es parent bulletin vol#7 2010 nov 12

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  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    12 November 2010Volume 07


    International School Manila



    13 K-12 Dance Recital @ 3pm, FAT

    16 ES Parent Coffee @ 7.30am, Little Theatre

    17, 24 Student Late Start @ 8.30am

    22 - 26 PTA New Book Fair, FAT Lobby

    29 National Holiday for Bonifacio Day - No Classes


    2 - 3ES Arts Informances, Little Theatre

    More details to follow

    6 - 8 ES AFAC Recitals @ 3.30pm, AMR Hall

    7 PTA General Meeting @ 7.30am, Little Theatre

    1, 8, 15 Student Late Start @ 8.30am

    14 1st Semester Report Card Distribution

    15Early Student Release @ 12pm

    End of First Semester

    16 - Jan 7 Semester Break

    Dear Elementary School Parents,

    We will be having an ES Parent Coffee this Tuesday, No

    vember 16, from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. in the Little Thea-

    tre. We will begin the meeting with a short performanc

    by our AFAC strings group, followed by the sharing of a

    video clip from our ES Student Council Bamboo Televi-

    sion episode that they created and shared with all of our

    classes in the Elementary School. This will be followed ba few updates about what is happening around our Ele-

    mentary School. We will then be sharing with you mor

    about the planning process we use to plan units and les-

    sons for your children - a bit of a behind the scenes look

    at how we bring all of our standards and indicators, as-

    sessment tasks and learning experiences together to pro

    vide a meaningful experience for your children.

    Earlier in the year, we informed you that we will only be

    having one ES concert this year, which will take place on

    International Day in April. The reason for this is that wwould like to try something new! The week of Decem-

    ber 6, will be our Spotlight on Specials week. During

    this week, you are invited to come in to any of your

    childs specialist classes (Art, Music, and Physical Educa-

    tion). Teachers will be involving you in their lessons, to

    gether with your child. A more detailed description and

    schedule for your childs class will be sent out the last

    week of November.

    Teachers are all now in the process of working on your

    childrens report cards. We have a new report card template that we will be using this year, which we feel confi-dent will provide you with clear information about yourchild and his/her individual progress in first semes-ter. These will be distributed to you on December 15before our next break.

    Yours in Education,

    Simon Gillespie Michael RourkeES Principal ES Assistant Principal

    From the ES Administrationrom the ES Administration


    In order to best serve the ISM Parent Community,it is essential that information be quickly disseminated whennecessary. For this reason, the accuracy of your contact de-tails in our database is of the utmost importance. Please notethat Parent Contact Information must be updated online bythe parent. However, submitted information will be screened

    for correct format and the parent may be called for clarifica-tion. To make any changes or verification in contact informa-tion, please access one of your childrens data file via the ISMwebsite ( and then under Login, click onPowerschool Public Access and enter your Username andPassword.

    On the page that opens, click on the Demographic Updateicon for changing or updating demographic informa-tion. Note that if there are siblings also enrolled in ISM,changes will automatically be made in the data files of all otherenrolled siblings in the same family at the same time.

  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From AFACrom AFACOne-PageSchoolCalendarforSchoolYear2011-2012isnowavailableonpage10





  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Celebrate your Thanksgiving season withISM-PTAs NEW BOOK FAIR 2010


    November 22 26, 2010 (Fine Arts Theater Lobby)7:00 am 4:00 pm

    A Turkey Breakfast Sampler

    Join us as we open this eventwith a Turkey Breakfast sam-pler turkey, canapes, applecider and cranberry juice! Atthe same time, get ideas onhow to celebrate Thanksgivingfrom the various books avail-able at the New Book Fair! No-vember 22, 2010 (Monday) @7:30 am, at the FAT faade.

    Launch of the ThanksgivingCorner

    WHAT AM I GRATEFULFOR? Poster Boards

    An opportunity for our ES kidsto write one to two lines aboutwhat they are grateful for. Befascinated with out-of-the-ordinary and remarkablequotes straight from our ownkids!


    A Photo ExhibitBy Ms. Gizela Gonzalez-Montinola, an ISM ParentWhere the Children Are started out with a wish toget to know better the children of our country, thePhilippines. We felt it important to be able to listento children, often unheard, and in so doing allowthem to tell their stories: a girl who dances in themountains, a boy who embroiders pia cloth, chil-dren who sell sampaguita, who scavenge for trash,who dive for coins, but also who play classical violinunder the trees. The majority of the children herelive under trying conditions. Yet they face each daywith a steadiness and lack of resentment manyadults would be hard-pressed to muster.


