eternity of knowledge new alexandre


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Seventh grade PowerPoint to explain the students Renaissance research paper topic on the philosopihies of the Reniassance and today.


Page 1: Eternity Of Knowledge New Alexandre



Page 2: Eternity Of Knowledge New Alexandre

Table of Contents Subtopic 1 – End of the Apocalypse

Slides 1 and 2

Subtopic 2 – Mission Impossible IV – Skirmish

Against the Church

Slides 3 and 4

Subtopic 3 – Back to the Past – Greek edition

Slides 5 and 6

Subtopic 4 – Back to the Future – 2009 edition

Slides 7 and 8

Page 3: Eternity Of Knowledge New Alexandre

Subtopic 1- End of the Apocalypse

Renaissance – French term meaning “rebirth” Time period in Europe roughly between 14th and 17th century after Middle Ages

which witnessed the rebirth of interest in classical art literature, and architecture

Knowledge brought to Europe During Renaissance came directly from Ancient Greeks and Romans

Knowledge helped revive and create concepts such as arches, vaults, domes, and columns

Renaissance considered to have began in Italy after Ottoman Turks invaded Byzantine Empire and forced scholars to flee to the country

Cities in Italy mainly included Florence, Venice, Milan, Genoa, Naples, and the Papal States

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Subtopic 1 – End of the Apocalypse

The Renaissance began because of people having more money to spend after Black Death

Father of Renaissance considered to be Francesco Petrarch ( 1304-1374) who wrote poetry, started libraries, and looked and found Greek and Roman literature

Wealthy explorers, inventors, and artists began to emerge during Renaissance

Some of the many include Michelangelo Buonarroti, Johann Gutenberg, Prince Henry the Navigator, Sandro Botticelli, and Leonardo Di Vinci

Renaissance later spread to other countries including Spain, Portugal, England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands

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Subtopic 2 – Mission Impossible IV – Skirmish Against the Church

Humanism – one of most widely spread philosophies throughout Europe during Renaissance

Man perceived to have created Humanism was Francesco Petrarch, an Italian scholar

Humanism – Broad category of ethical philosophies that affirmed dignity and worth of all people

Education from ancient Greeks involves thorough study of philosophy, history, language, and the arts

Other academic clusters included grammar, rhetoric's, and poetry

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Subtopic 2 –Mission Impossible IV –Skirmish Against the Church

Humanists focused on the study of classical works –known as the “New Learning”

New learning then brought revival of interest in classical letters and the value of individuals to the Renaissance

Humanists reject transcendental or beyond the ordinary justifications such as dependence on faith

Humanists did not find conflict with the Catholic Church or Christianity, and many Humanists belonged to clergy of Catholic Church

Philosophy led to the criticizing of the Catholic Clergy and the realization that the Church was flawed

Because of Humanism, people challenged the church and the philosophy laid the foundations for the remarkable growth of natural science during the Renaissance

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Subtopic 3 – Back to the Past – Greek Edition

2nd Renaissance/Pre- Renaissance Philosophy was Neo-Platonism

Took definite shape under philosophers Plato and Plotonius

Philosophical school created by Plato which taught pupils from all over Greek world about Neo-Platonism

The school was most famously known as the Academy

Neo-Platonism emphasized mystical elements of Platonism

Viewed as a form of mysticism that had theoretical and practical parts stemming from the belief in a divine or supernatural entity such as God

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Subtopic 3 – Back to the Past – Greek Edition

Christian thinkers found powerful aid in spiritualism of Neo-Platonism

Helped defend and maintain a conception of the human soul

Christian writers also took advantage of support from Neo-Platonism

Support came from doctrine that stated a spiritual world more real than the world of matter exists

Provided major influence in European cultural life

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Subtopic 4 – Back to the Future – 2009 Edition

Humanism and Neo-Platonism contributed to the development of several modern day philosophies – including Atheism and Kabbalah

Commonality between all Atheists is a lack in belief of Gods

Main similarity between Humanists and Atheists – daunting belief that a supernatural power or powers do not existed in universe

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Subtopic 4 – Back to the Future – 2009 Edition

Kabbalah, the 2nd modern philosophy – influence by Neo-Platonism

Term comes from Hebrew root L’Kabel , which means “to receive”

Purpose of philosophy is to bring clarity, understanding, and freedom to one’s life

Ultimately erasing death itself

Both Kabbalah and Neo-Platonism are similar based on the teachings of separating one’s self from material world to gain purity and to have the soul return to God