essentials guide 2021

Essentials Guide 2021 Kindergarten to Year 12

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Page 1: Essentials Guide 2021

Essentials Guide 2021 Kindergarten to Year 12

Page 2: Essentials Guide 2021

Covenant Christian School Essentials Guide 2021 Page 2


Our Vision and Mission ................................................ 3

Our Logo ..................................................................... 3

Message from the Principal ......................................... 3

Message from the Head of Junior School...................... 4

Important Dates and First Day Information .................. 5

Term Dates for 2021, 2022 ..................................... 5

Commencement Dates .......................................... 5

Uniform Shop ........................................................ 5

School Hours.......................................................... 6

What to bring on your first day .............................. 6

Junior School Daily timetable ................................. 6

Secondary School Daily Timetable .......................... 7

Attendance ................................................................. 7

Late Arrival/Early Departure................................... 7

Absence from School ............................................. 7

Communication ........................................................... 8

Important School Contacts - 2021 .......................... 8

Who to talk to if….. ................................................ 8

The Covie App – General Information, Notes, Forms, Newsletter, Calendar, Blog ..................................... 8

School Website – General Information, Notes, Forms, Newsletter, Calendar, Blog ......................... 9

Edumate Parent Portal ......................................... 10

Information Nights / Events ................................. 11

Equipment Requirements .......................................... 12

Equipment Requirements – Junior School ............ 12

Textbooks – Secondary School ............................. 12

Stationery Requirements – Secondary School ....... 13

Calculators in Secondary School ........................... 13

Years 7 to 12 – Technology 2021 .......................... 13

Expectations of Students ........................................... 13

Homework ................................................................ 14

Homework – Junior School ................................... 14

Homework – Secondary School ............................ 14

General Information .................................................. 15

After School Supervision – after 3.10pm............... 15

After School Care ................................................. 15

Applying for Bus/Train Passes – School Opal Card. 15

CCS Dance Academy – Extra-Curricular ................. 15

Canteen ............................................................... 15

Café Covie ............................................................ 16

Extra Curricular Activities ..................................... 16

Duke of Edinburgh Award ..................................... 16

Learning Hub (Library) Opening Hours - Secondary School .................................................................. 16

Lockers – Secondary School .................................. 17

Lost Property ....................................................... 17

Music - Junior School ............................................ 17

Music - Secondary School ..................................... 17

Money at School .................................................. 18

Use of Telephone - students ................................. 18

Parking at School .................................................. 18

Financial Matters ....................................................... 19

School Fees .......................................................... 19

Notice of Withdrawal ........................................... 19

Partnership with Parents ............................................ 19

Parent Involvement Program (PIP) ........................ 19

Covenant Parents’ Prayer Group .......................... 20

Covenant Christian School Association ................. 20

Policies................................................................. 21

Peacemaker Principles ......................................... 21

Student Health & Safety ............................................. 22

Student Emergency Record .................................. 22

Sick at School ....................................................... 22

Nut Policy............................................................. 22

Head Lice ............................................................. 22

Immunisation ....................................................... 23

Bullying ................................................................ 23

School Counsellors ............................................... 23

Uniform ..................................................................... 24

Uniform Requirements ......................................... 25

Acceptable Shoes ................................................. 27

Sport House Names ................................................... 28

Index ......................................................................... 29

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Our Vision and Mission


To faithfully serve in God’s plan to restore all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


To assist parents in the nurture of their children, by providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, culturally engaging and academically rigorous education to equip the children to live for God’s glory.

Our Logo

Our new logo was introduced in 2018. Even though our logo has changed, the most important elements remain the same:

The circle which reminds us of the everlasting God who we serve.

The cross which reminds us of Jesus, whose death on the cross brings us friendship with that everlasting God; and we know this through…

The book, which reminds us of the Bible and how we can know with great certainty God’s love and kindness to us, as God’s Spirit opens our hearts to the truth of his word.

Message from the Principal

We are thankful to God for our non-denominational, co-educational school, covering Prep to Year 12. We have more than 900 students learning from skilled and passionate Christian teachers who are led by a highly qualified and experienced executive team.

Our vision and mission guide our teaching and learning. Our ability to teach our curriculum innovatively flows from our understanding that all of life comes from, and must be centred on, God and his plans to restore all things under Jesus Christ. The word ‘Covenant’ speaks of the covenant of grace, underlying the relationship between God and his people, which includes our children. In this covenant, God promises salvation through faith and invites a response of obedience, love and praise.

At Covenant, we demonstrate our response by seeking to hold Christ at the centre of everything we do as we work in partnership with parents to equip our students to live for God’s glory. Covenant is a place where there is opportunity for all children to be encouraged to grow in their knowledge, character, and especially in their love for God.

Our school aims to support both those students who excel in areas and those who need learning support, reflecting the truth that each child has individual requirements, strengths and weaknesses. I am very excited to see our school continue to flourish while holding to its Christian vision and mission.

Melissa Brown Principal

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Message from the Head of Junior School

When I first arrived at Covenant, I was taken by the warmth upon which I was welcomed by staff, parents and even students. It is my hope that you will feel similarly encouraged. So… welcome! It is a genuine pleasure to have you as part of our community. Please feel free to make yourself known, to become involved, to ask questions, to share of yourself and to enjoy watching your children, our children, emerge into maturity.

Throughout my journey at Covenant, I have been progressively exposed to, and taken by, the principles upon which this school was built. Let me delve a little into the history of the school to explain.

The founding parents of this school left us with a trust. They charged the staff and parents who have followed in their footsteps the following mission.

To assist parents in the nurture of their children, by providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, culturally engaging and academically rigorous education to equip the children to live for God’s glory.

There are three aspects that I admire about this statement. The first is ‘to assist parents’. How liberating it is to understand that parents and staff are assisting each other as partners. So when problems arise, and they will from time to time, we can approach each other and work together to come to a profitable solution.

The second aspect is the claim to provide a ‘Christ-centred and biblically grounded education.’ Wow, how challenging this is! We acknowledge that we are very much a work in progress as we allow God’s ways to mould all of practice, from the content we teach to our attitude on playground duty.

Finally, I love the direction this statement provides, ‘to equip them to live for God’s glory.’ How inspiring it is to be given the task of sending young people into the world, to be the salt and light that would make others thirst for Christ. What an inspiring, challenging and liberating task we have. Let’s enjoy it together.

Mr Wayne Morton Deputy Principal, Junior School

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Important Dates and First Day Information

Go to News & Events on the website for the school Calendar, Upcoming Events, Newsletter and Blog stories.

Quicklinks takes you to the Calendar, Term Dates & School Times, Newsletters, Payments & Bookings, Uniform information, and links and FAQs.

Term Dates for 2021, 2022


Term 1—Wednesday 27 January 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021 (10 weeks) Term 2—Tuesday 20 April 2021 to Friday 25 June 2021 (10 weeks) Term 3—Monday 19 July 2021 to Friday 17 September 2021 (9 weeks) Term 4—Tuesday 5 October 2021 to Thursday 2 December 2021 (9 weeks)

2022 Term 1 – Monday 31 January 2022 to Friday 8n April 2022 (10 weeks)

Commencement Dates

First day and orientation: • Wednesday 27 January – first day of school for Prep 3 day class, Kindergarten, Year 7, Year 11, Year 12. This

will be the orientation day for Kindergarten and Year 7 students. Details to come. Other new students in Years 1 to 6 and Years 8 to 11 will have a short orientation afternoon from 1.30pm to 3.00pm.

• Thursday 28 January – first day of school for all other grades – Year 1 to 6, Year 8 to 10. All students will be at school on this day.

• Monday 2 February – first day of school for Prep 2 day class.

Note: Thursday is sport day for Years 7 and 8. Please wear your sport uniform on this day.

Kindergarten children will attend for the first four weeks as follows: Week 1 – Wednesday 27/1/21, Thursday 28/1/21, Friday 29/1/21 Week 2 – 1-5/2/21 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Week 3 – 8-12/2/21 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Week 4 – 15-19/2/21 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

From Week 5, 22 February 2021, Kindergarten children will attend five days a week.