    For every P1000 purchase made, National Bookstoreand the PTA will donate a Study Kit of supplies (withyou named as Donor), to the ISM Service LearningProgram. A total of 600 Study Kits are allocated forthis project.

    From the PTArom the PTAAll these plus.


    For every purchase you make, you get either get a

    10% discount for cash purchases or 5% discount forcredit card purchases on all non-consignment items.

    Special Orders

    If the book that you want is notavailable at the Book Fair, youmay request for it from the Cus-tomer Service Desk at the FATLobby. You may also opt to senda list and well process a cost esti-mate for you. If available in anyof their branches, National Book-store will be happy to source it foryou and bring it to the New Book

    Fair so you can avail of the dis-count! So hurry, and make yourlist now! (NBS will only acceptlists or special orders untilWednesday, November 24,2010. Last day of pick up of

    books ordered will be on Novem-ber 26, 2010.)

    Book Trivia Contests: Questionof the Day

    Different questions of the day willbe prepared for ES, MS and HS

    students. The questions will beposted at the different schoolboards and at the Book Fair

    venue. Answers may be submitted at designateddrop-boxes, via SMS or email. Winners will be an-nounced the following day. Check out posters andsucceeding bulletins and email blasts for details. Pre-mium items await the lucky winners!

    Dont miss this much-anticipated event, and findearly stocking stuffers at the New Book Fair! We lookforward to seeing you there!

    We look forward to seeing you at the BookFair!

    New Book Fair Committee

    Yedda RomualdezLia TeMabel ManalacFrances KramerLiza Van KlaverenYvonne MutucEva Woodruff

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    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Dear Parents

    Next Wednesday, November 17th is our Community Garden Launch from 3:00 to 4:00. During this time, thekids will be teaching the parents and everyone who comes, about our community garden. We will show a video,our notice board and our blog.

    Then we will invite you to do something very fun. It will be a surprise!!

    Please come to the community garden launch and have a fun time!

    From the Community Gardenerswritten by Holden May from grade one (with a little help)

    From Service Learningrom Service Learning

    From the Admission Officerom the Admission OfficeDear Parents,

    If you will be withdrawing your child(ren) before the start of the second semester or at some other time before the close of this

    school year, please read the following information carefully.

    Withdrawing from International School Manila

    First of all, we are sorry that you will be withdrawing, or not re-enrolling, your child in International School Manila. We hope,however, that their stay, whether for one semester or for many years, was enriching and rewarding academically, socially and emo-


    In order to make the withdrawal process go as smoothly as possible, we would like to remind you of the following:

    From the Superintendents Officerom the Superintendents Office11 November 2010

    Dear Parents:

    As you may know, yesterday there was a proclamation that November 16th would be a non-working holiday to cele-

    brate Eidl-Adha. This was a holiday new to the Philippines last year, which the then President declared and then un-

    declared, denominating it instead as a regional holiday for Mindanao.

    Like most well organized institutions and companies, we arrange our calendar many months in advance in order to

    allow for proper planning of the school year. Unforeseen holidays announced with minimal notice are disruptive in

    the extreme. In view of this, I have decided that we shall remain open next Tuesday and run a normal school day. I

    note that our counterparts at the British School Manila are also planning to hold classes. Of course, out of respect for

    Eidl-Adha, any Muslim student who does not attend school on that day will not be marked absent.

    Yours sincerely,

    David TozeSuperintendent

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    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    STEP 1: Please come by the Admission Office to fill out, sign and return a Withdrawal Notification Form. The form is

    also available on the ISM website to download and print and it can also be faxed back to the Admission Office at 840-8489.

    STEP 2: If the student will be withdrawing BEFORE the last day of this school year, parents or students need to pick up the

    following forms from the Admission Office (or download and print the appropriate form):

    The Withdrawal Clearance Slip should be taken to the indicated teachers and offices for signatures.

    1. High SchoolStudent Withdrawal Clearance Slip (Grades 9-12)

    2. Middle SchoolStudent Withdrawal Clearance Slip (Grades 6-8)

    For elementary students, the elementary office will handle the withdrawal clearance form for them.

    To receive the childs YEARBOOK, if withdrawing before the end of the school year, complete and return the correct

    form to the childs school office for follow-up.

    1. Elementary School Yearbook: ALAALA

    2. Middle School Yearbook: SALINLAHI

    3. High School Yearbook: KAWAYAN

    Note that school transcripts and records will be available from the particular school office approximately 5-working

    days after the childs last day of attendance at ISM. Please coordinate directly with the particular school office ifyou require other arrangements.

