$ereillç. louis hoffman hardware co,,fî:: bsv established 1857. incorporated 188«....

* :: BSV INCORPORATED 188«. ESTABLISHED 1857. AVVOïïKCmDMTf. Presbyterian church by Rev. J. E. Jones, of Vicksburg, who took as bis text, Ye are the light of the world.Mr. Jones again preached to a large congregation ^ 1^*«,,*»» county, aa a «mmw iw h»p in the evening and direct«! his remarks n*. (>r vytriat Attorney of tbi* the «h jmuaai cliiefl}to the Young Mens Christian U..T3T»'Ä"i - AaaocUüon. Th. -»ocU.ion M* U |ä^»j8ħ^ °* *B*S a prominent feature at the academy and is a power for good among the boys. RECEPTION MONDAY EVENINO. At tlie Manse Monday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian church ten- dered the students a reception, that proved a charming social event The yard and gallery were lighted with lanterns anil torches, and the dining room am! parlors decorated with flow- ers. During the evening the guests, who numbered all the students and the society people of the town generally, thronged the house ami lawn, prome- nading, trying their skill at archery, sending up balloons, playing crokinole, or enjoying interesting tete-a-tetes un- tler the spreading oaks, the Port Gibson Silver Band all the while discoursing sweetly music that lent enchant- ment to the scene. An interesting feature which the young folks entered into most heartily was the guessing contest for the number of beans in a glass jar, ami voting a handsome cake to the most popular boy at the Academy. Eugene Currys guess carne nearest the number—800ami he was awarded a handsome scarf pin. E. A. Scott re- ceived the highest number of votes as a popular student and took the cake. Ices were served during the entire ev- ening. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee enter- tained most delightfully, and the annual reception will henceforth be looked for- ward to with eager anticipations. CHAMBER LAIR-HUHT. Good Enough for Us. Oen'L Walthalls friends have er- ory reason to believe that be will con- sent to a re-election to the senate, if his return is demanded-as it cer- tainly will be. To encourage his •upporters, as well as those of Gen. George, to vote the old ticket straight, we make this extract from a private letter writteu by a promi- nent Claiborne county citizen now at Hot Springs, Ark. t GenI. Wal- thall is here now, and this letter is prompted by a conversation I had with him yesterday. I told him that when I left home it was the determi- nation of Claiborne to return him to the senate. He expressed his grati- fication, and said many other ooun- ties were doing the same thing. Now, it is very clear that if the people will only say they want Walthall lie will servo them as faithfully in the future as iu the pest. He is too big a man to lose as the representative of Mis- sissippi in the U. S. Senate.That should be sufficient. George and Walthall are good enough for us. -Toe Late. In answer to the Reveilles inquiry as to what response the executive committee had received from George, Walthall, Bnrkitt and Allen, who were invited to address the citizens of Claiborne county, Chairman T. J. Aby replies that Burkitt and Allen have not been heard from, and sub- mits letters from George and Wal- thall, each saying he cannot come to this county until later. After the election on July 4th, we shall need no speakers. The votes of our rep- resentatives will have been decided. Louis Hoffman Hardware Co,, $ereillç. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W# ere authorised to anoouuce cai-t w. a. parish, Commencement Exercise« of Osklsnd's Warth/ Suocaaaor. ---- WIIOLBSALK MU LEM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE Sk, ISM. I Biinly Plows i Impleneiit MAMS in iAUlcts, And all KinS« of 1.1. ALLAI. à. 0. WBABTOI. The session of 1890-91 of Chamber- lain-Hunt Academy closed withthe ex- ercises at Odd FellowsHall last night. The hall was, as usual, packed to the doors with a crowd in which a large number of visitors from/a distance united with home folks in doing honor to the boys. ,, , There is always necessarily more or less sameness about commencements, but the public never tires of oratorical contests among its sons. The young gentlemen acquitted themselves admir- ably last eveoing ami the générons ap- plause and profusion <4 flowers which were showered upon them proved the appreciation of the audience. The pro gram as rendered was as follows : PRAYER. none. disclaimerscontest (prep, dep.) Emmetts Defense - W. S. Collins Hofcrs Defense The Force Bill Snbacriotion Per Fear. $2.00 We are authorize! In annoonee HON. PAT MMKMT of Warren aooni», a candidate tor »he office of dirtrtc» attorney for tb» the 90* JWdMaJ dm- trieI. s*bj*rt to the actio* of the Democratic P»rtr. ___ _______________ f Knlere«! at the Poatoffice at raft bann. Mina., as aecond class matter.] H City Marshall Wm. H. Stewart dropped dead at Natchez, Thursday. The snb-Ts failed to carry a sin" gle box iu the Madison county pri- mary. IiCflore county yesterday instructed overwhelmingly for George and „Walthall. Ex-Senator Jos. E. McDonald passed away at his home in Indian- opolis, Ind. Monday. Dr. Talmage preached about the Homesick SoulSunday. Thats a good text for a commencement sermon. 1 STATE 8EXATOR. ora authorized to announce S -*r i Our steck Laving been pnrdasfd for cash, we are enabled to offer special induct menu to cash purchasers. Address, LCUIS HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO.. HOmiA BLOK, VICKSBURG, MI S r fc. ». comY »« » g**did*Se for the effic» #f tonet» 10th iwnntoria] üMlrtut, <-orapom*l m \ ti*« of Cteibomc and JtflVmon HubJ^et to th* action of th« Democratic jmrtjr of th* ilwtrtlt. w for thin th« om*n- ey-% •* REPRESENTATIVE. W* arc au Chortled to announce . HON. E. M. BARBER as a candidate for re-rlectkm to ofltoe of Rrp- rreenUMreof Claiborne county. Subject to tbe action of the Democratic party. * V We are antboriaed to announce JA8. U. Hl'FNCER an a candidate for Pie office of reprea-ntatire of t laiborn« nooaty, eebjrct th*- action of the Democratic party.______________ . eu ,r i FLo.WKH. - - T. E. Kelly - E. A. Gonion We are authorized to announce CHAS. K. REGAN aa a candidate for tbe office of flotortel repn- W. J. Gaines, wholesale grocer, assigned at Natchez. Liabilities $45,000. Assets thought to be about the same. - 1 Dr. Palmer, John H. Stone, and and Don Caffory open the campaign against the lottery at the Grand Op- era House, New Orleans, next Thurs- day,* ucaio. DISCLAIMERSCONTEST (ACAD. DEP.) The Lone Star Race Problem - The Souths Defense - S. J. Smith MCS1C. Mississippis Constitut»on-B. E. Chancy The Maniac - - - S. M. Spencer IBM. tenuvive f born« and action of the lkmocrzlie party. - - H. P. Berger - F, C. Coleman f ^ are anth »rtfrel tc wimaaf* E. H. STILES aa a candidate for *b»> tilth « of fiflAadsl rryre- aentatirit from the dteh&t couino»o>l of t Ini- born# and Jefferaon cooall«*. suljrrt to the ao- ticti of th* Dwecrattc [urty.