essential resources to help you care for your …...the natural dental care toolkit essential...

The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcraft, founder of The Grow Network and I’m passionate about finding alternatives to toxic dental care. I’ve helped 29,427 people avoid possible dangers of toxic dental products by showing you how to safely, effectively, and naturally care for your teeth at home. I do this through my proprietary recipes and methods inspired by Master Herbalist Doug Simons, so you too can take control of your oral health, naturally! My Natural Dental Care Toolkit includes 3 parts of my proprietary method that has been responsible for helping people avoid excessive and expensive dental care, while still maintaining optimal oral health. My "7 Questions to Vet Your Dentist" and "How To Talk So Your Dentist Will Listen" eGuides, will eliminate all the guesswork in finding holistic dental professionals who you can trust with your dental health. And with my Better Than Toothpaste Powder Recipe, you will never again waste time or money on unnecessary products because you’ll be equipped with the knowledge so you too can get even better results from your natural dental routines. Take this recipe and eGuides, use them and let me know about your results. Marjory Wildcraft

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Post on 27-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

The Natural Dental Care ToolkitEssential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally!

Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcraft, founder of The Grow Network and I’m passionate about finding alternatives to toxic dental care. I’ve helped 29,427 people avoid possible dangers of toxic dental products by showing you how to safely, effectively, and naturally care for your teeth at home.

I do this through my proprietary recipes and methods inspired by Master Herbalist Doug Simons, so you too can take control of your oral health, naturally!

My Natural Dental Care Toolkit includes 3 parts of my proprietary method that has been responsible for helping people avoid excessive and expensive dental care, while still maintaining optimal oral health.

My "7 Questions to Vet Your Dentist" and "How To Talk So Your Dentist Will Listen" eGuides, will eliminate all the guesswork in finding holistic dental professionals who you can trust with your dental health.

And with my Better Than Toothpaste Powder Recipe, you will never again waste time or money on unnecessary products because you’ll be equipped with the knowledge so you too can get even better results from your natural dental routines.

Take this recipe and eGuides, use them and let me know about your results.

Marjory Wildcraft

Page 2: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

My tooth powder recipe is just a great starting point, but if you’d like to take your oral health to the next level, I invite you to get my step-by-step process where I deep dive into taking care of your teeth, safely and effectively, and providing you everything you need to know in order to maximize your oral health at home!

You can get it at a 79% DISCOUNT today here:

Learn the 4 inexpensive and easy to findingredients to clean, re-mineralize, whiten, and

strengthen your enamel so you can care foryour teeth safely and effectively!

Bentonite ClayBentonite Clay is nontoxic and rich in minerals calcium and potassium, which are beneficial for teeth and gums. This cleansing clay gently scrubs and polishes the teeth. It also works as an astringent by helping to remove tartar and clean the gums. I like this Bentonite Clay.

Baking SodaAluminum Free baking soda is alkaline with a pH of 8.1 and will help neutralize the acids in the mouth . It also gently cleanses and polishes the teeth, helps to remove odors and can help freshen the breath. Be sure not to over brush when using baking soda.

Activated CharcoalActivated Charcoal can help remove discolorations, stains (coffee, tobacco, tea, etc.) and debris to leave the surface of your teeth cleaner and whiter. I like this Activated Charcoal.

Herbs and Flavor EnhancersSpices and herbs such as ground stevia, ground cinnamon, and ground mint not only addsflavoring, but they also have astringent properties that support gum health.

Page 3: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

ACCELERATE YOUR RESULTSYou are in possession of a tool that can get you massive results when deployed correctly. But, unless you understand each ingredient and the subtle nuances of them, it’ll only remain an underutilized tool that sits in your mental toolbox. It is like having the keys to a fancy tractor but not knowing how to drive it.

So, if you’d like to use this recipe to its fullest potential, I want to offer you an ad-vanced step-by-step process (Normal sales price $55) where I deep dive into each step in the process of achieving natural dental health so you can get even better results at home!

Click here to see how you can get this training for 79% OFF

Better than Toothpaste Powder

4 tbsp. BentoniteClay

Directions:Ingredients:Mix all ingredients in a clean glass jar. To use better thantoothpaste powder, wet your toothbrush, dip lightly intotooth powder and brush as normal.

3/4 tsp. Activated Charcoal

2 tsp. Baking Soda

1 tsp. Herbs & FlavorEnhancers

Page 4: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

How to talk so your Dentist will listen

How well do you know your teeth? Did you know that each one of your teeth has a number? Running your tongue across your teeth is probably a common thing you do, especially first thing in the morning. It’s important to know your teeth because it will help identify problems, give you the knowledge you need to take charge of your dental health, and make you aware of issues before they become bigger problems.

