eset ess 8 quickstartguide

ESET SMART SECURITY 8 Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / Home Server 2003 / Home Server 2011 Quick Start Guide

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  • ESET SMART SECURITY 8Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / Home Server 2003 / Home Server 2011

    Quick Start Guide

  • ESET Smart Security is all-in-one Internet security software. It keeps you safe online and offline - and includesAnti-Theft to track, find and help retrieve your missing laptop, plus Botnet Protection to detect and preventattempts to infiltrate your system.

    Integrated antivirus, antispyware, firewall, anti-theft and antispam modules, along with parental control, makeESET Smart Security a complete security solution. This manual will guide you step-by-step through a typicalinstallation and the basic configuration of the product.

  • Antivirus

    Proactively detectsand cleans moreknown and unknownviruses, worms,trojans and rootkits.


    Extends security inthe case of a lost orstolen device andallows you to locate your laptop if itgoes missing.


    Preventsunauthorized usersfrom gaining accessto your computer.Monitors traffic toand from yourcomputer.


    Spam filters workwith your system toprevent threats andensure you spendless time sortingJunk mail.

    Parental Control

    Prevents childrenfrom getting accessto pages withinappropriate orharmful content.


    Protects you fromhidden backdoors,downloaders,exploits, crackers,hijackers, passwordstealers andkeyloggers.

  • Installation

    ESET Smart Security contains components that may conflictwith other antivirus products or security software installedon your computer. ESET strongly recommends that youremove any such programs to prevent potential problems.You do not need to disable or remove the Windows firewallin Microsoft Windows Vista or later, as this is automaticallyhandled by the ESET Smart Security installer.

    You can install ESET Smart Security from an installation CD/DVD or by downloading the installer from

    Launching the installation

    To launch the installer wizard, do one of the following:

    1. If you are installing from a CD/DVD, insert the CD/DVD intothe CD/DVD-ROM drive. If the autorun menu does notappear automatically, double-click your CD/DVD drive toopen it manually.

    The installer will automatically check online for the latest

  • product version. If a newer version is available, you will beprompted to download it before beginning the installationprocess.

    Next, the End-User License Agreement will be displayed.Please read the agreement and click Accept to acknowledgeyour acceptance of the End-User License Agreement. Afteryou accept, installation will continue.

    2. If you are installing from a downloaded file, double-clickthe file to launch Live installer. Live installer itself is asmall file; additional files required to install ESET SmartSecurity will be downloaded automatically.

    Join ESET Live Grid

    Help us capture malware by joining our collaborationnetwork. Your participation allows us to gather more samplethreats, which helps us to offer increasingly stronger andmore efficient proactive protection to all ESET users. Werecommend that you enable this feature, and we thank youfor your support.

  • Detection of potentially unwanted applications

    Since some potentially unwanted applications are usedlegitimately and might not necessarily pose a security risk,the users consent is required to enable detection.

    Completing the installation

    When all necessary parameters have been configured, startthe final installation by clicking Install. Installation progresswill be indicated by a progress bar. After installation iscomplete, ESET Smart Security will start automatically. Acomputer restart is not normally required, ESET SmartSecurity will begin protecting your computer from malwarethreats immediately.

    Trusted zone setup

    If a network connection is detected once installation iscomplete, a notification will appear allowing you toconfigure a trusted zone. The New network connectiondetected notification displays the local subnet defined inyour computers system setup. These options only affect thevisibility of your computer in the local network, not theinternet. There are two access modes available:

    Public network select this option if you do not want toshare your folders or printers and want your computer tobe invisible to other users on the same network. Thissetting is recommended for users with a wirelessconnection.

    Home/work network select this option if you want toshare files and folders on your computer and want yourcomputer to be visible to other users in the samenetwork. This setting is recommended for trusted localhome or office networks.

  • Product activation

    Once installation is complete, the Product Activation Typewindow appears.

    If you purchased a retail boxed version of ESET SmartSecurity, select Activate using an Activation Key and followthe step-by-step activation instructions. The ActivationKey is located inside of or on the back of the productpackage. For a successful activation, the Activation Keymust be entered as supplied. To renew your existinglicense, enter your renewal activation key.

    If you received a Username and Password, select Activateusing a Username and Password and enter the license datain the appropriate fields.

    If you would like to evaluate ESET Smart Security beforeactivating, select Activate trial license. Fill in the requiredfields and specify an Email Address. Your test license willbe sent to this address and ESET Smart Security will beactivated for a limited period of time.

    Click Activate Later if you choose not to activate at this time.If you selected Activate Later, you can also open the ProductActivation Type window again from the Setup or Help andsupport modules, by clicking the program menu icon in thetop right corner of the main product window or by clicking

  • the ESET icon in the Windows notification area of thetaskbar (system tray).

    If you do not have a license and would like to buy one, click Purchase License. This will redirect you to the website of yourlocal ESET distributor.


