equip yourself to share the gospel · 2020. 8. 28. · joseph mutone...

Shop Amazon and Support St. Aloysius In light of the continued spread of the coronavirus in southeast Michigan and the impossibility for parishes to safely accommodate all Catholics for Mass on Sundays, Archbishop Vigneron has extended the dispensation from the obligation to aend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation for all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit, as well as for all travelers during their time within the territory of the Archdiocese of Detroit, until Monday, November 23, 2020. While the dispensation from the grave obligation to aend Sunday Mass is in effect, all baptized Catholics are reminded of the grave necessity they have to keep holy the Lords Day. Archbishop Vigneron wrote a pastoral note entitled The Day of the Lordlile more than one year ago calling to mind this important spiritual obligation. As the day of the Resurrection of our Lord, Christians from the earliest days set Sunday apart as a day unlike others. When it is not possible to participate in person in the Sacrifice of the Mass, it is vitally important for every member of the Catholic Church to nourish his or her soul during these days. This means cultivating a prayer life in their homes, reading Sacred Scripture – especially the prescribed readings for the Sunday Mass – and making Christ the center of ones home and being his disciple the central identity of ones life. It also means continuing to understand Sunday as a day set apart for the Lord. This means activities on Sunday should be different from the pursuits of the rest of the week. Prayer and time for God, time for family, and works of charity should be central to a Catholics Sunday. The obligation to aend Mass (when not dispensed) on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is a grave call for us who have been incorporated into Christ by our baptism to share in the sacrifice of Christ to the Father. It is an obli- gation that we worship God in a way far superior to our most creative and ingenious efforts because it is not our work but Christs. Therefore, we enter into the work of Christ (as members of his body) and we share in the graces of this sacrificial worship. While the dispensation remains in effect, it is imperative that we remember what awesomeness it is to participate at Mass, particularly in receiving Christ in the Holy Eucharist. To lose the centrality of the Mass in our lives would be a spiritual tragedy. A general dispensation to all the faithful has been given so as not to unduly bind the consciences of those who are greatly troubled by the destructive potency of the coronavirus as well as to care for the most vulnerable among us. Catholics who engage in other activities that would present a similar or greater risk of contamination (eating out at restaurants, traveling, non-essential shopping, widening ones circle of contacts, etc.) should begin to return to Sunday Mass as they are able. While one does not commit a mortal sin by absenting ones self during these days due to the dispensation, one would be deprived of the immeasurable spiritual graces Christ desires for his faithful when they actively participate in the Mass. Archbishop Vigneron and his advisors will continue to monitor and adjust this dispensation as needed for the spiritual and physical health of Catholics in southeast Michigan. Let us continue to invoke our patroness St. Anne for her protection of the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit and for a swift end to the coronavirus pandemic. Equip yourself to share the Gospel Learn more at shms.edu or call admissions at (313) 883-8696. FREE DOG & CAT FOOD (SMALL BAGS) We have some great neighbors at St. Aloysius! Our new friends at City Bark is donang pet food for friends on Washington Boulevard. EVERY WEDNESDAY during the Breakfast ministry, packets of high-quality pet food will be made available for our 4-legged friends. City Bark is a pet supply store located in Detroits Capitol Park which carries a large selecon of wet and dry food, collars and leashes, toys, grooming supplies, and more. Visit them at 1222 Griswold St. or call the shop at 313-881- 2275 for more info. They even offer free delivery if you live within 10 miles of their store.

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Page 1: Equip yourself to share the Gospel · 2020. 8. 28. · Joseph Mutone mutone.joe@staloysiusdetroit.com Office Manager (313) 237-5810 danilowicz.louise@staloysiusdetroit.com Monday:

Shop Amazon and Support St. Aloysius

In light of the continued spread of the coronavirus in southeast Michigan and the impossibility for parishes to

safely accommodate all Catholics for Mass on Sundays, Archbishop Vigneron has extended the dispensation from

the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation for all the faithful in the Archdiocese of

Detroit, as well as for all travelers during their time within the territory of the Archdiocese of Detroit, until

Monday, November 23, 2020.

While the dispensation from the grave obligation to attend Sunday Mass is in effect, all baptized Catholics are

reminded of the grave necessity they have to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Archbishop Vigneron wrote a pastoral

note entitled “The Day of the Lord” little more than one year ago calling to mind this important spiritual obligation.

