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    The object of this volume is two-fold. It supplies very full and comprehensive vocabularies of the words

    required by the tourist or traveller, visitor or resident abroad, health or pleasure seeker, and professional or

    business man, together with a large number of conversational sentences of a typical and practical character.The words and phrases are classified according to subject, and the phonetic pronunciation of every word is

    added in accordance with Marlborough's simple and popular system of phonetics.

    With the aid of this book anyone may undertake a trip to a foreign land, even if he know nothing of the

    language of the country he is going to, and, if he will put himself beforehand in communication with

    Esperantists in the various places he intends to visit, he will find them ready to help him in many ways, and

    his stay abroad will thus be made much more entertaining and instructive than if he had spent his time in

    the conventional manner of the ordinary tourist. A further great advantage of this international language is,

    that it opens up to the traveller, not merely one particular country, but the whole of Europe.

    The book also aims at affording a practical guide to Esperanto for the student, who will find, in the section

    on Grammar, all that he needs to give him full insight into and grasp of the language, enabling him with

    very little effort to read, write and speak correctly.

    By joining an Esperanto Group the learner may have frequent opportunity of conversational practice, and

    he will soon find that it is by no means a difficult matter to become as fluent in the auxiliary language as in

    his mother-tongue.1

    Esperanto is not merely a language for tourists, but already possesses a rich literature of considerable

    extent, the beginnings of that "Weltlitteratur" foreseen by Goethe; it has a press of its own representing

    every country of importance in the world, and is constantly being made use of for professional purposes by

    doctors, scientists, teachers, lawyers, soldiers, sailors, merchants, etc., in every quarter of the globe. It is

    undoubtedly destined, ere many years have passed, to become a very important factor in the progress of the



    London, 1908.



    Fifth Impression


    ALPHABET, with English Phonetic Pronunciation 5

    Preliminary Notes.Accents, Vowels, Diphthongs, etc.7

    VOCABULARIES.Pages 9 to 76.

    Amusement, Recreation and 41

    Animals, Vegetables, &c.:Animals, Birds and Fishes 12

    Fruit, Trees, Flowers and Vegetables 15

    Reptiles and Insects 14

    Colours 17

    Commercial Terms 56

    Correspondence 61Countries and Nations 40

    Cycling 44

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    Religion 118

    Shopping 108


    Laundress 111

    Shoemaker110Telegraph (Post and) 121

    Time of Day, The 118

    Times, Seasons, and Weather119

    Town, In 106

    Travelling:Arrival 99Bus and Tram 100

    Changing Money 126

    Hotel and Rooms 100

    Public Notices 94

    Railway, By 95

    Steamer, By 97Useful and Necessary Expressions 89

    MONEY.Equivalent Values 127




    The Esperanto Alphabet has 28 letters23 consonants, 5 vowels:

    Characters. Name and English Pronunciation.Phonetics


    A, a (ah) like a in father orpa; as patro (pah'troh). In unaccented syllables it

    should not be dwelt upon, and in all cases it should be pronounced quitepurely, without the slight drawling r-sound which is sometimes added to thecorresponding vowel in English ah

    B, b (bo) as in English b

    C, c (tsoh) like ts ingets, hits, and never as in English; as caro (tsah'roh) ts

    , (cho) like ch in church; as asi (chah'see) chD, d (do) as in English, but with tip of tongue placed on back of teeth instead of on

    front ridge of roof of mouth d

    E, e (eh) like e in bendpronounced broadly, ora in hate shortly pronounced, butquite pure, entirely without the slight drawling ee-sound often heard after the

    English vowel; as beno (beh'noh) e, eh

    F, f (fo) as in English f

    G, g (go) likegingo,give, asgasto (gah'stoh), and never likegingem, allege g

    , (jo) likegingem,general, andj injovial; aseni (jeh'nee) jH, h (ho) as in English h

    , (o) like ch in Scotch loch, ch in German hoch, j in Spanish mujer. Thisguttural sound is practically a very strongly aspirated h, and may be made by

    trying to pronounce "ho" with the throat arranged as for saying k:oro

    (khoro), ino (khino) khI, i (ee) like ee in seen, as li (lee). In unaccented syllables, and before two

    consonants together, this i practically becomes the i in it or in wind; asferminte (fehrr-min'teh) ee, i

    J, j (yo) always likey inyet, asjes (yehss), vojo (vo'yo), and never likej injudge,

    joke y

    It should be remembered thatj is always a consonant, with the sound of theEnglish y in you. Of course, when j occurs at the end of a word or before a

    consonant, it practically unites with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong,

    and loses the full consonantal sound which it has before a vowel. Thus:




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    Aj (ahy), like ah y in ah yes (almost like in my); as kaj (kah'y), rajdi(rah'y-dee), krajono (krah-yo'no)

    Ej (ehy), like ay y insay yes; asplej (pleh'y, one syllable) ehy

    Oj (oy), like oh y in oh yes (almost like oy in toy); as ranoj (rah'noy),

    kojno (koy'noh) oy

    Uj (ooy), like oo y in too young; as tuj (too'y, one syllable), prujno(proo'yno, two syllables) ooy

    , (zho) like s in vision orpleasure, orj in French jeune, j'ai; as eti

    (zheh'tee) zhK, k (ko) as in English k

    L, l (lo) as in English l

    M, m (mo) as in English m

    N, n (no) as in English n

    O, o (oh) like o in horse, not diphthongized, but pronounced purely and rathershortly, as bona (boh'nah NOT bow'nah), quite without the short oo-sound frequently heard with the English vowel in such words as note,

    boat. Its sound is almost equivalent to aw in caw, pronounced shortlyand with the lips placed roundly as if for saying oh; as estonta (ess-

    tohn'tah) o, oh

    P, p (po) as in English p

    R, r (ro) as in English, but sounded much more forcibly, and always with atrillas in singing; as korpo (kohr'po) r

    S, s (so) like s in say, as suno (soo'noh), and never as s in rose; as pesi(peh'see) s, ss

    , (sho) likesh inshow,she; asipo (shee'poh) shT, t (to) as in English, but dentallywith tip of tongue placed on back of

    teeth instead of on front ridge of roof of mouth t

    U, u (oo) like oo in boot, as nubo (noo'boh); and never as u in mute orbut oo

    , (wo) is equivalent to the English w, and is produced by a partialbringing togetherof the lips. It practically only occurs aftera ore w, (1)A. To say anta, for instance, say "ahn'tah," and finish by bringingthe lips slightly together to pronounce the (w). Similarly for lata(lah'w-tah). This sound is not exactly the English ou in house, but is justthe au in the GermanHaus. The phonetic sign fora, therefore is ahw(2)E, as in Eropo (ehw-ro'poh), is pronounced with a similar closing

    of the lips after the eh-sound ehwV, v (vo) as in English v

    Z, z (zo) as in English z


    In order to make the best progress in acquiring the words and sentences in the following pages, the student

    is recommended to learn a few at a time by repeating them aloud with the aid of the phonetic pronunciation

    in the third column.

    Although the system of phonetics may seem a little cumbersome, practice will soon enable the student to

    pronounce the words easily and naturally. The following notes will be useful:

    1. Accent.In Esperanto, every letter, whether vowel or consonant, is sounded. The accented syllable

    of a word is always the last but one. Thus, nobla (noh'blah), irado(ee-rah'do), telefono (teh-leh-foh'no),

    internacia (in-tehr-naht-see'ah),folio (fohlee'oh).

    It should be borne in mind that j and are consonants, and do not, like the vowels, of themselvesconstitute a syllable. Thus, tiu (tee'oo, two syllables) and tiuj (tee'ooy, also twosyllables), rajdi (rah'y-dee,

    not rah-'dee), anta (ahn'tahw, notahn-tah').

    2. The vowels, a, e, i, o, u, should in Esperanto be pronounced quite purely, and entirely without any

    drawling after-sound. Many English speakers diphthongize a, i, o, and pronounce late as "la-it," pale as



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    "pa-il," paperas "pa-y-per,"roadas "row-d," etc. This habit of drawling the vowels, when transferred to

    Esperanto, thus: Mi ne povas bone paroli, mee'y nay'ee poh'-vah(r)ss boh'-nehy pah(r)-roh'-leey,immediately reveals the nationality of the speaker.

    There is also an inclination to interpose an r-sound betweenla ("the") and a word beginning with a vowel,

    thus: la(r)eblecoinstead ofla ebleco, la(r)internacia lingvo instead ofla internacia lingvo, etc. This should

    be avoided.

    3. Combinations of Consonants. There are a few consonantal combinations which offer a slight

    difficulty to English beginners, viz.,gv, kn, kv,sc. The combinationsgv, kn, and kv, as ingvidi (gvee'dee),

    knabo (knah'bo), kvieto (kvee-eh'toh), may be practised by first placing a vowel before the g or k, and

    gradually suppressing it. Thus, first say la knabo (lahk-nah'bo), and gradually drop the "lah," until finally

    knabo can be said without difficulty.

    The combinationsc, as insceno (stseh'no), may be learnt thus: Say "last sane" several times, very distinctly

    pronouncing thestand the s, then gradually "'st sane", and finally sceno (stseh'no) without any preceding

    vowel-sound. When this combination follows a vowel, as in mi scias, it should cause no difficulty, for thes

    is easily pronounced with the first syllable, thus: meess-tsee'ahss.


    (Founder of Esperanto.)

    Varsovio, 14.9.08.

    KARAJ SINJOROJ,Kun plezuro kaj danko mi ricevis vian leteron de 10.9, kaj anka lapresprovaon de "Esperanto Self-Taught."

    ar Sro Mann estas tre kompetenta kaj sperta esperantisto, tial mi estas tute certa, ke la libroverkita de li estos tre bona kaj tre utila.


    (Signed) ZAMENHOF.


    Warsaw, 14.9.08.

    Dear Sirs,I received your letter of Sept. 10, and the proofs of "Esperanto Self-Taught," with

    pleasure and thanks.

    As Mr. Mann is a very competent and experienced Esperantist, I am quite certain that the book

    written by him will be very good and very useful.




    1. The World & its Elements.

    (La Mondo kajiaj Elementoj.)

    (See Notes on the Article, p. 77.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.