    To protect your computer in case of a loss or theft click Enable Anti-Theft to activate ESET Anti-Theft features for thecomputer you just registered.

    For more instructions about ESET Anti-Theft computerassociation and to learn how it works see How to add a newdevice.

    Starting ESET Smart Security

    ESET Smart Security starts protecting your computerimmediately after installation. You do not have to open theprogram to start it. You can open ESET Smart Security at anytime to check your protection status or to perform variousscanning and maintenance tasks.

    To open ESET Smart Security, double-click the ESET Smart

    Security icon located in your Windows notification area(system tray).

    User interface

    The Home section informs you about the current protectionlevel of your computer.

    A Computer scan is an important part of each antivirussolution. It is used to perform a scan of the files and folderson your computers disk(s).

    The Update section contains important information aboutprogram updates. It is crucial that the program be updatedregularly to provide the maximum level of protection againstthe latest threats.

    The Setup options allow you to adjust the protection levelsof your computer.

    The Tools section allows you to access advanced featuressuch as log files, quarantine, scheduler etc.

    The Help and support section provides comprehensive helpand support for ESET Smart Security. You can also contactESET technical support directly from here.

  • Update

    ESET Smart Security comes with a predefined task to ensureregular updates (see the Scheduler section in the productmanual). If once installation is completed you have not yetperformed an update, we recommend starting the updatemanually as follows:

    From the ESET Smart Security main program window, click Update from the main menu on the left and then click Updatenow.

  • The update module will connect to the Internet, contact anavailable ESET update server and download digitally signedupdate files. These updates contain the most recentmalware signatures and new definitions for advancedheuristics as well as other program modules. As soon as anewer update has been installed, ESET Smart Securitydisplays a notification in the system tray area and in themain program window.

    Computer scan

    After a successful installation and update, we recommendthat you perform a complete computer scan for threats. Todo this, click Computer scan from the main menu on the leftand then select Smart scan from the ESET Smart Securityprimary window.

    Note: The initial computer scan starts automatically 20minutes after the installation program. This scheduled taskcan be disabled in Scheduler.

  • Scanning of all local hard drives will start. The status windowwill display scan progress as well as the current statisticsabout scanned and infected files found. If a threat isdetected, ESET Smart Security quarantines the file anddisplays an alert in the system tray area. You should be ableto continue working as normal while the scan takes place.

    Protection status

    ESET Smart Securitys current protection status is indicatedin the following ways:

    The system tray icon

    The Home section displays a detailed report of yourprotection status. In the event that any protection module isdisabled, the Home window will show the name of thedisabled module, along with a link allowing you to re-enableit.

    The individual protection statuses are indicated by thefollowing icons:


    Antivirus protection is working properly and your computeris protected against malicious software as well as networkattacks. This status indicates that all protection modulesare enabled and the virus signature database is up-to-date.

  • Orange

    This icon is displayed if your operating system does not haveall necessary operating system updates installed.

    The orange icon is displayed if Real-time file system protection is enabled, but themaximum level of protection is not ensured. Email client protection or Web access protection isdisabled or malfunctioning.


    Real-time file system protection is disabled ormalfunctioning. Since the proper function of this module isvital to your systems security, we recommend re-enablingthe inactive module immediately. The virus signature database is out of date. If the virusdatabase is not updated automatically, try to update itmanually, or check to see if the computer is connected toInternet.

    Resolving issues

    ESET technical support specialists are ready to assist you inresolving any issues you may have. Before contactingtechnical support, we strongly recommend that you read therelated topic in the product documentation (user guide, in-product help file) or search for a solution on the ESETwebsite. For solutions to specific issues or questions aboutfeatures and products, visit our Knowledgebase at:

    To contact ESET technical support, use the web formavailable

    Submitting a technical support query

    In the event of a problem, contact ESET Customer Care usingthe query submission form integrated into ESET SmartSecurity. Click Customer Care support request in product formor Customer Care support request online form in the Help andsupport section.

  • Copyright 2014 by ESET, spol. s r.o.ESET Smart Security was developed by ESET, spol. s r.o. For more information visit All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without permission in writing from the author. ESET, spol. s r.o. reserves the right to change any of the describedapplication software without prior notice. ESET, logo of ESET, NOD32, Smart Security, ThreatSense, Live Grid and/or other mentioned products of ESET, spol. s r. o. are registeredtrademarks of ESET, spol. s r. o. Other companies mentioned here or products, may be registered trademarks of its proprietors.Produced according to quality standards of ISO 9001:2000.REV. 9/30/2014

    InstallationLaunching the installationJoin ESET Live GridDetection of potentially unwanted applicationsCompleting the installationTrusted zone setupProduct activationAnti-TheftStarting ESET Smart Security

    User interfaceUpdateComputer scanProtection statusResolving issuesSubmitting a technical support query