________________ ■#%< A fg mim lx FOR SHERIFF. ^ » ANNOUNCEMENT OF DISTINCTIONS AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFIATES. MUSIC. { . - J. McC. Martin Wa are antboriaed to announce Ü. R. walker aa a candid*»« for re-efcwtioii to office of »her Mrs. F. II. Gulley, wife of the edi- tor of the Chronicle, died suddenly at her home in Fayette, Wednesday. The striken family have the sympa- thy of all. The chief of police of Summit re- cently bought two blood hounds to ossiat in capturing offenders. The other night some offender stole both of them. , Dr. R. VV. Jones, recently elected plaident of the I. I. & C. at Colum- bus, declines to accept. The board will meet in a few days to select other victim. Sovero storms rejiortod from Kan- sas, Kentucky, Arkansas and Texas •Saturday. The blow we had Sun- day night was the conclusion of the whole mutter. Address - Subject to the action iff of Claiborne county, of the Democratic party. MUSIC. DELIVERY OF MEDALS. Mono. BENEDICTION. MUSIC. The medals in declamation were awarded Shelton J. Smith and E. A. Gordon, both Port Gibson boys of whom we are all justly proud. B. E. Chaney in the academic and Tom E Kelley in the preparatory contests won golden opinions by their very* excellent decla- mations, and if tliey did not quite reach the medals they have the satisfaction of having captivated the audience. lion. John McC. Martin delivered a thoughtful, scholarly address, filled with wise admonitions to the students. His theme was books.He presented a powerful plea for an elevation of youth- ful taste in reading and counseled a close study of history and philosophy as a preparation for and guide to lifes earnest work. He was listened to with marked attention. The delivery of distinctions, certifi- cates and medals by Prof. Guthrie, as- sisted by Profs. Pollitt and Anspach, was the crowning feature in the estima- tion of the boys. Below is appended a . »-PUE DEEEHTO- We me authorized to announce B. A. OWES aa a candidate fur tbe offle« of sheriff of Clai- borne oounty, «object to the action of tbe Dem- •icratic party.____________________________ ___ These mowers have automatic floating cutter-bars, and save grass hat other mowers leave. Strong, light of draft, and economical. It s worth dollar for dollar when other machines are worn out. Ifl0 B. 80ED0I, Agtat, P»rt fllbssi, lia. McCaleb. A Correction. In report of the Brandywine demo- cratic club moeting, a few days «go, appeared this : Resolved that our representatives in the next legislature be urged to pass a fonr wire fence law for district five.We are inform- ed that the club failed to pass the resolution quoted, but left the ques- tion open until after the primary. Mississippi will make a strong ef- fort to have the proposed Jefferson Davis monument located within her borders. Jackson has already put in a bid for the monument, and appoint- ed a committee to confer with Mrs. Davis on the subject. There is noth- ing small about Jacksons gall. She already lias the capitol, the lunatic asylum, the deaf, dumb and blind in- stitute, the Millsapscollege, the Confederate monument, a candidate for the Unitod States senate, and the Clarton Ledger. She lias curiosities enough. Deputy Sheriffs P, D. Mullins and M. 0. Jones shot and killed an in- offensive negro at Wesson Saturday. They were at the depot looking for a negro accused of assault on a white woman. When the train stopped a negro got off from the rear of the bag- gage car where he had been stealing a ride. Thinking him the man they wanted, the sheriffs fired when the negro started to run, and shot him to death. He was a saw mill hand from Bogue Chitto. E. L. Alford, a young man w1m> recently disappeared from Shreveport La., under mysterious circumstances and was supposed to have been murdered, wandered into a convict camp near Greenville, Miss., Satur- day in a half demented and terribly emaciated condition, begging for morphine to alleviate his pain. He remembers nothing of his departure from Shreveport. The case is a deep mystery. Hancock countys financial condi- tion is splendid. There is $15;000 in the treasury and the county does not owe a cent. Meridian tUandard. That shows bad management, rather. A county should have no money over and above its actual ex- penses. Claiborne owes no man anything and has abont $3,500 in her treasury, but the approaching circuit oourt and the bridges we are building will consume the surplus. A few more days,» few more days,then comes the millenium in politics. The alliance of Hickory Ridge will en- tertain all of the candidates, cum multis on Tuesday, June 30th. Every body is ihviteü to attend and bring lunch baskets full. Rain at intervals during the past two weeks has brought out the crops on the bayon from their puny condition. Mr. ami Mrs. Persy Ôyrnes made a brief visit to his parents this week. He reports the crops in his section of Jefferson county better than those in certain portions on Tensas river where very little rain has fallen. Miss Kate Dunbar, accompanied by Miss Katie Adams of Natchez, aie with Miss Ruth Aby near St Elmo. Mrs. Mary Stanford is visiting friends in Natchez. Mr. George Darden recently return- ed from a visit to his fattier at McNair, reports his condition more favorable since the attack of paralysis has par- tially subsided. Mrs. Archie Jones, now with her parents at White Hall plantation, is re- covering from the dangerous attack of malarial fever which threatened lier CIÎANCKRY CLERK. We in authorized to an«oudo« A. K. JONES a* * candidate for re-rlertioo to office of* Chan- aery Clerk of Claiborne coooty Snbject to the actiuu of the Democratic party. ABSOUBCIlflam-CeatlatwA. aliis, IB ISST Sira NSSIUL SSLLSE UAUUIRAli- We ar* authorized to announce T. U. WALLS aa * candidate for re-eleetion to the office of jUffOc* Of the peace tn dimrtet Z, subject t* ac- tion of Um iKmocratio party. We an aathorized to aaooutce ( HAS. JOHNSON. 8a., a cmdMeti» for re-eleotin* to office or juatice of the pwted in ihatrict t, »abject to the action ef Ute Dwmcrelic party. AND MOI INSTITUTE, FOR COLORED TEACHERS We are authorized to annonnee K. J. SMITH ae candidate for office of chancery elerk of Clai- borne county Subject to aoiioo of Dem.x-rat- lo party. __ And Student* Everywhere, Will open Bettelt »awii on at FortGlbeop, lib«. July 6th, and Continue 3 Months. an- CIRCUIT Cléf.nE. We are antboriaed to aaaonuee < t m w. d. Patterson a candidate for re-election to office of Cueuit Clerk of C aiborne ooasty. Hubj.'ct to aetimi of the Democratic party. EXBOLLED LAST YEAR NEARLY Um This Year Will Doable That Number. We are authorized to annonnee ... j T. B. ADAIR ae a candidat« for the oflioe of Justice of tbe nrace ia tbe 3rd diatriet, »object tbe action tbe Democratic party. THE ONLY Mt-hool in Uk H«oth offering auch advatua'iee to the colored race. IN'. S rnUCTIOS THE BEST. Fire tegular ira*h- rr*. each a epactallet. Any of tlm .mllowing cour-ce can be taken : State License, Una (finde. SVcotid ftiuile, Third Grade, Prepum- fory, K1«k hi ion. Mueiert), Peniuan»hi|>, ,nul I)r.iwinp, Ba-iue*« College EXPENSE- THE LOWEST. Good LoanI and accontiiud.iiiim* ai #8 and lew j«cr month Your esprnee» to und from the a h<»>l wiH i»e paid by u- If