But how well do you really know your teeth?

Imagine …

… Sarah’s tooth in her upper right jaw starts to hurt. Can you imagine how much more respect, and probably Rockstar VIP treatment she’ll receive she would get from her dentist if she said, “I am having some sensitivity with tooth number 3.” He or she may have already made notes in her chart in reference to this tooth.

Really knowing your teeth is the first step to better dental health and taking charge of your oral care.

A good way to start is to learn the numbers for each tooth. (Please note that the following illustration is based on the Universal Numbering System, which is used in the United States. In other parts of the world, World Dental Federation notation is used.)

© kaligula

Page 5: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

Tooth Numbers The adult human mouth is blueprinted with 32 teeth—16 on the upper and 16 on the lower.

Use a mirror or your tongue to identify each of your teeth and their numbers.

The first tooth is in the upper right. Then, go around to number 16, which is on your upper left. Most people no longer have their wisdom teeth, so often the first tooth in your upper right jaw is actually # 2. Number 17 starts on your lower left and goes around to #32, which is your lower right. Again, the wisdom teeth are often missing so usually the first tooth on the lower left is #18.

Get a dental mirror, and check this out for yourself!

Dental Language If you’ve ever laid back in a dental chair and wondered what the gobbledygook the dentist was saying to his assistant, this article is the first step in unraveling that mysterious language.

Here are some terms you might hear at your dentist’s office, and what they mean:

Anterior describes things pertaining to your centrals, laterals, and cuspids.

Apex is the very bottom of the tooth’s root.

Aspirator (Also called Suction) is the little tube-like straw that sucks up your saliva.

Buccal is the tooth surface that is next to your cheeks.

Bitewing A type of dental x-ray that is taken when teeth are biting together. The main function is to detect cavities between teeth as well as the height of the bone.

Bridge A prosthesis that is fixed inside the mouth to replace missing teeth.

Calculus is a hard deposit that forms when you do not brush your teeth and plague hardens, also known as tartar.

Canine The third tooth from the midline (6, 12, 22, &27)

Caries/Cavity are cavities or tooth decay.

Page 6: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

Cariogenic is a decay-causing material.

Cast A plaster model of the teeth.

Central means the two upper and two lower teeth in the very center of your mouth, also called Incisors.

Composite White filling.

Crown A partial covering that is totally above the gum line to restore function and look.

Cuspids are the pointy teeth just beside the laterals. They have one point, and commonly called canines.

Decay A soft substance caused by bacterial demineralization of enamel and dentin.

Distal The surface that is away from the midline.

Dentin is the calcium part of your tooth below the enamel containing the pulp and root canals.

Denture An artificial object to replace missing teeth.

Enamel is a hard ceramic that covers the exposed part of your teeth.

Endodontics Relating to a type of dentistry that treats dental pulp (root canals).

Facial The surface that faces the lips, generally reserved for the anterior teeth.

First Bicuspids are the teeth just beside the cuspids. They have two points.

First Molars are the teeth beside the second bicuspids. These teeth have four points.

Filling A restoration placed in a tooth to restore its function and appearance.

Flipper A temporary denture to replace a missing tooth during a waiting period.

Fracture When a cusp of a tooth becomes weekend, a fracture may result.

Gingivitis is reversible inflammation of the gum tissue but does not include the bone.

Impaction A condition where a tooth is stuck underneath the bone. Usually in reference to wisdom teeth.

Implant is a tooth replacement. The implant is different from a bridge as it is permanently attached to your jaw.

Page 7: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

Incisal the cutting edge of the front teeth.

Labial is the tooth surface that is next to your lips.

Lingual is the tooth surface next to your tongue.

Lateral means the teeth just beside the centrals.

Malocclusion is misaligned teeth or jaw.

Mandible is your lower jaw.

Maxilla is your upper jaw.

Mesial The surface closest to the midline.

Midline The center portion of the jaw, between teeth 8 & 9 and 24 & 25.

Molar The last three upper and lower teeth on both sides of the mouth.

Occlusal surface is the chewing surface of a tooth.

Orthodontics A special field in dentistry that involves treatment of bite abnormalities and irregularities. Usually, braces.

Palate The roof of the mouth.

Periodontal disease is inflammation and irritation of the gums which if left untreated can cause the teeth and jawbone to deteriorate or fall out.

Plaque is a bacterial colony which has mineralized and attacked your teeth, causing decay.

Posterior Located in the back.

Premolar The two teeth located in the front of the molar.

Prophylaxis is a professional cleaning of your teeth by a dentist or hygienist.