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    Air aero ah-eh'ro

    cloud nubo noo'bo

    cold malvarmo mahl-vahrr'mo

    darkness mallumo mahl-loo'mo

    dew roso ro'so

    dust polvo pohl'vo

    earth tero teh'ro

    east oriento o-ree-ehn'toh

    eclipse eklipso eh-klip'sofire fajro fahy'ro

    fog nebulo neh-boo'lo

    frost frosto frohst'o

    hail hajlo hahy'lo

    heat varmo vahrr'mo

    light lumo loo'mo

    lightning fulmo fool'mo

    moon; , new luno; nova luno loo'no; no'vah loo'no

    , full plena luno pleh'nah loo'no

    moonlight lunlumo loon'loo'mo

    nature naturo nah-too'ro

    north nordo nohrr'doh

    rain pluvo ploo'vo

    rainbow ielarko chee-ehl-ahr'ko

    shade, shadow ombro ohm'bro

    sky ielo chee-eh'lo

    snow neo neh'jo

    south sudo soo'doh

    star stelo steh'lo

    sun suno soo'no

    thaw degelo deh-geh'lo

    thunder tondro tohn'dro

    weather vetero veteh'ro

    west okcidento ohk-tsee-dehn'toh

    wind vento vehn'toh

    2. Land and Water.

    (La Tero kaj la Akvo.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Bay golfeto golf-eh'toh

    beach marbordo mahrbohr'doh

    canal kanalo kanah'lo

    cape terkapo tehr-kah'po

    cliff krutegao kroo-teh-gah'zho

    coast marbordo mahr-bohr'doh

    creek kriko kree'kocurrent akvofluo ahk'vo-floo'oh

    ebb malfluso mahl-floo'so

    flood (deluge) inundo in-oon'doh

    (of the tide) fluso floo'so

    flow fluo floo'oh

    foam amo shahw'mo

    hill monteto mohn-teh'toh

    ice glacio glaht-see'oh

    island insulo in-soo'lo

    lake lago lah'go


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    land tero teh'ro

    mainland eftero chehf-teh'ro

    marsh maro mahr'cho

    moor stepo steh'po

    mountain monto mohn'toh

    mud koto ko'toh

    river rivero reeveh'ro

    rock roko ro'ko

    sand sablo sah'blosea maro mah'ro

    sea-shore marbordo mahr-bohr'doh

    shingle tonetao shto-neh-tah'zho

    storm ventego ven-teh'go

    stream rivereto rivehr-eh'toh

    tide; , high tajdo; altmaro tahy'doh; ahlt-mah'ro

    , low malaltmaro mahl'ahlt-mah'ro

    valley valo vah'lo

    water; , fresh akvo; sensala akvo ahk'vo; sen-sah'la ahk'vo

    , salt sala akvo sah'la ahk'vo

    waterfall akvofalo ahk'vo-fah'lo

    wave ondo ohn'doh

    well akvoputo ahk'vo-poo'toh

    3. Minerals & Metals.

    (Mineraloj kaj Metaloj.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Alum aluno ahloo'no

    amber sukceno sookt-seh'no

    brass latuno lah-too'no

    bricks brikoj bree'koy

    bronze bronzo brohn'zo

    cement cemento tseh-mehn'tochalk kreto kreh'to

    clay argilo ahr-ghee'lo

    coal karbo kahrr'bo

    concrete betono beh-toh'no

    copper kupro koo'pro

    coral koralo kohrah'lo

    crystal kristalo kris-tah'lo

    diamond diamanto dee-ahmahn'toh

    emerald smeraldo smehrahl'doh

    glass vitro vee'tro

    gold oro oh'ro

    granite granito grahnee'toh

    gravel gruzo groo'zoiron fero feh'ro

    , cast fandfero fahnd-feh'ro

    , wrought forfero fohrj-feh'ro

    lead plumbo ploom'bo

    lime kalko kahl'ko

    marble marmoro mahrr-moh'ro

    mercury hidrargo heedrahrr'go

    mortar mortero mohr-teh'ro

    nickel nikelo nik-eh'loh

    opal opalo ohpah'lo


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    ore minao meenah'zho

    pearl perlo pehrr'lo

    ruby rubeno roobeh'no

    silver arento ahrr-jehn'toh

    slate ardezo ahrr-deh'zo

    soda sodo so'doh

    steel talo shtah'lo

    stone tono shtoh'no

    tin stano stah'nozinc zinko zeen'ko

    4. Animals, Birds & Fishes.

    (Bestoj, Birdoj, kaj Fioj.)

    (See Shopping, p. 108.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Animal besto beh'stoh

    barking bojado bo-yah'doh

    bear urso oorr'so

    bird birdo beerr'doh

    blackbird merlo mehrr'lo

    braying azenbleko ah-zehn-bleh'ko

    bull bovoviro bo'vo-veer'oh

    calf bovido bo-vee'doh

    canary kanario kanah-ree'oh

    cat kato kah'toh

    chicken kokido ko-kee'doh

    claw, nail ungo oon'go

    cock koko ko'ko

    cod moruo mo-roo'oh

    colt evalido chehvah-lee'doh

    cow bovino bo-vee'nocrab krabo krah'bo

    cuckoo kukolo koo-ko'lo

    deer damcervo dahm-tsehrr'vo

    dog hundo hoon'doh

    donkey azeno ah-zeh'no

    dove, pigeon kolombo ko-lohm'bo

    duck anaso ah-nah'so

    , wild sovaa anaso so-vah'ja ah-nah'so

    eagle aglo ah'glo

    eel angilo ahn-ghee'lo

    elephant elefanto ehleh-fahn'toh

    feather plumo ploo'mo

    fins nailoj nah-jee'loyfish fio fee'sho

    fowl kortbirdo kohrrt-beer'doh

    fox vulpo vool'po

    fur felo feh'lo

    game asao chah-sah'zho

    gills brankoj brahn'koy

    goat kapro kah'pro

    goose ansero ahn-seh'ro

    gull mevo meh'vo

    haddock eglefino eh-gleh-fee'no



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    hake merluo mehr-loo'cho

    hare leporo lepoh'ro

    hen kokino ko-kee'no

    herring haringo har-een'go

    hoof hufo hoo'foh

    horn korno kohrr'no

    horse evalo cheh-vah'loh

    howling blekado bleh-kah'doh

    lamb afido shah-fee'dolark alado ahl-ahw'doh

    lion leono leh-oh'no

    lobster omaro o-mah'ro

    mackerel skombro skohm'bro

    magpie pigo pee'go

    mane kolhararo kohl'har-ah'ro

    mewing miaado mee-ah-wah'doh

    monkey simio sim-ee'oh

    mouse muso moo'so

    mullet mugelo moo-gheh'lo

    nightingale najtingalo nahy-tin-gah'lo

    owl strigo stree'go

    ox bovo bo'vo

    oyster ostro oh'stro

    parrot papago pa-pah'go

    partridge perdriko pehr-dree'ko

    paw piedo pee-eh'doh

    peacock pavo pah'voh

    pheasant fazano fah-zah'no

    pig porko pohrr'ko

    pike ezoko eh-zo'ko

    plaice plateso plah-teh'so

    quail koturno ko-toorr'no

    rabbit kuniklo koo-nee'klo

    rat rato rah'toh

    raven korvo kohrr'vo

    rook frugilego froo-ghee-leh'go

    salmon salmo sahl'mo

    sheep afo shah'fo

    snipe mara skolopo mar'chah sko-lo'po

    sparrow pasero pa-seh'ro

    stork cikonio tsee-konee'oh

    swallow hirundo hee-roon'doh

    swan cigno tseeg'noh

    tail vosto vo'sto

    thrush turdo toorr'doh

    tiger tigro tee'gro

    tortoise testudo tess-too'dohtrout truto troo'toh

    turbot rombfio rohmb-fee'sho

    turkey meleagro meh-leh-ah'gro

    turtle kelonio keh-lo-nee'oh

    whale baleno bah-leh'no

    wing flugilo floo-ghee'lo

    wolf lupo loo'po

    wren regolo reh-go'lo


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    5. Reptiles & Insects.

    (Rampuloj kaj Insektoj.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Ant formiko fohrmee'ko

    bee abelo ah-beh'lo

    beetle skarabo skarah'bo

    bug cimo tsee'mohbutterfly papilio pah-peelee'oh

    caterpillar rapo rahw'poflea pulo poo'lo

    fly muo moo'shohfrog rano rah'noh

    gnat kulo koo'lo

    grasshopper akrido ah-kree'doh

    insect insekto insek'toh

    moth; , clothes- faleno; tineo fah-leh'no; teeneh'oh

    silkworm silkrapo silk-rahw'posnail heliko heh-lee'ko

    snake serpento sehr-pehn'toh

    spider araneo arah-neh'ohsting pikilo peekee'lo

    toad bufo boo'fo

    wasp vespo vehs'po

    worm vermo vehrr'mo

    6. Fruits, Trees2, Flowers & Vegetables

    (Fruktoj, Arboj, Floroj, kaj Legomoj.)

    (For Shopping, see p. 106.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Acorn glano glah'noh

    almond migdalo mig-dah'lo

    apple pomo poh'mo

    apricot abrikoto ahbree-ko'toh

    ash frakseno frahk-seh'noh

    asparagus asparago ahspah-rah'go

    banana banano bahnah'no

    bark arbelo ahrb-sheh'lobeans faboj fah'boy

    beech (-tree) fago fah'go

    beetroot beto beh'toh

    birch (-tree) betulo beh-too'lo

    blackberry rubuso roo-boo'so

    bouquet bukedo bookeh'do

    branch brano brahn'chobuttercup ranunkulo rahnoon-koo'lo

    cabbage brasiko brahsee'ko

    carrot karoto kahroh'toh

    cauliflower florbrasiko flohr'brah-see'ko

    celery celerio tseh-lehree'oh

    cherry erizo chehree'zochestnut (edible) katano kashtah'nochrysanthemum krizantemo krizahn-teh'mo