    STEP 3: When completed, the Withdrawal Clearance Slip must be taken to the Accounting Office Cashier. Only after

    the Accounting Office Cashier has received and signed the completed Withdrawal Clearance Slip will the childs transcript or schoolrecords be released from the Elementary, Middle or High School Office. Please note that one copy of the transcript is provided free

    of charge, additional copies cost P100 each, payable at the Cashiers Office before release. Please coordinate directly with the

    particular school office if you require more than one copy of school records.

    STEP 4: The refund of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) will be available approximately 15-working days after the

    signed Withdrawal Notification Form, by the parent, is given into the Admission Office. However, in any event, it cannot be re-

    leased before the childs last day of attendance at ISM and the completed Withdrawal Clearance Slip is signed by the Cashier. Therefund check can be picked up from the Accounting Office Cashier only upon return of the original signed FUD certificate. Note

    that the refund of the deposit shall only be made to the person or authorized company representative whose name appears as the cer-tificate holder on the certificate. Please call the Cashier if you have any question about this.

    Please allow the withdrawal process to go smoothly by starting the process early. Thank you for your help and understanding.

    If you need help searching for a school at your next location, please try one of the following websites:

    or use a search engine and query independent school search or international school search or private school search

    for example

    Again, we hope that your child has had a successful and enriching stay at International School Manila and we wish you and yourfamily the very best in the future. If you have any suggestions or comments about Admission, School Life, and/or Withdrawal,

    please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Gary W. Jerome Margie EndelmanDirector of Admission Deputy Director of [email protected] [email protected]
  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Dengue prevention

    We aim to keep the mosquito population in school to an absolute minimum with regular fogging of the

    premises and spot checks of areas where water may gather. There are inevitably, however, some mosqui-

    toes in the surrounding areas so it is important that everyone takes their own personal measures to protectthemselves from mosquito bites. Please see the following advice based on Department of Health recom-



    Dengue is a concern for everyone living in the Philippines and we should all be vigilant. We hope that the

    following information will help you to avoid this illness.

    What is dengue fever? What is dengue hemorrhagic fever?

    Dengue fever is a flu-like illness spread by the bite of an infected mosquito.

    Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe, sometimes fatal, complication of dengue fever.

    Protect yourself against Dengue with the following system:

    Search and destroy the breeding places of dengue-causing mosquitoes which may be

    found in old tires, coconut husks, gutters, discarded bottles, flower vases and other vessels

    that can hold stagnant water. These containers are good breeding places of female

    AEDES AEGYPTI mosquitoes, day biting female mosquitoes which are responsible for trans-

    mitting the dengue virus to human beings. These mosquitoes like to rest in dark corners of

    your home so keep mosquito nets closed to avoid letting them in.

    Self protection measures include wearing long sleeves or long pants, or using mosquito repellant to protect

    yourself from mosquito bites. Children, especially the small ones who are at home, should wear long pants

    or pyjamas and long sleeved tops, whenever possible, so that they will not be bitten by mosquitoes. Keep

    mosquito screens and nets closed as much as possible.

    Seek early consultation; visit the doctor when a person exhibits the early signs of dengue.

    Dengue fever usually starts suddenly with:

    a high fever muscle and joint pain loss of appetite rash

    nausea and vomiting and severe headache pain behind the eyes

    The severity of the joint pain has given dengue the name "breakbone fever." Nausea, vomiting, and loss of

    appetite are common. A rash usually appears 3 to 4 days after the start of the fever. The illness can last up

    to 10 days, but complete recovery can take as long as a month.

    Most dengue infections result in relatively mild illness, but some can progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever.

    Signs and symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever include:Bleeding from the nose, mouth, and gums Bruising

    Dengue hemorrhagic fever is fatal in about 5 percent of cases, mostly among children and young

    adults. Prompt medical treatment is necessary in all cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever.

    Please note that fogging kills only the adult infected mosquito but not the larvae which can also carry the


    School Clinic

    From the School Clinicrom the School Clinic

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    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Rugby and Touch Dec 4Last Day of School for 2010 DEC 15

    thNoon dismissal


    Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den:Mon, Wed and Fridays from 11:30am 1:00pm and2:30pm 4:00pm. Please note after the October Break theden will be opening on Tuesday and Thursday afternoonsas well from 2:30-4pm. Thanks to all our great volunteers.

