esay the use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in united states

The use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in United States Pagina 1 Workshop number 3: Essay Title: The use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in United States Ricardo Paulo Javier Arieu Universidad del Este April 07, 2015 Tampa, Florida Prof. Lorraine M. Carmona Torres ENGL 116 - College Reading & Writing II.

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Page 1: Esay the use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in united states

The use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in United States Pagina 1

Workshop number 3: Essay

Title: The use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in United States

Ricardo Paulo Javier Arieu

Universidad del Este

April 07, 2015

Tampa, Florida

Prof. Lorraine M. Carmona Torres

ENGL 116 - College Reading & Writing II.

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The use of controlled substances for medicinal purposes in United States Pagina 2

The society should to recognize that the war on drugs has failed. So, some sectors of society

are claiming positive changes. The objectives of the strategy developed several decades have not

been fulfilled. Drug use has not disappeared nor has decreased. In contrast, new consumer markets

have emerged in emerging countries like Brazil or those transit of illegal drugs, as the northern

triangle of Central America. Furthermore, the strategy itself, with its emphasis on the repression of

supply, has introduced an element of violence in the illegal drug market.(Camperos, Barranco et

al,2013). But for some countries of central America this conflict has reached an enormous human

and economic cost in the war against drug cartels.The use of controlled substances for medicinal

purposes is controversial; in United States and Puerto Rico and it has arduous defenders on one side

and another. The US government has passed laws governing for control the use of these substances.

The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) was gone by the 91st United States Congress as Title

II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 and marked into law by

President Richard Nixon . The CSA is the government U.S. drug approach under which the

assembling, importation, ownership, utilization and conveyance of specific substances is directed.

The Act additionally served as the national executing enactment for the Single Convention on

Narcotic Drugs (,1970). The enactment made five orders, with fluctuating capabilities for a

substance to be incorporated in each. Two government offices, the Drug Enforcement

Administration and the Food and Drug Administration, figure out which substances are added to or

expelled from the different calendars, however the statute went by Congress made the starting

posting, and Congress has here and there planned different substances through


The Controlled Substance Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. 801) spots all substances that are directed

under existing government law, into one of five items. This situation is based upon the substance's

restorative utilization, potential for misuse, and security or reliance risk (,2010):

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a) Plan I: The medication or other substance has a high potential for ill-use and has no presently

acknowledged medicinal use in treatment in the United States. There is an absence of

acknowledged security for utilization of the medication or other substance under restorative

supervision. Samples of Schedule I substances incorporate heroin, lysergic corrosive diethylamide

(LSD), maryjane, and methaqualone.

b) Plan II: The medication or other substance has a high potential for ill-use and has a right now

acknowledged medicinal use in treatment in the United States or an as of now acknowledged

therapeutic utilization with extreme limitations. Ill-use of the medication or other substance may

prompt serious mental or physical reliance. Samples of Schedule II substances incorporate

morphine, phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, methadone, and methamphetamine.

c) Plan III: The medication or other substance has less potential for ill-use than the medications or

different substances in timetables I and II and has an as of now acknowledged therapeutic use in

treatment in the United States. Misuse of the medication or other substance may prompt direct or

low physical reliance or high mental reliance. Anabolic steroids, codeine and hydrocodone with

headache medicine or Tylenol ®, and a few barbiturates are samples of Schedule III substances.

d) Plan IV: The medication or other substance has a low potential for misuse with respect to the

medications or different substances in Schedule III and has an at present acknowledged medicinal

use in treatment in the United States. Misuse of the medication or other substance may prompt

restricted physical reliance or mental reliance in respect to the medications or different substances

in Schedule III. Illustrations of medications included in calendar IV are Darvon®, Talwin®,

Equanil®, Valium®, and Xanax®.

e) Plan V: The medication or other substance has a low potential for misuse with respect to the

medications or different substances in Schedule IV and has a right now acknowledged restorative

use in treatment in the United States. Ill-use of the medication or different substances may prompt

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restricted physical reliance or mental reliance in respect to the medications or different substances

in Schedule IV. Hack drugs with codeine are samples of Schedule V.

At the beginning of the essay said that the general public ought to perceive that the war on

medications has fizzled. Thus, a few divisions of society are asserting positive changes. The

destinations of the methodology added to a very long while have not been satisfied. Medication

utilization has not vanished nor has diminished. Interestingly, new purchaser markets have risen in

developing nations like Brazil or those travel of illicit medications, as the northern triangle of

Central America.But for some countries of central America this conflict has reached an enormous

human and economic cost in the war against drug cartels. Also it is necessary recognize that the use

of Controlled Substances for medicinal purposes in United States may be positive but in many of

these drugs like cocaine and cannabis there is not enough information yet.

By example, a note in Muy Interesante magazine that calls the attention citing a new

research from the Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas (USA). It has concluded that

the effects of regular and prolonged use of marijuana in the brain depends on two factors: the age of

both consumer and the time that this consumption is prolonged. The consequences in the brain are

equally alarming.The work, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finally suggests that brain connectivity seems to degrade with

prolonged use of this drug (Romero,11-11-2014).This examination ought to put on aware of those

promoters of free cannabis utilization. The brain damage may be irreparable.