Uniform Shop

During school term, the Uniform Shop is open every Monday (2.15pm to 3.15pm) and Wednesday (8.00am to 9.30am). All families who have children commencing in 2021 can visit the uniform shop during normal uniform opening hours.

Uniform Shop booking times for all students

These additional uniform shop times are for current and new students. All these times are available as booked times only. Please phone the school office to book your uniform shop time – 8459 4200.

• Wednesday 2 December 2020 – 8.00am-9.00am – open for current families to purchase uniforms – no appointment necessary.

• Wednesday 2 December 2020 – 9.00am-11.00am – new students only, by appointment only. • Thursday 21 January 2021 – 9.00am-12.00pm, 1.00pm-4.00pm – all families and students by appointment

only. • Friday 22 January 2021 – 9.00am-12.00pm, 1.00pm-4.00pm – all families and students by appointment

only. • Monday 25 January 2021 – 9am to 12pm, 1pm-4pm – all families and students by appointment only.

All items of clothing including shoes should be clearly labelled.

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School Hours

School Hours Start Finish Junior School 8.43am 2.55pm Secondary School 8.43am 3.02pm

Some classes for Year 11 and Year 12 occur before Period 1 or after Period 6. Late finishing classes commence at 3.05pm and finish at various times for different subjects.

Students are supervised before school from 8.10am and students should not normally be in the school grounds before this time. Students are supervised after school until about 3.20pm, when the last bus leaves.

School Office Hours

Staff devotions are normally held at 8.10am and staff are therefore generally unavailable at this time. Limited staffing is available at the School Office between 8.00am and 8.25am. Contact at this time should be limited to urgent matters.

During school holidays the School Office will generally be closed. A small number of staff are on duty providing essential services. The office will be open in the week prior to school returning at the beginning of the year from 9.00am to 3.00pm.

What to bring on your first day

Kindergarten to Year 6 - you will be advised by your class teacher what days to wear your sport uniform. Junior School students can wear their sport uniform all day on PE and sport days (usually Friday). Most of the equipment for students in Kindergarten to Year 6 is provided by the school. Year 3 to 6 students should bring basic stationery.

Year 7 to 12 – Textbooks – Students will be issued with their textbooks in the first week of school. On the first day bring notepaper and pens. You will be given a copy of your timetable and the school diary on the first day. Year 9 to 12 students should bring their BYOD laptop. Sport Uniform – Students should wear their sport uniform on sport days: Year 7 and 8 – Students wear the sport uniform on Thursday for sport in 2021. Year 9, 10 and 11 – Students wear the sport uniform on Tuesday for sport in 2021. Year 7 to 12 students will be advised by their PE teacher if there is another day they will need to bring their uniform to school.

Junior School Daily timetable Junior School Mon/Wed/Thur Tue Friday

Classes 8.43 8.43 8.43

Recess 10.27 10.25 10.39

Classes 10.45 10.43 10.57

Lunch 12.38 12.38 12.38

Classes 1.38 1.38 1.38

Finish 2.55 2.55 2.55

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Secondary School Daily Timetable

Secondary Period Allocation Mon/Wed/Thur Tuesday Friday

Before School classes 7.45 7.45 7.45

Period 1 8.43 8.43 8.43

Period 2 9.35 9.35 9.35

Recess 10.27 10.25 10.27 (Devotions)

Assembly/Devotions 10.45 10.43 10.39 (Recess)

Period 3 10.57 11.05 10.57

Period 4 11.49 11.55 11.49

Lunch 12.41 12.45 12.41

Period 5 1.21 1.25 1.21

Period 6 2.13 2.15 2.13

Finish 3.02 3.02 3.02

Late Finish – up to 5.00 5.00


Late Arrival/Early Departure

Unless there are cases of unavoidable delay or illness, students are required to be at school in time for the start of the school day.

Junior School students

Late arrival – If a Junior School student arrives late to school they must go directly to their class. A note from a parent or guardian is required if a student is late for reasons other than transport issues.

Early departure – The students must have a note from a parent/guardian requesting permission to leave school early. This must be handed to the class teacher at the start of the day.

Secondary School students

Late arrival – Students who arrive late to school must bring a note from their parent/guardian. The student must go to the Student Reception and sign in. A duplicate slip will be printed. One copy will be left at the office and the other copy taken to the class teacher. If the parent has not provided an explanation for the late arrival then the late slip must be taken home and signed by a parent and returned to the Student Reception or a note provided by a parent. A note from a parent or guardian is required if a student is late for reasons other than transport issues (e.g. late bus).

Early departure – The student must have a note from a parent/guardian requesting permission to leave school at a certain time. The students must sign out via the student reception and hand in their note before leaving.

Absence from School

A written explanation, by letter or email, from a parent or guardian is required on the day of return to school. The letter or email must contain full details of the absence. Junior School students are to hand their note to the class teacher. Secondary students should place their note in the hole in the wall at Student Reception. Letters of explanation regarding student absences may also be emailed to the school from the parent’s email address.

A request for any special leave must be addressed in writing to the Principal. This must be completed before the leave is taken. The Application for Exemption from Attendance at School Form is located on the school website. This is generally for leave of five days or more.

Quicklinks / Forms & Information / Absent Notes

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Important School Contacts - 2021

Principal .................................................................................................................................................. Mrs Melissa Brown Deputy Principal (Secondary School) .............................................................................................................. Mr Tim Hewitt Deputy Principal (Junior School) ............................................................................................................. Mr Wayne Morton Director of Student Well-Being ........................................................................................................................ Mr Dan Apin Director of ICT ................................................................................................................................................. Mr David Youl Director of Teaching and Learning ................................................................................................ Mrs Samantha Glassock Director of Co-Curricular ................................................................................................................ Mrs Silva Mekerdichian Business Manager .................................................................................................................................... Mr Andrew Lowry Registrar ................................................................................................................................................... Mrs Wendy Boase Wellbeing Coordinators: Infants Coordinator (K-2) .......................................................................................................................... Mrs Jenn Dykstra Stage 2 Coordinator (3-4) ......................................................................................................................... Mrs Cate Holman Stage 3 Coordinator (5-6) ......................................................................................................................... Mr Mark Eatough Stage 4 Coordinator (7-8) ............................................................................................................................. Miss Cath Rose Stage 5 Coordinator (9-10) .......................................................................................................................... Mr Mark Childs Stage 6 Coordinator (11-12) ......................................................................................................................... Mr Max Monin Wellbeing Year Advisors: Year 7......................................................................................................................................................... Mr Dave Tatzenko Year 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ Mrs Emma Collins Year 9 ..................................................................................................................................................... Mrs Louise Gardner Year 10 ........................................................................................................................................................ Mrs Jennifer Staj Year 11 ......................................................................................................................................................... Mrs Gaby Smith Year 12 .................................................................................................................................................. Mrs Jennifer Pienaar School Counsellor .............................................................. Mrs Deb Redwood, Mrs Amy Thompson, & Mr Richard Grey School Nurse ................................................................................................................ Mrs Kym Bridges, Mrs Sally Antcliff

Who to talk to if…..

Schools are complex places with many interactions occurring every day. From time to time there will be disagreements and disappointments and it’s important that when this happens it is dealt with appropriately.

Often parents don’t know who they should address a question or problem to. If you have a problem, please start with the person most directly involved. This will usually be the class teacher. However, there are some areas of special responsibility and the following guidelines may be helpful:

• Questions about general bus behaviour and incidents, contact Mr Hewitt (Secondary) or Mr Morton (Junior).

• Questions concerning the Higher School Certificate, contact Mr Hewitt. • Issues involving harassment and bullying, contact Mr Hewitt (Secondary) or Mr Morton (Junior). • Counselling issues, contact Mrs Redwood, Mrs Thompson or Mr Grey • For issues involving particular areas of the school please speak to the relevant Wellbeing Coordinator. • General discipline matters, contact Mr Hewitt (Secondary) or Mr Morton (Junior).