crerythlug la not an repfr- wnied. Can anything be fairer * Are y«Mi Hinhitlon- ? Do y..n want to rbet Then write for.fnU uaiatogne to J. M. TAILOR, Port Gibson, Miss. We are authorized to animuflce V. A. FRENCH aa a candidate for nffico af circuit elerk of < | ,i- tjorne couuty. Subject to action of thu Demo- cratic party. . .mm. A physician in the King mnrdor trial at Memphis went so far as to swear that all humanity is crazy, himself included. His testimony proved his hut statement. Strathmcnth, a New York horse, won the great Chicago derby, Satur- day. It was worth $19,000 to the winner. High Tariff, a good horso, dropped dead daring the race. McKinley was nominated for gov- ernor of Ohio by tbe Republican con- vention and the campaign cry will be tariff reform. Whenever the demo- crats stick to that issue they win. Robert Hall and Byron Landon got into a dispute about a handsome young girl and in the fight Landon broke Halft neck. Tbe girl will now probably break Landons heart. We are antboriaed tn »ODcxmce S. NESMITH «a a eandidate for ufiu e of Justice of tbe pence in Diatriet 5, eabp-et to Ute action of the bcuu- crutir party. , .' * We arc authorized tn autumnre GADI E. LUM na a candidate for the office of y.rcuit clerk of Claiborne onnnty, »object to tbe action of Um Democratic party. We are antboriaed to uoanttnee M. F MITCHELL an a candulalc for office of juatice *»f the peace in diatriet i, ioiija-i to tbe action of tbe Dem- ocratic perry. * We are authorized to annonnee D. D. IRWIN M a candidate for Ute office of circuit clerk of 4!laih»rti<ootiiitr, »uhject to tbe actiuu of tbe Democratic parly. , life recently. Freight trains on Little J. run cm little time.Only three trams weekly up and three dowu. list. PORT GIBSON NORMAL SCHOOL o We are aathoriaed to «»now»» Morgans String Band, of Vicksburg, consisting of six pieces, filled in most agreeably intervals between the various items on the program. The music was of a high order of excellence and much appreciated. We are enthoriz-d to auixmitoe WM. WELLS Ç. U. PHILLll8 iu a camliilatc fur jnetice of tbe peace in dis- trict S, »ubjcci tu acMou of Democratic parly. WILL0PSH ON JUNE 29tb, 1891 a candidat* for tbe office uf cirai» eteek of Give the Young Men a Ckenoe. Communicated] Within the last few years many po- litical changes and leforms have taken K * a Old men who have grown old ing office have been compelled to step down and out to make room for those of a more vigorous manhood and enthusiastic nature, and it is best that it is so. Not only is this reform true of the democratic party, but all We do not mean to disparage id work of our elders < 'lailwiie county, »object to the action of tbe Dmaratb- party. - I In buildings of Chambcriuin-lli nt Academy, and continue for a «suit n of twelve weeks. Two departHMBU, Normal ami Preparatory. »Studie* *{K*'ially ud.ij tvsl to tetmhers desiring higher grade certificates. Instruction given iu specialties,including art and vocal and instrumental music. Low rates tuition and board. For partic- ulars and terms address principals. Fuattty: G. Hank, A. M., ) U I. Pollitt, A. B., f Mrs. Mary Hopkins Meek, Miss Sallie D. McGill. Port Gibson, Mi«. 4 SURVEYOR. We are autbnrlzed tu antimitire i . « » K. G. SIDDON' a* a candidate f<»r re-election to tb« offlre of earvryor art hoi of 7 TKKASUÉKR. We are authorised to aatvoauc« . 8. BAON ELL aa a candidate for re-rit-etion la oRk» af Treaad nrer <>f Clailionie oounty. Subject to acl^n of tbe Democratic party. . -, ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. ■EOAUST*. ot 4'UtSurne onuntj, »ubjri« Ui»- Démocratie jarty. ^ABiA. We art «ffiborùo*«t nunoanre L. B. WDtTUOPE ' U* a candidate fur «dfice of e»matable in district I, tabjeet ur actiom of (be Democratic party. Wt* arc amhorized lo announce . . at L W. FIFE aa a candidate for con»1 able in district 3, »ab- ject u> the action uf tb« Iteaiumtic party. tu tbe c. . , .. ( R. B. Anderson Seholarshtp..... |p R 1{ogs 3rd Scholarship.. .., IL E. Flotcher 4th Scholarship.............. J. It. Freeman Spelling.................... .. .. .. M. II. Labenberg Writing..............................W. E. Davidson Bdde History 1st r IJb We are authorized to aononnoe J. R. MOORE as a candidate foe tbe office of ImsaeerofOUi- borm txmuty, subject hi the ecuon of »be Dem- •icratic party. *»* in Ute ; far we ever bow down ....F. E. Ross E. A. Le Blanc ..».S. J. Smith Polk, Livingstone, and McDowell bave invaded the state and « . AS8KS80B. We are authorized to aanwnnce W. H. BENTON aa a eandidate fnr rr-election to offioe of Amra- m>r of Claiborne eonnty. Subject to action of tbe Democratic party. Neatness .... Déclamation.. Ml r from it in reverence the fîuiablest Their pru- dence and foresight we respect ami ad- mire; their vacillating and want of push we deplore. , The old men have had their day and then, should they the younger ones are pour- ing a flood of oratory into willing sub-treasury ears. Their politics is as uncertain as the Clarion-Ledger'*. Co-Prins., OOLO asDOES. We are authorised to announce . B. J. DAVIS as a candidat« f.ir mu* able m di.trirt 5, snl>- Jea» I* UM action of <h« Democratic party. Bite Badge . E. R. Allen . C. E. Barber . M. H. Marx »H. W. Drake 1st. 2nd 3rd Badge -. 4th Bailge.. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. a!5-tf The Kickapoos continue tu play peek-a-boo with Uncle 8am byrefus- ng to treat with the Cherokee com- mission. If Undo Sam really wants to treat let him run for office in Clai- borne. opporiunities. » Why, stand in the way of whose opportunities are yet to ootue ? The young men of taxlay do not be- lieve that they must either go or else wait until death shall their elders, before coming to the front. Neither will they da Democrats in the coming primary, are you for the young men, the mem- bers of the young democracy, or do you prefer those whose vigor and usefulness are impaired and enthusiasm dampened by the weight ofyears ? Give the young men a chance. Give them what they are ablest to bearthe burden of the D. 8. DAVENTORT a „CORONER AND RANGBR. We are authorised to announce 9. O. HALL , M » candidate for office af coroner and ranger, (ffibjccl to *c«fo* of tin Deaooratte party. E. W. HUBER m a Candidateffor tbe office at of rial- bora« eonnty, snbject to tbe action of the Dem- ocratic party. . , . , * 1st. Scholarship. 2nd Scholarship. 