As the day of the Resurrection of our Lord, Christians from the earliest days set Sunday apart as a day unlike

others. When it is not possible to participate in person in the Sacrifice of the Mass, it is vitally important for every

member of the Catholic Church to nourish his or her soul during these days. This means cultivating a prayer life in

their homes, reading Sacred Scripture – especially the prescribed readings for the Sunday Mass – and making

Christ the center of one’s home and being his disciple the central identity of one’s life. It also means continuing to

understand Sunday as a day set apart for the Lord. This means activities on Sunday should be different from the

pursuits of the rest of the week. Prayer and time for God, time for family, and works of charity should be central to

a Catholic’s Sunday.

The obligation to attend Mass (when not dispensed) on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is a grave call for us

who have been incorporated into Christ by our baptism to share in the sacrifice of Christ to the Father. It is an obli-

gation that we worship God in a way far superior to our most creative and ingenious efforts because it is not our

work but Christ’s. Therefore, we enter into the work of Christ (as members of his body) and we share in the graces

of this sacrificial worship. While the dispensation remains in effect, it is imperative that we remember what

awesomeness it is to participate at Mass, particularly in receiving Christ in the Holy Eucharist. To lose the centrality

of the Mass in our lives would be a spiritual tragedy.

A general dispensation to all the faithful has been given so as not to unduly bind the consciences of those who are

greatly troubled by the destructive potency of the coronavirus as well as to care for the most vulnerable among

us. Catholics who engage in other activities that would present a similar or greater risk of contamination (eating

out at restaurants, traveling, non-essential shopping, widening one’s circle of contacts, etc.) should begin to return

to Sunday Mass as they are able. While one does not commit a mortal sin by absenting one’s self during these days

due to the dispensation, one would be deprived of the immeasurable spiritual graces Christ desires for his faithful

when they actively participate in the Mass.

Archbishop Vigneron and his advisors will continue to monitor and adjust this dispensation as needed for the

spiritual and physical health of Catholics in southeast Michigan. Let us continue to invoke our patroness St. Anne

for her protection of the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit and for a swift end to the coronavirus pandemic.

Equip yourself to share the Gospel

Learn more at shms.edu or call admissions at (313) 883-8696.


We have some great neighbors at St. Aloysius! Our new friends at City Bark is donating pet food for friends on Washington Boulevard. EVERY WEDNESDAY during the Breakfast ministry, packets of high-quality pet food will be made available for our 4-legged friends.

City Bark is a pet supply store located in Detroit’s Capitol Park which carries a large selection of wet and dry food, collars and leashes, toys, grooming supplies, and more. Visit them at 1222 Griswold St. or call the shop at 313-881-2275 for more info. They even offer free delivery if you live within 10 miles of their store.

Page 2: Equip yourself to share the Gospel · 2020. 8. 28. · Joseph Mutone mutone.joe@staloysiusdetroit.com Office Manager (313) 237-5810 danilowicz.louise@staloysiusdetroit.com Monday:

Please consider online giving as it is a fast, safe, & convenient

way to support our parish, especially during these trying times.

Visit osvonlinegiving.com/4863 to get started. To learn more,

contact Fr. Mario after Mass or during regular business hours.

August 23, 2020

Weekly Budget $ 3,050.00

Total Collection for Week $ 3,092 50


Monday – Friday 12:15pm


Monday–Friday at 11:45am-12:10pm Saturday 4:15-4:45pm


Please follow the guidelines specified by Fr. Mario.


Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 11:00am

Monday August 31, 2020

12:15pm Fr. John Kopson

Req. by Church of the Divine Child

Readings 1Cor 2:1-5/Lk 4:16-30

Tuesday September 1, 2020

12:15pm Fr. Matt Hood

Req. by Church of the Divine Child

Readings 1Cor 2:10b-16/Lk 4 :31-37

Wednesday September 2, 2020

12:15pm Fr. Ray Arwady

Req. by Church of the Divine Child

Readings 1Cor 3:1-9/Lk 4:38-44

Thursday September 3, 2020

12:15pm Fr. John Shi

Req. by Church of the Divine Child Readings 1Cor 3:18-23/Lk 5:1-11

Friday September 4, 2020

12:15pm Msgr. Todd Lajiness

Req. by Church of the Divine Child

Readings 1Cor 4:1-5/Mt 5:33-39

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday September 5, 2020

5:00pm (

Larry Carson, 45th anniversary of death

Req. by family

Readings Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20

Sunday September 6, 2020

11:00am †James E. Marshall

Req. by Antoinette Marshall & Heather Jones Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life