In most cases, if you have a concern, you ought to voice your concern to the person in authority. Please let us know of issues at an early stage so that we can work with you to address them. Of course, if there is a serious issue to discuss, and it is not resolved by talking to the faculty coordinator or appropriate Deputy Principal, you may wish to bring it to the attention of the Principal.

The Covie App – General Information, Notes, Forms, Newsletter, Calendar, Blog

All Covenant parents are encouraged to download the Covie App to stay up to date with the latest information that's relevant to you and your child.

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The Covie App – you will be emailed your login for the Edumate Parent Portal and Covie App, usually in Week 1 when your child has commenced.

Absences Newsletter Links Calendar Newsfeed Timetable Tasks Contacts

1. Download the App - click on the relevant link below or search for ‘Covenant Christian School’ in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

2. Login - Open the App and you will be asked to sign in - simply use your Edumate Parent Portal login.

3. Notifications - to get the most out of the App, and so Covenant can send crucial, timely information, it is recommended to ‘Allow’ notifications. You can select notifications under 'Settings' on the App.

4. Security - we recommend enabling ‘Touch ID’ or ‘Face ID’ to add an extra layer of security to the App. View 'Settings' on the app to set this up.

School Website – General Information, Notes, Forms, Newsletter, Calendar, Blog

The school website is an important communication tool for the Covenant community as well as a window on Covenant to a wider audience. You are encouraged to regularly visit the website for upcoming events, news and photos. Students, parents and staff are all encouraged to submit articles about school life. All articles will be approved before publication. About > Policies including Homework Policy Student Code of Conduct Uniform Policy Volunteers Code of Conduct Privacy Policy and Standard Information Collection Notice Summary Statement of Belief Community > Parents in Partnership Café Covie Canteen Uniform Shop After School Care Technology Support Helpful Information for Parents Important Info for New Families – updates for 2021 are coming The Covie App – you will be emailed your login for the Edumate Parent Portal and Covie App, usually in Week 1 when your child has commenced.

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Community > Helpful Information for Parents Absences, apply for Extended Leave Edumate Parent Portal Music – Tutors and Bands Parent Involvement Program (PIP) TechServe Help Desk Term Dates Community > Important Info for new families Student Opal Card – new applications, change of address etc Absences Edumate Parent Portal Essentials Guide & Orientation Books (soon to be updated for 2021) including Kindergarten information and Prep information Newsletter Parent Involvement Program (PIP) Stationery Requirements (Years 3-11) Technology Requirements – 7-12 Term Dates Uniform Requirements Volunteer Code of Conduct Working with Children Check News & Events Upcoming Events Newsletter Blog

Quicklinks – holds the most up-to-date information for now and in the future. Calendar Term Dates & School Times Newsletter – current and past issues Payments & Bookings – pay your tuition fees through this payment portal Uniform Shop – uniform information and shop times. January 2021 holiday uniform shop times for bookings Helpful Info & FAQs

Edumate Parent Portal

Edumate is the education management software we use at Covenant. The parent portal has a range of useful information. The Parent Portal allows you to view your children’s attendance, progress, behaviour, upcoming events, tasks and results and find past school reports.

Edumate is where all important medical and carer information is stored. It is where you will update the personal details of you and your children.

Updating your family and children’s details

You must check and update your children’s details at least annually, ideally at the start of the school year, and also when there are any changes to your child’s personal, medical, or emergency contact details. If you move house; change your work phone number, email, or mobile; your child is newly diagnosed with asthma or an allergy; or any other change to your circumstances – these are all times to go on to the portal to update your details.

Note: if your child’s medical situation changes, you should also speak to the school nurse and provide relevant action plans, medical reports, medication etc.

Parent Portal Instructions

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Every parent will be issued with a login for the Edumate Parent Portal. An important element of the portal is that parents have the ability (and responsibility) to update their personal details and their child's details, including medical details and emergency contact information, directly in Edumate. It is most important that every parent logs into the portal to ensure that all details for each of your children are correct, and that if any of these details change during the year, they are updated immediately.

Both parents have a separate login for the Edumate Parent Portal. This means that one parent cannot update details for the other. So, if you have changed your address recently, both parents will need to update their details separately via the portal. It is essential that each parent logs in to the portal to ensure all contact and emergency information about your child is accurate and up-to-date.

To change your details, or the details of your children, click on your name and select ‘Update personal details’. Make the necessary changes but do NOT submit the changes at this stage as you will need to update My Child Details. You will need to update each child separately. You can view all the children’s details by selecting their name on the right. One you have updated the details of ALL your children, then Submit Changes.

Internet Safe Training

The school subscribes to a service called Internet Safe Training on behalf of parents. This service provides a vast range of resources and videos designed to help parents develop a healthy approach to the use of technology in the home. Included are modules for families with children all the way from lower primary to upper secondary. Families are encouraged to take advantage of this resource as it is full of great advice. You can access the resources here:

A passcode is needed for entry. If you are unable to find the passcode please contact Tech Service via the School Office on 8459 4200.

Information Nights / Events

Junior School Information Evening

This evening is held early in the year. This is an opportunity to get to know your child’s teachers, find out about classroom organisation, meet the specialist teachers in the Junior School and enjoy supper and fellowship. All parents are welcome. Please note that this is not the time to discuss your child’s progress with the teacher, however, you may make appointments to discuss their progress at greater length.

Information Evening for Year 7 to Year 12

The Secondary Information evening is held very early in the year. This is an opportunity for you to meet the new staff and Home Class teachers and hear general information about the year to come. Parents can listen to specific information for each year group. Please note that this is not the time to discuss your child’s progress with the teachers, however, you may make appointments to discuss their progress at greater length.

Elective Subject Information Evening – Year 8 and Year 10 parents and students are invited to attend a Subject Selection Information Evening. This is usually held in Term 3. This meeting covers elective subject choices and requirements for Year 9 to Year 12 and assists students as they make decisions about subject choices for their final years of school.

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Equipment Requirements

Equipment Requirements – Junior School

Most of the equipment for children in Kindergarten to Year 6 is provided by the school. However, please ensure that the following personal equipment is provided for your children and that they always have it with them at school. A more detailed list of requirements will be provided at the start of the year specific to your child’s class.

Kindergarten to Year 2 • morning tea and lunch in a labelled lunch box • labelled drink bottle • name labelled rain coat • name labelled library bag • box of tissues for the classroom • glue stick (roll on type) and eraser • text books may be sent home for covering in clear contact • exercise books may be sent home for labelling with name and class and covering

Year 3 to Year 6 • morning tea and lunch in a labelled lunch box • labelled drink bottle • library bag – labelled with your child’s name • box of tissues for the classroom • pencil case • 3 x HB lead pencils • Pencil sharpener with a shavings holder • glue stick – the roll-on type • clean white pencil eraser • 3 blue ball point pens and 2 red ball point pens (when the student has gained their pen licence) • 30 cm ruler (a clear ruler is best) • 1 packet of coloured pencils • scissors • textbooks may be sent home for covering in clear contact • exercise books will be sent home for labelling with name and class and covering with contact

Textbooks – Secondary School

Secondary School Only

Textbooks will either be available in class for use or borrowed through the Secondary Library.

We see the benefits of the Secondary Textbook Loan Scheme as including: • a significantly reduced financial outlay for parents • eliminating difficulties associated with locating and purchasing specific resources and texts • all students will have access to their books and resources at the beginning of the school year • students will be provided with access to quality, appropriate and up to date resources for their course of

study • supporting effective teaching and learning when the necessary resources are available to all students • Providing flexibility for students to change subjects or to move to a different area or level of study without

placing an added financial burden on parents.

Textbooks will be distributed to students by teachers at the start of the year or when appropriate for the subject coursework. Teachers will advise students in regard to acceptable use of textbooks as the guidelines may vary across different faculties.

Please carefully read the Secondary Textbook Loan Scheme Information Guide for more details.