3rd Scholarship.. Declamation ............. J. Collins .......... G. llanser .Herman Marx ..E. A. Gordon SUPKKVISOB. We are »«th^'-ul to ariaornre N. McDOUGATX as a candidate for re-election to board of super- visor* from district 1. snbject to tbe actiuu uf tbe Democratic patty. ÊttÊT ----- DEALER IS----- ; FIRE ARMS è AMMUMfTIOM, FISHIMG TACKLE. CUTLER r. AMD SrORTIMG SU90RIE5. I^JEN WANTED. ULTU »ADOtt. •Slavin is now auxions to meet Joo. L. Sullivan. Sullivan will cousent, we hope, and if both can succeed in knocking each other into some other sphere it will be so much the better for morality. With this issue goes au extra tainiug a communication from Hon. E. H. Stiles, candidate for floater. The extra was paid for just like any other, but it makes very interesting reading all the same. The oannon ball train on the Illi- nois Central ran into an open Bwitch five miles from New Orleans Friday night, oolliding with a freight train aud killing several employes. Bishop Hugh Miller Thompson was aboard but escaped injury. Among tho recent graduates at the technical school of Cincinnati were Misses Lucy Briggs and Julia Bed- dings, of Kentucky, who graduated as carpenters. They will probably not pursue their trade but go into a dime museum. Anybody would give ten cents to see a woman drive a nail. The saddest blow yet experienced by the youthful third party is the announcement that Senator Pfeffer, of Kansas, is ineligible to the presi- dency as he was bom in Canada. It was down on the cards to send the geutleman-with*iS0-many-ft-in--hi8- nainö to îhe White House f ku yould votes enough. .......... .. ..B.Cahn .......... Ben Humphreys .................... i:A. Hann GRADUATES IN SPECIAL COURSES. Such as have completed certain of the eleven schools into which the whole course is divided: Badge............ BAdge........ 1st EM We are authorized to annonnee "Z ocatmmrc «■:«,. a candidate for re-election to board of enper- rteore fren. otetriot % enbjoct to tbe action of the Democratic party. 3rd Badge. Shingle men, MUSICAL GOODS. Harmonicaa and Accordéons, Banjo* Violin«, Bows, String«, Autobftrps. » Board Men, We are antboriaed to announce B. H. MORXHEAD Lumber Men, Sawyers, J labor. con- HOOC-KBafl»». JUST RCCClYCD, karg« l*t Uidit aid Eapty Ibtft» Schitxs, peat's, àffierkai Vsei* trap Pavian, that, dap«, Wiis. Partridges tf ill tm m a candidate for Um office of tv parvlvor frem district 1, »object to tbe action uf tbe Deaw- cratic party. Robert Buckner Aoderoon, Walter M. Godwin, Chas. E Haas, Marcus L. Kaufman, Edward A. Le Blanc, Frost Eugene Ross, Shelton J. Smith. Then let us as a unit vote for the young men, who are old with their and allow their opponents, i enough to rest and play grandchildren, to return to e reoose from which they have been tioed. . Young Dem Wood Choppers. We are antboriaed to aaaoauee * J. A. REGAN m candidate for reoteetkm to board at vUnre from diatnat S. Babjeet lo action Democratic party. - * ... f|#k he CtOUSB. toper- Apply to tf 1 Frank C. , Coleman, Bailey Elisha Chaney, Henry Winbourne Drake, C. K Haas, Nat Harris, M. L. Kaufman, M. H. Marx, Blanton F. Moore, Joseph Dunbar Shields, S. J. Smith, M. J. Spencer, S. Marshall Spencer. Harper Hunt, a nephew of the late Dr. J. M. Hunt, of Vicksburg, has become a raving maniac and has been taken into custody. He thinks he has drawn $300,000 iu a lottery. Of oourse hes crazy, and so are all those fellows that keep on buying tickets under the hallucination that IK RATS * n ____________ _ C. A. GORDoN The Excellent Breeding Jack, Muzzle Ind Bieacli-loading Cm Single Shot and Repeating Rittes. Martin. t We ut antboriaed to «oooonce The Ruasum Dramatic Comnanv will present its two plays, Too Much of a Good Thing,and “Irish Linen Ped- dler,at this place next Friday night, June 26th, for the benefit of the new town hall, at which phee the entertain- ment will be held. Immediately after the performance the flow will be cleared and dancing begin. A large crowd will be present E. 8. JEFFERIES aa a candid-te far the effioe at eaperviiior from district 6, »object to tbe action of »be Demo- cratic party. sJ-AlKb:, now at eerrice oa my place near Brandywine pwtoffice. Term» moderato. nuw ftt Repairing of Fire Arms a Specialty* Satisfaction Guaranteed. Chas. Oberschrnidt, Frost Eugene We are aathorised to aaaoanee a a goza a a candidate for the office of »a diatriet &, »object to tbe action oratie parry. C. J. BJVSS. R-urtr Jnuc 9th, 1*91. JJOOMS FOR RENT. ha apervittor of tbe Damb- they might possibly draw their money Handle none but best brands >ct cigars. Miste*, Queens, Tnste* Sweet Thoughts, Panama, Dont, Jackson Square, Clays Statue, Cot- nm. Ol.ivi a nutnoR. ^>n B.riace, OHng Rose, Stratton & « i tir,.' ------------ -- ------- ------- Storm*» Cheroot*. In lObent lme, Parole W>n»key pravanto ami ear, a grip La flore de Magnolia and Hofluun PoroleWbtaKy fortifies »y»tem,atWe]seht ! ^OU8€ Banque t. W. J. Maso>^|| Charles Oberechmidt. back. ZATumai. tcitnor. MAGISTRATE. are authorized lo announce , THG8 FREELAND ae a candidate for Joatice of tba peaoe In dta trict 1, subject to action of Democratic {tarty. Henry P. Berger, Wm. Staid Craig, M. H. Labenberg, Jas. D. Shields. DIBTDIGUI8AKD UNDERGRADUATES. Such as were distinguished on at least three studies at both intermediate and final examinations : Erie Rossman Allen, Robert Buck- ner Anderson, Carl Eluin Barber, Ar- num Earl Barber, Bai William Stead Craig, Henry Drake, Richard E Fletcher, Freeman, Jr., Walter M. Godwin, Nat Harris, Bruce Lamar Holloway, Ed- ward A. Le Blanc. Manny H. Marx, Frost Eugene £088, Joseph j Shields, Mictyah Rodgers Wilson. Several young Mississippians are in hard lnck at West Point Academy. Lewis, of Woodville, Johnson, of Jackson, and Athee, of Holly Springs, failed to pass their examinations. These boys would have passed all right had they laid the frame work of their education at Chamberlain- Hunt Academy. The Nashville (Tenn.) Savings Banks suspended Monday. Liabili- Ttl.s * pleasure to sell Beggs* Family. . Medirines. Kwrv buttle gti*ranU4. Try* , . . .. Ihren, h. K Dudley & CVL,Herman ville. Sunday murmng was delivered at the Apply to The Slit*wipi>Um pokes fun at Hon. Clark Lewis in this way : Hon. Clark Lewis, sub-t candidate far the senate, has spoken to the follow- ing audiences: Forest......................... ilulehurtst........... Brookbaveu .......... Maguoli*.............. Total..................... Endorsements...., To this list might be added : Port Gibson........ Fayette ..è.,.. escaped, but Mr. Lewis secured a con- veyance and chased it to Union Chqrch. We are antboriaed to announce R. W. MAGRUDKR r lio* at tb* peace action of tbe De Ice Cream.Kelleys ice cream parlors opened Saturday with good busint«. Everything has been over- hauls! find refitted, and a more de- a caodklate for trict 1, »abject to 10 party. to die- tn ocrat- ....... 21 if 20 \ ; . .... 39 Winbourne James R 26 lightftrl place to refresh oneself aft*' a hot day# shopping cant be fouud L. A. SIMM» u 1 candidate fot offioe af Jo» wee of tbe peace in diatriu» 1, »Mbjeet to the action ai tbe Iteeso- cratto party _ . FINE SHO y C.Xes. «TA*k for ****** 8 TSIWY M-F-a CO.. fïSiïiu. T-mm. ; n o R«kl#a** Aruk* Salv». Tbe beet «Ure t* tb« w«rid tor <•»»*. .... ■■■hi,m «nos, «Wm, »alt rbenm, f«W ««•», ran OV»pki**|A eh»^ hand», cbilUUli.», sema, *«*1 ,r** »«*»*- eruption*, ami puwtirely curt* p»l«*. " * - 1 ft a.., n required. It Kn »ran toed to ««re ft**-*"* *1'Ö').perhottl* Gsanlna uZa-mini. or »uone.T rt foodcl. I noe M to* trade-mark and cromsi red Ub«* on a rappea perte«, i or »»1« b} J. X »br«vo 15 We are ssabwritod to a* non nos R- F. GORDON a candidate for office of jaetlos of tbe peace ia dttorici 1, »abject to we mtum of tt«, Demo ............ the crowd COMMENCEMENT SER MON nra tic party. m I: , îgj

