estudos especializados

1.TECNOLOGIA e Industria 1. A handbook on Hawaiian soils, by W. W. G. Moir, O. N. Allen, O. C. Magistad [and others]. [Honolulu, Hawaii] Association of Hawaiian sugar technologists, c1936. 2. A century of sugar refining in the United States, 1816-1916. [New York, The De Vinne press, 1916] 3. A refined fight against the sugar refineries. [s.l.: s.n., 1878?] 4. A statistical survey of the sugar industry and trade of the United States; statistics of stocks, receipts, meltings, distribution and exports of sugar in the years 1918 and 1919, by Joshua Bernhardt. [New York, M.B. Brown printing and binding co.] 1920. 5. A Study of the cane sugar refining industry. New York: Suchar Process Corporation, 1939. 6. ABRAHAM, Karl. Steam economy in the sugar factory; translated from the German ed. by E.J. Bayle. New Yor: J. Wiley & Sons, 1912. 7. ACHARD, Franz Carl, 1753-1821.Traité complet sur le sucre européen de betteraves: culture de cette plante considérée sous le rapport agronomique et manufacturier / Traduction abrégée de M. Achard par M. D. Angar ; précédé d'une introduction et accompagné de notes et observations par Ch. Derosne. Paris: Chez M. Derosne: Chez D. Colas, 1812. 8. ADAMSON, S. The Queensland Sugar Industry 1860-1917, University of Queensland, B. a. Thesis, 1953. 9. ADHEMAR, Alexandre, comte d', b. 1810. Industrie sucrière--Le concrétor. [Paris, 1874] 10. AHLFELD, H., Struktur des Zuckermarktes und Absatzpolitik der Zuckerindustrie der BRD, Frankfurt, 1972. 11. AGARWAL, R. N., 1910-Sugar industry in India: my recollections / R. N. Agarwal. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1976. 12. --Sugar industry & labour in the United Provinces, by R.D. Agarwala ... with a foreword by R.C. Srivastava ... Allahabad, Leader Press [1933] 13. La Agricultura y la industria Azucarera en Morelos. Su Desarollo, EL Monitor de Morelos, 11, México, 10-01-1903. 14. AGUILAR, Filomeno V., The Making of Cane Sugar, Bacolod, 1984

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1.TECNOLOGIA e Industria

1. A handbook on Hawaiian soils, by W. W. G. Moir, O. N. Allen, O. C.

Magistad [and others]. [Honolulu, Hawaii] Association of Hawaiian sugar technologists, c1936.

2. A century of sugar refining in the United States, 1816-1916. [New York, The

De Vinne press, 1916]

3. A refined fight against the sugar refineries. [s.l.: s.n., 1878?]

4. A statistical survey of the sugar industry and trade of the United States; statistics of stocks, receipts, meltings, distribution and exports of sugar in the years 1918 and 1919, by Joshua Bernhardt. [New York, M.B. Brown printing and binding co.] 1920.

5. A Study of the cane sugar refining industry. New York: Suchar Process

Corporation, 1939.

6. ABRAHAM, Karl. Steam economy in the sugar factory; translated from the German ed. by E.J. Bayle. New Yor: J. Wiley & Sons, 1912.

7. ACHARD, Franz Carl, 1753-1821.Traité complet sur le sucre européen de

betteraves: culture de cette plante considérée sous le rapport agronomique et manufacturier / Traduction abrégée de M. Achard par M. D. Angar ; précédé d'une introduction et accompagné de notes et observations par Ch. Derosne. Paris: Chez M. Derosne: Chez D. Colas, 1812.

8. ADAMSON, S. The Queensland Sugar Industry 1860-1917, University of

Queensland, B. a. Thesis, 1953. 9. ADHEMAR, Alexandre, comte d', b. 1810. Industrie sucrière--Le concrétor.

[Paris, 1874]

10. AHLFELD, H., Struktur des Zuckermarktes und Absatzpolitik der Zuckerindustrie der BRD, Frankfurt, 1972.

11. AGARWAL, R. N., 1910-Sugar industry in India: my recollections / R. N.

Agarwal. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1976. 12. --Sugar industry & labour in the United Provinces, by R.D. Agarwala ... with

a foreword by R.C. Srivastava ... Allahabad, Leader Press [1933] 13. La Agricultura y la industria Azucarera en Morelos. Su Desarollo, EL

Monitor de Morelos, 11, México, 10-01-1903.

14. AGUILAR, Filomeno V., The Making of Cane Sugar, Bacolod, 1984


15. AGUIRRE JUNIOR, Jose M. A obtenção de "seedlings" de cana, Sao Paulo:

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