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    cucumber kukumo kookoo'mo

    currants (dried) korintoj kohreen'toy

    daisy lekanteto leh-kahn-teh'toh

    dandelion leontodo leh-ontoh'doh

    elm (-tree) ulmo ool'mo

    evergreen iamverdulo chee'ahm-vehrdoo'lofern filiko feelee'ko

    fibre fibro fee'broh

    fig figo fee'gofir (-tree) abio ahbee'oh

    flower floro floh'roh

    fruit-tree fruktarbo frookt-ahr'bo

    gooseberry groso groh'so

    grape vinbero veenbeh'ro

    holly ilekso eelek'so

    horse-chestnut hipo-katano hee'po-kahshtah'nohorse-radish kreno kreh'no

    ivy hedero heh-deh'ro

    kernel kerno kehrr'no

    laurel laro lahw'roleaf folio fohlee'oh

    lemon citrono tsee-troh'no

    lettuce laktuko lahk-too'ko

    lily lilio leelee'oh

    lily-of-the-valley konvalo kohn-vah'lo

    lime (fruit); -tree limedo; tilio leemeh'do; teelee'oh

    maize maizo mah-ee'zo

    maple acero aht-seh'ro

    melon melono meh-loh'no

    misletoe visko vees'ko

    mulberry moruso moh-roo'so

    nettle urtiko oortee'ko

    nut; walnut nukso; juglando nook'so; yooglahn'do

    oak (-tree) kverko kvehrr'ko

    onion bulbo bool'bo

    orange orano ohrahn'joparsnip pastinako pahstee-nah'ko

    peach persiko pehrr-see'ko

    pear piro pee'ro

    peas pizoj pee'zoy

    pine-apple ananaso ah-nahnah'so

    plant kreskao kreskah'zhoplum pruno proo'no

    potatoes terpomo tehrr-poh'mo

    primrose primolo pree-mo'lo

    privet ligustro lee-goost'ro

    pumpkin kukurbo kookoorr'boradishes rafanoj rahfah'noy

    raisins sekvinberoj sek-vinbeh'roy

    raspberry frambo frahm'bo

    root radiko rahdee'ko

    rose rozo roh'zo

    skin, shell (of fruit) elo sheh'losloe prunelo prooneh'lo

    spinach spinaco speenaht'so

    stalk, stem trunketo troonkeh'toh

    strawberry frago frah'go



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    Tuesday mardo mahrr'doh

    Wednesday merkredo mehrr-kreh'doh

    Thursday ado zhahw'dohFriday vendredo vendreh'doh

    Saturday sabato sahbah'toh

    Easter Pasko pah'sko

    end fino fee'no

    evening vespero veh-speh'ro

    fortnight du semajnoj doo seh-mahy'noyhalf duono doo-oh'no

    half-a-century duoncentjaro doo-ohn'tsent-yah'ro

    half-an-hour duonhoro doo-ohn-ho'ro

    holiday libertempo libehr-tehm'po

    hour horo ho'ro

    last month lastan monaton lah'stahn monah'tohn

    last night hiera nokte hee-eh'rahw nohk'tehlast Sunday lastan dimanon lah'stahn deemahn'chonlast week lastan semajnon lah'stahn seh-mahy'nohn

    leap year superjaro soo'pehrr-yah'ro

    Lent la Fastsezono la fahst'seh-zo'no

    Michaelmas la tago de Sankta Miaelo lah tah'go deh sahnk'tahmeekhah-eh'lo

    midnight noktomezo nohk'toh-meh'zo

    midsummer somermezo so-mehr-meh'zo

    minute minuto mee-noo'toh

    month monato mo-nah'toh

    months, the la monatoj la mo-nah'toy

    January Januaro yah-noo-ah'ro

    February Februaro feh-broo-ah'ro

    March Marto mahrr'toh

    April Aprilo ah-pree'lo

    May Majo mah'yo

    June Junio yoo-nee'oh

    July Julio yoo-lee'oh

    August Agusto ahw-goost'ohSeptember Septembro sep-tehm'bro

    October Oktobro ok-toh'bro

    November Novembro no-vehm'bro

    December Decembro deht-sehm'bro

    morning mateno mah-teh'no

    next day la proksima(n) tago(n)3 la proksee'mah(n) tah'goh(n)

    night nokto nok'toh

    noon tagmezo tahg-meh'zo

    quarter kvarono kvah-ro'no

    quarter of an hour kvaronhoro kvah-rohn-ho'ro

    season sezono seh-zo'no

    seasons la sezonoj la seh-zo'noyspring printempo prin-tehm'po

    summer somero soh-mehr'o

    autumn atuno ahw-too'nowinter vintro vin'tro

    second sekundo seh-koon'doh

    sunrise sunlevio soon'leh-vee'josunset sunsubiro soon'soobeer'o

    time tempo tehm'po

    to-day hodia hoh-dee'ahwto-morrow morga morr'gahw


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    to-night hodia nokte hoh-dee'ahw nok'tehtwilight krepusko krehpoos'ko

    week semajno seh-mahy'no

    week-day labortago lahbohr-tah'go

    Whitsuntide Pentekosto penteh-kohs'toh

    year jaro yah'ro

    yesterday hiera hee-eh'rahwyesterday morning hiera matene hee-eh'rahw mahteh'neh

    9. Town, Country and Agriculture.

    (La Urbo, la Kamparo, kaj la Terkulturo).

    (For Conversations, see p. 106.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Bank deklivo deh-klee'vo

    bank (edge) bordo bohrr'doh

    barley hordeo hohrdeh'o

    barn grenejo greh-neh'yo

    bridge ponto pohn'toh

    brook rivereto reevehr-eh'toh

    building konstruao kon-stroo-ah'zhobush, shrub arbusto ahrr-boo'sto

    cattle brutoj broo'toy

    cemetery tombejo tohm-beh'yo

    clover trifolio tree-fohl-ee'o

    corn greno greh'no

    cottage dometo doh-meh'toh

    country, the la kamparo lah kahm-pah'ro

    courtyard korto kohrr'toh

    crop rikolto ree-kohl'toh

    dairy laktejo lahk-teh'yo

    ditch fosao foh-sah'zhodrain drenilo drehn-ee'lofarm farmbieno fahrm'bee-eh'no

    farmer farmisto fahrm-ist'o

    fence palisaro pahlee-sah'ro

    field kampo kahm'po

    flock (of sheep) afaro shahf-ah'rofoot-path piedvojeto pee-ehd'vo-yeh'toh

    foot-pavement trotuaro tro-tooahr'o

    forest arbaro ahr-bar'o

    garden ardeno jahrr-deh'nogate barpordo bahr-pohr'doh

    grass herbo hehrr'bo

    harvest grenrikolto grehn'reekohl'tohhay fojno foy'no

    hedge plektobarilo plek'toh-bahree'lo

    herd bovaro bo-vah'ro

    high road efvojo chehf-vo'yohhotel hotelo ho-teh'lo

    hut kabano kah-bah'noh

    inn gastejo gah-steh'yoh

    labourer laboristo lah-bo-reest'o

    land, soil tero tehr'o

    library biblioteko bib-lee-oh-teh'ko



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    log tipo shtee'po

    manure sterko stehrr'ko

    market vendejo vendeh'yo

    market-place vendeja placo vendeh'ya plaht'so

    meadow herbejo hehr-beh'yo

    mile mejlo mehy'lo

    mill muelilo moo-ehlee'lo

    monument monumento mo-noomehn'toh

    oats aveno ah-veh'nopalace palaco pah-laht'so

    place, spot loko lo'ko

    pasture patejo pah-shteh'yo

    plough plugilo ploo-ghee'lo

    police-station policejo pohleet-seh'yo

    prison malliberejo mahl-lee-beh-reh'yo

    public-house trinkejo trin-keh'yoh

    restaurant restoracio restohraht-see'o

    river rivero ree-veh'ro

    road vojo vo'yoh

    rye sekalo seh-kah'lo

    school lernejo lehrr-neh'yo

    seed semo seh'mo

    shepherd patisto pah-shteest'o

    shop butiko bootee'ko

    square placo plaht'so

    stack stako stah'ko

    street strato strah'toh

    street-lamp stratlanterno straht'lahn-tehrr'no

    tower turo toor'o

    town urbo oorr'bo

    town-hall urbdomo oorrb-doh'mo

    tramway tramvojo trahm-vo'yoh

    tree arbo ahrr'bo

    university universitato oonivehr-seetah'toh

    village vilao veelah'jo

    waterfall akvofalo ahk'vo-fah'lo

    wheat tritiko treetee'ko

    10. Mankind: Relations.

    (La Homaro: Parencoj).

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Aunt onklino ohn-klee'no

    baby infaneto infahn-eh'toh

    boy knabo knah'bo

    bride edzinigato ed-zeenee-gah'tohbridegroom edzigato edzee-gah'toh

    brother frato frah'toh

    child infano infahn'o

    cousin kuzo m., kuzino f. koo'zo, koozee'no

    daughter filino feelee'no

    daughter-in-law bofilino bo-feelee'no

    family familio fahmee-lee'o

    father patro pah'tro

    father-in-law bopatro bo-pah'tro

    gentleman, Mr. sinjoro seenyohr'o


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    girl knabino knah-bee'no

    grand-daughter nepino neh-pee'no

    grandfather avo ah'vo

    grandmother avino ah-vee'no

    grandson nepo neh'po

    husband edzo ehd'zo

    lady, Mrs. sinjorino seen-yohr-ee'no

    man, a viro vee'ro

    man (human being) homo ho'momarriage edzio ed-zee'jo

    mother patrino pah-tree'no

    mother-in-law bopatrino bo-pah-tree'no

    nephew nevo neh'vo

    niece nevino neh-vee'no

    parents gepatroj gheh-pah'troy

    people, the la popolo lah po-po'lo

    person persono pehr-so'no

    single man, bachelor fralo frahw'lo

    single woman, young lady, Miss fralino frahw-lee'no

    sister fratino frah-tee'no

    sister-in-law bofratino bo-frahtee'no

    son filo fee'lo

    step-son duonfilo doo-ohn-fee'lo

    uncle onklo ohn'klo

    widow vidvino vid-vee'no

    widower vidvo veed'vo

    wife edzino ed-zee'no

    woman virino veeree'no

    11. The Human Body.

    (La Homa Korpo).

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.Abdomen ventro vehn'tro

    ankle maleolo mah-leh-o'lo

    arm brako brah'ko

    back dorso dohrr'so

    beard barbo bahrr'bo

    blood sango sahn'go

    body korpo kohrr'po

    bone osto oh'sto

    bowels intestoj intess'toy

    brain cerbo tsehrr'bo

    cheek vango vahn'go

    chest brusto broo'sto

    chin mentono men-toh'nocomplexion vizakoloro veezahj'ko-lohr'o

    ear orelo o-reh'lo

    elbow kubuto kooboo'toh

    eye okulo o-koo'lo

    eyebrow brovo bro'vo

    eyelid palpebro pahlpeh'bro

    face vizao vee-zah'jo

    finger fingro feen'gro

    foot piedo pee-eh'doh

    forehead frunto froon'toh


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    intelligence inteligenteco intehlee-ghen-teht'so

    joy ojo joh'yo

    judgment (faculty) jukapablo yooj'kah-pah'blo

    knowledge scio stsee'oh

    laughter; a laugh ridado; rido ree-dah'doh; ree'doh

    learning klereco klehr-eht'so

    length longeco lohn-geht'so

    love amo ah'mo

    manhood vireco veer-eht'somind menso mehn'so

    patience pacienco paht-see-ehnt'so

    pleasure plezuro pleh-zoor'o

    politeness, courtesy entileco jehn-tee-leht'so

    reason (faculty) prudento proo-dehn'toh

    science scienco stsee-ehnt'so

    senses, the la sentoj lah sehn'toy

    feeling, touch palpado pahl-pah'doh

    hearing adado ahw-dah'doh

    seeing, sight vidado vee-dah'doh

    smelling, smell flarado flah-rah'do

    tasting, taste gustumado goostoom-ah'doh

    shape formo fohrr'mo

    size amplekso ahm-plek'so

    smell (odour) odoro oh-doh'ro

    smiling; a smile ridetado; rideto reedehtah'do; reedeh'toh

    sneezing; a sneeze ternado; terno tehrr-nah'doh; tehrr'no

    sorrow malojo mahl-jo'yo

    speaking, speech parolado pah-ro-lah'doh

    strength forteco fohrr-teht'so

    stupidity stulteco stool-teht'so

    surprise surprizo soorr-pree'zo

    taste (of a thing) gusto goos'toh

    thickness dikeco dee-keht'so

    thinking, thought pensado pehn-sah'doh

    thought, a penso pehn'so

    voice voo vo'cho

    weakness (quality) malforteco mahl-fohrr-teht'so

    wisdom sao sah'jo

    womanhood virineco vee-ree-neht'so

    youth (quality) juneco yoo-neht'so

    13. Health.

    (La Sano.)