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Page 1: $ereillç. Louis Hoffman Hardware Co,,fî:: BSV ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 188«. AVVOïïKCmDMTf. Presbyterian church byCHAMBER Rev. J. E. Jones, of Vicksburg, who took as bis




INCORPORATED 188«.ESTABLISHED 1857.AVVOïïKCmDMTf.Presbyterian church by Rev. J. E. Jones,

of Vicksburg, who took as bis text, “Ye

are the light of the world.” Mr. Jones

again preached to a large congregation ^ 1^*«,,*»» county, aa a «mmw iw h»p >«

in the evening and direct«! his remarks n*. (>r vytriat Attorney of tbi* the «h jmuaai cliiefl}’ to the Young Men’s Christian U..T3T»'Ä“"i -

AaaocUüon. Th. -»ocU.ion M* U |ä^“»j8ħ^ °* *B*S

a prominent feature at the academy and

is a power for good among the boys.


At tlie Manse Monday evening the

ladies of the Presbyterian church ten­

dered the students a reception, that

proved a charming social event The

yard and gallery were lighted with

lanterns anil torches, and the dining

room am! parlors decorated with flow­

ers. During the evening the guests,

who numbered all the students and the

society people of the town generally,

thronged the house ami lawn, prome­

nading, trying their skill at archery,

sending up balloons, playing crokinole,

or enjoying interesting tete-a-tetes un-

tler the spreading oaks, the Port Gibson

Silver Band all the while discoursing

sweetly music that lent enchant­

ment to the scene. An interesting

feature which the young folks entered

into most heartily was the guessing

contest for the number of beans in a

glass jar, ami voting a handsome cake

to the most popular boy at the Academy.

Eugene Curry’s guess carne nearest the

number—800—ami he was awarded a

handsome scarf pin. E. A. Scott re­

ceived the highest number of votes as a

popular student and took the cake.

Ices were served during the entire ev­

ening. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee enter­

tained most delightfully, and the annual

reception will henceforth be looked for­

ward to with eager anticipations.

CHAMBER LAIR-HUHT.Good Enough for Us.Oen'L Walthall’s friends have er-

ory reason to believe that be will con­

sent to a re-election to the senate, if

his return is demanded—-as it cer­

tainly will be. To encourage his

•upporters, as well as those of Gen.

George, to vote the old ticket

straight, we make this extract from

a private letter writteu by a promi­

nent Claiborne county citizen now at

Hot Springs, Ark. t “Gen’I. Wal­

thall is here now, and this letter is

prompted by a conversation I had

with him yesterday. I told him that

when I left home it was the determi­

nation of Claiborne to return him to

the senate. He expressed his grati-

fication, and said many other ooun-

ties were doing the same thing. Now,

it is very clear that if the people will

only say they want Walthall lie will

servo them as faithfully in the future

as iu the pest. He is too big a man

to lose as the representative of Mis­

sissippi in the U. S. Senate.”

That should be sufficient. George

and Walthall are good enough for us.

-Toe Late.In answer to the Reveille’s inquiry

as to what response the executive

committee had received from George,

Walthall, Bnrkitt and Allen, who

were invited to address the citizens

of Claiborne county, Chairman T. J.

Aby replies that Burkitt and Allen

have not been heard from, and sub­

mits letters from George and Wal­

thall, each saying he cannot come

to this county until later. After the

election on July 4th, we shall need

no speakers. The votes of our rep­

resentatives will have been decided.

Louis Hoffman Hardware Co,,$ereillç. DISTRICT ATTORNEY.

W# ere authorised to anoouucecai-t w. a. parish,Commencement Exercise« of Osklsnd's

Warth/ Suocaaaor.—---- WIIOLBSALK MU LEM

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE Sk, ISM.I Biinly Plows i Impleneiit

MAMS in iAUlcts,

And all KinS« of

1.1. ALLAI.à. 0. WBABTOI.The session of 1890-91 of Chamber­

lain-Hunt Academy closed withthe ex­

ercises at Odd Fellows’ Hall last night.

The hall was, as usual, packed to the

doors with a crowd in which a large

number of visitors from/a distance

united with home folks in doing honor

to the boys. ,, ,

There is always necessarily more or

less sameness about commencements,

but the public never tires of oratorical

contests among its sons. The young

gentlemen acquitted themselves admir­

ably last eveoing ami the générons ap­

plause and profusion <4 flowers which

were showered upon them proved the

appreciation of the audience. The pro

gram as rendered was as follows :


none.disclaimers’ contest (prep, dep.)

Emmett’s Defense • - W. S. Collins Hofcr’s Defense The Force Bill

Snbacriotion Per Fear. $2.00We are authorize! In annoonee

HON. PAT MMKMTof Warren aooni», *» a candidate tor »he office of dirt rtc» attorney for tb» the 90* JWdMaJ dm- trie I. s*bj*rt to the actio* of the Democratic

P»rtr. ___ _______________

f Knlere«! at the Poatoffice at raft bann. Mina., as aecond class matter.]H

City Marshall Wm. H. Stewart

dropped dead at Natchez, Thursday.

The snb-T’s failed to carry a sin"

gle box iu the Madison county pri­


IiCflore county yesterday instructed

overwhelmingly for George and


Ex-Senator Jos. E. McDonald

passed away at his home in Indian-

opolis, Ind. Monday.

Dr. Talmage preached about the

Homesick Soul” Sunday. That’s

a good text for a commencement



W« ora authorized to announceS

-*r i Our steck Laving been pnrdasfd for cash, we are enabled to offer special induct menu to cash purchasers. Address,


r fc. ». com Y »« » g**did*Se for the effic» #f tonet»10th iwnntoria] üMlrtut, <-orapom*l m \ ti*« of Cteibomc and JtflVmon HubJ^et to th* action of th« Democratic jmrtjr of th* ilwtrtlt.

w for thin th« om*n-


W* arc au Chortled to announce . HON. E. M. BARBERas a candidate for re-rlect km to ofltoe of Rrp- rreenUMreof Claiborne county. Subject to tbe action of the Democratic party.

* V

We are antboriaed to announce JA8. U. Hl'FNCER

an a candidate for Pie office of reprea-ntatire of t laiborn« nooaty, eebjrct b» th*- action of the Democratic party.______________ .

eu ,r

i ■

FLo.WKH.- - T. E. Kelly

- E. A. G onionWe are authorized to announce

CHAS. K. REGANaa a candidate for tbe office of flotortel repn-W. J. Gaines, wholesale grocer,

assigned at Natchez. Liabilities

$45,000. Assets thought to be about

the same.

- 1 ♦ ■ •Dr. Palmer, John H. Stone, and

and Don Caffory open the campaign

against the lottery at the Grand Op­

era House, New Orleans, next Thurs­



The Lone Star Race Problem - The South’s Defense - S. J. Smith

MCS1C.Mississippi’s Constitut»on-B. E. Chancy The Maniac - - - S. M. Spencer


tenuvive f born« and action of the lkmocrzlie party.- - H. P. Berger

- F, C. Coleman f ^W« are anth »rtfrel tc wimaaf*

E. H. STILESaa a candidate for *b»> tilth « of fiflAadsl rryre- aentatirit from the dteh&t couino»o>l of t Ini- born# and Jefferaon cooall«*. suljrrt to the ao- ticti of th* Dwecrattc [urty.________________

■#%< • Afg mim




MUSIC. { . ■- J. McC. Martin

Wa are antboriaed to announceÜ. R. walker

aa a candid*»« for re-efcwtioii to office of »herMrs. F. II. Gulley, wife of the edi­

tor of the Chronicle, died suddenly at her home in Fayette, Wednesday.

The striken family have the sympa­

thy of all.