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Stationery Requirements – Secondary School

All Students – Year 7 to 12

Please see the stationery list which is included in your Orientation Pack or can be found on our school website – Forms/Letters. Each class teacher will also advise students of the requirements for each subject.

Calculators in Secondary School

Every student in Secondary school will need a scientific calculator for their studies in Mathematics. It is advisable that all students have the same model of calculator and, to make this process simple to organise, the school will issue all Year 7 students with a Scientific Calculator. This will be added to your school fee statement. Any replacement calculator during a student’s time at Covenant will also incur the replacement cost at that given time.

New students in Year 8 to 12 should speak to their Maths teacher regarding a calculator.

Years 7 to 12 – Technology 2021

In the Secondary School, students in Year 7 and Year 8 will be supplied with an iPad to use at school, while students in Year 9 to Year 12 will be required to bring their own laptop style device.

TechServe – TechServe is located in the Secondary Library. TechServe staff are available from 8am, recess, lunch, and after school until 4pm. Students are not to visit TechServe between periods.

Year 11 and 12 students may attend TechServe during study periods.

TechServe – Home Page – This is where staff, students and parents can find a range of information and tutorials about how to use technology throughout the school. This is information is publicly available in Canvas and no username is necessary for access to this general information.

Information is available regarding iPads (Year 7 to Year 8) and the BYOD program (Year 9 to Year 12)

Please read carefully the Secondary Student Technology Information Guide and return the Agreement form on your first day of school.

Expectations of Students

Discipline System Our Discipline Policy is available to view on the school website ( Discipline is to help students understand that there are consequences to their actions. It may include positive and negative elements, acknowledging and confirming as well as correcting and reprimanding.


Positive diary comments – Staff will encourage students with positive comments via the portal, on work, participation, effort, helpfulness, etc.

Commendations – These may be given to deserving students who have made commendable contributions to the daily life of the school.

Principal and Deputy Principal Awards – These can be given to students for faithful effort and contributions to the life of the school.


Staff will address student behaviour in a variety of appropriate ways including warning, moving and paper pick-ups. More formal procedures may include exclusion from class, lunchtime detentions, after school detentions and suspensions. The discipline system therefore encourages the following expectations of students’ attitude and behaviour, which can be summarised as three rules:

• Respect one another • Respect and submit to the authority of all staff • Respect and care for all property and the school environment.

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Homework – Junior School

We believe that parents should have control over what happens in the home. Recent research suggests that homework in the junior years may not have a significant effect on achievement and, given that homework can sometimes have an undesirable impact on family life, we want parents to have more freedom with what happens in the name of homework. Yet, we will still be setting structured homework that the teachers will be attending to. Parents may feel the school set homework is just what their child requires. On the other hand, parents may feel that alternative homework, say… gardening or learning Spanish, is a better option. Fantastic! In Kindergarten to Year 4, the choice belongs to the parent.

Homework guidelines are outlined at the beginning of each year by the classroom teacher at the Parent Information Evening. The school’s Homework Policy is available on the school website.


Kindergarten to Year 4

K-4 will have the option of set homework or alternative homework. In order to make this manageable, we will be requiring an indication from parents which option they would prefer so that we can plan effectively. Set Homework (K-4)

• will be set by teachers on Monday • will be marked by the teachers in class • will be monitored by teachers • will largely address fundamental skills of reading, writing and arithmetic

Students who do not complete the set homework will be followed up unless they have a note from their parents. Alternative Homework (K-4)

• will be set by parents • may include anything from classical guitar to free play (we have a booklet available containing a number of

suggestions) • will be monitored by parents

Students may do set work but parents will need to monitor that homework. Required Homework – Year 5 and Year 6 Year 5 to Year 6 will have 40 minutes of required homework per night.

• will be set by teachers on Monday • will be marked by the teachers in class • will be monitored by teachers • will address fundamental skills of reading, writing and arithmetic

Homework – Secondary School

Homework is considered an essential part of the school’s educational policy. It is designed to: • continue and extend learning experiences which have begun at school using resources, human or other,

at home and in the community. • allow time and opportunity for concentrated study in areas where special effort is needed, in

remediation, the practice of skills and extension activities. • develop disciplined individual study habits that will encourage students to work independently. • provide an opportunity for parents to become actively involved in their child’s learning and to assist

where necessary.

As a general guideline, students should be doing homework five nights per week, and occasionally extra for assignments, in preparation for exams, projects etc. Students should spend approximately the following amount of time per night: Year 7 and 8 - 1-1½ hours; Year 9 and 10 - 2 hours; Year 11 and 12 - 3 hours.

Incomplete Homework - A letter from parents or a note in the diary is required if there is a valid reason for not completing homework. Refer to Disciplinary System for consequences of incomplete homework, assignments and assessments. There are strict regulations for assessments relating to Year 9 and 10 and the Higher School Certificate

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General Information

After School Supervision – after 3.10pm

Most students will leave school on the school buses or be picked up by their parents by 3.10pm. After School Care is provided by Extend. See hours and costing at Based on current demand, at this stage, no before school care will be operating in 2021. Extend would be more than happy to talk to any family or families interested in a BEFORE school service.

After School Care

After School Care is provided by Extend. See hours and costing at Based on current demand, at this stage, no before school care will be operating in 2021. Extend would be more than happy to talk to any family or families interested in a BEFORE school service.

More information about Extend and how to register for after school care in 2021 will be provided via the school newsletter.

Applying for Bus/Train Passes – School Opal Card

Applications for 2021 school travel are now open via

A new application is required when: • applying for a School Opal card or travel pass for the first time, • enrolling in Kindergarten, or • requesting an additional entitlement as a result of a shared parental responsibility situation.

You will need to do an update application if the student has a current school travel pass and: • changes address, or • changes school or campus.

Students in the Opal area applying for a SSTS or TBP entitlement for the first time will receive their card (posted to the nominated address) a week or two before the commencement of 2021 classes. New cards for 2021 are not posted in 2019 or during the Christmas / New Year period.

The School Opal card is only for travel to and from school on school days and doesn’t cover travel to after school care, school excursions, sport and other activities away from school. You will need a Child/Youth Opal card for personal travel or for other travel not covered by the School Opal card.

CCS Dance Academy – Extra-Curricular

Students are offered an opportunity to both develop and enjoy a variety of dance styles. Please see the Dance Academy section of the school website for details of the dance classes available and the timetable for 2021.


Covenant offers a canteen facility every school day. Junior school students can only order their lunch. Secondary students can order their lunch and also purchase snacks over the counter at lunch time.

All lunch orders must be placed using the online Munch Monitor service. Covenant Christian School has teamed up with MunchMonitor to offer an easy to use online ordering system for parents and students.

Please go to to sign up. Enter Username: ccs, Password: munch2085, then click “login”. To allow your child a pre-paid card, select “Allow Snack Money” in the Student Profile and set a daily or weekly spend limit. Pre-paid cards linked to this account can be collected from the canteen. There’s an account keeping fee of $3 per parent account per term. Junior School students – Lunch orders will be taken to the classroom at lunch time. Secondary School students – Lunch orders are to be collected from the canteen at lunch time.

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Café Covie

Café Covie is open every day from 8.30am to 11.00am for parents, staff and Year 11 and Year 12 students. The café operates from the foyer next to the Performing Arts Space – K Block. Junior School students are not allowed in Café Covie after 8.10am.

Cafe Covie is a popular gathering spot for parents and staff. Come and catch up with friends or meet some new ones. For group bookings contact Suzanne Bennett on [email protected]

Extra Curricular Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in some of the many extra-curricular activities offered. Some of these activities may include:

• Music – Junior and Senior choirs, Junior and Senior bands, string ensemble, worship bands • Annual school musical production • Debating and public speaking carnivals • State University Competitions • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (from Year 9) • Science enrichment • Environment group • Book Club • Community Service • Tournament of the Minds • Junior School Chess (including inter-school competitions) • Dance Academy • Drama/Comedy Workshops • Mission Trip to Yarrabah, Aboriginal community near Cairns (Years 10 and 11) • Ski Trip (Year 10 and 11) • Enrichment Camps • Music tour (Secondary students only)

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Program is a non-competitive program of community service and adventurous, practical and physical activities. The program provides an opportunity for the students to acquire and develop skills, initiative and self-esteem which will help them become more confident and aware members of the community.