    (For Conversations see p. 105.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Accident akcidento ahkt-see-dehn'toh

    ambulance ambulanco ahm-boo-lahnt'so

    bandage bandao bahn-dah'jo

    biliousness galmalsano gahl-mahl-sah'no

    blister veziketo veh-zee-keh'toh

    bruise kontuzo kon-too'zo

    burn brulvundo brool-voon'doh

    chemist's (shop) apoteko ahpo-teh'ko

    chilblain frostabsceso frohst-ahbs-tseh'so


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    chill, cold malvarmumo mahl-vahr-moo'mo

    contagion kontaio kon-tahjee'o

    corns kaloj kah'loy

    cough tuso too'so

    cramp krampfo krahmp'fo

    dentist dentisto dehn-tis'toh

    diarrha lakso lahk'so

    diet dieto dee-eht'o

    disease, illness malsano mahl-sah'nodoctor kuracisto koo-raht-sis'toh

    dysentery disenterio dis-ehn-teh-ree'o

    exercise ekzercado ek-zehrt-sah'do

    exhaustion ellacio ellaht-see'jo

    to faint sveni sveh'nee

    fainting sveno sveh'no

    fever febro feh'bro

    fit atako (epilepsia) ah-tah'ko (eh-peelep-see'ah)

    fracture ostrompo ost-rohm'po

    gout podagro po-dah'gro

    headache kapdoloro kahp-dolohr'o

    hospital hospitalo hospit-ah'lo

    ill, sick malsana mahl-sah'nah

    indigestion dispepsio dis-pep-see'o

    inflammation inflamo inflah'mo

    lame lama lah'ma

    medicine medicino med-eet-see'no

    nurse flegistino fleh-ghis-tee'no

    ointment ungvento oong-vehn'toh

    operation operacio oh-peh-raht-see'o

    pain doloro doh-lohr'o

    paralysis paralizo pa-rah-lee'zo

    physician medicinisto mehdit-seen-eest'o

    pill pilolo pee-lo'lo

    poison veneno veh-neh'no

    poultice kataplasmo kah-tah-plahs'mo

    prescription recepto reht-sep'toh

    rest ripozado ree-po-zah'doh

    scald brogo broh'go

    sea-sickness marmalsano mahr-mahl-sah'no

    sprain tordvundo tohrd-voon'doh

    sting pikvundo peek-voon'doh

    tonic stimulilo stimoolee'lo

    unwell, to be farti malbone fahrr'tee mahlbo'neh

    well, to be farti bone fahrr'tee bo'neh

    wound vundo voon'doh

    14. Food & Drink.

    (Manaoj kaj Trinkaoj.)

    (For Conversations see pp. 102105.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Appetite apetito ah-peh-tee'toh

    beverages trinkaoj trin-kah'zhoy

    beer biero bee-ehr'o

    chocolate okolado cho-ko-lah'doh


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    cocoa kakao kah-kah'o

    coffee kafo kah'fo

    lemonade citronakvo tsee-trohn-ahk'vo

    milk lakto lahk'toh

    soda water sodakvo sohd-ahk'vo

    tea teo teh'o

    water akvo ahk'vo

    wine vino vee'no

    bill-of-fare manokarto mahn'jo-kahr'tohbiscuits biskvitoj bisk-vee'toy

    bread pano pah'no

    brown bread bruna pano broo'nah pah'no

    new bread frea pano freh'shah pah'no

    stale bread malfrea pano mahl-freh'shah pah'no

    rolls bulkoj bool'koy

    hot roll varma bulko vahr'mah bool'ko

    boiled bolkuirita bohl'koo-eeree'tah

    bottle botelo boh-teh'lo

    butter butero boo-tehr'o

    cake kuko koo'ko

    cheese fromao fro-mah'jo

    chicken kokidao koh-keed-ah'zho

    cinnamon cinamo tsee-nah'mo

    cooked; un- kuirita; ne- koo-eeree'tah; neh-

    cream kremo kreh'mo

    custard flano flah'no

    dessert deserto deh-sehr'toh

    eggs ovoj oh'voy

    fish, dried sekigita fio seh-kee-ghee'tah fee'sho

    , fresh frea fio freh'shah fee'sho

    flour faruno fah-roo'no

    fowl kokao koh-kah'zho

    fruits fruktoj frook'toy

    ginger zingibro zin-ghee'bro

    honey mielo mee-eh'lo

    hunger malsato mahl-sah'toh

    ice, an glaciao glahtsee-ah'zho

    jam, preserve konfitao konfee-tah'zho

    marmalade marmelado mahr-meh-lah'do

    meals manoj mahn'joy

    breakfast matenmano maht-ehn-mahn'jo

    dinner efmano chehf-mahn'jo

    luncheon luno loon'cho

    tea teomano teh'o-mahn'jo

    supper vespermano vespehr-mahn'jo

    meat viando vee-ahn'doh

    bacon lardo lahr'dohbeef bovao bo-vah'zho

    beefsteak bifsteko beef-steh'ko

    fat graso grah'so

    ham inko sheen'ko

    kidneys renoj reh'noy

    lamb afidao shah-feedah'zho

    lean malgraso mahl-grah'so

    mutton afao shah-fah'zho

    mutton cutlet afkotletoj shahf'kot-leh'toy

    pork porkao pohrr-kah'zho


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    hat apelo chahpeh'lo

    hatpin apelpinglo chapehl-peen'glo

    jacket jako yah'ko

    jewellery juveloj yoo-veh'loy

    knot nodo no'do

    linen tolao to-lah'zho

    lining subtofo soob-shtoh'fo

    looking-glass, mirror spegulo speh-goo'lo

    material (dress, etc.) tofo shtoh'focalico kalikoto kahlee-ko'toh

    cloth drapo drah'po

    cotton katuno kahtoo'no

    crape krepo kreh'po

    flannel flanelo flahneh'lo

    flannelette flaneleto flahneh-leh'toh

    fur pelto pehl'toh

    lace punto poon'toh

    leather ledo leh'doh

    linen tolo toh'lo

    muslin muslino mooss-lee'no

    print katuno kahtoo'no

    satin atlaso ahtlah'so

    silk silko seel'ko

    velvet veluro vel-oor'o

    velveteen felpo fehl'po

    wool lano lah'no

    morning-coat ako zhah'ko

    muff mufo moo'fo

    needle kudrilo koo-dree'lo

    overcoat palto pahl'toh

    parasol sunombrelo soon-ombreh'lo

    petticoat subjupo soob-yoo'po

    pins pingloj peen'gloy

    pocket poo po'sho

    pocket-book polibro pohsh-lee'bro

    purse monujo mo-noo'yo

    razor razilo rahzee'lo

    ribbon rubando roo-bahn'doh

    ring ringo reen'go

    scissors tondilo tohndee'loh

    sewing-cotton kotonfadeno ko-tohn'fah-deh'no

    sewing-silk silkfadeno silk-fahdeh'no

    shawl alo shah'lo

    shoe-horn ukorno shoo-kohr'no

    shoes uoj shoo'oy

    skirt jupo yoo'po

    sleeve maniko mah-nee'koslippers pantofloj pahn-toh'floy

    soap sapo sah'po

    spectacles okulvitroj okool-vee'troy

    sponge spongo spohn'go

    stud kolumbutono koloom'boo-toh'no

    suit (clothes) kompleto kom-pleh'toh

    tape rubandeto roobahn-deh'toh

    thimble fingringo fin-green'go

    thread fadeno fah-deh'no

    tie, neck-tie kravato krah-vah'toh


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    tooth-powder dentpulvoro dent-pool-vo'ro

    trousers pantalono pahn-tahlo'no

    tunic tuniko too-nee'ko

    umbrella pluvombrelo ploov-ombreh'lo

    veil vualo voo-ah'lo

    waistcoat veto vesh'toh

    walking-stick irbastono eer-bah-sto'no

    watch pohorloo pohsh-horlo'jo

    waterproof (coat) pluvmantelo ploov-mahn-teh'lo

    17. Washing List.


    (For Conversations see p. 111.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Aprons antatukoj ahn'tahw-too'koy

    blankets lanaj litkovriloj lah'nahy leet'ko-vree'loy

    blouses bluzoj bloo'zoy

    bodices korsaoj kohr-sah'zhoy

    chemises emizoj virinaj cheh-mee'zoy vee-reen'ahy

    collars, lace puntaj kolumoj poon'tahy ko-loo'moy

    collars, linen tolaj kolumoj to'lahy ko-loo'moy

    combinations kombinaoj kom-been-ah'zhoy

    cuffs manumoj mah-noo'moy

    drawers, pairs of kalsonoj kahl-so'noy

    dresses roboj ro'boy

    dressing-gowns negliroboj neh-gleej-ro'boy

    dusters vitukoj veesh-too'koy

    handkerchiefs, pocket naztukoj nahz-too'koy

    , silk silkaj naztukoj seel'kahy nahz-too'koy

    napkins (child's) tuketoj tookeh'toy

    neckties kravatoj krahvah'toynight-shirts, -dresses noktoemizoj nok'toh-cheh-mee'zoy

    flannel petticoats flanelaj subjupoj flaneh'lahy soobyoo'poy

    pillow-cases kapkuseningoj kahp'koo-seh-neen'goy

    pinafores antatuketoj ahn'tahw-too-keh'toy

    pyjamas (suits) piamoj pee-jah'moy

    serviettes butukoj boosh-too'koy

    sheets littukoj leet-too'koy

    shirts emizoj viraj cheh-mee'zoy veer'ahy

    sleeves manikoj mah-nee'koy

    socks trumpetoj shtroom-peh'toy

    stockings trumpoj shtroom'poy

    silk stockings silkajtrumpoj seel'kahy shtroom'poy

    table-cloths tablotukoj tah'blo-too'koytowels manviiloj mahn-vee-shee'loy

    under-vests kamizoloj kah-mee-zo'loy

    waistcoats vetoj vesh'toy

    , flannel flanelaj vetoj fla-neh'lahy vesh'toy

    18. The House and Furniture.

    (La Domo kaj la Meblaro.)