The chief of police of Summit re­

cently bought two blood hounds to

ossiat in capturing offenders. The

other night some offender stole both

of them. ,

Dr. R. VV. Jones, recently elected plaident of the I. I. & C. at Colum­

bus, declines to accept. The board

will meet in a few days to select

other victim.

Sovero storms rejiortod from Kan­

sas, Kentucky, Arkansas and Texas

•Saturday. The blow we had Sun-

day night was the conclusion of the

whole mutter.

Address • - Subject to the actioniff of Claiborne county, of the Democratic party.MUSIC.




The medals in declamation were

awarded Shelton J. Smith and E. A.

Gordon, both Port Gibson boys of whom

we are all justly proud. B. E. Chaney

in the academic and Tom E Kelley in

the preparatory contests won golden

opinions by their very* excellent decla­

mations, and if tliey did not quite reach

the medals they have the satisfaction of

having captivated the audience.

lion. John McC. Martin delivered a

thoughtful, scholarly address, filled with

wise admonitions to the students. His

theme was “books.” He presented a

powerful plea for an elevation of youth­

ful taste in reading and counseled a

close study of history and philosophy

as a preparation for and guide to life’s

earnest work. He was listened to with

marked attention.

The delivery of distinctions, certifi­

cates and medals by Prof. Guthrie, as­

sisted by Profs. Pollitt and Anspach,

was the crowning feature in the estima­

tion of the boys. Below is appended a

. »-PUE DEEEHTO-We me authorized to announce

B. A. OWESaa a candidate fur tbe offle« of sheriff of Clai­borne oounty, «object to the action of tbe Dem- •icratic party.____________________________ ___

These mowers have automatic floating cutter-bars, and save grass

hat other mowers leave. Strong, light of draft, and economical. It

s worth dollar for dollar when other machines are worn out.

Ifl0 B. 80ED0I, Agtat, P»rt fllbssi, lia.

McCaleb.A Correction.

In report of the Brandywine demo­

cratic club moeting, a few days «go,

appeared this : “Resolved that our

representatives in the next legislature

be urged to pass a fonr wire fence

law for district five.” We are inform­

ed that the club failed to pass the

resolution quoted, but left the ques­

tion open until after the primary.

Mississippi will make a strong ef­

fort to have the proposed Jefferson

Davis monument located within her

borders. Jackson has already put in

a bid for the monument, and appoint­

ed a committee to confer with Mrs.

Davis on the subject. There is noth­

ing small about Jackson’s gall. She

already lias the capitol, the lunatic

asylum, the deaf, dumb and blind in­

stitute, the Millsaps’ college, the

Confederate monument, a candidate

for the Unitod States senate, and the

Clarton Ledger. She lias curiosities


Deputy Sheriffs P, D. Mullins and

M. 0. Jones shot and killed an in­

offensive negro at Wesson Saturday.

They were at the depot looking for a

negro accused of assault on a white

woman. When the train stopped a

negro got off from the rear of the bag­

gage car where he had been stealing

a ride. Thinking him the man they

wanted, the sheriffs fired when the

negro started to run, and shot him to

death. He was a saw mill hand from

Bogue Chitto.

E. L. Alford, a young man w1m> recently disappeared from Shreveport

La., under mysterious circumstances

and was supposed to have been

murdered, wandered into a convict

camp near Greenville, Miss., Satur­

day in a half demented and terribly

emaciated condition, begging for

morphine to alleviate his pain. He

remembers nothing of his departure

from Shreveport. The case is a

deep mystery.

Hancock county’s financial condi­tion is splendid. There is $15;000 in the treasury and the county does not owe a cent. —Meridian tUandard.

That shows bad management,

rather. A county should have no

money over and above its actual ex­

penses. Claiborne owes no man

anything and has abont $3,500 in

her treasury, but the approaching

circuit oourt and the bridges we are

building will consume the surplus.

“A few more days,» few more days,” then comes the millenium in politics.

The alliance of Hickory Ridge will en­tertain all of the candidates, cum multis

on Tuesday, June 30th. Every body is ihviteü to attend and bring lunch baskets full.

Rain at intervals during the past two weeks has brought out the crops on the bayon from their puny condition.

Mr. ami Mrs. Persy Ôyrnes made a

brief visit to his parents this week. He reports the crops in his section of Jefferson county better than those in certain portions on Tensas river where very little rain has fallen.

Miss Kate Dunbar, accompanied by Miss Katie Adams of Natchez, aie with Miss Ruth Aby near St Elmo.

Mrs. Mary Stanford is visiting friends in Natchez.

Mr. George Darden recently return­ed from a visit to his fattier at McNair, reports his condition more favorable since the attack of paralysis has par­tially subsided.

Mrs. Archie Jones, now with her parents at White Hall plantation, is re­covering from the dangerous attack of malarial fever which threatened lier


We in authorized to an «ou do«A. K. JONES

a* * candidate for re-rlertioo to office of* Chan- aery Clerk of Claiborne coooty Snbject to the actiuu of the Democratic party.


We ar* authorized to announce

T. U. WALLSaa * candidate for re-eleetion to the office of jUffOc* Of the peace tn dimrtet Z, subject t* ac­tion of Um iKmocratio party.

We an aathorized to aaooutce( HAS. JOHNSON. 8a.,

a« a cmdMeti» for re-eleotin* to office or juatice of the pwted in ihatrict t, »abject to the action ef Ute Dwmcrelic party.


FOR COLORED TEACHERSWe are authorized to annonneeK. J. SMITH •

ae candidate for office of chancery elerk of Clai­borne county Subject to aoiioo of Dem.x-rat- lo party. __

And Student* Everywhere,

Will open Bettelt »awii on at FortGlbeop, lib«.

July 6th, and Continue 3 Months.an- CIRCUIT Cléf.nE.

We are antboriaed to aaaonuee < t mw. d. Patterson

a» a candidate for re-election to office of Cueuit Clerk of C aiborne ooasty. Hubj.'ct to aetimi of the Democratic party.


This Year Will Doable That Number.

We are authorized to annonnee ... j T. B. ADAIR

ae a candidat« for the oflioe of Justice of tbenrace ia tbe 3rd diatriet, »object I« tbe action tbe Democratic party.

THE ONLY Mt-hool in Uk H«oth offering auch advatua'iee to the colored race. IN'. S rnUCTIOS THE BEST. Fire tegular ira*h- rr*. each a epactallet. Any of tlm .mllowing cour-ce can be taken : State License, Una (finde. SVcotid ftiuile, Third Grade, Prepum- fory, K1«k hi ion. M ueiert), Peniuan»hi|>, ,nul I)r.iwinp, Ba-iue*« College EXPENSE- THE LOWEST. Good Loan I and accontiiud.iiiim* ai #8 and lew j«cr month

Your esprnee» to und from the a h<»>l wiH i»e paid by u- If crerythlug la not an repfr- wnied. Can anything be fairer *

Are y«Mi Hinhitlon- ? Do y..n want to rbet Then write for.fnU uaiatogne to

J. M. TAILOR, Port Gibson, Miss.

We are authorized to animuflce V. A. FRENCH

aa a candidate for nffico af circuit elerk of < | ,i- tjorne couuty. Subject to action of thu Demo­cratic party.

. . „ mm.

A physician in the King mnrdor

trial at Memphis went so far as to

swear that all humanity is crazy,

himself included. His testimony

proved his hut statement.

Strathmcnth, a New York horse,

won the great Chicago derby, Satur­

day. It was worth $19,000 to the

winner. High Tariff, a good horso,

dropped dead daring the race.

McKinley was nominated for gov­

ernor of Ohio by tbe Republican con­

vention and the campaign cry will be

tariff reform. Whenever the demo­

crats stick to that issue they win.

