essential vitamins

{ Vitamins: Essential Nutrients By: Javier Ponce Jr HW499-01

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Page 1: Essential vitamins


Vitamins: Essential Nutrients

By: Javier Ponce JrHW499-01

Page 2: Essential vitamins

They have multiple roles and actions in the body

Vitamins work together in carrying out body functions

Individual vitamins are multifunctional

Vitamins function best when all are present in the appropriate proportions

The Basic Principles of Vitamins

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They are essentials compounds that help the body grow and function properly (1)

Vitamins help boost your immunity

Strengthen bones, heal wounds

Improve eye sight

Why Are Vitamins Important to the body

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According to the Organic Consumers Association in the USA, man-made vitamins cannot be used by the body in the same way as natural versions (2)

Synthetic vitamins are isolated and are not recognized by the body, they are often excreted in urine or stored in fat. (2)

In addition, synthetic vitamins may produce harmful side-effects. The synthetic version of vitamin A, retinol palmitate, for example, is significantly more toxic than the natural form.(2)

In a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008, adults taking 1000mg of synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) each day developed problems with energy metabolism. (2)

The Harms That Vitamins Supplements Can Have

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Eating fruits, vegetables or foods that have vitamins offer the best natural sources and are not synthetic

Foods offer the right amount of vitamins your body needs, unless you’re an unhealthy individual with specific deficiency

Eating healthy food, builds good eating habit to you and your family

Supplements and synthetic vitamins can not be replace with food, as food is the best source to get the daily vitamins you need everyday

Benefits of Getting Vitamins From Food

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The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K

They are closely associated with body lipids and are easily stored.

Their functions are usually related to structural activities with proteins

The water-soluble sources are Vitamins C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, B6, B12, Biotin

These vitamins are more easily absorbed and transported, but they can not be stored like fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins & Water-Soluble Vitamins

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Grains group; fortified ready-to-eat cereals like Special K, Cheerios or Wheaties

Vegetables group; sweet potatoes, spinach, collard greens, carrots, lettuce(dark green), peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts

Fruit group; cantaloupe, apricots, watermelon

Meat, Beans, Eggs & Nuts group; chicken, liver, clams

Milk group; milk(skim, whole) cheese

Fat-Soluble Foods

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Food Sources of Vitamin C; tomato juice, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower

Strawberries, orange choice, oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon

Thiamin foods; Total Raisin Brand, Corn Flakes, rice, instant oatmeal, green peas, potatoes, grapes, pork, ham, kidney beans, baked beans, milk

The same foods for Niacin & Riboflavin

Water-Soluble Foods

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Vitamin A- Helps bone growth, reproduction, immune system, skin, mucus membranes repel bacteria and viruses and healthy vision

Vitamin D- absorption of calcium, immune system, growth of bones, teeth,

Vitamin E- strong immunity, healthy skin, eyes, protect cells from damage, antioxidants, prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease

Vitamin K- prevents blood clotting, bone heath

Benefits of Fat-Soluble Vitamins

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Vitamin C- common cold, immune system, cardio vascular system, prenatal problems, eyes disease, skin, regulate bleeding and antioxidant

Thiamin or B1- healthy nervous system, cardio vascular, muscle tone, digestive system (wall), skin, liver, eyes, hair and with stand stress

Riboflavin or B2- production of energy, convert carbohydrates to sugar to fuel body functions, processes fats and amino acids and is an antioxidant

Folate- fetal development, production of red blood cells, depression

B12- helps depression, adrenal function, metabolic process, energy, young or old can benefit from it

Benefits of Water-Soluble Vitamins

Page 11: Essential vitamins

1. Andrea Cespedes, (September 24, 2014) Why are vitamins important to your body. Retrieved from:

2. Anastasia Stephens, (2014) Vitamin supplements : good or bad? Retrieved from:

3. Eleanor D. Schkenker, Sara Long Roth, (20110 Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy Tenth Edition. Elsevier Mosby

Picture #1. Top 5 best anti-aging & beauty vitamins.

Picture #2. Multi-Vitamins and Supplements.

Picture #3. The importance of vitamins in our body.

Picture#4. Organic food, vitamins & supplements.

Picture #5. Vitamins. Picture #6. Protein: The most important macronutrient. Picture #7 02-Food-hydrates-body-021211.jpg.
