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  • 7/26/2019 Essay+1+Personal+Narrative+Topics


    Writing a Personal Narrative

    Choose one of the topics below and write a narrative essay.

    1. Read: Learning to Fall by Philip Simmons & The Myth of Sisyphs by

    !lbert "ams. #rite a personal narrati$e abot learning to fall in some %ayyorself or a lesson yo$e learned based on something that yo 'an relate toin the "ams story. (se )otes from the story*stories abo$e.

    +. #rite a personal narrati$e abot a )est or pilgrimage. ,-ot a trip $a'ationet'. Loo/ p the term )est and pilgrimage.0 Tales of the )est of menand %omen heroes tra$eling a di2'lt road to%ard a goal that promises totransform their li$es3are fond throghot history in the form of mythstories fol/ tales poems et'. and they are fond in all 'ltres. 4estnarrati$es spea/ to s be'ase they tea'h s abot orsel$es and the

    5orneys %e are on ea'h %ith its o%n problems to o$er'ome and its o%npotential re%ards. Find a )est story or myth to 'ompare to yor o%npersonal )est . . . (se information*)otes from the )est story*myth.

    6. #ho is yor Literary 7ardian %hom Melanie L/en refers to as the person%ho inspired and en'oraged 8her9 lo$e for reading and %riting. #rite abotyor Literary 7ardian if yo ha$e one or ho% yo might be a Literary7ardian to somebody else. o 'an also sbstitte literary for msi'singing or any other hobby or s/ill that someone has taght or inspired yoto do. ,L/en 16+0. (se )otes from L/ens essay.

    Characteristics of Narrative Writing:

    ! 'learly identi;ed e$ent: #hat happened< #ho %as in$ol$ed