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1. HE:R3/$ $ - (set/check/get) enabled (1) or disabled (0) hero to hire by all players HE:R3/$1/$2 $1 - (set/check/get) enabled (1) or disabled (0) hero to hire $2 - (set/check/get) players that may hire (one bit - one color) Comments: $2 makes sense (will be set) only if you enable a hero. If you disable a hero that is owned by any player, the hero will be killed.

2. OW:V#/$1/$2 # - owner $1 - left hero to hire in a tavern (-1 = none) $2 - right hero to hire in a tavern (-1 = none) Comments: I cannot guarantee that all will work fine if you set one hero for several players (and as a second copy for one player). A hero that is set to be hired in a tavern will be temporarily set as a disabled one.

3. OW:I#/$1/$2 - additional syntax # - owner $1 - AI/human $2 - Player killed (1) or alive (0) Comments: This command may be used to bring a new player (colour) into the game, even if it didn't start in the game (i.e., didn't start with any Heroes or towns). To do this, or to resurrect a dead player, you must first place a hero on the map with HE:P, set the hero's owner with HE:O, then use the OW:I command to specify if the player is AI or human and set it to alive. If it's a human player, you should also use OW:G to make it the player sitting at the computer, and finally, you must reset the "days to live" for that player with OW:D.

4. New Command !!(#)UN:P$; $ - =1-standard behaviour for lvl8 dwellings (=0-as usual) Comments: Standard behaviour means that the level 8 dwelling will function like any other dwelling in the game, so you must visit it each week to recruit level 8 creatures there and they won't appear in the upgraded level 7 dwelling for the associated town.

5. New Trigger: !?BF; It works when a battlefield is prepared for a battle. New receiver: !!BF:... This receiver may be used/called only after combat triggers. Use !?BF to setup before the battle, or !?BR or !?BG to change the battlefield objects during the battle. New commands: C - do not fill a battle field (every square is accessible) O#1/#2 #1 - type of obstacle to place (-1,0...90) #2 - position (0...186) M#1/#2/#3/#4/#5/#6/#7/#8/#9/#10/#11(/#12) #1 - bitimage of position 0...16 #2 - bitimage of position 17...33 #3 - bitimage of position 34... ... #12 - type of obstacle to place (0...90)

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Comments: If a battlefield is not filled, it still will have inaccessible squares - a bridge in a town siege screen. You can place a transparent obstacle (obstacle value of -1, i.e.,: !!BF:O-1/position) that means that the position will not be accessible but no picture will be shown. M command automatically includes C command. If M command has no #12, it places an obstacle 84 (rock)

6. New trigger !?BR; It works at the start of every round of a battle (for first turn it works twice). Var v997 keeps the turn number: -1 - first turn (before tactic phase) -2 - second turn of tactic phase ... 0 - first turn (after tactic phase) 1 - second turn 2 - third turn ... Comments: First turn (-1,0) goes in "darkness" and you will not be able to show any message, though you can take action. 7. New receiver !!BM#:...; You may check/set/get some parameters of a stack of monsters # - number of a stack (0...41). Usually it is used like 0...20 for a first (0) player and 21...41 for a second (1) player. Commands: T$ - type of a monster P$ - position on a battle field N$ - number of monsters in the stack (current). L$ - hit points lost by the next monster in the stack B$ - number of monsters in the stack (at the beginning of the battle). E$ - number of times a spell-casting monster may cast its spell (not a number of a spell) I$ - side index as for heroes (0-left, 1-right) R$ - number of retaliations each round (check for Royal Griffin) A$ - attack with bonuses D$ - defense with bonuses H$ - hit points S$ - speed F$ - monster flags (as for MA:X) O$ - number of a (hero's) army slot (0...6,-1) K# - Strike a monster with #damage points M#1/#2/#3 - apply a spell to the monster #1 = number of spell #2 = duration in turns #3 = level of skill (0-none, 1-basic, 2-advanced, 3-expert) C#1/#2/#3/#4/#5 - cast a spell from the monster #1 - spell number #2 - position to cast #3 - Monster skill level (0...3) #4 - Hero (???) Skill level (0...3) #5 - Check 4 Target Monster existing (alive) Q#1/#2/#3 put Quick Sand or Land Mine at a position #1 - type (0=Quick Sand, 1=Land Mine) #2 - position #3 - redraw (1) or not (0) J$ - get or check for number of active spells G#/$1/$2 - set/check/get an active spell parameters

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# - spell number $1 - set/check/get duration (0=not applied) $2 - set/check/get level of skill (0-none, 1-basic, 2-advanced, 3-expert) Comments: For Q command, the position will be checked automatically for whether you can place a magic obstacle or not. You can use a stack number 0 for a left side and 21 for right side to be always sure that the magic obstacle will be placed (stack may be dead - all that is needed is a side number). If O$ is set to -1, the stack will not appear in (hero's) army after the battle (i.e., summoned creatures and clones).