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    (For Shopping see p. 108.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Ante-room antaambro ahn'tahw-chahm'bro

    armchair brakseo brahk-seh'jo

    ashes cindro tseen'dro

    ash-pan cindrujo tsin-droo'yo

    attic mansardo mahn-sahrr'doh

    basket korbo kohrr'bobathroom banambro bahn-chahm'bro

    bedstead, bed lito lee'toh

    bedroom dormoambro dohr'mo-chahm'bro

    bell sonorilo so-no-ree'lo

    blind rulkurteno rool-koor-teh'no

    bolster transkuseno trahns-koo-seh'no

    bolt riglilo reeglee'lo

    book libro lee'bro

    book-case libroranko lee'bro-shrahn'ko

    book-shelf librobreto lee'bro-breh'toh

    box skatolo skah-toh'lo

    bracket krampobreto krahmpo-breh'toh

    brick briko bree'kobroom balailo ba-la-ee'lo

    burner flamingo flah-meen'go

    candle kandelo kahn-deh'lo

    candlestick kandelingo kahn-deh-leen'go

    carpet tapio tah-pee'sho

    ceiling plafono plah-fo'no

    cellar kelo keh'lo

    chair, seat seo seh'jo

    chamber-utensil necesujo neht-seh-soo'yo

    chandelier, lustre lustro loo'stro

    chest of drawers tirkestaro teer'kest-ah'ro

    clock horloo hohrr-lo'jo

    coals karbo kahrr'bocouch kanapo kah-nah'po

    counterpane litkovrilo leet'ko-vree'lo

    court-yard korto kohr'toh

    cradle lulilo loo-lee'lo

    cupboard ranko shrahn'ko

    curtain kurteno koor-teh'no

    cushion kuseno koo-seh'no

    dining-room manoambro mahn'jo-chahm'bro

    dinner-waggon telertablo telehr-tah'blo

    door pordo pohrr'doh

    door-handle anso ahn'so

    drawing-room akcepta salono ahk-tsep'tah sah-lo'no

    dresser telermeblo telehr-meh'blo

    feather-bed plumlito ploom-lee'toh

    fender fajrbarilo fire-bah-ree'lo

    fire fajro fah'y-ro (fire-oh)

    fire-place fajrejo fahy-reh'yo

    flame flamo flah'mo

    floor planko plahn'ko

    floor, story etao ehtah'jo

    footstool skabelo skah-beh'lo

    furniture, piece of meblo meh'blo


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    garden ardeno jahr-deh'no

    gas gaso gah'so

    gas-bracket gas-brako gahss-brah'ko

    grate fajrujo fahy-roo'yo

    hall (entrance) vestiblo vestee'blo

    hand-basin lavujo lah-voo'yo

    (hearth-)rug (kamen)tapieto (kah-mehn') tah-pee-sheh'toh

    house domo doh'mo

    key losilo shlo-see'lokitchen kuirejo koo-ee-reh'yo

    lamp lampo lahm'po

    landing eta-placeto ehtahj'plaht'seh'toh

    larder manaejo mahn-jah-zheh'yo

    latch levriglilo lehv-reeglee'lo

    library biblioteko bib-lee-o-teh'ko

    linoleum linolo lee-no'lo

    lock seruro seh-roo'ro

    mantel-piece kamenbreto kah-mehn'breh'toh

    mat mato mah'toh

    mattress matraco maht-raht'so

    oil-cloth vakstolo vahks-toh'lo

    ornament ornamo ohr-nah'mo

    passage trairejo trah-eer-eh'yo

    piano fortepiano fohrr-teh-pee-ah'no

    picture bildo beel'doh

    pillow kapkuseno kahp'koo-seh'no

    poker fajrincitilo fire-int-sit-ee'lo

    porch portiko pohr-tee'ko

    rack (for dishes, &c.) rafo rahw'fo

    roof tegmento teg-mehn'toh

    room ambro chahm'bro

    screen skreno skreh'no

    scullery vazlavejo vahz'lah-veh'yo

    shovel ovelilo sho-veh-lee'lo

    sideboard bufedo boo-feh'do

    sink pladlavujo plahd-lah-voo'yo

    smoke fumo foo'mo

    sofa sofo so'fo

    soot fulgo fool'go

    spark fajrero fahy-reh'ro

    staircase tuparo shtoo-pahr'o

    stairs, steps la tupoj lah shtoo'poy

    suite (of rooms) apartamento ahpahrr-tah-mehn'toh

    table tablo tah'blo

    tapestry tapeto tah-peh'toh

    tile (of roof) tegolo teh-go'lo

    umbrella-stand ombrelujo ohm-breh-loo'yovase vazo vah'zo

    wall muro moo'ro

    wall-paper murpapero moor-pa-peh'roh

    water-closet (w.c.) necesejo neht-seh-seh'yo

    window fenestro fen-eh'stro

    writing-desk pupitro poo-pee'tro


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    19. Travelling: By Road & Rail.

    (La Vojaado: per Vojo kaj Fervojo.)

    (For Conversations, see p. 95.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Arrival alveno ahl-veh'no

    bill kalkulo kahl-koo'lo

    booking-office biletejo beeleht-eh'yo

    box (of carriage) kondukseo kondook-seh'jo

    brake bremso brehm'so

    bridle brido bree'doh

    cabman, coachman veturigisto vehtoo-ree-ghist'o

    carriage kaleo kahleh'sho

    change, to vagonani vah-gohn-shahn'jee

    cloak-room deponejo deh-po-neh'yo

    coach dilienco dee-lee-jehnt'so

    coffee-room kafejo kah-feh'yo

    communication-cord danernuro dahn-jehr-shnoor'o

    compartment kupeo koo-peh'o

    conductor konduktoro kon-dooktoh'rocushion kuseno koo-seh'no

    custom-house dogano doh-gah'no

    custom-house officer doganisto doh-gah-nist'o

    departure ekveturo ek-vehtoo'ro

    electric, electrical elektra eh-lehk'tra

    electricity elektro eh-lehk'tro

    embankment (rail.) taluso tah-loo'so

    engine lokomotivo lo-komo-tee'vo

    entrance enirejo eneer-eh'yo

    excursion ekskurso eks-koorr'so

    exit elirejo ehleer-eh'yo

    express (train) ekspreso eks-preh'so

    fare veturprezo vehtoor-preh'zofast train rapidira vagonaro rahpee-dee'rah vahgo-nah'ro

    foot-warmer piedvarmigilo pee-ehd'vahrmee-ghee'lo

    full plena pleh'na

    guide gvidisto gvee-dist'o

    guide-book gvidlibro gveed'lee'bro

    hansom-cab fiakro fee-ah'kro

    hat-box apelujo chah-peh-loo'yo

    hotel hotelo ho-teh'lo

    inside (of vehicle) interno in-tehr'no

    interpreter interpretisto intehr-preh-tist'o

    journey vojao vo-yah'jo

    journey (train, etc.) veturo vehtoo'ro

    junction vojkunio voy'koonee'jokey losilo shlo-see'lo

    label etikedo eh-tikeh'doh

    landlady mastrino mah-stree'no

    landlord mastro mah'stro

    lavatory lavejo lah-veh'yo

    lodging loejo lo-jeh'yo

    luggage pakaoj pah-kah'zhoy

    motor motoro mo-tohr'o

    motor 'bus motorbuso mo-tohr-boo'so

    motor-car atomobilo ahw-toh-mo-bee'lo



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    omnibus omnibuso omnee-boo'so

    outside (of vehicle) imperialo impeh-ree-ah'lo

    package pakao pah-kah'zho

    payment pago pah'go

    platform fervoja perono fehr-vo'yah peh-ro'no

    porter portisto pohr-tist'o

    portmanteau valizo vah-lee'zo

    rack (for parcels, &c.) rafo rah'w-fo

    railway fervojo fehr-vo'jorailway-carriage vagono vah-go'no

    railway-station fervoja stacio fehr-vo'yah staht-see'oh

    receipt kvitanco kvitahnt'so

    reins kondukiloj, gvidrimenoj kondoo-kee'loy, gveed'ri-meh'noy

    reserved rezervita rehzehr-vee'ta

    rug tegilo teh-ghee'lo

    saddle selo seh'lo

    seat loko lo'ko

    signal signalo seeg-nah'lo

    start, the la ekveturo la ek-veh-too'ro

    station-master staciestro staht-see-est'ro

    strap rimeno ree-meh'no

    terminus finstacio feen-staht-see'oh

    ticket bileto beeleh'toh

    time-table veturhoraro vehtoor'horah'ro

    tour rondvojao rohnd-voyah'jo

    tourist turist-o, -ino toor-ist'o, -ee'no

    track relvojo rehl-vo'yo

    train vagonaro vah-go-nah'ro

    tram-car tramveturilo trahm'vehtoor-ee'lo

    tramway tramvojo trahm-vo'yo

    travel, to (train, &c.) veturi vehtoo'ree

    trunk kofro ko'fro

    tube (railway) tubfervojo toob-fehr-vo'yo

    tunnel tunelo too-neh'lo

    underground subtera soob-teh'rah

    valise, hand-bag valizeto vah-leezeh'toh

    waiter kelnero kel-nehr'o

    waiting-room atendejo ahtehn-deh'yo

    20. Travelling: by Ship.


    (For Conversations see p. 97.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.Alongside, to come albordii ahlbohrdee'jee

    anchor ankro ahn'kro

    berth dormujo dorr-moo'yo

    boat boato bo-ah'toh

    boiler kaldrono kahl-dro'no

    bow antao antah'wo

    buoy buo boo'oh

    cabin kajuto kah-yoo'toh

    cable kablo kah-blo

    captain kapitano kahpee-tah'no


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    compass kompaso kom-pah'so

    crane argano ahrrgah'no

    crew ipanaro sheepah-nah'ro

    deck ferdeko fehr-deh'ko

    disembark elipii el-shipee'jee

    dock doko do'ko

    to embark enipii en-shipee'jee

    engineer mainisto mahshee-nist'o

    fishing-boat fibarko feesh-bahr'koflag flago flah'go

    gangway pasponteto pahss'pon-teh'toh

    harbour, port haveno hahveh'no

    helm, rudder direktilo deerek-tee'lo

    hold holdo hohl'do

    to land surterii soortehr-ee'jee

    landing-stage, pier enipiejo en-shipee-jeh'yo

    life-belt savzono sahv-zo'no

    life-boat savipo sahv-shee'po

    lighthouse lumturo loom-toor'o

    mast masto mah'sto

    oar remilo reh-mee'lo

    paddle-wheel padelrado pah-dehl-rah'doh

    passenger pasaero pah-sah-jehr'o

    pilot piloto pee-loh'toh

    port-hole fenestreto fehneh-streh'toh

    quay kajo kah'yo

    rope nuro shnoor'o

    sail velo veh'lo

    sailing-ship velipo vehl-shee'po

    saloon, first class unua klaso oonoo'ah klah'so

    screw-propeller pelrabo, helico pehl-shrahw'bo, heh-leet'so

    seaman, sailor maristo mahr-ist'o

    ship ipo shee'po

    start, to ekveturi ek-vehtoor'ee

    steam-boat, -ship vaporipo vahpohr-shee'po

    steerage, third class tria klaso tree'ah klah'so

    steersman direktilisto deerek-tee-list'o

    stern posto post'o

    steward provizisto pro-vee-zist'o

    stewardess servistino sehr-vis-tee'no

    tug trenipo trehn-shee'po

    voyage vojao vo-yah'jo

    21. Countries & Nations.4

    (Landoj kaj Nacioj.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Africa Afriko ah-free'ko