Proximal Tooth surfaces that are next to each other.

Pulp The innermost part of a tooth that contains the nerves and blood vessels.

Radiograph An x-ray picture.

Page 8: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

Restoration An item a dentist uses to restore the normal function of a tooth. Can be a filling, crown, bridge, etc.

Root is part of your tooth in your gums.

Root Canal The canal that runs inside the root of the tooth that contains the nerve and blood vessel.

Root Planing The action of cleaning the root area of teeth.

Rubber Dam A rubber sheet that fits around the teeth that isolates the treatment are from the rest of the oral cavity. Often used during root canals.

Sealant is a plastic coating used to protect your teeth from decay.

Second Bicuspids are the teeth beside the first bicuspids. They also have two points.

Second Molars are the teeth beside the first molars. They also have four points.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) The joint that links the two parts of the jaw, the maxilla and mandible

Third Molars are your wisdom teeth. Some people have them. Some people don’t. Often times, they are pulled so as not to cause problems in your mouth.

What you need to know 1. Being able to chew your homegrown food is essential for good digestion. Actually,

getting the nutrition that your body needs relies on your teeth being healthy and strong. 2. You’ll impress the heck out of your dentist and get much more respect and possibly

better care, if you know your tooth numbers. 3. Knowing your tooth numbers and checking your own teeth regularly is very important

to the prevention of tooth and gum issues.

You have more control over your dental health than you know. And healthy teeth and gums are important for a happy and healthy YOU!

Page 9: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

The 7 Questions to Ask your Dentist is just a great starting point, but if you’d like to take your oral health to the next level, I invite you to get my step-by-step process where I deep dive into taking care of your teeth, safely and effectively, and providing you everything you need to know in order to maximize your oral health at home!

You can get it at a 79% DISCOUNT today here:

The 7 Questions to Vet a DentistQuestion 1 - “Are you mercury-safe or mercury-free in your office? And what are your procedures in removing mercury fillings?”Alternatives to dangerous, mercury fillings exist. Does your dentist offer them? Some dentists are willing to take out mercury-based fillings, but they don’t have the proper suction to remove them safely. If a dentist drills out your filling, without a vacuum, you can end up breathing it into your lungs.

Question 2 - “Do you avoid the use of fluoride?”These first two questions are basic biological dentistry. They are your baseline. If your dentist can’t answer them, you might consider moving on.

Question 3 - “Have you ever worked with patients who re-mineralize their teeth nat-urally through diet?”Your diet really can strengthen teeth, harden dentin, and regrow enamel. Does your dentist have any experience with this? Can he or she advise you on a diet to help you re-mineralize your teeth?

Question 4 - “What’s your position on root canals? And what alternatives to root ca-nals do you offer?”Many dentists will tell you that root canals are perfectly fine, and they believe it. But numerous studies have shown health problems related to root canals. Does your dentist recommend removing root canals? What alternatives do they offer? Have they heard of the work of Weston Price and other researchers on the topic? What is their position on that? This is a good way to evaluate them.

Page 10: Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your …...The Natural Dental Care Toolkit Essential Resources To Help You Care For Your Teeth - Naturally! Hi, I’m Marjory Wildcra ft, founder

Question 5 - “What types of technology do you use?”Do they use digital x-rays or film? Do they offer diagnostics without radiation, such as CariVu? Do they have a microscope? Can they culture the microbes in your mouth to find out exactly what is attacking your teeth? Do they have a CT scanner to check on the health of root canal teeth, or to see if your jaw is strong enough for an implant? These are all technologies you might want to look for.

Question 6 - “What types of treatments do you offer?”Modern dentistry has a wide range of treatment options. Which ones does your dentist offer? Ozone is becoming a very big component of dental health. It’s being used to de-stroy bacteria and halt degeneration. Does the office have alternatives to antibiotics or non-toxic alternatives to pain medication?

Question 7 - “Does the office offer alternatives to drilling cavities?”Believe it or not, dentists can now use a tool that is something like a tiny sandblaster. It’s used to clean out tooth decay, and it does so perfectly. It cleans out the tooth much better than a drill and metals tools would.

ACCELERATE YOUR RESULTSYou are in possession of a tool that can get you massive results when deployed correctly. But, unless you understand the possible dangers of toxic dental care, these questions will only remain an underutilized tool that sits in your mental toolbox. It is like having the keys to a fancy tractor but not knowing how to drive it.

So, if you’d like to use these questions to their fullest potential, I want to offer you my ad-vanced step-by-step process where I deep dive into the process of taking your oral health into your own hands so you can get even better results from your dentist and at home oral care!

Click below to see how you can get this training for 79% OFF