8. New receiver !!BH#:...; You may check/set/get some parameters of a hero at # side (0=left, 1=right). Commands: N$ - get or check a number of the hero (-1=no hero). M$ - disable (1) or (re)enable (0) to cast spell C#1/#2/#3/#4 - cast a magic #1 - spell number #2 - position to cast #3 - Hero Skill level (0...3) #4 - Check 4 Target Monster existing (alive) Q#1/#2/#3 put a Quick Sand at a position #1 - type (0=Quick Sand, 1=Land Mine) #2 - position #3 - redraw (1) or not (0) Comments: For Q command the position will be checked automatically for whether you can place a magic obstacle or not. If you use the M command to enable the hero to cast another spell, the spell book still won't reappear until the next stack that you own gets an action (or the same stack gets a morale bonus).

9. New receiver !!BU:...; You may check/set/get some universal parameters of the battle Commands: S#1/#2/#3/#4/#5/#6 summon a stack of monster on a battle field. #1 - type of monster #2 - number of monsters #3 - position #4 - side (0=left or 1=right) of owner #5 - Hero's slot number (-1 -no slot) #6 - redraw (1) or not (0) R - redraw a battlefield after taken action E#/$ - get or check alive monster stack to $ at position #. -1 if no alive monster stack at that position D#/$ - get or check a dead monster stack to $ at position #. -1 if not any monster stack at that position -2 if there is an alive stack at that position O#/$ - get or check an obstacle flag to $ at position #. bit mask: $=0 if there is NO obstacle at the position $&1 if there is a magic obstacle at the position $&2 if there is an obstacle at the position $&4 if quick sand obstacle (magic) $&8 if land mine obstacle (magic) T$ - check if the battle has a tactics phase $=1 if yes, $=0 if no tactics phase C$ - check if the battle has ended (at this turn)

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$=1 if yes, $=0 if not ended yet Comments: Command C may be called from BG1 trigger section or later.

10. New trigger !?BG; It works at every action taken by any stack or heroes. Var v997 keeps a number of the turn: -1 - first turn (before tactics phase) -2 - second turn of tactic phase ... 0 - first turn (after tactics phase) 1 - second turn 2 - third turn ... !?BG; or !?BG0; is called before the action. !?BG1; is called after the action Comments: You can use in the section next to the trigger BG receiver to find a monster stack number (BG:N) and use this number to get access to this monster set up (!!BM...). For !?BG1 trigger !!BG receiver keeps the next monster number to act

11. New receiver !!BG:...; You may check/set/get parameters of the chosen action Commands: A$ - type of an action: 0 = No action (cancel action) 1 = Hero cast a spell 2 = Walk 3 = Defend 4 = Retreat from the Battle 5 = Surrender 6 = Walk and Attack 7 = Shoot 8 = Wait 10 = Monster casts a spell (fairy dragons) S$ - Number of a Spell to Cast D$ - Destination position (magic to monster, walk or attack to) E$ - get a destination monster stack (destination position is used). -1 if no monster stack at that position N$ - Stack number (0...41) Q$ (check only!) - current attacking side (0=left or 1=right) H$ - number of a hero owner (-1=no hero) Comments: If a monster cast a spell before an action (enchanter magic or Troll regeneration), it goes before trigger. If you want to use up a monster stack's action, you can "walk" the monster in place (A$=2 and set destination to current position with D$).

12. New command for BA receiver (in !?BA0 trigger): !!BA:B B# - set a background pic (1...25,-1=default) B^file.pcx^ - set a custom picture for a battlefield Comments: Path to the file.pcx is taken from DATA folder. As usual filename+extension must not be longer than 12 chars. The pcx file must be 256 colours and 800x566 pixels to properly fit. The top edge of the picture forms the "background" of the battlefield and the rest is the battlefield area itself. Experiment!

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13. New additional syntax for HE:E and HE:R commands E$1/$2 - hero's experience $1 - experience points $2 - hero's level R4/$ - set/check/get hero's tactic control $ - 1=enable, 0=disable

14. New command for !!MW# receiver. E$ - check for existence of this WM number # $=1 if there is a WM number #, otherwise $=0 15. Extended (additional) syntax for !!(#)UN:V command: V$1/$2/$3/$4/$5 $1 - get or check the WoG version $2 - get or check the ERM version $3 - get or check "one or more humans" in the game =1 for one human, =2 for more than one human $4 - get or check "one or more PCs" in the game =0 for one PC (no net), =1 for more than one PC (net) $5 - get or check type of the game =0 - Single Player =1 - IPX =2 - TCP/IP =3 - Hot Sit =4 - Direct Connect =5 - Modem 16. New command for !!TR receiver: V. V$ - set/check/get a visibility of a square (one bit - one color) Comments: This is similar to the UN:S and UN:H but for individual squares and you can check or get the value. Also, monsters have sight (1 hex) and this can be enabled or disabled -- they have a bit value number of 256.

