erica yitzhak: working mom tips

Working Moms: Tips for Getting Through the Emotional Rollercoaster By Erica Yitzhak

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Working Moms: Tips for Getting Through the Emotional Rollercoaster

By Erica Yitzhak

Nobody is a robot mommy. You’re a human being with interests, passions, and desires. If you love your work, throw yourself into it…just make sure you take care to walk away from it, too. Sacrificing your humanity isn’t

a gift to your children.

Your child needs you to be a real, well-rounded person

Job satisfaction doesn’t negate being a good mother

Here’s a tip — you’re gonna miss your children while at work. And you’re gonna have to live with that. But

when the positive feelings of doing a great job at work come swelling up, allow yourself to feel that emotion


Leave work at work and home at home

This is easier said than done, but it may just be the most important advice for a working mother. Mixing

these roles leads to emotional confusion. What are your work priorities? What are your family priorities?

Chances are, these tasks don’t mesh too easily.

Everyone needs a break sometime

All of the compartmentalizing is going to take it’s toll. Plan yourself some down time. You’re young, and you won’t need it at first…and that’s why it’ll be important

for you to schedule the time anyway. Half an hour is all the time you need for your brain to recharge. Maybe

even look into some meditation techniques!

Your decision to work doesn’t lessen your commitment to your children

Handing your children over to a professional for day care doesn’t mean you’re skirting your maternal duties, and it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with your

level of love and care for your children. In fact, the logistics required to organize professional help

requires a great deal of focus and concentration.

Think highly of yourself, working mothers. You know how potent your love for your children is…rest assured

that it won’t simply go away once you clock in.