ernesto “che” guevara different · 2017....

NATIONAL 3 GRANMA INTERNATIONAL MARCH.17.2017 | Danae González del Toro • “OUR free eyes open now on new horizons and can see what yesterday, in our condition as colonial slaves, we could not perceive: that “Western Civili- zation” disguises with its showy facade an image of hyenas and jackals.” The legendary figure of Ernesto “Che” Guevara has been, and will forever be, an example for Cuba and people across the entire world. He performed various roles in our country: a leader of a guerilla column in the struggle to over- throw the Fulgencio Batista dic- tatorship; undertaking volunteer work alongside the Cuban peo- ple; supporting the development of the island’s sports movement; and as an internationalist com- batant. He was renowned for being a clear thinker, who predicted the dismal future awaiting humanity if we were not intelligent enough to stop it. In 1964 he participated in the United Nations General Assembly, an event no one will ever forget and which will forever be recorded in history. In his remarks before the largest global forum, Che addressed int- ernational events of the time. He spoke about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led to direct U.S. military intervention in Southeast Asia and the start of the Vietnam War. He went on to comment on events in the Congo, where he had previously traveled cland- estinely with a small contingent of Cuban combatants; and of course couldn’t fail to mention the tightening of the imperialist block- ade against Cuba. He also made a call to the President of the General As- sembly: “We would like to see this Assembly shake itself out of complacency and move forward. We would like to see the com- mittees begin their work and not stop at the first confrontation. Imperialism wants to turn this meeting into a pointless orator- ical tournament, instead of sol- ving the serious problems of the world. We must prevent it from doing so. This session of the Assembly should not be rem- embered in the future solely by the number 19 that identifies it.” As well as an excellent fighter, Che was also, according to Com- andante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz a “tireless worker, in the years that he served our homeland, he never knew a single day of rest.” And not only did he stand out as a guerilla leader, head of a ministry as important as that of Industry, and director of the Nat- ional Bank of Cuba, but also as a regular man helping out with everyday tasks such as voluntary work. Ernesto “Che” Guevara is no longer with us, but his legacy continues to live on in the heart of every revolutionary across the world. By remembering Che, we not only honor, but also, revive him, paying tribute to him in the best way possible by doing what needs to be done. To Che the Cuban people say: ¡Hasta Siempre Comandante! • ERNESTO “CHE” GUEVARA Different views of a global personality Ernesto Guevara at the United Nations, 1964. Pictured in Bolivia, from left to right, Gustavo Machin Hoed de Beche (Alejandro), Guido Alvaro Peredo Leigue (Inti), Leonardo Tamayo Núñez (Urbano), Eliseo Reyes Rodríguez (Rolando), Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che) and Carlos Coello (Tuma). The Argentine-Cuban guerilla commander while helping to build houses for residents of Las Yaguas in 1961. Che playing chess. Efigenio Ameijeiras, Ernesto Guevara and Guillermo García. Photo taken between April and May of 1957 in the Sierra Maestra. Heroine of the Moncada attack, Melba Hernández, with Che. Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara (Che) the night before Che departed for the Congo, March 31, 1965. ARCHIVE RAÚL CORRALES ARCHIVE COURTESY OF THE FAMILY ARCHIVE

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Page 1: ERNESTO “CHE” GUEVARA Different · 2017. 3. 16. · Ernesto “Che” Guevara is no longer with us, but his legacy continues


Danae González del Toro

• “OUR free eyes open now onnew horizons and can see whatyesterday, in our condition ascolonial slaves, we could notperceive: that “Western Civili-zation” disguises with its showyfacade an image of hyenas andjackals.”

The legendary figure of Ernesto“Che” Guevara has been, and willforever be, an example for Cubaand people across the entireworld.

He performed various roles inour country: a leader of a guerillacolumn in the struggle to over-throw the Fulgencio Batista dic-tatorship; undertaking volunteerwork alongside the Cuban peo-ple; supporting the developmentof the island’s sports movement;and as an internationalist com-batant.

He was renowned for being aclear thinker, who predicted thedismal future awaiting humanity if we were not intelligent enoughto stop it. In 1964 he participatedin the United Nations General

Assembly, an event no one willever forget and which will foreverbe recorded in history.

In his remarks before the largestglobal forum, Che addressed int-ernational events of the time. Hespoke about the Gulf of Tonkinincident, which led to direct U.S.military intervention in SoutheastAsia and the start of the VietnamWar. He went on to comment onevents in the Congo, where hehad previously traveled cland-estinely with a small contingent of Cuban combatants; and ofcourse couldn’t fail to mention thetightening of the imperialist block-ade against Cuba.

He also made a call to thePresident of the General As-sembly: “We would like to see this Assembly shake itself out ofcomplacency and move forward.We would like to see the com-mittees begin their work and notstop at the first confrontation.Imperialism wants to turn thismeeting into a pointless orator-ical tournament, instead of sol-ving the serious problems of theworld. We must prevent it from

doing so. This session of theAssembly should not be rem-embered in the future solely bythe number 19 that identifies it.”

As well as an excellent fighter,Che was also, according to Com-andante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruza “tireless worker, in the yearsthat he served our homeland, he never knew a single day ofrest.”

And not only did he stand out as a guerilla leader, head of aministry as important as that ofIndustry, and director of the Nat-ional Bank of Cuba, but also as a regular man helping out witheveryday tasks such as voluntarywork.

Ernesto “Che” Guevara is nolonger with us, but his legacycontinues to live on in the heart of every revolutionary across theworld. By remembering Che, wenot only honor, but also, revivehim, paying tribute to him in the best way possible by doingwhat needs to be done. To Chethe Cuban people say: ¡HastaSiempre Comandante! •


Different views of a global personality

Ernesto Guevara at the United Nations, 1964.

Pictured in Bolivia, from left to right, Gustavo Machin Hoed de Beche(Alejandro), Guido Alvaro Peredo Leigue (Inti), Leonardo Tamayo Núñez(Urbano), Eliseo Reyes Rodríguez (Rolando), Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che)and Carlos Coello (Tuma).

The Argentine-Cuban guerilla commanderwhile helping to build houses for residents ofLas Yaguas in 1961.

Che playing chess. Efigenio Ameijeiras, Ernesto Guevara and Guillermo García. Photo takenbetween April and May of 1957 in the Sierra Maestra.

Heroine of the Moncada attack, Melba Hernández, with Che.

Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara (Che) the night before Che departedfor the Congo, March 31, 1965.