ess-bilbao initiative workshop. overview of multi-mw accelerator projects


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Post on 31-May-2015




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Overview of Multi-MW Accelerator Projects with a focus on high power proton linac projects.


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2. !potential to deliver beams of several MWdrivers for a large variety of applications: Power EnergyCondensed matter spallation neutrons~ 1 MW ~ 1 GeVmaterials irradiationneutrons from stripping reaction 2 x 5 MW 40 MeVRIBs for nuclear & astro-physics with neutrons 4 MW~ 1 GeVsecondary beams for particle muon, neutrino production 4 MW5 GeVphysicshybrid subcritical reactors for demonstrator5 MW0.6transmutation Note: superconducting (SRF) technology higher gradient capabilities & lower operational costs wrt. NC adopted in most of the designs for the major part of the linac 3. * !5 quot;# $ ) * '% &+$) * '), * #) () -.! * ), # ) * # )'$ '**) * &*'& ) *+") * , #)& '+ * " & -)& ')*)! $* $ */ //*. /#/ 'quot;# $0 quot;) % *1) *0'*' ')#+ *1 ! 2quot; 2.32 4+& )*& $)!2)$** ( 4. !54 5 4/ ! 5. 3 5. 6 6. !7! 7 % & $ 6 7. % &$8 95. :8 8 < ;& : =>? < quot;25 9: 9; (5 )5 6! 2) 3 2* 9./56 % 6 :-6( ? >(;< ); quot; $ ' $> * $B $ % B . *C* .. 455! ! .LP-SPL: (Low Power) SPLPS2: High Energy PS (~ 5 to 50 GeV 0.3 Hz) 55 ! SPS+: Superconducting SPS (50 to1000 GeV)SLHC: Superluminosity LH (up to 1035 cm-2s-1)DLHC: Double energy LHC 3 15. 5 9 #$ quot;0 LINAC4 (160 MeV) 352.2 MHz9 $4 35 H- source RFQDTL chopper CCDTL PIMSI6; !B.A0*-, 19. quot; *.*E E5. 5! . 45 @ !5E. E 4 5! /* .4 ) 4.D5 4! ! ) 4! 5 (*! . 5 " '5 .!5 . )B; A3545 . # .D . !5 . * 20. =/ The Intensity Frontier: Project X ( National Project with International Collaboration )Tevatron Collider200 kW at 8 GeV forprecision measurements NOvA>2 MW at 60-120 GeVfor neutrinos Main Injector 29;? quot; * .*&'5. ! **quot;$ . * ! * ' &. !G ** H *** 53.5 F 8 >? - 46* &. ;? < 5 21. Front End LinacProject X 360 kW 8GeV Linac 325 MHz 0-10 MeV 2.5 MW JPARC Modulator ModulatorKlystron1 Klystron (JPARC 2.5 MW)16 RT Cavities20 Klystrons (2 types)Multi-Cavity Fan-out Phase and Amplitude Control 325 MHz 10-120 MeV436 SC Cavities1 Klystron (JPARC 2.5 MW)H- RFQ RT SSR1 SSR1 SSR2 SSR2 SSR256 Cryomodules51 Single Spoke Resonators =0.22 =0.45 Cryomodules 9 cavities/CM 11 cavities/CM Modulator ModulatorModulator 325 MHz0.12-0.42 GeV 3 Klystrons (JPARC 2.5 MW) 42 Triple Spoke Resonators TSR TSR TSR TSRTSRTSR TSR 7 Cryomodules=0.66 Cavites-6 quads / CryomoduleILC LINAC 1300 MHz0.42-1.2 GeV2 Klystrons (ILC 10 MW MBK)56 Squeezed ILC Cavities ( =0.81)Modulator Modulator ModulatorModulator Modulator7 Cryomodules (8 cav, 4 quads)1300 MHz 1.2-8.0 GeV 13 Klystrons (ILC 10 MW MBK)=0.8 =0.8 =0.8 =0.8 =0.8 =0.8 =0.8 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 ILC1 287 ILC-identical Cavities 37 ILC-like Cryomodules7 Cavities-2 quads / Cryomodule8 Cavities - 4 quads/ Cryomodule ModulatorModulatorModulatorModulator ModulatorModulator Modulator Modulator Modulator Modulator ILC1 ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC ILC8 Cavities-1 quad / 21HB2008 Project X for Intensity Frontier Physics Cryomodule 22. 1 $ ..5&"$$ . E B* quot; $$. :8 :>; 78 23. 1!5 .#3 #4!55 -> >I :** 1quot; $ '$%$< 5/6 2 5 5 ; 45 2 .)* ; ) %% *&&! . . 7 !!555:.)