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  • 7/30/2019 Essay Mobile


    The characterization of the two parties was not very accurate during the presidencies of

    Jefferson and Madison. While the Jeffersonian Republicans were mostly broad constructionists and the

    federalists were strict constructionists, but it was not always true seeing that there were times when

    Jeffersonians were strict and Federalists were broad constructionists.

    The Jeffersonian Republicans were broad constructionists of the Constitution. The United States

    had acquired land in the Louisiana Purchase from France. Jefferson, who was president at the time, was

    interested in the territory because it would give the United States the Mississippi River and New

    Orleans. This can be considered a loose interpretation of the Constitution because the Constitution does

    not state the national government is permitted to purchase territory for the United States. The

    Jeffersonian Republicans felt that it was implied that the national government was allowed to buy land.

    The Constitution also did not say that it is permitted to send men to explore new lands, which President

    Jefferson had sent Lewis and Clark to explore the lands the U.S had acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.

    Another example of how the Jeffersonians were broad was the drafting of the soldiers. The constitution

    does not say the national government can draft men, yet the Jeffersonians started drafting.

    The Federalists can be considered strict constructionists when it came to the Constitution.

    Daniel Webster, a federalist, had said that the drafting of citizens is unconstitutional (doc d). The

    Federalists opposed drafting of men because they felt that it is not said in the Constitution that Congress

    has the power to draft men. If Congress has power to draft then it has power to create a dictator, which

    they wanted to avoid. Federalists also required Congress to have two-thirds vote in order to pass laws

    like admissions of states and declarations of war (doc e). These reports are amendments of the

    constitution and show the federalists concern. It also shows the opposition to executive powers.

    Madison also disagreed with The Internal Improvements Bill. The Internal Improvements Bill would

    allow the United States government to use funds collected from taxes on stocks to build roads and

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Mobile


    canals for commerce, Madison believes the government does not have the power to regulate it by

    creating roads or canals (doc h). Since its not stated in the constitution and the belief that the

    permanent success of the Constitution has to depend on a definite partition of powers, suggesting it

    has to be between federal and the state governments. He then decides not to sign the Bill.

    There were several moments when Jeffersonians were strict and the Federalists were broad

    constructionists of the Constitution. Jefferson did agree that a strict construction on the constitution

    was best (doc a). It was the wisest so that each states are independent and can do what they want

    as long as the Constitution says and permits it. Jefferson also believed that government and religion

    should not mix (doc b). It is said in the Constitution that it is the right of the people and he will not

    violate it, and no authority should direct the religious exercises to citizens. Hence, the Jeffersonian

    Republicans are following stated things in the Constitution. The Federalists were broad when it came to

    Madison and his support for the bank of the U.S. Madison argued that congress lacked the

    constitutional authority to charter a bank. Madison believed the countries national economy needed

    guidance so he supported it however a federal bank was not authorized in the Constitution.