)

    Staff are always informed about change at work - Not Consulted

    I often feel that I am ignored or overlooked. Informal discussions take place in my absence

    so I often feel that I am kept in the dark deliberately about issues that involve my area.

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    Currently no evidence of management being committed to upholding the 6 Stress Management


    Much of the current 'stress at work' is due to widespread uncertainties about DRS and other

    outsourcing. quality, morale and pride in work undermined

    Continual threat of redundancy

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    Other cited stress factors

    Technology in the workplace

    Pay conditions and economic climate

    Low pay, Pay rise!

    No pay rise for nearly 5 years yet everything goes up in price. That equals STRESS!!!!

    Pressure Is caused by council systems such as a long winded recruitment procedure, E

    Recruitment takes to long to set up and is not suitable for manual some of which can not write

    or use computers

    The poor IT exacerbates the situation leaving staff with a complete inability to work at times when

    deadlines are tight

    IT / GIS / financial / policy decisions put off until 'DRS solution' impact on day-to-day work

    The main issue at work is not being given the tools to be able to do your job properly. Often this is

    due to restraints on time, technical issues (such as inefficient IT systems)

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    What next?

    Draft Action Plan to next SMB meeting based on survey findings

    Staff communications to share findings and action plan