There are three levels of Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The participant’s age must be 14 years to 25 years. The onus is very much on the participant to devise a program, determine its suitability and feasibility, organise instructors/assessors and progress accordingly. There will be coordinators (teachers) at school with whom the participants will need to liaise on a regular basis, and they will offer guidance and support for the participants. The program is flexible enough to satisfy individual enthusiasm, aptitudes, capability and available resources.

Please see Mrs Nicholson for more information.

Learning Hub (Library) Opening Hours - Secondary School

The Learning Hub is open until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm on Friday during term time for students in Year 7 to 12.

The extended opening hours of the Learning Hub will enable students to stay back after school and work in a quiet environment to conduct research and complete homework and assignments. Covenant Christian School staff will be available to supervise students as they work.

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Lockers – Secondary School

Students are given the opportunity to use school lockers to save carrying unnecessary books home each day.

To make use of a locker, students need to purchase a special school combination lock from their Year Coordinator. A letter giving information about the lockers and permission slip for purchase of a combination lock and provision of a locker for 2021 has been provided.

Lockers must only be used before school, during recess and lunch, and after school. Students will need to be responsible and plan correctly to have all the books needed for the following block of lessons. Don’t forget to take home all the books needed for homework.

Lockers and locker areas should be kept clean and tidy. Food should not be eaten in locker areas.

Lost Property

If you have lost books or clothing, check in the Lost Property Boxes. If it is a wallet, bus pass or other valuable item, check at the School Office. If you have any item stolen, report this immediately to your Year Coordinator or teacher.

Music - Junior School

Covenant Christian School has a variety of music experiences for all Junior School students.

Year 4 students spend six months in the training band program and six months in the string program. The Training Band combines flutes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, baritones, alto and tenor saxophones and percussion. The string program includes violins and cellos. Instruments are provided for all students for the duration of the training program.

Each week, the usual 30 minute music lesson is held. This takes the form of a whole class band rehearsal. Each student receives a small group instrumental lesson provided by our specialist tutors. Here they work on technique, fingering and general musicianship. The tutors work closely with the music teacher ensuring that the band repertoire is covered during each small group session.

Year 5 students have a choice of music programs. Children will be able to choose either Year 5 Band or alternatively Music Appreciation/Library. The Band option will involve students continuing with their Band instruments (no strings) and will be staffed by our music specialist teacher. It will be run for one hour each week. This is an increase of 50% on the Year 4 program. The program will also involve an instrument tutorial during the week. The Music/Library option will run at the same time as Band.

Year 2 to 6 String Ensemble. This group is open to students with the appropriate ability (not beginners). Students will be able to continue their music tuition in either violin or cello at school.

Year 3 to 6 Junior Concert Band. This band is for competent musicians who are having private music lessons on their instrument.

In Year 6, music lessons are provided by Secondary Music staff. This promotes a ready transition into the Secondary School bands. A Junior School band is also available to help consolidate students' skills before moving into Secondary School.

Kindergarten to Year 3 Music. Class lessons include experiences with various instruments including tuned and un-tuned percussion, recorder, ukulele, boom-whackers, etc. Recorder provides a wonderful grounding for the reading of music and has the advantage of producing sound with ease. Students will be required to provide their own recorder purchased from a music store for the Kindergarten to Year 3 music program. Parents will be informed when this is required.

If you would like to learn an instrument through the school (separate to the Band program) you can contact the tutors directly. Please contact the School Office to receive the most up-to-date contact details for the music tutors.

Other music opportunities for Junior School. Choir, Brass Ensemble, Junior School Musical (every 2nd year).

Music - Secondary School

Covenant Christian School has a variety of music experiences available for Secondary School students.

Music Ensembles and Bands. These may include: Senior String Ensemble, Senior Concert Band, Senior Orchestra, School Musical band, Worship Band for assemblies, Senior Choir. These groups are open to students with the subject to appropriate ability level (not beginners).

Music Tour. Most years our senior bands and choirs travel to regional NSW to visit smaller schools, nursing homes and other community groups to share the gift of music.

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Music Festival. Approximately 300 students from Christian schools in NSW gather at Orange Christian School to work and perform together. Senior concert band and vocal ensemble students travel to Orange to participate in this combined Christian schools event to glorify God, make new friends and hone musical skills.

Money at School

When you have money to be paid at school, take it to the School Office immediately when you arrive at school. Do not leave any money in your bag. Please avoid carrying large amounts of cash to school. Students should not bring cash for school fees to school.

Use of Telephone - students

The school has a no screen in the playground policy. This means that no student should have a mobile phone, iPad or computer out of their bag from 8.15am to 3.00pm in the playground. Students should not answer their phone during the school day. If a student is seen using any electronic item, including mobile phones, at school between 8.15am and 3.00pm, they will be told to take the item to the School Office. The device will be kept in the office until it is collected at the end of the school day. Parents must not phone or text their child during the school day. If parents need to send an urgent message to their child, please phone the School Office and they will get the message to your child.

The school telephone is available for emergencies only. Students complete a register for calls made at the office and all calls will be charged to fees. Calls will be charged at $2 for three minutes.

Parking at School

The main entrance to the school is at the end of Dell Street. There is a small amount of visitor parking inside the school grounds.

Students can be dropped off at school at the end of Dell Street. Please be aware of buses travelling down Dell Street into the school through the main gates. Please do not park in the turning area at the end of Dell Street. The turning area is only to be used as a quick drop-off zone.

Bundaleer Street - As a matter of safety, parents must observe and adhere to the NO STOPPING area on Bundaleer Street. This will assist everyone to ensure a safer drop off and pick up environment for both children and parents alike. Please do not drive up to the back entrance gate to let out passengers. Please do not pick up children in the NO STOPPING area.

Parents should be aware that police check for unsafe behaviour of vehicles around schools.

Please help us keep our children safe by being cautious and vigilant whilst dropping off and picking up children at school.

Parking for After School Activities - Due to student safety concerns the school requests all parents to park in the top car park. Please do not park outside the hall area.

Reserved spaces – the car park has several reserved spaces for the school buses and other purposes. These spaces should not be used for parent or visitor parking at any time.

Car Park Limited parking available during

school hours

Parking available after 3.30pm

Uniform Shop

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Financial Matters

School Fees

It is our intention in the main to provide an all-inclusive price per student. Some sport and a few excursions are added to the fees statement depending on their cost at the time. Subjects studied through an external provider, such as TAFE and NSW School of Languages need to be paid in addition to the school tuition fee. In the senior years some projects and course materials for an individual course, e.g. Hospitality, Industrial Technology, are also charged to parents on a user pays principle.

Payment Annual fees are due and payable on the first day of Term 1. However, as a courtesy we do accept term instalments which are due on the first day of each term. This does not represent a term fee but simply a payment option. We offer a number of options for payment of fees. The preferred payment method is BPAY directly from your bank account. Payment can also be made by direct debit and cheque. Credit card payments will attract a service fee. If genuine financial difficulties are being experienced, please contact the Business Manager at the start of the year or immediately as a difficulty arises. Overdue family fee accounts will incur a $75 reminder fee for every reminder sent.

Building Fund Gifts to the Building Fund benefit every student, present and future, by helping to provide additional buildings and resources. Gifts are tax deductible at the full marginal rate of tax. In order to qualify, cheques must be issued separately and made payable to ‘Covenant Christian School Building Fund’.

Student Accident Insurance

The school fees include student accident and injury cover for all school activities. Details can be obtained from the Business Manager.

Notice of Withdrawal

As per the ‘Terms of Enrolment’, parents are required to give at least one term’s notice in writing of termination of enrolment. Parents of students in Year 6 who are not continuing on to Year 7 at Covenant Christian School must give at least two terms’ notice. Failure to do so will incur a further charge (i.e. a quarter of the annual fee including all surcharges).

