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Principal Krysten Cameron Head Secretary Jennifer Whitfield Secretary A Debra Litvack Caretaking Team Brent Marshall Rhonda Allen Robert Yolkowski Superintendent of Schools Jackie Young (905) 764-6830 Trustee Susan Geller (905) 763-8682 GERMAN MILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL 61 Simonston Blvd. Thornhill, Ontario L2T 4R5 (905) 889-8776 fax: (905) 889-8725 E:mail: [email protected] Website: Blog: A note from Ms. Cameron… Spring is finally here! It is wonderful to see the flowers blooming and the trees greening. It was great to see so many of our families at our school musical and bookfair. Students, parents and staff worked hard to put on the show above all others, and they certainly managed! What a great couple of evenings we had. I’d like to thank Ms. Barnett and Ms. Sirju as well as the parents and community members who devoted their time to making these evenings happen. Our school council is looking for- ward to welcoming everyone back on May 8 th for our first ever Boutique Night. I’d like to thank all parents who drop and pick up their child(ren) at our Kiss and Ride for respecting and following the safety protocols that have been put in place. We all greatly appreciate your patience while waiting for the line of cars to move through the designated Kiss and Ride lane. As the weather gets warmer, I encourage as many families as possible to take the opportunity to walk to school together! As we continue the planning for next year it would be most helpful if you could provide us with the fol- lowing information: let us know if you’re moving or if you know of a family moving into the neighbourhood. If you know of families moving into the area who have not yet registered their children for next year, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. We are in the process of determining the class organization for the 2014/2015 school year. As we approach the time when staff begins to con- sider placement of students for next year, we would like to remind parents that there are many factors that are used in determining the best place for each child. Although we do not take parent requests for specific classroom teachers or student pairings, I do assure you that our staff will use their professional judgement to make informed decisions when creating bal- ance classroom learning communities for the 2014-2015 school year. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support of this complex process. The next two months will be very busy as we re-assess each child’s reading progress, administer the EQAO testing to students in grades 3 and 6, and organize our programs for the beginning of next year. I thank you for your continued support and assistance in helping us to build a dynamic and supportive culture at the school. Please continue to check the blog ( ) for information on the many number of activities and events we have planned. There are field trips and sporting events as well as other performances and special things ahead. Finally, I would like to welcome Barbara Nicholson to German Mills. As I leave on maternity leave May 9, 2014, Mrs. Nicholson will be here to carry on the work that I have been doing. She has many years experience as a Principal in the YRDSB and is looking forward to spending some time here at German Mills. Mrs. Nicholson and I will work together closely while I am off to ensure consistency and a very smooth close to this year and open to the next. Although my family and I are very excited to wel- come the newest member of our family, I will miss the family I have come to know at German Mills and look forward to returning next year. With thanks, K. Cameron MAY 2014

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Page 1: ERMAN ILLS UBLIC SCHOOL - Pages - Home

Pr incipal Krysten Cameron

Head Secretary Jenni fer Whi t f ie ld

Secretary A

Debra L i tvack

Caretaking Team Brent M arshal l Rhonda Al len

Robert Yolkowski

Super intendent of Schools

Jackie Young

(905) 764-6830

T rustee

Susan Gel ler (905) 763-8682

GERMAN MILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL 61 Simonston Blvd. Thornhill, Ontario L2T 4R5

(905) 889-8776 fax: (905) 889-8725 E:mail: [email protected]



A note from Ms. Cameron…

Spring is finally here! It is wonderful to see the flowers blooming and the trees greening.

It was great to see so many of our families at our school musical and bookfair. Students, parents and

staff worked hard to put on the show above all others, and they certainly managed! What a great couple

of evenings we had. I’d like to thank Ms. Barnett and Ms. Sirju as well as the parents and community

members who devoted their time to making these evenings happen. Our school council is looking for-

ward to welcoming everyone back on May 8th for our first ever Boutique Night.

I’d like to thank all parents who drop and pick up their child(ren) at our Kiss and Ride for respecting and

following the safety protocols that have been put in place. We all greatly appreciate your patience while

waiting for the line of cars to move through the designated Kiss and Ride lane. As the weather gets

warmer, I encourage as many families as possible to take the opportunity to walk to school together!

As we continue the planning for next year it would be most helpful if you could provide us with the fol-

lowing information: let us know if you’re moving or if you know of a family moving into the

neighbourhood. If you know of families moving into the area who have not yet registered their children

for next year, please encourage them to do so as soon as possible. We are in the process of determining

the class organization for the 2014/2015 school year. As we approach the time when staff begins to con-

sider placement of students for next year, we would like to remind parents that there are many factors

that are used in determining the best place for each child.

Although we do not take parent requests for specific classroom teachers or student pairings, I do assure

you that our staff will use their professional judgement to make informed decisions when creating bal-

ance classroom learning communities for the 2014-2015 school year. We thank you in advance for your

understanding and support of this complex process.

The next two months will be very busy as we re-assess each child’s reading progress, administer the

EQAO testing to students in grades 3 and 6, and organize our programs for the beginning of next year. I

thank you for your continued support and assistance in helping us to build a dynamic and supportive

culture at the school. Please continue to check the blog ( for information on

the many number of activities and events we have planned. There are field trips and sporting events as

well as other performances and special things ahead.