    ISTA DRAMA FESTIVAL: UPDATE: We still require 2placements for the ISTA Drama housing..see below fordetails.ISM is excited to be hosting this years ISTA Middle SchoolTheatre Festival! The International Schools Theatre Asso-ciation (ISTA) facilitates two MS festivals each year in Asia,which provide an amazing opportunity for international stu-dents from around the world to engage in new theatricalexperiences and to develop skills that will deepen their pas-sion for performance. As a school, ISM has been a proudsupporter and participator of ISTA, and we now have theopportunity to give the participants an experience they willnever forget! We will be hosting the first ever MusicalTheatre ISTA festival, and we are very excited about wel-coming other international students to the Philippines andto our wonderful school.

    The ISM ISTA Festival will take place November 19-21(Friday to Sunday), and will involve as many as 100 stu-dents from other countries, as well as our own ISM partici-pants. As with any event, the whole ISM community hasthe opportunity to get involved in this Middle Schoolevent. The most significant way for the ISM community toget involved is to provide housing for the visiting stu-dents. If you are able to host some students, you may con-tact the ATAC Office and/or the Fine Arts Office at [email protected] and/or [email protected] . Mostguests will arrive on November 18

    thand will depart on ei-

    ther November 21st

    or 22nd

    . If you would like to help outwith organization or facilitation during the ISTA Festival,you may also contact Vicki Close in the Fine Arts Office([email protected]) for more details on how you canhelp.

    More information about ISTA can be found at

    We look forward to this fantastic event, and this excellentopportunity for ISM to show Manila proud!

    Vicki Close John MulhallPerforming Arts Director MS Drama Faculty

    Mark PekinAthletics & Activities Director

    From the ATAC Officerom the ATAC OfficeIMPORTANT: GATE 3 Road closure November 13

    until 9 am.

    Due to a fun run being held on the above date there will

    be no access to ISM campus via Gate 3 from 10 pm onNovember 12 until 9 am on November 13.If you are coming to ISM at the above times access to thecampus will be via Gate 2. Only limited parking will beavailable on the Power Center Car Park (between The HSand MS fields) until the road to Gate 3 reopens at approxi-mately 9:00 am.

    Parents/Drivers coming to drop students off for the follow-ing events please take note of the above and allow for thisin your planning regards campus access and limited park-ing options for the early part of Saturday morning Novem-ber 13th

    Swim meet at Brent

    Touch tournament at BrentMS ISTA tennis competitionPRADA Table Tennis/Chess competition


    GAME SCHEDULE INFORMATION:Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISMteams can be found by going to the GAME SCHEDULEtab on the ATAC page of the ISM website. You can alsoaccess this information via the ES/MS/HS divisional webpages. Please note the game schedule does change oftendue to involvement with many local schools so pleasecheck the page regularly to find out the latest informationof where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Ac-

    cess to the game schedule page is also available via theATAC blog. Click on the Bearcat logo to be directed to thegame schedule page.

    ATAC HIGHLIGHTS/UPDATES - NOV/DEC:(for ALLmatch/schedule details check game schedule page asabove)

    Basketball/Rugby/Touch season opener v Brent at ISMNov 12

    Touch v Brent at Brent Nov 13ISTA Tennis Season starts for MS/HS teams from Nov 13Swim meet at Brent Nov 13- CANCELLEDPRADA Table Tennis/Chess at ISM Nov 13Nov 18-21 weekend:

    IASAS Golf exchange at Bangkok Nov 18-21Touch Championships at Singapore Nov 19-21Rugby exchange at Jakarta Nov 19-21Tennis exchange at ISM (SAS/JIS are coming and hous-

    ing placements are needed-HS tennis teams need tohouse for this exchange please get forms in asap orcollect from ATAC office) Nov 19-20

    Swim Meet at ISM Nov 20GRADE 9/10 EXAM WEEK Nov 24-26 (Note no practice

    for 9/10 graders (Tues 23rd

    , 24th

    and 25th) players re-

    sume practice Friday Nov 26th!

    Varsity Basketball Tournament at ISM Nov 26/27
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    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    The annual Swimathon was run on Saturday 6th, with participants swimming a total of 308 Kilometers.

    Elementary School swimmers swam 43 Kilometers or 1,752 lapsMiddle school Swimmers swam 59 Kilometers or 2,391 laps