Partnership with Parents

Parent Involvement Program (PIP)

The Parent Involvement Program serves many purposes. The invaluable contribution made by parents helps the school to maintain its high standards and provides opportunities for the school community – staff, parents, students and friends – to interact. Most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy a hands-on role in the education of your children.

Each family with students in Kindergarten to Year 12 is asked to contribute 24 hours per year to the life of the school as part of PIP. PIP hours can be completed by either parent. PIP hours that are completed accumulate throughout the year, to a maximum of 24 hours per family per year, but cannot be carried over to the next calendar year. You may choose to complete your hours at any time throughout the year. Only submit one form per year per family.

When you have completed your PIP for the year, please submit the PIP Declaration of Hours form to the School Office. When this form is received, a credit of $180 for each 6 hours of PIP will be applied to your fee account up to a maximum of $720 for 24 hours for the year (for 2021). We are happy to receive your form at any time during the year when you have completed your PIP hours. This form will be available on the school website or from the School Office. If you know that you have PIP hours to claim and submit later in the year, please feel free to pay your term school fees less the PIP claim still to be credited to your account.

These hours can be accumulated in a variety of ways, e.g. assisting with reading groups, library, canteen, sport carnivals, camps. The school newsletter will advertise opportunities to complete your PIP hours. Class teachers and some faculties may contact you directly when specific assistance is required, e.g. excursions, transport, camps, but it

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is up to you to organise your PIP hours. The responsibility for the completion of these hours and the claiming of fee reduction rests with you.

Volunteering around the School

Thank you in advance for the contribution that you will make to the school and community. We pray that your involvement will be a blessing to you and those with whom you come in contact.

Please note that most volunteers in the school will be required to complete a Working With Children Check. We also require you to sign the school’s Volunteer Code of Conduct form each year.

Covenant Parents’ Prayer Group

Parents gather every Thursday morning to pray for the school community. Praying for our school community is such an important way to support all our families at Covenant.

The prayer group prays for the staff, parents, students and siblings – that they would be a Christ-centred people. They pray for school community issues and events and that Christ’s love would be evident to all. They pray for wisdom, discernment and leadership for our school board. They pray for the continued growth and development of our school and the impact Covenant has in the local community.

You are invited to join with the Prayer Group any Thursday from 9.00am to 9.30am. Arrive early for a cup of tea or coffee. Craft or toys are provided for young children so you are welcome to bring them along.

If you have any questions you can email the Prayer Group on [email protected]. If you are unable to come on Thursday mornings, but would still like to pray, you can request via email a copy of the prayer list.

Covenant Christian School Association

Covenant Christian School is a Christian Parent Controlled School. Our school is governed by an Association of Christian parents who share a deep commitment to maintain and promote the vision and mission of the school. A strong association of confessing Christian members ensures biblical principles are maintained throughout all areas of the school.

Covenant Christian School Association seeks to be a vibrant, healthy, mutually supportive community working together. Association members provide support through prayer, have a say about the direction of the school and elect Board members.

Responsibility for maintaining and promoting the vision and mission is delegated to the members of the Board.

The mission is to assist parents to fulfil the mandate to educate, challenge and nurture their children to be disciples of Jesus Christ. An active, strong association means a healthy school, where parents can assist the school to “train our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) and to equip them to live for God’s glory.

The Covenant Christian School Constitution includes our Educational Creed. The Educational Creed articulates our common faith as it applies to the educational task. This is supported by the Covenant Creed to Curriculum document which sets out how what we believe impacts on every aspect of the school.

The school's Summary Statement of Belief sets out the theological basis of the school.

These documents can all be found on our school website.

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Some school policies can be found on the school website in the About / Policies section.

Anti-Discrimination Policy Covenant Christian School Summary Statement of Belief Discipline Policy Grievance Policy Homework Policy Parent Communication Policy Privacy Policy Student Attendance Policy Student Code of Conduct Student Welfare – Anti Harassment Policy Uniform Policy Volunteer Helpers Code of Conduct WHS Policy

Peacemaker Principles

Biblical Conflict Resolution

As people reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to respond to conflict in a way that is remarkably different from the way the world deals with conflict. We also believe that conflict provides opportunities to glorify God, serve other people, and grow to be like Christ. Therefore, in response to God’s love and in reliance on His grace, we commit ourselves to respond to conflict according to the following principles:

Glorify God – Instead of focusing on our own desires or dwelling on what others may do, we will rejoice in the Lord and bring Him praise by depending on His forgiveness, wisdom, power and love, as we seek to faithfully obey His commands and maintain a loving, merciful, and forgiving attitude.

Get the log out of your eye – Instead of blaming others for a conflict or resisting correction, we will trust in God’s mercy and take responsibility for our own contribution to conflicts – confessing our sins to those we have wronged, asking God to help us change any attitudes and habits that lead to conflict, and seeking to repair any harm we have caused.

Gently restore – Instead of pretending that conflict doesn’t exist or talking about others behind their backs, we will overlook minor offenses, or we will talk personally and graciously with those whose offenses seem too serious to overlook, seeking to restore them rather than condemn them. When a conflict with a Christian brother or sister cannot be resolved in private, we will ask others in the body of Christ to help us settle the matter in a biblical manner.

Go and be reconciled – Instead of accepting premature compromise or allowing relationships to wither, we will actively pursue genuine peace and reconciliation – forgiving others as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven us, and seeking just and mutually beneficial solutions to our differences.

By God’s grace, we will apply these principles as a matter of stewardship, realising that conflict is an opportunity, not an accident. We will remember that success in God’s eye is not a matter of specific results, but of faithful, dependant obedience. And we will pray that our service as peacemakers will bring praise to our Lord and lead others to know His infinite love.

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Student Health & Safety

Student Emergency Record

All parents should log in to the Edumate portal and update their child and family information electronically. It is important this is done at the beginning of the year and each time the information changes. As part of its duty of care, the school needs to have continually updated information and permissions to cover any changes to the original information given.

Each parent can only update their own information. They cannot update their spouse’s information.

Sick at School

If your son/daughter is unwell at the start of the day we request that they be kept at home rather than risk spreading an infection at school or causing unnecessary distress to the student.

If children feel ill or are hurt at school, they should ask their teacher’s permission to go to Sick Bay. Minor abrasions, etc. can be dealt with by the teachers, who have Band-Aids in the classroom and on playground duty. Children are sent to Sick Bay if they have more serious abrasions, cuts, or illnesses. The school nurse or staff responsible for attending to children in Sick Bay have first aid certificates.

Children may be treated in Sick Bay and sent back to class or allowed to rest for a short period. If necessary, you, or your nominated emergency contact, will be asked to collect your child. No student is to leave Sick Bay without the permission of the school nurse or office staff.

In the case of a serious accident or illness the office will call an ambulance and contact you, or your nominated emergency contact, immediately afterwards.

If your child has been treated in Sick Bay and we are concerned or feel further medical attention may be necessary, we will contact you by phone.

Junior School students are not to visit Sick Bay unless sent by a teacher.

Medication for headaches, e.g. Panadol, will only be given to your child if you have given permission on their Student Record in Edumate.

If any medications from home are to be administered to your child, the Medication Alert Form must be completed and returned to the office. Medication is to be in its original container and be clearly labelled with:

Child’s full name and class Name of medication Dosage and time to be given Expiry Date Prescribing Doctor

Nut Policy

Covenant Christian School is a nut aware school. Many students are allergic to substances such as peanuts, dairy products, eggs, bee stings etc. Some may have such a strong reaction that it causes anaphylactic shock. Peanuts in particular have been known to cause such reactions. Covenant is committed to keeping the school as safe as possible for all students. To this end we are asking all parents of Junior School students not to provide or serve food containing nut or nut products (as opposed to nut traces) for school meals, refreshments or parties. Students will be reminded not to share their lunch and to wash their hands before eating.