    America Ameriko ah-mehree'ko

    American Amerikano ah-mehree-kah'no

    Asia Azio ah-zee'oh

    Australia Astralio ahw-strahlee'oh

    Austria Astrio ahw-stree'oh

    Belgium Belgujo belhgoo'yo

    Canada Kanado kahnah'doh


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    China inujo kheenoo'yoChinese, the lainoj la khee'noyDenmark Danujo dahnoo'yo

    Dutchman Holandano holahn-dah'no

    empire imperio impeh-ree'oh

    England Anglujo ahn-gloo'yo

    English, the la Angloj la ahn'gloy

    Englishman Anglo ahn'glo

    Europe Eropo ehw-ro'poFrance Francujo frahnt-soo'yo

    French, the la Francoj la frahnt'soy

    Frenchman Franco frahnt'so

    German Germano ghehrr-mah'no

    Germany Germanujo ghehrr-mahnoo'yo

    Holland Holando holahn'doh

    India Indio indee'oh

    Ireland Irlando eerrlahn'doh

    Irish, the la Irlandanoj la eerrlahn-dah'noy

    Irishman Irlandano eerlahn-dah'no

    Italian Italo eetah'lo

    Italy Italujo eetahloo'yo

    Japan Japanujo yah-pahnoo'yo

    Japanese, the la Japanoj la yahpah'noy

    kingdom regno rehg'no

    Norway Norvegujo norrveh-goo'yo

    republic respubliko rehspooblee'ko

    Russia Rusujo roosoo'yo

    Scotland Skotujo sko-too'yo

    Scotch, the la Skotoj la sko'toy

    Scotchman Skoto sko'to

    Spain Hispanujo hispah-noo'yo

    United States, the la Unuigitaj tatoj la oonooee-ghee'tahy shtah'toySweden Svedujo svehdoo'yo

    Switzerland Svisujo svisoo'yo

    Turkey Turkujo toorkoo'yo

    Wales Kimrujo kimroo'yo

    Welsh, the la Kimroj la kim'roy

    22. Recreation and Amusement.

    (La Ludado kaj Amuzado.)

    (For Conversations see p. 112.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Ball (dance) balo bah'lo

    balloon balono bahloh'noballoonist aerostatisto ah-ehro-stah-tist'o

    circus cirko tseerr'ko

    concert koncerto kont-sehr'toh

    accompanist akompanist-o, -ino ahkompah-nist'o, -ee'no

    audience adantaro ahwdahn-tah'robass baso bah'so

    chorus (singers) oro khoh'roconductor orkestrestro orkest-rest'ro

    instruments instrumentoj instroo-mehn'toy

    , brass latunaj instrumentoj lah-too'nahy instroo-mehn'toy



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    , reed aninstrumentoj ahnch'instroo-mehn'toy, string kordinstrumentoj kohrrd'instroomehn'toy

    music muziko moo-zee'ko

    organ orgeno ohr-geh'no

    pianist fortepianist-o, -ino fohr'teh-pee-ahn-ist'o, -een'o

    piano fortepiano fohr'teh-pee-ah'no

    programme programo pro-grah'mo

    recital muzika seanco moozee'kah seh-ahnt'so

    recitation deklamo deh-klah'moseats benkoj behn'koy

    , (un)reserved (ne)rezervitaj lokoj (neh)rehzehr-vee'tahy lo'koy

    singer kantant-o, -ino kahntahnt'-o, -een'o

    , (professional) kantist-o, -ino kahntist'-o, -een'o

    solo; duet solo; duo solo; doo'oh

    song kanto kahn'toh

    soprano soprano so-prah'no

    tenor tenoro teh-nohr'o

    ticket bileto beeleh'toh

    violin violono vee-ohlo'no

    exhibition ekspozicio eks-pozit-see'oh

    fte festo feh'sto

    flower-show flor-ekspozicio flohr'eks-pozit-see'o

    flying machine aerveturilo ah-ehr'veh-tooree'lo

    limelight-views lumprojekcioj loom'pro-yekt-see'oy

    museum muzeo moo-zeh'o

    picture-gallery bildogalerio bil'doh-galeh-ree'o

    refreshment-room bufedo boo-feh'doh

    sports and games sportoj kaj ludoj spor'toy kahy loo'doy

    bathing; to bathe banado; bani ba-nah'doh; bah'nee

    billiards bilardo bilahr'doh

    boating, to go promeni boate pro-meh'nee bo-ah'teh

    box, to boksi bok'see

    boxing-match vetbokso veht-bok'so

    chess ako shah'kocricket kriketo krikeh'toh

    draughts damoj dah'moy

    fishing fikaptado fish'kahptah'dohto fish fi-kapti fish-kahp'teeto go fishing iri fikapti ee'ree fish-kahp'teefishing-line hokfadeno hohk'fahdeh'no

    fishing-net fireto fish-reh'tohfishing-rod fikaptilo fish-kahp-tee'lo

    hunting; to hunt asado; asi chahsah'doh; chah'seefox-hunt vulpaso voolp-chah'sohuntsman asisto chahsist'o

    match vetludo veht-loo'doh

    playing; to play ludado; ludi loo-dah'doh; loo'deeraces evalkuroj chehvahl-koo'roy

    grand-stand eftribuno chehf-triboo'nojockey okeo zho-keh'orace-course vetkurejo veht-koo-reh'yo

    rowing; to row remado; remi reh-mah'doh; reh'mee

    shooting pafasado pahf-chah-sah'dohammunition municio moonit-see'o

    bullet, ball kuglo koo'glo

    cartridge kartoo kahr-toh'chogame-bag asosako chah'so-sah'ko


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    gun afilo pah-fee'lo

    shot pafao pah-fah'zhoto shoot pafi pah'fee

    skating; to skate glitumado; glitumi glitoomah'doh; glitoo'mee

    spectator spektatoro spek-tah-tohr'o

    swimming; to swim naado; nai najah'do; nah'jeetennis teniso tehnee'so

    to wrestle lukti look'tee

    tent tendo tehn'dohtheatre teatro teh-ah'tro

    act akto ahk'toh

    , to ludi rolon loo'dee ro'lohn

    actor, actress aktoro, aktorino ahktohr'o, ahktoree'no

    auditorium aditorio ahw-ditohr-ee'oballet baleto baleh'toh

    boxes loioj lo-jee'oybox-office lokoficejo loh'ko-fit-seh'yo

    cloak-room deponejo dehponeh'yo

    comedian komediisto komeh-dee-ist'o

    curtain kurteno koor-teh'no

    dance danco dahnt'so

    dancer dancist-o, -ino dahntsist'-o, -een'o

    exit elirejo ehlee-reh'yo

    footlights planklampoj plahnk-lahm'poy

    gallery galerio galeh-ree'o

    manager direktoro deerektoh'ro

    music-hall muzikhalo moozeek-ha'lo

    opera opero opeh'ro

    opera-glasses lorno lohrr'no

    opera-house operejo opeh-reh'yo

    orchestra, band orkestro orkest'ro

    pit partero pahr-tehr'o

    play teatrao teh-atrah'zhoscene sceno stseh'no

    scenery (theat.) scenpentrao stsehn-pentrah'zhostage scenejo stseh-neh'yo

    stage-manager reisoro reh-jee-sohr'ostalls foteloj (orkestraj) fo-teh'loy (orkest'rahy)

    23. Cycling.


    (See also Motoring, following, and Conversations pp. 114 to 116.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Accessories akcesoraoj ahk-tseh-sorah'zhoyacetylene acetileno aht-sehtee-leh'no

    axle akso ahk'so

    back-pedal, to retropedali reh'tro-pehdah'lee

    ball bearings kuglokusenoj koo'glo-koo-seh'noy

    bell tintilo tin-tee'lo

    bicycle biciklo bit-see'klo

    bolt (screw-) bolto bohl'toh

    brake bremso brehm'so

    cement cemento tseh-mehn'toh

    chain eno cheh'no


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    chainless senena sen-cheh'nahchain-regulator enustigilo chehn'joostig-ee'lochain-wheel granda dentrado grahn'da dent-rah'doh

    clutch konektumo kohnek-too'mo

    cone konuso ko-noo'so

    crank kranko krahn'ko

    crank-pin krankokejlo krahn'ko-keh'y-lo

    crooked malrekta mahlrek'tah

    cycle-shop biciklobutiko bitsee'klo-boo-tee'kocycling race vetbiciklado veht'bitsee-klah'doh

    cycling track bicikla dromo bitsee'klah dro'mo

    cyclist (bi)ciklisto (bee)tsee-klist'o

    lady cyclist (bi)ciklistino (bee)tsee-klist-ee'no

    cyclometer ciklometro tsee-klo-meh'tro

    detachable deprenebla deh-preneh'blah

    dismount, to deselii deh-seh-lee'jeedress-guard robirmilo rohb'sheer-mee'loduster viilo veeshee'loelectro-plate, to nikeli neekeh'lee

    enamel, to emajli emah'y-lee

    foot-rests piedapogiloj pee-ehd'apoh-ghee'loy

    foot-step tupo shtoo'pofork forko fohr-ko

    frame kadro kah'dro

    free-wheel libera rado leebeh'ra rah'doh

    free-wheel, to liberiri leebeh-ree'ree

    friction frotado fro-tah'doh

    gear rapidumo rahpee-doo'mo

    high gear granda rapidumo grahn'da rahpeedoo'mo

    low gear malgranda rapidumo mahl-grahn'da rahpee-doo'mo

    two-speed gear du-rapidumo doo'rahpee-doo'mo

    gear-case enujo cheh-noo'yogeared to kun rapidumo de koon rahpeedoo'mo deh

    gearing dentao dentah'zhohandle-bar gvidilo gveedee'lo

    handles, grips tenilo teh-nee'lo

    hub aksingo ahk-seen'go

    indiarubber kauko kahw-choo'koindiarubber solution kauka solvao kahw-choo'ka sol-vah'zhoinner tube interna tubo intehr'nah too'bo

    lamp lanterno lantehr'no

    lamp-bracket lanternhoko lahn-tehrn'ho'ko

    lamp-wick meo meh'cholight up, to lumigi loo-mee'ghee

    link enero cheh-neh'rolubricator olekapsulo oleh'kapsoo'lo

    lubricator protector kapsulkovrilo kapsool'ko-vree'loluggage-carrier pakportilo pahk'pohr-tee'lo

    map landkarto lahnd-kar'toh

    mount, to surselii soor-sehl-ee'jeemudguard kotkaptilo koht-kaptee'lo

    nut rabingo shrahw-been'gonut, safety- fiksarabingo feek'sa shrahw-been'gooil for burning lumoleo loom-oleh'o