    High School Swimmers swam 176 kilometers or 7,049 laps

    ISM Adult Community swam 28 Kilometers or 1,144 Laps

    Andy AstfalckHead Coach

    ISM Swimming

    ISM Swimming Blog

    Name Class School Time Actual Laps Actual Meters

    Yuma Sato ES4 ES 1 Hour 124 3,100

    Imaya Jeffries ES4 ES 1 Hour 112 2,800

    Gabriela Miralao ES3 ES 1 Hour 112 2,800

    Aisha Farid ms6 ES 1 Hour 104 2,600

    Max Campbell ES4 ES 1 Hour 100 2,500

    Takumam Eguchi ES4 ES 1 Hour 89 2,225

    Hiroto Sato ES2 ES 1 Hour 88 2,200

    Seiryo Sasaki ES4 ES 1 Hour 87 2,175

    Jayden Tumiwa ES2 ES 1 Hour 86 2,150

    Matthew Ng ES4 ES 1 Hour 83 2,075

    Guy Thammongkol ES4 ES 1 Hour 83 2,075

    Wataru Hoshi ES1 ES 1 Hour 80 2,000

    Aoi Hoshi ES4 ES 1 Hour 83 1,925

    Nika Gonzales ES2 ES 1 Hour 77 1,925

    Shain Faye Poon ES3 ES 1 Hour 75 1,875

    Catalina Castaneda ES3 ES 1 Hour 70 1,750

    Dominique Gabrielle Velasco ES3 ES 1 Hour 70 1,750

    Pemika Boontaveekit ES3 ES 1 Hour 50 1,250

    Andrew Cash ES4 ES 1 Hour 46 1,150

    ES TOTAL ES ES1,619 40,325

    From the Sailfish Swim Clubrom the Sailfish Swim Club
  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    12 November 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur

    Vind je het leuk als je kinderen de kans krijgen om op een leuke en educatievemanier bezig te zijn met de Nederlands Taal en Cultuur?

    Wij zijn op zoek naar gezinnen die met ons een Nederlandse naschoolse activiteitwillen starten op ISM.Als er genoeg belangstelling is kan dit worden uitgebreid naar een officile

    Wij zoeken ook enthousiaste en/of gekwalificeerd mensen die ons daar meekunnen helpen.

    We horen graag van je voor 14 November!

    Dutch Language and Culture

    Would you like your kids to get a chance to learn Dutch Language and Culture in aCreative and Educational way?

    We are looking for Dutch & Belgium Families interested to start a Dutch Languageand Culture After School Activity at ISM.If there is enough interest it could be expanded to an official NTC

    We are also looking for enthusiastic and/or qualified people to help us.

    We like to hear from you before November 14!

    Virginie Vlaminck: 0917 447 2293 ([email protected])Nelleke Zuiderwijk: 0915 324 0192 ([email protected])

  • 8/8/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#7 2010 Nov 12


    00 days July 17 days August 21 days September 15 days October

    S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S

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    25 26 27 28 29

    20 days November 11 days December 17 days January 19 days February

    S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S

    1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4

    6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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    27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29

    20 days March 13 days April 23 days May

    S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S

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    05 days June

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



    Faculty In-service HolidayParent Teacher ConferencesQuarter Begins/Ends Early Student Release (12 no

    FIRST QUARTER 43 daysNew Teacher Orientation 5 daysStudent Days 43 daysTeacher Days 47 days

    SECOND QUARTER 41 daysStudent Days 41 daysTeacher Days 41 days

    THIRD QUARTER 48 daysStudent Days 48 daysTeacher Days 49 days

    FOURTH QUARTER 49 daysStudent Days 49 daysTeacher Days 50 days

    Total Student Days 181 daysTotal Teacher Days 187 days

    July 2529 New Faculty OrientationAug 1-3 Faculty In-ServiceAug 4 Start of SchoolAug 22* Ninoy Aquino DayAug 29* National Heroes DayAug 30* Eid-ul-FitrSept 16 Faculty In-ServiceOct 7 End of 1st Qtr

    Oct 10 Beginning of 2nd QtrOct 24Nov 1 School HolidayNov 28* Bonifacio DayDec 15 End of 2nd Qtr;

    Early Release for All:12:00 noon for Students;12:30 for Faculty

    Dec 16 Jan 6 Semester Break

    Jan 9 Beginning of 3rd Qtr/2nd Semester

    Feb 17 Faculty In-ServiceFeb 27* EDSA Revolution DayMar 16 End of 3rd QtrMar 19 Beginning of 4th QtrMar 29-Apr 10 Spring Break

    (Apr 6 - Good Friday)

    (Apr 10* - Bataan Day)Apr 30* Labor Day

    Jun 7 End of 4th Qtr/ 2nd SemEarly Release for Students:12:00 noon

    June 8 Parangal; Last day forFaculty

    June 13 Last day forAdministrators

    As before, we have decided to specify the countrys usual Special Holidays to enable parents, faculty and staff to plan theyear more accurately. The asterisked* holidays will be fixed according to the dates so marked in the calendar, and we shall notamend these if any subsequent off icial announcement positions them earlier or later.