Head Lice

Head lice is a common problem in all schools. They are highly contagious and, therefore, if your child is infected, they will need to be removed from class and parents will be asked to collect them as soon as possible.

Students cannot return to school until their hair has been treated and all lice eggs have been removed. A fine-toothed metal lice comb (available at pharmacies) will be useful. Special treatment shampoos are readily available at any Chemist and a Head Lice Management Sheet is available from the office.

A standard letter will go out to the rest of the class notifying everyone that a case of head lice has been found. All parents are asked to check their child’s hair.

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Prep - All parents enrolling their children in Prep are required to provide the school with a current Immunisation History Statement for their child showing up-to-date immunisations. This can be obtained at If this statement is not provided, or is not up to date, your child cannot be enrolled in Prep.

Kindergarten – Year 6. The NSW Government requires all children enrolling in a primary school to lodge an Immunisation History Statement regardless of whether or not they are fully immunised. Immunisation is not compulsory and if you choose not to immunise your child you must still provide the school with an Immunisation History Statement stating that the child is not immunised. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease at the school, unimmunised children will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak, as directed by the local Public Health Unit.

Vaccine preventable diseases are:

Diphtheria, Measles, Tetanus, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Poliomyelitis, Rubella (German Measles), Chicken Pox, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal Type C and Haemophilus Influenza Type B.

Please observe the following school regulations for the following common diseases:

Measles Keep the child at home for at least 4 days after the rash appears.

Mumps Keep child at home for 9 days after the onset of swelling.

German Measles Keep the child at home for at least 4 days after the rash appears.

Chicken Pox Keep the child at home for 5 days after the rash first appears and until the blisters have all scabbed over.

Impetigo Keep child at home until treatment starts. Sores should be covered with a watertight dressing.

Lice in hair Keep child at home until hair is free of lice eggs and/or nits and an application of either natural or commercially prepared treatment has been applied.

Whooping Cough Keep the child at home for 5 days after the first 5 days of a special antibiotic have been taken.


We aim to provide a safe and caring environment for each student. Therefore, bullying will not be tolerated. Each student must respect the right of others to feel safe and comfortable.

If it is reported that a student has bullied another student, they will be required to consider carefully the implications of their actions towards other students and they will receive the consequences that such actions deserve.

If students are the victims of bullying, they should not simply put up with it. The way to deal with it is to report it immediately to any member of staff, and especially their Home Class teacher.

School Counsellors

The school counsellors are available for students, parents and staff.

Junior School - There is no ‘formal’ referral process for students, however, the school will generally gain a parent’s permission for us to chat with a child in a counselling situation.

Secondary School - Students can either be referred by a staff member, parents or self-refer. The counsellors generally see students during class times and aim to make sure they don’t miss too much of one particular subject.

The counsellors also advertise various talks/seminars that are coming up through the school newsletter and helpful books/links for parents to look at.

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Uniform Covenant Christian School has a compulsory school uniform set by the parents. It is expected that all students will wear the correct uniform. As well as being convenient, a uniform helps to promote the image of the school. It plays an important role in setting school tone and developing a sense of pride and identity with the school.

The School Board sets the uniform requirements. All items should be purchased from the school Uniform Shop with the exception of shoes.

SHOES: should be standard black leather school shoes, low-cut below the ankle. No sneaker look-alikes, ballet flats, canvas or suede.

− Girls with heels no higher than 3cm, K-6 laces or buckles, 7-12 laces only − Boys - with laces only

Sports shoes must be navy blue, black or white uppers, with laces correctly tied. Please see page for details of approved school shoes.

SOCKS: must be short and the ankle must be covered. Knee length socks must not be worn.

BOYS SHORTS AND TROUSERS: should not be baggy and should be worn on the waist. A black belt must be worn with all Secondary School trousers. Shorts should not extend over the knees.

SKIRTS: must be no shorter than 8cm above the knees when kneeling. Shirts must cover the waist. No brightly coloured underwear should be visible.

DRESSES: no shorter than 8cm above the knees when kneeling.

GLOVES & SCARVES (red, navy blue or ivory only) are permitted during Terms 2 and 3.

MAKEUP AND COLOURED NAIL POLISH are not to be worn. Sun creams and medicinal creams may be used when appropriate but no heavy makeup is allowed.

JEWELLERY: Girls may wear one pair of small studs, one in each ear.

Secondary School only: Boys will be allowed to wear one clear keeper in each ear.

Year 11 and Year 12 students are also permitted a single chain around the neck. This may have a small cross attached. Other items of jewellery will be confiscated and may be collected from the office after two weeks.

HAIR: Extremes of fashion are not acceptable, including strong streaks, dyes and numerous braids.


Junior School - girls’ hair should be tied back if it is long (touching the shoulders), and should not cover the eyes. Hair should be tied back by a blue, red or white ribbon or scrunchie, or a black, blue, red or white elastic.

Secondary – girls hair must be off the face and hair must be tied back before entering any practical classroom, e.g. Science, D&T and Food Technology.


Boys’ hair should not extend over the collar or over the eyes. All boys must be clean shaven.

HATS: Junior students – Hats are compulsory in the playground at recess and lunch for the whole year. Secondary students – Hats are compulsory in the playground at recess and lunch during Terms 1 and 4; uniform demerits will be issued if hats are not worn. We also strongly recommend that all students wear hats during the rest of the year.

Hats are compulsory for all sport where the sport allows it to be worn.

BLAZERS and TIES: All students in Year 10, 11 and 12 must own a school blazer. The blazer (and tie for boys, correctly tied) must be worn in Terms 2 and 3 to and from school, on formal occasions, and for some excursions as advised by the school. It is not compulsory to wear the blazer during Terms 1 and 4 except for formal occasions. In keeping with the look of the boys’ Senior winter uniform, whenever ties or blazers are worn, shirts must be tucked in. Shirts and blouses must not be visible below the level of jumpers and blazers.

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Shabby or faded clothing will need to be replaced.

Only plain white t-shirts may be worn under shirts. No logos should be visible through the shirt. No extra clothing should be worn that is visible, e.g. T-shirts or singlets must not show above the neckline of shirts or below the shirt.

SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS – IF YOU COME TO SCHOOL OUT OF UNIFORM: Show your note of explanation from your parent/guardian to your Home Class teacher, who will sign it. Carry this with you and produce it when asked to do so. Secondary students in incorrect uniform without a satisfactory note of explanation will be sent to the Deputy Principal, Mrs O’Sullivan.

If a student doesn’t have a note of explanation from a parent, the student must go to the School Office to get a yellow uniform slip to complete and give to Mrs O’Sullivan.

The school reserves the right to provide a student with a uniform item and to add the cost to the school fees if the student is repeatedly out of uniform.

UNIFORM SHOP: During school term, the Uniform Shop is open every Monday (2.15pm to 3.15pm) and Wednesday (8.00am to 9.30am). Uniform Shop Phone: 8459 4396.

All items should be purchased from the school uniform shop with the exception of shoes.