Finally, I would like to welcome Barbara Nicholson to German Mills. As I leave on maternity leave

May 9, 2014, Mrs. Nicholson will be here to carry on the work that I have been doing. She has many

years experience as a Principal in the YRDSB and is looking forward to spending some time here at

German Mills. Mrs. Nicholson and I will work together closely while I am off to ensure consistency and

a very smooth close to this year and open to the next. Although my family and I are very excited to wel-

come the newest member of our family, I will miss the family I have come to know at German Mills and

look forward to returning next year.

With thanks,

K. Cameron



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At GMPS, safety is paramount. As of late, the safety of our students, staff and parents has

been put at risk in the pick up and drop off area. Please note that the traffic patterns and

rules must be adhered to. Markham by-law officers have been called to begin issuing tickets.

Please do not leave your vehicles in the bus loop and please demonstrate respect to all.

No parking or leaving vehicles unattended in the bus loop (indicated by the red arrows)

Thank you


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In order to set your child up for success on a daily basis, it is expected that all students ar-

rive to school just after 8:45a.m. Outdoor supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. and classes be-

gin at 9:00 a.m. If you plan to arrive at 8:55 a.m., you risk the chance of arriving late. As a

reminder, students need to use their regular entry doors. The front doors are to be used

for students arriving late.


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FUTURE ENGINEERS Grade 5s from Ms. Frohlinger's class worked collaboratively to plan, construct, and test the strength of a

bridge. Bridges were required to be a minimum of 30cm high, 25cm wide, and 50cm long. The winning bridge supported a load of more than 20 math text books.

Post Group Reflections:

"We should have taped the trusses together, so it makes the supports stronger. We were good with the dowels. We rolled the newspaper really tight."

"We should have used our time more wisely and we shouldn't have rushed to finish. Next time we should

make more rolls and connect our outer four supports to the middle. Over all, we think we did a good job as a team"

"We need more triangles, beams, and stilts. We should line them up side by side instead of making them random. We need to make the beams stronger."

"We should have make our supports stronger. This project didn't go the way it was planned, but at least

we know what to do if we do it again!"

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On Tuesday April 8, our grade 7 students joined by Paralymic Swimming Legend Chelsey Gotell got to demonstrate the Lifesaving Society of Ontario innovative Swim to Survive. Students are also seen here with the Mayor and other elected officials. Great time had by all!


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The Grade 7 swimming experience with "Swim to Survive" was both educational and informative. There we tested our strength by swimming with and without clothes to save others without endangering ourselves. This experience changed my life. Now I think if I'm ever needed to help and save someone in need, I have the confidence and the skills to act and do whatever is necessary to be of assis-tance. We feel privileged to have had the opportunity to participate in this wonder-ful opportunity. Carl W. 6/7 F

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German Mills Public School grade seven students "Got Dressed to Go Swimming" with legendary swimmer Chelsey Gotell, Para-

lympic Gold Medalist at the Milliken Mills Community Centre to participate in the Lifesaving Society of Ontario’s innovative

Swim to Survive+™ program. Students were taught to roll, tread water and swim with clothes on– simulating real-life situations.

Swim to Survive+™ also showed the students how to assist a friend who may have accidentally fallen into deep water. The stu-

dents were congratulated by Mayor Frank Scarpitti for learning skills that will make their communities safer


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During the last two weeks of May our Grade 3 and 6 students will be participat-

ing in the annual EQAO provincial testing. The objective and reliable facts

obtained from these tests add to the current knowledge about student

learning and are an important tool for improvement at the individual,

school and provincial levels. If your child is in Grade 3 or Grade 6 we are

asking that you do your best to ensure that they are in attendance for the dura-

tion of the testing from May 26-June 5. Results of the tests will be sent to

each child in September 2014.

If you have any questions regarding the tests, please do not hesitate to contact

your child’s teacher or the Administration. There is no additional preparation re-

quired for the testing as it is based on the Ontario Curriculum that students

work with on a daily basis. For more information, we encourage you to visit the

EQAO website and click on the link for Parent Resources.


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As the warm weather approaches and we move from our

winter clothing to summer clothing, it is worth reviewing the dress

code with both parents and students. The students’ dress code sup-

ports respect for the learning environment. Respect for self and oth-

ers are evident when students dress in a suitable and proper manner

for all school activities.

The following clothing is NOT permitted:

· Shirts or pants that reveal the stomach

· Tank tops with spaghetti straps (the 3 finger rule must be ob-


· Halter/tube tops

· “short” shorts and micro-mini skirts

A discreet neckline is to be adhered to.

We ask that students do not wear “flip flops” as their daily footwear

for safety concerns

Are You Moving? Let Us Know

If you are planning to move and will not be attending German Mills in September 2014, please

notify the office. If you know the name of the new school, please let us know as well. Sharing

this information with us as soon as possible is greatly appreciated. By helping us in this way, we

will be able to make accurate enrolment projections for September.



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Thursday, May 8th, 2014 6:00-8:30 pm Boutique Night @ German Mills Public School

Just in time for Mother’s Day…come and shop for you or for someone

else. Proceeds go to GMPS.

Amazing venders include…

Pampered Chef Antiques

Scentsy Alli’s originals

Gemz Ice boy

Tupperware Stella & Dot

South hill Design Arbonne

Sylvan learning center Handmade crafts

Cool off with frozen yogurt

PIZZA and DRINKS for sale to enjoy before, during, or after you shop.

Sponsored by G.M.P.S School Council

61 Simonston BLVD

Thornhill ON


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Sports with Jay

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Sports with Jay

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Pioneer Village


Sports with Jay


Welcome to JK





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Sports with Jay




JUNE 24, 2014