17. New trigger: !?CM. It works when you click the right mouse button at any place on the adventure map. It sets up an internal ERM structure that can be used with the !!CM receiver in the following section. Comments: Data in the structure will not be saved. This means that you can use it in a receiver section of this trigger. For now there is only one CM trigger - !?CM0; (!?CM;) But later there will be more triggers for other screens. They will be !?CM1, !?CM2...

18. New trigger !!CM:... Get/check/set info about mouse click. Commands: T$ - type of an action (usually 512) S$ - subtype of the action (usually 14) I$ - item (area) of the screen 0=outside of any item 1=small map 37=big map ... (complete list is at the end of this document) F$ - flags & 0x200 means right mouse click ...

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A$1/$2 - absolute position of a cursor in pixels $1-x $2-y P$1/$2/$3 - map position $1-x $2-y $3-level R$ - enable standard reaction (1) or disable (0). Comments: P command work only for items 1 (small map) and 37 (big map). At the moment, T, S and F commands may not be needed so much. 19. Mithril is added as a new custom resource (number 7). You can get/check/set it with !!OW:R#/7/$ # = player $ = quantity of Mithril Comments: Start playing with this and write scripts for ways to spend it. :-)

20. New command for !!(#)UN:... B#/$ set operation of new chests and Mithril #=type (0-Mithril,1...4-new chests) $=operation (0-standard,1-advanced) Comments: For all new chests (type 101, subtype 1...4) standard operation means a standard Treasure Chest. Extended gives nothing to a visiting Hero (assumed that all is defined through the ERM). In both cases, the chest will disappear after being taken. For Mithril (type 79, subtype 7) standard operation means that when you (or AI) pick it up, you will get a random type of resource (except wood or ore) and quantity that is set up for the stack in the map editor (for gold will be *100). Extended operation means that Mithril will be added to the Mithril stock of the player and you can check and set it with UN:R#/7/$. Both work for human or AI. AI treats Mithril as gold when deciding to pick it up or not. 21. New Commands for !!OW receiver: A#/$ get/check/(set) active hero number #=owner (0...7,-1=current) $=Hero number (0...155,-1=not choosen) N#/$ get/check/(set) active town number #=owner (0...7,-1=current) $=Town number (0...47,-1=not choosen) W#/$ get/check/(set) number of towns owner controls (placed in the list) #=owner (0...7,-1=current) $=Number of Towns (0...47) W#1/#2/$ get/check/(set) number of owner's town in the list #1=owner (0...7,-1=current) #2=Towns number in the list (0...47) $=Town number on map (0...47)

22. I added a new syntax for town receiver !!CA. You had before: !!CAx/y/l:...; !!CA#:...; indirect reference to x=v[#], y=v[#+1], l=v[#+2]

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New syntax: !!CA0/#:...; # is a number (CA:U command) Also a new command: !!CA:P. P$1/$2/$3 -get/check/(set) town position $1=x, $2=y, $3=level Complete List of CM:I areas

0 - area with no item number Note: some areas won't even register when right-clicked and others have the no item number (value 0). 1 - world map (mini map) 2 - border of hero information square 3 - kingdom overview button 4 - surface/underworld button 5 - quest log button 6 - sleep/wake hero button 7 - move hero button 8 - cast spell button 9 - adventure options button 10 - system options button 11 - next hero button 12 - end turn button 13 - hero list: scroll up arrow 14 - hero list: scroll down arrow 20 - hero list: move bar for hero #1 21 - hero list: move bar for hero #2 22 - hero list: move bar for hero #3 23 - hero list: move bar for hero #4 24 - hero list: move bar for hero #5 25 - hero list: mana bar for hero #1 26 - hero list: mana bar for hero #2 27 - hero list: mana bar for hero #3 28 - hero list: mana bar for hero #4 29 - hero list: mana bar for hero #5 30 - town list: scroll up arrow 31 - town list: scroll down arrow 32 - town list: town #1 33 - town list: town #2 34 - town list: town #3 35 - town list: town #4 36 - town list: town #5 37 - adventure map 38 - rollover bar (messages/chat etc.) 39 - hero list: hero #1 40 - hero list: hero #2 41 - hero list: hero #3 42 - hero list: hero #4 43 - hero list: hero #5 1000 - resource/date bar (edges) 1001 - wood value 1002 - mercury value 1003 - ore value 1004 - sulfur value 1005 - crystal value 1006 - gems value 1007 - gold value 1008 - date (month/day/week) 1009 - wood icon 1010 - mercury icon

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1011 - ore icon 1012 - sulfur icon 1013 - crystal icon 1014 - gems icon 1015 - gold icon 2000 - hero information square 2001 - hero info square: portrait 2002 - hero info square: name 2003 - hero info square: attack value 2004 - hero info square: defense value 2005 - hero info square: power value 2006 - hero info square: knowledge value