Uniform Requirements


GIRLS BOYS Summer Dress Navy jumper with emblem Ankle length white socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up or buckle) Surf hat or baseball cap with emblem

Summer Mid-blue short sleeved shirt with emblem Mid-grey shorts Navy jumper with emblem Ankle length grey socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up) Surf hat or baseball cap with emblem

Winter Pinafore Long sleeved mid-blue blouse Tie for blouse Navy stockings or navy ankle length socks Navy jumper with emblem and/or Navy jacket with emblem Black leather school shoes (lace-up or buckle) Navy, Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Winter Mid-blue short sleeved shirt with emblem Mid-grey trousers or shorts Navy jumper with emblem and/or Navy jacket with emblem Ankle length grey socks Black belt, if required Black leather school shoes (lace-up) Navy, Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Sports Uniform Navy unisex shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem School tracksuit (optional) Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) Surf hat or baseball cap with emblem

Sports Uniform Navy unisex shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem School tracksuit (optional) Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) Surf hat or baseball cap with emblem

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Summer Dress Navy jumper with emblem and/or navy cardigan with emblem Ankle length white socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up only) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Summer Mid-blue short sleeved shirt with emblem Mid-grey shorts or trousers – worn with black belt Navy jumper with emblem and/or navy jacket with emblem Black belt Ankle length grey socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Winter Skirt OR Navy Pants Mid-blue short sleeved blouse with emblem Navy jumper with emblem and/or navy cardigan with emblem Black stockings or ankle length navy socks Navy, Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Winter As for the Summer Uniform, except for: Navy, Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Sports Uniform Navy girls shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) School tracksuit (optional) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Sports Uniform Navy boys shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) School tracksuit (optional) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem



Summer Skirt OR Navy Pants White short sleeved blouse with emblem Navy jumper with emblem and/or navy cardigan with emblem Ankle length white socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up only) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Summer White short sleeved shirt with emblem Mid-grey shorts or trousers – worn with black belt Navy jumper with emblem Black belt Ankle length grey socks Black leather school shoes (lace-up) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Winter As for the Summer Uniform, except for: Navy blazer with emblem (to be ordered through Uniform Shop in Term 1) Black stockings or ankle length navy socks Navy, Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Winter As for the Summer Uniform, except for: Navy blazer with emblem (to be ordered through Uniform Shop in Term 1) School tie Navy , Red or Ivory scarf (optional) Navy gloves (optional)

Sports Uniform Navy girls shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) School tracksuit (optional) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

Sports Uniform Navy boys shorts with emblem Polo sports top with emblem Ankle length white socks Non-marking sport shoes (navy blue, black or white uppers) School tracksuit (optional) Baseball cap with emblem or surf hat with emblem

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Covenant Christian School Essentials Guide 2021 Page 27

Acceptable Shoes

Please be aware of the uniform policy when you are purchasing shoes. School shoes must be chosen which comply with the uniform policy and standards as outlined. The school has a duty to require students to wear appropriate footwear so as to avoid injury. It is mandatory that students carrying out practical activities in workshops, laboratories or kitchens wear enclosed leather or leather-look footwear. The bridge of the foot must be enclosed and heels must be of limited height. Shoes are to be conventional, sturdy, school shoes with properly formed arch and heel. Platform shoes are NOT acceptable. Sneaker style, flat soled, ballet-flats, canvas, suede, slip-ons and flimsy style shoes or boots are NOT permitted. Approved shoes are black leather or leather-look lace up with black laces, and have a standard heel. Buckle-up shoes are only acceptable for Junior School girls.

These Shoes Are Acceptable

Not Acceptable Shoes

Slip-on shoes do not comply with the uniform requirements

Sport Shoes The school expects students to wear lace up sport shoes. Students are not to wear flimsy canvas shoes or boots. These shoes are acceptable sport shoes

These shoes are NOT acceptable

These shoes are NOT acceptable for sport shoes. Slip on shoes do not comply with the sport uniform policy.

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Sport House Names The four Houses are named after well-known Christians: Gladys Aylward (blue) C S Lewis (red) Corrie Ten Boom (green) Paul White (yellow).

Gladys Aylward 1902-1970 Missionary Gladys Aylward was born in London to a working class family. She wanted to be a missionary in China but her lack of education prevented her from being accepted by the China Inland Mission Society. She saved her small wages as a parlourmaid to pay her own fare to China. In Yancheng, she and another older missionary, Jeannie Lawson, ran the Inn of Eight Happinesses where they told Bible stories as free entertainment for travellers. When Jeannie died, God again provided and Gladys was offered a position as a local foot inspector. Through travelling around to enforce the ban on foot binding, she was able to develop relationships and share the gospel. In 1940, when the Japanese invaded China, she led a hundred children to safety in a dangerous journey over the mountains. Later she opened an orphanage in Formosa (now Taiwan). She was nicknamed ‘the Small Woman’ by the Chinese. Further Reading: Chinese Whispers: The Gladys Aylward Story by Carol Purves; The Small Woman by Alan Burgess - also made into a movie, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. C S Lewis 1868-1963 Author Clive Staples Lewis was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He spent most of his life as tutor and lecturer at Oxford and Cambridge universities and as a writer of many scholarly and Christian books. Becoming a Christian at about thirty, he soon after wrote an autobiographical novel called Pilgrim’s Regress. He is mainly remembered for his Narnia books and his works of simple theology - in particular, Screwtape Letters (imaginary letters from a senior to a junior devil) and Mere Christianity. He also wrote The Space trilogy, consisting of Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength. Later in life he married Joy Davidman. His reaction to her early death from cancer is recorded in A Grief Observed and in the film Shadowlands. Further reading: C.S.Lewis by Sam Wellman; C.S.Lewis: The Storyteller by Derick Bingham. Corrie ten Boom 1892-1983 Corrie ten Boom spent the first 50 years of her life living with her family above a watch shop in Haarlem, Holland. When World War II broke out, Corrie’s devout Christian family began to provide hiding places for persecuted Jews. They were betrayed and Corrie, her sister Betsie, and father were sent to concentration camps. Corrie and her sister spent their time in prison telling others about Jesus. Her father and sister died in the camps. After she was released Corrie wrote about her life and spoke to people all over Holland about God’s love for her in prison. For 33 years she travelled the world telling people from more than 60 nations about God’s great love for them. She described herself as a very ordinary woman, but she had an extraordinary God - a God who sustained her through the events and trials of her life. Further reading: The Hiding Place, Tramp for the Lord and In My Father’s House. Paul White 1910-1992 Author/Missionary Paul Hamilton Hume White was a Bowral boy who sang in the church choir alongside Donald Bradman. At 16 he became a Christian but afterwards didn't feel any different. He thought about giving up, but something in him said that his faith rested not on a feeling but on God's promise. His father had served in the Boer War in South Africa and this fired Paul’s imagination for the Dark Continent. In the years that followed, he served in Africa as a medical missionary with the Church Missionary Society. In Tanganyika, he taught through Christian animal fables. He began writing when his wife's health forced him to leave Africa and return to Australia. By 1977 his 42 Jungle Doctor books had sold about three million copies worldwide. The “Jungle Doctor” heard the Saviour’s “Well done!” in 1992. Further reading: Alias Jungle Doctor: an Autobiography.

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A Absence from School, 7 After School Care, 15 After School Supervision, 15 Association, 20 Attendance, 7

B Building Fund, 19 Bullying, 23 Bus/Train Passes, 15

C Café Covie, 16 Calculators, 13 Canteen, 15 Communication, 8 Counsellors, 23 Covie App, 8

D Dance Academy, 15 Debating, 16 Duke of Edinburgh Award, 16

E Early Departure, 7 Edumate, 10 Equipment, 12 Expectations of Students, 13 Extra Curricular Activities, 16

H Head Lice, 22 Health & Safety, 22 Homework, 14

I Immunisation, 23

L Late Arrival, 7 Library Hours, 16 Lockers, 17 Logo, 3 Lost Property, 17

M Mission Trip, 16 Munch Monitor, 15 Music, 17

N Newsletter, 9 Notes & Forms, 8, 9 Notice of Withdrawal, 19 Nut Policy, 22

O Office Hours, 6

P Parent Portal, 10

Parking at School, 18 PIP (Parent Involvement Program),

19 Policies, 21 Prayer Group - Parents, 20

S School Fees, 19 School Hours, 6 School Travel, 15 Sick at School, 22 Ski Trip, 16 Sport House Names, 28 Stationery, 13 Student Accident Insurance, 19

T Technology, 13 Telephone, use of, 18 Term Dates, 5 Textbooks – Secondary School, 12 Timetable, 6 Tournament of the Minds, 16

U Uniform, 24 Uniform Shop, 5

V Vision and Mission, 3

W Website, 8, 9

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Covenant Christian School Map

School Office


Café Covie

Staffroom – I Block

Sick Bay – C Block

Performing Arts Space

After School Care – B Block

Uniform Shop

Rumpus Room – A Block




Deliveries – C Block