Robert Hall and Byron Landon

got into a dispute about a handsome

young girl and in the fight Landon

broke Halft neck. Tbe girl will

now probably break Landon’s heart.

We are antboriaed tn »ODcxmceS. NESMITH

«a a eandidate for ufiu e of Justice of tbe pence in Diatriet 5, eabp-et to Ute action of the bcuu- crutir party. , .' *

We arc authorized tn autumnre GADI E. LUM

na a candidate for the office of y.rcuit clerk of Claiborne onnnty, »object to tbe action of Um Democratic party.

We are antboriaed to uoanttnee M. F MITCHELL

an a candulalc for office of juatice *»f the peace in diatriet i, ioiija-i to tbe action of tbe Dem­ocratic perry.

*We are authorized to annonnee

D. D. IRWINM a candidate for Ute office of circuit clerk of 4!laih»rti<‘ ootiiitr, »uhject to tbe actiuu of tbe Democratic parly. ,

life recently.Freight trains on “Little J.

run cm “little time.” Only three trams weekly up and three dowu.


We are aathoriaed to «»now»»Morgan’s String Band, of Vicksburg,

consisting of six pieces, filled in most

agreeably intervals between the various

items on the program. The music was

of a high order of excellence and much


We are enthoriz-d to auixmitoe WM. WELLS

Ç. U. PHILLll’8 iu a camliilatc fur jnetice of tbe peace in dis­trict S, »ubjcci tu acMou of Democratic parly.

♦ WILL0PSH ON JUNE 29tb, 1891

a» a candidat* for tbe office uf cirai» eteek ofGive the Young Men a Ckenoe.Communicated]

Within the last few years many po­litical changes and leforms have taken

K* a Old men who have grown old ing office have been compelled to

step down and out to make room for those of a more vigorous manhood and enthusiastic nature, and it is best that it is so.

Not only is this reform true of the democratic party, but all

We do not mean to disparage id work of our elders

< 'lailwiie county, »object to the action of tbe D—maratb- party. - I

In buildings of Chambcriuin-lli nt

Academy, and continue for a «“suit n

of twelve weeks. Two departHMBU,

Normal ami Preparatory. »Studie*

*{K*'ially ud.ij tvsl to tetmhers desiring

higher grade certificates. Instruction

given iu specialties,including art and

vocal and instrumental music. Low

rates tuition and board. For partic­

ulars and terms address principals.

Fuat tty:G. Hank, A. M., )U I. Pollitt, A. B., f Mrs. Mary Hopkins Meek,

Miss Sallie D. McGill.Port Gibson, Mi«.


We are autbnrlzed tu antimitire i . «» K. G. SIDDON'

a* a candidate f<»r re-election to tb« offlre ofearvryor art hoi of


We are authorised to aatvoauc«. 8. BA ON ELL

aa a candidate for re-rit-etion la oRk» af Treaad nrer <>f Clailionie oounty. Subject to acl^n of tbe Democratic party. . -, ‘


■EOAUST*.ot 4'UtSurne onuntj, »ubjri«Ui»- Démocratie jarty.

^ABiA.We art «ffiborùo*«t tâ nunoanre


U* a candidate fur «dfice of e»matable in district I, tabjeet ur actiom of (be Democratic party.

Wt* arc amhorized lo announce

. . at L W. FIFEaa a candidate for con»1 able in district 3, »ab­ject u> the action uf tb« Iteaiumtic party.

tu tbe

c. . , .. ( R. B. AndersonSeholarshtp..... |p R 1{ogs

3rd Scholarship.. .., IL E. Flotcher4th Scholarship..............J. It. FreemanSpelling.................... ...... M. II. LabenbergWriting..............................W. E. DavidsonBdde History

1str IJb

We are authorized to aononnoeJ. R. MOORE ■

’as a candidate foe tbe office of ImsaeerofOUi-borm txmuty, subject hi the ecuon of »be Dem- •icratic party. *»*in Ute

; far we ever bow down

....F. E. Ross E. A. Le Blanc ..».S. J. Smith

Polk, Livingstone, and McDowell

bave invaded the state and« • • . AS8KS80B.

We are authorized to aanwnnce W. H. BENTON

aa a eandidate fnr rr-election to offioe of Amra- m>r of Claiborne eonnty. Subject to action of tbe Democratic party.

Neatness .... Déclamation.. Mlrfrom it

in reverence the fîuiablest Their pru­dence and foresight we respect ami ad­mire; their vacillating and want of push we deplore. ,

The old men have had their day and then, should they

the younger ones

are pour­ing a flood of oratory into willing

sub-treasury ears. Their politics is

as uncertain as the Clarion-Ledger'*.

Co-Prin’s.,OOLO as DOES.

We are authorised to announce . B. J. DAVIS

as a candidat« f.ir mu* able m di.trirt 5, snl>- Jea» I* UM action of <h« Democratic party.


. E. R. Allen . C. E. Barber . M. H. Marx »H. W. Drake

1st.2nd3rd Badge -.4th Bailge..


a!5-tfThe Kickapoos continue tu play

peek-a-boo with Uncle 8am byrefus-

ng to treat with the Cherokee com­

mission. If Undo Sam really wants

to treat let him run for office in Clai­


opporiunities. » Why, stand in the way of whose opportunities are yet to ootue ?

The young men of taxlay do not be­lieve that they must either “go or else wait until death shall their elders, before coming to the front. Neither will they da

Democrats in the coming primary, are you for the young men, the mem­bers of the young democracy, or do you prefer those whose vigor and usefulness are impaired and enthusiasm dampened by the weight of years ? Give the young men a chance. • Give them what they are ablest to bear—the burden of the

D. 8. DAVENTORT• • a • • •

„CORONER AND RANGBR.We are authorised to announce

9. O. HALL , M » candidate for office af coroner and ranger,

(ffibjccl to *c«fo* of tin Deaooratte party.

E. W. HUBERm a Candida teffor tbe office at of rial-bora« eonnty, snbject to tbe action of the Dem­ocratic party. . , . , *

1st. Scholarship. 2nd Scholarship. 3rd Scholarship.. Declamation —

.............J. Collins

.......... G. llanser.Herman Marx ..E. A. Gordon

SUPKKVISOB.We are »«th^'-ul to ariaornre

N. McDOUGATX as a candidate for re-election to board of super­visor* from district 1. snbject to tbe actiuu uf tbe Democratic patty.

ÊttÊT -----DEALER IS----- ;




ULTU »ADOtt.•Slavin is now auxions to meet Joo.

L. Sullivan. Sullivan will cousent,

we hope, and if both can succeed in

knocking each other into some other

sphere it will be so much the better

for morality.

With this issue goes au extra

tainiug a communication from Hon.

E. H. Stiles, candidate for floater.

The extra was paid for just like any

other, but it makes very interesting

reading all the same.

The oannon ball train on the Illi­

nois Central ran into an open Bwitch

five miles from New Orleans Friday

night, oolliding with a freight train

aud killing several employes. Bishop

Hugh Miller Thompson was aboard

but escaped injury.

Among tho recent graduates at the

technical school of Cincinnati were

Misses Lucy Briggs and Julia Bed­

dings, of Kentucky, who graduated

as carpenters. They will probably

not pursue their trade but go into a

dime museum. Anybody would give

ten cents to see a woman drive a nail.

The saddest blow yet experienced

by the youthful third party is the

announcement that Senator Pfeffer,

of Kansas, is ineligible to the presi­

dency as he was bom in Canada. It

was down on the cards to send the


nainö to îhe White House f ku yould

votes enough.