    , lubricating miroleo shmeer-oleh'ooil-can oleujeto ohleh-oo-yeh'toh

    outer cover volvao vohl-vah'zho



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    pedal edalo peh-dah'lo

    pedal-rubber pedalkauko pedahl'kahw-choo'kopedal-brake pedala bremso peh-dah'la brehm'so

    pneumatic tyre pnematika bendo pnehw-matee'ka behn'dohpump pumpilo poom-pee'lo

    pump up, to veligi shveh-leeg'eepump-tube pumpiltubo poom-peel-too'bo

    to put together, fit up to munti moon'tee

    rag ifono chifo'norepair, to ripari ripah'ree

    repairing outfit riparilaro ripah-ree-lah'ro

    ride a bicycle, to bicikli bit-see'klee

    rim radrondo rahd-rohn'doh

    rim-brake radronda bremso rahd-rohn'da brehm'so

    rivet vinkto vink'toh

    saddle selo seh'lo

    saddle-bag selsaketo sehl'sah-keh'toh

    saddle-pillar selkolono sehl-kolo'no

    screw rabo shrahw'-boscrew, to rabi shrahw'-beescrew-bolt of chain enbolto chehn-bohl'tohscrewdriver rabturnilo shrahwb-toor-nee'lo

    spanner rabilo shrahw-bee'lospokes radioj rah-dee'oy

    spring risorto risohr'toh

    start, to ekiri ekeer'ee

    steer, to gvidi gvee'dee

    strap rimeno reemeh'no

    take to pieces, to malmunti mahl-moon'tee

    tighten up, to strei streh'cheetoe-clip piedingo pee-ehd-een'go

    tricycle triciklo tritsee'klo

    trousers-clip pantalonpinilo pantalohn'pin-chee'lounscrew, to malrabi mahl-shrahw'-beevalve valvo vahl'vo

    valve-cap valvkovrilo vahlv'ko-vree'lo

    valve-tubing valvtubao vahlv'too-bah'zhowheel, back posta rado po'stah rah'doh

    , front antaa rado antah'wah rah'doh

    24. Motoring.


    (See also Cycling above, and Conversations pp. 114 to 116.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.Accumulator akumulatoro ahkoomoo-lahtohr'o

    battery baterio bahteh-ree'oh

    brake-collar bremsorubando brehm'so-roobahn'doh

    break down (stop), to panei pahneh'ee

    cam kamo kah'mo

    carburator karburatoro karboo-rahtohr'o

    chain adjustment enustigilo chehn-joosti-ghee'locharge, to argi shahr'gheechassis asio chah-see'ohchauffeur, driver veturigisto vehtoo-reeghist'oh


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    claw ungo oon'go

    contact-breaker (trembler) kontakt-rompilo kontahkt'-rompee'lo

    driving pinion pelrado pehl-rah'doh

    elbow kubuto kooboo'toh

    electric motor elektra motoro ehlek'tra motohr'o

    evaporate, to vaporii vahpohr-ee'jeeexhaust gasforfluo gahss-fohrfloo'oh

    exhaust-box (silencer) silentigujo seelehn-tigoo'yo

    exhaust-valve forflua valvo fohrfloo'ah vahl'vofeed-pump nutro-pumpilo noo'tro-poompee'lo

    fill, to plenigi plehnee'ghee

    flaw difektao difek-tah'zhofly-wheel inertrado in-ehrt-rah'doh

    garage remizo rehmee'zo

    gas gaso gah'so

    generator generatoro ghenehrahtohr'o

    goggles okulvitroj okool-vee'troy

    gradient deklivo dehklee'vo

    handle tenilo tehnee'lo

    hooter blekilo blehkee'lo

    horse-power evalpovo chehvahl-po'voignition ignito, ignitigilo ignee'toh, igniteeghee'lo

    leakage ellaso el-lah'so

    lever levilo lehvee'lo

    motor motoro mohtohr'o

    car atomobilo ahwtomobee'lo lamp lanterno lahn-tehr'no

    packing stupo stoo'po

    petrol petrolo pehtro'lo

    pressure, high altpremo alt-preh'mo

    , low malaltpremo mahlalt-preh'mo

    rack (lifter) rako rah'ko

    reservoir, tank rizervujo rizehr-voo'yo

    reversing lever irmaligilo eer'mahleeghee'lo

    spare tyre krom-bendo krohm-behn'doh

    spark sparko spahr'ko

    sparking-plug sparkilo spahrkee'lo

    speed, full plena rapideco pleh'na rahpideht'so

    , high granda rapideco grahn'da rahpideht'so

    , low malgranda rapideco mahlgrahn'da rapideht'so

    speed-changing gear rapidana mekanismo rahpeed-shahn'jah mekanis'mostarting-gear ekiriga mekanismo ekeeree'gah mekanees'mo

    starting handle ekirigilo eh-keereeghee'lo

    steering bar gvidstango gveed-stahn'go

    tap krano krah'no

    throw into gear, to konekti konek'tee

    throw out of gear, to malkonekti mahlkonek'tee

    25. Photography.

    (La Fotografarto.)

    (For Conversations see p. 117.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Amateur amatoro amah-tohr'o

    background fono fo'no


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    , cloth tola fono toh'la fo'no

    backing paper fonpapero fohn-papehr'o

    bath, positive pozitiva bano pozitee'va bah'no

    , silver arentbano arjehnt-bah'nobulb bulbo bool'bo

    bulging konveksigo konvek-see'go

    burnisher polurilo poloor-ee'lo

    cameo kameo kameh'o

    camera fotografilo, kamero foto-grafee'lo, kameh'ro bellows balgo bahl'go

    camera, hand mankamero mahnkamehr'o

    , stand stativkamero stateev'kamehr'o

    cutting moulds trankalibrilo trahnch'kalibree'lodark-room lamp rua lanterno roo'jah lantehr'nodark slide (double) kaseto (duobla) kahseh'toh (doo-oh'bla)

    developing rivelado reeveh-lah'do

    dipper trempilo trehm-pee'lo

    dishes kuvetoj koo-veh'toy

    for developing rivelkuvetoj rivehl'koo-veh'toy

    for fixing fikskuvetoj fiks-koo-veh'toy

    for toning tonigbanoj toh-neeg-bah'noy

    draining rack sekigilo sekighee'lo

    dry plates sekaj platoj seh'kahy plah'toy

    enlargement pligrandigo plee-grandee'go

    exposure espozo espo'zo

    , snap momenta espozo momehn'ta espozo

    , time dara espozo dahw'rah espo'zofade, to malnetii mahl-netee'jeeflash lamp magnezia lumigilo magneh-zee'ah loomi-ghee'lo

    films filmoj feel'moy

    fixing fiksado fik-sah'doh

    focus fokuso fo-koo'so

    focus, to enfokusigi enfo-koo-see'ghee

    focussing glasses lupeo loopeh'o

    funnel funelo fooneh'lo

    glass measure gradigita mezurilo gradee-ghee'ta mezoo-ree'lo

    half-length duonlonga doo-ohn-lohn'gah

    half-tone duontono doo-ohn-toh'no

    intensifying densigo den-see'go

    iris diaphragm irisdiafragmo eereess-dee-afrahg'mo

    lens lenso lehn'so

    , cap of lenskovrilo lehnss-kovree'lo

    mount, to munti moon'tee

    negative negativo nehgah-tee'vo

    over-exposed hiperespozita heepehr-espo-zee'ta

    photograph fotografao foto-grafah'zho

    photographer fotografisto foto-grahfist'oplate plato plah'to

    plate-holder platkaseto plaht-kaseh'toh

    plate-lifter platlevilo plaht-leh-vee'lo

    platinotypes platinotipoj plah-teeno-tee'poy

    printing impresi impreh'see

    printing frame premkaseto prehm-kaseh'toh

    printing-out paper senrivela papero sen-reeveh'la papeh'ro

    scales and weights pesilo kaj peziloj pehsee'loh kahy pehzee'loy

    sensitised impresebla impreh-seh'blah

    shutter obturatoro obtoo-rah-tor'o



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    snap-shot maldara kapto mahldahw'rah kahp'tohspeed indicator darindikilo dahw'r-indikee'lospirit-level nivelilo neeveh-lee'lo

    spot, stain makulo makoo'lo

    squeegee senakvigilo sen-ahkvee-gee'lo

    stand stativo statee'vo

    transparent diafana dee-afah'nah

    tripods (twofold) tripiedo (faldebla) tree-pee-eh'doh (fahl-deh'bla)

    under-exposed subespozita soob'espo-zee'tahvarnishing lakizo lah-kee'zoh

    view-finder celilo tseh-lee'lo

    vignetting-board duonombrigilo doo-ohn'ombrighee'lo

    26. Religion.


    (For Conversations, see p. 118.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Absolution absolvo absohl'vo

    aisle flanknavo flahnk-nah'vo

    altar altaro altah'ro

    baptism bapto bahp'toh

    belfry sonorilejo sonoh-reeleh'yo

    Bible Biblio biblee'oh

    breviary breviero brehvee-ehr'o

    burial enterigo entehree'go

    cardinal kardinalo kar-deenah'lo

    cathedral katedralo kateh-drah'lo

    cemetery tombejo tombeh'yo

    chapel kapelo kahpeh'lo

    choir (place) orejo khoreh'yo

    choir (singers) oro khoh'roChristian kristano kris-tah'noChristianity kristanismo kristah-nees'mo

    church preejo preh-jeh'yoChurch (as a body) la Eklezio la eklehzee'oh

    clergyman ekleziulo eklehzee-oo'lo

    Communion komunio komoonee'oh

    confession konfeso kon-feh'so

    congregation adorantaro adohrahn-tah'ro

    convent monaejo monakheh'yoCreator, the Kreinto kreh-in'toh

    cross kruco kroot'so

    crucifix krucifikso kroot-sifik'so

    fast-day fastotago fah'sto-tah'gofestival festo feh'sto

    font baptujo bahp-too'yo

    funeral funebra ceremonio fooneh'brah tsereh-mo-nee'oh

    God Dio dee'oh

    heaven ielo chee-eh'lohell infero infehr'o

    Holy Ghost (Spirit) la Sankta Spirito la sahnk'ta speeree'toh

    hymn; -book himno; himnaro him'no; him-nah'ro

    lectern legpupitro lehg-poopee'tro

    litany litanio litahnee'oh


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    liturgy liturgio litoorghee'oh

