eschoolplus district data coordinator september training september 18, 2015

eSchoolPLUS District Data Coordinator September Training September 18, 2015

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Page 1: ESchoolPLUS District Data Coordinator September Training September 18, 2015

eSchoolPLUS District Data Coordinator September Training

September 18, 2015

Page 2: ESchoolPLUS District Data Coordinator September Training September 18, 2015

eSchoolPLUS DDC Training Agenda

• Review of data elements and fields for NYS Reporting in eSchoolPLUS

• Setting up eSchoolPLUS to begin reporting for 2015-2016

• Entering and maintaining program data for summer school, PK, and free/reduced lunch

• August graduates

• 2016 Extract Chart

• Setup for Staff Snapshot

• Generating Student downloads and extracts (Student Lite, Entry/Exit, Program Fact)

• Generating Staff downloads and extracts ( Staff Snapshot, Staff Assignment, Staff Evaluation)

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Data Elements and Fields for NYS Reporting in eSchoolPLUS

•The District Configuration contains the State BEDS Code of the District

•The Building Configuration contains the building type. The local building number is used to map to the Location Lookup table for each building’s BEDS code. The building type should be blank for all non-reportable buildings.

•The Building Configuration has the BEDS code in the State Code Equivalent field under the preferences tab. This is used as the service provider if the service provider is blank in the student program record.

•Demographic Data (Student Lite) - In the Student Center Demographic folder there are several screens where the data elements are located as follows:

• Registration Screen • Local Student Identification Number• Last Name• First Name• Middle Initial• Grade Level (view only) Can only be changed on the Entry/Withdrawal Screen• Primary Homeroom (can be used to sort test answer documents)• Birth Date• Gender• Home Language• Current Year Status• US Enroll Date – used to calculate Years in US Schools for Immigrants.• Date Entered Grade 9• District of Residence (date tracked field)

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Data Elements and Fields for NYS Reporting in eSchoolPLUS

Demographic Data (Student Lite) continued•Personal Information Screen

• Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Indicator • Race • City, State and Country of Birth• Homeless Indicator - (Linked to Program Screen in NCLB Program Category- Homeless Primary Nighttime Res)• Migrant Indicator – (Linked to Program Screen in NCLB Program Category)• Neglected/Delinquent Indicator (At Risk)- (Linked to Program Screen in NCLB Program Category)• ELL Years • Immigrant • Country of Origin

•Academic Screen Addresses Screen • Diploma Type Physical Address Tab: Student Address Info• Expected Graduation Plans Phone Tab: Home Phone Number

•NYS Reporting Screen Immunization Screen• Exclude From State Reporting Date of First IPV-OPV – Polio (when you run the Student Lite

Extract, • Status Override indicate the immunization type(s) that has been used to enter

the• Date Entered Into US students first Polio date)• Back Mapping BEDS Code

•Contact Screen Data Element – Last Status Date • Guardian First Name, Middle This will default to the Run Date selected when the and Last Name Student Extract is run

•NY Graduation Information• Career Path Codes ( New for 2015)

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Setting Up eSchoolPLUS for 2015-2016 Reporting

•District Setup: Administration > System Setup > District > District Data Entry > NY State Information

• District Setup: Administration > System Setup > Building > Building Data Entry

New for 2016: Contract work days will be added to this setup. This will be the default for the Snapshot unless it is entered on the Staff Information > District Defined > Staff Additional Information screen.

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eSchoolPLUS Programs

•Summer School: Student Center > Demographic > Programs > NY Summer School Program

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eSchoolPLUS Programs Continued

• PreK: Student Center > Demographic > Programs > NY Other > PreK Program and Universal PreK Setting

All PreK students must have a PreK program service record. In addition, students in Universal PreK must also have a

Universal PreK Setting program service record.

NOTE: This program service can be generated for all PreK students in eSchooLPLUS using the Utilities > Generate Programs feature.

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• Poverty: Student Center > Demographic > Programs > NY Other > Poverty Many districts use their cafeteria system as the source system for this program but it can be done through eSchoolPLUS.

Students must have a poverty program service record if they have free/reduced lunch program.

NOTE: These program services can also be generated in eSchooLPLUS using the Utilities > Generate Programs feature.

eSchoolPLUS Programs Continued

• Free and Reduced Lunch: Student Center > Demographic > Programs > NY No Child Left Behind > Free/Reduced Lunch

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August Graduates

• Withdraw student with a graduated withdrawal code and August Withdrawal date. The student will have an inactive status for the remainder of the school year. At rollover the student’s status will change to graduated and they will be placed in the Graduate building.

Path: Student Center > Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

• Enter the student’s diploma type and expected graduation plan on the academic screen. These fields are in the Student Lite extract. Path Student Center > Academic

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NYS Extract Chart

See the handout on the NYS State Extracts


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Staff Snapshot

Even if you are using your HR of financial system as the source system for the Staff Snapshot submission, teachers have to have some minimum fields populated in eSchoolPLUS for the Staff Student Course Extract. Staff Name, Staff State ID, Staff Hire Date, and Staff Tenure Date if applicable, are required for Staff Student Course to validate. If eSchoolPLUS is your source system for Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment, the fields below have to be populated for teachers, principals and other administrative staff.

• Staff Name must be in Registration Staff Information • Staff ID, and birth date must be entered in Staff Information on the General Information tab. Ethnicity and

race are optional• Teachers and principals must have a building assignment if eSchoolPLUS is your source system for Staff

Snapshot• Teacher must be flagged as active on the building General Information tab• On the same screen the Teacher flag should also be checked• On the District Defined Staff Dates screen, hire, tenure and exit dates should be filled in.• On the District Defined Staff Additional Information screen, the following fields are required if producing

the Staff Snapshot from eSchoolPLUS:• Staff Education Level• Teaching Experience Start Date• Annual Salary• Employment Basis• Employee Separation Reason Code- Only enter if an exit date was entered on the Staff Dates District

Defined screen.• Contract Work Days – Enter days here if they are different from the days in the district setup.

• On the District Defined Staff Yearly Record screen the following fields must be populated:• School Year• Professional Development Indicator – For teachers only• Annual Contract Work Months

See the Staff Snapshot handouts for more detailed information on this setup.

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Staff Assignment

Staff Assignment Records are required for principals and other nonteaching Professionals (Pink Sheet People) in your district. If you are using eSchoolPLUS as the source system for your Staff Assignment Extract, the following setup is required.

• Principals and administrators must have Staff Snapshot fields populated• On the Staff Assignment District Defined screen the following fields are required:

• Assignment Date• Completion Date – If the person’s assignment ended • PMF Assignment Code• PMF Grade List – Only for Principals

• Enter this information for principals on Staff Information > Building > District Defined > Staff Assignment

• Enter this information for principals by going to the Staff Information > District Defined > District Wide Staff Assignment

See the Staff Assignment handouts for more detailed information on this setup.

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Generating Student ExtractsIn eSchoolPLUS you must run a download for each submission before running an extract.

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Generating Staff ExtractsStaff Snapshot and Staff Evaluation Rating

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Generating Staff ExtractsStaff Assignment

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