Other research, a recent study conducted by the CSIC in Spain, in collaboration with the

Cajal Institute, has found evidence of how cannabinoids regulate the activation of certain nerve

brain regions. Similarly, disorganized cannabis can disable mechanism more intense than necessary

forms, causing some mental disorders such as psychosis or schizophrenia. Javier Garzón Child, one

of the researchers, explains:

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"The abuse marijuana produces an imbalance between excitation (NMDAR) and inhibition

(own or endogenous cannabinoids). This just breaking the balance in favor of inhibition, and

consequently generates increased activity in the down regulated by the NMDAR systems like the

dopaminergic system "(Regader, 07-22-2014). These mental imbalances occurring psychiatric

disorders such as psychosis or schizophrenia, diseases against which even no known cure.And the

euphoria produces disinhibition and this can cause the person to commit serious offenses punishable

by the Law.

In a different investigation of scientists at Duke University in Durham (USA) studied the

relationship between the appellant cannabis and cognitive development in a sample of 1,037 young

people born in New Zealand between 1972 and 1973 and followed until age 38. The team, led by

Madeline H. Meier, found that teens who smoked regularly showed a further decline in IQ

compared to the other participants. The finding, published in the journal Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), marijuana relates to a general deterioration in the five

domains of neuropsychological functioning, which remains significant even after years of education

and the use of other drugs such as alcohol. For the authors, this recurring consumption appears to

affect cognitive functioning of each day in the form of greater attention and memory problems. The

results suggest that adolescents were more likely to become constant consumers and declined to a

higher IQ compared to users who started smoking in adulthood when equal years of consumption.

The authors stress that quit or reduce consumption of cannabis does not restore

neuropsychological functioning among adolescent cannabis users start, and believe that smoking

marijuana in adolescence, when the brain is undergoing critical development, may have neurotoxic

effects (Meier,06-02-2014).The young do not yet have prepared their brain to withstand the

negative effects of marijuana. Young also need to develop the most of your IQ to meet the demands

of today's society. The youthful don't yet have arranged your cerebrum to withstand the shades of

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malice of pot. Youthful additionally need to build up the a large portion of your IQ to meet the

requests of today's general public.

Analyzing it from the other point of view, all the negative results of marijuana prohibition,

none is as terrible as the therapeutic cannabis restrict countless patients who could benefit from

their service use. Consideration days this suggests that cannabis is a cost-effective aid in the

treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. These include relief from the agony - especially

neuropathic (torture of any nerve damage) - disease, spasticity, glaucoma, and developmental

problem. This drug is also a stimulant, especially for patients suffering from HIV, AIDS wasting

disorder, or dementia. Increased research suggests that the therapeutic properties of cannabis' can

secure the body against some types of dangerous tumors and are neuroprotective. Today, many

welfare organizations are providing support to patients and providing legal access for medical

marijuana under strict medical supervision (, n.d.).Some health institutions are providing

medical and legal support for patients suffering from diseases such as HIV, wear disorder, AIDS, or

dementia can benefit absolutely. Some scientific research suggests that the therapeutic properties of

cannabis can ensure the body against some dangerous types of tumors and are neuroprotective. This

is definitely a positive aspect of utilizing controlled substances for therapeutic purposes in United


In conclusion, although for reasons of space only was the use of marijuana believe, the same

parameters can be used for other drugs like cocaine. The use of controlled substances for

recreational purposes in United States must be prohibited for those under 18 years and older

restricted consumption. Medicinal use after it have passed the Ministry of Public Health and its

pharmacological use must be controlled by medical order.

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Campero, José Carlos & Barrancos, Horacio & Vergara, Ricardo Vargas Eduardo & Brombacher,

Daniel & Stöver, Heino & Mathieu, Hans & Maximilian Plenert & Guarnizo, Catalina Niño. De la

represión a la regulación: propuestas para reformar las políticas contra las drogas.Friedrich Ebert

Stiftung (FES), Programa de Cooperación en Seguridad Regional Calle 71 nº 11-90 Bogotá-

Colombia. Primera edición Bogotá, mayo de 2013.Recover from

files/bueros/la-seguridad/10032.pdf PUBLIC LAW 91-513-OCT. 27, 1970 . (1970). Recover from

Meier,Madeline H. et al. "Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from

childhood to midlife". PNAS, 28 de agosto de 2012.Cit by SINC. Fumar marihuana desde la

adolescencia daña el desarrollo cognitivo (Smoking marijuana from adolescence harms cognitive

development). (06-02-2014).Recover from About Marijuana » Medical Use. (n.d.). Recover from Controlled Substances.New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services 129

Pleasant Street | Concord, NH.(2010). Recover from Department of health and human services.(12-18-2008). Recover from


Romero, Sarah. Los efectos en el cerebro del consumo prolongado de marihuana (The effects on the

brain of prolonged consumption of marijuana).(11/11/2014).Recover from

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Regader, Bertrand. Investigación revela por qué la marihuana puede causar esquizofrenia.

(Research reveals why marijuana can cause schizophrenia.)(07-22-2014).Recover