    Lord, the la Sinjoro la sinyoh'ro

    mass, high alta meso ahl'tah meh'so

    , low malalta meso mal-ahl'tah meh'so

    matins matenpreoj mahtehn-preh'joymissal meslibro mehss-lee'bro

    nave navo nah'vo

    offertory (R.C.) ofertorio ohfehr-toree'oh

    (collection) monkolekto mohn-kolek'tohpapal papa pah'pa

    penance pentofaro pehn'toh-fah'ro

    pew benko behn'ko

    Pope Papo pah'po

    prayer preo preh'joprayer-book prearo prehjah'ropriest, pastor pastro pah'stro

    Protestant Protestanto proteh-stahn'toh

    pulpit katedro kateh'dro

    Roman Catholic Romkatoliko rohm'katohlee'ko

    sacrament sakramento sakrah-mehn'toh

    salvation savo sah'vo

    Saviour, the la Savinto la sahveen'toh

    sermon prediko prehdee'ko

    service, divine diservo dee-sehr'vo

    service, evening vespera diservo vespeh'ra dee-sehr'vo

    , morning matena diservo mateh'na dee-sehr'vo

    sitting, seat sidloko seed-lo'ko

    synagogue sinagogo sinahgo'go

    tabernacle tabernaklo tabehr-nah'klo

    transept transepto trahnsehp'toh

    truth vero vehr'o

    verger pedelo pehdeh'lo

    vespers vesperpreoj vespehr-preh'joyvestry, sacristy sakristio sakris-tee'oh

    worship adorado adoh-rah'do

    worship, to adori adoh'ree

    27. Professions and Trades.

    (Profesioj kaj Metioj)

    (For Shopping, etc., see pp. 108 to 111.)

    NOTE.The names of workers in the various trades and professions are formed by adding the suffix -ist to

    the root-word. Thus: vendi, to sellvendisto, a salesman; lampo, a lamplampvendisto, a lamp-

    seller,lampfaristo, a lamp manufacturer; maro, seamaristo, a sailor; akrigi, to sharpenakrigisto, a

    grinder, etc.

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Architect aritekto arkhitek'tohartist artisto artist'o

    baker bakisto bah-kist'o

    banker bankiero bahnkee-ehr'o

    barber barbiro barbeer'o

    bookseller librovendisto lee'bro-vendisto

    butcher buisto boo-chist'ocarpenter, joiner arpentisto charr-pehntist'o


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    chambermaid ambristino chahmbristee'nochemist farmaciisto fahrmaht-see-ist'o

    clerk skribisto skreebist'o

    compositor kompostisto kom-postist'o

    confectioner konfitisto konfeetist'o

    consul konsulo kon-soo'lo

    cook kuirist-o, -ino koo-eerist'-o, -ee'no

    editor redaktoro redahk-tohr'o

    engineer ineniero injehnee-ehr'ofisherman fikaptisto fish'kaptist'ofishmonger fivendisto fish'vendist'oflorist floristo flo-rist'o

    fruiterer fruktovendisto frook'toh-vendist'o

    glazier vitristo veetrist'o

    goldsmith oraisto ohrah-zhist'ogoverness guvernistino goovehr-nistee'no

    greengrocer legomvendisto legohm'vendist'o

    grocer spicisto speet-sist'o

    hairdresser frizisto free-zist'o

    hatter apelisto chapeh-list'ohosier trumpaisto shtroompah-zhist'oironmonger feravendisto fehrahzh'vendist'ojeweller juvelisto yoo-veh-list'o

    journalist urnalisto zhoor-nalist'olabourer penlaboristo pehn'labohrist'o

    lawyer advokato ahdvokah'toh

    maid-servant servistino sehr-vistee'no

    man-servant servisto sehr-vist'o

    mason masonisto mahsonist'o

    mechanic mainisto mahsheenist'omerchant negocisto negoht-sist'o

    miller muelisto moo-ehlist'o

    mother's-help helpistino helpistee'no

    nurse flegistino fleh-ghistee'no

    nursemaid vartistino vahrtistee'no

    optician optikisto opteekist'o

    plumber plumbisto ploombist'o

    policeman policano5 polit-sah'no

    printer presisto preh-sist'o

    saddler selisto sehlist'o

    shoemaker uisto shoo-ist'oshopkeeper butikisto bootikist'o

    smith foristo fohrjist'ostationer paperaisto pa-perah-zhist'ostudent studento stoodehn'toh

    tailor tajloro tahy-loh'ro

    teacher instruisto instroo-ist'otobacconist tabakvendisto tabahk'vendist'o

    tradesman komercisto komehrt-sist'o

    tutor guvernisto goovehrnist'o

    waiter, waitress kelnero, kelnerino kelneh'ro, kel-nehr-ee'no

    workman laboristo labohrist'o



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    28. Legal Terms.

    (Leaj Terminoj.)

    (For Conversations see p. 123.)

    English Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Accused, the la akuzato la ahkoozah'toh

    acquittal malakuzo mahlahkoo'zo

    to advance (money) pruntedoni proon'teh-doh-nee

    agreement, an kontrakto kontrahk'toh

    alibi, an alibio ahleebee'oh

    allege, to alegi ahleh'ghee

    apology, an pardonpeto pahrdohn-peh'toh

    appeal; to apelo; apeli ahpeh'lo; ahpeh'lee

    arrangement, agreement interkonsento in'tehr-konsehn'toh

    arrears restantajuldoj rehstahn'tahy shool'doy

    arrest, to aresti ahreh'stee

    attest, to atesti ahteh'stee

    attorney prokuratoro prokoorah-toh'ro

    authorise, to rajtigi rahy-tee'ghee

    award, an aljuo ahl-yoo'jo

    award, to aljui ahl-yoo'jee

    bail kacio kahwtsee'oh

    bailiff juplenumisto yooj'plehnoomist'oh

    bond (for loan) pruntkontrakto proont'kontrahk'toh

    case (suit) proceso prohtseh'so

    charge, to akuzi ahkoo'zee

    client kliento klee-ehn'toh

    complainant, the la plendanto la plendahn'toh

    contract kontrakto kontrahk'toh

    conviction, a kondamno kondahm'noh

    costs proceskosto prohtsehs-kost'ohcourt of justice tribunalo treeboonah'lo

    criminal, a krimulo krim-oo'lo

    damages monkompenso mohn'kompehn'so

    decision (of case) decido dehtsee'doh

    deed akto ahk'toh

    defend, to defendi dehfehn'dee

    defendant (in a suit) la akuzato la ahkoozah'toh

    document dokumento dokoomehn'toh

    evidence evidenco ehvidehnt'so

    execution (of deed) subskribigo soobskreebee'go

    (of a judgment) plenumo plehnoo'mo

    executor administranto ahdministrahn'to

    fee (of office) honorario honoh-rahree'ohfine (penalty) monpuno mohn-poo'no

    information, to give denunci dehnoont'see

    informer denunc-anto, -into6 dehnoonts-ahn'toh, -in'toh

    injunction injunkcio inyoonk-tsee'oh

    inventory inventario invehn-tahree'oh

    jail malliberejo mahllibehr-ehyo

    judge, the juisto yoojist'oh

    jurisdiction juorajto yoo'jo-rah'y-toh

    jurisprudence juro yoo'ro

    law-suit proceso proht-seh'so


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    non-suit, to malakcepti mahl-ahktsehp'tee

    oath, to take an fariuron fah'ree zhoor'ohn

    parchment pergameno pehrgah-meh'no

    pardon pardono pahrdoh'no

    penal punebla pooneh'blah

    perjury falsa uro fahl'sah zhoor'oh

    petitioner petfarinto peht'fahrin'toh

    police-office policoficejo pohleet'so-feetseh'yo

    officer policano pohleet-sah'no station policejo pohleet-seh'yo

    proof pruvo proo'voh

    prosecute to persekuti pehrsehkoo'tee

    prosecution (of suit) persekuto pehrsehkoo'toh

    prosecutor persekut-anto, -isto7 pehrsehkoot-ahn'toh, -ist'oh

    punishment puno poo'no

    quash kasacii kahsaht-see'ee

    robbery rabo rah'bo

    seal, a sigelo seegeh'lo

    sentence, a sentenco sehntehnt'so

    sheriff skabeno skahbeh'no

    statement (written) deklaro (skribita) dehklah'ro (skreebee'tah)

    sue, to persekuti pehrsehkoo'tee

    suit proceso prohtseh'so

    summons (of court) asigno ahseeg'no

    testator testamentinto tehstah-mehntin'toh

    theft telo shteh'lo

    thief tel-isto, -into shtehl-ist'oh, -in'toh

    trial proceso prohtseh'so

    verdict verdikto vehrdeek'toh

    witness atestanto ahteh-stahn'toh

    writ asignordono ahseeg'nordoh'no

    29. Commercial Terms.(Komercaj Terminoj.)

    (For Conversations see p. 125.)

    English. Esperanto. Pronunciation.

    Account konto kon'toh

    , current kuranta konto koorahn'ta kon'toh

    , joint komuna konto komoo'na kon'toh

    , to close an fermi konton fehr'mee kon'tohn

    , to settle an pagi konton pah'gee kon'tohn

    acknowledgment ricevavizo ritseh'vahvee'zo

    agency agentejo ahghen-teh'yo

    agent agento ahghehn'tohapprentice metilernanto mehtee'lehr-nahn'toh

    arrear, in malfrue mahlfroo'eh

    assets aktivo ahktee'voh

    balance of account saldo de konto sahl'doh deh kon'toh

    balance-sheet bilanco bilahnt'so

    bank banko bahn'ko

    bankrupt; a bankrotin-ta; -to bahn-krotin'-tah; -toh

    bankruptcy, failure bankroto bahn-kro'toh

    bearer portanto portahn'toh

    bill (account) kalkulo kahlkoo'lo


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    bill (comml. document) bilo bee'lo

    at sight kambio je vido kahmbee'oh yeh vee'doh

    at 3 months' date kambio je tri monatoj kahmbee'oh yeh tree monah'toy

    of exchange kambio kahm-bee'oh

    of lading aratesto shahr-jah-teh'stoh

    bond, a obligacio obligaht-see'o

    bond, in kuanta en dogantenejo kooshahn'ta en dogahn'teneh'yo

    bonded goods komercaoj en dogano deponitaj komehrt-sah'zhoy ehn dogah'no

    depohnee'tahybook-keeper librotenisto lee'bro-tenis'toh

    branch-establishment filio filee'oh

    broker makleristo mah-klehrist'o

    brokerage kurtao koortah'jo