..............B.Cahn..........Ben Humphreys....................i:A. Hann

GRADUATES IN SPECIAL COURSES. Such as have completed certain of

the eleven schools into which the whole course is divided:



EMWe are authorized to annonnee

"Z ocatmmrc «■:«,.a« a candidate for re-election to board of enper- rteore fren. otetriot % enbjoct to tbe action of the Democratic party.

3rd Badge. Shingle men,MUSICAL GOODS.

Harmonicaa and Accordéons, Banjo*

Violin«, Bows, String«, Autobftrps.» Board Men,

We are antboriaed to announce B. H. MORXHEAD

Lumber Men,


J labor.con- HOOC-KBafl»». JUST RCCClYCD,karg« l*t Uidit aid Eapty Ibtft»

Schitx’s, B«peat's, àffierkai Vsei*

trap Pavian, that, dap«, Wiis.Partridges tf ill tm

m a candidate for Um office of tv parvlvor fremdistrict 1, »object to tbe action uf tbe Deaw- cratic party.

Robert Buckner Aoderoon, Walter M. Godwin, Chas. E Haas, Marcus L. Kaufman, Edward A. Le Blanc, Frost Eugene Ross, Shelton J. Smith.

Then let us as a unit vote for the

young men, who are old with their

and allow their opponents, i enough to rest and play grandchildren, to return to

e reoose from which they have been tioed. . ‘Young Dem

Wood Choppers.We are antboriaed to aaaoauee *J. A. REGAN

m candidate for reoteetkm to board at vUnre from diatnat S. Babjeet lo action Democratic party. - * ...


• heCtOUSB. toper- Apply to

tf ♦ 1Frank C. , Coleman, Bailey Elisha

Chaney, Henry Winbourne Drake, C. K Haas, Nat Harris, M. L. Kaufman, M. H. Marx, Blanton F. Moore, Joseph Dunbar Shields, S. J. Smith, M. J. Spencer, S. Marshall Spencer.

Harper Hunt, a nephew of the late

Dr. J. M. Hunt, of Vicksburg, has

become a raving maniac and has

been taken into custody. He thinks

he has drawn $300,000 iu a lottery.

Of oourse he’s crazy, and so are

all those fellows that keep on buying

tickets under the hallucination that

IK RATS* n____________ _ C. A. GORDoN

The Excellent Breeding Jack, Muzzle Ind Bieacli-loading Cm Single Shot and Repeating Rittes.

Martin. *« tWe ut antboriaed to «oooonce

The Ruasum Dramatic Comnanv will present its two plays, “Too Much of a Good Thing,” and “Irish Linen Ped­dler,” at this place next Friday night, June 26th, for the benefit of the new town hall, at which phee the entertain­ment will be held. Immediately after the performance the flow will be cleared and dancing begin. A large crowd will be present

E. 8. JEFFERIESaa a candid-te far the effioe at eaperviiior from district 6, »object to tbe action of »be Demo­cratic party.


I» now at eerrice oa my place near Brandywine pwtoffice. Term» moderato.

nuw ■ftt Repairing of Fire Arms a Specialty*

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Chas. Oberschrnidt, Frost EugeneWe are aathorised to aaaoanee

a a gozaa a candidate for the office of »a diatriet &, »object to tbe action oratie parry.

C. J. BJVSS.R-urtrJnuc 9th, 1*91.

JJOOMS FOR RENT.haapervittor

of tbe Damb-they might possibly draw their money Handle none but best brands >ct cigars. Miste*, Queens, Tnste* Sweet Thoughts, Panama, Don’t, Jackson Square, Clay’s Statue, Cot-

nm. Ol.ivi a nutnoR. ^>n B.riace, OHng Rose, Stratton &« i tir,.' ------------ --------- ------- Storm*» Cheroot*. In lObent lme,Parole W>n»key pravanto ami ear, a grip La flore de Magnolia and HofluunPoroleWbtaKy fortifies »y»tem,atWe]seht ! ^OU8€ Banque t. W. J. Maso>^||

Charles Oberechmidt.back.

ZATumai. tcitnor.MAGISTRATE.

W« are authorized lo announce , THG8 FREELAND

ae a candidate for Joatice of tba peaoe In dta trict 1, subject to action of Democratic {tarty.

Henry P. Berger, Wm. Staid Craig, M. H. Labenberg, Jas. D. Shields.


Such as were distinguished on at least three studies at both intermediate and final examinations :

Erie Rossman Allen, Robert Buck­ner Anderson, Carl Elu in Barber, Ar­num Earl Barber, Bai William Stead Craig, Henry Drake, Richard E Fletcher,Freeman, Jr., Walter M. Godwin, Nat Harris, Bruce Lamar Holloway, Ed­ward A. Le Blanc. Manny H. Marx, Frost Eugene £088, Joseph

j Shields, Mictyah Rodgers Wilson.

Several young Mississippians are

in hard lnck at West Point Academy.

Lewis, of Woodville, Johnson, of

Jackson, and Athee, of Holly Springs,

failed to pass their examinations.

These boys would have passed all

right had they laid the frame work

of their education at Chamberlain-

Hunt Academy.

The Nashville (Tenn.) Savings

Banks suspended Monday. Liabili-

Ttl.s * pleasure to sell Beggs* Family. .Medirines. Kwrv buttle gti*ranU‘4. Try* , . . ..Ihren, h. K Dudley & CVL,Herman ville. Sunday murmng was delivered at the

Apply toThe Slit*wipi>Um pokes fun at

Hon. Clark Lewis in this way :Hon. Clark Lewis, sub-t candidate

far the senate, has spoken to the follow­ing audiences:Forest.........................

ilulehurtst...........Brookbaveu ..........Maguoli*..............


Endorsements....,To this list might be added :

Port Gibson........Fayette ..è.,.. escaped, but Mr. Lewis secured a con­veyance and chased it to Union Chqrch.

We are antboriaed to announceR. W. MAGRUDKR

rlio* at tb* peaceaction of tbe De

Ice Cream.—Kelley’s ice cream parlors opened Saturday with good busint«. Everything has been over­hauls! find refitted, and a more de-

*» a caodklate for trict 1, »abject to 10 party.

to die- tn ocr at-....... 21

if20\ ;. .... 39Winbourne

James R26 lightftrl place to refresh oneself aft*”'

a hot day’# shopping can’t be fouudL. A. SIMM»

u 1 candidate fot offioe af Jo» wee of tbe peace in diatriu» 1, »Mbjeet to the action ai tbe Iteeso- cratto party _ .

FINE SHO y C.Xes.«TA*k for ****** 8

TSIWY M-F-a CO.. fïSiïiu. T-mm.

; no

R«kl#a** Aruk* Salv».Tbe beet «Ure t* tb« w«rid tor <•»»*.

— .... ■■■hi,m «nos, «Wm, »alt rbenm, f«W ««•», •ran OV»pki**|A eh»^ hand», cbilUUli.», sema, *«*1

,r** “»«*»*- eruption*, ami puwtirely curt* p»l«*. " * -1 ft a.., n required. It i» Kn »ran toed to ««re ft**-*"*

*1'Ö').perhottl* Gsanlna ’ uZa-mini. or »uone.T rt foodcl. I noe Mto* trade-mark and cromsi red Ub«* on a rappea perte«, i or »»1« b} J. X »br«vo

15 We are ssabwritod to a* non nosR- F. GORDON

a» a candidate for office of jaetlos of tbe peace ia dttorici 1, »abject to we mtum of tt«, Demo

............the crowdCOMMENCEMENT SER MON

nra tic party.m


, îgj