*5/ 62';! .4 54%4& 5. 5. .( 24. !# &2 H! # =- !B& (I '& *H $ . !# $$ . Solenoid Magnet 25 # 3 25. ! # & 2 3 '*H&4J.. K 5 4! . ;.# .%&!5 %& !5 F .7! 4..% & 74 )&%*J . K 5! ..!7)/ 9B %*0.5! 415:$ %0A4 ! .2.>4 !A413 dB Amplitude Control with Vector Modulator High-power 6 kW 3.5 ms RF PulseVector Modulator red trace: cavity RF Amp blue & yellow: vector HINS Room modulator bias currentsTemperature Cavity6 26. &* 7 45 7. 5 !.4 5 )$* %G4 '5 %G$. .!5/ A.4../. ! 5E!F 4! ! quot;9 quot; %G$. .!5 ;/A . . -.. . ./.!5E !44. 27. ' &3 4 ?***E* **.5. !quot; !quot;8 28. '&=- !BIBeam energy70 MeV ECR proton source & LEBT Beam current (op.) 35 mA RFQ (4-rod) Beam current (design)70 mA 6 Pairs of Coupled CH-DTL Beam pulse length 36 s 2 BunchersRepetition rate 4 Hz Rf-frequency325.224 MHz 14 Magnetic Triplet Tot. hor emit (norm.) 2.1 / 4.2 m Beam power = 4.9 MW (peak)10-3 Tot. mom. spread 710 W (average) Linac length 35 m RF power = 11 MW (peak)1600 W (average)H A =$9M. .: . 45, 0 G 5quot; 5>' ! HA5 : $ !B0 3 $ 0 H 55( 29. +" $> )B*!8? < 0/ 58? < 8 >/>*5 RIB productionDriver -? 60, 14 cell cavities, 3.5 separations, spoke option ? SPL: ~ 70, 4/6 cell cavities, doublet focusing, ~ 23 cellsBeam power for 2 MW, 30 Hz, 3.2 GeV RCS0.5 MWBeam pulse current before MEBT chopping43.0 mABeam pulse current after MEBT chopping 30.0 mANumber of injected turns for a 370 m RCS ~500 turnsBeam pulse duration at the 30 Hz rep rate~700.0 sDuty cycle for the extent of the beam pulse~2.1 %( 37. /quot; 5D! . 5 :99/=.(/&.$$55 6 :-(25:M ) 5 9E: 56*quot; EB !G 5 A&( : 'E.! )( 2( 3 :-*$E! 2 .O) *42 55 A OG D $5O $$ O < ;/1 ')* (8 38. $# H ( 3 :- &B% H)( * 2 ; (5 H9 . H %C&! .4) .quot;.* ! H4 quot; B3) A (* ; " / D . )9% ! *5/ + ( 39. #:G)*QR To Ring 402.5 MHz 805 MHzHEBT MEBTDTLCCLRFQSCL, =0.61SCL, =0.81 Linac dumpInjector 2.5 MeV 86.8 MeV 186 MeV391 MeV 1 GeV =0.55 =0.71 =0.87Length ~260 m, 96 independently phased RF cavity/tanksNormal conducting linac from the H- ion source to 186 MeVSuperconducting linac from 186 MeV to 1 GeVBeam commissioning of the SCL began in August 2005Achieved the design repetition rate 60 Hz, maximum beamenergy 1.01 GeV, peak beam current 40 mA, pulse length 1 ms,beam power on the mercury target 520 kW. ( 40. -> >- A#6:-05 60 mALPSP Funnel CCDTL CCL1 CCL2ISRFQ ChopperDTL 114 mA 2 x 57 mA SP100 MeV 252 MeV1 334 MeV 60 mA 2.5 MeV 20 MeVLP280 MHz560 MHz770 m A (6 # 38:- 5 60 mALP RFQ Chopper SP Funnel RFQ DTLDTL SCL1 CCL SCL2 RFQ DTL LP H+114 mA2 x 57 mA SP85 MeV 185 MeV 450 MeV1 334 MeV 5 MeV 2 MeV 20 MeVLP352 MHz704 MHz430 m3 41. -> >= *68 5 H#6:-5 . H)568 . 3( 5*3 42. # .5 8F7F !B $=-A0IC>!B $ G. 5 +$. B0 3 )& $ 6 2*:!9B7 72quot; . $ > 7= > 5/. * 7I 3 43. '' Test ModulesG-68-I2$0>< A!E Accelerator based neutron source8B . *8G B . *8G B A3: ) ) )* using the D-Li stripping reaction G5B intense neutron flux with the5 . 76 5 appropriate energy spectrum )= 5* > 4.3 7- 7 5E>I 7*4* &( ' 5.36 46. $&*design based on SILHI H+ source) ! % * 5 -? 70I !B.. / // H7 ! 5) 5quot;* H .)5 :25* H..3 .7 !5H5;55ST 4-electrode systemEmax = 101 kV/cm $ 7 ///1 35quot; 86 5 5) 1 ? quot; 1 6? quot; 1 6?*quot; ( 7 F> quot;55U.)3* V ) 55*3 47. quot; 5. H:! 5. 5B GA5 0. .4 .5 % 5 .quot;W; 555LEBT to RFQ beam matching high focusing & short line solenoid solenoidRFQ krypton 4.10-5 hPa Particle density%$ 0.25 .mm.mrad 38 48. quot; 9# # quot;5 '&* E .( *5* >78 I