Req. by Archdiocese of Detroit

Readings Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20

1234 Washington Boulevard Detroit, MI 48226

Parish Office (313) 237-5810 staloysiusdetroit.com

Fr. Mario Amore, Pastor (313) 237-5810

[email protected]

Director of Neighborhood Services

Michael Carsten, OFS (313) 309-1277

[email protected]

Faith Community Nurse

Kathleen Carsten, (313) [email protected]

Parish Engagement Coordinator

Beth Allison (313) [email protected]

Parish Accountant

Stella [email protected] (313) 309-1263

Music Minister

Joseph Mutone [email protected]

Office Manager

Louise Danilowicz (313) 237-5810

[email protected]

Monday: 12:15pm St. Aloysius

5:30pm Our Lady of the Rosary

Tuesday: 12:15pm St. Aloysius

5:30pm Our Lady of the Rosary

Wednesday: 12:15pm St. Aloysius

5:30pm Our Lady of the Rosary

Thursday: 12:15pm St. Aloysius

Friday: 12:15pm St. Aloysius

Saturday: 5:00pm St. Aloysius

Sunday: 9:00am Our Lady of the Rosary

11:00 am St. Aloysius

7:00pm Our Lady of the Rosary

(tentatively Sept.-May)

Greg Jakub ~ Chair

Tom MacNeil ~ Vice Chair

Elena Centeio ~ Secretary


Geraldine Biffle-Faulkner

Cora Krisel

Calum MacNeil


We, the spiritual family of St. Aloysius honor and value the diversity of our community. Through our worship of God, we joyfully commit ourselves to imitate the Good Shepherd. We serve our brothers and sisters when we comfort the lost, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and welcome the stranger. Our service is rooted in our experience of God’s love, which calls us to be the Good News of Jesus in the downtown Detroit community.

Mass Schedule


Ricardo & Marietta Martinez

Bob Betley

Marjorie Peake

Randolph Jackson

Cindy Ianni

James Krupa

Everett Henderson

Phillip King

Rosalind Holmes

Curtis Hogan, Jr

James Lindman

Orlando Eigner

Antoinette Marshall

Wendy Price

Ross Brandon


Enid Forte

Thelma Smith


Paul Wilson

Brennen Wright

Mercedes Biffle

Sr. Agnestine

John R Biffle

Patricia Brock

Ellie McNeill

Darrin McClenney

Carla Holmes

Joe Littman

Valerie Heard

John Fleming

Elena Centeio-Smith

Alex Edge

Kelly Apisa

William Biggs

Howard Blair, Jr.

Kenny Butler

Valerie Moore

Mary Fishwick

Mark Taylor

Sylvia Gonzalez

Matt Gumbel

Alberta Mathis

Flo Fournier

Mrs. P. Frierson

Humberto D’Oriel

Timothy Hood

Please Keep Our Friends in Prayer

Pastoral Care Regarding the Vatican’s Note on Baptism

On August 6, 2020, the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine

of the Faith issued a response to questions regarding the validity

of baptisms in which the words used by the priest or deacon are

different than those in the approved liturgical text. Specifically,

to say, “We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit” does not convey the Sacrament of

baptism. Rather, ministers are to allow Jesus to speak through

them and say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit. “The release of the note has

brought to light the fact that a deacon of the Archdiocese of

Detroit, Deacon Mark Springer, used an invalid formula for

baptism while he was assigned to minister at St. Anastasia

Parish in Troy. The Archdiocese of Detroit and the parish are

working to contact the people Deacon Springer attempted to

baptize at St. Anastasia from 1986 –1999. One individual Dea-

con Springer attempted to baptize was Father Matthew Hood,

assigned to Divine Child in Dearborn from 2017 to June of this

year and now assigned to St. Lawrence in Utica. Since other

sacraments cannot be validly received in the soul without valid

baptism, Father Hood was not validly ordained a priest and was

limited in his ability to celebrate the sacraments. If you or a

loved one sought baptism from Deacon Springer or other sacra-

ments from Father Hood, please visit aod.org/sacraments up-

date and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. You will be

contacted shortly to discuss and remedy your situation. We also

encourage all the faithful to visit aod.org/sacraments update to

learn more about this situation. The page includes a letter to the

faithful from Archbishop Vigneron, a set of frequently asked

questions and a form for those who have specific concerns

about their sacraments to request a phone call from a priest.